HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-08-05, Page 5„ . „ • LWECTOR 'ons duo to ttlie Scarcity For a, malodor of average a Seine apechnearS, •, Mean.% a series or colleetion of illipp:c1 Of mine reeentlY geld coins is prOhibitiVelY PC -•Showed me a nice gold coin ,of Pen•siVe• The collector May be IspQ Amoilean type 9414 tiS able to buy a Siogle Pad Pit'ece either e $ dollar or 4 dollar now and ithe, but an array lOtf coin. It Villas Picked friXri the •thends beyond his reach. unless sand on the beach, just north • extraordinadlY tbriftY of IcTOderlicill, TJ,iti eXt Week and patient, good • in Canada today there aro• maw people who own a single • • sovereign, an American ($10.- Only .�1�® Huron gold coin, It ?mid be a British 00) eagle or just ;gold one dollar piece. These .cotins are usually • worth mare than 'Ascoe'valu.e their ;gold content; plus On lad- ditiroal value f n. good MOO. Non. Gold does. not rust of tar - , but it dis soft awl wears quilt,e easily. Great care is tdk-. en in the handling cf uncircu- , dated Or very e 0Ontlitti011ed • Women's institute Take Their Picnic To Town Hall • Owing •to inclement weather the Clinton WI heid their July •meeting which was to have been a plonic, in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall. The president, Mrs, W, dough, opened . the rn.eeting • and atter. the reports were giv- en and the correspondence read, the afternoon. Was turned • over, to the sports committee, Mrs. Frank Cummings, Mrs. lioi Wiltse and Mrts. M. Niv- en. The ladies' had' a good list • of igants tand contests prepared ••so that all present could take part Mas. M. Willtses' ticket was drawn for the lawn chair. A smorgasbord lunch was set out by the social committee. Weekly Paper Among Winners Only. , one liuron County weak -1Y calPIrsimilYer was selected PS a Wrinher in the Canadian Weekly NelwapaTkr AtSSOCit- &ton's; competitions for 1965. The %Ingham Advance -Times will be awarded second .prize for -the hest wpmen's news and feature content at the •CIVN..4 convention lin Bdmonton, Al- berta, ;during the week of Au- gUst 16. Another Ontario entry, • . the Font Credit Weekly, placed flit in this category whicih is one of sevenal kormpetitions. The -Trenton "Trenton wdl receiVe the Vastolv.,?"'roPhY foa the 'best on -round neWspaper and the Rae L. Kim lVferriorial Trophy for the best editorial •page in the Class tlor ntews- papers with a circulatilon over 3,000. -• The '1Irenitorilan also, placed third in the Special coinpetitfons for the hest sports page, Classified Ads. Bring Results' .* • BRUCEFIELD •'MIAs SCIOtt ;SF** the weekend With. friends Ala relatim in the viltage, LaWrenee "Bliiett end Paul Swan are .attentling summer eampetQoclerieh this week, Ws. T ,1,0;. Anderson and Miss Ina Anderson visite4. over the Weekend with Mr. -Anti Mrs, A, Braterson and Mr. and Mrs, Al Ian Milo Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Neale, •London, and Mr, and IVIrs, =- wood ataekbouse, Milton crave Were weekend vzisiton with their mother 1`,Tro. Staeldtouse and Mr, and MrS• Moe \Mon, Mr, Ana Atm. We liobimpo, •Toronto, visited over, the holi- day with Mel Graham and fly Mals . Berry spent ThIna- claY S PhieVAle at the home of her 'bother, A.- P. Smith, Logs Milano loft this weeli for Wiimipeg where he has been stationed with, RCAF. "Miss Kargaret Aikenhead, Lenicion, visited with her sister, UM. Y. Aid:winkleand family. Mr. and Mrs. Basil -01rourice visited vvith, friends jin Sarnia and Grand Bend lost Week • Mrs, ;Chas 8itieltling is con- fined to Cliallt= HaVital, M'ra 1M1llijm Swan, Nan41- ton, and her daughter, Mrs. Mullen and KatibY, Dundas, •spent a few clays; with Miss Mary E, Swan and Mrs, llean. I�jr .and Mrs, Bert Sheldbn and Ricky and 'Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shelekm and. Ica.tillY IVEte- Kennet, Niagara Falls were re - Cent viqtors With Mrs, Victor Hargreaves and family. • Percy Tippett Dies In Hospital • Percy Tippertt, Varna, paked away 4a atinton Put1;:diie Hos- Otte on Tuesday, August 3, lin his 77th year. H'erils survived by his wife, the farmer Filsile Petty; and three sisters, Mrs. William Hayiter, Varna, Mm Sohn Pease, London, • and Mrs. Charles Upshall, Bayfrield. Public funeral service at the Bonthron IFun:eral Home, H- is today, 'Ilhursd!ay, Au- gust 5, at 2:30 p.m. Interment vvlial be in Bayttiold Cemetery. 1/2 PRICE SPECIALS • WE ARE NOW CLEARING THE FOLLOWING 1/ LADIES LADIES SUMMER 'MERCHANDISE AT • DRESSES •. • SLIMS ' • SKIRTS • ALL SHORTS • PEDAL PUSHERS BLOUSES • KNEE KNOCKERS • BATHING SUITS• TEE SHIRTS •PRESEASON SPECIAL .... ' • All. new Fall Merchandise will be Discounted 101 for this weekend USE OUR LAY AWAY ,PLAN OR CHARGE ACCOUNT. • .Men's Shirts Short Sleeve Dress and Sport Shirts and all .• Tee Shirts Reg. 2.98 & 3.98 $1.99. LEE'S Ladies' - Men's - Boys` Wear Between Cloud 9 and Rexall Drug Store Boys' Shirts and Tee Shirts Sizes 8 to 18 Reg. 1.98 & 2.98 $1.49 leiraiwimmimilmommaimisramm. Going on Vacation? Keep In Touch With Clinton Through Your Local Paper The Clinton • News -Record "Your Home POper With The News" Can Be Mailed To YoLit Summer Vacafiori Address M NO . Extra Charge • Phone 482-3443 laysrounci joy Last wows activities at4yit4 tita playgronnd Were SOmovdtat Jim- ited, s0.4g"4. doutly dtoziy :a4ys„ As, a result, the °Wren at the Fut and Came Pa* did net have the custom,. ary ,speolal event on Filday, Rowever, onthusiaatte taral)t atOolgorPaOnting. turned out to 1.(4f a04g/ll.V .rae4V, 01.*WialgO Way Of •Oppling the ehtildren .anntsed. ' Voir the children from„ the Kuigh Uawleins Park the a,. max of the weekwas a bAcet. gotnr4ete (Mit laitmae hineb, to, the WOWS,. Where theY pated games, shIging and a seciVerger hunt, The ohildrent had a wonderful time and the only easualt7 ooeurred When onesof the 104,0002, 2i n - a miter lame but vvenbild- den igopher hole, •".'lxiitlaty'S highlight rfor ,the Community Park •weei elsea hike, which, ended with LAM tO 'the 11141 pod, Game Pork, where 'tthe children Aert only feasted thethselves, but also fed" B- AYFIELD Staying with Mr, and Mrs, Gilbert Knigiht last week were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ruggles, Toronto. This, week they have as guests, l‘gr, end Mrs, W. Wor- thington, Toronto. Over the weekend they were joined by Mr. and 'Mrs. Art Latimer and faintly. "Funspirattion", a Mexican Fiesta sponsored by "Youth for Cluist" was altad dn Bayfield on ;Saturday with over 40 people •present. Aflter games in Clan Gregor Park the party gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Yoe Chaipanan. ,After lunch they were entertained by Sandy and Karen Bender of Durham, Laurie StutekeY, London as guest speaker. The IVIexican theme was inedirtained through- out the entire program Members of Boyd:cid Branch of Huron. Historical Society are collecting exhibits for the for- thcoming Goderich Kinsanen's Flair and storing them art the home of 1VIrts. R. H. F. Goird: ner. Mr. and Mrs. Ken i .Kngh of London are spending two weeks with Mrs. Knights' par- ents, Mr. and Mn.. Charles Scatchmer. Also visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scatchmer over 'the weekend Were Ma-. and lYirs. Gary Weir, •Londkin. • Summerhill Club Hold Meeting :Surninerbill Ladies Club met Wiednesday night, July 14, lat the home of Mrs. Keith Tyn- dall. The president, Mrs. George Colcicugh, opened the meeting when roll •tall was answered by paying membership fees. Arrangements were made for the annual picnic which was held July 22 at Harbour Park, Goderich. Plano selections were given by Louise Lovett, Helen Goold and Susan Tyndall. Mrs. Ivan Hoggarth had a contest. The August rneerbing is to be held ot •the home Of Mrs.Fred Vodden. Those on program are Mrs. William Jenkins, M. William Lovett and Mrs. Ross Lovett. On lunch are Mrs, Chester Farquhar, Mrs. Neville Forbes, Mrs, William Giblatings• and Mrs. Percy Gibbings. Shultz Family Hold Reunion hi E. Wawanosh AUBURN Over 100 at- tended the ;annual Shultz re- union their' last &tilde& at the farm (home of Reg Strati in Eant Wawianosh Township. During the ;afternoon a bail genie whs enjoyed and races and contests were held. Under the direction of Mrs. Charles Meehan and Miss Mary Mach - Winners of the rakes Were: preschool girls, Beverley Wal- ker; pre-school boy., Jlinurny Thit; chddren 8 and under, • ShUltz, Debbie -Spivey. ;- • iChildren 14 Sind tinder; Linda Shultz, Paul LaitllaW; young )ac1jfes lace, Mrs. li/thel Wal- kers Miss Marry Snell; young Inen's race, Wilfred Spivey; Rol berit iVilathan; ladles' kick -the - Slipper, Miss Shirley Meehan; kiek-the-silipper, 'Wilfred SPivey. Oldest lady present, 1VItts. George jaelt, ,Godettich; oldest Titan present, loseph,Youtigiblut, Leticiesbeko; youngest baby Pre - Sent, Brian Glotither; luck plate Wilinier, Petry tiongbint; that tame the fattheSt. Doul,toitt Shultz, St., Cathar- ines, . Plots were tolade.,16 hold the ceonitoti again, at the takhe placer the hitt Stinclay in Au- Freeltdenit toe xit jeat is M. Etta hit Will chtirehs td the Sportannin- te Will be Mat, Wilfred $PiveY'y, Pant tidwaxe, and ivrtg, mar, gattt Ueildet Albeit ItelatitreS Were Pretent treat GedeltiChs L'endebbere; White- blutrolit tiogtittibuils, Att-, Clitiltoiii,Weditieldi Point tdvottia toid,vorl AThat " the animals with, bread brought for that pmpose, • * Now that there are only two wlaolcs left at the playground, Plans Are be mode for the biggest event of the .surnmen,--n• eireUgi Cor]ete with parade, glid45hQW wiid nimal • acts, clowns and 'refreshments, to he held on Saturday, August 14 at the Coniumnity Pa*, Is a embhkett for a the 'three playgrounds and More linfertnation concerning will be given next week, pvetry.„ Pre cts weloorae, pp den't forget to one, • • ' 01,n,tant Bak tems .Start (10yok$edes .eonvoner Hugh, Hodges Adastral Pa*, RA gi .station :Clinton has annuoneed PlaYeff dates for :the WOAA bantam hoMebrew teanis in this area. The, team lam Birth, Bruce - field and liCA.V Clinton, T4e three teall10 wiflPlaYa home :and home series; then the twg top teagla Will play a best two out of tittree ;Series the finals. All games aro pche.,. awed for 7 o'clock pm, SUNKIST VALENCIA -Size 138's ,ORANGE5 •• 2 DOZEN 79c CANADA NO. 1 MIL,D. ONIONS 413; PAO 33c 144.19» Sit 194,41inion t4Pws-Reccord,409e. two400,m, :00, Med in whIs an losses at the gnti �eaeh series, the team: that has, seer. ed, the most run: will be de- olaredte Sep*F1414 SOViefi Dlytt, wohogell Palm. 44; manager and Ken ..T14apoInte 15. mach Or 'OA RCAF Canton team Apgust 3-11,CAF• ot Drueefield •5 -Blyth ,at RCAF 1.0---laiythttRmeeteld 12:--arneeileld att. BlYtb. 1 -.-RQ at Blyth 18-Brucefie1d at ItCAP Oates for the league finals ;are AugUst 21, 23 and 26, tarday llovirnStfip cleric M qraharn 4nanager of the BrUeefield teiaM; Jack Stewart, EVERYONE READS qr AND DSP WANT ADS 25 LBS. ONTARIO CANADA NO. 1 QUALITY ••New Crop -Tasty Duarte , CORN -ON -THE -COB : 55c• PLUMS Q-1." BOX 39c Large Cardinal TRANSPARENT APPLES 3BLABd 55c GRAPES 1 LB. 29c NEW CROP FANCY 'GRADE solid Green PEPPERS 3 FOR 25c Ontario 6Bir(*, 99c LOIN PORK 6 Tabierite Trimmed Centre Cut PORK CHOPS Ib. C • . PRICESEFFECTIVE AUGUST 4-7 INCLUsiVE 'Fillet Portions and We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities Lean Meaty Country Ribs ' LB. Whyte Packers I/2 -lb. VAC. PACK And 1 -LB. SIDE BACON WIENERS L. PKGS. $1 Veal-In-The-Balket Ib. 39c . Veal Shoulder Roast or Chops Ib. 65c Veal Loin WHYTES CO -PACO 1 -LB. TRAY SAUSAGE '55c lb. Roast or Chops lb. 79c HOSTESS Sc Off Label -Save 10c TEA BAGS CANNED MEAT 'Mix or Match" -- Save Up To 17c KUCK OR KAM PKG. OF TOP VALU Save 9c 0& WAX PAPER TOP VALU 6•c SAUCE2 100 12-0Z. TINS 89c• • ROW 49c 20 -OZ. e 3 , 2. TINS TOP VALU White or Pink• ' LEMONADE 6 -oz. Tin 10C TOP VALU CHEESE SPREAD 16;Al KRAFT •-• SAVE 210 GRAPE • JELLY 1-% 4 1/45c .* MAZOLA SAVE 8c COOKING OIL 16 -OZ. BOTTLE 41c SHIRLEY GAY - SAVE 10c - APPLE PIE 24oz. Family Size 39C TOP VALU CHOICE ASSORTED -Save Up To 16c vEGET • • Croom Corn • Win( or 20 -OZ. TINS or SLICES i!=: . BEEF . CHICKEN . TURKEY 63c SWIFT'S PIES 4 'Tit 99c 14 ont0H5.1, nnlakv" 01.04 WELCHADE SAVE 12a BOB - SAVE 30c . HAIRSPRAY 11 -oz, Tin 69c FACELLE 1 -PLY - (White and CoIqrs) - SAVE 160 GRAPE JUICE '''''' ' '' . ' '' " '''' 2 3:: 69c BATHROOM TISSUE 8 Rolls IGA FACELLE ROYALE- SAVE 2c SANDWICH BREAD 430 WHITE SERVIETTES ''' . Pk4g; 310 HEINZ "-• SAVE UP TO 190 • NABISCO --SAVE 60 PICKLES -.POLISH Jars • BREAD 'N BUTTER 16,oz. ,550 SHREDDIES TOP VALU - SAVE -5o TOP VALU WHITE VINEGAR 4°-°z. 490 'ASSORTED BISCUITS V V A ASSORTED FLAVORS - SAVE 8o • •' ZIP SAVE 130 KOOL AID 10 .•11 DOG FOOD READY SVVEET ''''' PKGS. 2 121/2 -Oz. 57. Pkgs. 0 . 26% -oz. Pkg690 15 -oz. A•Vvv,00111414AVV.AV.V•y04,6 ''''''' Tins INTO