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YOUR 01018100/17:
sl vti; EENA.zsDarY
Correspondent; AVPRY .ORLCHAMRER Phone Bayfie101. $13
'Subscriptions, Pi$plgY'.AOYs, ,and Job Prlinting'
Ill acceptod 'by the Bayfield correspondent
Page 6 Clinton,NOW0tecOrd Thurs. $9pt, 5° 1905
,Oil Furnace Cleaning
Now is the time all' oil furnaces should ,
be cleaned and inSpeCted for next wint-
er's heating season. Arrange now to have
this done on a day that suits you. We
are doing this work now every day, ,
Two Government Licensed Oil Burner Mechanics
4i s
• • • • •• •41 04 e•
It makes good sense to have yoUr fertilizer Spread on fall sown grains i •
on grasslands—hey and pasture . . . on cash crops—for next spring
accurately, easily and economically with the hew- SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer
Spreading ,SerVice. Makes good dollars and cents too! It may cost you'
no more to have SHUR-GAIN delivered and spread than you are presently
paying for bagged fertilizer,
The Finest Fertilizers For Your Good Earth
Your Local SHUR-GAIN Feriilizer Dealer is FEE ILL
28 Huron Street Clinton Ont.
TWo Phones: 482-3484 or 4112.3485
• ,.1.1MMiVr,V17,,,CTRIInip.,111:01.
The Senior Gitt4ellS' .Cluh
will hold its first fairnii6eting
in the Orange Hall on October
7. It is to be an "Open House"
and at rhismeeting, the bus
committee wi41 hefarMed.
Mr. 04 Mrs, Frank Lurch
and family, Mrs. Donald Lance
and family and Dr. and Mrs, R.
G. Hunter gathered at the let-
ters' summer home on Sunday
for 'their "end of season" an-
nual dinner', party, Donald
Lance Was unable to attend be-,
ing confined to a Detroit hos-
pital with i a 'leg injury,
Miss Balite= Clift, Ottawa,
spent the holiday 'With her par-
ents, Brig. and Mrs: F. A. aim
,Monty Poulter, Ottawa and
Larry McKay, London, were
guests .of Mr. and,-Mrs. G, N.
Rivers for several days' last
Gordon Logan returned home
last 'Thursday after spending
two months with his older bro-
ther and family, Mr. '.and 1VIts,
James Logan at Fort Nelson,
Mrs. K. Gemeinhardt, Linde
Monica and Karen, accompanied
by Jahn Vance of Seaferth,
spent Monday 'til ' Thursday
camping in Algonquin Park. On
Friday they visited the C.N.E.
In Toronto, returning home on.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Candela,
Larry, Karen and, Marianne r e-
turned to Detinit on. Monday
after having spent the weekend
with Mrs. Candela's parents,
Mir: end Mrs. A. L. Bristson.
Also visiting Mr. and Mrs1.13ris.
son during -die past week Was
George L. Lewis of Dearborn,
.1V1r. and MrS. S. Scotch/very
Sarnia land Carmen • Burns,
Windsor, spent the weekend
with Mr, and MS. A. F, Sept-
lOpi. and 1VIrs., lack Gallant
and family' ave moved to Clin.'
A farewell panty for. Mr. and
Mrs. Ken , A/Ikea and
unho are leaving for their home
in Dawson Creek on Wednes-
day, was the accaSion for ,a
farnidy "get-together" on. Sun- ,
day, A balterAte supper Was.
enjoyed by the Arkell'S, Senior
and ihaTtoF),•Mr, and Mrs. Pon
Sager and-faillilY and Mr, and
Mrs. ROI/exit Thinner and farnilY•
Mr. and Mrs ii,.Kerr attend,
ed the 25th wedding miniver,
saty of their eohsin, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Florre,tst in Seeforth
on Sunday.
Mr, -and Mrs. George Mont-
rose, Sitncoe, Were the guests
on: Sunday of the lady's sister,.
Mr, land-Mrs. Cliff Utter.
lyfra'. John L. Lewis IS visit-
ing her daaghter, and son-in-
law, the Arthur L, Brissons,
Rev, S.- Wellington of Brant-
ford, Secretary of the Can-
adian Protestant'League filled
the .of 13ayfield Baptist
Church on Sunday, in the ab-
sence of the Rev. and Mrs,
Bruce Eaton who are on NraCia-
tign in the north.
Miss Janie IVIyers, London,
spent the weekend with ' her
grandmother, Mrs. S. Bryant.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Enbert Reid,
Lucknow, were the guests on
Sunday of Mr. and Mrs, • W. E,
Mr. 'and Mrs. Robert Cluff,
,London, spent the weekend at
their cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Me-
Lauglhiln, Toronto, and Mr. and
Mrs, Paul Mass, London, spent
the holiday weekend with the
ladies' mother, .-Mrs. J.. Cluff.
Carl Humphries returned
home, on Friday with his aunt
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
CIark of Point Edward, who
'spent the evening with -Mrs.
Humphries and Mr, and Mrs,
Kerr. Carl, during his extended
vacation, enjoyed a motor trip
to Parry Sound and the Gear-
Many Property
Changes In
Bayfield Village
Changes in the Hayfield pro,
file are still occurring. The J,
E, Elpvey's are in residence in
their new home on Emma
Place; Group Captain John of
Mount Clemens is building a
home on Delevan. St; and on
the corner of Twyll and Dele-.
van Streets a lovely cottage is
'alrritist ready for its owner,
Mrs. Marie. Watson, Detroit.
Cottages are also changing
hands. Mr, and Mrs. Mills of
Glencoe, have purchased the
Sage cottage on Twyll St; Mr,
and. Mrs. Macdonald, London,
are the new owners, of the Ed-,
ighoffer cottage in the Elliott
sub-dMsionC also in the same
location, Mx_ and Mrs. Keechie
of Detroit have bought the
Dunlop cottage; Harold East-
many of Middlesex county,
has,,purchased the Manness lot
of Howard St.-; Mr. Blake now
owns the Sturgeon lot on. Vic.
toria Place; and the W. E.
Enicksons are the new owners.
of the former Gallant home at
the south. end of the village on
Higicway 21.
glan 13ay District. Kerry
Sarnia', also aceOMPanied them,
Spending the Labour Day
weekend at the Jewett cottages
Were Mr, and Mrs. Broder Al.
len, their daughter and guest.
Of Toronto; Mr. "and ,,Mrs. G.
Marskanin, East.Lansing, Mien.
and Mr.- and Mrs. G. J. Hull
and family and guests, Bloom-
field Hills, Mich.
W. R. Johnston recently
spent two 'Weeks in North Da-
kola, visiting his step -father,
W. Johnsten, who years
Young' folk attending grade
1 this year are 'Dawn 'Mc-
Leod, Jimmy Mackie and Mar-
vin Merrier. Madeleine Godin
is 'new in Grade 3.
Mrs. Little' was the
weekend guest of Mrs. H. Cobb,
Visiting the village on Mon-
day Were Mr. and Mrs,' Miller
and faMilY, who were, anxious
to see their home town's name-
sake, as 'they live inJ Bayfield,
Wisconsin! We are •bappy -to
report that they were favour,
ably impressed.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil A. Hill,
Sarnia, visited Evans Cameron
and daughter, Bonnie and re-
turned to Islington on Monday
after having spent last week
with -Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cam-
eron at the "Open Gate".
Mr. • and •Mrs; Alfred Here!-
man, Windsor, called at• the
Rectory on lVfonday evening.
Miss Elvira Manning of TM-
onto, spent the Labour Day
weekend with Miss HodginS
and Miss Macdnalcl at "Stone,-
Mr. and avirs. Reginald Wil-
son and daughter, Marcia, who
spent August at Mrs. L.
,Green's cottage returned to
Hamilton on Sunday. Mr. Wil-
son joined his family for ;the
weekend. Mrs. L. Green who
was on a trip to New Bruns-
Wick returned to her cottage
the day her daughter and farnm
ily left.
Mrs. 0. Geoid and Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Jones of London,
were Sunday visitors at Miss
Hudgins.' cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Reed
and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mann:,
Riverside, were at "Enfield"
cottage for the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Scot-
chmerr accompanied by Elgin
Porter spent the weekend in
Rev. and Mrs. P, Renner,
Wiarton, visited their son and
family,, Mr. and Mrs. Percy
Renner last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Knight,
London, spent the holiday
weekend with the lady's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
S co tehmer.
` Mrs. M. J. Chesney, Toronto,
and Mrs. S. Dougr,all of Hensail,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs,
-J. B. Higgins at "The Maples"
on Sunday. -
Mrs. R. 'G. Hunter and her
mother Mrs. Charles Rogers re-
turned to Toronto, on Tuesday
after having spent the summer
Mr. and Mrs. A, Latimer'
spent the past two y;ieelcS with
Ms, yrr:.. 1,at0,iltue's parents,erfKah an
Knight their
suininer home ,on:404isa Stree,"„
PheY returned to their home
in Toronto 'on Monday,
The United afuren Women
of Grace Ohurdh will meet On,
WeclnesdaY aitOnoon, Septem-
her ,5 at the home of lqrs,
Allen 33otties,
S,S, Pramotions
Sunday, Sapteniher 5 was
promotion, service at Grace
Church Sunday ',Saco] with,
Mrs. Mary Manning as super-
intendant, "-
Promf4lidOns were as; follows:
kindergarten to primary, p eb
Ale/Callderi Debra SOW,
erby; primary to junior, ,Bane
Harris,' Marie 13ettles, David
Junior to inteme , Maur-
ears Miller, Kevin,.Cox; inter
mediate to senior, Colleen ;Lockhart, John Cox; Laurie
Opx, John Manning,
Attendance ,404,4$ ,were
given, Diplomas, Jeannette'
014aelley, .Jeffery '007q. P.P,PQ4141 year seals, Barbara wan,
etiey,;, -Wayne Meclinelley, Delb,
Ira '?POSTPX125?; year seal,
PO) Cox, David SowerUy, Ran ,
dy .$C1Werby-
Fifth yvar seal, Jimmy
MI, Marie ,TiettleS, Jane 17.4r4s.,
Mary Pieta Sturdy.;, SiXt,14.7.,PaV
seal, 1,POCIY. Cox, LarrY'SturflVt
john S'turd'y, Rodney ,CPX;,
seventh year seal, Kevin Cox;
eighth year seal,
ninth yeai, seal, Maureen Mill,
"ifenth year seal„ David Ma.,
therS, Dennis Harris, :Alm Cox;
eleventh year seal"; Colleen
Leckhart, Julia CON, Lorna
Miller; tWrteentl) year seal
F'PggY, Rettle.$1 $haren,
Featuring "CLOUD 9" Room
Every Sunday
'Chicken In a Basket'
Friday—Served from 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m.
Saturday—Served from 9:30 p.m. to Midnight
Phone 482-3421 for Reservations
We Cater to Dinner Parties and Wedd4ng Receptions
NEWS OF PORTER'S HILL Pidc.blart? Elaine 116WAs,hend, 13amler for having Me•
MID Manning. .200$t Sundays vii . perket at-
The auxdor Class Was Ward, tenclanee.
e Canada Pension
d its benefits
Here is what
, the Canada Pension Plan
will do for people like Mary Todd,
a 22-year-old nurse
who earns $310 a month ($3,720 a year
SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer
If Mary's earnings continue at
this rate until she readieS age
65, 'she will receive a retirement
pension of $77.50 a month from
the Plari pltis $75' a month
Old Age Security.
'Because Mary will haiie the
opportunity of contributing for
`43 years, she can have as many as
6IA years of lower or no
earnings and Still be entitled to
the Same pension.
Actually, Mary's retirement
pension will Undoubtedly be
more. This is because aS Mary
advances in her profession and
her earnings, increase so will,her
pension. Furthermore, to ensure
that all benefits under the Plan
maintain their value, they will
be adjusted to meet changes
in living coSts and wage levels,
before, they are paid and changes
in living costs after they become
1r Mary continues to Work
and becomes diSabled at any'.
time after 1970, she will be
entitled to a disability pension of
03,12 a month until she reaches
age 65. Froth then on She Will
receive ,her retirement pension a§
'Weft as $75 a month from Old
Age Security.
If Mary dies any time after 1967,
having contributed until her
death, a lump sum payment of
$465 will be paid to her estate.
What will the Plan cost you?
If, like Mary, yeti are employed ,
and have earnings of $3,7/0
spread evenly over the year, you
will'pay at the rate of 54,68
a month. Your einployer will pay
the same amount.,
This' advertisement is one of a
series which relates some of
the important benefits of the
Canada Pension Plan to
individual circumstances.
Issued by
authority of the Minister of
National Health and Welfare;
,The lionourat)le 3udy LaNiarsh>..