HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-08-05, Page 11Clinton firm ,..Sellins Fruto4m. Today (Thursday, August 5) is 'the opening of a gigantic sale to sell out the entire stock of Clayton Dixon's Auto, Supply at 1.5 Rattenbury Street EaSt. The stock estimated at $30,- (X)0.0(), Kr Dixon's reply to the clues -Non of his. future Was, "Just say my future plans are in- definite." , Clayton, Dixon has owned and, :operated the lindePendent, auto ,supply store since October 1957. ror four years previous to that he held a. franchise from the Western Time and. Auto Supply co, Ltd., in the same legation on Rattenbury Street, • Eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dixon, Viitoria, Street, Clayt began his brthiniess career With Canada •Packers Prior to World War II, Altogether he spent ten years with the firm at ,Oilnton, Centralia and Ha'-' riston. At Harmiston be was a dairy supervisor and later ice zream maker in the York ice cream Plant there. Mr. Dixon .is a graduate of OAC, Guelph. During World War' II, Mr. posite page. Clayt. Dixon All Ready. of Clayt. Dixon:s Auto Supply is front' of his store, which is all with ,going out of business , signs. For His Selling Out Sale Everything within the well-stocked store is well marked with sale prices. The sale starts this morn- ing (Thursday) at 10 o'clock, (Nom-Record Photo) DiXon served in the Rord. Artillery, from 1942 to 1945. At his .disobarga lie held the Tallic. of Captain. • Returning to Clinton he opened Ciayt's Teo qrearr) in his present location on Rat- tenbury Street He Made his own ace Cream and operated both a wholesale and retail business, until to sing over the Western Tire franchise in 1953. The building an which the auto supply business and the. Beatty .'.arm, Servee .0006.*0 is „situated is owned by Mr. Dix. en's father. in ,T„ Howard Brnnsden, The sate will continue Opt!' all stock is sold. Many brand name Items are included, in the offering. Main items 4.4i, the $$0,000„00 stock are .mito accessories and supplies; farm_ and home hard, ware; power and hand tool's; Sporting geOds, including bi- cycles, tricycles, golf egnip- ment, fishing tackle and some camping accessories; paints and toys, A list of most of the items on sale appears in the full page advertisement an the op. The owner shown here in "decorated up" WHAT'EtS.E gives you , so mul l. for so For pews, for views, for wide and varied entertain- ment, nothing can beat your weekly newspaper! And all for just 10c per week when purchased at a newsstand; OR Subscribe By The Year Only $4.00 Clinton News-Record - "The Home Paper With The. News The Clinton News-Record may be ,Purchased at the following 'Clinton and District -Stores:: Thols4ilyi, Aug. 194$,plintfol .N9lys,Rocorcl,Papp :11 hi BARTL1FFS BAKERY LIMITED CLINTON 1GA STORE , NEWCOMBE'S Rexall DRUG STORE McEWAN'S BOOK STORE GORD LAWSON -BILIARDS BILL GERMAN'S BOWLING ALLEY MILT,,& MABEL'S RESTAURANT In BAYFIELD— CLIFF UTTER'S STORE In LONDIESBORO— THOMPSON'S STORE LONDESBORO LOCKER SERVICE BRUCEFIEL PATERSON'S STORE In HOLIMESVILLE— • D. E. GLIDDON'S GENERAL STORE In VARNA— , W. T. McASH GENERAL STORE At RCAF ,STATION— C. & W. GROCETERIA Inn GODERICH--. BLUE'S SUPERMARKET A & P STORE FINCHER'S SMOKE SHOP CRAIGIE'S POOL ROOM in SEAFORTH— • KEATING'S DRUG STORE in HENSALL— . WILSON'S DRUG STORE in KIPPEN--- KIPPEN STORE In AUBURN— • G. R. TAYLOR'S STORE MRS. WES BRADNOCK—Correspondent—Phone 526-7595 fltiti#papet%' C71 COME- IN AND SEE OUR COMPIXI'E .15tLECTION OF • :IP • INVITATIONS • ANNOUNCEMENTS • INFORMA LS • ACCESSORIES` • Your choice of &Woo pope siocks, type Kyles and dies. disk for . . . ailretuvs. drikseae Let us assist you with your plans for that all important , wedding day. dAe3 .a/Vrealelt.;17-, ?‘ 4.itt• '14'1TC 4".01 • •! 1 •• "" . • .i *•: • •••• .7 1.t %Pe; •-• 1;14,W ti . ptiV 14TM Select your wedding, iniritatioris, announ4einenti • And spe,esaorite With complete confidence es 11, itudIty and corn:emus of torte. WE ALSO HAVE PERSONALIUD *IDIOM HAitCHOS, ^ .AND 'WEE SOLSi &OM Clinton News-Record 54 Albert Street Clinton Canada's No. 1 0): 'NTIAC! It stands to reasoriv whatever 'is the most popular car noW,,has to be your BEST 'BUY used. Compare style, price and quality; these Goodwill' Warrented Used 'Cars are TOPS.‘ . • ' ,.:, .1963 Pontioc Parisienne .2 Door Hardtop; "283" V8 engine,. auto- , magic, radio, n,ew whitewalls. Beautiful white vinyi,"top with dark brown bottom. Only $2395.00 ' Beauty at its best. .,.. .1962 ,Pontiac Parisienne 4 'Door. V8, automatic, power steering & brakes, radio, whitewalls, etc; A prestige family car, , 1962 Pontiac Laurentian Sedan, 6 cylinder, automatic, whitewalls, original finish With only 28,000 guaranteed miles. Only $1795.00 1962 Pontiac Laur-entian wSeadi al sn,8, 6chcroynmliededri,scsst. an d standard y shift,$te swoh.io0- 1962, Pontiac Strato-Chief 6 Cylinder Sedan; radio, shift stick, wash- ers, etc. , Black colour. Only ,$1495.00 1961 Pontiac Strato-Chief Sedan, 6 cylinder, automatic, 34,000 actual miles with beautiful original• maroon finish. MUST BE SEEN. ..... Only $1525.00 1961 Pontiac Strato-Chief Sedan, 6, with autdmatic, washers and tu- tone point Dependable. Only $1475.00 : 1960 Pontiac Str'ato-Chief Sedan, 6, automatic, whitewalls and discs, Very dean cOr. — ..... Only $1195.00 1959 Pontiac Laurentian 6 Sedan, automatic, radio, etc; Very clean inside and out. ... ... : 'Orly $995.00 THESE ARE ALL' ONEHOWNER CARS' cGeeisi•Goderich Phone 5244191 Since 192/ • ' Only $1995.00 Walkerburn Ladies Club Meets At, Mrs:Mcelinchey's Home, At Auburn Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hots-: ;stein, Ritchie, Painela. and Jinn- say of Wayne, Michigan, visit- ed last week -With Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Scott, Keith, Wayne and Eric, • ' 'Mr. and Mrs'. Ronald Pent- land of North Bay are visiting With ber mother, Mrs. Charles Strianglian. • Major-Youngblut is a patient in Gailerich Hospital. Mr. • and Mrs. Alfred Weston rat Toronto, spent the holiday with her Patents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ,Rallinson. john Hamilton spent last week with his parents, MT. and Mrs. Ben ,Harriiilton, • studying for his exams at the taiiverSity of Waterloo, • J. 3. Robertson is Convales- cing at the home of, his daugh- ter, Mrs. Harold Kitchen and Mr. Kitchen in Hamilton fol- lowing surgery on his eye. Mr. and Mrs. Donald King, Stephen and •Diane of Strath- ray, visited on Sunday with Lira-, and' Mrs. Russel king. Mos. Betty Crete mid son Larry of. Windsor visited'last week with he).• aunt, Miss Lila Youngblut and her uncle, Ar- thur Youngblitt. • sawmosweseminsunernwenrutsissow Guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raibbby were Sgt, /William. Raithby, MrS. Ralithby, John, David, Dawn Marie and Peter of Ottawa and the former's parent's, Mr. 'and Mrs. Earl Raithiby of Goderidh. Mr. .and Mrs, Bob Ling and David of . Guelph visited Over the week-end with Mr. and Ma's'. Ralph D. Munro. Misses Jean I-Ibuston and Jean Jamieson of Toronto spent the Week-end' with Mr. and Mrs. •John Houston, kiss. Fran- ces Houston and Miss Olive Young. 'Guests on Sunday with Miss Laura Phillips were Mr. and Mrs.. Tom Sheppard, David, Brain, Denise and Mark of Sar- nia and the formees mother, Mrs. W.H. Sheppard of Bright's- Grove. Mr. and kis. Louis 'Wagner of Masselon, Ohio, Mrs'. Rose I-Perm:1.1bn Of Stratford 'and Earl Youngblut and George Young- blut, both of Woocbtock, visited With Minnie, Walter and Wil- liam Wagner and other rela- tives in this district. Mr. • and Mrs. William . Straughan • viSited with their daughter, Mrs. Thomas jardin,,, Mr. Jarclin 'and family at Wing,- ham, ' Guests With Dr.' 'B.C. Weir aver the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacKay and Miss Barbara and John Mac- Kay, Sault Ste. Marie, Mr. and Mrs. John Weir, Miss Joan anal Bob of London, and Mrs. Eust- ace of Ottawa. The 'ratepayers of SS No. 2, Weit WaWanosh, are planning a home-corning evening at the school grounds on Friday even,' ing, August 13 from 9 p.m. to 2 am. Everyone is invited to this evening Of cards and danc- • lag to meet the former pupils Who have returned to renew friendships. Miss Mary I. Houston was able 'to come home after several month's as a patient in Victoria • Hospital, London, following a car accident. • )Mr. and Mrs. Carl .. Go-utter and Gordon have recently re- turned from 'a ten-dray visit With -Mr and Mrs. William Govt ler, • Tom and. :Herb at DeVlon. They also. • attended the annual conVention. Of the. National Far- riter'S Union held at the Inter- national Hotel in Winnipeg. On their return ..home they visited with Mr. and Mrs, Frank jar- din at Barrie. 'Recent . visitors with Mrs. Stanley Johnston ;were Mr. and. Mits. Ray Perdue and Larie, Mrs. Lloyd Johnston, Bob -and Esther and Harold Baxter,- all of London. Miss Irene Ament is a pa- tient lira G'oderich 'hospital suf- fering from a heart seizure. -Mr. and Miss. James Ilislop of Toronto vbited , last week with Mr.., -and Mrs. Frank RaithbY.' Mr. and -Mrs, Ralph D Mon,' ro returned last week 'from a tenrday visit'with Mr and Mrs. Bob Youngblitt in Montreal.' While there they attended the. baptismal .service for Susan Moira, 'three,manth-cid daugh- ter 'of Mr. and lVfrs...Yourrgblut at the Britannia United Church, Ottawa. Mr. Munro also attend- ed the Masonic Grand Lodge. Meeting at Taranto. _ Mr. and Mrs. Mac Allison of - Ailsa Craig spent the weekend with her. brother, Bob Hamil- ton and Mrs. Hamilton. . Toni Anderson of -Maine and his daughter, Miss Donna Lynn Anderson of Toronto, Visited last • week with Mr. 'and Mns: Oliver Anderson and Miss Nan- cy. Mr. and Mrs. William Riddell of Maniton, Man. are visiting relatives in' the village this week. They returned With Ma-. and Mrs. Tom Haggitt and Stephen who had, been there visiting at 'their home. AUBURN- — The' annual, Wialkerburn Club picnic' was held at the 'home of Mrs. Garth MaClinelwy with over 5Q pre- sent. A !discussion re the Sun- shine Sister donation ofeach was 'heard and it was Voted unatirrnously 'that this donation be, given to 'the Huron County ,Chlildren's Aid Society.' The members also decided to • again support 'their Foster. Child in Korea. Plans were made for the next meeting which will be held in the eyonitlyg. at the home of Mrs: Elliott Lapp. the program will be 'in the charge of Mrs.. Donald Sprung and the'lunch committee Will ,be Mrs. Lo.me Honking, . Mrs. Len Aimhain- bault, Mrs. ,Stanley Ball and Mrs. Stuart Ament. The 'program w'a's in the form 4 Girls Club Plan For Achievement Day AUBURN The fifth meet- ing of the Auburn SunbOrnit Sallies was held, at th.e borne of. the leader, 'Mrs. Keith Mecham, With all presont. The meeting was in the Charge of the presi2 dent, Jill Bennett. The roll call was answered by each member bringing two vegetables of one, kind. Mrs. Machina discussed hoW veget- ables are to be shOwn and plans were made to attend the Achievement Day on August 24 in 'the Seaforth District High School. All members will be hi the. Club 'demonstration, ,On "How to Store Vegetables for the Winter," The- members' were instruct- ed how to judge vegetables and to give reasons. Each merriber has 'to 'bring three kindS of vegetables ,and a display of, flowers to Achievement Day. For the home 'assignment, all member's were ,asked to write their Club Story and finish record books. Mrs. Machan and Mrs. Frank 'Rail:111v .served lunch. Al tihe previous .meeting,, the girls !discussed how to serve fresh vegetaibleS from the gar- den 'and Mrs. Meehan also told the !girls how to can . fruits and vegetables. . Mrs., Machan and her 'assis- tant, MirS. Frank Raithby, dem.-. ortstrated how to can tomatdeS and the .members assisted. The lhocine iasSigninent was to work on, their 'gardens and fill in reports in the book and plan meals using their fresh. veget- ables o 4-1I Beef Club Meet In Colborne AUBURN. — The them home of Mr: land Mils. Wire Cunning halt, Caliber:in° Township, Was the place of the Meeting 'of the Dangann.ot 44-1 Beef Club. There ' Was a large attendance at theinlyers and the pretidenA Cccii, CrianStori, was' this Obarge, The leaders, 'Jelin Clark and Rest Eedy, r Were in charge of the taut' Of the ,Ourinitigharia barn, A lesson Ott a feeder cat. tie operation Wet given by bon Pullet, This 'was tollowed by a The I:Neel:dive ineniberg. df both. the Beef after Dairy Oubs Of ,l ittgannOtt. to plan ball gado. Mid Wiener, Tome kir the dieitt meeting, Paul ZOO, riedit :arab:Sten and 1161i-eft Sherwood war.6 oppoitsteCi to phi oh, glut clemotstrigioh oh. &ban t of contests and , games. lVflus, Ted Hunking- ' the president, and Mrs. Walter Cunningham entertained the smaller. Child- ren with balloons end other re- lay contests. The fanvily contest. was won by-,IVIrS, James JaCkson. A lively bingo game was held under thedirection tof MrioLloyd Pen- found and Mrs, Worthy Young. Two 'tea-ms were 'formed un- der Mrs. Carmen , Gross and Mrs. Lloyd- MaClinchey. 'The prizes for the card relay-went to Mrs. James Jaelason,.. Mrs. John Snyders, Mrs. e'rlienry Iltrnking ,and Miss Cathy' Mc- Ilwain. Mrs';''GroisL team won MANY, FACTORS FOR FRUIT 13ountiful, Niagara Peninsula production of .Pears, cherries, plums ,and,Lgrapes used heavily in salads results from Niagara escarpment protection, 'Great Lakes moddration of the area in spring, a mild winter clim- ate,' and the right kind of soil. t.he sponge and bottle race. Miss Kathy Schneider was the winner in the bottle ,and pin race, During the, lunch hour a prize was presented to Mrs. Len Ardhambault for holding, the lucky cup, and the prize for the lucky birthday was won by Mrs. George Schneider: , Lunch Was served by ' Mrs. George Schneider, Mrs. 'Jahn Snyder's, 'Mrs. Donald Sprung and Mrs. Joe .VerWey, 4 A 4"ia't 1 Itlk MICE Wk ta lti, A t BIG ii.4,1,,itu." ,.:i:L:7,,,,?..1:1,,!.,,q1'1,:!,,,:t1.1,1wES, wiltz 's ' VAS ,IletV5P VA i ti. 1 emoseee...moiNGes