HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-08-12, Page 1e I -1 TK NEWRRA 9$th Yeor THR H()RQN RKORD 82n4 Yplp Copy_, _C_L­INTON�,*N�TAR-10, �THU�RSDAY�,.�U`GUST 12, � -;' inn j4p $2—The Hprno, Pqpqr With- The Ne P MARIPI T UMP* AUGUST 6 W$1 iOo Per Year,10 Cents Per ropy '11OV) �i v e s. r e 'Bym-Law m - AP =N of Can, da I 6� I?oA ym le a , ur, batt m4y andil' -SE, WO -Three,, 'a payers Count CoPleaway with me! Away �ft­oirn I -M C1 -,a the prison of budget -balancing I I test urbIng ^ A: 0 Well, Why r 1,10 'Qn.A $167 YACf and Onto� the sunshine of fin, _t.? JUj I dpl,afMM, lber't 5treet T o ead-ing,$ Pli,.ost, A., T from 1: *a the newspaper, t oeo, lepy f g elevwiwi and eirs a e� radio oews� reports of ]-ate, t The north A CliInton. Town. Council g4ve -und r%xeseAkta;;t1var. of Clinton of tbecort thereof hqu . sewiVes ;surely rnust be the Strevt, Md. ot Clinton council two, readings, to, a byl aw, " at sery4ce clubs; have 0een active . Be Theretbro Enacted, oy meetiog Umday night, stated Nanclay.vight's council Meeting; in preallninfa'y work on the Pew the Council of the Corporation oTay 1�qvup of workem A0 I un" they worv,not saUsfle4 i Ith to i m�4e financial a ngements, arena. Centemrial grants and of the TmAn Of ainton as fo-l- wRan1Ized.'S,'trikem,aJ1 over the thOW-4y theou , Oing pind. boUle- And temporaxy borrowing . to Outarj.a ,(�ommunity Centre, lbwsl: nation Are ditting do0b, stano',:-' wi g were by. the con- meet, tbe� cost. of pL community grants are being applied for., 3 - down laying off, Wajkip 1, That the c:onstructicm oT arepa ito, t.)e').>pAt in, Cbmn�unity Coun. Gordon Lowson -and a '-Comwup#y Arena m, the .Off, .! , , . � big�way 4 Fa`�k* ' Coun FOt NoQnaAi, on%owed the rejec' bar within the t -M- " . . The cost is es,�Imuted at Moftn Which is 9 ted b I . , � eCgy= Park, being pxop� resur� a full by the T ting. why not us, girl&7 own of faceid and pur.bed by King pay� $167,940, below, Clinton, for the TAsidents of Zan you umghw what a otate: ing at the same 0 -Law Number 18 for 1965 the 'Town of 014itop, be pro- e- economics of Oanlada me the resur- Nh en approvQ Is ohtfdned By would flacing, Was c oration 10d Wi done from Clinton. from. the Ontario Munidpal ft the Corp e ce0c , Ith -and all necesrary be in, 9 we, the U -up, oonsum. to 15.�Ythl Bqard, council will Town, of`.,Qlh-gton� of- th Step$ in boanoction tberemitin give Ing public, would strll�,p for Harvey Jobvaton w e Town of be taken, jower prices? ho, Owns bylaw. a third rea4ting And Paris WHZREA,9- th the homv�, -at $04 Albewt strPet, the bylaw,, Vien debenturqs, Clinton deer ! it ex t to 2,That the tatal costs, Suppoum just suppose, we as . pedien of the at presept rented to, A, 3, Lang-� Will be Osu0d, -to meet the un- proceed with the 6nsitruction ConStruction -work for the would, quit buying canned. don, was prevent, good§, for anstance. So. we and spoke to Paid, ­-*sts of- the Project. of a Conunurdty Arena, and ATena shall be, %,167,940,40 in council. The. other sil'aners o f Tile-aliRtc)n arena comn-4ttee has obtaindd, through their accordance with the estiwates would 1=e to, revert to cook-, 1410 tketter weroMont Amd%-ews, cQMPMed of council members 1 Arena Committee., an estimake as a9certailned by the Tow2Z of ing fresh vegetables from Dv�, 280 -Albert and Jacl� irmp, 296 Cftton, and the Xayor, , Reeve own, gawden� and stewing our Allyort. and' Clerk be own, orchard-gickeq &W, t and we hereby a0fhorIzed lin'the name of the �..Jmt think how miany thMLqand� Town of Clinton to make all . I ........ ....... XTI, Johnston said the,r9ad ild Lady Oblancial arrange, of men =4 women would be Was lowered leaving ;too, s"ep Sp*"ritely 'Brucefi I aA IncEne �.nto ftivewaysi,. and necessary forced to work, fW less money. Home Owners Unhappy...0ver Highway Curbs tbE& the curb(ing war. notin Ments and temporary boavw- br!sVP pose we quit buying dented On froM of -dwlveways�. started, to, bake our Three ratepayers on Albert Street North pr6tested to Clinton Town Couh, Begins Tenth Decade ings so that the cost's of the .... and bouleyards were loft after ro-surfacing on Als( at n t earth, Was Work may be met. own lllce,gtandma did-Ov.added Cil on the way the curbing, Put gra ' f 3. Ihe Mayor, :'Itwem =gg.and lawns,. Reeve and a cow and some ebiakens to. Highway 4 (Albert Street). Shown here are the driveways into the propert* b ies He TvIt that dhVeways and. Clerk are authorized M the, the,fan-Afly's pet parade so that of Rarvey Johnston, fokeground, and J ick Irwin, (News -Record Photo) (Continued on Page R�ve)) we could 'produce ou, lawrZ should -have been left In,' dahT goac�s, That would surely the 0a". condition � or better eaw the strain on the pocket- UR To Wednesday Noon thah, ' the , y were befte; and book. Eleven Armen thetwhere bladdop viw'before, Birthday Club Let's qu%tbuying eVthe� and -it shokdd' be replaced. make our owninstea4 Latlsre- 41Y,*11,1 111;4y have mom For Over' 0 S. List OVC6ritributors .GralduateHere compla1ints- about ddvew4ys,", fuse to buy stoves� refliger- Aft. Jdhnston added. ators, vacuum cleanem, eary- To, tion. cahmanding Officer on -easy Af pmducts, cars, Clinton, Gra�p Captain Reeve Duff Thompson Being ReviVed Sug spm#s equipment, K. R Greenaway, CD, Present- gest!.4,14 �etterbezenft to Dbpt, A favourite feature, of the %un&1Les_ Cen-otaph Fund"' The c ed graduation certificates -Agin-1 Clinton News -Record, the Let's 9* all this unleces�sary oT I Ways — with the rate-, th6, remodelling �and obuilldllhg Since last week's issue of the contrilburting are as followp: graduates at the Rad-ar and p." BiTithdaY Club, is mvived this have the hydro shut off, the NewsRecord came out, a few Cont'ributions Communications School. The hazard, to our ratibpayers. week after an absence of clos�e phone digconetctod� the fumace &tizens have studentsaxle Ground Cbmn�uni- Clerk',, John , LWennme said. to two Years. The popularity of replaced Mdth L a port -bellied contributed to �Groves �Electi4c, $5; Don Ed- cattons-Toohni ici and h&je this matter would be taken up ffih e , ,,as rna�ntajhed stove that burns Wbage and the Clinton and District Ceno- ward, $2, Don, Symons, $5; spebt.33 weeks on, course, the With a Dept. of Highways en- through, the co-operatibn 'of taph Comn-Attee fund. The, . ft- Mrs'. 0. L. Padsley; .$10; Jim Mrst 17 on Bas)lc Electronics-, gineer who %'to visit Clinton readers who were kind enough sue caatied two letters to the Cox, $1; H. Edwarft '$I, J. then sdx weeks on Baric Com- soon. 'to InIform the New, ­Record of - In shoxt, let's forovD aill.the Mathoson, .50; D. Web6,t&'.$1. icatibus, fice in advance of the- cele - 0; weeks on "ed Ground Corn- brant's Wirthday so, frien and conveniences of this- modern editor miging am persons t MoRay, $I; Fr�6d.,Reld,'.5 " mun -and, the final ten wbwld and giet ba* to, the sen- !step, UP"heir donations. A can- Bob Mann, $2; C., P&due $I- si[bla thoVg1h thorou� v�ss in-Sikie brought in. less Tom Feen $10; Z. W� munications'. �W, _y' neighbors could extend congrat- able existance of a century than $700. &ews, $2.L NG.- ISSUE''OF ulaldQns on the correct day. ago! The propiostd,cenotaph to be Frank McCowan) $1, R. W. $10 Alex lokiley, $2,� C. Trott, The News -Record will be erected in . Library Park wdl Pkerson, $2;, Mrs. Pied Dqlch. $2; Bob Cook, $1; B. Taylor, $1; Pleased to Pubfljsh the names, WMI,T YOU conie. right clown cost $4,253 plus cost of fnsWl_ ext, .$ , 2; Tom E�&, $1; Robert Al Sharp $2 - Alrv, -, VeYinnon-, NEWS -RECORD ages and birthdays of anyone g and light- Weswe1g, $1; ve $1; Mie:F lY '$I; Harold to It, hdies, we are probobly ihigbase, landscapin Within the distriot who has $2.; BE G $2; G. Ernmersod, $2; Vic Darasch,.$I; NEXT WEEK. reached his or her -80th- birth - the cause of thd(s v1dous cirde 9, etc. danug, $1;MEV) -Doucette,,, ;$2,-,., IDIM, Haven' lVtotor Hotel, $2; of higher wageg, highor. prices, hit/ noon, Wednesday, Aug, 11 -Mr.'-.. W; E. McAlpine,'$ 'CkilpWl $5i Bill Coun- day or any birthday there -- Bab' -w wages;, 'still -of $8�.35 lter,,,.`$�, Al 50. -W sUR highie ir a . -total _had zbeen G1 fddbn�,, $2; s'; 0L_be__nP_. no-pC a any inf-mmaition of -this Idnd - on- paigeA tal '�P;a e ten) the §11'eOg-R6cord on Thurs- (Continued ei�),.� t6bntrlbuted to,lftd fwi& Thore J§ -,Glrlgg,, $1; td. P.' Gaiirraw, on, dbT, Aug(ist 19, wIffie mem- (N6wg�-Record Photo must be for%?�axded to this -beV9 olf the staff erft tlieWr Mrs. Elizabeth botiqlas. and Her."Climbing Ivy Ace now later than the ' Tuesdlwy LETTER -TO EDITOR ann�ual vacation, aternoon preceding' the oc.- rucefield Farm'er- Fav The front, office wall re- A Rruceflield'lady, Mrs.,Eliz_ Dave Rwd, ClhiAon; and 'her &1,4im. ours Kindergarten mwj�i opento receive accounts albeth Douglas, dWWt worry too seven, greiat-granclahildren. Two Members ,and , a*' I eilnergemy job, much, when she celebrated her She alsso enjoyed a pre -birth- We are pleased to extend print -mg wRi be delivered. Nuthday last year, but she is day celebration, w6th -her sister, congratulations 'to two mem- CorrespondenIs are advised Wmewhat atplyalled by the one Mrs. Martha Harvey, 91, who bers of *e birthday club: Strong y DeFinds Schoo Area -No.. their next regular budget of she will observe on. Monday, ye -sides at HuronVlew. - . . MRS., -ELIZABETH DOUG- -c August 1-6. Mrs. Harvey and, Mrs. Doiug� LAS, Brucellield,'will celebrate news copy wM be requx A no later 'than Tluesd�y, Au- "Wihen I hear people Saying las 'are the ontly two that, re- her 90th Wrthdhy on Monday, gu§f 24. 90 years old," she said, "I main out of -a fl�mlly of four- Autgutt 16. Raps'-Bayfield� .SOS Cornmitt'e'e 0 think, my, I'm geitting old!" teen. Mrs. Douglas said that MRS. JEAN McKINLEY, Mrs, Douglas will 4ndee;d cel- all other brothers and sisters, Dayffield, will -be at home to Ile Ekfitw� ftispe� In April. . However thena were obtained from be for the best as another Only Two Building , 6brate her 90th. birthday early who sm-Oved until adulthood, her frien& on -the wcarAon, of I next week �at a family -party lived to be 80 yea6s old � or her 90th bdrthday on Mondhy,- .he Clinton NewL,*wR000rd, this is �Rl part due tG the extra people the -way they were ob- two years of h& leadersft Permits Issued 21ntDn, OrAaM10 rooms, U'l the second study. but tained Itrom. briendig, with her only daughter, Pearl, better. She herself has never August 23. Mrs. McKinley re - of ours'in mightbe more thanenough for only two bufldh�gg permits Mrs. Lindsey Eyre, l3rucefiead; been a patient in hospitaJ. sides- Wltb� her daughter and )ear Sir: ds* because construction costs Bay1fead they jawe not worth the long suffeding'dfizenr of were"applied tw aft -town COUTL- her two gmn0daughters, Mrs. "I've never even, bad a bad son4n4law, Mr. and ATxs, Jack Your readers have been in- are rwqng rapdly 'and every the paper they ere written 0 Arnold Keyes, Varna and Mrs.. (Continued on Page Five) undded. by n. 13WIeld who are going to have cil meeting, Mond Scotchmer. S�antly v. They rome delay will, tend to, make our These peopile are summer resi. to M the bills for -h& ad- Were: Frank McGregor, EaWt �ayfteldl Xden�sl with Wild Lifts and aecusationg con- school more expensive-,. it. is, to dents and have no intention of venturm Sti-eet, sun porch, $1,000 d em�ng, the..protposec, school beboped that the delays whtch haMing 'their children go to The inspOotor:s concerned - Wth Arnold Rdey, ..��alo iew �BrqcefieW- to serve the BaytWid are trying to cause efther Bayffeld, or Watefield this- area have been involved the property he purchased on School. of Food Serv'ices' New Badge bfidrtn & Huron, School Area and wbMch (are so very costly schools �and, what is rather inall this, dnfighting,and have Isaac Street for his baxber eve of Bayfleld WE be et�t to a mlnimu=m. more serious-, they were per- (Contintied on page 6) shop, at 4 cost of $�,000. The School of Food, Ser- geant J. T. 1�1,ewitt, who is Secretary -an-d thence to the ;,D. .1. phe RCL oav, taken a leading part in As to the kindergazten, I am suaded to sign by very quest- vicesait RCAF, Station' CIdn- an Imstructor cook. Queen -for Her Majesity`g, his campaign and bir, later This osal was foaward- sanction. ,t quite sure tbat there are large ionable . t6c?"ques,. t now hasen official badge . prop ed to Canadian Folreet Head- Thus, the origdnalpadrAdng ffort in the August 5ib issue humber of mo&erg with, child- One is forced to wondetc with the motto" "Teach -Vo inadeby the Inspector of RC - f the News -Record is typical. Ilen of that age who would be Whether Brigaidler Clift and the Entries Being Assembled I . quarters who, effected minor Brigadier adt d6- very miffi- Very pleased to have them tak- 1"d6rs_0f the BayReld). S.O.S. Sustedn". amendments before sencUng AF Badges bears the signa.- en ov The original pri -ed de ture of Her Majesty Queen al of the fact that the archl- . � eV by some one ease for a COMMdUee 2M more dnkeoested y 0 )pos - It to the Inspector of RCAF ,hours" each day and given In Aayfield or the education of W sign wa!; made up by mem- Badges wiro prepared a fival Dizabeth 11. I nts' estinwte is higher than few For Clinton Hobb, Sh bers of the Sr, S staff, in par- painting. Three copies have been re - at estimate presented. be the vome tuseful exercibses, instruct- the children mto happen to ticular Squadron Leader Bet- The final drawing was sent ceived at SFS where they are ion and d!Lqdplkw as well as live, -in Bayfield. My imprersion 0 the valuable S401CW Plans-aee now bi full swing who fashions beautiful Jewel- ty Bedl, offlcel conimanding to His Excellency the Gover- pwoudly displayed by the sch- expeollence is that a fouir-room school is . lery. , Camda - wbo, ool whichfDr the past eleven The Weather of being grouped together, But de9doed far the imagined or for the. second Clinton Hobby SFIS befoT,6 Flight Theuten- nor General of Mgh Low High Low they are'nat compelled to at- real advantages it may have and CriattlEAAbitdontobe held PorsonnolfroniRCAFStatinn ent Jean Liberty, and Setr- torwarded.it'to the Viilvate years. hais� taught to sustain, 1065 1964 tend but I �§ball be surpAsed. if for the Village of Baykeld re� Clinton are again taking am SepteToer24 land 25 and, sPon" active paint in the show 'and .Ugust 4 69 55 75 63 there lis not a good. turnout. garcftesLs of tht effect on the swed by -the Starlight Iffift of I . wm bAng such vaded, exhtbats 5 '68 48 72 45 Ouv,(Ywn children will t4ke ad- dhildeen, the UCW at . Wesley-Willas as M,:),def aircrgftand =-�ateur 6 91 63 74 .46-vlahtaige Of thir OPPOrtUnItY I Brigadder adt has been Tjnft6d Church. % radio displaLys for the men mU 7 82 64 84 57 can asruTe You. quo�tod as saying that �he, M- "Me exhbition started out Im boys and thealre and needle - 8 82 68 64 53 Much ds made of- the W. most tendr to, resign as Reeve a& the a sMaIA, way last year spurred point exMbitions for the woma�f 9 77 65 64 4.2 WO signatures which are said end of this ye(ar after h0ift on by/6ft. Milford Durst, who and gklls,. 10 '67 53 73 4.8 to represent those"appbred to launched Bayfield as 6 sepax- will convene the show again Clinton hobbyists and craft�, Rain- .571.1 Andin.- :L.V Ifte central, many of.late,munidpaht.y. quiss may well this ypar,. men Include Stewart Young, "Response exceeded all ex- W. and Mra. Bill W,2,bis, Mr, pectattons," staid 1�ft. burst� and Afiv. jrohn pUsher, Murray ",but we couldn?t , have c1lone Draper, George Wonch, AV& without the exMbftor;s'-'inter­ Dorian Rutledge, All Riehl, est"', Lyle Last yeakli§ show Was staged Bric ColliM `Pmy 2abloold, in the LegI0n'1W'1where hOb- Wit. L. P. 'WhIden, and Mg. byists and cir.-Asmen 'from an Eldon yeo, Over the avea, camo' to, dis� their handiwork before about Musical GlontrlbutWn Tw Year ­ 000M 100 sp en Re bilngthat music is ont thusiasm of exhibatoft w4g so of the ,oldest of (hobbies the ted greait that tfte� 6aalties oO CH, ccOmmittee hft InVi th6 RC - 8S caflateift lod, to, be added to Ar, SWIbn CAee Club whicb the alldttokittrn space at thh- Will appear in two i5-rrdnute school to pirovilde sumient ac- rpots; chailng the Flrldlayev6niM 'Commodation fdr ohtbaftts? dWvft'n9-,' tht "Treble Clefs", ti J bo6th& iww Minton gftup, of 8higers; A special f batUre of this and Mas Eleanor Chatiton, yeaes, show "I be the Poster. Denfield a vlohnist for reverail vesiftvw: originated by Misr t . ;sbnz With th London. SyM- IDLIeeh-1-Itsslok Now York and phony Orchesm BWtield, Opening Xight 800t. -a v il'sit 8eveftA distlict dignitgtleg ILI will 06 At Clinton Hobby Exhibition A clape Crokew lady, Ups, Will 06h "' ce�s at the billi., 9� 4j"Wah- Win thoW In, 411W W i�� ftiewbnr 24 "I u OA &aft at � e Clinton, &Xfih- at T-80 pm. Th6y� Iftaludd May, The Model Railroad Club of ]�CAV_Stati6n Clintont, under the diteCtl6ft of 61" th 15P Al Craig, Will baVe their di8plav at the Clinton 146bby and Craft Pkhibit- bi-tion. Her filtriWe handiwork or D6n Syntohs- 0488 Zoord 14aving recoiVed (),ftialal rot6ghi-tion and approval thisbadge is how di 4AYed W4& been tteh af ah& hobby ch i ;, Gig. 'Com., at jhcs School of 'Food Servlaeg RCAP S tation, Clinton. Rolding. the badga I! oh, on gepteniber .24 �and Z atCHS'S auditOPIUM. The, ekhi�lt -c6rhDrises aP &fta craft shoMd ih r6ine oFffib loo'kdifii Offlost 9,taUL­..21ift1 ay6ut;anditna,in passenger -And freight -oar nal 'and express ton Orouly 01guh, X, Plyltig Officer, Diaiil%. Reid ;A.6 Is Food Services. Office�r at th&&hoot Later laffigbe tdhtrds ka Canada nth bltifto 'Is going to the� C. " 'ad'ab X t)hal J�xhlbltiwi, ffi� Toronto, an I ati Ne& At Mdg-, 82 at ACAVC11ifth the club 19 c6h§tpucting a very elaborato Ain,61h6k -exhibitbr, ;�dl *M OW604 �thl§ yno, ' 4Y6U,t 6f 4-Btyffidd And Witlabd 'Railroad. The Clinton Robby 8how Ig �,pon' be Ndbhihig *bfit. a dIst0fd* ht VdAk. M6 E&m Wher�o she will b6 on aoty .&t the, CAfiadlafi, Vbftes 9khibW Her W6jrk theV� iditd,ahnuallY by thLs Starlight Unit of Woslv�Wflll§ UC:W- MAP Photo) Wt� �G� bdrdolt, betroA, a6d Mrs,, MMI, "Will tffidek6M� 'IffidlIAM T66WItim""', (9CAIP Photo,), ....... .... A