HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-09-09, Page 1...... ... .... ..... ... . ...... ............ k 1. P ec 0. TH� NEW ERA 90th. Ye THE HMON REQORP 02n4 yoor Column No, 30 -r, The Home Paw With. the News 41kf6N, ONTARIO, THUR�b* tk ar--�­10 C9." Page . PTEMPER 9,1905 4,QO Pot Ye ts For C -0 Py 1,307 At CKS an IF I weire 4 iwtv St, 410sqph's Down. qdd.,� - ft� er, . . .. ...... Sept,= Nqyember and ma q bring gwmvs weathm y�e '6 41s., Enr VO4 poxt. of Docember- wil bqso my pre4*tIo;i o 2,105- PUP1 o led YeWs aimirnii wfien su line ge breeze.s ki. -0 this, , . a well. �F Ci'pnton Sc 001's - aroa, into Peo&tter, X! n W�11 rwnemlxv, Christmas 0 U. r brougm a; Easterlike shower whae p. When -the dows of the four Tuesday afternoon ohowed that olasses a a ci s of � mid tree lights n three as e,5 and Carols, were 5chools in the town a 01doton 1,307 studentswere, enrolled at Grade 13 04dents. sayp N u4T what has i0auged opened oa Tuesday morning, a the school 'wft the averag* A breakdown of the �emoll- reT - number of students per class- mpat in the different courses ber of students rtish: e nd num .state of cockeyed -%w)ftsiQn -is Central Ruron5ecpndary room now stan(Ung �t 27,$. offered at CFL5$ show 350, stu- School, of pour Principal Robert Norputh s still 4 mystery, SPET10 cy� � se, accounts for dent enrcdled in the Arts aW cry put for tl-�e abandonment greatest go, wth in the ScJWQ1 sM4 bie a ts d Scle4cp course, 471 in, Bus!fh re 312 st4am of bombAestlixg on which they population, but enrollment Is Grade 9, 418 in G r, de '10, 2 61 and Qama-4erce, 425 in Science place the'blame. Other more higher aswell At Clinton Pub- in Grade 11, 232 in Grade 12 Teebnology and Trader md 61 scientific souls shrug off the.' 0 $C110OLand at Calvin' C1011$- and �4 in Grade 13, To date in Piversift-Ed'. Occupational weather changes as a simple Itilan spbool. e are ten, Qraide 9 plassLas Training. 'I ther thing to be expected 14 thle�ym- Record At, CH$S 117 Grade, 10 -classes, elgaij Figures show that the four. pess of evolutlon� rrabulgtions. at CliSS late I Grade 11 cffo$ses� nine C,,r,&de 12 and tWe yeaf, murses are We 1 have !my own, th6my. most popular, w! students at th CUSS. SUPPOSE we had good we4- Total staff at the school nurn- ther agn through the summer bers 68. Clinton Public School Up just suppose we had the ul- $471- 53o Addition Vinate wann sunny days, copa X Enrollment -is, up at Clinton starlit nigbts w0h, just the Public School from 506 at the right amount of rWn, falling close of school in June to, 535 he, tween the hours of '2 a.m. thi-�$eptembeT. Eighteen class - Now Officirs Take O*er la d for,CHSS and 5 aan. so, no one woWd be nne. rooms. We. in oppraftm s4ys botheroad by it. Clinton Kinsrae67 and Kinettes started i�heir ette past. prepident; Malt Edgar, past governor _qf six Principal Bert Gray. 0" plans for another would receive a 100 percent w,e!d all probably km our- new season Tuesday evening with a joint installa- Kin District No. 1, who wAs Jnst4ng officer; Mrs.. a#(Utl , on _tQ. Central Huron federal grant of $400,000; Principal Gray pointed out selytes . . . . . . if not o . n thp tion meeting in Hotel Clinton dining room. Shown William Fleming, the n6w Kinette Secondary School were ap- 75 p ervent feder41-0.rovincial that kindeirgarten enrollment road W A frenzy president and pr d by tkp�. CD.CI Board, grant of the balance which last year was gre�ter than the . of Waffic . here are, left to -right, Torn Feeney, immediate past An�y Peterson,, Kinsimep president for 1965�66, 0ye AM - A s heading for the beach, then president of the K' ri; Mrs. Will' i ' Fi Kin- . ,4 insme iam nk -($eWs-]�ecord Photo) meeting JASt night, Wedues- would be $53,650; le lug the enTollment dn Grade 8 'and 11 dashing breathl, essay here and board's share As $17,886, remained about the same tb1s day. theze. all over the place. trym-g. the new 19,060 square foot Included in the eight- year. This �18 explakied in part to cram a lifeam of 3Wdng 'IS'HURON -READY? *0 THIS HAPPEN by the fact that ebildren who addition and classroom equip- room addition would be four Into two months ft the summer. �.'ON TVESDAV? ment will cost an estimated classrooms, one special clasp- wall attend Calvin Christian But -Someone Soinewherg.j Pm* the first dity at sell- $4�1,630. room, one , electric- typing. SohoDl -and St. . Joseph's Seper- much wiser than most If fl* 00, t"cher informed, all the rlans are being submitted room, one merchandising ate Scho& in, Grade I attend fine weatherO=es �ater in the to the OnUrio Department of room, one boys' occupational kinde0garten at the public. IAbour , Bducatio'n, with � an extra shop and one electro CA 001, sfe'dera' Election".-�Set.,For',,Nov,'8.Wdl.,,,,t,...tht ff anyone had to $rdh 4s I routine n L I season$ then fal 9�0 to "Ifie washroom he should Healso noted that there have Day copy, for forward transinis- shop. will, Our � passion fm With another federal election for only about two and a half Rumbq* has' been that L. to make been 56 new admissions a stu- ltt�� � ­ . uron raise two! fingers. One little boy sion to the federal govern-, It, Is proposed not s upcon-Ang on, November 8, the Years, w4Q ask Canadians to Elston Cardiff, Brussibb, H, eemed puzzled and ment In Ottawa. any renovations to the exist- 'dents in the Grade I to, Grade main question in the minds of- elect a,llouse at Commons with AW for 25 years, my not seek 151, asked Naws that going to help?" It, approved, the school Ing. building. 8 area. rvE mm wondering lately voten within the riding ofHur- a strong majoAty. re-elec*n. T1* veteran cam- Calvhx Christian about the signs'innature that on, is, "Who . w.1411 be the can�U- Nkonwhile, aR four oppos- pajigner indicated at the thne Principal Francine Greydan- we suppose�a to forecast- the dates I ition parties have indi&aeld of tN! 1963 dection that it us at �Calvin, Christian school weather mWe accurately than Pakliament ' Was dissolved their displeasure at the pend- wouldprobably -be his last fling -Record m Tam - the mostexVensIve meteorology Tumdhy evening in preparation ing electwn� branda it every- 'in the political world Principa[Robt. Homuth s Instructions told the News ng day it had become necessary eqt#pment.. for the two, month campaign thafig from "p-64tical opportun- The Conservatives set up a this year to open another c1aA1s,- Usually, this type of i.nfor-, which will see enumeration, be- isiW' to, 1'weakn�ssll. liwon Provincial PC Associa.- g room. A former teaclier's room mation is knowm only -to the giiiiiing September.20, nornina- In Huron tion at a meeting in Clinton on To'CHSS -pupils Tuesday Mornin has been utilized to create oldtimers who have been a- tion, meetings and thousands of Although very -dew -persons July 19, thereby laying -the space for 26 more pupils. round long enough to test their spewhes. The CanaMan "Pe6ple, FaiWhar Phrases) had a new courage more -meals eaten b.Y_ crease in cost of 5c, Students, Enrollment vow'stands at 151 theories over long years of life 'will up the, tab for t , I e are completely sitrprased by the ground work tor"a proposed announcement of an election Huron. '(Flederal) PC Assadlia- ring at Central Huron, Sec,_ you in the schod," he -told however, who purchase meal in five classrooms. close to nature. 61e' on whirb d8 expected t6 this *fall, neither of - the two t M 1 11 the student body. "I. am go- tickets for the week at me, I I can remember that my cost about $i3,500,000 - or $1,- Aon, sttfll unformed. P . Wously, ondhTy School � on. Tuesday s taken time Will pay $175 for five Down Twelve major parties dn Hurm ]�,ave one executive bas been in as t1m new piihdPal, ing to discourage meaA St. Josepli's, Separate Schooa granfather was able to proph- 100," more than the 1. 1963 to date selected candidatqs for charge of -both feckral and pro. 'RO'bert I-16muth, spoke to bi some, of you that -consist . or 35c per meal. Principal Mike HWliahan. re- esy whether the -winter ��d election bill. gar.�, The race.,. vincial. affaks In Hujv�. oibout- 11800,�. s(tudentg.,"sem_ o.f,*a soft.Arink and a -d be bitter ccld� or pleasantly Prime Minaster - L, B� Pear - mild, by. -the habita of squirrels son,, whose m4nowity Liberal bled' in three areas, within - ette in some, of the local res- cated he would. not allow from 75 registered in June to office the hugekbuilding. taurants.": parking on the sidestreets 6,3 enrolled to date this fall. in the fall. My. f.�t.ther-in-1,aw government ha� been, Iii Formerly vice-president at He announced that single adjacent to the school. "Your He explained that some for - B paxents pay for tvansporta-, preftts weatherby the appear- ayfield Village Council Discusses CHSS, Mr, Humuth made his meals would cost 40c, an, in, iner students are now -attending dd. "It is up to, classes in SWorth. There are ance 4 the cattle, first contact with this year's, tion," he sal I'm sure many Clinton and. you to use it. Leave your car have their �wn Godedch Twp. Many Top'ics At Regular Meeting student body by meant of three elaz§rooms at St. Jo - area natives /the public address system. lie 'at home for,. -the weekends. special trick for weather foa�- DAYFIEW - Tucke . rsmft Opposes, Two Rooms "min'ded each youngster Photo Exhibit -Students who do find it casting, It woruld"be extfemely School May I that only 168 days of school necessary -to dAve to school interesting to hear ftrom, then% Telephaqe'presented a proposal Council. considered the, pro- (,excluding holidays and the are irequited to have a Wk - .to compare predictions, rr*%- a system for -Pos . al whIch had been made -by like) were left 5n the school At Library. Ing permit issued at the office Clinton Persons ods and maybe erven check -UP -0, pen Frida for eire wuning, the year. T the new dial telephones whk-h �nspector -J. G. Burrows at g in the parking joint� meeting of Turkersmith "Tomorrow ds the time lot. Cars, once parked, areL I on thWr accuracy. , to All Next Week 'or 'Par"n On - Arthritic For instance" can anyme teR' G&eltch Tmm.hl,13 (ten.. goes into effect Way 15, 1966. and Stanley Area School Board start studying," he said. not to be moved, from. the lot me what it means, to See trea, School at Holmesvilfle 71his proposal would Provide six on Tuesda�, August 31. 'Begimung Monday, Septem- until school is dismissed for did not -open on Tuesday; phones able to rIng the Bajy� After, disk, Some Rules caterpilkrs cpawling in, groups 'ustion, Council ber 13 until Saturday,. Septem- the day, Society Board of three or four? And flocks reason was that all floor tile field siren at a cost of approDd. pqssed'a unanimous resolution Principal Minuth 7briefly ber 18, visitors to Clinton, U- "Smoking - and gum of bdrds all flying badavards? had not been laid and, ter- mately $40 per month' that itwas against the proposal outlined some of the ruiles brary Will hgVe an opportunity chewing - we not permitted Dr. Ray Flowers, Clinton, has c , raoa and regulations wbWdh waU been, named a.,,mea�cal repre- flooring in the -halls Bayfleld council, dboided tO that Bayfield should only 'have to gee � a livelF exhiblt'On O� -anywhere I can see yjou,," sentvtive Af the Goderich FROM THE office window 9 W-1 required the finishing refer the : govern the students this year, news� photos, warned'Mr. Hoinuth.. branch of the Ca nadkn Arth- matter to the Bay- a two room school and w�nt on, ro=tly I gaWs&rfething rarely sealer o(yat. field Pire Association for their record as, being strongly adding his own personal re- Miss Evelyn Hall, libraritan, 0 dn fa- mark.. I ritis and Rheumatism Society seen these days . . . . unless The area board, teacher,% recommendation. vour of a four room, school ,s announced this week that Clin- and another Clinton mail; FWd peirbaps un a farmingcommunitY and filspeotor J. W. Coulter Council discussed the present which *(yuld include,rural . pu- He touched' on a growing tons library will host tiie 1.965 Sionian, is a member of the concern, 'about students who PV ,like Cginton wherevural neigh- are meke-Ong todW at noon, to building code which applies to pils from West Stanley. News, Photo Exhibit set up by Rone Chapel board. do not take advantage of the the don Free preL . Al- bours meet while shopping. Idecide,on an opening datei the village �and which was au- Flmer Parker, auditor 'for wholesome meals prepared in Lon ss Finebw is, the presi- Two men, both of them I Pupil though Miss Hell was unable Is and. Pawtnts , had thorized in 1962. This c0,1ft'Pr0- the village, met with Council the so-hool's cafeteria, which to prcWdb( any details as to Service Held dZtenn',Is the Goderich branch would gues(s approachiM the been notified that school vides, aniong other th9s, that and discussed the-posistbility of Mr. 14omuth described a-, the size and scope of this year's which plans to work In- con - sunset Years, met On the street., would open tomorrow, FridaY. a permit CannOt be, issued for a fall cut-aff for audit pur- ,A. -I,,, ,I am going to en- showing, ale did jnjcate th t unction with- the medical pro- 111hey must -have been friends If today's meeting decildhes. a dwelling with a dug well and. Pose, as of October 31,. 1965. in Londesboro . i fession to, provide specialized on a new opening is cordWily invited for each man smiled brOadlY r date, par- sOPdc tank 4rdess the lot - ex- Council was coficerned with the the public AULBURN - 'Me annu�al de- consultation services, distribu- hand -to the cots will be natified by tele - and extended 'his, ceeds 15,000 squilre feet or If advig&&,lity, of calling nomIna_ ley Townships, but it was noted to see the disp1lay anytime dur- coration, and memorlail serv11ce tion o� factuais inkrination to other w1w shook -it with that cettain information re- hig library hours next Week. . genur phone of the change. a driRed\ well, 12,000 square tion day as soon as poasible. of the I-Tiope, Chapel Cemetery victims of wthwftis and offer ine goodwill. I tould see their feet. after November :15, 19'65, *but quagted fTom the two townships 0 was held, (in the Londesboro, the facilities of CARS -,sponsor-' lips moving in conversation d had not been received, Council is studying this by- wish to be a6le� to present ';an Conlinittee reports were 'United, Church due to the rainy ed rheumatic: disease units in their heads nodding in la� Former Padre law in committee to see if a0dited statement at the an OBA JUVENILE "ather. Ontario for long-term. rthlabili- ment. Out came the. tobacco cliang should be made in meeting. 1. nual heard and, pro� I Rev. William Valnes 'officj� tation, treatment of the arthritic as they readied themselves for of the Mte of lots In the ' Mr. Parker- advised 0oufien gresg was noted. ated for the service and Mrs. In ftis orea. a Teloxing chat about, mutual Coming To view e' Cou.1161 ded!Qed to have ad - village - Council feels at the that he would be able to give ditional maps of the village FINALS START. Elgin Josling wasthe organist.. Other board Members include interests. 4 . Couldn't help but*think how same time that the purity of an, opinion early in Octoberas printed in order that these Jack Lee and Ken Hunking re� Mayor Frank Waakoni, J. D, the water must be protected' to the earliest date wheii �he could be made avadlable-for ceived the offering and the ser-. Davison, J. D. Kinkead, John much we younger folk miss bY Brucefield HERE SUNDAY or the village could be faced could havi? an, audited state- saleaf ahominal PA� vice was planned by the Trus- Scheafer and EdWard Row - not taking Ae time to be uirement -of - el . Virst game of the Ontario tees, WONjam llunldng, Harvey lands, all -of Gode�rl�dh; Miss .frievdlly and congenial. most the req pro- ment prepared. - Tax notices for 1965 and as - greetings today are a hurried, Wding a con *�, 0, di 11 Ass.odiatloh juvenile Hunking, Jamdi- Roberton, Ted Doris F611% Wing -ham; C. D. tral, Water system. Council also: discusse - s&9sment notices fdr 1966 will ]3aseD"t- "B", final series Is scheduled, Pickett mid Harry Webster,' Bruder, Walkerton, Mrs a F", A report will be niade at the vision 'of assets, between the likely be dn, the. mWl next M "AP, often spoken out of habit for Clinton Community PaTIC and secretdv�ytraasurer, Henry Kbefiler, Durham, and Mrs. throughlips that are telise'and next regular meet!49. I village, and Goderieli and Stan- week. unsmiling. Any warmth in to- -on Sunday afternoon, Sept. Hunking. Eric Heywood,, Vxoter. doic. Aev, Maines, spoke of the Doctors R. U. Aldis, Go,de- 1?1 at � Wel Defeat efrolia Clinton ellinfilated Potrolla community over 100 years ago rich, Wd I i t 11 am Idobsinger Val day's salutations is Purely Rc- t didental or the result of prac- �,x last weekend and Milton put when out forefathers ha&ho,�wn korton and J. I. Leeson, Wlai- tite . tsonle P"11� WWWY Stoney,oreek out tIds weelt. homes and churches out of the ton axe the other medical rep -,- I Second galue 19 in Milton. fore -As and still had time for resentatives of the society ap- At best it is a long way from Mon n tile $61161ving, Sunday, Septi quiet mWitablon with their f -a- pofift6d by the I-ruton County have a motive for friendliness. the kind of sincere joy felt by Ch Juve de Bal eam -dllers. I 11), also at Z o'clocki in Medical Society, those two men as they renewed each other's acqudotaivee. Too Ing f, bin, the bad that too Is fadi T honizoix in favour of wastef 'Entenns Ontark, Fln'a'ls, haste, Last Saturday at the Clinton gbe, was the key factor ift this l6n, aa& Chllck Switzer, g. Cbmmunity Park the Clinton win ez the, tearat battled on Ofint<)n tWk- the lead in tho Huron CoUnty Juveivb�s defleated Ntrolla for Won terms fot seven good iii, first ini&_ " La ry Pick4it f Farming Report the, gecand' straight time to ning§ a exciting. bbz&all� starte& a oile, 1 -un* iWay . I 110�in . uing daTnA diffi dust thern h=A further compe- It Was not until the biAtoni single, Laiit* CtdquiliotIn sirl, weather is ddaymg harvest� filtion du tht, GoB.A. lAd0owng. d- 1116 eighth tW the 16cals gled hfih to second' and With boo 9,09 1 . ThIs- time It was by the sdore were, able to c0iisolfalate the two Out C&nJ Wc&�Zd ihb,64LI iles, I - 'son- A week baeliet they W win. 7�eY lWodted out 4Startedr ed Pickett home �Ath P. lilt. M ore tative! fo� WIC t, Donald. Stuart, took the opener at Petr6lfa by Jim Wlldi four run$' 16 Olint6iili,61d a 1-0 lead until 'Pddre "Afew Aeldl,ofbeans have MA,: n.b, 8.6hdoe :, of a 1241 count turn -9 �-1 $-ditat Ibibo gtg the fifth when, k4L1,&KlIa 9cofted ibben harvebledblit it will be ProtestaniLq in Europe, is q1he combihta pitelAng of Widt&V both thedr rtins 6n their only heXt week lyefoft- th& big recolving his rel,6684 ift Jah- Cam Ucl)oniild and Cott MEL- For the first 'five" h,.3MW't hit of'fhe gam,e.by McOallufil, -Start to pull, com isr mattit- uaWy 1968 amid hag beeft Mll� A%I)onWtl bad limited Petro& In, thef winning talisr in tho dog very slowly", td td- the pastoral cfier& of" Ccintral HUr6h ta ond' lilt, a single, that drove dighth Laurie Colquhoun led d tktcetie-14 - mippeb Wr Stu in both their runs in the Afft off with; 4 W-9&-tht, %sit walk 'art Is :6 member oi tfie'-Loli�_ -Softball Finck Clake Mhge& came oft lov igsu4�d by 6' quhobb The Weather (lot conferobdo of tiho t1hited Th6 two. BlIalists, in fhe� C00- Caffl, In the sixth when his am A010. lgkCond AInd ls&;;;� when Wgh LoW High tabW Chturch 'of CAnada haAbg tral Ruroh Softball I# A-Iftehed kip tald' Otto pitched n ity Poarsoftls chodk §w�tig 1959 1064 serv�ed In Xlefit, ntabyte* A.Yabum and 15,enlm M-er bAZ na-hit ball f6r thL- rest of tho &r a sitigle_r-�;bn, wag an , fh. ..i to 9upt 1 68- 45 70 gi bdftd, Jolhin - th-6 geryie& 11,avo ofto gainer ag a 1.��t of game to, g, e vir, XYO plel4ced oft ti;yIng t6 At6al. Cam C�aft ftg4' Wof 2'0 y C 0 I nt News R rd 0 -41 7.4 481 so Of. srt� atu- thL3 gawd played last tMdtty, Lb,Ading the 160ig in bliflng MbD46Wd �16-11dftd Uy- fmMing brivot Safety Leaur6 Held Af C1110oft '9 14 41 61 64 art's toarbMg.residc on LaA- nightin. W 6, Auburn whipped W�or& cata mcl)onaad wh6 wrap� first oil 0M e&ot�; Jht UNf Go, L , i 01fider, , A 'tha_ r)k, �"' 8 � 4 91 t9 80 ft, kat"th Stirl lzildon, Ut, lklimillov by �eoroa 4-91 voa 'but 3 sin6es" 14� Plek. wag givloh wi int"Nat�ond pkbiss'. F light Lieutenant bttve ivitig, Afety Cbotafit dcuo . ' loor , - , -ul i, � 9 60 61 47 and -0 y q%0 thw, ganic wag d 6tt "I'th two slil -6,mmgh hig ff Station Clititm, Tadk V &hLr 76 ihi �Irt will eg tUld tt 81611� ddUblb, 'georeA X. R. Gre6nawA.V cl) , C 1,­� . 4 * - 11 -1 1. d Sqtlddl-611 LoadetM. W. Oarftett Ohalr- riVing 6 75 11 41 flii� Vftge td lArudbWd %)Xftl Jn'G()defl0h.1ast hight single eA,& by lawf� coxiia ibe go ilhom 'A�, ;W�6'9AW 166' `64ft)60' A,$ UV, t bh sodphd and third 9,6b man of er &f COW161, Idt rig tAkeJA at the kdtUtd giVeft t6 400' AiXu, 19 'M '76 57 ta 9 t* Oftaft, in &th- f6with gafft6k, the fidull IA*Y P th 6ty e �®r�, �Bdl �06 ed, men ,i'h '00wiW7 415A A "&'�I­A A4" Xo li;aln li thwh on: Aido e-,mift, J56b veiNd t, . . ......... . .M