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Clinton News-Record, 1965-08-05, Page 3
• DANCING FOR THE YOUNG CROWD • EVERY SATURIXAY 'NIGHT . "THE DEL REYS" No 5hPrt$, .5IPcks Pr )pons panning .9 to midnight Admiqsion .‘44:9 per perscm P.otorIng. to • Lonoboonof W011009s, Al..411q04tsf, gt Ter Rental information ;or lieserVetions,- Pin, .5241371 or 444,9264. • LEITER. TO EDITOR • .Cenotaph Committee Member ft Scold's US For Meavc:. , - Clinton liews-Aegorci, clitgton,, Dear $ir. WOOld Bite to comment on, tbg'-r0gent! Cenotaph .canyass, A TRON HEARING AIDS Canada's Own Hearing Aid "THE .KEY TO THE 'WONDER AMOVRON OFSOUND" CANNA& Unitron Industries Ltd., manufacturers of the UTO -21 Battery Charger for hearing aid batteries now makes available for the first time, a quality hearing aid made in Canada. This unique hearing aid combines features designed for peak performance and satisfaction While withstanding the temperature extremes of the Canadian climate. Another first from Unitron is our "Factory to Customer" guarantees,. on products and service. All our products are, purchased direct from the plant in Kit- chener and serviced by our own technicians. Complete hearing tests given in our fully equipped testing moms at, the plant or in the privacy of your home, Unitron also eliminates battery costs to purchasers by supplying a Battery pharger and batteries with every Hearing Aid, • Charger and batteries also sold separately to those now using 675 type. batteries. 0 you have a hearing preblem you want to help, it would be beneficial to check with Unitron and inquire about this fine Canadian instrument. Clip coupon and mail for complete details on how you can save money with Unitron products. 1UNTfR0—"N"--'11CDUT14 RIES LTI1.1 48 Fulton Ave. Kitchener. Ont'.1 IPlease send withoutobligation: , 0 Information on the Unitron Hearing Aid 0 Information on, the UTC -21: Charger .& Batteries 1 1 1 (Name) 4,11.~611.•••=1111.11•1•1111•11ft (Address) Tel (city) CLTN 7/22 WiNIIMI MEN!! "Let, One Cali Do It Al!" -Let 'Clinton Laundry Help. You Live A Clean Life! BY OFFERING YOU ALL THESE SERVICES: (1) Professkorial Dry -Cleaning and Pressing (2) Clean-Only"Dry-Cleaning (25. Per Pound -10 Lbs. for $2.00) At. Our Plant --'I 66 Beech Street: —Let us advise you regarding special garments that require special profes- sional attention. —Let experts classify your garments for you and advise you which garments can be done ,the '`dean-on/y" method and which require professional treat- ment. , (3) Complete Laundry Service FiNistrwAsH THRIFTY WASH (14c Per Lb.) DRY WASH (11c Per Lb.) • Shirts, Sheets, Linens, Etc., Etc. (4) Garment and Shirt Rental This Service includes Dress Shirts, Work uniforms, Coveralls, .Etc. (S) Coin7Operated .Laundry These facilities and our Cash and Carry Office are in the main business section at 63 ALBERT STREET. (6)' Fur Storage Vault We give complete insurance coverage. (7) Ninor Repairs & Alterations On. All Garments. (8) Pick -tip. and Delivery Daily (9). SameDay Service • (10) Three -Hour . Service ' When requested; Dry -Cleaning & Laundry in at 9 �m. can be picked up tit 5 pan, Special Attention When Required, Each Week One Lucky Customer Will Win $5.00 Free Cleaning Credit THIS WEEK'S LUCKY NUMBER — 1952 Pliant 481.7064 Clinton, Ont. 1(1100,EN Nkte. Jelin %Oen, Mr. and - Mrs. Art Gibson and children Of WrIoxpter were Sunday gq`ests' of the former's daughter and Son-in-laW, W LMel,' 'and Mr, KelliS, tyiji Me SOMerVille of W. *peg Ats the guest ,of Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Hood and attended the Carter -Hood Wedding ori SattlndaY Afternoon in St. An- drews United Chulleh, giPPen• Rev. and lvrns., D. IVfac Macilallan and a*, end Ms - Norris: lVfacMillan, of Londa 'Visited Fixiday evening with Mr. and Mrs!. N. Long Sunday vis litotes were Mr, and IVA'S. Min 0. Doig of and Rapids, Mich, Mrs. Arehle Pans returned home Thursday !from being boa:, plitalized in St, Joseph's Hos- pita, London Weekend :visitors With the Parsons were theix son and, daughter-in-law, Mr, and lVfais. Gerald Parsons and family of Thamosford. Vl144 ftUn 'nnPhlng. $ts iPPtIve. Not hoIng: a Clinton native son, ft is -not for the TOPIra' of these. men at1 have talcen nuloterest in this iSSUP, bOt 'hope tbatsOmeoPe, some- plage,. 11144 sireacIV irad .4 fitting PlomPrIal ;erected to tile Mem- PTV sif. thege who foiight Prha Med to return with gie, • Nov, .11 or a drumhead servlee, it was IOW 4 illex4 te be proud. of .t.two plaques: 04 a briek when -0Vert...arrialler toas,'54,11pavo or townships have .rnitch nneeri When the new Penotaph • is elvatecl,- ft SUMO be sometbbyg .you be proud to show to wople and at least lindigate.w pare, It is ,quite easy when 4 vasser comes to your, cloor to give him $1 or $2 and send pini on! his way when you -know yeti more. All we are %Wog for is mewl, .Those who are pre .would have been glad to give . money an a certain night When They had a hunch they might just "get • a Memorial worth to these men? $1 or $2 a There are 45 narnesto go on the memorial tablets and is e' LETTER TO EDITOR Bayfield Official Asks Area Board Take Second Look At School Costs (Continued from page one) Oounty School Area, what 'nor: al right have the joint Boards to commit the new Countty Area to expenditures and pro- grammes before the Board fox the new County Area is even elected? Why are these im- portant matters niit given the study they deserve? Then, why could there nit be a programme of public educa- tion to get the facts over to the parents and ratepayers se that these motel's can make intelligent choice's when they select their County School Area Board this fail? It does seem that a properly elected and constituted Board should make the dedisions which the joint Boards of Tuck- ersnuith and Stanley Township School Areas are now drifting into at headlong ,speed. Yours truly, Frederick A. Clift, „ Bayfielci, Ont., August 2, 1965. Editor's Note: The News -Rec- ord appreciates the efforts of Frederick A. Clitft to keep all the issues in this ;controversial School question before the pub - SPECIAL BUS Detroit Tigers vs New York Yankees In Detroit Sun., Aug. 8 $7.00 •includes bus fare and reserved seat Reserve your seat early HABKIRK Travel Service For Tickets and Informa- tion call 527-1222 Seaforth 30 -lb lie. Mr. Olift has used the col- umns: of this newspaper in more than one instance to put its thoughts, and the ideas of supposedly 900 or more persons, before the reading Whether or not our readerts agree or disagree with hteview- Points expressed irt thiS letter, tbe fact remains that its con- tent forces everyone to think about questions that ,perhaps some had (never asked of them selves. We fear that in this busy world of instant foods' and push-button appliances, we are sometimes too ready to 'accept the opinion, of the expert with- out ever giving consideration to some down-to-earth thinking on our own. An apathetic sod. iety is ;developing, di it has not already done so, wherein people --are content to let others db the worrying and -the complain- ing in the hope that the best solution wiil inevitably be found. ,Stanley T o wris hip Area school board members have re- peatedly insisted there is 'wide- spread support throughout the municipality for the proposed central school at Brucefield. Unfortunately, not one citizen has stepped to the fore to up- hold the board's decision. Not long ago, a Tuckersmith area farmer visited the N -R editor's office with some pert- inent thoughts on the matter of centralization. He indicated his intentions to provide this of- fice with a letter to the editor that would openly expresS those views which he insiste:d should be considered. We would remind this gentle - Man again of ou rdesdre to re- ceive that letter and our sub- sequent willingness to print it or any other correspondence on' the subject. 'WAY SOUTH Esse X County in Ontario, the "Sun Parlour of Canada" where many vegetables includ- ing potatoes are srbarted'as ear- ly as February, is, further south than Calthfornia's northern bor- der, thus providing plenty of salad ingredients HOTEL CLINTON .Featuring "CLOUD r Rom • SMORGASBORD • Every Sunday FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIAL IN OUR DINING ROOM 'Chicken In a Basket' tridcry--Served from 9:30p.m. to 11t10 Soturdgy--Served from 930 pan.to Midnight. Phone 482.1421 for Reservations We Cater to Dinner Parties and Wildding Ree,egt * iet.1-wPattlY PI 704r 1?Pr.t., Wgi need -.$444. tigr the Pen, otaph 1oie plus the ftti41.0s, bo.sicTes 40#*, atclewap, and Iandsospinaw4h Could COMP later On!.. 104- !ene Ponta, bate as he In% PrOtsP:Pred we w1111 bavg PP kx Yo.ur PousgienP0 tigther$ you, 44114 I bow it dogg,. ploae. sena or take year eontributions to town 4eric,,Iobn Linvermore and be will give. You g. receipt that d eductahle frpni VOW income tax, We will be pubansbiug the minas and amounts at a later Tharoging you for the ohanee to express myself *tangly, - Yours truly, H= 1alCzWgI014. QuiltfArifoi, August 2, 1965, St Andrew's Presbyterian W S Meet At Church The July meeting of the Wm -nem 4issiontaay Society. of St. Audromr's Presbyterian Chureh was held in ',the school room of the church with Mrs. Dunbar in charge of the dev- otional exercises. A poem "Put forth your hand" Ntlas read as the theme of the meeting was Jesus put- ting forth his hand to heal the sick. Jesus 'always had great concern for others and healed many with tie touch of his hand, showing that we should always lenda helping hand to those in need. The topic by MM. Shaddick was on Formosa. Mrs. Lobb was in charge of business. Roll call was an- swered with a verse containing the word "Love". The Bibie To* prolgon (7,14slians erTe eengtently having VI, thee is *el feelling MnPilg mom yoPing people who haVe not reqd 'the Bible that it is oad-TasbliPned and ntrgeaftble. 'attegnpt hag Nen Made by 1 Psniisb XI* SPPletY t? M ttie BSicble Meaningful to YoPlig PeoPle, ChallenVed, styS' MISS V. ;04Sell Bible SOciety gretary, Yefung People sa- ing "T feel Ole dust falls on rrie when 1 pick up a Bible," the SbclietY decided to Make a PhellograP1h reeeced of Bible readings by the most famous Danish aator, Poul ReWnert, Who WyglaYe his services fre' of chnge. The record iS presented in a bright attract- ive sleeve aged by a con- temPorarY artiSt,IVIany people, of ourse, bought the record to hear 1:he actor's voice, But as a result, a considerable 'number of letters or received from people enciuning about the reading% Maw say "Where ran 1 get A Bible that?" IVIliSs JenSen also speaks to rnanY groups of young people, 1.mrpres- sing on them that the Bible is to be read not only by those in "missionary" countries but by themselves. Suggested Daily Bible Readings Sunday, Aug. 8: Genestis 9. lVfondaY, Aug. 9; Genesis 37 • Tuesday, Aug, 10: Geneais 41, Wednesday, Aug. 11: Genesis 42. Thursday, Aug. 12: Genesis 43. Friday, Aug 13: Genesis 44. Saturday, Aug. 14: Genesis 45, HOLMESVILLE Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Steepe, Carol, Cathy and Vicki, recent - y returned from a, camping trip to• Toronto, .Algonquin Park and Collihgwood. While away, they also visited 1VIr, and Mrs. Ron Steepe, WarterdOwn. 0 A FASHION NOTE Sales cleric to lost little boy; "So you're lost, poor child. Why didn't you hang on 'to your mernmy's skirt?" Boy: "I couldn't reach it" Imperial Heil Drivers Auto Show Returning To Clinton Next Tuesday So entertaining—and succesS- ful — was the Imperial Hell Drivers show in Clinton Com- munity Park last August, it is being repeated again this year. Huron Central Agricultiral Society, promoters of Clinton Spring Fair, is bringing Paul Riddell's. Hell Drivers to Clin- ton on Tuesday, August 10; the two-hour show starts at 7.30. The Hell Drivers are using 1965 Chrysler products this year in their hell craving ex- hibition. Included in this year's show is driving over ramps, reverse spins, careening along on two wheels, multi -car pre- cision driving, criss-crossing within a hair's breadth of one another, motorcycle stunt rid- ing and comedy acts. The sec- ond part of the show features the crashes, ,when older cars are flipped over, rolled over and smashed head-on. The show also features a 10 -year- old clown. Paul Riddell himself, is the featured artist in the show. He began the show in 1959 at the age of 22. Seven men and three girls make up the Hell Drivers personnel. Billed ,a.§ the "Wildest ,Show on Wheels" the spine -tingling event played to a full grand- stand at ;Clinton last year and promises to be a better night Of entertainment this year. The Clinton Spring Fair of- ficials were highly compliment- ed for bringing this outstanding monmonmeftmor CHAPMANS BARBER &BEAUTY SHOP Closed Aug. 2 will open Mon., Aug.16 IN ouR Tv WORK GOES 01/R PRIDE.YOU SEE EACH JOB /S GUARANTEED AND BONAPIDE MERRILL RADIO -TM.. Hi -.El SALES‘SERV10E 482.7021 CLINTON show to Clinton last year. Come out next Tuesday and enjoy the thrills of expert auto driving and stunts. Wedding Picrrures JERVIS STUDIO Phone 482-7006 Thursday, Aug, 1905 ---Clinton News-RecoF4,-Fooe rrremmart Shopping Begins in The Pages Of This Newspaper Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON EXETER SEAfORTI4 Open Every Afternocm _PHONE 482-7712 At other times contact Local Representative—A. W. $teep,-482-6647 THE PARK THE SQUARE—GODERICH NOW 7-- THUR., FRI., SAT. 7— August 5-6-7 Glenn Ford, Henry Penda and .11.9oe Holiday Don't miss this !boisterous corneciY-Western "THE ROUNDERS" _cow MON, TvE$„ WED. --- August 9-10-11 . Bette Davis, Olivia de Havilland and Joseph Cotten The :meat aisoussecl murder -mystery of the year. "Hush . . Hush Sweet Charlotte THUR., FRI., SAT. Augusti 12-13-14 Annette Funioello and Tommy Kirk Co-starred in Walt Disney's lively fun -film "The Misadventures of Color Merlin knesff,-- Coming—H. Rider Haggard's "SHV in color SUNSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE GODERICH — Box Office Opens at 8 o'clock THUR., FRI., SAT. — August 5-6-7 , — Twin Fun -show — JERRY LEWIS in "ROCKABYE BABY" With FRANKIE AVALON In "Drums of Africa" — Both in Technicolor MON., TUES., WED. — August 9-10-11 (Adult Entertainment) Glenn Ford and Geraldine Page Present a smooth, wry comedy -romance "DEAR HEART" Plus "DISNEYLAND AFTER DARK" L THUR., FRI., SAT. — August 12-13-14 — A Special First -Run Double Bill — Audie Murphy and Merry Anders In a swift -moving western adventure The 3©! Guin°' Plus °°Hey There! Nes Yogi Be — Both in color — r11 Coming — "BEACH PARTY — in color Farms '1911111MarailliillatiVaM2EMPIROCIONarangr FIRST MORTGAGES .00 Residential -- Commercial PROMPT, CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE THE INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1889 Contact our Representative H. C. LAWSON 5 RATTENBURY STREET EAST PHONE 482-9644 CLINTON, ONT, NM& 1 HURON CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY—Promoters of Clinton Spring Fair . . . Again Present CANADA'S NUMBER ONE AUTO THRILL SHOW Otocer Oaf/ MI 4//late MOTORCYCLE MANIACS .. - CARS GONE CRAZY ON THE RACEWAY! CLINTON COMMUNITY PARK See The 'Hell Drivers' Spine-Tingtirag Two -Hour Show on Tuesday'. August 10 at 1:30 pint The imperial Hell Drivers Drive- 1065 Chrysler Products ADMISSION: Adults-. $1,25f Children Under 12, 80d