HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-08-05, Page 2• Business Review nk of ontrtal Warns 1, ogling rices UNITED STA rEs .40100,411006t4,04, cki\ Aht.t.44•4$1/4‘e.' A fastball umpires clinic was held at RCAF Station Clinton on tbe'evening of .auly 28. asttue- ton for the.. clinic was given by: Mr. "Pop" Wiebe !and Alf _Knarr from New Ilambprg and Sgt. Hugh 'Hodges froth the Station,- Those attending the seminar .included: standing, left' to eight, = Clinton 1pws-114cord-4-4.1400001, Physical Education Officer. Other activities include softball, basketball, volleyball as well as being a Swimming Instructor and Su-. pervisor Red' Cross! and Royal Life Saving Society. F/L Allan, with his .wife, the former Beatrice McClin- cheyof 'Clinton, and two dill= dren, Elizabeth- Marie and George' Richard lives at 107 James Street in Clinton. Attend Umpires Clinic at Station Clinton • Officer Dan Davis, COrporal Ron 'Burbridge, Alf Knorr, "Pop" Wiebe, Sgt. Hugh liodges, and Sgt.,' Paul kneeling'; left to right, Doug .Ma.caulay, from Clinton, Sgt. "Curly" Ebel, Hugh 'Flynn from Londesboro and' Malt from Clinton, (RCAF Photo) , BUD YE0 WES HOME F PICNIC .With attendance at family reunions 'continually dropping off, it is 'refreshing to note ,from our correspondence this week that at least one mem- ber of the younger .gener- ation still puts a great -deal “ of store in a gathering of kin. < Franklin (Bud) Yeo cif Vancouver, 13.C, flew home to 'spend the weekend with hils. parents, Mr. and -1Vins_Frank Yeo, and to attend the family picnic, • ' This word came to us from Mrs. Frank McCollotigh who .is our Holmes-vale correspen- dent., Unwires Clinic -Held At • RCAF • Station' baseball .utnpires .clinic which, was held oh the Sports field nine people frern - the l'oca'l area attended a softball and and in the recreation centre On rtE>e evening of July Ra, at RCAF. Clinton,. Jristritction for the Clinic was given, Eby C. T3, WOIP ...WAPbe, • and Its assistant Alf .Knarr, 'both fragl, New Tiam- burg, and included both .the- preitieal and practical inforin- at$n, ,.evamination conducted laffter+wiard's by 'Ben, geant Hugh Hodges who is an .eXeeative .ntembor of the Western Ontario Athletic AS," s-oblation. and. the .Ontario. Baseball Association: under whose sponsorship this, clinic Was,beld,. Clinton the aid c moved 0 ,14airover and Y i1 ii verton. Orticefield.Girls Win First. Semifinal Game • Brucefield .edged the Exeter GtreYs 6-4 in the first game of the WOAA-. Ladies Softball League -playoffs. Sherran andge led the win- ners Wplth a 'three run triple in the ...Sixth inning. Bev. Wright, Oleo Lang-don; and'Gwen Hend- ricks each had two hits, - Audrey ?coley led the Greys With a home rim. Exeter-- 100 3000 4 13 Brucellield 001 005 — 6 -3 Exeter: Treman, Down in••6th, pitehers.,' and Dougall,' catcher' ' Brucefieltl: Graham, pitcher,.,. and Jones, catcher. an •-Satorday .• night„ Bruce- field downed 'the Byron Edie and Wilcox team 12-8 in an exhibition • game,. Betty Graham led the win- ners with a trinle, a double and a. single, with. `Manic Bell. and Joanne Aldwinkle each contri- buting three bits. • • Legion Band Concert Friday Clinton Legion Pipe Band Will play another of their semi-weekly band concerts in Library Park . on Friday evening this week. • The band is arranging to have some 'added entertain- ment in the form of Scottish dancers-or singers, NfONTTWAT, — Although Canada's economic conditions are 'continuing bgoyAnt 4uct ture prospects woe rod, some warning' signs clan aiready Seen in the bliisineSS,outlook, according to the Bank of, MM., treat iLn arts Business review for July, last. issued. The B of M notes that in both Canada land the United Rates the Strength of last year's business 'activity hats "continued at a good Paco" 44:4o. this year and igatsuigi proaw- ipuvgay 35 fear cent higher than in.19614 is still expanding. record In araSt0 countries," • the bank says,. • "However., they do. pose, es+. peCially for Canada, a sore what greater clanger of spirall- prices than has: been ex- PPriOnced recent years since • they come at a time When the economy .is operating much closer to capacity, when sub-. $11 antjAa Wage increases; are be- ing vained and When there is an increasing ineklOnee betlr diSputes resulting in worts stoppages'," Business Outlook The Warning on prices was one of several raised by the B of M in .creytew of the curr'ent business outlook, . However, it notes tt4aft "Can ada,!s. economic conditions are: continuing buoyant and that - future i'vospeetsr are good,. with the strength .of last Ylan''.$ bus, iness activity conthriing "at a good pace" into this year, • In addition, plans for capital expenditures this year which already calls for 'a substantial increase appear to have been remised 'upwards in recent months. Further Expa:nsi9n However, the B of M says "'there is a read question, wheth- er any further sizable expan- sion 'capital spending . could be achieved without catising considerable distor- dational demands be placed on, already short supplies of cer- tain categories of labour awl materials, intensifying existing • pressure on prices and costs, and that' imports could rise faotxr- nragal 31•0 riiti no el lir ye me ride aen ip eiartnd tial forecasts of growth for 1965 will etheeasbaayrik weosayesvethala fic- in .cur. of ma,, rent dollar -terms, even without taking into account the posSi.- billity of a bumper grain bar- vest in the West. "gosvevel', the 'various uncertainties . . . sub- gmeuyst ttliceltinseovrniwewselowinbefgoredotwoi: rather heady rate of advance in real terms of the eurrew lung, especially if overheating becomes clear enough to re- cluirea r more positive ,e degree of monetary Nevertheless, there are many favorable elements In the pre- sent Situation. "With longer ran prospects so good, 'the ad- justinents that may be required in the months ahead should be easier 'to make, particularly if due !attention is, paid to the warning signs alreadY evil- dence. "For the danger reinains that what should be merely 'a pause !for breath could burn in- to a major readjustment if ex- cessive demands are put on the economy at 'this' stage," the B of na Review concludes, On Wednesday morning, August 4, 'Flight. Lieutenant Dick Allan was presented with the Olpsp to. the Can- adiian'Forces Decoration The presentation was made dor- ' ling a Station Parade Iby the Commanding Officer Station Clinton, .Group Captain K, R. . Greenaway, CD. ; .., During his .career in the RCAF F/L Allan haS spent eleven years at' Station Clm- •ton, first in 1946 for a brief. period then as a Non-Corn- ' anissibried Officer on the a46ation Staff from 1949-54. ' Receiving his commission • 1957 Dick returned to Clin- ton in"Mardh„ 1960 and has :held the position to date as. the Station • Recreation and • < • Flight Lieut. Dick Allan Receives Clasp, TO C Decoration After 2 Years in Air force Mayor invites Ratepayers- To Council Meeting Mayor Dan Syr-ions has „issued another !invitation 'to Clinton rlatepayerrs to attend the regular session of Clinton Town Council en 1VIOnday, August .9. The session will begin sharp , at 8; pm. In the council chambers. This is in keeping with his. policy of reopening up all • matters 'dis'cussed by council, to the public. Only one - person attended 'the July meeting, and he was a one-man delegation, Gibbings-S ate Wedding Held At Duff's *Church, McKillop 110 )05 100 95 1961 Bat the hank warns of un. eertalintY in the future of ex- tempi trade, 'a major source of :strength during the current business expansions with the gap between imports and ex._ ports Widening unfavorably, "Further Uncertainty, both for Canada's external trade and for general economic conditions in this country, could arise from a continuation of price increases staili as have taken place in wholesale prices re- cently," the B of M states. The first Signs of "strong up- ward pressure on prices" ap- peared in late 1964 and, be- tween October, 1964, and June 1965, wholesale prices in Cana- da rose- by over 3 per cent. "Certainly these increases ;as yet indicate only mild inflation- ary pressure compared with the tier." It points out that ad- 1962 1963 WHOLESALE PRICES • Indices IQ 1961 = 100 1964 1965 95 ' Bank of Montreal Business Review Tilly 1965 110 105 100 Potential Danger of spiralling pri ces in Canada is indicated by the' recent rapid rise in wholesale prices, as charted by the Bank of Montreal in its July Business' Review, Consumer prices and most •other prices also rose, 16:41 ii.„„nk„, 1,W4-` 'AP& lir n. ICE Kingswell Welding. Will be closed for holidays from VAIMPASt AT THE INVITATIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS 0 ACCESSORIES Clinton News.Record 56 Albert St, 482-3443 August 9 to 14 'inclusive For",oxygen or acetylene contact E. J. (Mike) Reynolds Phone 402-961.6 TO SATU S Y UGUS UST 12 21 ..• LADIES' WEAR and plUir GOODS. Fan Materials SEW NOW FOR FALL (Photo by McDowell, beigrove) Mr, and Mrs. Robert Melvin Giddings WALTON — Donna Mae Smith became the bride of Robert Melvin Gibbings at a ceremony in Duff's United Ch- urch, Wialton, with the Rev. Arthur Higglingbotharn offici- ating. The bride is the' daughter of Mr, ,arid Mrs. James W, Smith, RA 2 Brussels, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Percy Gibbings, RR 1 Clinton, Given hi marriage by her bather, the. bride was becom- ingly gowned in a 'floor-length creation of white organza over taffeta with Empire waist, Stoop neeklite, bet sleeves and conitnailed skirt. A. detachable Watteau train extended from a bow at the Shnulder. I-ler four- tier Chattier veil was heIcil uai place by 'a floral headpiece and She tarried a bouquet of yellow roses and Mist Semi nett, Clinton, maid of hiOnour, wort a flodr- length Aline dress of yellow norgatiza, BridetnialdS, Mrs, Ron. Smith, Harriston, Mrs, Larry Lahn, Hanover and MISS Connie Gibbings, Clinton, as junior ,bridesmaid, were simil- arly gowned to the maid of honour and all carried bouquets of shasta d'i'tties: Martin Magee, Scarborough, seas the heat man and' guests were ushered by Ron Smith, brother of the bride, end Wil- liam Gibliings, brother of the groom. At the receptiOn in. the 01i- n:1th basement, Mns, Sinn re- ceived guests Wearing a pink lace dress With three-quarter length duster, pink and white accessories and 'a White arm- -till= corsage. She Was asSisted, by the grOOM's Mother who chose a blue, late dress, short jacket, whiter 'accessories and pink carnation. corsage< For travelling, the bide don- ned a tUrcittoise cotton kuit suit with White accessories and a 'corsage of yellow roSes. Amid a shower of confetti and good trades, 'the' happy couple 'left Tor a. iliOneynkron trip to the MatiltiMe Provinces, The bride is a graduate of Stratford. Teadhers' College, The couple will reside on the groom's fartn Alt 1 We have itust reCeived a large assortment wool — R y Cott rt and Synthetic terials WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION! —'AUGUST SALE OF FALL and WINTER COATS "YoU can save 10% by shopping now All long winter coats 'purchased ,or a deposit placed on coat will save, you 10%—d-on tile purchase price Summer Dresses - Coats - Blouses Shorts Slims Reclined to Clear at & 1/2 Pric IR IWYIN S THE OFFICE Will be open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for the paying of ac- counts, and accepting news stories and adver,, tising for the issue of Thursday, August 26. THE SHOP Will Be Closed Every Day - . . But At Least One Printer Will Be On Call To Do Any Rush Printing Jobs. Bring In Your Printing Require- ments This Weekend, Shopping Begin's In The Pages Of This Newspaper `NO ISSUE OF THE CLINTON NEINSRECORD ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 r r EVERYBODY NEEDS A HOLIDAY!