HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-08-12, Page 1e
TK NEWRRA 9$th Yeor THR H()RQN RKORD 82n4 Yplp
_C_LINTON�,*N�TAR-10, �THU�RSDAY�,.�U`GUST 12, � -;'
inn j4p $2—The Hprno, Pqpqr With- The Ne P MARIPI T UMP* AUGUST 6
W$1 iOo Per Year,10 Cents Per
ropy '11OV)
�i v e s. r e 'Bym-Law
m -
=N of Can, da I 6�
I?oA ym le a
, ur, batt m4y andil'
-SE, WO -Three,, 'a payers Count
CoPleaway with me! Away �ftoirn I -M C1 -,a
the prison of budget -balancing I I test urbIng ^ A: 0
Well, Why r 1,10 'Qn.A $167 YACf
and Onto� the sunshine of fin,
_t.? JUj I dpl,afMM, lber't 5treet T o ead-ing,$ Pli,.ost,
A., T from 1: *a
the newspaper, t oeo, lepy
f g
elevwiwi and eirs a e�
radio oews� reports of ]-ate, t The north A CliInton. Town. Council g4ve -und r%xeseAkta;;t1var. of Clinton of tbecort thereof
hqu . sewiVes ;surely rnust be the Strevt, Md. ot Clinton council two, readings, to, a byl aw, " at sery4ce clubs; have 0een active . Be Theretbro Enacted, oy
meetiog Umday night, stated Nanclay.vight's council Meeting; in preallninfa'y work on the Pew the Council of the Corporation
oTay 1�qvup of workem A0 I un" they worv,not saUsfle4 i Ith to i m�4e financial a ngements, arena. Centemrial grants and of the TmAn Of ainton as fo-l-
wRan1Ized.'S,'trikem,aJ1 over the thOW-4y theou
, Oing pind. boUle- And temporaxy borrowing . to Outarj.a ,(�ommunity Centre, lbwsl:
nation Are ditting do0b, stano',:-' wi
g were by. the con- meet, tbe� cost. of pL community grants are being applied for.,
3 - down laying off, Wajkip 1, That the c:onstructicm oT
arepa ito, t.)e').>pAt in, Cbmn�unity Coun. Gordon Lowson -and a '-Comwup#y Arena m, the
.Off, .! , , . �
big�way 4 Fa`�k* ' Coun FOt NoQnaAi, on%owed the
rejec' bar within the t -M- " . . The cost is es,�Imuted at Moftn Which is 9 ted b I . , � eCgy= Park, being pxop�
resur� a full by the T
ting. why not us, girl&7 own of
faceid and pur.bed by King pay� $167,940, below, Clinton, for the TAsidents of
Zan you umghw what a otate: ing at the same 0 -Law Number 18 for 1965 the 'Town of 014itop, be pro-
e- economics of Oanlada me the resur- Nh en approvQ Is ohtfdned By
would flacing, Was c oration 10d Wi
done from Clinton. from. the Ontario Munidpal ft the Corp e ce0c , Ith -and all necesrary
be in, 9 we, the U -up, oonsum. to 15.�Ythl Bqard, council will Town, of`.,Qlh-gton� of- th Step$ in boanoction tberemitin
Ing public, would strll�,p for Harvey Jobvaton w e Town of be taken,
jower prices? ho, Owns bylaw. a third rea4ting And Paris WHZREA,9- th
the homv�, -at $04 Albewt strPet, the bylaw,, Vien debenturqs, Clinton deer ! it ex t to 2,That the tatal costs,
Suppoum just suppose, we as . pedien of the
at presept rented to, A, 3, Lang-� Will be Osu0d, -to meet the un- proceed with the 6nsitruction ConStruction -work for the
would, quit buying canned. don, was prevent,
good§, for anstance. So. we and spoke to Paid, -*sts of- the Project. of a Conunurdty Arena, and ATena shall be, %,167,940,40 in
council. The. other sil'aners o f Tile-aliRtc)n arena comn-4ttee has obtaindd, through their accordance with the estiwates
would 1=e to, revert to cook-, 1410 tketter weroMont Amd%-ews, cQMPMed of council members 1 Arena Committee., an estimake as a9certailned by the Tow2Z of
ing fresh vegetables from Dv�, 280 -Albert and Jacl� irmp, 296 Cftton, and the Xayor, , Reeve
own, gawden� and stewing our Allyort. and' Clerk be
own, orchard-gickeq &W, t and we hereby
a0fhorIzed lin'the name of the
�..Jmt think how miany thMLqand� Town of Clinton to make all . I
........ ....... XTI, Johnston said the,r9ad ild Lady Oblancial arrange,
of men =4 women would be Was lowered leaving ;too, s"ep Sp*"ritely 'Brucefi I
aA IncEne �.nto ftivewaysi,. and necessary
forced to work, fW less money. Home Owners Unhappy...0ver Highway Curbs tbE& the curb(ing war. notin Ments and temporary boavw-
pose we quit buying dented On froM of -dwlveways�.
started, to, bake our Three ratepayers on Albert Street North pr6tested to Clinton Town Couh, Begins Tenth Decade ings so that the cost's of the
.... and bouleyards were loft after ro-surfacing on Als( at n t earth, Was Work may be met.
own lllce,gtandma did-Ov.added Cil on the way the curbing, Put gra ' f 3. Ihe Mayor,
:'Itwem =gg.and lawns,. Reeve and
a cow and some ebiakens to. Highway 4 (Albert Street). Shown here are the driveways into the propert* b
ies He TvIt that dhVeways and. Clerk are authorized M the,
the,fan-Afly's pet parade so that of Rarvey Johnston, fokeground, and J ick Irwin, (News -Record Photo) (Continued on Page R�ve))
we could 'produce ou, lawrZ should -have been left In,'
dahT goac�s, That would surely the 0a". condition � or better
eaw the strain on the pocket- UR To Wednesday Noon thah, ' the
, y were befte; and
book. Eleven Armen thetwhere bladdop viw'before, Birthday Club
Let's qu%tbuying eVthe� and -it shokdd' be replaced.
make our owninstea4 Latlsre- 41Y,*11,1 111;4y have mom For Over' 0 S.
List OVC6ritributors .GralduateHere compla1ints- about ddvew4ys,",
fuse to buy stoves� refliger- Aft. Jdhnston added.
ators, vacuum cleanem, eary- To, tion. cahmanding Officer
on -easy Af pmducts, cars, Clinton, Gra�p Captain Reeve Duff Thompson Being ReviVed
spm#s equipment, K. R Greenaway, CD, Present- gest!.4,14 �etterbezenft to Dbpt, A favourite feature, of the
%un&1Les_ Cen-otaph Fund"' The c
ed graduation certificates -Agin-1 Clinton News -Record, the
Let's 9* all this unleces�sary oT I Ways — with the rate-,
remodelling �and obuilldllhg Since last week's issue of the contrilburting are as followp: graduates at the Rad-ar and p." BiTithdaY Club, is mvived this
have the hydro shut off, the NewsRecord came out, a few Cont'ributions Communications School. The hazard, to our ratibpayers. week after an absence of clos�e
phone digconetctod� the fumace &tizens have studentsaxle Ground Cbmn�uni- Clerk',, John , LWennme said. to two Years. The popularity of
replaced Mdth L a port -bellied contributed to �Groves �Electi4c, $5; Don Ed- cattons-Toohni ici
and h&je this matter would be taken up ffih e
, ,,as rna�ntajhed
stove that burns Wbage and the Clinton and District Ceno- ward, $2, Don, Symons, $5; spebt.33 weeks on, course, the With a Dept. of Highways en- through, the co-operatibn 'of
taph Comn-Attee fund. The, . ft- Mrs'. 0. L. Padsley; .$10; Jim Mrst 17 on Bas)lc Electronics-, gineer who %'to visit Clinton readers who were kind enough
sue caatied two letters to the Cox, $1; H. Edwarft '$I, J. then sdx weeks on Baric Com- soon. 'to InIform the New, Record of -
In shoxt, let's forovD aill.the Mathoson, .50; D. Web6,t&'.$1. icatibus, fice in advance of the- cele -
0; weeks on "ed Ground Corn- brant's Wirthday so, frien and
conveniences of this- modern editor miging am persons t MoRay, $I; Fr�6d.,Reld,'.5 " mun -and, the final ten
wbwld and giet ba* to, the sen- !step, UP"heir donations. A can- Bob Mann, $2; C., P&due $I-
si[bla thoVg1h thorou� v�ss in-Sikie brought in. less Tom Feen $10; Z. W� munications'.
�W, _y' neighbors could extend congrat-
able existance of a century than $700. &ews, $2.L NG.- ISSUE''OF ulaldQns on the correct day.
ago! The propiostd,cenotaph to be Frank McCowan) $1, R. W. $10 Alex lokiley, $2,� C. Trott, The News -Record will be
erected in . Library Park wdl Pkerson, $2;, Mrs. Pied Dqlch. $2; Bob Cook, $1; B. Taylor, $1; Pleased to Pubfljsh the names,
WMI,T YOU conie. right clown cost $4,253 plus cost of fnsWl_ ext, .$ , 2; Tom E�&, $1; Robert Al Sharp $2 - Alrv, -, VeYinnon-, NEWS -RECORD ages and birthdays of anyone
g and light- Weswe1g, $1; ve $1; Mie:F lY '$I; Harold
to It, hdies, we are probobly ihigbase, landscapin Within the distriot who has
$2.; BE G $2; G. Ernmersod, $2; Vic Darasch,.$I; NEXT WEEK. reached his or her -80th- birth -
the cause of thd(s v1dous cirde 9, etc. danug, $1;MEV) -Doucette,,, ;$2,-,., IDIM, Haven' lVtotor Hotel, $2;
of higher wageg, highor. prices, hit/ noon, Wednesday, Aug, 11 -Mr.'-.. W; E. McAlpine,'$ 'CkilpWl $5i Bill Coun- day or any birthday there --
-w wages;, 'still -of $8�.35 lter,,,.`$�, Al 50. -W
sUR highie ir a . -total _had zbeen G1
fddbn�,, $2; s'; 0L_be__nP_. no-pC a
any inf-mmaition of -this Idnd -
on- paigeA tal '�P;a e ten) the §11'eOg-R6cord on Thurs-
(Continued ei�),.� t6bntrlbuted to,lftd fwi& Thore J§ -,Glrlgg,, $1; td. P.' Gaiirraw, on,
dbT, Aug(ist 19, wIffie mem- (N6wg�-Record Photo must be for%?�axded to this
-beV9 olf the staff erft tlieWr Mrs. Elizabeth botiqlas. and Her."Climbing Ivy Ace now later than the ' Tuesdlwy
LETTER -TO EDITOR ann�ual vacation, aternoon preceding' the oc.-
rucefield Farm'er- Fav The front, office wall re- A Rruceflield'lady, Mrs.,Eliz_ Dave Rwd, ClhiAon; and 'her &1,4im.
ours Kindergarten mwj�i opento receive accounts albeth Douglas, dWWt worry too seven, greiat-granclahildren. Two Members
,and , a*' I eilnergemy job, much, when she celebrated her She alsso enjoyed a pre -birth- We are pleased to extend
print -mg wRi be delivered. Nuthday last year, but she is day celebration, w6th -her sister, congratulations 'to two mem-
CorrespondenIs are advised Wmewhat atplyalled by the one Mrs. Martha Harvey, 91, who bers of *e birthday club:
Strong y DeFinds Schoo Area -No.. their next regular budget of she will observe on. Monday, ye -sides at HuronVlew. - . . MRS., -ELIZABETH DOUG-
-c August 1-6. Mrs. Harvey and, Mrs. Doiug� LAS, Brucellield,'will celebrate
news copy wM be requx A
no later 'than Tluesd�y, Au- "Wihen I hear people Saying las 'are the ontly two that, re- her 90th Wrthdhy on Monday,
gu§f 24. 90 years old," she said, "I main out of -a fl�mlly of four- Autgutt 16.
Raps'-Bayfield� .SOS Cornmitt'e'e 0 think, my, I'm geitting old!" teen. Mrs. Douglas said that MRS. JEAN McKINLEY,
Mrs, Douglas will 4ndee;d cel- all other brothers and sisters, Dayffield, will -be at home to
Ile Ekfitw� ftispe� In April. . However thena were obtained from be for the best as another Only Two Building , 6brate her 90th. birthday early who sm-Oved until adulthood, her frien& on -the wcarAon, of
I next week �at a family -party lived to be 80 yea6s old � or her 90th bdrthday on Mondhy,-
.he Clinton NewL,*wR000rd, this is �Rl part due tG the extra people the -way they were ob- two years of h& leadersft Permits Issued
21ntDn, OrAaM10 rooms, U'l the second study. but tained Itrom. briendig, with her only daughter, Pearl, better. She herself has never August 23. Mrs. McKinley re -
of ours'in mightbe more thanenough for only two bufldh�gg permits Mrs. Lindsey Eyre, l3rucefiead; been a patient in hospitaJ. sides- Wltb� her daughter and
)ear Sir: ds* because construction costs Bay1fead they jawe not worth the long suffeding'dfizenr of were"applied tw aft -town COUTL- her two gmn0daughters, Mrs. "I've never even, bad a bad son4n4law, Mr. and ATxs, Jack
Your readers have been in- are rwqng rapdly 'and every the paper they ere written 0 Arnold Keyes, Varna and Mrs.. (Continued on Page Five)
undded. by n. 13WIeld who are going to have cil meeting, Mond Scotchmer.
S�antly v. They
rome delay will, tend to, make our These peopile are summer resi. to M the bills for -h& ad- Were: Frank McGregor, EaWt
�ayfteldl Xden�sl with Wild
Lifts and aecusationg con- school more expensive-,. it. is, to dents and have no intention of venturm Sti-eet, sun porch, $1,000 d
em�ng, the..protposec, school beboped that the delays whtch haMing 'their children go to The inspOotor:s concerned - Wth Arnold Rdey, ..��alo
iew �BrqcefieW- to serve the BaytWid are trying to cause efther Bayffeld, or Watefield this- area have been involved the property he purchased on School. of Food Serv'ices' New Badge
bfidrtn & Huron, School Area and wbMch (are so very costly schools �and, what is rather inall this, dnfighting,and have Isaac Street for his baxber
eve of Bayfleld WE be et�t to a mlnimu=m. more serious-, they were per- (Contintied on page 6) shop, at 4 cost of $�,000. The School of Food, Ser- geant J. T. 1�1,ewitt, who is Secretary -an-d thence to the
;,D. .1. phe RCL
oav, taken a leading part in As to the kindergazten, I am suaded to sign by very quest- vicesait RCAF, Station' CIdn- an Imstructor cook. Queen -for Her Majesity`g,
his campaign and bir, later This osal was foaward- sanction.
,t quite sure tbat there are large ionable . t6c?"ques,. t now hasen official badge . prop
ed to Canadian Folreet Head- Thus, the origdnalpadrAdng
ffort in the August 5ib issue humber of mo&erg with, child- One is forced to wondetc with the motto" "Teach -Vo inadeby the Inspector of RC -
f the News -Record is typical. Ilen of that age who would be Whether Brigaidler Clift and the Entries Being Assembled I . quarters who, effected minor
Brigadier adt d6- very miffi- Very pleased to have them tak- 1"d6rs_0f the BayReld). S.O.S. Sustedn". amendments before sencUng AF Badges bears the signa.-
en ov The original pri -ed de ture of Her Majesty Queen
al of the fact that the archl- . � eV by some one ease for a COMMdUee 2M more dnkeoested y 0 )pos - It to the Inspector of RCAF
,hours" each day and given In Aayfield or the education of W sign wa!; made up by mem- Badges wiro prepared a fival Dizabeth 11.
I nts' estinwte is higher than few For Clinton Hobb, Sh bers of the Sr, S staff, in par- painting. Three copies have been re -
at estimate presented. be the vome tuseful exercibses, instruct- the children mto happen to ticular Squadron Leader Bet- The final drawing was sent ceived at SFS where they are
ion and d!Lqdplkw as well as live, -in Bayfield. My imprersion 0
the valuable S401CW Plans-aee now bi full swing who fashions beautiful Jewel- ty Bedl, offlcel conimanding to His Excellency the Gover- pwoudly displayed by the sch-
expeollence is that a fouir-room school is . lery. , Camda - wbo, ool whichfDr the past eleven
The Weather of being grouped together, But de9doed far the imagined or for the. second Clinton Hobby SFIS befoT,6 Flight Theuten- nor General of
Mgh Low High Low they are'nat compelled to at- real advantages it may have and CriattlEAAbitdontobe held PorsonnolfroniRCAFStatinn ent Jean Liberty, and Setr- torwarded.it'to the Viilvate years. hais� taught to sustain,
1065 1964 tend but I �§ball be surpAsed. if for the Village of Baykeld re� Clinton are again taking am
SepteToer24 land 25 and, sPon" active paint in the show 'and
.Ugust 4 69 55 75 63 there lis not a good. turnout. garcftesLs of tht effect on the swed by -the Starlight Iffift of
I . wm bAng such vaded, exhtbats
5 '68 48 72 45 Ouv,(Ywn children will t4ke ad- dhildeen, the UCW at . Wesley-Willas as M,:),def aircrgftand =-�ateur
6 91 63 74 .46-vlahtaige Of thir OPPOrtUnItY I Brigadder adt has been Tjnft6d Church. %
radio displaLys for the men mU
7 82 64 84 57 can asruTe You. quo�tod as saying that �he, M- "Me exhbition started out Im boys and thealre and needle -
8 82 68 64 53 Much ds made of- the W. most tendr to, resign as Reeve a& the a sMaIA, way last year spurred point exMbitions for the woma�f
9 77 65 64 4.2 WO signatures which are said end of this ye(ar after h0ift on by/6ft. Milford Durst, who and gklls,.
10 '67 53 73 4.8 to represent those"appbred to launched Bayfield as 6 sepax- will convene the show again Clinton hobbyists and craft�,
Rain- .571.1 Andin.- :L.V Ifte central, many of.late,munidpaht.y. quiss may well this ypar,. men Include Stewart Young,
"Response exceeded all ex- W. and Mra. Bill W,2,bis, Mr,
pectattons," staid 1�ft. burst� and Afiv. jrohn pUsher, Murray
",but we couldn?t , have c1lone Draper, George Wonch, AV&
without the exMbftor;s'-'inter Dorian Rutledge, All Riehl,
est"', Lyle
Last yeakli§ show Was staged
Bric ColliM `Pmy 2abloold,
in the LegI0n'1W'1where hOb- Wit. L. P. 'WhIden, and Mg.
byists and cir.-Asmen 'from an Eldon yeo,
Over the avea, camo' to, dis�
their handiwork before about Musical GlontrlbutWn
Tw Year 000M
100 sp en Re bilngthat music is ont
thusiasm of exhibatoft w4g so of the ,oldest of (hobbies the
greait that tfte� 6aalties oO CH, ccOmmittee hft InVi th6 RC -
8S caflateift lod, to, be added to Ar, SWIbn CAee Club whicb
the alldttokittrn space at thh- Will appear in two i5-rrdnute
school to pirovilde sumient ac- rpots; chailng the Flrldlayev6niM
'Commodation fdr ohtbaftts? dWvft'n9-,' tht "Treble Clefs", ti
J bo6th& iww Minton gftup, of 8higers;
A special f batUre of this and Mas Eleanor Chatiton,
yeaes, show "I be the Poster. Denfield a vlohnist for reverail
vesiftvw: originated by Misr t . ;sbnz With th London. SyM-
IDLIeeh-1-Itsslok Now York and phony Orchesm
BWtield, Opening Xight
800t. -a v il'sit 8eveftA distlict dignitgtleg
will 06 At Clinton Hobby Exhibition A clape Crokew lady, Ups, Will 06h "' ce�s at the
billi., 9� 4j"Wah- Win thoW In, 411W W i�� ftiewbnr 24
"I u
OA &aft at � e Clinton, &Xfih- at T-80 pm. Th6y� Iftaludd May,
The Model Railroad Club of ]�CAV_Stati6n Clintont, under the diteCtl6ft of 61" th 15P
Al Craig, Will baVe their di8plav at the Clinton 146bby and Craft Pkhibit- bi-tion. Her filtriWe handiwork or D6n Syntohs- 0488 Zoord 14aving recoiVed (),ftialal rot6ghi-tion and approval thisbadge is how di 4AYed
W4& been tteh af ah& hobby ch i ;, Gig. 'Com., at jhcs School of 'Food Servlaeg RCAP S tation, Clinton. Rolding. the badga I!
oh, on gepteniber .24 �and Z atCHS'S auditOPIUM. The, ekhi�lt -c6rhDrises aP &fta craft shoMd ih r6ine oFffib loo'kdifii Offlost 9,taUL..21ift1
ay6ut;anditna,in passenger -And freight -oar nal 'and express ton Orouly 01guh, X, Plyltig Officer, Diaiil%. Reid ;A.6 Is Food Services. Office�r at th&&hoot Later
laffigbe tdhtrds ka Canada nth bltifto 'Is going to the� C. " 'ad'ab X t)hal J�xhlbltiwi, ffi� Toronto,
an I ati
Ne& At Mdg-, 82 at ACAVC11ifth the club 19 c6h§tpucting a very elaborato Ain,61h6k -exhibitbr, ;�dl *M OW604 �thl§ yno, '
4Y6U,t 6f 4-Btyffidd And Witlabd 'Railroad. The Clinton Robby 8how Ig �,pon' be Ndbhihig *bfit. a dIst0fd* ht VdAk. M6 E&m Wher�o she will b6 on aoty .&t the, CAfiadlafi, Vbftes 9khibW Her W6jrk theV�
iditd,ahnuallY by thLs Starlight Unit of Woslv�Wflll§ UC:W- MAP Photo) Wt� �G� bdrdolt, betroA, a6d Mrs,, MMI, "Will tffidek6M� 'IffidlIAM T66WItim""', (9CAIP Photo,),
....... ....