Clinton News-Record, 1965-07-22, Page 13M%, r WeWn XWtan and, dais_ :svipps.ppent the weekend -with Sliter Pat And her amt,. 94, W,4 parents, 74r. alid, XM,. M- Mel Oxeog of LuclmQq, x -e jor YourigbIlAt =4faM.411Y. and 3 -Us, 'V, d, Pa es, w Mr. Swords '%A t ri Bruce_rx)=g 1,e sportp Prqgv4in wa,§, "suv pe,*I�ed �y Ml"�- �T'Vb Sit Lobb Reunion., 1 A 11 1 races, en5 the young fO�m-* pod some 'Held, 1'AS Year, ", four ungual held the interest nolo:which mg and Af Sfta,tford Park o1%he norninAt corrianittee pu A ate, The 19th ann Ae- bl-� glit"' t1le -following $1 , . , ual Lobb fflom f0v �906;,�,,presiderrf,� union pilanic wes, held Thilirs, of o 44y, July, I a4- Stratford park. qe, Wardlej vi, -p,xe ftot,' F,p)llly members carpe from St. 'Hprold Lobb, secrqtai� ,, 'Afole, Thomas; Kitchener,C2alcvalleI.,obb; treasurer, Mi�,, D; Crich;• inittee X�r% an Woodstock, London, Bur1ford, spits com f ; WL , "anda james Lobb ;-apd Fvipley, Clinton -and Stratford,. m -A�e� Dinner was served at 1-2,30 HOW'ard P'Ynl, table com p.m., pmd supper In smorgas- Mr, and Xrs..'Blli HollaiiO; K'r. bord Style -at 5 p.rcn, and Mrs.'', Pond1d, . Jervis; Wordyof welcome were e)- grounds committee, Fred LOP,, George Idexidersan tended Eby President Donald" Lcobb and a brief mee#ng was held, Fire is, the.Bbrest, prime evil: ,A brute' -work... A glutton f, ar unishment! ti' _ 411 1 LOY N, LOADER Doublehig- 0 An 'This is -the silo unloaddr, that aluiays-.ddiver.g no inatter what the teffiperat&6 anay,be, no matter what condition the t I 3dage is ift i , . wet, dry, frozen, or compacted. Those big YEED-EASY double augbts dig in and deliver a steady flow iff Silage thb inoinent you turn on 'the electricity, Patented impeller system ,W9l-neV6r freeze or d6g, Adjustable Wall -Wheelt and adjustable' diiVe hubs ]peep 'the FEED -EASY silo . linlo4dok in perfect balance, hif9ghig'the silo Walls at all tlihbs. Fit* aff ttzes 'of 4116S I 1`1" W-111 Whidh b6tri6a the silage to the silo Chute, W 'or phdna toe 1n6e Me' 0 Wo mollod ORORdt WHIft & SONS -"Cd. Lyb. .BOXIIOUnjdn' Ont. "VIOVAL, The, offering was received by Sheron Collins and dedicalt- ed with Inlayer by Mrs, Weis Bradnock, A Bible quiz on Stars . ... ..... .. ... ... ..... Aword.-O Cqn4dim .Forces Decoration The Canadian FQr-ces cera ion was recently presented tb -six personnel at RCAF Clinton by Cornmandifig , Officer, Group Caaptaln K. PL Greenaway, CD,,,bt 4 sitati6n parade. Receiving the CL)wrd were, front -r. w, left to 4 4 0 9 right, Sgt. - J. T. Hewitt, F/L,F. J. Saunders and R. W, $ohlegaj; back row, left to right, k1. G. Larconb , Cpl, E. A. lNms, Cpl,F.X. wilson. (RCAF Photo) Hur ..o, Te n 1 n Ogratto, Of -A riculture onoti n.g t Pro',eINe. F. �Ihq Huron,' bounty Feder- I Llpyd C ..,�Iintpn,j4 Thus .segment offers a possible altoon of Agri", ir6,1 togetber chairman. for itown- IGO points. with :tbi local o . f I the, ship, Ler. A nrmstrpng, Aayfield,; Scoreson all these matters Match te PreOntg Stan*Y, aMd VMMeT wIR be ,talffiued during the initial 19P6, are, I th I C.. �'g bodiesBibladix1ont, * RA3 Kippen, Is vL%it :and again. duringthe Halal -in Huron FarmsteadRo- b pimpe ly- ,anurbil', TinrWenient CanHeb lotion. The differencee ry, Blyth, 'and Ted tween the two wall result in "pito}'' alRprioriect fpStqred: in the HuhUft RR; I Aubuin 'are the Improverneot Wore. p �,Ixwe by the Ontario De- jp4nay in d%.a.xge.qf Hullett. pawtmont of AgTioulture. E4,ki of these rnen' vrW , en- -D, H. Mles, agricUltural rep- d0avotir to see that at least 20 • ivg,entab,ve for Huron !06uptY'entAes are completed In their. Tuckerswil and §ecretaTy.off,thejpca1 coin - �=Ive tommships. Cash priz- mittee �of the lid erivado nal PloWing Mat . ch, -recend , y an •n4redin be offered to the wkil- -s funeral eadh townShap and town- Man, noluixed . the-4VoJhtmefit Of ship dlxarnplbons and reserve t0whsh,!P. lalixtrien Who have clianiplions will thexi compete Friday bly 9 been named to elficourAge resi- for the County honours. An.ala- devits in -all Huron municipal-'. Onno champion will be 9,e WilWaDliam aCe Bruce ices -to parlbiedpate In the carr- lected from county winners. Broadfoot, boon July 9, 1901, tennial project de4igned toTwo. Inspections in, Tackersinlith Township the 'clean-up;, jix-tio and paintwup son of the late Mr. and Mrs - Entrants• will sign* theiT in - a're'a &rnis, and ruji-1, land­� tentjow. t6 conipete in the con- W. G.• BrIbad1foot, daed July 7, scalpel.test -by filing - an, entry with th.6 '1965, alt his home hi Tucker- -The 'deceased, wh6 "s :tovMship chairmaln, no -later snifth. X -sul as, unniarried, and VARNA than Sqpter�ber I IWO,, A pan- a, s�tll, ian, W. en- Js suivived' Oy Me sister, Mrs. el of judgei win, visit -the �uckersn bth, and Is fMn this fall, and again G' T. noWitt, T in #e purnmer of IQ66. ' a niece' and nepbew. in the I hilt A total of 1,000 pohi$s may Rev. A- U. M61cLean, of the #,lu b6 eamgd ifive catqgorles.Presbyterian !Oh.drchClinton, MQ d "IC "Attractlye Ap. cmdupted thiet funeral service proall , '. is Nvorth 200 poirufs hi the Ball and Mutch Funeilal • phd.iconsil�ts olf detaft, such as Rome on, JWy 9. internwnt WAS A�V ��Yfa � roadside , dno Eferims, entrance, in 11aMurhL-y -Cemetm7. in"! x, fame ,name W lane_ Pallbeams were lov,111 The United Churldh field' wa condWon and paint- Jdmis, Alynn. Dale, Warren - y. 7Rie VVIAtmore, Alialter BMadfoot, anzoad Pimuc in Clan Greg& 'ing .of 'the house can earn n up�'to Square, BpYhdil, last. Wednes- 250 pOnts, whge,'the appear- Angus Brown and Russel Cole- diEiy evening I WM a good . atten- ;Ome i4d repair of the bar, !Lt man. dan0e. AAer a, bountiful supper worth. another 250 marks, s&jved by the jades a lilst of Under 11,ejhe1adjpg of "Yard FULLER BRUSH sports were held, Area Around ,mouse the QP - 1. '. peamnee oflawns, shede trees APPOINTMENT .TN& :res ivere: pre-school and. windbrealds, � flowers,' veget- race,_SM t&vX6WItt, Ann Marne ffmrd; girls 6-8, Cathy Taylor, able gardens, fencing, hedges, ,We walks and pathos can tallyan- ndY Mustard; girls 9-12, Jo- Ann Beoeze -Darlene Hayter; other 20.0 P0110s. boy,q 6 Heard, Rob Roy •"Ywd Area Around Barn." involves lencing, grading, free - Boys 9-12, David mustard, dbm ftl6m• weeds and the. re - Sandy Mustard; ladies' race, ,"movial of old scrap and rubblish. Ruth Johnston,, Margaret Hay - ter; men's race, Tom Conslitt, Mervyn Hayter; three-legged- HOLMESVILLE race, David MusitaTdiand Doug Aelid Kelvin Jewitt and Rob Visiltors with'Mr. and Ms; RON Elliott;Kelvi. PISHER Rvk'EHarry WdIliams were Mr. and Has been appointed Fuller Ladles' �Zek the supper, 1a1- Mrs, Barry Pipe, Teresa and Brush Representative for anise , Broeze Darlene Hayter; Debva of London and miss Clinton and Goderich Town - Men's luck 'the Slipper, Charles Reid, Robert Webster; soda Sandra Williams of Burlington. ship. Mr. Fisher maybe con - They also contest, Lloyd Heard- Thhey also attended the Straum tacted by phoning 524-8500 clothes pm and pencil contest, ghan, Family Reunion at Har_ before 9 a.m.. or after 6 p.m. 16eow Bob Webster's team; bour Park- on Sunday. ",Guessing number of buttons, Mx•s- Roy B111att; ,ladies driving nodills, Mrs. Mervyli, Hayter; men &Ivdng naffs, Roy Muott; most grandchildren present,,, OF Mrs Minnie gninfar CUT T H E 0 ST After the sports were y floisfir ed; -a good game of sloftball was enjoyed. was given by Barblaft Sander" 'The United Church Sunday ,&on, and this portion of the School annive"ary will be held meeting was closed by slinging next Sunday, Judy 25 at 10:15 a hyrnit I . aim. Mics. Sanderton tooY charge -W. acid 1&& Doug Robinson, of thebusiness nand the.Thnultes ljorzile, and Cathy of AgInCourt were as as read by the and Mr. iand',Ws. Bob McCly- assistant secilej�W, Mrs. Alvin Mont wid Michael of Burford, Lmtherland. Tlie treasurer, were vk6tors iover rbhe weekend Mrs. Donaild Hainlesgave the at the.home of Mr. and Mrs, Anancial statemeut. �Ved A letter was sent to Mrs, 10�! - =1, Opines Johnstort for the dbna,, jary YOUR SMV 'EMBLEM born, gtv0ri in memory of hen FROM JUNIOR- FAItNgRS the late Mrs:6altheAne Have you ever -almost hit a nblhi:l Other thank-ybu- notes werealslo, read. pUm,' were 11� fret for aero eq61pmeht on, made for the ne* Trieleting and the bighwixy,becauseyou didnt Mrs. Sanderson thanked all Who recognize It Iei time? iie neW had itakenport bi the prdgkan1- triangular SMV emblem shotild The trieet' was closed "by bt&vtnt this by providing the sinigizig tbhfty+mn, BfeAtIX6 on of - ,&W, speed ma- mL,i nfeath of God. chines, Leann: to redograte these ,The Ladle; Ald ;f ti Prbt'- signs. Buy your 8'mv S'Igh from b '0 yt&'!�ft 133r, dh met with %fit. Haroij �4,0 y Junior partner's. )�,d, Davi6s, it charge. 'Phe I inin I ' uteg - were t head by the 8e -t- . rotary, Mrs. Roy �Dper., She also VA8W P1rANTb4)ft8 use gave 46 tinfiiicita statement Tree Planting machines 118-L sliow!lbg that Tie&wra0jtg the by `tho, OAtaiio Deptlrd'h6nt of manse had been. Completed,. Lands and Vote"Its can plant Other business was discussed 10t000 trees tlay, and a delicious luftoh WA,.sefV- ed by Mrs, AlVift LeatheTlphd Personal Ilicoine twc Was first and Miss Winh(le Leggett, ICVlod Ih Canada in 1011 as 11 6__ special War tax; it Was hkA until 1949 that the name of the Clattifled A& tax was dhango'd from the, 161, co" Wet ilex Am�t, to: the Srii-; I;ring Results dorhe Tax Act, PREPARING ' RECORQSI MOORE REGISTERS AND FORMS GET ALL THE FACTS ON EACH TRANSACTION... RIGHT At THE TIME'... RIGHT ONTHE JOB... IN'bNE WRITING A MOORt ItEGISYM AND FORM FOR EVERY FORM OF BUSINESS CALL, US TODAY FOR COMKIETE IMMOMAWW CLI NEWS3 CORD Phone 4821-3441 S6 Albdtt Stmot clintb" For news, fQr views, for wide and varied, entertain- rrient, nothing -f, , can �eat yovr weekly newspapers. And .ail for just 10c per week when pdr0a.sod at a newsstand, OR Subscrilbe By The Year o.YTibi Clinton News -Record "The'Home Paper With The News" The.0infon News -Record may be Purchased at the following owi ing Clinton and District Stores: In CLIINTON-- BARTLIFFS BAKERY LIMITED CLINTON IGA STORE NEWCOMBIFS'Rexall DRUG STORE McEWAN'S BOOK STORE GORD LAWSON BILIAROS BILL GERMAN'S ,BOWLING ALLEY MILT & MABEVS.R9$tAURANT,' In 'BAYRELD- :17j", 7 CLIFF UTTER'S STORE W. In. ,LONDES Bop .0.. THOMPSON'S STORE LONDESBORQ LOCKER SERVICE In BRUC91FIELID- PATERSON'S STORE In HOLME-SVILLE--- D., E. GLIDDONIS GENERAL STORE In VARNA. W. T. McASH GENERAL STORE At RCAF STATION-- C. & W. GROCETERIA In GODERICH- BLUE'S SUPERMARKET A & P STORE FINCHER'S SMOKE SHOP CRAIGIE'S POOL ROOM In SEAFORTHN- KEATING'S DRUG STORE In HENSALL- WILSON'S DRUG STORE In UPPEN-i KIPPEN STORE In AUBURN -,- G. R. TAYLOWS STORE WMe. ARIMW 0 yr lti:!, A-111JI'i