HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-08-05, Page 12Clinton Men Get Instruction As Umpires Blackboard instruction at the Fastball ,Umpires Clinic is given by Pep Wiebe (right) frpm New Hamburg, to Malt Edgar and. Doug Macaulay, both from Clinton. The clinic was held at the Recreation Centre, RCAF Station Clin- ton on Wednesday evening July 28. , (RCAF Photo) uhritszi ge' 'A* ,s41.r47 , min .111 Ir 111111111i4IIUV tan '44.1 h ts.,',.0..","—;',:n11•1t •,,,,Vev. • Do you know of an easier way to shop or sell? When you make our Want Ads your marketplace, all you do is place your ad and wait _for the phone to ring (and ring it will), or sit back and enjoy reading the Want Ads. Want Ads do the work and. quickly! Clinton News4ledotd, 56 Albert Street hone 482-3443 Let A Truck Do It! These busy days a truck could ;be mighty handy. We have good Used ones at the right price. '60 INTERNATIONAL 1/2 Ton Pickup Two good ones to choose from, '56 GMC 1/2 Ton Pickup Lots of work left! '55 CHEVROLET 1/2 Ton Pickup A "BETTER" CAR ? We have a nice selection in various makes and models. Specials include: '61 PONTIAC SEDAN Spotless condition. '63 ACADIAN BEAUMONT SEDAN Automatic transmission, • Only 20,000 miles by one owner, '60 FORD TWO-DOOR HARDTOP The best model at the right price. '60 KARMEN GHIA' Sport Coupe Rea lly smart! '62 CHEVROLET SEDAN ' Automatic and kadio. MANY OTHERS FOR YOUR'APPROVAL Come And look Them Over. Lorne Brown' Motor s Ltd. Your Friendly Chevrolet, qiclentobile Dealer 482-9321 aLINTON 25,700,421 people are members of 47,097 credit unions with $12,599,319,838.00 in assets Are you a member of CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LIMITED .• I BRIEF CASES FOR SCHOOL or BUSINESS Brief case in Tan or Black with metal reinforced handle and corners 3-section interior 5.50 — 6.95 7.95 Brief case in Tan-Green or Black — double stitched all leather with 3-section interior 8.95 to 19.95 Zipper Binders in Oure leather Tani Brown' and Black -- Red Tag Special Prices 4.95 to 9.15 Three ring binders in plastic or canvas covers -- 1" 1 1l'2" - 2" 98c to 3.59 School bags - shoulder Simi) style — Black — Tan 3.15 and 4.00 McEwan's cated that the new age limit at $3.5 million. is being introduceid because of Clinton RCAF .Station .'WHI Host Zone Fastball Nab This Weekend BrOcelfield and Exeter bone games. are -called for 7 p,m-, and Hensel at 8:30. If tho fiooat dialinead Heaaall is 'available the aalbeiield and E>cetett ,gaartes also be played unde1r the lights at 8:30. Seaforth Police To Get Hearing An ,arbitratibn hearing on a fiVe-months-old wage dispute between Sego:nth council and the town's twe constab, les will be held here September 8. Judge W, A. Fox, of London, has been named by the atter- ney-general to act as arbitra • tor. The dispute began early in 11ilaath over dernanda by Con- stables A. J, Calder and Keith Ralston for a wage contract. Council wanted to negotiate in- dividually with the constables. , The dispute restated tin the fining by council of Constable Elgin McNall now a member of the Exeter police depart- ment. . Constable Mcl\iall had reject- ed cornell's 'offer of a $400 raise. The other constables bald been offered $100 each, Constable McNeil has a, mo- tion before 'the Ontario Su- preme Count 'asking -that coun- cirs distmissal order be re- versed. The case, which was heard in London June, has been adjourned to -September • 17. Local ,WitnesSes. At Assembly Clinton area will attend the "Word of Truth" Assembly Of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kitch- ener Memorial Auditorium, Au- gust 5-8," Hall McNally, the presiding minister of the Clin- ton congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses announced today. South quarter Aggust 3--gxeter at BruOefield ,at131.,:ueefie04 9-4;Noter rat Heus411 31.---Wucefieljd at Exeter 1.3-13ri,teefieid at 7-16..4541 1.9--Tieulguil, at PWter ' South Seini-Viii4ls The two top teams .from the, 111-latter-:fixials Will play a best three, out .series for VIP night to moot the Mirth group Winner 4P. the league fh1010. Dates the sendfinals August 18, 20, 23, 25, and 27, North Semi-Final's Gocletrich and Brnsgels play a best' five out of seven series to get a winner. Dates are as foil- loWs August 10—Goderich at Brusaels 12— Goaerich at Brussels , 14--Brussels' at Gocl,t)rich 18—Brussels at Gederich 21—Brussels at Godertieh 24—Godealoth at Brussels 26 ar 28—final home game to be :decided by toss of a coin. League Finals The WOAA Intermediate "A" girls finals will be a best three out of five series. The dates are as follows: August 30, Sept. 1, 3, 7 and 9. Junior Teams Winthrop and Exeter had junior age entries in the WOAA girls league and they are now playing off in a final series. Post Office • Building Slow • (Continued from page one) • The one-storey 80-by-65 foot construction; will ,have alumin- um windoW and dolor frarneis and ::full-length plate glass in the doors. The entrance lobby and vestibule will have ter- razzo floors with painted plas- ter walls. • . More Space, The new fiactiiutd es will ex- pand the woril 'ring area of the Clinton • Post Office by almost six limes the existing space in the present lbuilding. There, the pastel department.00cupies only about 800 square feet while it is expected there will be 4,570 square feet for Post -Office, uSe do the new building.' - - Another 550 square feet will be for 'the offices of the De- partment. of Revenue (Cue- terns). peginning September 1st, de- pendent children will be cover- ed by Ontario Hospital Insur- ance under the "family" prem- him until they reach their 214 birthday. An, official annotmeement of the change, which was first mentioned by Dr. M. B. Dy- mond, Minisiter of Health, in the Legislature on June 7, will be published by ' the Ontario Hospital Services Commission this week. The age change will alsla apply to the Blue Cridss and CUMBA semi,-private cov- erage for which about one, Wad of the 'insured residents remit additional premiurris through the -Commission. Dr. John' 'B. 'Neilson, Chair- man of 'the 'Commission,. indi- the increasing. number of stu- dents 'among - young people in this age :group. He added that only unmarried, unemployed children' are eligible for cover- age as dependents under their parents" or guardian's insur- ance and that separate prem-' knits must be paid when the 4e- pendent reaches age 21, or marries, or becomes regularly cinPlOYed, ' • However 'Dr. Neilsen did ex- plain that exemption is provid- ed for students who take teen, powary, employment during their school vacations. The an- nual red'uction in premium in- come to the Commission, due to the new age limit, xis estimated Dependents Over -21, The • family ,...prenviam aleo Covers a person over the age limit (21), who is financially dependent upon has or her insured parent or guardian be- cause of physical or mental in- firmity. HoweVer, such a person must have been a dependent of the parent or, guardian before redebing age 21. • Refunds Many young people 19 and 20 of age whowill now qualify as their parenis' dependents are already paying premtiumis. Such persons: may claim a refund of premiums which have been paid to cover them beyond September 1, 1965. 'The official ann'oun'cement will contoi. • a form which pay-direct members can use to obtainn the re'und.. The Qoromasstion Is, gearing itself to handle ail requ'elsts for refunds as quickly as possible. Refunds', therefore, should 'be requested :immediately, but even then it may fake several weeks before the CommissiOn can deal with the thousands of requests' as each one must be handled individually. There are thousands of pieces of literature in banks and hos- pitals' around the . province which indicate the -former age limit of 19. Dr. Neilson pointe'd . out that 'the reader reads age 21, instead of age 1,9 as printed, that is all that Is neassary. About 99q; of Ontarie's real- dents are now insured through this government-sponsored plan and almost one person in six is admitted to hospital each year. Every day, this year, benefits axe being ProVided to a value Of over $900,000 which will, make the annual total 8;0(410- thing- in the neighbourhood' of 040 Starting on FricilaY, A St 6, the Zone3 Zasthall playoffs. for RCAF. ijnit4 throughout, Ontarie. be held at •the sports field at 13,CAT .StAtiO4' Clinton, The. :$0, rprpaigbig in • the „eompetitilon include station Pai.coobllidge, 7404440, Pl 9M 1 Bey, Downeview, Clinton and Centralia, SehedOie of g+aanee are rri, Awast",6 at 10..a,m, 2 p.m. and ,0;30 pan; Saturday' 10 agn, anvil 2 p.m and the final game will be on Sunday, Augoat S at 2 p,ma- if necessary a further game will, be plena foll'ow'ing the latter,. The cull:petition is to. be a double knockout which means that a team Will have to lose twice (Wow. they .are out of the .conipetitien, Draw for the' Tra- chea will be made en Frilly morning at 8:30 ern, Adrallsision, to all games is free and for the final' game on Central Huron Softball Scores • .4,041% took the first game of their playoffs with Varna in the Central Huron League' by a score of 54. The battle Was waged in Godertich .and will ba resumed there tonight, Thurs-. day, when Varna will try to recapture that loss, COMING EVENTS Thursday, Aug. -6 — BINGO at Clinton Legion Hall, 15 reg- ular genies for $5,00. 2 share- the-wealth games, 1 special game for $25.00, the first letter "L" and first letter "T", applies on 'this game for $2.00 each. 3 share-the-wealth games, jack- pot applies 'on those 3 games $57.00 in 57 numbers. 2 door' prizes for $2.00 eadh. Admission 50c extra Cards 25c or 6 for $1.00. tfb Friday, Aug. 6 — Cash Bin- go in Legion Hall, Seaforth, Sponsors Branch 156, Cana- dian Legion. ' 30, lb Tuesday, August 102—BINGO at the Huron Fish & Game Club Jackpot $58.00 in 58 numbers. Six door prizes. 8:30 p.m. , SatUrday, August 14 — Chic- ken barbecue on Clan Gregor Square, opposite • Bayfield Un- ited Church, from 5 to 8 p.m. Sponsored by Willing Workers df Bayllield United Church. Ad- mission, !adults $1.50, children 75c. 31, 2b Tuesday, August 31 — Grand Ole Opry from Nashville, Ten- essee, starring Wilma Lee and Stoney Cooper, Hensall Arena, sponsored by Hensall Kinsmen. 29, 30, 1, 2b Classified Ads. Bring Results Sunday afternoon .the umpires will include the well 15nown area and Wife Ulan of "Sale" said "Wilda," WidineYer frOin :Ferglia, Ontario, Sergeant 4g4 Hodges is the .ZOne tournament coordinator, The winners of this iian, will represent Ontario in the overall RCM' playdowne be held on August .30— Sept, ember .a StatiOn Greenwood, NOvia, Scotia.. ROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE — CLINTON Children 'Under 1,2 In Cars Admitted Free Two Complete Shows -Nightly COME AS LATE AS 11 P.M. AND 4Ee A COMPLETE SHOW Box Office Open at 8:00 p.m. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY and FRIDAY — August,4-5-6 "GOOD NEIGHBOUR SAM" (Adult Entertainment) JACK LEMMON ROMY SCHNEIDER DOROTHY PROV1NE Color Cartoon SATURDAY -- MONDAY and TUESDAY — August 7-9-10 Ilk Dundee CHARLTON HESTON RICHARD HARRIS - JIM HUTTON Color Cartoon WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY and FRIDAY—August 11-12-13 "A SHOT IN THE DARK" (Adult Entertainment) . PETER SELLERS Elke Sommer, George Sanders --- Color —. A Pink Panther Cartoon COMING NEXT: " "633 Squadron" and "Rhino" chroon. Ne.w.s-.Recor+74Thu.rsclorf Aug. r.5. 1.945 • Fiv.t. District Girls Teams. .NVOAA. Playoffs rive- 'gams in the VITO,44. Tntirirfediate• leggue begin playafts this. week, .-Canvener .411011 _Hedges- on-. netorged,:the dates atter a league iStatardia.,y, TTettaall., Exeftex and Bz ice- field •Wirg am the south group and: qocierioil and .prl..1401'„5 are north group, Effective Sept. family Premiums Will Cover, Children Up to 21 Years If Dependents