HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-08-12, Page 3ESIi. Week .00.eiWIY Customer W10'1400 I5OO free Cleaning. Credit THIS. WEEK'S tom NUMBER 19-75' NEXTMEEK'S- WM NUMBER 290.1 Phone 482-1064 •Clinton, Ont. PARK THE , THE .SQUARE—GODERICH ow Biayiag-,THUR.! FRI., SAT,—Aug. 12-13-14 Annette Funicello and Tommy Kirk In Walt Disney's rinteue Technieciler corriedY, 7Tl1f MISADVENTU'RES OF ME'RIA JONES': MON., TOES, WED, August 1617-10 .Ursula Andress and John Richardson Based on HRider Haggard's classic navel; the story of A tyrannical ruler of an ancient race. VII HY/ Ein Color, .THUR,,, FRI., SAT. Augast 19-20-21 - Hayley Mills, John Mills and Lionel, Jeffries Front the book `Miss Jude", a tale of a treasure • hunt 'aboard a sailing schooner. . "THE TRUTH ABOUT SPRING" —Color Coming --"36 HOURS"—adult entertainment • SUNSET. DRIVEIN THEATRE • GODERICH Box Office'Opens at 8 o'clock 'Now Playing—T.11UB., FRI., SAT.—Aug. 12-13-14- Audie Murphy and Merry Anders 19,"THE QUICK GUN"—color '..Plus—"Hey There! lt't Yogi Bear" MON., TUES., WED. — August 16-17-18 Annette Funicelle and Frankie Avalon "BEACH PARTY'',color with "Navajo Adventure—Color THUR.,. FRI., SAT. — August 19-20-21 Debbie ,Reynolds and Cliff Robertson . "MY SIX LOVES"—color Luke Halpin and Pam Franklin* "FLIPPER'S NEVV'ADVENTURE" — Color, Coming—Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin In "YOU'RE NEVER TOO YOUNG" TR.AIIN TO TORONTO' AskiboutconVenient departure and return times For information,'phone the local CN Passenger Sales Office 041 ranges Gather At Seaforth Original Bells From Kippen, Scotland mho ,Pen row-404,ot the flea, .new earrinittee eti Mr6. jamas cendalna Of Andrew and NfainY (Plair) Pe4 nose paents Robert and Ma,rgaret (Doig) Pell from Kippeh. cotlantl .41.- 1 -toed in 1835, was celebrated Seafaith Lions' Palk on Sat. urdietY, Ally 31, SportS, ballgerne, aWirmning and a chicken hairhectie Were b'Y' a.' The OtQCia5104 WaS made more igen% tdr the visit of 86 mem- bers o felnillea frain across Canada, :and Boston, Mass, to the Bell Healleatead, nil Iii - way 4, south of Kippen, Stindley, Augast 1, the an day of the reunion, was a Memorable occasion at the Sunday Morning service pen United church which was boilt in 1867. Guest saieisrt et the 'service Was Walter, Bell Walner of l'Omiaird, 13:Cy, whose greangrandparents Were mem bens of .the building tonanittee. • was accompanied Iv his wife, Virginia, at the organ. The balarrce; of the day was anent at Belhuren Farms, the home of Mr, end Mrs, Win. J, F. Bela, the birth place ef par- ents' of runny of these present. On display were pictures of Klippen, Scotland, and heather picked there; also a family tree of the descendants of the late Andrew and Marr (Blair) Bell ceinniled by Mrs, CameronR. eliardson, I-16'1mM and 'Donald Mrs. Frank Gadding, Toronto with lVIr. and Mrs. Wan. J. F, Mr and aVirs. Ernie CIAO - chase entertained the mernberS of the Bell elan on Saturday evening at their summer cot- tage on Lake Huron Vforrls, , godePlell; Novvard Proolca,4\Tew Weotiminster, BA ,C11,110110ge. Hellattin Wa. F. J. e31,Kipper, 1.96,5 eonnnittee menthers were Donald Pell, Wayland, IYALf.$s., „cillainrhan; Mrs, Graham Streetsville; Yetda 4IPPen; Wad Ante May Wainer, New Westminstet The 4)47 people 'Were PattY. Anne Gregg, Undon; rJ Bei, Tqronto; Mrs, JwbT Player, TO:recto; Mrs, JM Adair, Lon,: don; Jack Silielair, KiPPen; BM p..asa,. Hensali; Iri Oord, Grand Pend; and Chuck ShaW, • Kingston, .• Those• rernaaning' ter -the weekend hellidaY Were lYfr. and Mrs?. Donald Bell and familY ,ai Bolton, Mass, with Mr, and .1VIra..Jobin Sinclair; thallmn, Pelt Streetsville, Mrs, Margaret Young, Mower, Sask, Mrs, Ruth .Adair, an granddaughter, Lendon, with Mr, land gr14, Cbipchase, Hensala; Mr. and Mrs, William Wel- pen Fort St. John, I3.C., Mr, and MM. Walter and Anon, BC., Mr. ann Mrs.. lieward .Prooks and familY, New Westminster, B.C., Mrs, Nan. MontlehonSe, Kinnaird, 13.0., Mr, and: Mrs, Terrance Douglas, Iningten, Mr, and. Bell, Boston, Mass, After supper two white Bibles were presented by the family of the late Robert Bel to the oldest member, Mrs. Cameron Richardson, Hensan, and te the youngest member, Randy Ford, Grand Bend. Several &taws were made for ceramic plates 'for the adults and else& boards for the child, ten snade and donated by Gra- ham Bell, Streeteville. Donald Bell of Easton showed pictures of the last Minion in 1963, Howard Brooks, New Westminster, showed' slides taken in the Western; provinces. A. betantiful ceramic' coffee table, made by Graham Bella, was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Wm, J. F. Bell, a -gift from all those Who attended the neunion. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walper of New Westminster, a recent ballad'. couple, were presented With 'a lovely table cloth. Plans were made. to hold the next ranion in 1967 with a Wedding Pictures JERVIS STUDIO Phone 482-7006 PROM - C•L iN • $ TON 70 aroNEWinn FARE &cue Pant $4.20 CANADIAN NATIONAL 40.65 enjoy fami/y bankingservice: Royal' professfonql help and seviicesire-a.villable to the entire family as a. grOup-‘or to each tember hLdivldithlly. Suggestions ,and prattled aids; Such as:. how to /take best use ot ant' 2-getnp4 Plan. for /WO saving; low cost (160,a,cheque) *lac a yersona.1 thequing Account; how to lave money) by borrowing the Royal tethp1a1i way ;_ Safe Deposit tiOkes,; o-itlourself Money Orders; Travellers ChequeS,Aw. Leaflets available; use alt yOutic' Batik serviced' , Pt. 4,11 ROYAL SANK • Clinton Branch 0, L, ENGELSTAD, Manage Goderich 13ratith „—..„„.„„ D: DAVISON, littiaget Rebekah Ladies Hold Picnic The l*ast. Grands bf the Re- bekahs, of District No. 23 held their annual pi:mid at 'Lions Park, Se:Morin with a fair at- tendance from Goderich, Ex- eter, Hens:all and Seaforth. Hensall Lodge was hos•tess willidD.D.P. Mrs. Edna Cald- well. of Hensall a.s convener. The Volts results, Were as follows: kitk'the-slinper, MTS. Henry Bea!ver; pass 'the beans on a, plate relay, *Mrs. Elsie Moore's team; guessing the arc - tittles: in a cotton bag, two Goderlicb. Past Grtands. • Paper around the wrist, Mr. Fired Fritzley; passing the spool. on a cord, Mrs. Edna Delver's team. A delicious laionic supper was enjoyed by LONDESBORO :Women's Institute The August meeting of the Women's Institute was held Wednesday evening; Mrs. Lorne Lawson oh 'aired the meeting in the absence of the President. Roll call was answered by local inclusrbries which the' members would lEre to visit. Barbara, Bonnie and Betty Snell contributed a trio, "Come to the Flair". The motto was' given! by 1VIrs. Harvey Taylor, "How 'old ere you?" Mas, Tom Allen gave an instrumental and the Snell Sisters a tnio, "Bless this House". Mrs. Allen Shad - diel gave a talk on visual aid. Personals Leonard trodden! and fans* of 'Paris visited with Mr. and lVfxs. Bert Shobhrook recently, W. and Mat Ed Youngblut visited wiiih the letter's sister, Mrs. Gordon Curls Gordonand- of Arekona, for a few days fast week. ' Mr. and Mr's. Doug Radford and Dawn of Niagara spent the weekend with his relatives. • A surprise parity was held in the hall on Sunda,' when 49 members of the Radford family met to celebrate the 80th birth - nay of their mother, Mrs. Rad- ford Sr., Of Myth. The cons- inunity talSo extended congratu- lations to an old friend well known in the nicinity. Will Gorier and Mrs, Lily Webster spent Sunday with Mr. and Mm Jack Sinclair of Kip - pen; Mrs. Dewar and Don of Ottawa were also guests with the Sainclairs. Goderich Township Girl Marries Thum, Aug, 19.05--Clintun Nows-Rocond-,-- 9190 3 Varna dir To Reside in Kitchener Hensall ews (Photo • Mr, and Mrs. StandardS of white and blue gdadaeh flanked by candelabra With lighted tapers ferried the setting in Unibn United Church, Goderich 'Townslhip, July 17, when marriage vows were ex- changed by Jean C. IVIcelin- chey and Peter A. nasalise in a double -ring ceremony heard by Rev. C. A. Dukelow. The bride is the da,ughter of Mr. and Mns. Bruce McClain chey, RR 2 Goderieh, awl, the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Imanse, RR 1 Varna. The wedding music Was play- ed by Miss Grace Stephenson, Egimonsdviale, and Bill Stiles Auburn was soloist. Mr. McClinchey gave his daughter In marriage. Her for- mal gown of white organza over taffeta and net was fash, ioined with a fitted bodite fea- turing a ,sealloped yoke insert of French lace, and lilypoint sleenes. Matching lace appliques were scattered over the controlled skirt and a detach, able train of French lace fell from an organza bow above the waistline. Her triple -tiered shoulder -length veil of, 'silk il- lusion was caught to a head- piece of organza roses and pearls and she carried a bou- quet of pink and white roses. The senior attendants were Miss Ethel Fuller, RR 2 Gd - inch, as maid of honor and Miss Jo -Anne lanarase and Miss Jean Turner both of RR 1. Varna, as hridesmaids They wore flow -length A- line gowns of azure blue nylon sheer over taffeta with above - the -elbow sleeves and, bateau necklines. Lace appliques ac- cented the ,sleeves and empire waistlines and flying panels, ex- tending to the hem -lines, added back interest. Their matching by R. J. Nephew, Goderich) Peter A. imanse 'rose neacipleces n're caught Neighbours Fete , Young Couple Going To B.C. A delightful smorgasbord gar- den party was held Sunday evening, August,1, in the beau- tiful garden of IVIr. and lVfrs. Tom Oliver, Isaac St., to hon- our their daughter and son-in- law, Lynne and Harold Eland - sen, The young ample are leaning Aug. 4 to make their home in British Columbia, About thirty neighbours and friends joined to wish. Lynne and Harold good fortune and future happiness in their new venture. • Following a most bountiful supper, music, singing and games Were enjoyed 'by every- one. Classified Ads. Bring Quick • Results with veining , and ,they carried bouquets miniature white carnations and baby blue mums. FloWer,nirl Joanne meal:Il- e:hey, RiR ? Goderieb, chose a streetdength White dress with headpiece and beuquet simiihr to 'those of the senior attend- ants. Master Robbie Penninga was ringbearer. Groomsman -was Andrew Ian' anse, RR, 3 Klippen, and Robert Spain 13/1 1 Verne. , and Ron 1VIonlinchey, Kiteherver, usher- ed the guests. Following the ceremony, a re, ception was held at the Little Inn, Bayfield. .„ The coma voili reside in Kitchener. Mrs. T. C. Bailey Celebrates Her 85th Birthday ]'4rs. T. C. Bailey, Bayfield, celebrated her 85th birthday August 4 on the lawn at the Ritz Htel, Baytfield. Roses and eandelabria decor- ated the tea table centred with a beautiful cake featuring eighty-five candles plated in the shape of a harteshoe. Dahlia centre pieces graced the other tables. Among her guests were Mrs. Elsie eKey and Mrs. Ida Boyce from Goderich who were Mrs. BalleY's roommates two years ago in the Goderich hos lichen two nurses, 1Vns. avriatrie Bares and Mrs. Helen Lana - way; and other guests from Godesich, Bayfiekl, Windsor and Toronto. 'Miss Dorothy Reinke of Ham- ilton, Miss • pelle. Watson of Galt and Mn. Frank Overholt of Godes-filch served. MM. Bailey enjoys good health 'and levet to twarvel. She still enjoys a good game of euchre, avfx',, god AM's. 'Deka Mels,lei Oharles, Untert :and Ani. re - toned last ween `frrrya vat'y pleasexit eAcl ttemsthytrp through the Tjoited :States and Western Canada, Tbeir Wp was made by car and 1110V Were gone five weeks end travelled Over ' 9,000 miles. They Merit SeellerY tallnUgh 'the Naltix1401 11/41onntains along the West Cast ist the States and alninthrengh Briitiah Columbia and: Alberta, in, Cald ada, During their tejp. t-er yts- ted relatives in Pasadena, Qaa- ilforon„; Winnower City 'BC; and P....ran:dm, Pilot Nrad, and Snowflake in Manitoba, lnan. Jelan Henderson will have Sunday August 15 by let tc), viM Witii her parents Kr, and Ws; J,. Baits ef W4-• weld Bemis, Nfanktoba, near Nyiyveg, whom Ole has not Landon. Oen for 1.,WeirlP6oVelI YAws.. stlet will Also '1st 70,h 'Alger ',owl: .brother,ivilowi and -Um '1),owson, WI/, crud tor bl'ottm Uollett of $44c,41/04.., • • Hens Ftroolgo were eallied Pride, .yeve414g.• to *44401141 Are in a ear,'•ovvned by Olowt McKenzie of liensg11. perked 41.1 the .c`Nteitton, Pernage confined to beelic Peat ,pt •• Robeipt. MicIde learned lust recently Vat he had won tba aAn GOnlon McXntosh .$eholair, wg, 1 Ow the 1114hest_ stan'dhv in the claSS Canada fins* in the, 004.4mittor45 years Ivo?* fer1.964460, He bas now. oorropteted his second year annonro .p-bystg. 1's, pow/ 1301-1 .underwent plogery 47x St, Toseptv goispttol„. ..,411.11101.1.1,1111.1 la; 601,15RiCH ONT. DANCING "OR THE YOUNG. CROWD. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT "THE DEL REYS" No Shorts, Slacks or Jeans Dancing 9 to midnIght Admission $1.00 per person Catering to **Luncheons, Weddings, Banquets, Etc. For Rental Information or. Reservations Dial 524-9371 or 524-9264 SPECIALS i ‘ • io August 21 . ,...„.........., - • I.D.A. MILK of MAGNESIA TABS., 300's, - , reg. $1.00 ' - Special 77c I.D.A. SACCHARIN,. 1/2 graln,..1000's, • reg. 98c ' Special 77c IDASAL TABS 300 (I.D.A, Brand A.S.A.) . reg. 99c Special 77c I.D.A. WITCH HAZEL, 16 -oz. reg. 85c Special 77c JEANETTE BATH. SALTS, 5 pound bag 98c value , Special 77c SNOW WHITE FACIAL TISSUES, 400's, reg. 29c ,... Special! 3 boxes for 77c . , . [MINERAL' OIL 16 -oz., Heavy. • reg. 69c Special 2 for 99c EDWARDS PHARMACY PRESCRIPTIONS 482-6626 CLINTON 0 WORDS GOTTEN AROUIVD,WeRE THE aesr /N TOWN,Ar ry SENICE THAT a MERRILL HI-FI - SALES SERVICE 4824021 -CLINTO . BIBLE SCHOOL Starting Aug.. 16 to Aug. 21, 900 a.m. to 11:30 a.rn. Children ranging in ages from S-14 years are invited to attend. CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH, CLINTON The Finest greezer made -- with Fast Freezing to SEAL IN FLAVOUR -- thanks to exclusive Now you Can own the World's finest chest freezer for fah less than you thOught possible, daring SPECIAL FREEZER SALE at: liV1149‘r4f 17 RATTENBORY CLINTON Phone 48249661