Clinton News-Record, 1965-08-26, Page 4Pa�q �„--Cl��It,un N�Ws Recz�r�--T'�"�ux�day� �A��, 2b, �96'� �. r.. .. ..,. . . . _. _ * � ,, , .� .i��►�x�. � � .. .� ��� � � ' Q�v �o ��°romo�e: �Sta at�i:o�,�� � . , �. . � T�I� �t�CFIYT pos�a� s�� ike �as. �Y�own �here �is r�uch Wx�ong W�tl� the p�esen� way �nf decidzng What io �ay e�v�Z ��ryents, coznments The Finar�eia� Pgs�� in �a o��- age e�itorzal, Sa�ri� for� 1� q� coll�ctive �bargai�xn�, as advocated. zn th� recen�t Heen�y I3,eppr�t, would. se�m t� 1�� .de�irable and' inevitable., prpviding i� c�a,r� ies wit;7. .it !agreement qn bi�ding arbitra�ion �o, r�bath s�des, Btit un�til Qtbawa farmally recagr�aze5 �e ex3stence o� regionai ;pay differ�nces, Golleetiv� bax�g'ai'ning thr��,�te�s �o bring �n warse prfl'blems �han are now f�.ced. As �th�ngs s�and �.ow, all 1�u� aboztt 25,000; Civil sei�van�s receive nat�onal. pay ra•t�sv ��nan i� St. Jghn's receives �Che same �ay and �enifits as �a nnan doing the sam,e �ob .i.n Vancouvez. Thi's ma�i seem sensible, but ir� �reality i� 0 �ra ear�s. e��tY�e�r ��h� St. `Sahn's man �s b�ing I�a�d fax �:4a mu�h by �Qing laba�� x�tes; ,. or J�is V��ncauv:�r c41�ea zze is gett�ng �. le�s bT�a� �ompe��itiv.e w� ges ,- a�zd, tYzez eFAre is, praba,�bly leSs effi�ien�t i:lia,n ;tt�e ��a�c�payer Ytas �a r�gh� to expect, �Iearly, b�io� � Ie�gislation is �in�ro- duGe�d, '�'he Pos� �rgc�es, a �orn�.u�Ia rr�us'� . b� devised th�at x�e.cognizes t�.e Wid� sp1 e�.d in regic�nal labor , rates and in, livin.g costs. There v(�ill be a predicta�bl� a�tcry �tha� Oita�vva should zio� do an�- . thing �to prola�� the eeonom�c � diVer-� gezicies bei.,weer� r•�ch and poar ar�as. � This wi�l prgvide tempting axnrr�u�ni-' �iqn �or some regional Wjnclbags. But it ,has to came, if pn;1y for �.the sake a� �hese ve�ry a,re�.s tY�at .a} e less proSpox- ous, , �on't Be A La�or D�ay St�atisiic R. �V'.'TROLLO�'E, Fresident, Dom- Mr. T�+ollppe also caTls attention to anion Au�taxnabile Associa�tiqn in a p�r.- �,� almos:t unive�sal hurrxan failin� wnich iodic message �t�o members u.rings into blin�ds mos�t mcxtorists to �the faot that �h�a�p �focus t�Y�e- fright�,ning znc��ased accidents can happen.to thenn toa, ,- not acciden�E patential which lur.�s on Can- always ��:o the `.`�tlzer f�liow". adian ( and 1�merican ) highways on �abor Day weekend, September 4-6, th.e There are over seven million au�to- inter�ational hoiiday of the 1965 season. mpbiles %n �Canada and i� wi11 se�m tha�t Records mairntair�ed �by D. A. A, �tis�t af �them are on t�he r.oads you are shaw �a '1.964 SarCa� �ccidnt ta11 of 7.9 �ravelling next weekend. �'o �these mus�t Ganad�ians killed far Labar Day week- be added A�merican vehicles which dur- end and proves that d�ath �and serious ing this period Will app�o�imate 50 acciden� frequ,e�cy skyr.ocl��ts. on th�se P�r�ervt o� �i;he total volume in i:hose f�v �days ai �;he, yea�r �when Canadians ��:are�as adj.acent �to �the U. S. �- Can�adian an�, Amez icans share a camm�on k�oliday b4rd�r. weekend., • Th� Associa�tion's m�ssage , clqses Heavi�r .�ha�n usual �z�a�-�ic densi�ty thus. �"On Labor Day � Weekend, your du;ring these geriods sets the siage �ar chan�ces of se�rious �accident �are three � Iapses firom. driving corX�monsense �v�Yzen times as �g�eat as any .otllsz� period matorists, -impatient with momen�tary excegt July 1-4. Even u� �t�.e aaas of del�ays; a�ttemgt passing in circumstances ge+btimg �back �hame, saie �and sound .by which urould narmally give pause tp b�ing aus�t ,i:hree times � as careful as these sar�ne chance-takers at b�ther tim.es: yati usually a�re." � . . � C��e �aday -- �ure T�omor�r�w � � FQR, Nl�I�,E tYia-n .one, milliorz ,Can- al.re�ady xeceived �reatzneni in the Tor- adians stricken with arthritis, much of oz�to and .Hamil,�Con units. life is a search for freedorn mosi people �But �hrou�gh �ese�arch, and �hrough �ake far �granted ; freedqm from terrible research anly, can we hope �tfl conquer pain, freedom frorn c�evasfia�ting criZ�- �arthritis. Thereiore the promotion and pling �and a�bove all �reedom from tl�eir �inancing oi xesearch is the �irs�t of aisease. � C, A: R. S. 's o�bjectives:" Tn 1965 The For �th� Can�.dzan ArtYzritis And Canadian Arbh�ritis A�.d�-�,heum�at-�sm Rheuma�ism Society, they are not or�ly Saciety has made grarnts ` totall,ing " V,ital objecti,'ves, laut represen�t i�ts reason $357,876 iar, research purposes. Th� fo� �being. T�o ,�hese freedoms ihe Society Fedcral Governxner�t �in the sam.e period, dedicates itseli. The Society's program has provided a ihird of �his amount, ye�t � attacks :�xorri �the be�ginnin�g �o �the end these ;diseases affect 1,000,000 Canad- �ne prablems o;� ar�thxitis �and the xhett- ians and cost $85,000 annti�ally zzi wag� matic dis�ases, which .to�tally ar,pai�ially loss. . , d'zsable sa�e 285,000 Canadi�ans. ��t sup- September �s Arthxitis Month . in poris xesearch into tlze causes o�f the Canada aaid September 6�0 11 is Ar�th- rheumatic.diseases, encourages �and sup- nitis Weel� in T3ruce, Grey and Humon poi�ts graduate 'training foi dact;ors, sup- Counties. I�t is a time tivh�n the Canad- por,ts diagnos,tic cTini�cs, ancl where pos- ian Arthritis And , RheumaiiSm Society sible; goes rigk�t ir��to the home o�i bhe acce�Ierates its ef�or�;s �for increased patient to provide ireatrnent :and a�:her educatiorl, .resea�rch �a,nd patieizt care , rehabilitaiian services on the prescrnp- services. tion of ��he pabient'� own, doctor. ,- Learn the warning signs of arth- Tn Qntario Rheumatic Diseases ritis: persistent �ain and s!ti.ffness on Units have iaeen develo�ed in Hamil�ton, , arising, pain ox tenderness in at least Toron�to and Kingston an�l �the Nocie:ty one join�, swelling in at leas,t �one join�; . is. �lanning to sponsor five more during .�. ,'and - during ar�hritis week - su�- the nexi f�w years in major . medical port y�ur Canadian Arithritis :and Rheu� cen�res. ° Tw�rnty-eight p�;�ients from m'atism Saciety for care today and a cure Bruce, Grey,, and Huron Counties have tornorx ov�. ,. ���.���-� ����� ����� THE CLINTON NEW ERA Amalgattmtad TH6 CLiNTaN NEWS-R�CORD &tablished 18b5 1924 - Esfabtishad f881 , `.� E a A published Every Thursdey At Th� H�art o Of Huron County � ` �r► Clintoq, Qntario, .Cenada - f ' � Populetioo 3,i�5 A. 1,AURIE COLQUHOUN, PUBLISHER � �► � '• , . �Q 5igned cbotributions �to this�publicat�ion, are the opiaiont C �� of the writers only� and do not nxessarily expreW �, �/ L A �� " the v'iews of the newapapnr. • Authoriied ai Second Cless Meil, poet Offictr Depnrtmenl, Ottawa, and fo� Payment of Postege in Ca1h , SU85CRIpTION RAT�S: Peyable in advbnce — Canndn end Greaf Britoin: 54.00 A yBAf� ,< Ueitad Stetai and Foraiqn: 55,50; Sinqie Copie�: 10 Cenh - �'h:e i1a� , I , � 'Ph�i�e� �hav�e been Pan�z's�ic �h�an�g�s �n aur W�aiy o�E l�vAr�g i�n bhe last �tiuto ox �hree cl'ecadhs: S�dheso7s r�r.e b%ggem a�.d' k�rig,�ter; iP nai; �bdtterc�: T�he teer�a�+ers . hai�e 6a,kL�m �ve�' go�p�uT� musac �.nd p,w'�lac �aa,tte�ition, 'PeIe�vusaora'. ti�L�e�les�l,y �htimis verb�;l and visuw' �z�l ga�l�age in aur unxes�ti�a;g I fa;'c�s. �VT�ua°der �nid -raXie w�a11� � city str�hs, ewk� � day�irrie, Nb� ta �rf,e�.�tion; �acial s�tx�ife, th� vVelPar� sti�,te, .�irozeri fb�ncts, �n- stiant e�v�tth,i.n�g, �1mc� J'�a�an�s�e TYYO�01' S'{.U'p�bd::�¢'S. r �it'i� �a lb¢ig, l�h.g 'w�ay £rorn t Ii a t 'sirn.�le, cizt -�.n�l - clrae�l, i�7�a�clt a�i�: vuhi�te' �oc6et�' a�ti w�hidli �o�E af �ac�y�'s midc�i�- age�rS, caulght 5ai �a v�orlcl lrevo- ° , �'Ll'tl YVex@ jJY'OLt � O'1'i �l Ll : � � P �'� a12Y' Zsc�1Mt�ILt1S� 'a1"1t1 gt'cti71d'ISax"� ei�ts couTd 'b� �'�o�i:t�h� 1�a'Gi� f�arn �IZe� �te�'n�.l ��st fb� a qtiick ldak �t o�l:�� war��d, bhey woitI�i p'�'Cvlaa'f�l� �b sttlaUgh� ��t5 c1'���i sfiar,k '.iiYic� �rlu,ght 'b� abl� �Eo Cap� 't�itYi nib�'� t�£ th� ite�s �:bcnr�, '�iy� roh�r� ,is cme �h1a3�i� ti��.1; 'v�tdv�c� s�n,ct �lYtni � tri�kix �,ro^�r►t� ifle t�ericl': �'t�►e ch�n,g� l`Tl' bi114 b113S'(.11�VIEl.�li�e O� S1.17'IClkhj�'� vf�iri��,� � tiw� �. i�idy Siv�i�da'v� af No �RCs� 'Pherire v�as nnGh�m.g edse to do. �Tor �Cihe �ve�rage �am�Iy, yi W�as �huxch ir1 ,bhe mpxnda��, 1�o�ne fo� a�big nooh� d5riner, �1ake onzt fo.� �: ��a�p rCY�r bhe adtiul�, gle.bmy po�lrirvg �a�'dUhtl �hz n�oaise ox ba�a�d foa� th�e kid�, s�xgpem, ac�d' eiar+ly �a iied, Nav st�limaYfim�g, r�a 1iiS�hi,tvg, nat ���i. a garne of c�,tch, P�ace amid qwi�t, how-. ever rc'es�en�tect b� t��e y�awti�. On�y van.ii'aitio� ili this waS t.�p c3�dsc�ent af �a �aY�d� a�f dtz�� x�e�a- f,aves, �ve+x+yd�i� t�he�i� S�a� ara�tnc� i�i S�Y,n�tlay lie�s't, an ��am1� dm di� po,rc�, r�n.d g�s�ed ir�it�rmviabl� alb�it �Caus;in E:1'Vvbtl�'S 13�a'd baCk ar A�t A.rle2ze's as�hm'a, T��rew� up t�aavi�ing ta7a�t S'tut.- ctay w�a..s� �u�s�t �. ��:y c�n vv�hich r � r�Oul �� ' au cT�i da �6I�an h_ 3� vwo�b � � '�t�hil�. iVCy� �t�itudc �Cin�va�ti� t�he +��,'l�barth vky�s t�lr�it' �trhe Sb�11'1'e�r titi �'as �'ver, �h� b��ttei•. �3w� �t�c�ri thc-�n, �tihbug'h � 'w'as �o y�ri�,�h� �o �o�icey fihe ��t ii��c� �'f�� 1111: �`0211� � �Ti� V�Rt� L'Z�^ �ne�.tis �in, rohe Carrimi�t�it� be�g�tta� s�m{�as�hii���y ehy�� Cial�r�:r,a`�tie �i�obpuy�a� �ri.�Y'G� '�cit'ICI �titLerE:� c1 �'�Y1nly 'Wa�4YC� r�at �dtul.y g�a �d� �t c�mive �ri Sn:m.{ t��.�'y �t1t SY1�,lT��,''-iG b`'W3111I'hlhg stlif,s' l��icT �t :�i�ic �Yzttc�Si �trii��, F�bi'rnae' y+a� i�',n,ehv' LC, tf��� ac�k� J'�ack Bea��ny on bli�e r;a�io, �a�ftes sup�pe�r, The v�i�rus s�read 1'xlc� w�ild- fire. By i�e �ime I aphie•�e�cl m�:n�haad, �tlt�e gr�nd :old txadii- aan;al Sund� rw�as crumblirig rapidly, The maxe ,�eckless a- m�ang �the young i'ello�vs be�gan hang�ing araiand �bt1e Chinc�;se r,esba�ura,nt aa gaing �or W�:1Ifis w'i,�Yi �giTls. Sem� af �h�e pwre an�axah�i�sf�s �mor�g' bhem s�ta��e�,d playi�r�g tenrci�is am.d ,fiShin�g an�d �,Ll soii�tS aE �zns�e�aikal�le thxrrgs; From� brie��, ��' Course; it w�s om�,y' �a s�tep ia w�caririg sport,� elo�he�s �an�d sm�al�im,g an�d havin� a �bee� an Sunc�a�r, D.nugs.�oreS an�d z�e,.�taurants fbeg�; �staying a�l�'•n, ta cape wfl�h tihas n�w v�ave " oE Wa�f:Onness: Surida� s�iomts `gai: ah� �ae Si;n �he ttacrr, � �h�en kicked i�t �ide bpes�, Sum- � c�y ��o'vieS rnavacl �in, The � kre�aches set up midW�y mic�eS.' `1�he t�an�si�tom :rac�ic� �vas in� � t�eilt�d, albng w!ith �h� clt�v�-in: � And yott Icnb!w, taa, w4��i;'s � ha�perled i;a iU'�ie ��eace �,n,�i � quic�t .bf' o�tii�r old �'hilclliooa S�u�1.= d'ay. Sp6mts r�axs �bello`w; �a�- rhowe�'s �5ar1: '�'r�ffic Vu�in�eS d�iZ � iit h � . , . t�� s r�h�tdi eQ'�, v�Qzirx� � Y r �frt be��ah��s: �'rFzrtsisto�s btare i�e�- tl�s,beat, �oweir� baats d�um ��d tha:db: 'S11ie �ir SS �wee�t �itYl ihe p�ac�� �� gbjf b�lls ric- tr�li�6in� �f� ti'�� i�evAtls af �rt�v3�Yn� Ci1�i'�; Ber�z' t�'�;� cl'�ig �3t �� pfi�,l�. �au�Ies wr'�aiigte rni �tiii �.t1i� tbaa�:�. Evehi the t�ir.'d�5 I]a'v� to ,S'hou.i ,iaU;c%t�' to lie�` H�a,�C�i ���1�. �.�c� �;fl tk��,t, .17�,r�S; &� r��y� Jpu� �ir� rrira�t �v�n�� baCt�-�'roart �: ^est �.'t�ox�t �Yiiu �V%a,vci��y, vWs�Y� l � � � ti � • :, , �.�.. . �. ","� � ., . .:, � , ����. �t�r .�a��. ��.��'� . # ; ����ack-��w�.r� �'�dd�n�� . . . � - � . 75 ��:�r� Ago '' Ci��TTON' 1V7��y L+'It#1, Tricl��y ,A.ugust 2�Ja 18:iQ • N�', T, �e��� of .�F.-rx'loclr •, 'i� � ha,s u�ar� ,em�?lay�e�� w'vth 'dh� La�l� Hiarx�iM1�? �Compa#�Y, �'a�S aUt�in,e�cl � u�, 14�ave , a� �uUSer�c� ' a�d k�as �ane w�s� �o� a inon`Gl� o� so. Rak�er� Hoi�nes �� ,�qti� N�v k�ra pre�a�e�►ed in ,�,i�e Nfet'h�d'i�;t �hu,�roh last S�unday in Ck�isal� }��rs+� a�r�'d .i�e caxigxega�la� say he aa�n c�ar�e back ar�y �binie ,as he �is a goaa pr�adh��. 4Ye'�Zl �ap��rocwate it � Enelas- in�g a$5. i�ii�.. ar�e qf aui su�- sc�+ibers says, ' "My. ��e�r fs sha¢n��ully ove�due, �xlease cr�d- it amaun•t �ncl�se,d t'h.exean:' W� arppre'eiate �he 8hattghtiuZ, i ne�s �of �t+kul� s�ubscr�b�r, arnd � �hape. scqres af P�'ers wall ,£di- law hiS ex�a�l�, In lahe mean- '�une '�aur �creditars w�i11 rplease nat al�l come o�n, us a�t ance naw �tvalt w� ��.ve a $5. biLl. Cl"uvt�an, has pwt down sirnYe crossings at �sam�e �af tl1e. c�ai*n- ea.�s -- w'aad ca�as�gings_ we'ar tihirau�h . �am;d' 'in no �i,me are uselc�s�. 'I1h:e� s�tfl��e Was procurecl �ram a gsaveZ 'A�t .awned by tihe taWs�, sa �the cost was na�t laoo z�arrge: / �� Ye�rs A o g CLTJ.NTd1,V'. NE'SNS-ItECORD Thurscla�*, Au�ust 25, 1,97.0 �. J: Haward, �ho left Clin- tom an the 2�n�d in�t., reac�Z.e�1 �1 Ii,eno, Ol�laltrom`a an,� Sa�tnvr- cTay la:gt� Td�e clisba�nce is 1200 riviles anc� ,Mfr. , Harv,a;�d m�acle G'he ��a1e c�isbance �'!�y bicy�cle+, The s��rc��ah o!� macsadam raad, which tivas cam�lct�.d' a few days �agb, ir.am Lhe posf of�fiice bo �the Grand Trunilc s�tia,- tian, c'as�t $�800. al�l �to�ld. Chali�'- m�n Boacom �ils cea°�ai�y d'e- vo,�fiu�g m;ou�e� tim� ta �he lay�ing af xaads �and t�his one, w�iYih sauera7 more �tb �cor�ze in t�he nca� fiu�twle,, tivill be af gre�at benefit to �he arsa. Mirs. Jas; Liver�-x�:ore ent�e�- �ained� a �eiw laciy �s�ends �to t�a �oa�, Tucsc�ay c�vest�4ng,. in ho¢i- atiur ,dP 1V6i:ss Bessie Slolxi�an, traine�d nurse Q;f N�ew Yozlc, who is spen�d�ing a vfacatiom in tbwn. Charlie Wasvg, who bou�gh't aut C�h�a�rli� Warug Sdmg, �h�as asl�ocl �for the pabrarna�� o�f �a.I�I fanme+r custarrne,r's �and it' is said. ;he evc�n r�'o'es bebtea u�omk �haai �hds pred'eceasor. �O ���3iS A.�O CLINTON N]1W5-Yi,]L�COI�,A '3'hursday, August, 27, 1925 Fallot�u��g is a. • l,�ist A�P, �th,c pa�sse�ngers oi� �e H�arve�tea �, Excu���o� imavelinng vi�a i:he C,P.Tt,.: Mess�is. Mo�ga� Jon�es, J•ohn Teib!butt, D. Halloway, W. Sta�ribtuy, D. C�licidon�, N. Ma�tr�, P. Gdt�bings•, N. Wri�gh�, L', S�tacl�:hortzse, J. Owen�s, A. SsriiUh, J. J�t�ray, R. Johnstnn, J. Thomnsan, R.. Zrwin ari�l Ma, am�Cl' Mrs. R. F1is'�h.er. The Gaderneh Eancl wSll tal�e part sai t'he rtlusi�al com- peiiibian: �at Tos.oa�,�te: Fair nm TI�u(s�d'ay, Se�temUe2 3. The ban�d ahas b'eer� giving �, gaad accaum�t af �itself ancl everyane w�ii11 vyish it s�uceess ai iLhe big CaYn�GtutiOn. . �t �resb�t��r��n � ��u�r�h �a�s� c�usa,nr}, ha1P �ure t�ak- � • o.Cte jth e�s �on' S�a�c' T,�eaGrs �aze b�urng �5 ��a�r� A o ��tt�i:cia iV�la�ra'e �d�a�d i�e- m;..'n �o� Qus ibz�iai�e�t',, 7t �n �:v��y with �v�a�y � � v �ux- . cr�m,e �th� '�r�d� af (:"k�1v�i� ��-' • 47LI1�T',PQN 11TF.'l3'�S-Jt��QItT� laa��#s �,��: a�oPer�any o� A�- � z acepaia�n w�a�,s laal� at th�. Ch!ase o� �.��90 �:� Wa;�san's, h�rrr�e r�g �he bride's �a.i��,�. . Graaexy� T�►itrsciFtiy: ,Au�ust 24, �.�50 �'us� ,6 at tlle �rQs!bYtcri'�a� Fpr �r�VL'�1in�, 't�� br,i� c3a�.� �y'd,rp. S�k�on, �lintcan say�s� r,nans� ,candu:eted �k�y �?e�, �, S'Yr'�te�r+ixu �t ;a, hat s�t4 e x. '111�e ,z?�i�Way, s��i}c� h�S �'f� U, MaGIr�an.�, " ��d ,a i�yv'a-���Ge :�txit o� ,�e214�w � . . . - IiT�;�n "w�icl� s'k�e� wa�'e W.�1�h b�e :sLummier tiirz�e is gruc�lkn�� ��cbod mlany �hr�ngs �in t1�e d�.s, '�e ,la���,e �i� �the elcle�st c1a�r 'te � �cc�ss ' s • � - Ppoc� �S ln �h4i i Sup�'ly �h�! � . axt� . �vc�rk ar�d! JUst �t�ecau�e coo7c�a!n ���ct gh��:er .�pF ;lVl'r. and .�!Ir�. TIaS. �lie np,uple y�zu l;iv� ir� Ciizx- use��° L� i�e dpne ha1: wa .Ya �n satrke �ar:ts a� �he cauntry, , .� . � . Y . Fc�Wazd, �.$7 ��1�� ��t., Cl�ntori, ba�. n�o x�asan Par �an �r endur�n �?d is. �e'�g u�tio�ied; only �i�st � � ' acc,e �ed �?� tn'� �graam lis t%e e�ld�st so� P�uaz* �ta �he?' xn�a�ra;a��� t�he ; �uc�h �xas+�;we�,. 'Iihere ;i�s ,no t'umre cla�ss m�l iS 1�eing � P �'Y af ,�Vir, �� Nfss G, zs�i� R�� r , tiL� Pa�� ,Oi�ia�; t�,uo�s, bus�s � � ?� . _ . a�� , . � zde�=eQeet �Vas h�n,ore�i �.t t�p r;rarn,�ance �wi�;h a cl.a� aY 5 Cl�.t�'n, Shqwcxs h hqs��t;es es Nt;rs. fa such wcaz+k, Us'e t�e' "�+l ecir�ic a'n.�l p�ane�s hav� �bee�n boa�cecl ' . , . :�' �. t.a ���,a'ei�y t,a �noye �e+�pl� .�s �e i�ziide loak�d �av'ely ?� a Ph�ll�s NicicaTs�om. an!�I NLrs, coakei�" :and t�her� wiill �ie �ip�,� str���-+l�en�gtk� ��re�s qP �y'lon Acr,nat±hy H r��,rs, Ptir rpmanc�. S�ip in anci see �'g�l �,s �rqct'uce�, �' • . P aheer q�rer 'tatf�ba vc��,t,�l �. �?'Y`1'an ih� "�l;�ctr.�c 'Loglter"' in ope+�- �xVal LoD�b lvas t�is�4s.ed 4p ana llce !�ad'ee. ° er �, �,r ' �� e�are su e. o tivlill, h'ts g�p��Y ,bus��:ness to. T. R. , �'_ � S1��ul,c1 . a�tl�,�an �a�d w . x � u,. . � Ien�t'h; yeil W�as 1�e1d in �pZace •• , �� Tl�ocrvpst�n, ,a�nd a .�zc�w' �1u:lr��mg . vv�ant �to ,bake �our �ie t _ _ Y ... �v a!,� .:. , : , by a erovV�ri qf sun a eari . . ui t?d s � . � _ � _ C ass� �e�d �ds. . : _ � qi �a �?�at #�iidhan� �rn�d 5m'��71] �S �be+�ug qe�adled far his oe �nd $he c�a'r`xied �, ��ouque� p� _, ,' ai� electr+ic �rya�t fi�or ,her, oupancy be�ide �bhQ Pt�b.lic Utxl �. .. , . � i ities Biui2�dLn�. . . I�u?�C ear,na�l;zar�, wk�Lte ax�ums v ,. 1 �t'If1. IC�C � , '� A. T. Coapea ":has sold his �nd iYY.' nu . . � . �I . , . , . �, ,t avr�ss $��� �at��ma atr�a. � , . �r to P�e�te �d Ih�er sist�er w�a ' � ink n- � 1931 �buc�abak I � . �g' P Y ' ' 25 � ars A o G1�Ler thrpu h� e�aP �a�zr clas , I� .� ., . . lon, oy�r �a�EPeta. � � - � �'1P�ed adle�ts.glVLt� Caq er as i „ _ � � .;, . . , . ��SU��'$ ' UT.Xr+TTON NEWS-REC.OIt�D sc�•ry ta par.t �wit�� m}s car afte�' P'ha�'lip B�i�C�a�ck w�a�s gr.'b�az�s _ � Thursday,' A.ugust 2J, 1J4Q 18 V'�ats, , .,. � � a re- � _ . , An �rt'i�cle appc�ared in � � 'I1ha �Pal1awiiirug ��ave been 5uc- oent •is�ue nf the� S�a�r �ee�lcly . , ����� I� usxne s and Prof essxonal, p well l�navvm asSing �bh�c�ir S�t, a�bcnut Frec� Slaman, i Johm`s Aimlbula�ce Cautse: M�ris. Clintorui�an �amd far �azUh ped- �irector� Bex�lide Henny, 1V�rs. Je�ssi:e a,gag+u�e. Mr. S1orcn�an's xe�cant � - I3ar�, �Vlms. 1V�a�ry Murc'h, Mrs. a�+t�cles �pu�xlis�hcd duri,r�g iihe _ Gr�.Ge �CaSile, Mrs. Mary Mc- qld �3oy^s Pe�undon recezyed pHOT�GRAPHX Ewam NLrs. Ada ,��chillen,ber er, rn�uch favaurlble comun�nt. � 1NSURAI�1�.'�� � , g Mxs. �dn,�a Fu1Pat�d, NLrs. Ken- _ , . nevia �3pps and the �'r�ssess � }-�A�(��Nr.s �'j'T.U�j� � K, W. COLQI�H(UUN �lborence 1Vl�cCa�llum, Tsabet �n ����.� A�. POR7RAIT -- WEDDiNG �NSURANC� dc R�AL ESTA7� L•ind'saY', ,7essie �Calm�bell, �para v and CHIL4R�N Phones: Ofifice 482-9747 H�a�nrisan, D.or,atJhy S#reets, Elv�� 11a $� David'a St. � • � Rea. ��7.•T804 1'xacto�, El�iz�a�bebh Schoe�vhals, CLINTON NLt�S-ItECORD Dia! 524-$Z87 Gode�ich JOHN YV1SE, Saleaman . � 1Vta�i7garet �aylor, RrutYt W'a.ts� Ttiursd�y, Aug•ust 25, 1�J55 ' 6-13p Phone 82-7265 �am'd �VLarjorie S�e'em• A wieddirvg af in�ez•e�s�t took S'impsans-S�ears hav�e xcmted '—.._ �lace iui On�bazio Stree�t U�nv�ed �'�e s�tnne ac�jain'vng Harman's OP'1'OMETRY �"�, �:; L'AYVSON � �� O'ruu�z'cYa �wlie�n . J:a,mes Kemnebh m�n°,s� Weiar �and w�i�ll cammen�oe i � remaclelli�r� a,�er�ations sd "�t��;t �Irst Morty�ape Money �Avallabl� � � nr�i���� ana no�,tny s���,�, �t��.a� � 1 J. E. LUNGSTAFF ' Loweat Current Intereat Rata � t�vere uiiit�ct �in nrarria.ge. Rev. lt v�'.�1'1 ib� aeady fqr open�i�vg tize IN3URANCE - R�AL �8TATE , G. �G, Burtom q�ftsciabed, firs�t p�atrt df'Oato,bex. ORTOMETRFST INVESTME(YTS i N�abice fio all �owners af �at �'�e car.nerstane� of the addvG: Moridqya- •cnd Wednesdays phonesi Of#ice 4�2-9644 � gunis ar mi�les •-- They� mus�t �e� '�a Oavbario St�eet Uz�fi.ted �•�N MEDIC.t�L G�NTRE Res. 48?-9787 � be regis�tered vviith �,tlhe �Ch'ie;f Cnunch.vwas l�aid th�is �past S7an- 482-7ii�0 � af Palio� an �r b�e[fore S'e.p,tezn- d'ay �e�'vng. B, J, Gi�b�bings +SEAFORTH OF�ICE 5.27-1240 H. E. HARTLEY Ue�r 15, :�a,'itut� ra xe�ist� Can Place!d ss�am� h�isborical do•cu- - I,g•E INSU�R.ANCE ' mcan �a fine oL �200, Signed .by mervt� �,nd �a�pe�rs in ii: and Re�v. �. g. ��qNCY, �:U, Planned Sa,vings ... A. E. I`reinI'un, Ghie�f oi Potice. A. G. q�]agle, mirois�tier o�f t;he Estate Artalyxis ch�.ameh; �Gomctuc�ted �the s�e�ci�J �~ OPTpM�TFFiST -- . . servic�, D. Veene�nd�aiai S�as�ni� �pr ApPvintment CANADA LIFE �.EiTEl3 TO EDITOR ' - ASSURANCE CO. the comitra�etar Pa� the atZditFo�t Phona 524-��59 � Ct�nton,. Ontarlo �0�1116� 4'�,0��' was als� psetscmt. ,GODER9CH 7.lh�e T7avey Crocicet�t .legan�d. �-� , se�ems � be� dn fuil sv��ing and � ALUMINUIIA PRODUCTS �����/�M . altihough„rits cr:e�a�ter, Wa4t Dis- R. w:_ BELL For AirMaster Aluzninum ar� � �10y, is an Arnerican�, he �w'as ppTO M EYR 1 ST Doors and Windowa i�omn lin Go;dexyi:cn Townshig and �d • F. `T. AFiMSTRONG ��ro�� ��+8„ ' perh�aps w!o�u1d have rea��2ined Consulting, Optametrlst Rockwell Power Tools f � here x�f �there �h�aci �be�n aaz ou�E- � z�t �rar �hi� t�ien�ts i�� this 7n° sQuare, GODERICH JE6tVIS SAL�S �� Ed�i;tar, . cawnt�r , 524-7661 . R. L. Jervisr-�68 Aibert 8� Y• ],tfb • Ciinton--�82-939C1 I Zlhe News=R,ecord, The �aw�n cr•es�t i� �-izll caloum Clin�:on, Ontaa�io, has b�+en� add'ed to �t'he decon at . • Dear Svr: bhe fron�: af the .Cou�ncil Cham- �� �� ���� �'1�� �Pollohvnng �;Erws lterrl un'il� Uers. .�i�ti��t far the caesit d� R�eg, ■ ■ b�e af irutemest ta many oP �ny S�m'ibh. ai Cli��an �vihe� v✓�orked � Cllirv�an �rien.ds. fram co!pies �a�P �h�e omiginal �CHARi�RED ACCCNNTANTS w.h�ich �were� n��:cte� up fro�n, �he� 55-57 SOUTH ST., TELEi�HOME "�M;rs. Jahn� ,G. Mackit�nan, coa� af ax�ms oF Lo�d C1lntnn GODERSCH, ONT. 528-7�+62 Eaeeutive Il�'vrector �o� the '�Td�ii;-. . irvg Homema,kems Asso�[atios7 of " �iamiltom, �and Dist�xrict, leaves � i r A�t�gu�t Zo �b� ��ane � a ,;. ..�.. THE N�cK�lL4P : MUTUAL , trnan�ih's �,i ip t�o �'r�gla,tLd �axid • • �` ' �uro�pe, v�isit,ing Bea�i.uxn, xo1- . Iat2cl, Ge��many, Swli,tzerl�.nd'an'd > .✓ c�(�� ��('����i�� �O�D���% Fa.�an;ce. in GeieStnan�y sd�e� will 1 n J �r f i be Canacl!ia�n re+pr.esem�t�:tive �t � , ' art I x v tei�n+a. t ioa� a l � I�mem a Siers ,/ �. Offlce' -- Maln 8treet i � �, ' R 3EAF�RTH Co�n�ea'ence . beimg die]d ne�am `� _ + , � ,� �� ., M .��` � , � ,. b"r,anlrFurt. As we�l �s�he wiill ' a� ��* f `� , 44 ," Ynsures: �i�Vut H�rmem�a�'l�er Centi�es it� • r f �- '�'"�k�' y, '� . , ��������i�l.�,��K�iz� `' e�ach courLta-y�an her tau�r," ' ��1���'� �x, �• � ^�� . Town Dwetli�gs , �-~ _,�.�. � � �. A]ways enjoy .n�c�ws o�f Clin- � �� ,��� • Al) Olasses of Fa'rm Propert Gan �and. �ur va�^ious t.�i�ps ' d � ; � y� ��; � �k .,�Summer Co,ttages ��i1QTne". � � � �6 `� 'x � � Churches, Schoots, �ialis � "� �i1�t „!,•:.:,• a� �h����.��~�}�?�Rt .��'` . ��.. , - , . Yaurs very bzYw1Y, . • �� ,"�� Sx����`��m E�endefl c o v e r a g e (win � ;� :F�,,,� ��.� ,�'� ��-� � , - smol�e wafier dama e; fallia MA�D�L�IN� (HA'V(xKIN�S) � A �; ��� . ��� ';;��,� � . , � 1VL�OI�iNN'aN' . � . ,��� �°�������:�� �objects,• etc.) is also a�ailabI� " " AGENTS: James"Keys, RR 1, Seafortl�; 'V. J. Lane, RR 5, Se 10 Sbanley Ave., '��'-' �' �' -• " forth; Wm. Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; Sel.wyn Ba1�er, Bxuss �Ian�vii�on, 4n�tario., Httrold Squires, Clintan; Geoxge Coyne, Dublin; Donald'G. Eato Awgus�t 10, 7.965. � Seaforth. - �EATT�E F�1�N�T��E � �����T4�� � ��� �����r��ag Three Specials �n Sea�� M��t��esses . Gaod pa.st�ure �s..a P�.U� . . . yo� �an �et �ram sl�epin� a x :, ,�'a�<'v:.. . .�x:; :: ,:#:::>..: .:a� wi':; . . .. �•:ba:: ��:`5����� �,Yr�"v" . . u { � � � �t ` � � . � .� af �* � k , , R �.,� Y, � ■ . .�.�. P�s�c�re � �� " { '.��?�..''„"` ,� ��,��; n '1� � '� a� x, ����> � ��y� � t U �... � R{,. " � O H u \ � � ' � � .,;�: � k � , < � i� ,� �r T � �'s � •, '�;'�::. ` :�'� q Y �. ,, � � f,�� ; , � cy, . �`' ., ''��^�,��,�z"3 ��° World's finest inaf(ress for comfortti6le, heohhful "'..n ?� �! �?;x' sleep! Aligns, tones up antl relhxes weary back , o �� �' �, �';.�' muscles—juit as Orthopedit sUrgoons recommend� t �,�`�;, �£<" Fambux Pd�#urepedic design can't sag—�clways, �'�°`::>�"�>�`' keeps yo6r spin4 on a kne. He1p5 improve your a t ". Smoolh NO MORNtNG �P°sture, �o you feol and lo ok b t er �`68INI'Ubb�tPOStuthpCdiC button-froe fop, too—no buMps, no lumpd. matt�ess aDd matchi�g BACHACN� SEAIY StEEP5 YQU--KEEPS YOU--A7 YOtlR fouhd2iion , . . ftOm S ���� BESt! . Fuit or twin size both for $179.50 too•sOft mattfe5s ��% 50 t�atefiing foundatfon 5�9.50 ,�_ �I � [ess [han 2k a ola.6t 2d YEA�f WRi`f7�N GUAF2ANT'EE ' 1�9TH TME � S�I�E GU����ITEE �N S�ALY�� $��SQ ��rrR��s=� ���� � �� . �u�i o� 7WIN SRE BOX SARlNG ���� , . ALSb;3988 �`�',��� h.. �:.�'": . . . Sea�y ��cd Anrai�er�a�y_ . Fari�tlus Seaty FIRM construc#ion 4� . Heavy 8•oz. woVen stripe cbver � Smooth buttan�free top � o ���� + �xciusive Se�ly Edge Gardsw � • �re-built b'orders for added support SET GUpRANTEEO �f' struetUrally defeaitve tree rspaif firat year. Prop6rtfionate lb YEIIRS �nnuai use charses theroatter, Fo� extra xuxu�y, ex�ra fairm su�port ... '. ��'N �L�EP SU1'�EME MATTRES� . ,�, 4- • M tlress or 6oz s rin a twin or tull stia g� � ���..{t,�► . w, s�• r: w made wi�h �69�b fie�tures Ekciusive new Sealtin ticking rau�cGng LD PAY. .50 LuxunOus quilte�-iti•fnam top . ��g•�0 Extra firm 312 coil eons#ructibn �69,50 I)oz�'t iriis9 ihis gr8ui cambinnL•ion of quilted-ib-foam l�kzury ai�d. extra firih support. Oh enlo for h liziiitied tiriae bnly, Judgm i� tbday=--fok dat�s£acti0n, for v�ziue! �*!�, �Yllh'�n �30 dayS afler Purihase,'you .i: s d r ou cart � o o el satl Iio b Y E� aro �lot e m 1 t C��������� ���� nuynnahermatt�urswiNiash�uchv4lue tat sati�faction%for value! lor Ihe 9Amo oY Ias4 mohey,'relurn any Gold6n Sleop malltoss �or hok� Spr(nQ' foP,. falt tetqnd, nn�r�� _. �5 V�A� wr�M"r1��N :�UA`�. . , __ ..��__ . _ �_. :__J �wl��m�l �Mf � �° EXT�tA l.EI�C TH MATTR�SS�S and �1���$I�I�iNGS, 6",b" /�� NO LXTR,4 CI-�A�G� AL$�h IN ST`�CK V {\ ���G.� �� � �������1Jk��V an� �QX SP�iNCS � _ ,.,. . , ,, ,. :. �� . , _ _ � r