HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-07-22, Page 12Commencing August 3rd,1965
for CHSS Students
"Revised" Class Room Schedule:
AUGUST 3rd 9:00 to 12:00 Noon
and each following Monday morning
from 9:00 to 12:00 noon,
In Car Schedule:
Each Student Drives Twice Each Week—
Monday & Wednesday Afternoons
or. TuesdaT 8c Thursday Afternoons
or Fridayi Afternoon & Saturday a.m,
Departmental Road Tests for licence during First
Week in September.' Students are to register
on July 30th at the High Schaal. Fee of $10
to be paid when registering.
Surplus or (deficit)
for the year
194,284.58 200,328.03 192,652.71
338.12 (7,388.89)
oi .51,44011,
Towns !ri. tillett or Report
el( \t • en eg, n. ere ,o oi
• issued `aMounts from $100
upwards for 4 or • 5 years.
• earn the above indicated interest*
payable half-yearly by cheque.
• authorized investment for all
Canadian Insurance Companies
and trust funds.
1172 Boy St,
35 Dunlop St., 73 Misslesaga
Barrie *ale
--1701 -SERVICE
482.6661 CLINTON
YOU 01.0
dtRS ..
1 '
Joseph Riley
Funeral Held
Last Wednesday
A Constance redident, Joseph
H. Riley, RR .1 Clinton, died
suddleely Monday, July 12, fole
lowing a heart seizure. He was
in• his 77th year.
13ord on Coneeseion 6 of Me,
Killop Township, a son of Mr.
and Mae. George Riley, the de-
ceased was married in 1918 to
the fanner Sarah Cook, He
was a retired road superinten-
dent and a member of Con-
Stange United Church and COF
Lodge, Constance.,
Surviving are his wife; two'
brothers; Tom, , Clifiton, and
Frank, Constance; two sisters,
Eclithe (Mrs. Cecil PeIley)
Toronto, and Margaret. (Mrs.
Fred Cooper) Seaforth; an
uncle and an aunt and several
nieces and nephews.
. Funeral service on July 14
Was from the Ball and Mutch
Funeral Home, Clinton, with
interment in Clinton Cemetery.
Rev. eflaines of Londeeboro of-
Pallbearers were Walter
Stott, Stewart Dolmage, John
Jewett, W. J. Dale, Ken,Presz-
cator and Bob Grimoldby.
Flower bearers Were. Will
Wright, John Snell,' W. 3. Hal-
lanai', Fred Seers and Archie
Friends and relatives attend-
ed from Toronto, Ajax, King-
ston, Goderich and Allenford.
The Londesboro Scouts nurn.-
berlitvg spent the weekend' at
Bandon with their leaders, Jack
Lee and Gordon Shobbrook. On
Saturday evening Ken Scott ac-
eompanded them with his banjo
in a sing song and oh Sunday
morning HarryLear took
charge of the Service, using the
Lord's Prayer for his theme.
Several from the village 'at-
tended service on, Sturclay after-
noon at the Clinton Pentecostal
Church when Dr. Michelson of
Lois Angeles, Calif. was guest
Miss Patsy Burns is spending
her vacation as nurses' aid in
Kincardine Hospital.
' Visitors over the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Liv-
ingstone -were Mr. and Mrs.
Forrest McKay of Walton; Mr.
and Mrs. Ed, Bolton, London;
Miss Donna 'Sinolair and Al
Doerr of 'London. • ,Mr. and Mts. Don Snell of,
Kitchener were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Jos- tog. a
Mr. arid Mts. Murray Lee
and family of Kincardine vieit-
ed on Sunday with Mr., .and
Mrs. 'Jack Lee, Mrs. Cowan
and Mtn Rolblinsoin
In the current year Ottawa.'s
share the federal-preeincial
hospital insruilance program Will
cost ,$484 million; an increase
of S64 enalion Over' Met year.
le Canada's foreign aid program
in the current festal year will
cost $75,606,000.
Total Revenue from taxation ,
Contributions, Grants, Subsidies
Welfare Assistance 237.50
Highway improvement ... .. „32,455.15
Payments in lieu of taxes 71.61
Unconditional per capita
Sales tax rebate
Warble Fly
1)O.you•..havd- t011:4000
hot-lkaxer days oFnwash
and bath Oglits0
a Cascade 40
cg . ,,, ,
',eel ..„. , ... in . .
- •_ v; .- .,.•,..,,,... .. h
electric „ea ... , .4! ,,.. yp„
can change all- that
Cascade 40 has two elements: a 1000-watt lower element for
normal use, and a 3000-watt top element that surges into action
at times of extrause. That's why the Cascade 40 can, sues
ply more hot water than the average family iS ever likely to use.
Cascade 40 is flarnelegs, safe and clean. It requires no flue so
it can be installed anywhere.The ten year guarantee on the tank
is ybut assurance of Cascade 40's reliability.
With a Cascade 40, the cost of abundant hot. water is low.
For more information
ask iout• hydro
Total Assets '166,472.87 Total Liabilities 166,472.8
Revenue Fund Balance Sheet
Total Assets 96,020.86 Total Liabilities 96,020.8
Revenue Fund Surplus Account
Balance at 'beginning of year , 27,458,89
Drain adjustments 1,501.87
Surplus for the year 4,703.25
Total surplus 33,664.01
Less surplus included in Current Budget.. 340.00
Balance of surplus at end of year 33,324.01
For the year ended December' 31, 1964
,P,999.1 0,,41.449‘... cw Otpc9r07,4Thurso July 2241904 :Has Delivered Everirthing:
(By Mrs. Wes Argallelelt).
AUBURN — Lodicing bactt
the past' 25 years, ee a rural
mail carrier; Cherlee Scott,
Jahn, Street, Auburn, recalls
MAW Memories delivering Her
Majesty's Royal Niel], en Rural .
Route No. 2 out of Auburn.
Mr. Scott. was aweeded the
Meal Oentract for this Mete in
July, 104,0, This.25 x41-ride mail
route start's north out of An-
bere, Ores at the 4th .con'-
cessi'on of West Wawaneeli
go through. DOMYTOWOOk and St.
Auguste 14,vrn
now sorts nw,l under Peetenee-
tee Irerinetli Scott.
He recalls mane changes
throUgh, the 'years in the roads
end stated 'theft 22 yew ago
be end, his assistant, .Gerden
MCOlineney Arrived hack at the
Pest &flee at 12 pm. with file*
tear e and sleigh. That was the
tine of la heavY show Stowe
and the train had ,missed com-
ing !ter tvelo elaYS prior to that
time, so the mail hid apeumu-
laited'and was beeerY,
Mail e earlier Scott bee 'fol-
lowed with intereet the lives of
everyone on, the rotete, sharing
their happiness, and s'orr'ows,
re hie diary he has recorded.
74 eleathe, 52 marriages and 135
births. The largest family for
births in one family was that
of 13 children, hone to Mr. and
eke. John Foilan. Seven, deaths
in the Ferguson beene on the
6th eee
Me, Scott was often called
upon fie deliver medicine for
D. B. C. Weir, and bread and
baby bottles! ' from the local
cot nisces
A highlight of, the tee)
tivp404 the years behind the
1,1444y 141141. and
hot drink brought out to him at
the .niellblett Mira
AlfgAilt4pP,. •
Aftp, the 4.POP,'-#41vvrt
•Chetilie Brave a ,Mpdel
Ford ninth than spring, when
be nte011e lens( Chevrolet
coach for l'414:m.01. Pan
has enjoyed plus when and
each dey „, looks'- forward to
meeting his memy friende, on
Rural Route -Tsree Auburn,'
FollowIilg zs the prgmtion:
list Aqau;
Grade 8 to grade 9, Prop-14 ,
ArOgrobp41,t, 1\104cy Lapp, Bob
Seib,404ePi Daryl Prall,D,eryk
WI; !Mae 5. to 'grade 7s Kathy, Schneider, JoyceIallann, John
leekeleari. grade 5 to gro80 6,
Keith.. T,4132, Aalph TialleXne.
Cleade 4 'glade Aree,
'Teattlee H140,Pg, gareV
Frank*, grOa :to 'grade 4,
McIver Arebeenhaelt, .Roeide
$11,74,er; grade 2 to grade '3, Margaret Prailieen, .13,0111,1P
gunl9ing, Johnny Vervvey;
Grade t, to grade aye
Seers, Yvonne ,-PeaA, Maureen
Lenglihret, Peiebie Mg42.44$
Keeeen MOCII!neheY; Cathy POM,
Igor, Aoorge .Plunkett,, Greg
Arthur, .W ante Powell, Deng,
lee Chanmey, leaved- Gleeshere
Zldldie Fpeokezi, David Rodger,
SS Well
SEA • ••-••••-••••
11 NTER4) V LTD.
here he turns ,south to Dun-
gaemori, then' east to Prosper-
ity and up Con. 4 to Bert Moss's
mail-box and his last call
the fasts of Johh Foram
The first 15 'years, the mail
was delivered by hotse and bug-
gy in the 'summer. and'by horse
and cutter in winter, until the
road's became snow bound end
then a team of horses and sleigh
were brought into service. In
1940 there, were 90 boxholdere
but new only 73 because the
smaller farms are being incor-
poeateld into larger land hold-
Three years ago the postal
regulations were changed and
mail for Dungannon Village all
came through the Auburn Post
0.6fiee and delivered by mail
carrier Scott to the Dungan-
non Post Office, while en route
on RR 2. ‘.
He started his career with
Postmaster Alfred Rollineon'
and other carriers were Bert
lefarsh of RR 1 and the late
Geoege Dawson on RR 3,. but
The Reeve, Members of Council and Ratepayers
The corporation of the Township of Hullett
Londesboro, Cntario 'June 22, 1965
I have audited the accounts and records of the, corpora,.
toe of the Township of Hullett for the year ended December
31, leo and have prepared therefrom the statements listed
in the index accompanying this. report
The operations for the year resulted in a surplus of
'$4,703.25 compared with a surplus of $338.12 eor the year
ended December 31,• 1963.
Presented herewith is aecondensed, comparative State-
ment of Revenue and Expenditure for the three years end-
ed December 31, 1964, 1963 and 1962.
1964 1963 1962
Taxation 152,951.54 149,827.32 140,877.36
Prov, of Ont—subsidies 40,508.54 43,218.07 39,012.30
Licenses and permits ..,. 571,00 632.00 666,00
and penalties .: 4,087.56 4,208.25 4,013.97
Other revenue ' 72.31 596.08 694.19
Miscellaneous 456,88 2,184.43 ....,.... ...... ,.,„
Surplus from prior years
used to reduce levy 340.00
198,987.83 200,666.15 185,263.82
General Government . 8,346.19 7,258.11
Protection to persons &
property 6,151.13 3,638.76
Roads 53,479.02 59,133.97
Sanitation waste removal 25.00 25.00
Social welfare 619.96 274.08
Education 77,351.04 81,915.13
Recreation and commun-
ity services t,479.83 1,758,14
Debt charges 7,016.53 7,054.70 .
County rates 38,838.56 38,638.04
Police village rates ,...„ 916.20 626.10
Provision, for deferred
Miscellaneous 61.12 6.00
Capital expenditure from
current revenue
General Fixed
Due froth Schools (Coll. & High)
Due from Nott Drain
Due from Storey Drain
Accounts Receivable
The results of ,the Operations of the. School Boards for
the. year ended December 31, 1964 were as :follows:
School Section No. 1 surplus 265.62
Union School Section No. 2 surplus.' 668.76
„School Section -No. 3 surplus 1,58039
School Sectien No. 4 surplus 25.99
School Section No. 5 surplus 756.07
School Section No, 6 .. .. .. surplus 120.40
School Section No, 7 deficit 3,41.46
School Section Nd, 8 surplus 2.40
School Section No, 9 deficit 407.31
School Section No, 10 deficit '439.50
School Section. No, 11 deficit 1,157.40
Union School Section No. 12 surplus 2,106.47
Union School Section No. 5 deficit 189.31
Duplicate receipts', serially numbered by the printer
should be issued for all funds received by the treasurer.
Fidelity bonds have been examined for only those treas-
urers of the school boards that' re listed, on schedule No. 20
and therefore it is,presumed that the remaining treasurers
are not bonded.
There are still many sundry accounts receivable for
grader charges and material sold by the Township which
have been outstanding for many years. Where possible these
accounts should be added to the collector's roll and if this is
not possible an effort should be made to collect them directly.
There is no authority permitting prelevies for debenture
charges on municipal drains.
The bank overdraft plus the bank loan are in total in
excess of the amount permitted by section 329 (2) of the
Municipal Act. understand that some of the many out-
standing cheques as at December 31, 1964, although dated
December 15, 1964 were not mailed to the payees until a
later date. This does not seem to be the proper method to
pay the Township's, obligation or attempt to avoid the pro-
visions of 329 (2) of the Municipal. Act.
Subject to the( foregoing qualifications Iehereby report
that in my opinion,
(1) The financial transactions which have come under
my 'notice have been within the powers of the municipality.
(2) The audit has been conducted in 'accordance with
the instructions of the Department of Municipal Affairs.
(3) The 'financial statements present fairly the financial
position of the municipality as at December 31, 1964 and the
results of Its operations for the year ended on that date.
('Signed)—A. M. 'HARPER,
License Number 2775
Filed June 29, 1965.
Drainage (other than general) 4,618.5 Tile Drains—owners share 28,527.3 Due to• other municipalities 99,391.4
Investment in Capital Assets 33,935.5
Veteran Mailman
icthaidie Scott, left, • is being
',congratulated by Auburn
postenaeter Ben Scott. Charlie
has completed 25 years as a
rural mail carrier ,.on lele, 2
Auburn,. ,
, Wlwre •Fq.lks Turn To Volks",'
`EXETER 235.1100
LicenSes and Permits
Interest and penalties on taxes
Other Revenues
Fines .... . ....... ........
Miscellaneous — Provision for
,defeteed revenue .....
Gross Total Reirenue ....
Surplus from Prior Years used
to redUce levy
Total •Revenue Section ..... „„..,
Cash on hand
Sundry accounts receivable
Due from Province of Ontario
Due from other Municipalities
Taxes receivable
4,293.38 Bank overdraft 21,049.0
1,370.34 Temporary loans 34,500.0
2,149.02 Accounts payable 5,014.9
14,639.30 Debenture interest due ' 279.2
103,94 Due to schools 15.7
73,464.88 Deferred revenue 891.5 Pee-Levy Nott Drain 946.4 Surplus , • 33,324.0
Actual Budget
General Government ... .,
Executive and Legislative .. 1,210.00
Administrative 6,082.08 Other 1,054.11
N\ , 8,346.19 8,000.
Protection to P e r s o n s end
Property—Fire 3,889.63 Livestock claims 53.00
Law enforcement ... .... ... ..„ 15.00
Street lighting „,...— ....... , 33.09
Weed spraying
Warble Fly Control 954.27
11/la:Wand Valley CoilservatIon
Authority 1,12829
6,151.13 4,000
Public Works —Roads, High-
Saniwateyestinenteen, . ' Waste*,"", . 11—em—o-Val.
53,42759..0002' 61,000
Social Welfare ,
'Welfare Assistance......,-- 619.96 1,00 Education, including debt chgs. 77,351,04 77,68 Recreation and Corn. Services
Debt Charges 1,479.83 2,00
Long-term debt charges 14,921.27
Less own share Of school
charges „..„ .... ..„..., ...... ...,.11,385.62
Shore-term interest & others 8,480.88 7,016.53 7,78
Texes written off,„.„... .. „... „ 61,12 Joint or' Special EePenditUrea"
County Rates. .„, „.... ..„38.888.56 Police Village Rat'es"...,...:.,...„ '916.20' 39,754,79 39,60
Gross Total ExPeedittire 94,284.58 201,06 Surplus for the Year .„., ,4,703.25
Total Eepenclittire Seetfon:
Actual Budget ,
152,951.54 150,0,00.00
198,987.83 201,060.00
198,647.83 200,720.00
340.00 340.00,
40,508.54 44,020.00
571.00 600.00
4,087.56 4,400.00
72,31 700.00
456.88 1,000.00
198,987.83 201,