HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-07-22, Page 11Sugar and: .10. P (Cpnft4oa APM PAP Trow) zto ppamP, W "for r3od Wwp, z Reoly QwnA*IrsAo�0i g, 1��11;41 or-Qf I ul ! = � =12111 ti!iAP094 Iofferr ime put Wt beat tueoll But a= P I e beO them d A'' �, A . to 41 'P4 - 7b . , 040k, RQ11 P4154Vt- A ... ....... .. . ....... . Formerlondesboro6ld Married TotOndonerin Chu rch-Ceremony A o-hoto.py-riorveymcuoweii, oeigmye) Ar, onO Mrs. -1kipoold Franklin, Neil _1Vh1tfe pom p3_ oms; and pinik I ­1�1�, + 4 Clinton.Memorial Shop rap guns , g e can;- . graced the Landestimo, Ch M setwday, L PRYDE,and SON I I U 10 ' when rings and Vows were, exchangea by Marguerite Due from Province Of Ontario .............. .............. Isabel Lyon and Ronald Frank CLINTON 0�(ETER SEAIFOPT" Neil, oath of London. Rev. Rn la WI Me, Carson offica ed. Open Every Afternoon The betide is the daughter of Mrs- Laura Lyon, Londesboro PHONE 4824712 and -the late JosePhLyon. The groom is the gm at Mr. and Dueto Schools .., ......... i ...................... . ......................... Mrs. G. W.- Nell, London. At other times contact The wedding muslie Was play - Local Re presentatl�e­A, W, Steep ed by _Mrs, Harry Lea r and the Police Village of Bayfield .................... 221.93 soldist was Mrs. Karl BIW Ningston., who g "Thee Wed- ding and 110h ding "OhPerfect 'STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE 282.77 � Oil Furnace ;Cleanin Love." The bride was gen in xnar. rl by her brother, Murray gatplug f6jrth6 year, Y ....................... Y%e. Shelooked, channing in Now is the +fnie all oil furnaces should her floor length %��edddng gown of wivite French, peau de faille, be Cleaned and inspected for next wine- I The bodice was :Mghllghted; by a shallow scooped neckline and I 's heating -season . an I er' Arr ge.1now to haye'' elbow length sleeves, while the skixt was a �aclatail length this done on, 6, day that suits you. We sheath. Ovens this- was worn lei-mefloor length over - .are,doing this work now every day. i ted by a curnmer- bund effect Waist balid: with DON'T WAIT, FOR. THIEFALL RUSH liques; of,-Gulpure law. The s'Zt was . bell$ With, an extra Adndnistrative .............. camel at the back alsotoactied An. 61111. GRIGG SON with thio same lace, faiiLm w a chapel tradn. A band of siame lace enhanced the bottom of the skirt and sleeves Her PHONE 482-'9411 Cl:INTON elbow length veil fell Evr� a Two Government Licensed Oil, BuTner Methanics eVown. of seed pearls and floc ets and she carried a bouquet 24ffb of plunk roses ad' ivy. T,eiA%tron of honor was Aft. Tom Perldint, Whitby, and Fire ........................... ....... i ... MITRON .1EA-R1N6 AIDS the boldesmaids, were Mrs.Ben Alders, LoTdon sister of the 35,246.60 Robert rum- gav= and C 3".10 iner,' Stirattord. Canada's Own Hearing Aid They They were gowned alilte in 1112.50 length ;dresses of white arA silk organza over tafteta,,with THE KEY, To THE WONDER sabrdna neddine, elbow length with double band Of SOUND" sleevesof sleeves a *& peau de sde a- CANADA, the. waks and extendednitron Industries, Ltd., manufacturers of the UTC -21 Battery f outnarrow panels to the i=d harger for hearing aid batterlep now mal<6 available for the benillme at the back., Headdress est time, a quality hearing aid made 117 Cfinada. This unique e%'rmatching the dress trim and L,aring aid combines feattires designed for peak perfo�manoe shoes, were bows softenedth id satisfaction while lie, withstanding the temperature extremes pink veiling, They carried bid quets- of white pompoms. -­ihe Canadian climate. Another first from 'Unitron is our . was Kathy The flower girl --'actory to Customer" guarantees,' on products and service. Lyon, niece of tVe, bAde, who It our products are �purchased direct from the plaht in Klt» Wore a chess sknilBr to those Of the bridesmaids' and carried a iener and serviced, by our own technicians. Complete, hearing nce'mne%ady a wj= e sts; given in our fully equipped testing rooms at the plant by a ropgomM=e in the privacy of yot(r, home, Lyon, nephew of the bilide was nitron "also eliminates battery costs to purchasers by supplying ring bearer.The grooinsn-an was Beft A -1 - Battery Charger and batteries; with',every Hearing Aid. deTs, Lbndbn. The guests Werr larger. and batteries also sold- separately to those now. using ushered by Bert Lyon, broitheW 6 typo batteries of the bride, and Robert CruM4 Goss Total Revenue, .. ......... 180,535,39 Mer, Stratford. o have a hearing problem you want to help, it would 'be you A reception followed in the nef?1olial to check. with. Unitron and inquire about this fine *church pal7lourz. The Wiles inadlarti; instrument. Clip coupon and Mail for complete details rftotfier, bi- a dress of piln1i how you can save money with Unitron products.- sh&tung With lace ttAm,. inialtch- ing hat and black accessories .M "mono 0.000 -W� W� W.000 00-0 ff-ow 00 -.ft O� of � 'si of With a corsagewhite cama,­ I R JNITRON I ND U,S T,R !S LT Do regiV tions tht- guests. AS- sfist�ng her Was the groom'9 18 ukon A,vet Kitchener,., mother who, chose a blue lace mother with Witte accessordes and a �bxsage of pi.:*, carria- Ple6se send -without obligation: I . t= information on the Unitron Hearing Aid. I :I� travelling to Gaspd and Information on the UTC-21'Chorger &Ba4eries-'. the e Modtlifte Provinces,.' th6 brIld Wore a pdJak linen sheath dress with lace bodiceandmat- jacic�et, white AccessOri arida7gcorsage of white oftrnt,- ................. tions, "Tht, couple will regicle in Lon- .......... .......... don. Preauptl'061 Events ww-.64' A rrAseellaneoM shoWor was FIRST RrGAGES' Fams lkesi'doriflat, Commercial[ N NDUS AL "A'COMPAwrivATOAR TRUST'- Wo C6 LAWSON' #14ONt 401-9644 0141r. JeC 114 41. A 0, tedDIRCt or I IPA I I b14 fQlr July U, 1901,_41 t9, N re, imn tear it 4own Cr rdRe pps gL ReS J r" _Ulti, ss-ffled. Als, &J"n r # '"o Itur NO,. Of Pis AUBURN wen .. . ......... . _ 9_*y Minton, was re'.: W4 d the far tript s, (4, �!Wx T, or, P F M, _mn;ro e HorttcVlttWAl A0A0Q0JIQ' , OHA' _44ny 'Uf on F ,,vpp9-,o theplaiitl Wpm mmw but, V Wed., T lit the SPAWer tmrg %4s emow,4ged to, Cel Town QAq liuMIOP94 a ei( Ad record ning d 1po ro Ce i "11114pr of 0he ,Oeg#90 an, Mpm A bera"Togistered, and were wal- fast ?big Q�m paja x*o' comma :4 Jones Owen was 0g:,ZodSound, asstistxarvt director - 0 . . . . . . . . . . . fog , Tliq 19�6 w4 eryfAQ4 '11 -bo 0 , h W04 S; District A 0$9 Ae4-5 pldiii, nd. Mr. A, �banvet foppiwed 24 the PAYL,10-tiT _$AVINO TIME WPIcOlne 4P the dela ales Towg 4all, Q%q0pl:$44ndlay , W =_-d,meni aispxteg . lay .j4prs W, ThWe Were 27 r4eml of A. Ha oVerLadd 'A e4t the Aubum �,S e lNTON 12;40 M, - mety 4 I1-9AYA MayMi~or A. latt '4Q and prizes, were, won J>y Miss, of the I -a Soaety, ARPt'V-4, STRATFORD 1134, PA Vi011a. Th=1113poni X.411,an. 70 Ali IntorpstI4.- x. art a the JOM0011, Mrs, Tom Lawlor', :k1AY9., STRATFORD 1411, PA, �rg, A -h4r 0 Xt MTta _4, WHITc Auqi� WRIS giv"Ni by RUSS14 ; HAr�w -ft T-10 'To 0,.ss P.M. FAO ,�d QZQI� a�id W,,,. Oil .0 Qp�nme, . secretary ipt fhe de- ixv-tr4ent of ARagulture- t��terdal.Proocts for Your WV, Cmenient connoctip"n to Montrool, Atlantic Provinces. W 6ANAPYANS, dw rall'fore.p,, Spelety" was the topic for thepanel discussion vvutli Russel Ld NFIW TA1$T'V$ P,srsons. who Sales c • Tyr to Canada have !bx,ve �t Fo_r infQrmiatiowphone your 10441 CoV. 0. of the panel wWe �amqs BW�r�,, vvatli PM,r London, past. , reM.,dent 0-f them 4 _p yen fQr low lMown t MarIc . �-,, Guelph, Vegetables '0 and fruits. WNz is CN = Her alo OKA, Xirs,. reflected 411 increiaged produ tlGn of 'some OAtaTqd_gr'oWcn' CANADIAN NA'FtONAL fresh I!rRho- and 'Vegetables in 9whipperWatson recent years,., WA One of 1,00-0 Wealthy Wrestlers �1 ''.TOWN.S Despite ft clowning and HIP OF� GODERKH showmanAiip, wres,Qng hs a tough but lucrative spavt in which the holft and falls are real. $0 am the miuries, Alvin AUDITOR'S REPORT, Epp, Writing In 7he 1pn=ewl Post, says, vefter�an, wrestler "W Billy Watson (now The Reeve, oot4neillorp and Ratepayers, � AC=epVa?dve can. Township of Godirich, P ,Ontario ' r Subject to• the qualifications copeerniing failure of the didate in TarMWs York East Goderieh, On 2nd- April, 1965 public school boards to have their treasurers bonded, and, ridijig) hM had his nose brok- Dear Sirs; failure to pay local boards their share of taxes raised under en five times, nubs .smashed 1naccordanceW.6 your Instructions we have completed Section 53, we hereby report that In our opinion, Seven times and lost , 90 percent an audit of the books and accounts, of the Township of 1 ) The financial transactions which have come under v1I Ion Goderich and its related school boards for ithe year ended our notice 'have been within the powers of the hsU� in hit left eye. But as ded icipality. December 31st, 1964, a topfliglrxt wrestler he stlill mura - could gross about $75,000 a Operations for the yew resulted Ina surplus of $1,110,77 2) The audit has been conducted in acoor0pce with the year, Wrestlers are like pro- the accumulated surplus as at December 31st, instructions of the Department of Municipal Affairs, fessibnal golfers, The Flrunicial i9 3) The financial statements present fairly the financial Post adds, always! going where Again, details of the -budget were not available for In- position of the municipality as at,Decemb * er 31st the money Jus best. At present elusion on Statement.D. Seataon 297 of the Municipal Act '-964 and the results of Its operations for the Fe;� bhere are about 1,000 Profes- requires Council annually, to prepare adopt estimates ended on that date, of all revenue's and expenditures. to, express, our appreciation for h Ani- Surety -bond coverage for the Secretary -Treasurers of co-operation which we receiyed. from the treasurer and si=lml wrestlers m• NoTit th� In conclusion, we wish erlica on the chvmt that 'in. School -Sections 2 and 9 still •had not been obtained by the other officials of your Township with whom we were In eludes Now, York, St, Louis, yeer-e4das required by Section 46 of the Schools Admin- contaotL during the course'of our audit, Mo., �Qfticago, Detroit, Van- istration Act. Respeettully submitted, couver, Townto and, Montreal. Additional assessment under Section 5.3 resulted in in. MONTEITH, MONTEITH CO., creased `takes of $1,536.21. As at December 31st, 1964, the Chartered Accountants. Neild In honor of Mil9i,LyOn at school boards had not been paid their share of these addi., License Number 2636 the hoTat of Mrs. Harry Low. The brude was also presented Clonal taxes as required by the Department of Municipal Date of -filing, 'April 14th, 1965. with gilts by the staff of Ches- ley Avenue School, London and by -her A Wpadaef 5=iPn163k1tch- CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET ener honored her with a straw- DECEMBER 31, 1964 er. ASSETS This Summei make it. A. GREAT 1XX ONTARIO ADVENTURE VACATION City oicitement and country charm greet O'ft in South Ce.ntra'- Ontario I South Control Ontario is a family Vacationland of many faces. Its cities are big and exciting, fftl countryside bidtUrestll.18 and' relaxing , , , with history and the thrill of discovery at every turn, I Discover the country-chatim `round Cobourg, founded by United Empire Loyalists In 1798, Relive early Canadian history, Then enjoy Toronto, Ontario's cosmopolitan capital with Its gtocious parks and gourmet restaurants, its bustling stock exchange and big annual Canadian National Exhibition. Tour Hamilton's mighty steel mills and beautiful Royal B6f6hical Gardens. Thrill to the sight of wondrous Niagara Polls, honeymoon capital of the world and nd one of its toyon wonders, Take d boat ride right up to the foot orthis rolls. See ocean vessels puts through the locks of the famous Welland Canal. Theo enjoy the sport of kings of Fort E66 Race Track. An Adventure Vadot16fi In South Control Orilarlb can be a ydFdfl6n of pleasure and modnl�q for your family, and we'd like to help you plan If. Send us this toupbriand we'll mail you our Great tooth — Central Ontario Advert, lure Vddallooll booklet pages pdt to fu ccilootf. Prbivince 61 Onfdrf6, Dopt. 6f 16tielgin & InWrhatloh, Fdriloniodf i ujldfnq$, gbdm 1()45 totdrifav 2, 6hiciao. Plodso tedd rhd t6iriplettv Iddhitafth on Wee tduth Central 611farto Mdr6tt General Fixed (as per Schedule 18) $ 39,881-80 Due from Schools (for Debentures) Public and 'Continuation ................ $ 93,400.32 Collegiate, and High .............. 104,039.10 7,439.42 A,6c6u­nts' Recely4ble (Schedule 17)_ :9 Future Tile Drainage Debenture Levies ... ....................... ........ ........ 8,353.34 1345 0174 56 LIABILITIES Drainage (other ithan General) ....... $ 8,353.34 Schools—Public and Continuation 91,870.32 Total .....' . 100,•223:66:,,,.66t100,•223:66:,,,Deb .... .... Other , Municipalities (Schedule 2) 105,569.10, -Invested in Capital Assets ................ 39,881.80 REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET I . DECEMBER 31, 1964 ASSETS -1 Cash in Bank ................... -a-__ ..................... ; 4,014,56 ............... Accounts Recelvable-­Sun ry- ................................., 24.00 Due from Province Of Ontario .............. .............. 14,992,78 Taxes Receivable (Schedule 5) ..... ,.• .......................... 1 48,598.87 Other Assets—Deferred Charges ...... .......... 420.52 Due -to Other Municipalities ....... .............................. 289,47 LIABILITIES. OR EFICITACCOUNT DECEMBER Temporary Loans (,Schedule 6) ...................... 30,050.00 Accounts Payable ............................................... 715.05 Debentures and Coupons Due—Interest .................. 326.59 Due -to Other Municipalities ....... .............................. 289,47 Dueto Schools .., ......... i ...................... . ......................... '780.90 Due to Other Funds Total of Debit and Credit columni .... Holmesville Street Lights ...................... 60.84 Police Village of Bayfield .................... 221.93 - 'STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE 282.77 Surplus (Foran LC) ......... ' .1- .......... . ........ I .................. ­ 35,605.95 Total -Assets .. .................. ...........................................$ 68,050.73 Total Liabilities and ,Surplus ......................,,........,.$`68,050,73 REVENUE FUND SURPLUS OR EFICITACCOUNT DECEMBER 31, 1964 2,613.01 7836 0a c' of e �Zh`diur out Debit Credit Balance 442.90 Balance at 3anUary 1, 1964 i ................. -.1.11, ..... I ..... 34,495.18. 34,495.18 Surplus or Deficit for the year .................. 1,110.7 . 7 Total of Debit and Credit columni .... ................... 35,605.95 Balance of Surplus or Deficit at December -31,1964 35,605.95 'STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE 'dtbw Total VOR THE YEAR WDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 gatplug f6jrth6 year, Y ....................... REVENUE EXPENDITURE 06f1 At. txpefiditute Section Y,ff.Y.Y.,,Y.Yfa,Y.,f...........la.afr. A-etual •1 Aotua 1. 1 Total Revenue front Taxation .. ...... ......... $143,873:68 -General Government Contributions, Grants and Subsidies Executive and Legislative 11900t00 Ontario—We4hre Assistance .. ..... 2,308.01 Adndnistrative .............. 6,088.63 '0461.52 ,Highway Improvement - ............. 1-, 26,326.42 other ___ ..................... Paymentsan-lieu bf municipal taxes 272.51 $ 7,756.15 unconditional Per Capita Grants 5,982.00- Protection to Persons tiilcl Property Warble 'Fly ........ ........ 359.60 Fire ........................... ....... i ... 1,450.00 35,246.60 Flood Control .................................... 3".10 Licenses and Permits (Include dog Street -Lighting .� ...... .................. Ili .... 1112.50 tax) .............. .......... .......... -.,i ...... 1,12931 Reforestation 337.67 Interest, Tax Penildos, 6tc, 2,755.41 Warble Fly ..... ... i ....... ............ Other Rovenues—rlleg ............. 79.95 Livestock Claims ............ 316.20 Service Charges 472,15 3,830.25 552,70 Public Works—Adads; HlghWays and Provisl6h or Defebribbd Revenue �3,080.'�A 8-tteetti, ete. 'Contervation, of i4ea1th ....... ...... 50,10105 20.47 Warble: Fly Receipts .......... 6941E Social Wblfate�Wdlfaro Assistance 2,908.46 Leafy" ,spurge Receipts 62.61 Welfare Acltnini8tration .................. 64.00 1963 Sales Tax Recovered 855.69 -4 2,012.46 88LI6 of Equipment ... ............. ....... 247A2 Education, Including &bt charges ._ 81,704.34 PkePald Debenture Levy- Recteation and Caron Unity Services 390.00 86ho6ls�tte, 841# of Ladd .......... 831.69 5,977.1.8 Debt Charges Long-term debt charges............." 26,794.05g Goss Total Revenue, .. ......... 180,535,39 Less, own share, school debt charge'' 9 25,746.00 I . ......... ....... 8hottferin interest, other ebatiges 11048.05 1,865.86 Tare's written 'oft and rebated 2,613.01 7836 0a c' of e �Zh`diur out 442.90 nt & !OrL County Ratw�olice" :1.6::in 38,0$;16a Village 'dtbw Total 188424.56 gatplug f6jrth6 year, Y ....................... 06f1 At. txpefiditute Section Y,ff.Y.Y.,,Y.Yfa,Y.,f...........la.afr. •1