HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-07-22, Page 5... ... ...... J T Truth -Arms JIM, this to ;p - People everywherie are vp-in ;;ay: ;'Unfortunately te M%5y aboclt the molmng.tQ11 of traffic fatal persons hQ'4rQ concernedperned aQAtheir ities�. Newspapers ,A all. parts are Fight- to the point where they will. do, -what seiamsto them'a losing bAttle, someith Ing to ensure it; will be innocent f ;i�' 1 IV, + I' dos Ik- 11711 f, . +_l 11 ;I�A 1-1%y +13,0- Z V .4� V VY, a 1;F _R -"-Iq WL+ ed to j I, ce's b evQr4ricreasingdeath conqerned-" 'pie , y an 'The Holiday Horrors 4 cruel, hard nutAielb t! ,rate .9n. the highways, )Rather ironically, two- editorials Q, ppifflons. takon.' tQg p4a that pthev m V Panic Team Next Per,10A VVUQ. cbtli*les at .09.r wa$4't read the. subject crossed -Pis we oticl. imeoponalble creeps *phind, the rge , .11 , Not - to _do� now Recri Together, oddly enough, they told the wheel of 4 -car, too often *spuff out PQtL e blAQ only t 'T . . .. -b WOW IQ dock 13oat al- Agfr -bout I Tho Armocl so ,Septet* ,whole frigliteni �uflb 4 the _4 Qw.n- worthless lives, but t. e f9me,* Military O'noymo" 1 Most ovt off9ght whm- wer ar- g=01; to apt., 'g, plmik of death that stalks the mads of lives of other travp1ler.,3 who My fault, though •wife _w k4Q he 4w5el even r r The CF -5, t S. grouriar'suppQrt airc ft -,C s them but e new tact q 1Q. e al _t this, and every, other pa rules abide by t ut have no pro- a for , aziaft,, pun .1, q4 was. half An, hour out 04 Pm- Cti ttle'. _Qla lady tion. nst the e if it's -A Clear . ( ­ , Armw Fbrces, is long 04 versaw,#)t�. _1�esldes, ffi 't of grqu �agai , , ' irra _IQ a `�aj p nc xppps, The aragrAph in an editorial to _1 tirat:kati'on til:. the CF4 can, be used for or as a ,, c- who, 9 a �r _ eco�naissaiice, co PLYA #9 Earlk ia.m,,, drove wife tq fro he 0a4ville iournal-Record read insane judgement few Mo ta 'tical fighter q -raip alre r, t -er, pepplid the in That !Ww. 1 feel about town 30 wiles away for. eye,OX .Ing upon the ill�n �sl maniacs' . , twi rAf It J1 "Our highway It g is a, 'iS'highly maA e, a$ 'a 1pombat al it met thus j things after three weeps of .Qeqvrabl , A t udp qnftAtion- Pouldn't hind abc, record Th for; the sensieless t spee ul extrusion of is, notcurp jon ere r9c cef I . -f and land. on sQd fields or unprepared ru lholiday:sl from leaching tD over 48,00 feet, can. tape -off r, T�,e'd moved. of o r i Xy fault, nways, carnage And 11fetime behaviour derelicts but sh9.0k. chopl, 'if the rest of the. sum, careless the stup a maiming by the b iolxv of driving derplic "a can carry OL4 its missions :and land on only �qnie,engtne, We. Dashed for bor�e after. and those Ong us treatments like fines that :reallymer id be 941ting fVeoll sad..aver r w9am'• which confirmipa op 0:4, who too along ata high speed thinking bite for speedster5, Whip lash and rock, -vor 40� Wife 0i mgi"Yed, death on the road Lis for the other guy, piles for c .4 impounded Had, to change e4id drive �O drunk drivers,'o. Ts i pour, gbo,�t the middle of August, I S it 44 began '4'p"Intly miles to Aw wrother town for That's what all those who met violent for smart alecs, lengthier licence% rom Our Ea' r I Fole death last weekend thought, too," pensions for parejessness, public shame ellOugh, when -two kids stole a Xgcipremomal dinner, But WIffi? arne -9 The summary -sentence from, an for racing . could retard. itsgrowth t44,wbile the &Iver wa., hav- had to daily and watch a wed- a beer, rammed a(t into. the ding before we left, Got there editorlaa -i the F,,xeter Times -Advocate in tho 'not f Mile' se. still n infected. ed a position on the staff o of my oar, across from the Bell-evOle High School at a when most of the booze Years Ago -15 Years Ago tavern cmd. was much larger salary. L vanished. gone,. Warl-li g " ni ]Bayf �-IearyStokes of The Domm- Next day, I bead to, dash gt R V ro, mld - THE CLINT Clinton Nowo4it Imulted by lady who though ON NEW HUA ion 'Sugar Ca, of Berlin (M`tchn _eof)rd r? J round trip to, the city of 200 my wife wai, nV . daughter, En - for tertalp LAST WFEK, the News -Record - at the Pavilion, Whether walking or Frid%yiorply 20, 1890. ener) was , !A this nelghbour�, Thursday, Only. 20, 1940 les with x4y davghter, edby lady wlvo, fell flat reported a mishap in the vicinity . of driving, Will take extra care 04 In response to aL largely her Anal tethstro;igbteping on 111cr face on the lawn after these hood) this Woek� And along with P . tie e or oUce Chief Jack P, Hunch- APP00ATMot, The, whole dew _PaSions. sIgned reqidsltion, lda�yor Do, Wm. Gk.ahlam. insPelctedoonxe of bar re�opened, She ;got up the Bayfield Pavilion in which A 94� bQ11ger who has been Chief a cost -me. -$700, X-no.,w her re - "Remember, when walking beside herty bag app. _Mted � Friday,', thesUgar beet 'fields. They say P, 0 gamely, �chartllng, He never o blice, since April 1, 1950, -has action? "Gee, dad was struck by a car and narrowly they're A led a, glove on ni -101idgy. a record crop is in store If all , . e," the -highway at night, yoij cannot be August Sth as civic I resigned and a special nieet- status, symb.ol. EVerybQdy escaped serious injuryi seen the car's headlights unless you There will likely be Vailv�ay ex, goes well. However, today has been 'It$ 'that Gelorge We',- WUR be moving prig of counoil, has been called kDOWS, that, peaceful. People and -their Iddis Next day I cut grass day In the correspondence we received, are wearing white or brightly coloured 04'r`ions to leading V.Di by Mayor R. Y. Hattin to draft all clay i I to. Tor.ogto, 91 y, aft invited for outdoor dinner. It from Mrs. Audrey Bellchamber. Bay, clothing and oncoming traffic. And r ac an ad for the paper to 11dre because Visitors were coming. 'ortl They were old Bends, And we The Seaforth Expositor says: inLg 4 pooition� with the' Otto 0 V11nne Hugh arrived from boat field, e Words were written, of you are driving, take extra care when -349014 a new chief, -it ices headed ., thes; n L We notice, that John aMattie I Co.CQ­0f that City. w. h (two accomplices, It is hoped that the ma �y young; leaving the dance area." has undertaken to look up the R. G, Bennott, agriculture were all a lot older next day, fora beach party, Kim'. is on representatWe for Huron Coun- after hitting the sack at 6a,m. peopl6­who frequent the weekly dances )�ditorls, NQte�Amen! legal, stancYing of the township (Continued an Page Nno) I J4 tysays there are more harve$t Up at noon and out for golf. A 0 Strange Logic IN DISCUSSING, union demands What the economist left unsaid, on the Quebec government to increase however, is precisely what happens to the minimum wage in that province the employees- who are now Working to $1,25 an hour from the present in the many small concerns that would level of. 74 cents, a labor, economist go by the boards if labor gets its way? recently conceded that a substantial For ithe most part, these workers are number /of small employers might well not organized, have few skills and are go out of business as a.' result of, any far removed from the industrial centres such hike. where new job opportunities are readily Such attritiow he argued, was just.. available. .Ified since in -the. eyes- of, organized Are the unionists — who for the' labor, small establishments, Which could most paint are paid well above the pro - remain in business only by virtue of posed $1.25 hourly minimum —willing the "subsidies" of "sub-standard"wages, to make room -in their own industries have no valid - groun& for existing in for these 'unorganized workers thdt the the first Place, minimum wage campaign is displacing? AMATEUR or ViROFESSIONAL There IsA Difference - WHAT IS AN amateur driver? ask- ante.". ed the Canadian Highway Safety Coun- The motorist who drives profes- cU, then gave the answer". sionally respects traffic laws, -particular- "A driver shows he is an amateur ly, those regarding speed, the Council said. Not only is a professiondi driver in, many ways. Some of them are: colisideriLte of other drivers, but he, screeching tires on curves,. or starts, makes certain he .is protecting himself. failing to signal, turns; lane -hopping: For example, he turns on his car's'lights particularly without signalling.; driving as soon as natural light begins to dim, at speeds, considerably more than the for he wants others to 'be -.sure to see posted limit; starting. to leave -a parking him_ as, he moves through traffic. He space without looking back; driving so; takes full 'advantage of all safety fea- slowly that other traffic 'is delayed; tures on -his :vehicle such as seat belts, driving with one hand• on the wheel; turn signals, rear-view, mirror, head and tail -gating; breaking atraffic regulation tail lights because he realizes they pro - merely to achieve, a feeling of domin- tett him, CHSC.added. nton ews.oneRecuOted THE CLINT6N'JI4EW ERA Amalgamated THE CLINTON NEWS-RECORID Established 1866 1924 Established 1681 Published Every Thursday At The, Heart 40Of Huron county 00 Clinton, Ontario, Canada Population 3,475 A. LAURIE_001.90HOUN. PUBLISHER 0 Sighed contributions to 41i's publicatlion, are the opinions 04 of the writers only, and do not necessarily express V L it the views 'of the newspaper. Authorized as Second Class Melt, Post Office Department, Ottawa; and -for Payment of Postage in Cash SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Payable in advance — Canada and Great Britain: $4.00 a year; United States and Foreign: $S -SO, Single Copies; 10 Cents 10 —W be mom, i6se., Ask for hel ,Atul hints is bti every phase of personal bi0k1n.8 at your tleaft Royal 'Bank branch: M6noy4avin-9 h1hiso like: h6W bUt 2 -Account plait oatt help steep your 9tivitigs Adcoutt Wt f r6hi lonibbfite iF how it Persoilial Ch6quIng Account (at 10-a-chequt) cati save you iiioqey on, pitylftg bills;, how you can Cut costs ,60kattially. by borkoWing the Royal tOrmpkil Way! Leaflets available,, "ago, your ,Royal batik tervikok �,C3YAL 'S 'to Clin't6ti trwjdh, 04 L. t14620 "f ich 8rahch ......... J. . DAVI of 11"'U""41AW and Mau -T -S S - U t job$ available tile area than Ever Veen two old cawt-horses disi,posItion. -to poke. up the of- thing up.- LETTER TO EDITOR ficials. mdth a sharp stick. Ylel, there are men to f4,11 them. trying to pull some or somebody else, shout CLINTON :NEWS -RECORD Ina letter from C. Mortimer bill which they couldn't even been at it -long ago, but 'better Thursday, July 23, 1�025 Begeau, ' Kitchen& ' we note pull dOWn-hill? ThaVS what Salvation Army that the first cement sidewalk Pete and I looked Mrs as we late than Mover. We doubt ff Town drag -tailed our way up* to the there is, a municipality #r Clan- AustralVan -marriages during was laid �n front of the 1923-24 -included 483 brides un- Hall by James Howe about IM •gieen, Hope To Raise ada whose affaixsbiave been so 1�94. Mr.,BezoaWs letter also Had to get the first-born. out rrftnanaiged (and we wonderder 17, yeam old "d seven 1894. of to his summer job qA the botat three warnen, over ;the age -d StatL-- that the POP.UlatiOD that the ratepayers have borne Clinton 'in 1894,was about 2800 by 8 a.m. next morning. 1$16t Three H[s[llon. 65. The youngest girl maroled the W141otions as patiently' as was thIrteen and the oldest and in 1947 the population had had no trouble waking up. The Editor, they have. b4degrooM was S6. Six g1r1s dropped to 2244, By 1950 It had ruddy birds -started y1acking at The iclipton News -Record, It lookis� as though our es�- temnod Twiend, the editor of the - under the age, of 13 gave birth again beenon theilpswing with 4 •a.m. two paper -boys, had a Clinton, OntaxWo. to clilldren, 2500 reported. v611ent altercatiork about con- Dear Sir: Expositor, Is fvnning goime bald An eleletvicaji storm swept The Financial Post stated. flicting troutes under our win- Once agalin it !is ourpleasure hablits. He complains that the t Thurs- that subsidies on a great num- d1ow at 6, and the construction on behalf of the Natibnl Public electric l*h1s y should be left. over Ontawoo, this pas gang tearing up the road in Relations A&isory Committee an until 2 4,m, as it i's " , day, , putting out power' lines ber of things should b& ft very aW.,levelling, graft' Hamilton coiatinued as subsidies can be front Of Our place got thL`11V and Salvation Army leaders to annoying to stumble home in area 6eemed, to be the . greatly over rum, Eatorl Note mechanical MOnAels snarling exPres$ sincere appreciation fox worst the dark at the imn-iinent rlislc . or limb" "I'tth`;several bouse�, and cot- -it we could only put floors by 7 o'clock. the fine support your news - of brediking a neck tage!g'b damaiged., and" 6dldngs an tha thermom- Wrote column, pkalted grass, Mee gave the Red Shield Ap- You should go*, home eaAller, All is in the readifiess. for afar, what a wbnderfal govern- weeded flowerbeds, so'o'th'e'd peal now beingrapidly brought Mae, arid, then t1 ere would be Old Aoimie- Week In Clinton. meat we would' have. wife, distraught because her to a successful conclusion., no danger of stumbling —Sea son wag, leaAng. She tried to The National , Centennial The celebration starts on Aug - forth wiat-w was a2ways, goes= ust I iand runs through August make a big symbolic deal out Campaign commemorating as It tionalble stuff, anyhow. 5. Many letters have been. re- of it. "Don't you real, e this b does "100 years of service to 10 Years Ago L, celved.,from, those Npllazning to the very List day in, his ent4re God and man" throughout the attend and also from those We that he'll be at home, one world promises to -be the best ..55 Yca*rs Ago who wilf not beable to, attend. Clinton News -Record of us?" (He'll be home two Mtrecord and when, an the re. W. Jenklos and Son were Thursday, July 21, 1955 days a week all summer, but turns have been reepAved we CLINTON NEWS -RECORD greenhouse and flower shop apparently that doesn7t count.) axe hopeful that the mainten- OP' is er(ators; A. S. 1hkley was the CEnton's new black -top -side- Next,day, took Hugh to b ante quotaof $3,257,568.00 will. Thursday, July, 21, 1910 owner of Clinton Garaige; W. Woks, have been almost - comp- boat again, rat 8, put ciar an body be over­sLzbscribed, The . cost of operating the Glen Cook was� the local rep- plated, with the exception of shop to bave door fted, wrian- Again thanking you and your House of Refuge here �s, one of resefitative for 'Sanger' Wing Street. The circular am gled With insurance company, 00aleagues, for ,the support giv- which serAces, the Iftary, fire helped two, high school valedk- en to the 1965 Red Shield Ap- the lowest in the province. Tho Madvinee and there was -.a a Do. hall and police office side en- torians, wfth their speeches, peal�. &X%tes, n.umbering about 85, minion Store Limited In C11n­ trance has also ,ad . ton t" _ fresh told- wife to stop fretting about Cordially youm, are being fed at 92%c each per coat of black top, Warren Pani- her son, told daughter to stop T. L. CARSWELL, week. Mr. ,6nd-Mrs,,Mutdbafre't 9119 have the contifact for thus fighting with her mWn. Lt.�-Colonel, to be commended on. ' ' "I I new surface on Whole family was going to - National Campaign Director. fl -dent operations of the ihstl- 25 Years ' A" I I go King Street. boat to see Hugh, off on migiien 20 Albert Street, Toronto 1, tutibn. An offibial letter has been trip, to his unutterable disgust. July 16, 1965. Miss E. J. Guestj,'B.A. of theCHAton News -Record ree-elved, at CKNX Wingham High School staff has tendered which gives the go ahead for her emigntation. She flail accept Thumdayy July 25, 1940 television protawns to emlnGite Mr r 1 a, g e Announcement: from, that to%ft by mad -Nov- Business and Professional a &* C. Morbh�ner Bez� ember. The actual date for the eau. of Kitchener announce the fost teleVision. show to be pro, Directory The Bible Today "' 1. . nlwnage of their daughter, d'a'ted baL% not been given, but This Is a stow about St. T41dred, to Frank McCullough D. HUdbbrfand, program mm. a. �JdW,s. Gospel and ChV1stm68;,, of Holmesville. The marriage ger, 99d televdsion will be a PHOTOGRAPHY INSURANCE not December 25th type, Of took place on June 8th, in reality by the end of the year Christmas -but a Machiguenga Straa,;rd. In this area, nin Peru and Navidad— Miss Betty Brandon HADDEWS STUDIO K. W, COLQUHGUN Indila of - Cft� Mr. and Mrs. J_H. Bryant of the Spanish work for Christ- -ton was• chosen "Naiss, Huron' Byron and 33ayfield celebrateld PORTRAIT ­ WEDDING INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE mas. at the, Lions Summer Frolic In their 40th wedding anniversary and CHILDREN Phones: Office 482-9747 NaVidad listened intently as Seaforth last night. 'with a family dinner at Me 1118 St. David's St. Res. 42.7804 Martin, the Maichiguenga. Ind- T R Thompsows grocely ad- Lftde Inn on July 17. Dial 524-8787, Goderich, JOHN WISE, Salesman ian school teacher and pastor, vegti�sed new potatoes at 15 lbs .0 6-13p Phone 482-7265 VMS 'giving detailed exPlana- for 30c; cabbage, large heads CANADIANS ARE SALAD tions of the Gotspel of John in 2 for 15c and carrots at 5cCONSCIOVS, OPTOMETRY H. C. LAWSON, Machiguenga, verse! 1by verse, bunch Canadian galad oaiftg habits in one of a seAe& of meetings'. J�or Farmers and Junior are becom-mIg even more diver- Flmt 0416raaCurrent Interest Rates go Wi0ney Available WWe Martm spoke NavKhd parm Women have already skfied after increasing travel to J. �. LONGSTAFF Lowest would comment, quesilIon, re - subscribed $575 for an ambu- other countries. Seldom asked- OPTOMETRIST INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE peat and agree. But mostly he fiance to be.presented to. the for salad greeing sudi as endive Mailtdayt and Wednesdays I INVESTMENTS was saying, "It's true. Itis Red- Cross. The total cost . of and escarole are*gro;qng; Phones: Office 482-9644. true. the an will> be $1,750. popular: CLXCENTRE R MN MEDICAL CENTRE 48P.9787 n maaly the message of God 482-7010 in' his own Ma-ebiguenga. lang-i 11AI*RTH OFFICE 527-1240 H. E. HARTLEY uage, became real for Navidad:LIFE INSURANCE s Clintonian Club Plans To Attend G. 8. CLANCY, 0.1). Planned Savings ... He used to say to his wife, "Where is God? I can't' see OPTO'IVIETRIS1' Estate Analysis Him." Now after studying or A13pointment CANADA LIFE John's Gospel in Machiguenga Central Picnic In London', Saturday ASSURANCE CO. he was heard to pray, "God, I I . 11•Phone 524-7251 Clinton, Ontario we know )�ioa are the only 7be Clintonk.an. Club held its Community, PW14C on June 80, 06DERiCH One July meeting. at tali home of Was 'well untended by members ALUMINUM PRODUCTS F e en* and 111V- Mrs. LaWs 111orest, with 22 and visitors:Sports for young r" and Bald were enjoyedby 41 R. W. BELL For Air -Master Aluminum rib0_ tr� con" rnw�be�& presehit, Alts. W. Wise won, the lawn OPTOMETRIST Doors and Windows di together now core Ittee In villages, for the Thc Work ComM� report- Clyedr. Proaeqds, froni the sales F. T. ARMSTRONG and first tune in the tribe's hist- ea otp eWb quilt completed axxd table b6iped defray expenses. Cohoulting -Optornotrist Rockwell Power Tools ory. Five schools have been two quilt tops, whicli. were The Square. GOIDERICH JERVIS SALES staoted in cooperation with the donated' ready to be quilted. 594.7661 Ili L. Jervis- 68 Albert St. Peruvian Government, There The czt,Etee in clukir-ge is to 1tfb Clinton --482-9300 are now 150 be4ievers like purchase the necesslAty require- Neividad, God's Word in the merits -to.finish the work on tribe's people's own language the quilts as soon as possible. A, M. HAIRrER is fruit. Plans were Ithade bus su=batly RIME ReadiaigS triPto the (�ehtral Picnic lat CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Fitly 25: nax9ea A,,b,,,k in London on JulySS-57 SOUTH ST. TELEPHONE July 26: 1 Corinth- 24, ]'radios who, would like to GODMCH, 6KY. 52A-7562 fabs 1, attend should telephone 482- V A20 TuesdayJuly 271, Cbrhxth- 7627 for infomati&. lafts 2. Urs -R, Adams won. the n1yV_ Wednesday Tttly 2811 Corin- Wily pi*:6. iilvikpns 3. Mm, J. Plettoh 13ayfibld in THE WKILLOP MUTUAL Thursday; July 29- Cdrinth- witted wembers to her cottage' inns 10. in, Dayheld for the next xneeitl N C Vrlday, July 30.1 Corinthianshw ava mrsf T, O'Connell VAII FIRE I 'SURAN E COMPANY be hostess fox the Septembor Saturday July 31cmt ift-9. ns 16. Mrs T LeVp�gtoh gave OL v 0-1" t6rtained 6A the mouth &gM., hll IThe pjcnlc­, held in CUTAOft, Juggym mot Ago usts 'ANT ADS TkAINV0VA ]MIND TO MIND TItb 'XRAIN A- train ti9avellhg tut 80 mph :*d$.'8, I*qe to ttopp file ontm Ont - log afety f4ague, 'points out r robiwistg. Iii 1964 there were '2 aWltraih colli§i6ng in Ont= ASK POk rm!3"Ou 0) NVITATIbNS 0 ANNOUNUMEWS, 0 AMSSOOS bi them fatal. inatt"', el'otoil New giliRecord! fifemtdn �tdtlse Ot 16V61 &Cci&a Jts, ifi6 IS4 Alhdilt St. 4924441 mind the temm. office-- MaIrt 6treet Town bweilifilgo Ali eiis§ts of Paom property si Churches, S60610; H, Ill, L oV030A'g-"a Mod, stboa e, tktend4d e Watet.&ThUe, f4ft objeot,4 Gate:) is to aVaHAW6. #AtmeO Xbya' PA if 8 XAM6, FA 5 S" Leiper Jr.oll-bWesboro" Selwyai ftker., Br:"i lrft�,Uffitbnt Giebft6 Cd Donald G. Ewt-6-1;1 -1