HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-08-26, Page 2.. ..... ...
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'F M
o n r nq.,, Co 'menk
i Letter 8 t:! Wa
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A:" NT5CLr1,V$, XQW w.mNas num,"..
'30T ! wvvx oxw
T49 IEMtorl To the EditoT, The Vditor,
TJ1e ClinbQn N0w$_R0CQrd,
C-lln Newis-Record, 044to(TI Now-s-Ropord, Qlknton liews-nword,
linton, Oatar�o, on Clinton, QntaTW, C4 Ont.
clin't �, 'Ontario. Pear Sim
Pev $IT z
Pear $irt Dear j%r- Pear t
W.4.agree with Mr,. P_ Apstwoling t Da�lld4ares, letter Bay-�� T I would, �tlm,6 to commend the
,he ar0cJedn;y=- In .�Ta4y people J11v -the, News-Reqard -for its lobjecti
j.xi4 V-0
�swom.e4t th4t Bwyfi:414, 1% 104,9.1 of Au arezk were slwol<od w ting ot tbe soho.ol coptro-
gnpt 1�, 19,65,. field i
accused -of, to, �B
11 old
9 — yps, we use delays. -MAoh will in0ease th!T111=14 attoLck
'on ersy. You baye, not,tajpen de
for 1wert4irty-fi L e %. -t der �V _avldsm of 04 r.0,Sj,L
POlm D ex -
ah dents o 4.est at I v
�uje.of Stgntey Town'sbip, Bripcofiedd wherein aTp paps. tile the s pol builftg 00sts, We tit bave printed l LL le
_w,s ,
Riley Tpwn, b
q. you hb 110'aSQ11
In ship =;d,,Bayfjeld, xnade b PeVed t 9)[W t
y Mr
1)uTiog -ee T _ P
.Pttimo Many WiLSh, Bayfl CoMM�tt hose,,bard your, plea Sor comm.vrits from.
�p -d' On,
by do not -wish !to im v
na much S4yiTtg tb 'or Malcolm D,414 5
_at p4
'. Xnnier ;rg4,, ))4yjpg A Central ;School f th of
es to re4in =_porate a" 'AlInIking qpe�oplej r a g 4n; ! Qso in
mrd PrIga- dent;q. were p a - b,
erpuaded,to sig by lids awoo, — this: b_,s oen stated makin
id -,Q 'for - f heeded.
ude is felt toy honest ai sti . ewp ef , t . OT odhool must not 0 P4,
dier' very qve#ionab1,e t long
Clift' pod - hl!i PLs�wd P�s iques all a — but, in W. tb
the wolfare of the obildrM in gwww peoplo.in West Stanley
for their offorts toward that call safWy say that the above lang distance Involvolt. we be- their 09m - who, ava , god � ;
'0 M __m4aulty, resent � 4ot are not iii if i�tr -of 0g,
goal whi'cli (4aL
. 9. fitlally been mionlibped are T&, Pavidson!s Nelve that there should e tv hem
Tepche4. .,mv4,fa)br1.oatiop words. sollools, As, the inspector st,0jeo' .041Y We sluir against ti to Bayfield have hesitated to
selves but particularly th
A As a,sumr rner resident, was sixmonth-5 ago. And We 0. rea e rew comm. 41! publicly ft., several
Much iij now. Veiling accoln-, marks made abo4t Roove Clift. -reasons, two of, the m, ore com-
aPPIiogohed by a, na;t#vo and have the uU41pus, of .4, .00 -iey hav
plishod and, most- rnoA, being: (1) �Tl � e
- 1. e to ,To BayfloW.s Re f4v f board tc?jattenil
ask., a 4dlit.,Irg thon a 1 school,
eve, -Tom electoda sohoQ
-wished to 491T, (that ds not- a , As- for kludei;Varten, the wee beirig the wicked spendthrUt t* t-�*' bg0ipss for
Sincerel yqqrs, fonpe or glmm�ck), 0 . i's them =4
I signed- ft fcol a ridq lyr
1;s would bai�e, tgulte r. has.h
17 thby ere prepared to, support
TFmwYN Sna*EON- M -my free feeain
9. sorrY* on, 4 bus-,Wtuvelling 4T.Olind the sV!re-d the Village fot� 'take fts the� Board's action .(2) Ulhvy
jack Sturgel:>p. X) for the Youngsters of Our V,I_ country ki d- rIgfttft4 place as an indePend- do -not wl, L sli to 'enl I arge the ex -
side pid Ing up or , L
lage that have to, travel ten i1vering tne tive-y;earOlds here ent COMMunitV, capable of Tun' isting, controversy . between.the"
Rayfteld, Ontario. M
t1los, la idangerotis winter sea-, and there.- nii�g its affaiis 14 an honest
17, -14b5� Board and,Ba
Sipp ,
August son, li pory roadsL ' sharp Referring to . the, petitions and eco4omidal m,-_mtrer,
uceheld t The problem of 1provid-Ing an
curves to' Br on , hat. "questionable
Var a Road. and Those words, Most wesidouts -are tbankful adequate Modern education has
tedb�iques" whlich Mr, David -
Our, townsbip: TartheM- hAVIe son ed that he hard tile fore'sigbt aW beongiving us concern tur s ev.
pus wepart, only shy that, years. We recognize our
Summerhfll Club. energy to Tosoue Bayfield from,
been operating our educational if III$ friend,$ signed something the doldrums before it was too, existing schools bave sorved UsL
system like the horoo pod bug- they !(lid not understand, thaY well for over a century, but
met, Af gy days for too- long' in, this have 01-4LY themselves, to- blame. late, Ire has also, spent mdll�ss
time and much. � of ,his Lown they carinot provide the typo�bf
changing world affairs and Oil A ithe top of each page was a required today, We
�t , money in helping the West Od'110*011 - 'C
at once are f6eling- sarry fw clear statement or. explanation -xat a
L Vo' n Home the youngstes. They are al Stanley Committee, mid recogifte, tl ostly, though
L, dde in- and they had only to read it their supPor -a, - to� L achieve well-1ptentioned , err6r was
Ing to give them better ed6- to know exactly WhzA was be- tel made 20,.yeam ago when we
The SummerhM Ladies Club clition in a centralized single ijig �tihedr objective, wbi,01Js — tbe
J- , , signed. kept our sdiools, out of the
at 'right to Irdep a schoul in tft�lr ,
in Augvst 1.at the home of schooll just in, time -when Bay- I myself, found that most comr, unity — Justas they 'vahool,area!'. Our tax w
; s.- Xre odiden . with 20 field apply�ing for to In- own a rioney
.AW d, V was nsider�ble'know� St helped provide extra grants
mertlibers . and t0ur visitors pre- corporate itself. Bayfield has 68 people had co believe thp,,t East anl�ey reK-
16dge of the problem bivolved dqnts have the right to a ;nod-
('approx. $3.00 �e)r year). 10i
sojilool children,, -and is endtil6d,
and were eager to, registerthell, schools Whiob joined the area
hopil in their cbm
Thank -you 'ca&ds, weTe, read, to have her own school, apWoval of our efforts, Every ern, PP mu�lty. enablin
g them to modernize,
frorm Mrs. Tbhfison, Geo, Col- If the Townsl-dp wish they public school ratepayer bad Mr, �)avids=) di-vdhW'iil1Y (lights, Wa�§hrooms n a
clougb and Mrs,' Graydon .9eal. can conftrie gome of the closest every Tjight to 'express his., c,� disrmsse,$ the S.OS. petition cp tr I
After the lbusl s, AITS. Wrn. schools with -it, also build a pinion, as. to how his taxes with w I itnessed. _Agfiatures -0� heating, etc.)
Weis Our 5choolswerd modernized
Jenhinstold about a trip to the centralized odhood for the dthew should be used — this is pup- approk,irnately 900 people as
I - too, but not being in, an "area!'
Fl e4, XM_�ket L and H.fk ea Watllin outlying sections. We -are going pos'ed to be a democra�cy, is, it "not worth the pii-per -they are
z -ally not? For Mr, DavWson?s wedid not quaaify for the above
condacted-a 6ontest: to need more schools esped written! on! F ned grants. Our tax
propeviy drawn mentio
-for this new drug that is- on infoomation a,
The "next �nee�ini is-sei for the inai*et to&Y that is sup� "Are object to thd term 1�poor sed pet tion s the money helped provide- the ad -
and wt-nes Obbional. grants which -were A-
S6ptemb&' 9,at8�:30 pan. at the wretched little country bump
d - to monopolize- them like kins" (used in tbe democratic waylof getting an vailloble to !pchoals, within an
home. of ', Mrs. Harr� Watkin pose 11 expression orf Public o -
bees.' Le.t us settle the dWer- overa 1.
Mien..1100 call will be answerec . � August 12th) as we have area, but not availedbli� to. us.
by man, . Ang -i"tower beg�nning ences peAcefully, 'The township ways felt that dfiildr�-n brought pinion. School area boards usually,
will ierfiaAn allso as ours too. Id ba!ve ta- thotugh, not always) seemed. to,
with the ,,safi-re, letter as. the ub. pn good tairnis were the Mr. Davidson. shou
.$ -e to To
ladios' name. In,charge of pro�- For Mr., Malcom Davidson' most fortunate in the world. ken, the troubil ad the secure the best tpqchers, -thus
gram willbwl�R* Win. Lovett, 111f0rMation, Bayfield is the They 'have �,_D much that urban S..O.S peti-don before diampling pmvidinga beti-er education,
Mrs', John �Kurch and,*S, Al- most penceful and quiet section children lack for the develop- It. If he, had done so he would We now find although &Teat
41- , Lunch conven& as on a sch861 season that will ment, of healthy bodies and not'have been. able io� find one
len Ne sums of moneyhav�e been spent
Mrs. Ross LoN4tt, aksted bY pern-At the youngsters, without
r,ainds and it is precisely. be- word condemning the Central
modernizirig our schools dt has
ti -re lyrogran� comiTAttee. annoyance t6 concentrate het- cause of tlAs lack that so,mucii School at B4uedkeld. The Petit- been ht vain, our schools, e
ter on their lemmings. As for has to be, done for those in the, tiOn simply -asks -1;lyat, West Inadequate to provAe the typre
Bruce1eld with all that com- urban centres. Stanley and Bayfield be� given - educa
industry tM7 Contrary to what is b the right to malintain a school oX We -tion, needed today.
CHILD PORTRAITS' meycial tl�uck'n'g eing are determmed that ofur
velling. on that Highway 4 be- inferred,all of us, are interested of thedr own at BlAyffeld by new school sball be of a type
tweenouir nidior city of London adding two T00111S and a general
and the northern part of ou'r H1 the welfare and proper edu I om to, the existmig best designed not only to serve
JERVIS STUDIO calbicall of the children of Bay- purpose TO us today but also capable of
province, wjal be annq�ing to field and nearby ia�r&as and are school Which is modern in . de- prodding the edueadonal op -
Phone 482-7006 the youngsters. lef that much is sign. portuniti-es dernWidedby a com-
firm In the beh
30tfb Protecting no one but I like gained by baving them attend Mr. Davi.dsonWs thoughtless plex and rapidly changing sa-
to. see justic6 done to the Bay- four to
�ight-room schools as statements may, precipitate. a ciety. We believe a larger sch-
field youngsters. ch - o:ol is st 1kyto met
close to the v9lage and Tura] plebiscite whi! is a more cost ino li el e our
homeg as possible. ly method of gettina an, exPrels need,. for 'several reasons.
Yours very. tiuLly,
Sincerely yo4UrS, sion of PUNIC opinion, �Ome-1 (1) . Teachers axe trained and
DON BIRSTON, thing the West Stanley S * O.S., prepared to teach in large sch-
Committee have tried to, avoid
Howard Sf., ETHEL POtH. by gi-ding their time, gratis, to crols.
Bayflield, Ontario, 1 Dayflield, Ontario. (2) The best teachers offer
adbfeve� the same end. I'm sure
August 16, 1965. August 17, 1965. those members, of the CoannAft- their services to- the larger snh-
M Mlow, tee . who took the time and ool because of better working
Mrs #/S OWIV 110011 to conditions and the opportun!ity
trouble to go. from house to dor a better job.
ar 01161eelftf li(yuse over and over again to - e par,
Bayfield Couple 61yen Stirprise , (3) Some teachers ar
reicord the feelings 4 parebats
Rep 011roF and, taxpayer$ in West Stardey kculwly -adept -mith one sub-
ith etic, -history, etc.,
AN W4 I Township and Bayfield Village ject e.g. ai � m
Party On 25th Anniversary I tter 'Use' can be, ade of ft's
VARl want ' to talk.to, Mr, David,- Be 001
BAYFM� LD — Mr jand 1&s. Charles Scoitchmer; Mr. and son in an open meeting. Ije qualificatim in a larger sch
S . c uld be askW to produce Lacts (4) Teadjiing alds are more
pencer. Ervkie were guest of Mrs, Gordon �,cotchmer; Mr 0
honor 'at a surprise I ftner and Mrs. G. S,cQtchmer Mr. 'cal for a large group of
o to back up h15 deroigatory.re- practi
paalty fat the Little Inn -on and Mrs. J. Scotchmq; Mrs. R. marks not only regarding, the children and who, can say What
able dn the con -ii -Ing
Tuesdak, August 17, given, by �Vraneis, ancl Mr. bind AT±.s, Reeve but also regardiAg the "dll The avail,
their daughter, Mary Elizabetb,. Bruce Dupoe. allegation that signatures. were years , perhaps even' tL4e-'
and Wayne Dupoe, to mark Ube party laiter gathered at obtained "by very qitestionable vision, teaching machines, etc.
the Ervines, 25th wedding an- the home of Mr. -and M- s,. techniques!'.
(5) It is more, efficient to
niversary. Charles Scotcbmer where card They might a1s6 like Mr. build iand maintain one schacd
JACK MERNE Guests were Mr, md Un. games were played, and Pre- DaNddson to .,explain Why all than' two or. three.
1110k. C Earl Strong and their daugh- sentaitions of many lovely gifts the advantages! he.' described (6) CaYkada Is a bilingual
ter, Mary Lou; Ron Swartz; to Mir. and Mrg. Ervine were cannot be enjoyed by the child- countryi Soon it may -be re-
.1vilss Kay Ervine; Mr. and Mrs. made. Ten of East Sta3ileyiIii'a tWe4ve qUired t6 -teach French 'an, pub -
room -i5ohool at Brucefiel.4 in- lie schools. it would be mme
stead df a, sixteen room school?. practical to,engage -a quWff-iefd
Most West Sitardey and Bay- teacher for one sdhool than two
Aw"d IV W";VO&W e~ e19116"Wa0v �141 2111 6e, /ZIAO' field residents" feel that all or -three.
those same advantages can be (7) Persons adjust to change
obtained, for thiir children i1h
more easily at an early -age. It
the proposed two room and may -be desirable for students
Let us awda ym with.your 4. . I - M
V. 4 venerai Purpose) room addition to beca e accustomed in pub1c
&M, for that all important o .4 right in Bayfield, plus the ad- school to the large groups
vantage of close prcodmilty to
wedding day. people, they must 4ssociate witli
their homes.
bi a secondary .5,dhoal, univer-
If, as W., Davidson seems �fty�'oT most places of employ -
to, think, a very large sehool ment.
and, a lacaitton'that suits him
(8) Large groups of children
1tOME IN AN6 SEE OUR COMPLM liI a sure� guaalahtee o(f a top canmore em.Uy be dlAded dthto
SEL9&16N OF educatibn for every child, he roams -where their capacity to
should read some of the ppo- ,earn. is about equal, thus either
blems besetting large qnt
0 INYIT� i7ONS a slow learner, Or a . gifted
schools all over the continent. child can* progress.. in an. on -
,4 .4NNOUNCEAUNTS. They include debnqueiio�, di-0� Ility
anment suitc-d to his aba
outs and grakM sex pooblems vir -it
(9) Our ch ften would have.
ACCESS . bitia In the elemerttary,as Well as to ride a bus to, attend a four
high gchiyols,
room, school tin BWMdi. An, e*
Ilm.not suggesting'that such tra t l -o� ii small
qn- nil es seen
#q*, and duc problems are. gob:gg to 'arise price Xor the opportunity to at-
overnLght or ' that there should tend AL ftWy gr&&d - modern
not 'be , a central school - at
ask for... Bracefleld" -but, If Mr, Davidson seat of Jeatning 6t nrueeeldld,
4. 1 (10), We are concewn�d With
is losling his patience because cost, but mores6 with quality.
a great niany -people in the ado6aition fat
West Stanley and8ayfield area We want the best e
our children. 'We are aware
Are not convinced thtit sordebne that obher townships have clos.
A&MOML in Toronto or Exeter or God'e� ed theirbii%e-rotm schools, built
tich or Boucefl&d. can bek de�
central schools and the6r b7fli
Med your *Odlng Invitatiom ah�ounceioenlg` aide the Aalzt and lboakiMi Df- O�L rate hag not chtMged,
Sch'001 fof the' 'education df
W acoft"rift ith, "Plato bobfideme 0A io
Al. he might be h*-,
their childke cw MOO People tedogidze
quAty &M earrmaoss bt fc�m pitr ill obb ;k the other colift- thg.,ttft eu6m gchools iareoltt-
let W b -, agedo The BWVeld 8.0.8.
tti here people have � een
11 "JI&I it want to
Vk ALSO KAV9 F03ONAUM VOCING PAR11hilk I W1111 to sid&6hder -their ftee- Cbrnnli teL6 *019 not
J� do 6�f johojae because it it'the dontlfuf6 With their Pre��tftt
-AND CAXI DO= edgieg thing fxy do, I twoA-oom �chlool, We do not
We still feel Oftt the, rlghj believe that by simply adding
to fre�edoin of dli?)Ilce of the two elastrmits Will radically
ma:1twity is worth fightifig for, alterthetype afeducati(m pro,�
much fiag been made in tho
pids;§ of the doeire, of. West
Clinto'n New- S Recoid M,011tXCr, OD I- joh%
Dty1IP1 -StAnhy residents to
tapfiol& We sugg4�sf ffisV
$4 Albetf Street C0106nit Bapffeld,'Ont.1, sirt 1§ h*minly In the nftda of
Augtftt 15, IW5. (C!0hthWed on'page 6)
........ ...... . .......
60, T#]D, _d
For Meeting..
T.h:p clintanian, cio hv4.a its.
A'�T&qSt me-014Ug' At 'tile b=- e'
of Mrs. J, ve'asurt, �ayhAa,
on Wednesday 4ftprAoQn* Au,
gust 11 wn`n mm_bw� rQ.
A Ir"Vortation fund was
started or, kv� uvotion, of a
pair of rpillow case$ WQ11 I*
M11% T, Q'001a4l. Mrs., T,
pingtaii won the:wystery V
Mri' Forest, gave 4 couple ot
sliort read#ig.� And �_i few gamm
or �,hlngo ware egiotyed by "All, A
0011clous �unch was served. by
Mrs, ColclQugWr- gm74p,-
Ti'te. next. Meeting will be at
theborne -of Mrs,. T. O'Connell,
with. prog-vani 4n. charge 'ar Mrs,
Managhan and )ft4, X. Fill' -
10 N'
Xr and MM Roy.15oan of
Po-ot Colborpe spent several
days last weej� with the jptter's
sister, Mrs, Mabel
Mrs. MAry Aopleby %ccomr.
Panlledby her sonjelt on
day on a motbor trip to Mar&
tolba to vjsit with -heir dauohrtei,
Mr.S. J(01111le P101<ett Ind family.
Mrs, Lucy Little �s spending
a few days -,Wltih Mrs. Alex
Mrs, Win. Cook 6f Toronto
Is visiting with heir daughter
Mr,s, Robeat Burns and family.
Gordon Radford has been oc-
oupled for the past week in
demoltsbing the older �part
has garage whiahwas formerly
tbp old bownship, hall..He will
put Up a new addition.
Jim Noilams moved. last weeh
to 4uwters in Mr. Norman Al-
exander's property.
Mrs, Robert FaArsenAce, Iiasc
disposed of her farm on, the
11th, concession -to Mr. Mossel-
#man o� the BAyfleld Road, Mr&
FalirseamIce will evqntually bE
moving to the v.111age h -having
purcha sed the property of Mr,
and Mrs. Alvin Stevens whc
in turn will be moving to theft
house.. in Walton..
.... .... ...
Z, 0 00 c al
NQ'tc sg
Mr, and M�s.,Wilfiarn Cia�ence Crawford
the harvesting of spring crops
month month month lJnodia
Qmt In $t� ;T104e0al
Kevin 0'Ovign -Cejp)O,1�4t ed his
Lonoon, whero she woerweat
2nd. wrtuday, Satwattv, An4k
ElOne Sohpwaga Uas return-
Mrs. Paw Leger u presently
ed -homo -after grever.K 11"AlYS. An"
in 7wonto,
the Qlwon P41111C NOSPAQ.
Sgt, and . Mrs, X W, �Coch�
Two you athletes. Qf we
rAueAlid'f ily
4m ov to
, _nK
Pailt� attended hockey school jq
$1 px Lookout
,the last few Weeks, 00]h-4 Xg.
LAC And Mrs, JoI114 PtirodhOP
Kenzie and. Gary McFarlaW.
have leftlQp Qttaw;i for 4 few,
were at th? Billy
doys and will retqrn with W.
ey 'School in Tr while
Duroclior's mother And wn
Kenny Schlegel was. -at the T =,.,
P4,an who spent his holidays
,,.0 Shantw Schooll �n A rt
gincou ,
$,ii the capital,
,,Sot, and. Mrs, J. F. MarchE .
C-pl. �and. Mrs, Q
Teorge Sinker
and dil�.Ildwm ere vappWon-irig Jn
and family Are, back fromholi-
the, Geor&n Pay,49trict,
dgys in NovA Swtia,
Sgt. an� Mrs, Jerome Mic-,
'Utlanll Mrs, 1-1tibeXt Nm*es,
W.ayne And Pebble, have, 100t
Sherry, Allan -and Cathy, Bath�
fQr'�a trip, to Kingston aga thep
114r$t, DIBW BrunsWi0k, Were
v siting w, 'F Sgt, and Mrs.
to Qumberland,� Ont"
,Cpl and Kim, W. Tlor= and
R . oy I N . 4ven and have left fov
children, abr-e spending a few
Sawfia; therico on to RCAF
Station Beausejour, Manitoba.
wedlyps in BgiVie, ,
jsg.t, and 'IW�. D. T0tersall.
Nq.-5 Ipen : Kerr b oA her
wa . y to'WinnIpog, then on to
and faintly are en route t o
Vancouver, B,C,
Winnipeg for a vacation.
Opl. -.a4d' Mrs, Bill Groves
I Monlique Geirvais visited reft-
-a to
'and obildren have returned
tiv ea in Ottawa an wint
Lake Plapid.and New York
frmn a trip to Umptreal and
St, JoKhT?-�s, P9,
Miss EmOle Tonogai, Harry
Mr, and MM, Murray Saint,
and Tack Tonogal
Port greffit, �and Joanne, Dian-
from Winnipeg ire guests of
ne, Don and Da=w $�adnt are
thdir brother, Sgt. land Mrs.
,presently ,,drdting with' Wink
�a� TonoigaL
Commander an4 Mrs, L, J. Lo -
rich. She was attended by maid
Mr. and Afis'. 1-1. BDxall, Lon-
Classified Ads.
don, England, flew to this'eduri-
try to spend a hdbday with
their pon,,S/L and Mrs, Lionel
BwaWl, They returii.to
Bring Nick'
home qn the early paxt oir ept_
Mrs. Carl Anderson and
children are on a visit -tT E ast
. Rev. -and Mrs. T. J. Pitt of
St. Johns, Newtoundland, are
vWbing at the home of Mr.
,an d Ma%. F rank, Hial.
,Mr. and Urg. William Oft-
weln, of WUnnipeg, MaFAtobaj
are visiting irelalilves dii.thi-1;
vicinity. . .
The services in the United
Churches at Varna and Goghen
next Suinday, August 29 wdll be
conducted by Rev. T. J. Pitt,
a former pastor.
A very successful auction
sale was h4d last Saturday En
ti -e -�Illage when the estee
of the late Dave Andemon was
Ishoron codn' ty,
Crop Report
Auburn Man Marries Goderich GO
o , , In Goder'Ch
At- Londesborci,, To Lh I I
"Excellent weathe�r o'f the
(Photo by Jervis Studio, Cknton)
last.few days bas speeded UP
Mr, and M�s.,Wilfiarn Cia�ence Crawford
the harvesting of spring crops
month month month lJnodia
$ 100
w1th yields, and quality above
A floor -length bri(W, g9wn
of bonor Norma McDougal
earlier expectations. The, dry
and a bouquet of miniat , Live
London, and bridesmaid Pa
weather has also retarded the
pink carnations was the choice
McMillan, Nitgara. F%Ils, weaa
development of white mold in
ing street4ength aqua nylo
bean fields and hastenecl. the
ar r, ran-ces Joan McDougall, 46
chiffon and flowergirls Cath
ripening pr�occss.thlat this may
Nelson St. West, Goderich, for
McDougall and. Sheila, Shot
not now lie a problem.
her wedding in Londesbow on
bmck, both of W;higtham, i
"A goodly number of fields
August 7 when she beicame t�ie
street -length pixil< nylon cb!J
Ewe being -prepared for fall
bride, of Wnlilam Clarence
Crawford, RR I Auburn,
Groornsnuin, was Charles V
6.12 -
She is, the daughter of Mrs.
Crawford and the ushers wer
"A lot of warm weather is
,Tames W. McDougall and the
Dave Johnston and James.Mc
needed to mature beans and
late Mr. McDougall, RR I Au-
Doulgall. Lyn Kerighan was th
corn. Beans are on the averag�,
burn.. Mr. and Mrs. CAardince
at �oast two weeks late."
Cmwf ord, also of RR I Auburn
1. For a wedding trip -to- Nast
(By D. .1-1. - Affles,
are the parents of the groom,
ville, Tennessee-, the bride dor,
Agricultural Representative
Rev., R. J. Tschantz officiated
ned a pale green, linen en
for 171tir.on Count;3�)
at the ceremony at. which.the
semble, white accessories an,
brilde was given in marriage
a corsage of pink carnatiom
Robeffit McDougall, Gode-
The -couple will reside in Gode
rich. She was attended by maid
rormer nens n
Dodor's Daughtev
Now Noted Singey
A. young Xamlarops singer
whose -talents )iave led, to Eur-
opean touns land s-olo, spots with
the UBC choir, performed re-
cently on -her home ground.
Miss Inez $mitlie, daughter
of tW. and Mrs. Ivan, G. Svgllie,
of Kamloops, B.C., a :former
phytsilcian in Hensall, gave� a
redital in Kan-doops secondary
school auditorium.
Milss SnAffie, who was bom
in, CIMIton, Ontario, aialved at
Xamloops at the age of seven
wMm ' She ww; a B.C. Royal
1 Conservatorysilver intdaldst. on
two consecutive Peasons.
I Shiedlsoaccom� the M -
gar choir of B, 'ic. as A soloist
to& two Vuropean, tours,
,$he studied In, the 11W De-
partrft(�nt of music under the
dkreation of Dr, Abbiert Aldftls.
She hkg beell a so,1018t 'ftth
tho UBC chole mid Madrigal
singers and 1# lead, gbprsAa fow
tho Chwnbee qiiigersl
Lftt 8eason bngS Smff
, Ilie;r at,
companied by piano- and rrencb
ho,rri, wais; among the winners
fop th6 VandotWer eonte�t of.
the Fhloftds of chaniber music
Society, Par the Past tw6'-YcarS
shd hat been talking private lot -
Need backotaoschool
HVC Shopper's Loan
If you need more money for
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school needs, get it now,
with an HFC Shopper's
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