HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-08-26, Page 5ew Senior 'Technical Officers At .Station Clinton - Thompson. But like' ail editors who, have a deadline to meet and a readership -to please, Mr. Leishman has a special problem which requires the help of all Huron County residents. "We who live at. Huronview like to keep in touch," he told us. "There are some people out there who are lonely.' - Mr. Leishman hopes' that in- terested persons in the' county Will take 'the time to write bits and pieces for "Th,e Huron- view . News".,Items which would be of intrest to the resi- dents there congratulatory messages on birthdays and other special occasions and comments about the publication itself are all welcome. ' Anyone who would like to have his name added' to the mailing list for ,'The Huron- view News"- need only write to' Mr. Leigh:man. advising him of the address to • which the' Dab- lication should be sent. Classified Ads: Bring Results ; AI „imoTwingwiliFTFT!*„ Ffi.'1•111111110 I., Barfield has net been inatruet- ed. to close their .$011001.. The type of education to be offered and tlhe location of a school have 'too much of a far- reaehing effect toe be depided by a petition — even one bearing 900 signatures. - With all due respect to the Workers from Bayfield who seemed the aig- inatures, it can at hest be con- sidered a measurement of pre- judice and emotion, Orville TWitehell is a patient in Victoria Hospital. Mrs. Prank Farrell, Glen,',, heini, and Mrs. Fred Thompson, Toronto, were guests last week with their aunt, Mrs. Chester Lea, Mrs. Mary Parish, and dangb,- ter Mrs, Barbara rCraig, and her daughter Miss Maxine Craig, the latter (iwbo is home on furlough from Viet Nam) of UnitY, Sask., and. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Marshall, Hamilton, have returned after visiting with Mrs. Fanny Clark, Mrs. Prrrish, a native of Ethel, Ont. and sister-in-law of Mrs. Clark, has not been hack to Ontario since she went out to home- st2 years stead withap.1er late husband 5 LAC Clarence Hoy, Mrs. Hoy, Rennie and G'ar'y of Gindi, Man., formerly of Hensel]. and Exeter, are vacationing for a few weeks with the former's HQsparieb,netcs.A, Port,Mrmsr.All. trabioneratg,:VfarpsLo d Clarence euenu lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Margaret lVfoussean vis- ited with friends in LondOn over the weekend, HENSALL 3 Huron Girls Awarded 4-H Homemaking Pins (QactIOnged Oage 2) the members, of the Bayfield SOS., CleMniittee, We .aeCOPI that there are ratepayers in tpe township who are not „en- thusiastic .about .school at Bincefield„ but the impetus, the leaders and 'the. erganiz,. ation. of (tha'OaM(Palign t° divert the west Of the -•town-sh'i,p to Bayfield has net. come frenl the township. We can Understand Bayfrield'a VieWS. Their ,school. is less than. ten years old. Following the recent re-Meet: there is a strong •Olvic feeling, They want to An their own affairs and we ,commentl them for their lintergat, The. school board 'however must concern itself with providing for the childi..en ,in the whole area, not oonveni- racing 13.N/field „Citizens'. Bayfield is part of the school area, and its :students must be offered .,equal opportunity. The Board's study of a 16-room Sch- ool is ra concrete' example of their intent to offer equal op- portunity to the entire "area". Hewever, I am advised by the ChairMan of the - Board, that Huron's Dairy Princess Out ' Miss Brenda \ C. Houston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Houston, RR 2 Brussels was eliminated in the first round of the 1965 Dairy Princess Corn- pearlier' at the Canadian Na, tional Exhibition. in Toronto last Saturday. Brenda was chosen Huron -Cannty's Dairy Princess at the Clinton Spring show 'in early June. She is now working in London. BRIEF(ASES $5.95 .! $6.95 ('SOLID LEATHER) $1.95 - $9.95 (GOLD INITIALLED FREE) and up Ringbinders from 5.95 GYM SHOES White - Block - Green Men's from $2.35 T. $7.95 Boys' from $1.95 LEATHER SHOES Men's from $7.95 Boys' from $4.50 FOOTWEAR & CLOTHING 482-9352 CLINTON DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE BOARD and irs ADVISORY VOCATIONAL COMMITTEE Announce the opening of,classes for the school year 1'965-66 as outlined below: Mr, John, Lavis, Chairman , Mr. E. bearing, Chairman C CI board Advisory Vocational Committee Gradei 9 and 10—Report to the Auditorium at 10:15 a.m: Sept. 7. Grades 11 and 12,--,-Report fo, the Cafeteria at at 10:15 a.m. Sept. 7. Grade 13 Report to The Library at 10:15 a.m. Set 7. students should bring a pen. Ditrnistal at 1 1 ,;45 p.rn. latee than usual for opielhlhg day only, 2,, gook store be open or Grade 13 students after PI When R. Henry Leishrnan, an 80-year old retired farmer now residing at Huronview, took on the jab of' editing this area's newest publication, "The Huronview News", he had no Way of knowing that „a gener- ous 'amount of printer's ink was flowing In his veins. Judging from the quality of writing contained in the quar- terly journal for the months of April, May and June (an- other is on its way to the printers' at 'this very moment) it is quite evident that 'Mr. Leishmari may very well have a Whole new career awaiting him. We quote now from his edi- torial: ."This little booklet is prepared chiefly by the resi, dents of the home, with 'the sanction of Superintendent and Mrs. Johnston, of course, and is sent out with the thought of keeping the people of our county informed'of some of the happenings:, din Huronview ,with the sincere hope that it will, in a small way, be the means of bringing a bit of Olensure through its pages." Mr. Leishman made it quite clear during his visit to the NewSHRecord office on Tues-, day that "The Huronview News" is sponsored by the Wo- men's Auxiliary .to' the home' and much of the "backshop" work (printing) is done ably and willingly by Mrs. F. G. New Services Officer Comes To Local Station Flight Lieutenant Edward. E. Mailloux, a Raclib gator who served with Coast- al Corinna/id (Canada) dur- ing 'the Second World War, is the new RCAF Clinton Station Services Officer. Born in Windsor, Ontario, he enlisted in February 1942. Ed comes to Cailit0b. from the Canadian Forces Reeruit- ing Centre where he was Radio-TV, Advertising and Chief Recruiting Officer. his wife 'and 12 year 'old daughter Lesley Alison at present live at Lakeshore Blvd. in Toronto but will Shortly Move into Minton Married Quarter . HENSALL BRIEFS Mrs, Pearl NiCel, London, litta rattled after 'a visit spent With lher Sister, MrS. rant& Cl ark, Mrs, WM, Cook and son, Ewen, London, Who WaS Visit- ing With Mrs. 1Cock's' sra. Nov rig, a station. agent at (ode- rick, Called on alicl J, MetWedi, Thbt Week, t4earrit and Kenneth Jolted mill ''tuh1ieda~ oar &tin. blekenS , BAYFIET,T) Mrs. Jena?. McKinley was the guest of hone or at afternoon and evening receptions held at the hom.e of her grandson, Raymond Scotch- mer, on Sunday, August 22, when almost 200 people called to congratUlate her on her 90th birthday. Receiving guests were her daughter, Mrs, Jack Sooteluner and her daughterAn-law, Mrs. Campbell lVfcKinley assisted 'by grandchildren, Mrs. Raymond Scotch/I-ler, Mrs. Ronald Scotch- mer, Mrs. Robert McKinley and MiSs Lyrincla Sectehmer. The tea table covered With a white linen cloth was centred with an arrangement of pink and white gladioli flanked by Pink tapers. Mrs. McKinley who was the recipient of many lovely gifts and bouquets of flowers, was educated at Seaferith High Sch- ool and Mitchell Model. School. She began her teaching Career August 1, 1896 at SS No. 3 Stanley Township and taught at other area schools. She commented on, the fact that in those days there were few social activities in connec- tion with school work but pu- pils and teachers had a deep AUBURN Mr. 'and Mrs. Sid Playwright of Lucknow visited on Sundlay with Miss• Laura Phillips. Guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davies were Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Bastin of Lon- don; Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Hobbs and Daughter, Caroline of Talbotville and Mr. and Mrs. William Weeks of Heiman, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carter of Woodstock visited last week with their son, Harold Carter, Mrs. Carter and Miss Barbara Carter ,an d' their daughter, Mrs. Jack Arnistron, Mr. Arm- strong, and Fred ArmStrong. Mr. and 'Mrs. Norman Mc- Dowell visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent last Wed- nesday evening. Weekend visitors with. Mr., and Mrs. Ralph D. Munrowere Dr. and Mrs. Gorden Ferguson of Toronto. Misses Gwen McDowell and Marsha Koopmans returned last weekend from a week at the Alma College training School. Miss McDowell was instructor for CGIT leaders. affection for each other School WAS like a "happy' borne" she said; • Mrs. McKinley also recalled memories of her wedding to Robert" McKinley on, Jan n, 1912, when after -the ceremony, they journeyed home by horse and cutter thriough. huge snow drifts. , ' .Throughout the years she has been very active in church Work and was an honorary Member. of ..Goshen W.MS for inany years, On Thursday, Au- gust 19, she was presented with a membership pin, and cer- afloat?' by members' of the Goshen United Church. Women. Asked on Sunday -(if she tired, Mrs, McKinley ,said have • enjoyed every minute of the day." Stanley And •BOyfloit:RatepayerS. AnswerPovidsofs Letter To Editor 'Thurs,, A40,. 1905,—clint.on,...cc90,1,--P,ag,o 0 Mrs,. Jecon mothiley °floured Qn Her 90th Birthday By Relatives And Friends A New Publication The Huronview News S/L J. R. Guthrie Two Senior Officers re- cently taking over staff positions at RCAF ;Clinton are Squadron Lender John Robert Guthrie and Squad- ron Leader Malcolm W. Gar- nett, S,/L J. R. Guthrie as. now in charge of Applied Training at the Radar and. Commurti cations School.. Born .and • educated 'in ?To- ronto he joined the RCAF in October 1941. Previous to Clinton he was a Staff Of- Dicer -in charge of Postings. .and' Careers at St. Hubert, Quebee. -S/L 'Guthrie and Ms wife, Elinor have three children, Janis aged 17, William 16 and John 11 and' they will shortly • move into Married Quarters in Adastral Park. S/L M. W. Garnett now holds the position of Chief Technical Services Officer at Clinton. He • recently ^ moved from `Colorado Springs where he served 'at NORAD head- , Wafters. , Enlisting an 1941 he has a 'Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering af- ter attending the University of Siaskatchewan. Provincial honour pins were awarded three Huron County 4-H Homemaking Club girls at Seaforth, on Tuesday. The winners, Mary McKer- cher, RR 1 Dublin; Mary 'Buch- anan, RR 1 Londesboro and Mrs. Bert Pepper, RR 3 Sea- forth, have each completed 12 projects. Mrs. Pepper, a three-year member, spoke about setting out strawberry beds; Joan Pryce, also a three-year mem- ber, spoke about . tomatoes. Ten clubs were represented at the achievement day. The project was gardening, and displays', talks and skits dealt with various aspects of horti- culture, Girls who have. completed six projects 'and received county honour awards .are: Jill Ben- nett, Port Albert; Mary Lou Murray, RR 5 Seaforth; Chris- tine Pryce, RR 1 Dublin; Maria VanLoon and Gerda Willerns, RR 4 Seaforth; Elaine Brown and Margaret Whyte, RR 2 Seaforth; Rubena Brindley, RR 6 Goderith and Eileen Town- send, RR 3 Seatortb. A five-year leader's certifi- cate was presented to Mrs. Norman Tyndall, Huron Street, Clinton. Home economist in charge of the prograni was Miss Diane Liddiarcl, Clinton. She Was ,EuSsisted by Miss Joyce Roberts, LaMbton home econ- Malik, and Miss Sihrley Wal- lace, Middlesex county home economist. The petition is not a true expression of the people in the area. Many who signed are not really in ilaveur 'of adding classrooms to the Bayfieid scb.- ood. In fact many are summer visitors whose children attend a graded school in London, Stratford, Detroit or some other centre. Their concern is not education for township children. Many from the townships and T3aYfield who signed' did so with the Mistaken opinion that Bayfield had been ordered to close their school, or simply be- cause they were asked to. Some township signers do not re- member What the petition ask- ed, A petition makes no at tempt . to inform or ,provide facts pertinent to both sides of the question. A much more practiced pr,ocedure is to con- duct public meetings so,. that all interested parties may at- tend, discuss 'the matter sen- sibly and make a decision by voting on •a resolution. Several- such meetings have been held in the• township. None were in .favour of going With Bayfield. The municipalities of Tuck-, ersmith, Stanley. and Bayfield now comprise one school area. Bayfield, agreed to this, Rate- payers' are represented by beard members elected by bal- lot and charged with the re- sponsibillity of providing and maintaining eduta,tional School Board officials have liven unselfishly of their time, considering the problems and made a clecisira. All con- cerned' have had an opporttmity to make their °opinion known. It is now time for council's, and pressnre groups to get out a the way and let the• School Board proceed, Children are waiting. Yours truly, `'STANLEY WEST" Varna, Ontario, ' August 18, 1965. NOTE: 1. Susses for Clinton area. students Will Operate 1 hour ... S/L M. W. Garnett His wife Irene and three children, . Gail 17, Lorne_ 16, and Rosalyn, 10 ...now live at 8 Victoria Blvd. in Ferman; rat Married Quarters at station .01inton. Rack • Final Blouses Dresses Skirts Balance of - - All - Swim . of Summer Specials Squall Coats Marked Reduced Suits Suinmer Jackets - to To 1/2 Clearance Rainwear Merchandise - Duster - Clear "Fast" Price Coats Shorts BACK Val ues 30 CAR Only to -1 -TO-SCHOOL COAT $29.95. Week Only SPECIAL Special S19.95 ea. Dress Coats , Plain and Fur All Trimmed Orders Taken At Offer Good only until Thii Price Labour Reduced Day 10°13 . ' isf.negs GOTHIC Line 1 Ladies' St. R PANTIE Wear Special W & GIRDLES IN Dry Only $5.00 ' S Goods ea. GODERICH BUSINESS C•LLEGE PLAN A CAREER WITH A FUTURE • BUSINESS, MACHINES • ACCOUNTING • SECRETARIAL Ekaminations set, marked, and Diplomas issued by' MXSINMS EDIJCATOES' ASSOCIATION OF CANADA 24th FALL TERM OPENS :SEPTEMBER 7 IT IS NOT TO6 LATE TO REGISTER, RESERVE YOUR DESK TODAY!, Jri (*dot to obtain the best teStiliSi we true stilt-101,S to attend On the 'operiitig •dAte'.. 524..8521, .1284,.' or .6801 for„ annointment „