Clinton News-Record, 1965-08-26, Page 9• NO. 'Rod.. ''Flavoorfol $0urce of Vitamins A aid 0 P: D. TO1dtocs, Are Basis, :a Mimy­As,, 9$ NL.v that gair4ops Id- � A for 1 ter, stewed 44 coined 9 WTI r -at. M09404 Tngtftutlo. 'a jc��J;e , uz u ro, 00ce of 0044 1 domatoes should "apt 'ag Made t4 $t.h, f Qiq . r! �la)�ourful tomatoes a441 otore, be ovPxWkPd 'a. volua:ble utoes vxd othw lspw e. Reem-vxe- *.g- pxc11w dietaay sqwge of vitAmin A A Wty .and igWpy chili buys p t 7 ft . ag d D, 'Cap Pam %, 4y be 4 - p type food, bm'Awpaker; will. qvanitaigp 0 the, want to, take Ad Wpight watchers.ares part - 1culary fQ44 Of t9nIP40% V01�0011 T situaltion by serving tQmatoe gpe low #;. calcIrtliles. . . w 4qA ripe torp.0toes at Wea-V oppoptim,47. The Vood,, De9,,y,1,rneT1t ut /,? 04P salt Wed Whether 194 inVs for ,, ald to I Mqcdoo stlt4to Y, pount 54am , cAbu004,-ito the dmr PU advises short ttmatoe4 e est �;Wj Plate, -qu rtored -as 4:sal stored at a pop! . Q, tempera- -,spri Isib boa 401 tnlgred4pnt, 'sliced for a is atgre, preferably in tbhelf p.�, b ..1prAb opi 'OtCh, the basis;of a CaS'Soro.je' 4ol, then MpAt P 4 PA 'PAS ,2 p,4c­;3 M e # seed R or soup, wesorved as, juice or, IdUbeo qvOcIard, The ecQnpm- .1.4s , , qt b Ppf!,Iv red pe fists there ajsq recommend . . W."t green pepper blanching for easy removea, of bunches celery. Clinton, Couple tomato 10cins, Simply plunfe the , pd. Blanch, peel, a c bop tom- er Q tmvttoes into boiling wilt f - r, ajtoes Add, salt, Let stand ave.r�, one" "One minute and. CKP; night and ­ then c 'raliir: well; Ho cured By immqdW61y.in cold water. The Add' oza'04-coleryi and-p6pper LOU Lodge skin's IwL11 then slip off jeavipig a smooh, whole tomato. all chopped 1.in me pde Add other ifigr dients.,ft' until r * * 4, Ever Want a recipe for un- .0 all the sugar is oi,S$01 , d. $eal in, H"n Lodge, Clinton, 'No, cooked, chill? Then consider ex!idejars. 377 of the LOBA mot in the this one given byhoMe e�`Onom- Here is a new addition to I lodge rooms for their meeting. There was a splendid attendm succoitas,4. Ta n g y tomatoes ,anc*. Bro. and $Jft. Jaques of Mic_ 4on Club have been added to form Tom ash 'ato $uqcot .. No longer are, the . Woodham. .lodge were .guests. Broi. 011,ver Jaques Tours Ontario bM= iand oorn,,just the niallp'l in , gr`edientsI :but now, tomatoos, d sigh Preceptor of the Grand ars well. 'For 4 lift in ,flavor, Black Chapter of Ontario West. Mrs. Jacques, whor-had -at- On freight Line try this recipe. ten4led. the Grand Lodlge� meet- SUCCOTASH ing - of the Grand Lodge of British America hold !at Nlag-, Stephea-s Leacock'"Trp "Train to Y4 CUP 4110PPOd onion ara Faills, gave a report of the !' 'belongs to the os- Klawilposan 3 cups. chopped riipe toxnatc(0,- activities. 11Ar,.,JAques brought n obol rail tall0c past I.lo4t aww 11/2 teaspoons salt greetings and gave members ,, tour vast ast . Saturday offered a 1/2, -teaspoon pepper much encouragement. brief weturo. 2 cups diced string beam., During the evouing, two Sponsored by Rouhdhouse members were initiated into the Records, to railway club from2 cups fresh , cooked corn lodge, Mrs. M. Nivins of Clin- Royal Oak, Mich., the tour pre- 2 talblespoons, butter tom land Mrs. Ptobt. Cook of "seemed an -opportunity for pas- IOQok* onion, tornato, salt and Goderloh. senger travel on Canadian Na- Pepper over a slow flame for Plans are being made for ek tional's Exeter 80division,lifte about two minutes, in a covered dessert euchre to; be held in from London' to, Clinton -a line saucepan. Add beans'. -SImmer 'September, not served fby ipassefigeA trains. slowly for 20 nvinutes, stirring Before the meeting clowd For this occasion, accommo- frequently. Add corn and but, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Deevds diaions for pass:engers was add- ter. Cook three to five nfmutes were presented with a belated 'ed to CN fireight trains 743 4d, longer.. Serve -hot. twenjfy-fi,fth wedding anniver- 744, which are local or. "way" sary g Hit Althougfi completely freighfs stapping at small star KIPPEN surprised, both very ably :re- dons, along the line, PL40. Main purpose of the tour, Miss Dorothy Jackson, RN, There wars a special Orange from the railway enthusiasts of Hamilton General Hospital, sei vice to be held in, Bayfield point of, view, was to. get a 'recently spent a few days with on August 29 with a social get- close look at freight operatilons her parents, Mr. and Mrs. together afterwards. as ararely seen by the public. Stanley Jackson and family. Next lodge meeting will be,_The excurslion, left London 'at - Mrs. Harry Van Wierren is held in the "hall. oir September !:35 a.m. 1>ST, and returned a paltient in South Huron Hos- 3.4 after a'pot luck supper. J Brom •Clinto-ilabouts noon. Oral, Exeter. SEE'-- DRIVE -- SAVE 7 on -a VOLKSWAGEN frorn HUNTERMIDUYAR LTD. "Where Folks Turn To Volks" EXETER, 235-1100 28to34b PEA(,HE.S, Golden Jubilees now ripe Canada's No. I Canner and Eater Please do not. wait -till. weekend os they will be in good supply 'when you read this 'advt. BRING CONTAINERS' ART BELL FRUIT FAKM Tollow. No. 0 Highway to Holmesville and then follow signs .to the FooM. PHONE 524-8017 . Mr. and Mrs, HeVyPaesons ofdChernainus-, B.C., were visit- ors a few days with Mr. and Mrs.. N. Long. British Mortgage III Merging TrIth Victoria & Grey The way for the proposed merger of Victoria and Grey - .British Mortgage and ?trust. its now c1dar with, the announce- ment of Denison Mines Limited that It will not take up its option to -purchase treasury stock. t9n the company. This decisilon,was anticipated in the ,letter that British: Mortgage addressed to: its Shareholders on August 6. BrItish Mortgage and Tnmt directors believe the 'merger provides the best. solution, to the company's financial diffi- culties -suffered -after th,- de- fault of Atlantic Acceptence. A programme to acquaint shareholders of both companies of their proposed new Partner will earnence shortly. The com- pany will be named Victoria and Grey Trust Company. As- sets of the amalgamated com- pany will be oven' 275 million dollars. Twenty-four Wanch, offices extend from God6rilch to King- ston, and ifroni Owen Sound to St, Uary'a. H. R. Lu"on, President of British Mortgage, said that his Company ,16okedforward. to the union, of the two companies. For many years, a friendly feeli7ug has existed between ombinling their assets, operations and experience shoOld kesult in increased bu§- In-ess and em4.=99, thus ,bene - filing , the sfiazdhblders. The Pooling of assets will promide wider diversAication of security for the shares, thus strength- ening their pozWoot. The amal- gamated company Will rank sec- ond in number of 'offices in Ontario andshould enjoy a high standing among Canadian trust companlieg. READY NE,t,DS A MATE AWAY'& SATURDAYSPEC IAL IN OUR DINING ROOM Chicken, In, a Basket" Fridby­�—Ser*L-J, febm -9-a6 P.M"to 1220 0.mi 11112-66331., 1111+2 CLINTON -_Ser*ej, 60i; 9,:30 0.1h, to MI Phone 499-1491 for Retervati6ft RO a 01011i, We cater to •Dlrsriee OAklitt and WeddGnjt F11606ptildnif K Vambling 11 th. Lucy "R Wco 4 ]Wgivv, it or iwt, Lu6y was granted two Ph, ]),Is lash W00; —41,00 acwkwt of *0, weatbvrl That's la, s right,! The TWA 4opt t1Kx%'4nd,0QM And sty Lucy seised the opportunily W . p the ritipil of J1t-otkwe4ian&g Day, Wr 1toar iraontbs they had wqpmed m, - a c 'love ­ ­ A- Aeat, A'q Was in Lase,,wheel 0.halir 44d thp, , parlor 4,hlboh ladder V4*cbair had them frotra View, Plctiwos� -He 1.5 -oxactm Jall ow, 'hi �.a 1*g pleas4ronlents jg I T* t is his. fault thot they hadn"t been on the Wallwpaor. 9p Y got . ,cad r sed .away' wUh r&dlecQW4,in�g the' parlor andgert644 other roonns at !'The lint" lastriin'g, `lll.e. scheme sari 9 bads-. b, I 11W, had made �fL, sketch of Where the Pictures bad. hung, The new Wa startedWas hgrdlydry bete to, -put them Up again, AutWcy Wjq�pa Otudy th tok e matter togttaftn a degree of satlsfaqtlon, And so now rnQrie'than one pram'e wag in place when she vetoed the pperatilon. ga.vd4g had f , months to consider it, J. u pqr Cy decided to 'plunget. in, the matter of makin .A , ted, by a gugs decision, But •first an antique glass mirror m5t be hupg at just the Correct height and angle above t4ie five -place, for Lucy had docided that she'd Bite to 4W the chimes of A mantEJ,.q1$qk which had been Went fOr .over ten yearls, The mirror is f4My heavy s& a. ;Wlend came to ,help !Mr." while Lucy 4na, her guest watched the o� p?ratm* WOh helpftd—.or. othorwise—suggestions, A was, quite an hilarious affair, and took one hour and. ahalf to complete. First, 'Wr." -had t -q find a 'suitable' screw, for it must needs go into thebrik-k or mortar of the chimney under, the pl"ter. Then the exact PP0t Was loc:Olted by a new systern of ca2culatim-, quite foreign to Lucy'simowledge of geometry. The mioeor was handed up to 111VJr.II Who Managed to keep hits p-relca4lom, balance on a. small step -chair as he ihoisted it in place. The new system was at Tau�t, The frame came down two inches behind the clock! After figuring that out, the Wire was tightened —• a little higher but theieigM on the -all precluded the view of one?s h . ait , hit fiotn the' opposlite side of. the room. .4qtd what earthly use is 'a'• mirror Of one cannot see whether one's tie sits 'straight or not? So down, It came off the wall again. The eyes were, taken. out and lowered about arse duch on the curve of the oval frame, —.- a tedi—aus task requiring an e(lectric dAll! Up went the n-Ailrlor again! Still it cid not- -hang at the corfleet angle. So the eye -screws were moved dawn a further inch. After (fastening the old wire at th-6 desired tagghtness, the men dedKed' that the Wire Was old and, perhaps, not otwong enough. Wdth� jets occasionally breaking Ahe sound barrier and such like causes ,'it might break. Lucy thought there should have been a box d double picture wire somewhere arOlind — left oven from the rablAt- snaring days of heir youth, or a later fad fpr malchig bead flowers. "Mr.11 thought heAlad a box somewhere, too, but a brief search ended when he went to the hardware store to purchase some. All he could obtain was the single Picture wire. So a length was cut off it and doubled which proved to be too short! Down came that mixTdr again!' A longer length Was doubled and.twisted into the eyes at the proper spot. And just to, be sure the mirror di(Wt fall, the old mdre was falstoned back linto, the eyes, too! Truly the mirror was well hung, at an angle to, be useful —• if, the weight doesn't pull out the screw 'in time! 13Y this time, dinner had to be cooked and friend had other matters to whidh to attend. And with obvious, relief thW escaped from two females -whose remarks and advice, deftried to hasten the operation, had fallen 6n so-called Ideef' ears. And, Lucy was relieved for her spouse wouldn't remove the.,cherished bibs of old china and orna- ments Tcrowded, an the mantel. Every time that mfirror was moved up, -and down-, she cringod.lestt,,Jt crash on some of them. After dinner, "Mr." was enveigled. Into the Parlor again... Now,. Lucy, felt Oxe ' re'd be ho problem with the Pictures' Her guest had been, suggestmig grouping and two of a kind in pairs, dtc. Lucy tad AAs to being a flit old-fashibned, an'd so site planned to put them back as before except as, to .levels. But her guest was quating certain magazines which Lucy had read. They hAd just one in, Place when conTPanY arrived. O(Mr." relaxed. I , Next day rain fell again 'a ' and so CdIvrxtf was more or less co&a1led for the Ph.D.-eXeridise. His foilend again came to his assistance. Lucy and her guest compromised on the grouping. averredafter it was -done that they would have looked better -H closer together. � owever,, one by one' they found their piracqs on the walls and it looks more likes home. ``,Mr-" wchidered next day why his' knees mid legs were sore. When Lucy pointed out the probable cause was getting up and down off . that step chair llnstead of a step ladder as she had suggested,he suddenly came to the, conclusion that:l:he weaAxer was causing hiss discomfort. Lue3es )guesit and another firlend took the clu-�er off the mantel g*eee and aeft foui.plecels of old dhina m, splendid isolation, Lucy hardly recognized it. She had to have stone where to put the other ornamental buts, so she thinks the odd one ivill find.its way back to the mantel again. 1f one place dsn't clubtered up, another is at "The.Hut'. But don't think Lucy doesn't appreciate the interest and effort of ftilends to tidy her home. It even igets on her nerveis, at times but when she just "sits."j. things have to be within And what she doesn't see daily in other rooms is apt_ to 4o forgotten. Oh, well, the worry of "Ph.D." is noW a thing -of the past. But a Ndictim of the tidying up, is the aspildistra, — not the biggest. in the world! ONTARIO LEGISLATIVE. ASSEMBLY Select Committee on Conservation Authorities The select Cotnmittee a0pointed'by the Legislative Assent- bly of the Province of Ontario ". . . to Intiulre Into and review the provisions of The Conservation Authorities Acte and such other A6s of this Legislature relevant to the:' powers exercised by conservation authorities as the Com- mittee may d0drn ap0rbprl6to "And that without 111mitIng the generality of the foregoing to inquire Into and review the f6ilowing matters (6) the constitution and powers of conservation authorItI66 Including the number and method of appoffifin6ht of. members; (b) the system 'of financing the woWof conservation ail -i thbnflas and the ability of local filunicipalitlet to pay fiWtheir share of conservation sche"Mes; b t (c) the, power of congervatloh authorities t6 AcquIte or i 04irbotied fafidg and the methods used therefor; (d) the 4drnIfilsfrattva practices and niethojils of conserva- tion authorities In Carrying out their responsibilities Under The Conservation Authorities Act." Cbnt6eVatlon authorities, nnurilcipallitlos, assoclatior�s and Individuals are 1611:6d to Present subMlssions. Issiong should b6flled with thd8ecri3tAtyby October I&Ko 1965. Hearings will commends tubs equehttd that datdo b, Arthur tvahgo M',0Ae Mrs, 14, 6, howaor C,Aq Chairman Secretaryy bok 91, PallAfnont Blddd,rL toedhtd-j Telb0lidde,366-2664, I 4 Entries Coming Ire four far in Beau The most bpalifif ; � 0 for tho forth. coming Wernut", JpgAll �owlng lfttgh at forth 14x,11966 was the challenge by .ail 'to%IM 91,1011 . , tip chairmen at a, mee%pg to dsops ,the ]F"aa+xTstggd 1mP rovement Compelfton J# ipQnne 'on. w", the M401 -end the cent(,-mnal pr-covot, iID4,ch township Chola. mpn- t tbe catoc J' ­h# by enter es •coming 14 they Would ceotahlly have the county whn- her and would be a contender fq.r !the -top, piftwiticial pr#*O. Of course everyone will be 014xing Jnvrovements to their farm dqmpi and buildhigs, as well as the surMundings to welcome the many thousands of visitors to the country In �969 and it is 'hoped thax All Will enter •thetown -..ship cqmp.vM ions to compete for the town- ship chompi6n, and the many. prizes offered. The itownship champions will, competeforthe- County Champ- ionshnp and go on; to the zone finals. Local Townshi'? chakinm for the FlArmstoW and Rural lrn.: pravement -Centermial Project are, Godev$db, Lloyd Bond, P -R3, Clinton; Huillett, Ted Hunking, RAI, Auburn; Stanley, Les Armstrong, Bayfield; and Tuckr arm -4th, Wilixw Broad1foort, RR3, Flippen. County Chairman is Q., Thorns s, Brussels. Classified Ads'* Bring Results 0 L !9 When you'turn 21 you're no 'longer cov- ered by your parents' Hospital Insurance. To keep insured, you must take out indi.; vid'ual membership within. 30 days. Get your application form at a bank, a hospital, or from the Commis- sion. N EWLY go d% The 'family' Hospital Insurance premium must now be paid to cover husband and 'wife. 'Notify your 'group' without de- lay OR, if you both pay premiums direct, noti- fy the Commission. J 0 B. To keep insured fol fow the instructionson the 'Hospital Insurance Certificate of Payment 'Form 10411 that your, present employer is required to give you on leaving. woman* Your ONTARIO, HOSPITAL INSURANCE plan q Ontario Hospital Wvicet Cominitsion 1� torootb 1. Ontario, T1h4m01qyf A­up,1 i w nac--e ( I 0`01 �F r Oe "n ,..n NPw`A.f.ho4Km,eoJJ ilfurnocms be cleaned orad ins .d for ex wint-, Pr'14 hooting season, Arrange now to have this ..donq on - a �;Jay t ot suits you 4.q We Ciro Join. this work -now every4oy,., PONT WAIT FOR TME FAWROH An - Go, RIG G S N PHON9. 402,9411 C11.11INT101", Two Government Lic,ensed''Pil. Burner Mq;hpr pi 05 P4 tM Township of Code'rich., Tenders will be received 'until noon Septem'ber -6,, 1.965, for crushing and hauling about 12.,000 yards of gravel to pass through 1/4 screen, town ship to supply gravel, ,Contractor to strip pit it necessary. To have. contract completed by October 15 or penalty of $50 a day until completed. Lowest or,any ,tender not necessarily accepted. A cheque of $200 to accompany tender. R. E. THOMPSON, ROY TYNDALL, Cierk. Road Superintendent. • 34-5b, SNOWPLOWING TENDER Township of Tuckersmith SEALED TENDERS addressed to Mr. Andrew Houston, Road Superintendent, (R.R. 3, Seoforth) and designated "Snowplowing* Tender" will be re- ceived until 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, September 7th; 19651. The Township of Tuckersmith requires for ..snowploWing township 'roads during the winter ' of 1965-66: Two power graders which are to be equip- ped with.V-type hydraulically operated blows of 8' minimum urn width and a wing. Tenderer to state Equip- ment. Specific&ion's. All equipment and tender prices are subject to the approval of the Dept. of Highways. Tenderers are to supply all requirements, carry public liability insurance and Workman's Compensation, The.tender must state the flat rate per hour (no stand-by time). All work is to be done under the supervision of the Road Superintendent and the Dept. of Highways. Tenders to be considered on Sept. 7, 1965. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Andrew Houston, Road Superintendent, TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH. HEARING AID CON.SULTANT- Mr. A. Nisbet will be in the Clinton area on Monday Afternoon, August 30th. Should you have any difficulty with your present hearing ald, regardless of make or model, Mil. Nisbet is qualified to perform minor repairs and, if necessary, to advise you with regard to estimates on major overhauls. He will also give you an Audiorne.tric Hearing Test and Analysis at NO OBLIGATION, Me. Nisbet is fully trained, experienced and highly competent to advise you on dny type of hearing problem. VIKING I -HEARING AIDS Mr. Nisbet Will be happy to demonstrate VIKING Aearind Aids, embodying. the resulti; Of the most advanced electronics reteardh v,. ..that now mAkes; It possible to fit virtually any peitdn Who - needs hearing help: Juste phonLi EATON'S 4823424 too a congultationt (Horde demonstrations aeranged by appointrnerit'only.) Cords and batteries for most makes and models of Hearing Aids are available at ItATONOS I Hit 111 I U FROM CL0 -TORONTO s, A( 0 AWab6Utcohv6hientdeParturd Ow WAY W and return tieg, mUN17-r PARb ohotle the k5oaf C ANAMAN"NAT116RAL ANA" 'm N