HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-08-26, Page 8. . ........ . �,­ . ........ ... . . .... M: "W"', ... ........ sA7 Page p-"Cliptpi Record : Thurs., Aug, 26, 1965 ... ... .... A ? :PEAUTIF V14 BREEZY py WKWHAMUR • PERSONAL ITEMS CHURCH: 'AMY$ 0 CLUB ACTIVITIES VILLAGE HAPPENINGS Cprrespqn4pnt: AVDUY BELLQ­,HAM0E_R —,Phone Bayfield 38 k Subscriptions,, Classified. Advs., Display AM, and Job Printing all accepted by She aq correspondent yfield Pprres' and t Jack. Smith, 11f?",and, Ws, last week, through' nowth-em Qi4tanddhPobtor, v,,e staying, v . yina, at W, Been, Ronnie and Reggie, Mr, and Mrs, E. J. Relict, .De- Sault Ste, Marie and' Miclilgan their. lakesbore cottage,* Mrs. t spendift severial to roar], their 35th; wedilix, Dorchester and Mr. land roit, we 9 Mrs; Joh4,Carson, Nana! L J, Smith, Kofti and P64n weeks at t anniversary. gpd wee hed village home, Bradley, are ; -at their sum4,Vfer of Ottawavisited Mr. and TArg, The,.,Revq and Mrs. William V4,/uT, and Mrs. H. X, Heal home on Laawshorie Ad. L. B., Smith.. B. M-itc, apid A.E.rs, P��attewoon and hell -of Durham, called Ondtbeir throe cbdadren, RCAF Ur 'day Stat9n. Ceotir�lia We occupying family S -4%4110 at 'the' Rectory Stir,,*or e�ir - and Kris, , - F RIP on TuIes a, were,at th compm-Ac-4 by LV:�. Arid. Mrs,. B j�6 1 "Emilleld" cottage from August s OePresbytojian $t, cotta - the weekend'; I ge for week Du _e spent Friday b"Han'Civer. minister there and leuveg to 14-2$., They had -also, cqAnperl Mr. =d lips, Fred Hendrick, Mrs, W. 11. Monteith of become inti of the Pres- Bit JQw`0VVs1 Prove for two Birmingham, Mich., a4w staybig'' Pleasant Ridge, Mich., Wa's the byterdan Church at Etobicoke Weeks.- attheir cottage, guest of Mr, and Mrs., G. N. on September 1 1. Mr. Mitchell Mrs. FredexqckA. Erb, Bir- MT. and Mrs. Madan -And-� Rivers on. Satvvday. and Mr, Harrison have mI ghMacb.., japa childreares, returned to London on Mr. and Mrs. rg. John, R. Cookfriends ever since,, he came to Wendy and Tbto are staying St4iday, after spending week attended the DRamarter-IPen- Canada from. Falkirk,'Score- pt their 11adceshore ner wedding. in I London , PA Sat- d, as a boywith d wil I I summer a , t their cottage.. his parentsi. homean, .... br.�:a�t the pottai �,ge �Ra - ch, 11 Labour Day w4ek§!n4, lv�r, and 'XIM. Jim I ril urday, The R4v. E. J. B. Harrison poti, occupy - over -the VX whew; , en they will be', jodm and family, London., are up Guosts of Rev. Gladys was in Sarnia 9a Saturday A d by y- QWm over the past 'week have the weddipg, of his god son, their older son, R��ck, "Who, is ing the Armstrong cottage for The top executives of the. communities of the month nth of At been the Rev. Giffin's mother, D Mien' Elliott, to, Muss spencling the summer 1111 nil- e mo igust.' toptl n and.Bayfield.pQse here after -a goaf game Mrs. W. D. . Giffi I h of Sarnia, Sag�,d land, and their daughter LeslW Mrs. Leon,Duggan, Stratfom�d, �a ho 6 Bayfield -Clinton Golf Coiirse., They are Sidra Sharon Perry, which is ,at tier lakeshore cottage. Miss Grace Hall, ToLrOrAo, and took place' at the church, of who as at the Teeton, V4ey Mr,. arid Mrs. R. Cluff, Mr. Mayor F. G' Stronach of London � -and R?eve Brig - Mr. and ,Mrs... 0coam'Brutpin� theLatter Day Saints, followed R-a:qch Camp; Wyoming.' Mr. adier F. A Clift of 'Bayfield, The occasion was their _; IdaUgh - te-ri Elizabeth And' by a reception ,at the . San& Eib joins - hIN family for . the acrd Mrs. Paul, Moss, London. and. 2,11r. and Mrs',., etcher Me. 4 summer outing for the London's "City Fathers" son Robert of Corurgla. Weelcinds. R�cent 1guests'ot M— treasurer, Golf and Curling' Club, I LUghlin, of Toronto., spent the 'gi,�en by',Qrton. Lo London city, Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Staying at the Jowebt CoitT and, Mrs: Erb have bee�, Um Logan, -Aly' on . with - Mrs. J. Cauff. .,Who is a regular - summer resident of Ba,kPe1d*.' John R and,, fan Gordon A.. DeBoard, � C.,ordbn weekend wi, -Sunday were Mrs . . James Bu- taiges are Dr and Mrs. ZymunIt and Diane, Birmlrigj,��' Mich. Mr. and Mrs. S. Sebitchm"er, Adamezewski and cbfl.keri, Sarin* were guests of his, par- • ancl. Miss Kathleen S. Mrs. Erb's mother, Mrs, J. Ray L ndon "City.father Entertained 1%6heneK; Mr. , and. Mrs. Ar- amid Mrs'. A. F. Scot� s ileeftarl of Ting*,soll. ' M6Tqe Royal, Oak, Mile - dnid eints�, W. .. a thur Pye and sons, Riisiborrijb4, � Y, brii thiLs, weekeffid. MehWQa MT. and Mrs. J. W. Brown ..Mr and Mrs. R. P. Ramard c er of Detroit are staying at their Mr. and Mrs, M. 'A. Crowe and Scotchmer ireturmed to Sarnia At Bayfidd Summer Resi•dence cottage. &r. family Toronto; Mr. and Mrs'. and thL-Ir giree c0ildren... on Sunday with -them. -Lakeshoire - Rd. J.'-dur'ry, and- sons, Dearborn, Wr., and Mrs. 'W. Fralwk, Mr. apd! '.Xws. 'Orton Logan Control. 'T Mrs, Wm. Barker ' P=wn ba§ been spen0ng, sum- 4r. .1an1d lng of They were J, �Hau_ Mess. Mary., werp, hosts, at a gathen me rS in the Wllag�� r the poser Mich.; Mr. and. mm. J, Exialick, Ernest. and tarn1lay of, St. 'Thorrm are joined at dinfier for en and Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd' staying ser 'and %M�aly Blrmingharn, Vadde cottage: ImOn.."City Fathers' on Au- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I J . AQ,11naattended ,6pen, yung at their' ge., 50 years, and remerrlbel%'em- Housel" Miss j) gust 1i Reeve F. A. Clift of Logan ;on Howard St* by k R: barking on the . steamer "Fran- Milo�; Mr. and, Ws. C COX". theL Blair Toronto, kie Kerby' 'Detroit with. his Detroit; Mr..'and Ws. J- C"llarty at Woodedbri Camp near Byron spent 'die - Weekend' with her Bayfield was -also, ia, guest. In Nichols, Controlilee, T. -0. Rob - uncle and armimilrig at Godbrich and fan -Aly and Mrs. J. Ken- on , Sdiiday. Parlents-, Mr., and Mr.-. R. Blair. the afternoon, golf at the Bay- hisoo, Conitraller; A. K. Rowx3� nedy, -Toronto.- 1%, Pam �and Jackie Parker,, Evans t ,Mrs. A. Somerm Cameron spent Wed6 field -Clinton Golf Coumt4e Was tree, City engineer; W. H, when, they were rfiet by his viffle sand Se&brth I and Doirchiester,spent,"the weekend d b G Hilts, Welfare aftirbstrator- aunt, the late mis; Richardson nesday 'til Sunday with Mr. a P Stron' Mr. and erg, n e ' y MZ Mrs. S. Cha�mb. with their. gitwidpare. ts, Aft., His Lond,�q d Reeve Cl* R. Nottage, purchasing agolt; ,and IvEm J. A. Cdmieroim en"7 d, as conveyance ach who ha e to,'BaY and Mn. VM Parker. and the V0110 t ! icials of G. XcLgod� hidbst#al_ horse and son Scott, who had been t Cit cqn2nis- fiRd a double rig WMiam 'C..:,.JParker, his gwaridparents for the past y of Lc ir, M. C. iorrer, Mr. and Mrs,. R. Johnston. and Mr. -be ado S ;, G. Ch -ration, assi$tant carilage. Mr. Brown - also has; tMD'ohildliren rIetigned. �to port Chorlile aid Kim of London are MadiefIs, Fire Chief; W. J. An tax 'coftleotov; E. G. vivid membdies'of h��yfamlay. week, riiatui%k-d to lis.lington ,Graham, &� on, •Siaturday after sPendft thf& welek- with her wath him. thohy, Personated Director; R. Chief accountant Finance Dept; parties arrivirig by horse `and: having spent a fortnight with Parmts,', ATh and Mm. J. Fra- E. Ashtbn Assessment'Commis- and E. Elston; Seniot,account_ ,buggy to picnic in Jowetts stoner, S. F. Readings Grave. . " !hIeer J. R.,'R. Wifflock sler- Comp- ant finance d6pai.tment, Thorripjand -family at her cottage on. Mr. Carson Sir.. Miss L. triballer; J., R. Smith, Deputy Orton 'Logah, a well known Dr," and. Mrg, Manley Bayffeld Terrace. C1.0b, ing- at ds. City, Treasurer; - J. G. Walker, summer resident of Blayfield: fi, y and Carson, London am sta�i Class; 110, A, son and: ffimly 'o' Chicago'aries Ainslee, Willi ick accompanied "Glencalm", their summer Tax Collector; F. IS. Gregory, Finance -Commissioner and visiting Mrs. Thompson's par-� hoarser City Solicitor; and- P. . C. Ade- City 'Treasures' of. the d1ity of , ; them to -spend, a few db,'Vs; at B Inoltesults, ents, -Mr. and 11ris. John Mae.! ac- 2&. and Ms. Ervin Heifitz Morgan, Secretary, Board of I. London. Port Credit. Mrs. Wdllock compaided'her husband on her Recent guests of I M. and return to Toronto, after having Canon PaWl Re-elected President Mrs. W. R::Elhott.hhve been, their son John, 'and fiAmRy,' joined them fbrthe, weekend. 00-011! 'Mrs. Aftrii.,Durharn, Clinton, ■ A Gr6ens-treet,%Susan.and Philip, brother. Carl and Mrs. Diehl ar Brampton, Mrs; Claude Martin, 1, 46' I'd P Bruce Mtchener, Mr. and Mrs. spent the Weekend with her a P ''k A clato � w._ . ionee. sm a. ion.. "Fordwich,,Mr. iand IT&s.,,Johri The Hult!".. Mr. ,and. Mrs. Frank M. FX_ Meeks Stratford, Afts Joall. ? I Mir. and Win, Mt&ener, - micornpariletk by W&gler, Tavistock, and rd. their,' oldest kaz, Gerald and Ian' Arthur Fryer, Stvatfa lRenovationsnElectOFF!,Mr. and. Mrs. T. Dillon, and 'Miss Ruth Ann Riley, TofontD, er.s. called on frALends, in the village children.of New York Cdty,are recently eir'oute to their cot- BAYFIELID The annual appointed a'now membership the rail: fence;' further trim- velot.Ment Board spending two weeks at the Bau- T.cw an P08, tageat Port,,_Ulgin. They were miVeting of the 'Pioneer Park committee� for the ensuing year. ming of hedges to reduce the sable help they can give in er cottage. returning ifrom a motor, trip,. Association: was held in the .The foi I llo . wing slate of direc- hiAght; planting *mern�oirial liaydng out the -grounds of Pi - Mrs. Nell Sparks. and Mrs. Les n ar so with' Town Hall with the president, tars brought. -in by Mrs. F. H. trees,; installing six bench 1 one P k- suitable land" Robert MacKay of Detroit vis- •PORTEWS Canon, F. H, Paula, in the chair. Paull, 'chdirinan, of the nonan- the quadrangle; having the scaping, Which will require, a ited. Mrs., George Little from �emarft, Canon Paull ating conmnittee, was adbpted: gmunds rolled and clipped so little iupkee� ag possible. The Wednesday until _$u�ay of 6W C expressed hariks, as -to be suitable for games aim. is. -to have an onvenes, his t to, the Gordlon GallbraM were .'re -app- ..austerely The UCW a Grace Church Exemitivp, the Board of Dime- pointed. Mrs. Wm. E. Parker such as croquet and badminton. simple park. met m, Wednesday last at the tors -andall Who had assisted will replace John M. Stewart He also recommended that a Gdon M. Galbraith pooh tod home of'Mm. William Towns-&.1rilng the past year. w& -o is unlablet to, serve owing planner be engaged to lay out out that the fixilst phase -of.,the B A TF11 ELD hend. The president, Mr%. Ches- The presMent referred to the to 111 helalth. Mr. Stewart was the grounds. oVellatiOn — acquiring the land ter Sturdy was in, charge of the tiiirrlmlirng fof the cedar hedges one of the charter members fti Canon Paull was appointed and paying for it, to keep it mleeifing�. the previous. year by the Divey foxrA!hg -dw-Pioneer Park As- Hason offllc�i to, the Ratepayers operi,to thepublic — was past, W 0 0L L EN The Smi)�ture lesson was Tree, people. He also suggested sociation and over the years AssociatioTL He congratulated the •members SP read (by Mrs. Elgin Cox., ROD tat oonsidbTagrin be even to has taken a keen interest and Officers forAhe ensuing year of *the Board on being abRe.to fl. 0 call War, answered' by giving a the erection. in, the Paxk of a anactivIe part in developing ft. are: presidLen,� Canon F. H. talk over differenices. of opinion 41pemy for every inch of your. small. mommlial calm, to mark Mrs. Hunter con'siented, to p Lial bi the Park deVelopment and w viceipresdderit, Mrs. R. firL -one the ale, in 'come to amicable . agreement Wdist.11 the site of the §i log bouse convene Rummage S G,' Hunter; secretary, Iffiss A. chapter in. the study book - built in, BaYlAeld. July 1966. �ea Reid; treasurer, MTtsi. wNdh, he. felt boded well for The prjaAdeint expressed , H. H. Ormond gave the reg J, the �ftture. STORM" Kath,, was taiken by Mrs. Elgin Cox. E."Hovey;­and divectors, During. the business period thanks to Mrs.'R. G. Hunter pdrt of the Planning Commit- Prof. H. X Xalhfleisch, Gordori. CLEARANCE It was decided to enter a dis- for her wonderful organization tee advocating the erection of Pfaff, il. H. Ormond, Gordon, play, at the Hobby Fair to be' Of the . Rummage{ Zaae Which I I Date -Extended Galbraith, Mrs, 'John Mac - Including held. in Clinton in Se ember, netted $455. this. year; to, Mrs, Kenzie and, Aft W. E. Parker. Personals J., R. R. Wffiock for offering Greene hmily. R. Roy Fiftsimmons: was iap- Business Property 3&. acid 'Mrs. Murray IvEc_ to take charge of the collet- ec- 1`00'Farm Pointed atiditoir. MERCHANDISE Dougaa% • who sold their farm tions at the weLekly movies, Following the adjournment m the Cut ' Line, hIave moved and to th16 LAon?s,Club who are Holds Won the Directors retired to "The Beaurification. Includes Name Brands to, theiii, hon�re an 11olmesville.• responsible for prodoation of the Hut" and surprised ATrs;. Carl Such As Miss,Xate Williams is a pa- ffims- throughout the summer At Sedo r*th, Diehl, by presenting hier with 'O'A�g to ullfavoZable wea- Aijean Woollens tient in, Clinton Public ljospiW. and which are shown, through a Bavarian ruby glass etched ther that has: been experiericed fTuit-,bowl,. in appreciation of n Mrs'. Eleanor Picot, who is a the geneiVosity of G. M. Gal- Sunday, August 8,- �50 niem,- i Ili -any parts! of the province, Dalkeith Sweaters patie . beris. of the Greene fiarnily gath- .nt in, Victoria Hospital, brailth. her efforts in forming the- - Pi- the t1lPe f or' entering the Fan, 71- 'Shariirock cottons Londbn�,underwent surgery last It was reported thattTre mat- erect in the Senforth Uans orae Park Association. She en-, stead''an.4 Rural Improvement Hush, Puppy Shoes Friday. ter of the 15 milep per hour Park for their 4,th annual re.- listed othert to help carry rry out CentennialprDjeict has been. ex- Jlmn:iie Riddell has Wturned limit in, the Park. v1dinity had urti,0111- tended for one month the Ont - Tic Toic Baby Wear home after halving his appen- been settled by the , Village Racev,and'garnes were erijoy- her'lidea, of keopffig thus spot Overlooking tho lake open to ario Peparthient oXZgriculture 34-5b Mx rempived in Godench Nos- Council, contingent to. the Park ed by those present. The win- the public as a :tribute to the ann0unc0d this welekk pital.. Board erecting a fence around ner8 Were: early pioneers. Deadline for entriles was or - the. north, south and easterly IBalilon race, Irven Gethke,; 411ally September 'I but has limits of -Pioneer Par:ic. Tt was paper platte race, Betty M s. Diehl expressed her ig Tuokerl thanks and appreciation. At q, now been ;axtended to October derided to, erect a split -rail Steve Supant; lucky spot, Dor- pecial meeting oi!'itbe Board of fleisch 'and H. 11. Orn-i6nd in Watermelon, Mertez Taylor, een, made avnflablei 'for the Kalb- achy JJeaton; guess weight of s of dollars, C Directors of Pioneer Park As- Thousands hav6 (UT THE. ,,, OST.Of fence wiffi Prof. H. K. xc b 'socias held at -the, home of b charge of the work. Steve Suplat. 'R H. Ormond On, Friday mo�m- projett.which, it is hoped, will �R, The need for new member- Hammer it46 nail :Erven �ng encourage rural people throug- ships! war- pointed oitf. It was Gethkie, � Bety Tucker; most . . It was agreed to delay out Ontario( to, "spruce up", 1Rdecided Fart the $25 fee in change, Wes, C-htene, boys and tyre their properties in preparation P.,,alchaired by Canon, V P R E `PARING �,E(0. DS I force now be deisighated a life &11 race,, E; and under; KIM, e trimming of had or the . . I planting of trees until a later for Canada!s, Centennial, MOnberthip. to which a, new Green, •Jeff Taylor, date,, also to approach the Ont- , The"'Provifteewide con et- REGISTE9,S AM FORMS yearly membership of two, dbl- girls and boys, 10-14f Diane ario Planning Board aidd Del- ition Is op'en to all fattntem All larg -per annitina be added and Nancy Taylor,, David Greene; far= eriterecl%lh; the compet- '044, Diane GET` All THE FAMOk EACH 'ii after 15 years of payment girls and boyls, I ltion� will be inspected this, Elu- TRAWACTION. race, and qi[irrin width the fina)l judging AT P* comes a, lute member. MTS. bamw` Marty taMhj place during the fall of be Robert - V - Suthern, Manby McCla6r;.Whed the member, allkomaticall 9 - TIME RIGHT ON THE J06 Alinter and R. C. Moore weed MdOlbAta 3-ldggv-d irate, MWdne and, iwuw. W Greene. IN ONE WRITING rM6 youngest baby present Kerr was Beenda, two and aHENSALIhau month-old, daughter. of Mr, ATTs, J. E. MoE'w6ndnandd Mx1sandA&& Gbrdt)n Kerr, Nile, George Regs;enjoyed.'A :charter , Mrs. Siteve,sup)t, 3$, -Code rikh L10 td bus toter do Kingston and was theyoungest graiWirtifthet • WEA YSTI Ottawa and a boat cruise to b9c! W, Wes Gxeeftlal was the the Th�u%and Islands over, the oldest•&Ab&atJ1eV, "VVE PLANNED YOU ' weekend. They also visited Fort The person with the most QUALITY iN66 Henry, Upper Canada Village clgarettos-mi,an oponpiack was and*1AW ,the changing of the Catherine nacho,Stratford. TOO. 1 Guard ceremony at Parliament During,th&officers0 }:341i The lir'p wigs s onsbred 'by: ei7e elected for tine cofiiSiig ' . ': ��' "• '; :.i t CX.81. Coffed Club,, London Twb bus loads took th Mitchell - e trip', year: e, sp, lit itt&e, Catherine' Riaclid, conubd A MOORE REGISTER, AND FORD FO W 'w Zttatfoid and Mercer, TiyaorIt IS ntime repairer , t6lk I I ,aur .... , ­ � r. tratio-h Woods c4c; regis EVERY FORM OF BUSINESS zippers, purses, CAU US TODAY COMftETE #40OR"WN Charlet, 01�eone, Egmondville. school b4hirlers - and 'following Wo. `false Per th, iev rAL ''cl, to i e, e ng cigod. With'thb 6'NVITAt)bNS fi6ol bt es - Which Wag fbi- W111Lm, drecAid CL11 fl., Pr�, r icft I 1 0 V!&RECORD r or ttddlft of 'Wethdav caW #4 1 dy f . .. ...... 2xdt&1 A '10vely gift W'69'Pkd' WHAT: ELS, ,Igivos_ you so much for so., little? ,For news, for views, for wide and varied entertain- ment, nothing can beat.- your weekly newspqper! And all for Just 10c per week when purchased at i anewsstand; OR Subscribe. By The Year 'Only S4. 10.0 iswRecord C ews "The Home Paper With The Ne"" Clinton infon,News-ftecord m�' be IPurchased I ­ y purc'6sea'at th-e following .Clinfon'and DWrid Sforest In CUNTON— 'BARTLIFFS BAKERY LIMITED CLINTON IGA STORE NEWCOMBE'S Rexall DRUG STORE McEWAN'S BOOK STOR'E, GORD LAWSON BILIARDS- BILL,GERMAN'S BOWLING ALLEf MILT & MABELS RESTAURANT • CLINTON NEWS -RECORD OFFICE' In BAYFIELD— CLIFF UTTER'S STORE In 'LONDESSO.RO" THOMOtdWS STORE LONDXSBORO'LOCKER SERVICE In BRUCEFIELD— #ATEktON'S STORE In HOLMESVILLIE—, D. E. GLIDDONI GENERAL STORE In VARNA— W. T. McASH GENERAL STORE At RCAF STATION— C. & W. GROCETERIA In GODERICH_ BLUE'S `SUPERMARKET F INCHER'S SMOKE SHOP ,CRAIGIE'S POOL ROOM In SEAFORTH,,I,II,,II`IIII,,III KEATINd'S. DRUG STORE In HENSALL— WILSON'S DRUG STORE In 10PPEN., KIPPIEN STORE In 'AUBURN 'G UBURN'G. R. TAYLOR'S STORE o Ptwo, P .•