HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-08-26, Page 7ANNOUNCIMENT$
RP 10FTHIA1141
r Law-
Wrl �
qm PldbXeal� 1=�fq6' -their
is,, 1� "'eids
awm ,
9d "'rtl
� OVNC,�P,
pi at, tb
com—muniw loi the
Z14=X los,�
'1,9'65,� Robert
th aughte
otr d -r, W
Xd,. TO 31 'n
- vi
z uz we, j reqelvedb,�J< 61
pr moybIg
y YH%tflfi
, hus -a n
10 a Tapp,
mill 444 Mrs" 9149 Q -9j -
lj4s, Qjj"tQ'Ar W-Wh to �in'
Xx,ete t PWA.64;of th eff
-he '.,
169th wedding anniversary Trmil
to 14,11, and
v� 1* 70th, y F
e�ar, Wleral AeXr
vicP0.1 from 1$ail And. Muteb
nounc.i�� #
, m of
their Oaq
.31 to 5 01414 from 70 to
9'30,15.rn--��A Sept 0M
The fa-pilly of the, -ja ,e, L
F=eZal 13[ome on 3fon da
Avogu� t, 16. Interment WE
,anne, tQ , W ce Gern
i�� 34�
... PGES Wish to th
ptel.r Cemetex
pin4a4ldt, son of Mrl. pLnd
rel4tdvog, lrkinOsaria n�ig'hlbvrs
Mrs!'. Dougj* sGemolph4rdt,
, �41 t4 tpr�,,� #rj
for thed-Xt flop
deeds, I end . me9sages . of sy igial
PEPPER Passed away qt
00 -Orth. On Au'94.%t
Bpyfieid, Age W.,edding Will
take Place Sawrday
patby, Sbeci4l, thanks to
15,. 1965i Albert 6 PePPer
Spptempbe 9QO at 2
Th, Clintori. 4Q
TrbsPltal'on Sptuiday, Augu�f
Also BaU �4nd Xiitph
Of Cljatm� belOved t0d
-of thei'-14fe.,Ethel wusm., W*1
p,m im C, 44
St. Poull-4 Ang
14, 10$5 *mil .,d mrs,'jo.g,
pu Pral Home,
.!�s, 7,$tli yew. runcrai r Or
Ch4rob,'Cli toril �4p
A14� 4 RR 9, Tq
's rat a son.
We w4s CIS
h tQ#ianik our hiqn,
vices fr ch
am Ball. -and
Y C.1, NQ
an4 nejgbl�or4 fOr h
t, q� flowe�s
oarcis '0�41 gifts sent to Mrs�
Funet Home on Tuesday,
August 17, In tmxnent. 6A
and Mrs,
. .
65 d
L aw daughter end Allmi:
'IsA bw
Ualtigndbank Ceme$ery, $oa-,
win. j �st of C
>W h on wi-sh
A th Dr.
peclaa aird Q
Oakes Dr. Npwland and lips-
$pAp passed away , i�n
to finuounpe thq engage -
Ment of t-he$r daughter,,
taff. � I�M. And MRS.
JOHN. LAVX,9 grid I�A119LY
' ,KS ,
, u— , . Ole—
tXo nt C�prirnejj Hosvit�!11 .
trdtt on Mondaj �Iulyj '�19,
Aprbara phyllis, to Stanley
AT. Stewart, son of.ly1r.
1910 Net 'Douglas Spvke
And XP*GleA V, Stewart
gust -14, i965,to
1?avid, C�ter, 0. a S
Wce this .0ppor-
Ser;lcei'were hild'from- 'm ,
. u I
QablerF. n4pFo Horne or� Wed�
Barrie. The wedding will
take place on Saturday,
tunity i; th n% everyone for
cards And Visits, tht UCW,
be7 11, 1965 at I,
1�,c Hospital on,
pold andAhe Leglbn.Au�
me Ada Cerng-
-at cla, P -lark
p.m. jh, W yWillis. t-
gust 20,,1965 to s,
i1fary fQy the lovely flokVeq%.
Special thanks to Drs. bal Ces
SWATRIDGE — Ernest Gates
ed, Church; CibitOn, 34x
and Gorw� .,an sta
-d nursing -f
Swaft KcNab St
idge, 85
10AAROW lqi Lillpoet llm-
in MS
-FA,-11,71H�pPit HE� LEN,
aft-dtflord,' died Sunday Au�
Mrs, Sadie ,T n
, o
pit -41, B.C. 63� M Aq-
IgUat to fr rs.
gly st 22, 1965, in SitMtfOrd
06neral HosPit WL Ih his 79th
C he&.,to announde'
the angagexhent of ' her
-le, '19,65.
Gordon Garrbgw (nee 'Thelnia
A deqAter, Dora
siricer�� thanks, to,. all Tay
f %T j,
ri I's 'And,
he was the tether of
KrTorl Robert Homuth, Clfii�
granddWghter.Sharon Del.
adne Martin to Mr. Gary
Lynn, a sis tier for Vplerig,
Vicki, Joan "a"d Fr�'k.
for rem'riel�hborsr rela:tives
embpOing me with cards,
Funeral ser�ic6 was
brom th` Toinbuck Funer . a]
Dougias,,,Beave r, son, of Mr,
Bowlers treats and vblks,
Home on Wednesda
"m �y Augp�t
and Mrs. Orval Beaver,
rOREIDANUS In Cli ntorn-
While'?, whisr.'a pati-ent In Clin-
'5 Interment' was in
HmIsall, OAt Wedding
Public Hospital op Sunday,
ton Hospital,. Special thanks,to
4v�c,146'15�' "Cem,
, 'etery,
to take place In early
Au 1965 to Mr. and
Dill Oali,6si land, the nbrsingT
September. 34x
jjrr Joh!" Greildanm, RR 1
Tion0esbora, a'son.
staff, MRS. EVELYN
HUDI.E. 34p
Mr. and Urs, Fred Mae -
W -GRAM — in, South Hu&n
Th6 fatnily of the late AII;-
FULF013,D—In loving mem-
Donald, ClAntm, wish to
Hospital, Exeter, on Wednes-
BERT S.,PEPPER Nvdsh to ex-
ory of,;a' dear mother, who
announce the dngagernent,
(day, August 18, 1965 -to
Dress sincere thanks to rela-
passed away 10 �earls aga,
Of their daughter, Nancy
and Mrs, David Ingr= (nee
tives, neighbors, and friends for
"Ten years bw�e passed, but
Louise, to William Gerry
Marlene Reid), Her&all, .'a
floral tributes, don0ions. to the
qu - fund afid messages, 'of
memories stay,
As neiar-and dear. as yester..
Kestle, son of Mr.,and Mrs.
sympgthy �durbxg the loss of -a
C. W, Kestle of Staatford.
.7LAVIS in Clinton Public
1-lospitalon Saturday, August
beloV&d father. -Special thanksl
Deep in our hearts a mem-
Tho" wedding . will take
14, 1965 to Mr. and Mrs.
to.Rev, MNWand the and
mutch Funera� -Home. 34p
ory ds kept
6f a mother ;re Will never
place Fniday evening, Sept -
ember 17, 1965 in Si. Pauls
John Lavl�sl, Clinton, a. dgu-
Anglican Church, Clinton.
The family of the late Ra,.
—Alway4 remembered by son
PECKITT — in Clinton PL16.;
BERT� HATJ�IN wishes to
Earl i�d daugliter-din-law Ar-.
lic -Hospital on Wednesday,
August 18, 1965 to mr, and
thank everyone for the kindm
ness sham -them dVring theiT.
melda, 34p
Mr. Elgia/Porter, RR 3,
Mrs. Russell Peckitt, Lon-
recent sadbereavem6rit.-Thanks
HOPSON Tij lovihg meni-
Bayfleld Avishes to,.announ�
&gboro,. a daughter,
to h�lends' and nt'lghbOvs for
ory,ot a dear husband, father
ce the engagement of his
RADFORD — In Clinton Pub-
cards, flOwers, , and ' food
brought to the house. Special
and I
grandfather, George, who
P�s!eed -away August 26, 1964.
Margaret Ruth,,
to Garnet George Wright,
li,c-llospital on Monday, Au-
gust 16, 196�5 to Mr. . land ATm.
thanks tO, Rev. Mills,,,., Rev.
Park,. the; Ball,an& . Mutph 14-u-
H would not Wish for sbr-
Von of Mr. end Ms.- George
Frank-Raffbrd, RR 3) jdm--
toril.adaugh.ter, Cal I leenMar-
neral Horne, Canadian Le44 On
Clintan Branch 140j'and pall
Nor would he wish for tears
But jutst to be remembwed
Wright of Londesbwo. The
wedding will take place on�
.,garet Jean, a sister for Paul.
bearers. Wealsd"Wish to thank
By us,thioughout the years."
Saturday, ==er
and, Mark.
everyone wh6 visited, sent
L�vmjl�r rem embered -by
1965 in St. Un!
SHOMMA — In, Clinton Public
cards and gifts to him while
he Wai' -in Westrninsr 1 -109-
%&e and family. 34b
ed Church, Bayfteld. 34x
-Hospital. on. Sundd:�, August
pital 'London. 34p
15, 1965 t& R and Mrs.
LIVERMORE 1n, loving
Mr. 0�jd Un. Murray E.
Raymond Blyth, a
memory of Ernest Livwmore
whb passed/ away two \ yWs
Rowe, announce the en -
gagement of their daughter,
TAYLOR — In Menrorfal'Hos-
CIA Sified
ago,'August 17, 1963.
memories axe all
. �Domna Darlene, to Mr.
-pital, Sudbury o�i, Saturday,
we have 'left
Charles Elliott Bartliff, son
August 14, 1965 -to ,Mr. and
Mrs. H. A. Taylor Val Car-
brillor, Quick
Of a son we 1�d and will
1 ne�rer forget-
of. Mr. and Mrs. Elh-ott
Bartliff, Clinton, Orit. The
on,' Ontario a dLghter, a
'On earth he �WA laved, in
. rriage will take place
G,st er for Rick,\ Da�Ad
-and Tkn and
Heaven, he rests,
'God bles�, you Ernie, 'You
Satutday, Sept. 11, 1965, at
were, one -of the best."
Trinity United Church,, Ot-
Ed Porter.
--4§a,dly inissed by �� mother,
tawa. 34p
Ws. James Livermore and
Xathleen. .34b
and Mrs. � George
Wonch, Clinton, wish to
In loving -memory of our dear
mother tand wife, Flor6nee may
announce the engagement
of their daughter, El-na
D d -ay
Nice who, passedew-ay 3 years
ago, August .26.
June, to peter I<ejjy, S031
Mir. Mrs.
"What would -we. give if we
of and Mathew
All Service.,
ob� Daylight Saving Time
could say,
Mum,' in, the s6me old
Kelly of Seaforth. The
wedding.will take plac e on-
Saturday, September I$,
To hear your voice'and see
1965 at 4 p.m. in St. An -
drbws Presbyterian Chur-
(Baptist Convelition.of
Ontario and Quebec)
To sitandchat withyau. a-
�ch, Clinton. 34p
Pastor:, .,Cra,ig
0- Ael
." '30
-So you who have a mothpi
* - I - J I U
10,00, a.m.--Suriday gobool
11:15 Worship—Joint Services with
St.'Andrew's Presbyterian Church
In BaPtik 'church
Onfario Sfreet Unifed Church
Sun'day, August 29.
Corhblhed services with Wesley -Willis
. . I I ' 1. and 'Hohresville.
9:45 a.m.—Sunday School
0 11:00 -a.m.—Morning Worship
9:45, a.m,Chureh SerVice
10A5 aan.—,Sunday. School
REV. 'CLIFFORD 0. PAPM, M.A., -Minister
S S�. P�
Rev. R, W. Wenh.1m, LTh.; Rector
Mri W. H.131shop, FRCO. ARCM,;Organ.1st
TRIN,ITY XI SUNDAY — gunday,.August 20
8,00a. -m. --Holy Conirguniot
11;00 awni.—Morning Pmyer
The Revi K V. MacLean, 8,A,, Minister,
Mrs. M. J� Agnew, ;6rgahist and dhdlr Dlidetorl
Suh6iX, 'August go
Sftdby gbhool *Ill bL- resumed first %,8ept,
In h Baptist Chutch
. CLINt6N ', ' .. I
Sunday, Atidlttt, -'go
9:4.5 a.m.—Worthip Service,
11 -01) a.m.--Sftday School
8 :
.06 pja.—Bvenifig Servido
Spekkot: Vied Mdrifilngs
tuoidaY-8-00 P.m.—PkaYer Meeting and bible Study
Subject: "God's 066d'XdWs" Book of 96rn�n§'
A= Ultwomm
C6'tsflati kefdrML-d J00'Ph'S+rde+
Church "' Ootp6l H-16" It
Rev. 6, J, 1460sihkv Minister
For you naver know the
Till . you see , -her vabant
chalir.11 -
—Dearfly reThernbered by Les
Nice and family.
Summer,,* when Ontmario,
grown fresh fruit 4nd vegetables
.are in'extra good supply, is the
ideal -time to stock up because
Prices a.xe. at their -seasonal low
A healthful -treat for growing
youngsters during, summer. is
fresh raw fruit Or 'vegetable
from the * (refrigerator,
Huron County's Modern Business School
DIAL 524-8521 or 524-7984
24th FALL 'rERm BEr,,I.NS SEPTIEM69R 7
and Jr. Courses
0 Qualified Teachers
0 Modern Electric and manual Typewriter&
0 New'Mim6ograph and Dictaphone, Machines
0 Monthly Tuftion .$32.00.
Final ExAminatlohsAte Set And Graded By The
Board of ltxarniners of the
Canad'a's Dorninion-Wide-Astoclation of Le.Winq Private
Business. Schodis
Town -of' C1 . inton
Toilers for-,Streef Reconstruction
S8ALED TENDMS willbos r6e,6iybd by thetowfi
Clerld Mr.., Jbhti Livermore until" 5- P,m, OAT,y
rhues oy, Sepfbhiber 9, 19�5j. foe fh6 eeconstruC,
fl6h Of c0ftin Porti.ohs of Goedon Jamps, Ratfeh�
Wry and Johh Streas. ouontlt,16,6 1hCQ6 L66rth
eXca�dfioh, 4.�50 itu. yds ' condretd tidewcOg 81 2r5o
sq. ft.; hot mix HL4, �*H fonso Work !h6l'udet,
grdnular bockf ill by trudk mbdwednient.
Plans and sp6difications may b&.6foined filpen
fh6 6ffict� of the undersi�ned Upoh Payment 6f 36
n6ti-refuiiddbf& fe6 of $5,00, L6%,da oe any fdoidde
not eibdibssaell
y accepted,
'M k6a Auddlads Lfl,
Thws, Ayp, 26, 1�44,C
T e
h rst Column $121,04 Added
.(Con.N-440 Aorn. pa
'To: Clin, ton
With four li'vely youngsters.
.Thus ft
4,At by SE�tqr-
day inomrig Ce otaphfund
beco,me 4 scilearn%o
g, nervous, rAomas Leppingtqn' Who W01 and mm AXnplC
terOPerarxim.tAl miat ready to COAtrib4tions during the da
burst into, tean op s'erj$PleA' last weeli� ill tafson of OttaW4 Y1,91te4 with
I , L $ past two weej�s to Vie Qj$pton =U71wes(trriinster R
door oeriQltaph VQ'04 A
at tho sj�,= Qunte4 t undergoing, a ehecl�.UP, mr, and M
Ten Sebroeter,
and believe Me, the W1.04' bringing TeceiPtq tO turij!ed home.
40,.Mlwag open�ng end olan=jgg d4tQ tD, A t0tal of $944.37.
With Wretched Donors were: T, Scrib. Mrs. Frank Perinebaker of Visitors at the home of Mm.
bon 180 Tsa4e -St., -has returned -Nt Wt W,�
In from a pleasant hollaay at
Ifthip wasn't �nough, sat mackil�ian� NaiWt( and mrs, Harold mawson
',C C. Newcombe, $?Q; mit-
Jay afternoon Southcott Pines, Grand Bend, and th
was spent Jpep t d1wo, lter4 $W4 a4d
tell, $5; Mr. ana Krs, W, -9rd
-njoY61� round of �ihopp$ng for and Mrs. p ac La 131 , Aj�
L -,as, � len of L Che
D1.41pt, $1,50; Urs. M, E4, E4- and children returned to Wood- bemOL
qjOthp$,T e e�,"
J1 wards, $2;
pensliv,e tastes of. my children stock after spending the past
and the flat cooatkn of Joan �910mari., $2.54, Mwjorto twq We*s! with. the Mr, And Mrs- Lloyd Jol�nston
MY Agnew, $iO; 341� X. L, W4- ents, mr, ?ad, Mrs. and son Robert of London
Purse blendled lrkO one of Bert Shob
Most t1WdWJin 'i - I kilishpw�, $2; W., .13. Olde,, $5, brook.
, . g headaches spent NQ;iday with the l%tter's
haye ev own,. Carl, MoClInchey, $2; Harol.
er 1W
This agony jyas Surpassed by Wgttlaufer. �5; Howard Cowan, Roger Curnmings of Ceoige- parents, M, a4d 1*%, Thomas
unte town left last week for �i two Teppington, Spencer St.
the look'Of dismay 1 enco r� we*, vacation in j3d
ed On hubby's, face ap ho looked Mrs, SW4i Thomas $5. mis- C4-
.1 1 1 t W. -and Mrs, Gordon Xac7
o -T the purelvi4es the children Sies E. and F. 1anilespri,
vc � i urn-blia. FarlanP and Robert of St,
so proudly Mvplayeq� that eveA- F rank Ohlapman, $2; L maurlw Mr. and Mrs. Cy. Bertrand Thomas- sp�Ant several days.last
jTrg. Bateman, §4; -red Fr4 and Miss Mary Bertrand were week at the home of the lat-
"You doril aptuailly Intend sej� Dayfield., $5. " ..,
gue%ts over the weekend with ter's parents, Mr, mid mrs.
that the R.Ids'.should wear these D Mr. and Mrs, J11m, MakIns,. Q- BeIrt, Lobb.
things to school, do, you?" he St,
,asked TAP, "Bty, when i i Mr. and mos. Lew Tebbutt
a boy, I didn't have -anythvi,,as No Rebate Money Mr. a,nd Mrs. Frarik: Andrews mid cb9dren Chrb and Susan
-this good to wear to church, were fln London an Saturday to, of Woodstock spent afew days
What do you kids think weare attend the wedding of their With the* farmex0s parents, Mr.
Leff For'Ontano
griandson, DemAs, Arthur GrIf- and Wirs. Carmen Tebbutt, RR
`nxis,- 4s. what ever t 2 Clinton..
WeaM to School. D&d"? !Pro GrUf1th, to Miss Diane Hay-
Whe' t'LPM UC L r fit", Son' Of Mr. and W xs. Ar -rs.
test6d-' the children. d . ep menj daughter of W. R. Hay- X Gordon Howe% RR 4
i-yayman Clinton, has retmmed home. af -
"I dont care what every- QITATHA24 — There we no. man and -the late Mrs,
Of' London,. The we. ter visiting in, Regina, Sadmt-
body wears. I th�hk a plaid f unds left 19or rebate t6. Ontano ddlhg took
place at St Lukes in. the Gar. chew -an, with her sdoter, Mft,
shirt and a plain tunic wheat producers for wheat sold Ada McCullough.
I didn't hear the rest. It was during the past crop year (July den chapel,
Saturday night, Aukust k? 8 10t, 1964 to June.30, 1965) �fr jand Mrs. Edgar Gibson
p.m. At 8!02 1 retired from, the Was anrtounced today ��tl-xe CHH'S To Call of, Stettler, Alberta, are visit -
contest of lWing. 1'witbdr;�� Ontario, wheat Ppuducers ar-. Ing at the home of bdr, Gibsonis
of tejPrVd&i0 kating 'Boardl, slister, Miss Beatrice . Gibgon,
into L the land n, ie, . XYrk Street..
laxationand sleep .-,. . , and Board chairman, R. . B., Tenders For
ithere I remained. tmt1l. this. ton, RR 1, Sea�forth, said the and Mrs. William E.
morritig, Monday When 1 �re�- a4ditor"s report reemLived at a Rumley, Elizabeth. and Jamie -
Pared to re�enter' the sensible 0ard meeting held in Toromto Playing Field
son of South'Gate, Mich., are
world of the, newspaper busin- August 19 disclosed that )art Cha�lxman John, Lavas and visiting with his parents, M-.
.ess, Let the, babysitter Wage year's- stabiliz-ation tu—nd was the members of the board at and Mrs. Louis Forest. Recent
the battleuntii next ' year when completely exhausted by costs CESS made a -thorough clieck visitors With the F(>resVs Were
vacatiori time WoUs dround. incurred in Mposal of -the law- Of the plans and specifl6atipns Mr. and " Mrs. Jarbes From,
0 gest volume Of sur�lus wheat for the new'.playing field pro- D"Id and Deborah, of Preston.
ever handled by iM6 -board in pmed at the: schacd and gave
I fina permission for Burns Ross, Mr. and Mrs. LY19 Pratt and
Clinton Persons oiie year, - - engineer of Gode� farrilly hatyp return, -ed home to
Mr. Bolton said 'this is the consulting
h, A second consecutive year in rich, to call tender,% for, the Merlin after spending some
manning CNE which !a rebate coW d not be work. time with ATx. and Nks. Ron
-made. Contractors- will be- required MacDonald. James MacDonald,
"Me year previoug the board ta bid on the clearing, strip- London,' also spent the week�
Force's Exhibit' end with his parents,
handled ne�&ly 3,500,000 bush- Ping, stockpiling and replacing
els of surplus wheat and found of 3,000 cubic yards. of earth, 0.
(Continued, from page 1) that the 9 cent per bushel sta- grading, seeding and' sodding'
is exhibited. These gubmarines b*zatAon fund levy then in ef- and the construction, of the 21- Clinton Legion.
are k)resently being -built In th;-- feet was inadequate, to cover foot dirt track.
United Kingdoni aj�d wdjl eadi. 00sts." The board w.21 also advertise
carry a complement of sixty ,As a result,,, Mr. Bolton for tenders for the supply of Golfers, Vill
eight officers, and men. said,' '�we tiled to providle a 100,000 gallons of � fuel oil for
the coming season.
Army aire'raft, weapons and safety measure, by increasing Members, were notified that Zone Tourney
equipment on display include the 'levy to 15 cents per bushel engineer Hugh Cleland had re -
the new Voyageur helicopter, for much needed added collat- sligned to accept another pos,- A team from Clinton Branch
M113 arn-loured personnel car- 6ral for loans and in, the everit ition. The vacancy created on 140 of the Royal Canadlan'Le-
rier, ss -ii arid.' ENTAc Wire that.: a still grea;tcr volume the engineering and custodian glon won the Zone C1 golf
guided missiles, jeep mounted would have to be taken off the staff by.Cleland's decision. will tournament held- in Wingham
106mm recoiless: rifle and 'a mardvet b�Vw boar&" be ffilled as soon as possible. on, Saturday, August 21.
number of newdy dssiied in- Itt vis now obvious," tfie Members, of the Clinton, team
fantry weapons. bcefd official said, "that our COLOUR, is 0, I'MPORTANT were: Jim Graham, I-larold Me -
The Voyageur helicopter'Is a decisibn was well founded be-
tMin turbine, tandem rotor air_ Cause the board was required The Nutrition Division, De- Pherson, Bob Draper and Len
of L� cport pairtment -of National Health Amston. Two other Clinton
craft capable 'can7ing 25 to, purchase and dn,turn V. d Welfare, suggests eafing teams competed,
fully equipped tropps or 15 more than 5,000,000 bushels out an
stretcher casualties in addition of last year's crop.$$ vegetables and fruit that are Other tearns from this district
to, its crew of three. The RCAF deep green or yellow for vlta� were Sea&rth, forur teams;
use the same aircraft for search Estimates �Iece total Pro- min A, important to night vis- Goderich and Hensall, olie team
duction -of Ontarl-owin'ter wheat -ion.
and rescue and call it the Lab- last year (1964) at 18,500,000
rador, I The, Clinton team have de-
bushelg Of which nearly 14,000,- Clasdified Ads. cided not to go, -on and com-
Highlanders Xrom the 2,nd 000 btr�iels were sold by pro�- , ey
Battalian, of the Black Watch ducers. Pete in the D1,SfAj6tLC touiM
from Gagetown, N.B,, again Bring ge'sults 'at the Doorie course in Sept -
this, year mount guard dai . ly at . The 5,000,000 bu�shea surplus ember.
the entrance and at the Queen handled by tie board came out
Mizabeth building at 12 noon. of the 14,000,000 'bushels sold
13y producers, Ohl
Sentiiies, wearing, full highland
urifformalternate -each hour to, 'Bhe stabilization fUrld is
'the music of bagpipes. . made up- by -an, accumulation
physical fitness in, the Can- of 15 centg per bushel deducted r
adlian Forces $-. seen M three On'all wheat sold by Producers & S
fast moving displays. Uie RC- and it is out of this f und that ervice
AF has a 12 man. Judo team the costs of pur&asdng, hand -
trained to black belt standards ling and exporting are paid by
and is led by Corporal ."Tak,' th& board.
TakahaShi, Of Ottawa, one Of A further I cent per bushel SCHOOL OPENING HAY FEVER
Oariadh'g'ioremast Judo experts,,. licence, fee i� deducted on all SPECIALS REMEDIES
A dernonsibration of -unarmed. wheat 'sold by Producers to JUM130 PACK LOOSE LEAF Super Decongestant Tablets 98o
combat is given, by 14 recent cover board adn-A ris trative REFILL
graduates from the Army's costs making a total deduction 500 Sheets — ONLY $1.44 Supe�P Nasal Spray ... ...... $1.00
Canadian Provost Corps School of 16 cents, per bushea.", VINYL SCH06L BINDERS Cor!cldin Tablets .... 87c & $1.49
at Camp Borden and gymnas- b�r.-Bolton said. "it was un- 3-RINQ — 12 Colors Hay Fever Alergy Tab -lets $1.110
tic iloutineg are presented by a fortunate that no rebate could reg, 98c for 77c Co-Pyronol � Capsules ...... $1.19
ten, man, tearn.from. the AityW be made but in tonsideration ALL -IN -ONE BINDER SET — — — — — —
and RCAF under Flight L16u, .1 of all the' facts, including a �O 5,Colored Dividers — �-Rlhg
tenant- )31W Back, RCAY' Sta- cent drop in the world wheat 6 Exercise Books VACUUM 13OTTLES, Pint Size,
150 Sheet Refill Reg, 98c — SALE 66o
tion Oimll, Manitoba. Price during -the marketing SPECIAL PRICEI $2.98 NOXZEMA DEODORANT
For the -first time the de- year Which had a definite Ill- 5 BOOK REFILLS a P 13AY —, Reg. $1.25
fence Board is represented effect on our price for export, 190 Sheets ONLY 66c SALE. — 2 for $1.25
With the Armed, FOrceg by we have come through a very MATH SETS SPECIAL 770 REXALL NEW LAX -A -GUM
,showing a tull scale model oft trying and complicated year."
Canada's first spacecraft, the LOOSE LEAF REFILLS Acts quickly and gently
�ety succe:§g M. Aloulette satel- � Mv. Bolton also , announced 8Y211x1111 SPECIAL 5so 36's ONLY 87c
lite, '31he 320 pound sateUtte is that plans I have been set for
the Ontario wheat Producers'
still dn space and' #avds in
circular orbit at a height Of Marketing Board anntial meet-
approodimately 600 miles. Also ing to be held in Toronto on
shovori by r ->RB are moded$3 of September '27 and that notice,
a sounder rocket. and jrig ,A!, of meeting, the auditors' r(,
VOhIch is an advanced V__rsiW port and fmandal statement
. I . will be mailed to the more 0.e 8.2-951-r. Cli.nton!'Ontano
of the Aloaiette and, is, scheduled than, 26,000 wheat %4odUcets, In
tot launching in 1901 to take
im, orl its of 500 the provint6 early in gepfem-
4fPordke 4842-95
tip an ellipti n
miles t6 3500 miles. And cany- bet,
,Out many dxperimen#'i
the .3rd and
air display Will In armers.
,M) and Will Ineltm- Ben, illerAnd
the AmeAcan Thundebbita Aer-
'O'batic, Tt"a M� 'as Well tts n0AF Au"burn h 06R ALL ybur,Oralln Handling Weads,i 4 S06 U15
Tator jetg"hnd the CV -5 to, be
f6r a C6mplete Line bf Atigerik glibiators,
seen flyIng in Canada tkw the Wagont of,all ljoet.,
fhvt Orhei Softball' Rn' Is
ALSO SEE tthout tho keyoIut1ojjcjjy WOW MC Grato
Varna and AolmesvMe have 0 djjjy Confid L UOU6 drydr With;
been ehininated from thho stmi- Wyetsi th,
sum r Bo 1 Linals In 'the CenfteA ERUIM feattlf,6g gueh as ore-heot 6ambets', dutd-
Leago F* LL Softball Leagpd and, Aubtufa Wdfid thdisture t6nfrols, ttd6
e in, hes and tenmiller ww mo;ve into
tfi6tihals, wbdviayea in code. ALWAYS a ItorhPleM, Lind bf tirot, New dhd Used,
Tho Sununer NXed Lmg I tie Jj&I c,5rrfte(ftdng tMgL Friday ior tat t u k T Wlthfhy4�ntory
.1 All 6 0� 3
of the amton Bowling 6y vi) ADO libbint, tit
ftished Up With a Party td aa August io, Aq.bmft mgf m.
,6h Ong(-�d by Vhth4 When f
Whi trophl"'s, d hey bea the,
Qj'rjjhg --nWa jo� - the, gotttf lerh .9 by
Were Pt6ge
bbg biowlek6, 5- to take th6 be9t, of filvd Obrlkg
At,, On— 6
Thoser redolvhig tftliies tfift6I , 0 el Haugh Br'o, S
Wete, lhl,6-h 0&694 Utl. UAt- TUdAday 0sVe.ft, H61me9valle.
6 ' I ' (1, V 4,& und - Dick . 8*66P 0, If w6nt dcon. �b A M-1—atiffiteaking.
I 'i k t +i� � *b I . I � . I I I . . . . . 1 .1 � 11 L I . � I 1 '04 041 901 t L 6 . ...... ....
hIdh1jfrjjAQ",t�� d0&".8 44Am,*'4KQNa;-