HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-08-12, Page 9.C.4,,r1,2.14444teLids Mexican Bean Betties Mum., Jos, 12, 1965—Clinton ..N,vw.s.Ae.clor,5.1., mee.,moiml .4114WRIttla fix.1%0VINS Auburn and District - opko.Noc.K.,,,4orrespocies Phone 5 r culture criers In Treating Insects i.*- Wheat -- Corn — Oats' -- Beans Barley Mixed Grain -- Flax M Competitive Prices and suggest you con- tact us-before you sell Set VI) Vgn4 Fhtioral, serviipe for the late Dr: gert JOUnrle Weir• Were held last Thursday a Ole Arthur Funeral Borne, 13:eV, Rebell MacLean °radiated and Intrial Was lin Colborne CepterY. PallbeareIrS Were Keith Air., thur, Lambeth, Bill Mil, Lon, den; Ken Thain, Toronto; George RosS, Gadenloh; Ken- neth aeatt and Thomas John, Alton., The flara1 tribrotes were carried by Peter MaeDgnald, Allan Craig and Mark Arthur, Besides the flOral utes from neighbons,,, friends' and former patients.a fund has 'been set up for a mernorlalto perpetitate the life of a•faithful +country doctor who for the last sixty yeahs aid, so much fee' this Community. ;Contribu- tions are, received by Mrs. Wl- fred Sanderson, Attburn., Rela- tives were Present from Tor- onto, London, Sault Ste Marie, Stratford, Galt, Goderiett, Wing- halm ' Clinton and the sur- rounding district. • . , Personals' IVIiiaN.C.-Broadifoot of Tor- onto and Mr. and Mrs. Broad- foot of Seationtih viisited on Sun- day with Miss Margaret R. 3acksOn., • , Mr. ialfd MrS..Lauis Ilarnber- ger :of; Searorth visited on Sun; day with Mr: 'and is. Anderson end family and Mrs. Edgar Lawson. , Mr. and. Mrs. Ross 'Lawless and Donald of 1-lamilton spent Mr. and Mrs. Dory Phalen of Acton Visited last Week vvlith her father, Russel King and mr4. Hihg, Guests last week with Mr, and Mrs', 1VIaltland Allen were Mr. and Mrs, Bernard Mc- Daeben, Flint, Mieh.; William H. Coates, Flint, Mioho Mrs. Lester' Greintsecin, Detroit; Mrs. Fred Schoen, Detroit; Archie 'Robinson, Clinton; Harvey Mc- Gee, Galt; and Robert Ridden of Miss Mary Itirkconnell of Listowel spent last week with her parents, Mr. • and Mrs. An- drew Kirkeonnell and Miss Diane. Mr, and Mrs. Ben Hamilton 'are 'vasiting relatiVes this week in Windsor. . Charles Beadle of London is vacationing Imo the Village and Loftus street purchased from the estate of the late Ma, klel•bert .0oivier,. • Mr, and Kns. NerMan Mc- Dowell and their ,diangtter•MiSS CrWert ,MOPPWeill OP Srta.:tferd. returned boine last)Frilday trona ,six-iNveols trip to the Western 0040 and tha-Peace 13.iver tnict. Mary Retie Jere of Lon- don fsPent the . weekend here Wt h her parents; and WS, Orland .Pera and family. Misses- Jean Housten, and Jean .Jamieson of TorontO spent the. weekend here with the for- meets parents:, Mr, end Mrs, Jelin Houston, miso Mary .1-lOu- ston, .Miss rranees HOuston, .and Miss 0. young, • • 1Ws.,Ross. 13.9.,er and Par baby. daughter . annived home last Week. Mr, anci • Mrs. -Don Hurnplu- rey of Paris Visited last ..week With Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Nom- phreys, Miss Sherrill returned. home .with her parents after spending two weeks with her, uncle and aiint. • Mrs. Illorn Johnston returned home last Friday evening from Clinton Hospital where she had been a patient. • , , Rev. G. • W. 'Russel of .Coin- rich offiCiated at the corrontm- ion service at St. Mark's An- tliean „'Clitirch last Sunday. A beantiful bouquet was placed in 'the ichutich in memory or the late Dr. B. C. Weir, Mr. „ end Mrs. Magnus Er- lends of East Kildonan,. Win- nipeg visited laSt week with her cousin; Miss Viola Thomp- son and, • her. aunt, Mrs,' Jehn Caldwell and six 'Cousins in the ,Blyth community. Recent visitors with Authur Youngblut ,aind his sister, Miss Lilayoungblut of --Goderich, were Mr. and Mrs. 'Clarence Walden, Sedforth, Mrs. Betty Crete and s Larry of Windsor, Miss .Ruth YoungbInt, Belle' River,' Mr,- and Mrs, William Walper,, New Westminster, B. C., Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wei.- per, ;and fatally, kingaird, Mr, and Mrs, Howard Brooks. and son, 'of New Westminster, B.C., Mrs, Margaret Younge, IVrawer, 'Sask.; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Youngblut, • Belgrave; Mr. and Mrs. John Daer and Robert -Deer. Mrs. Ethel McDougall of Seaforth is Visiting this week With her son, Kenneth' McDoug- all, Mrs, McDougall, Miss Ber- nice and Mr. Allan. Mrs. Harold Nicholson of Seatiorth visited on Monday with her 'sister, Mrs. Wes Brad- neck, 'Slieron and George; Because Of much canoern mong a 9.tmlber of white bean , and corn growers in Some: araas of inne,i1 County regarding ..0eni, lous, infestations of Corn Leaf Aphid and lyfeNio40 .Proart I3eet- •tbe. •-following ipay he beip,, „Put ,POi4N 1,0g2;lr .APOIPS The OOrri leaf !aphid IS a soft„ bodied, greenishblue.a.pidcl that • often infests the taSsels and upper leaves of .corri. It is fonmi Wherever .. corn is grown Eastern ' Canada, Formerly, this insect was. not- conSidered PeSt,,but in recent years 'it 'has ,,attraeted, attent- ion becauSe of the large num- bens 'that have appeared hi many' ,areas. The reasons for the outbreaks are . not imown but hot, dry weather at mid- summer seeins to favour de- velopment of the insect. ' The infestaitieregius when the corn Plant is in the whorl sage, v that it is .usually over-, looked. By the .time' the tassel emerges the apliids, may be so nunierous that they cover the upper Part of the plant.; They. secrete 'sticky .,substance called honeydew,, in which a ;black fungus growth may de- -Volop. The honeydew may pre- vent pollination and .cause soine. barren 'stalks in the field, :US- ually the infestation is more' severe hi lateplanted corn, CONTROL To prevent 'appreciable dam- age, plant. corn early end en- sure rapid growth by fertiliza- tion 'and good cultural aneth.- °cis, The aphid is' mainly a nuisance and seldom requires Oben-Ilea:1 control except in corn- nieraial seed crops, If - treat- ment ars' necessary, use roalath- ion as a spray or dust; spray- ing after the tassels first: ap- pear in the Whorls is of doubt- ful value. One pound. of the active ingredient should be used per. acre, This amount Cs equivalent to ,4*. lb. of the 25 per- cent malathion wet table Powder or to one and one-half pints of the 50 per. cent maleth- ion emulsion concentrate:, Re- member, before applying an in- secticide, that the colonies may die out naturally when the in- fested parts., of the plant lose their - succulence. MXXICAN. BEAN BEETLES; This insect 'belongs to, the same family as the man' bene- ficial species, of lady beetles. The carnivorous lady beetles are numerous in cropping areas and are . very helpful in that they provide a moans of nat- urally controlling injurious in-; sects. Generally they are about one-third to one-half the size of the closely related plant feeding injurious Mexican Bean Beetle. The beneficial lady beetles are usually black and red or reddish-brown, some- times the .spots. Or markings being black on a red ground. In 0. number of species the beetle is entirely black or orange- brown The Mexican ,Been Beetle has an 04IcePtlenal habit for a lady beetle in bong a Plant feeder, It has been numerous and has required control with an, inseotislide in Some fields in the layifield-Verna MVP. fo`r several years, This may, he *lie again in; 1965, a The dark Orange-brown Spot- ted, one-quarter nieh long, neatly circular or oval in out- line, strongly convex adult) Winters in protective 'Places, in the spring they feed on growing bean Plant% eating the 1,Inclk surface of the leaveS and giving them a characteristic skelet- onized appearance; After abont ten days 'they 'begin laying-their orange-yellow eggs in .:clusters, BRUCEFIELD Liawrenee. Mott while camp, 1110..14 the- United' Church Camp, had his leg cut on a )3roken milk bottle;- be was ruslied to Godetioti• - Hospital for treat- ment where it required 18 stitches, to close the wound. Why would someone be so care- loss• -to 'throw a • broken- bottle? Mrs.' David .Laugh and friend visited over the weekend With Mrs. Aft: 'A, McEwan. Quite a number- of people .at- tended the -morning service at Kippen United Church last Sunday. Mr. and 'Mrs,- Fred McGregor have returned from a three week vacation 'S d cotlan. Recent visitors with Mrs. Forrest were Mr, and Mrs. Louis IVIascana and Grace of Crediton; Miss Liscorrtbe, Mrs. A. Smith, .Mrs. A. Ford, Mr. and Mr-s. WM. Fewest, London.- , lVirs, Keel, Montreal, is spending some time, with her daughter, Mrs. Louts Arian°. Mr. and 11/Trs.' Gordon Elliott were pleasantly surprised when members, of their family, rela- tives, friends and neighbors met at their home on Tuesday even- ing, August 3rd to celebrate their 25th. anniversary. They Were presented With a lovely silver _fruit dish. The address was read or . by Victor Hargreaves and 'presented by James Suater.• The same „evening at 7 o'clock, a family dinner Was . given at the Dominion .Hotel, Zurich, •ADASTRAL PARK SOCIAL NOTES approximately one-quarter inch acirlibos,es,poof4 ablvOutoth 1,TififtY a,ppoxnoxim_ the 141.*2[Micl of the leaves, atelY 10 to 14, days in earlY summer, iater in, laPproximataly ope week This time can 'ar' with the teMPeratl-Va and clim- ate, The orange4lIzzY larVae for a few clays gyettPed together on one leaf, then sep- elating tp feed by themselves. The earlier larvae may take five weeks to become fully grown, . but later ones need Only *Out 20 daYS and the pupal ?tag° averages about one 'week, making the time from egg to ,beetle slightly over a Month in summer, Hprori County only one or one and a partial generation are 'pro'duced. The nuiriber of eggs 'laid averages nearly 500 per female. 'The adult befeltles begin to leave thT 'fields for their winter, hibernation quarters, prefer- ably in 'ground litter in nearby fence-rows' land woodlands, late in the surntrier and 'by-, the time of the first froSt they are near- ly all gone. . SOIL TREATMENT Mexican Bean Beetles in at least one area (Huron 'County) require control every year. Where this is the case (end not otherwise) apply Thimet (phor- ate) to the soil as a pre-pIant treatment at 10 pounds of, 10 per cent granular per aerie. Apply below and to the side of the seed never in contact with it. , FOLIAGE TREATMENT Mexican Bean Beetles are usually- not troublesome every year; As soon as they do appear to be troublesome, control can be obtained by applying one of the following treatments to the foliage according to maribfact- urers' directions. Spray - 50 per cent Sevin, 2EC Thiodan, Dimetboarte (CY- gart 4E Roger 4). Dust - 3 per cent Thiodan, 1 per cent Rotenone dust (best for, garden beans). Mexican Bean Beetles quay be a pimblem in some areastlits year. Growers shouldn't get in- to a panic over insect Pests or allow anyone to high-pressure them. Be observant and check your fields regularly. If 'gnaw- ers are not familiar with these insects and are in doubt as to Whether it is neaessary to use. • insectiside or not please do not hesitate to contact the Extension Branch, Ontario De- partment of Agriculture, Clin- K1PPEN Recent visctors'with Mr. and Mrs.' Ted RObinson, end family included Mr. and Mrs. W.A., Lawrence and James Lawrence' of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. • Miss Bonnie Robinson returned With her grandparents for, a vacation.. , • Dean Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Russ Brown, Eric and Alice of Grand Bend; visited Saturday afternoon and evening with the former's daughter, Mrs, Elzaiar Mousse= and Mr. Mousseau; also Mr, and Mrs. Ross Faber end Kevin. WHAT .ELSE: ,gives .your::$0-much for ',$i) THE in delivery. Welcome Farmstead & Rural improvement Sponsored by the Tuckersmifh Federation of Agriculture Applications or additional information may , be 'obtained from the Directors. Entries required. by September 1st , Additional prize money will be offered. Surf 'Dining Room of the PARK HOUSE HOTE GODERICH Strictly Under New Mcmagerraerd Steaks, Chops and Country Style Chicken—our specialty—served from 12 noon to 12 midnight. Vsle;cater 'for wedding receptions, banquets and clubs. See our.'fadlities and reserve now. Phone Phyllis Filion, proprietor, at 524-9942, 168 West =St., :Goderich. . NEW SEMi-TRAILER HOIST—Ready to 'handle the'smallest to largest -truck. R I P,P ON C L EA E R-3,000 bushels an hour, all types of grain, . AUTOMATIC SCALES—With beast to handle part dumps, and a printed weigh Slip showing in-out weight with every clump. . NEW SILOS—Storage capacity now 110,000 bushels. WE.,ARE BUYING We invite you to VINO our Mill of your con., venteride and tee Our equipment in opera, ..„......„ a few days 'lag week With 'her ;moved ,into ".0.PW "hOlne on jt'r mrs', I410,Vd linmphreYs ,nntl M, Ilumplateys, 1.3.Jev;. and Mrs, Carroll C. Rayter of FirS't Baptist -ChUrek. .P.et..POUP,.. visited laSt week witb Mr, •and Ylas Fticibert jPhil,. lips and t*Or f4eu. y. BaYi;, ter Was gttltlent, Paister, lipre. 49 reais .age: 'Waite= With MSS .Ma4igaret R.;aelPSOn •laSit WO* we Ivr/r. P.4-4 us. 4.14* .T-Train4P, .Of 'Tor- onto ,,antl Mr. tari4 Mrs, C. Hanna of London, Mrs, Marglaret (31ark .visited for a *epic with Mr, and ATii,s. Ross .Nicholsop. and family at Seaforth, ANT ADS the completion of new and FULLY AUTOMATIC GRAIN HANDLING FACILITIES To Serve the Agricultural Community in the Counties of Huron and Petal OUR NEW FACILITIES INCLUDE: . TWO UNLOADING PITS—No delays . DELL CAMP DRYER-1,000 bushel capacity; continuous flow; , largest type made in Canada. • AUT0MATM CONVEYOR — Avo d8 ,cantaminati;_,,i from co- h crops. OPNOTC FEEDS LIMITED 'THE MOST VALUE rok. THE FARMER'S DOLLAR' ° Phone 527-1910 Sooforth Mrs. Yvon Ouellet and three children are visiting in Ottawa and Hull, Que. - Mr. and MI's'. Carol Connor from Montreal spent the week- end with LAC and Mrs„ Durocher. Miss. Deborah Cadue, Halifaxl is spending the summer at the home of Sgt. and Mrs. Paul Leger. Sgt. and Mrs. David Doyle and their family have Moved to RCAF station North Bay. 4 Sgt. and Mrs.' Charles Pep- percline are now living in Lan- caster; New Brunswick: Sgt. and Mrs. Jos, Trynchuk and son Danny are en route to Comox, Miss Elaine iClynick is pres- ently visiting in Tkonto. Cpl. and Mrs. John MacKay ,have returned to RCAF Sen- neterre, PQ, after visiting Sgt. and Mrs. Harry MacKay. Sgt. and Mrs. Murray Flem- ing and the Children are vacat- ioning in Sydney, Nova Scotia. Sgt. and Mrs. Ken, McIntosh and family have moved to Arm- strong, Ontario. Mr. R. W. McKenzie and the boys are spending a few weeks in Nova Scotia. Cpl, end Mrs. Robert Renaud and Children are camping for ,three weeks in Port Severn. • Best wiShes,ge to Norn?a anti Nancy Naven, eleven years old on August ?. :01110 • .1 ASK FOR (i3.1 114VITAIlblIS AlNiNtDUNOAE.NTS ACcasortitS Clinton News.Retord 56 Albert St. 482-3443 Pate the things you want within • your reacl. :BANK OF MO*TREAL Familq mance Ian low-66sT . Ure-INtuRED Ld'ANs ittt For news, for views, for wide and varied entertain- ment, nothing can beat your weekly newspaper! And all for just 10c per Week when purchased at a newsstand; OR Subscribe By The Year Only $4.00 Clinton News-Record "The Home ,Paper With, The News"' The Clinton News-Record may be Purchased at the following Clinton and District Sforesz In CLINTON BARTLIFFS BAKERY LIMITED CLINTON IGA STORE, NEWCOMBE'S Rexall DRUG STORE McEWAN'S BOOK STORE •GORD LAWSON BILIARDS BILL GERMAN'S BOWLING ALLEY MILT & MA:BEL'S RESTAURANT CLINTON NEWS-RECORD OFFICE In BAYFIELD., CLIFF UTTER'S STORE In LONDESRORO. THOMPSON'S STORE LONDESBORO LOCKER SERVICE In BRUCEFIELD. PATERSON'S STORE In HOLMESVILLE. D. E. GLIDDON'S GENERAL STORE In VARNA— w. T. McASH GENERAL STORE At RCAF STATION. c. & W. GIROCETERIA In GODERICH— BLUE'S SUPERMARKET • FIN6HER'S SMOKE SHOP CRAIGIE'S POOL ROOM In SEAFORTH— KEATING'S DRUG STORE In AUBURN.. G. K. TAYLOR'S STORE' In HENSALL. WILSON'S DRUG STORE In KIPPEN-- KIPPEN STORE tzt Retoopaper1 TZX