HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-07-22, Page 2.... ... ... . ... .... ...... A N. W'w tun I. .. , 1. 'L, - T N 9ath Ygqr -10 cq"ts, por ceppy-12 Pages HE, �, EW W $4,90 Per YPqr COU With @WS NTAP .1111j.P r -Y. 0, 00s -0Q Pq Per Copy --!O P j[* , . -1 ., Y 40 $4 N �04 My $hwoy Heil Ohl w.44t- a, tapgled web N e v F*", Doug F e Gf rn wea e,, whL we pr4ct IN:,"! r1V , i 8 e Treasurer 'Y �n first Mrs Thompson, . .. . ..... ... tp. the truth! Y014, lmpw, I Wi* the Kre4t_ parems Ooday- is �st sli:4 of on A their,4ttempf-t Chnt an Chosen To Head Q lwe pL, "tightr monev" situ mitiona 4oW 'amb-on, we 40 _qvel best to give our, children, the pecesp- -ew Huron'(Pr " v. .0, C As-s-ocia it*, (plus a f , of the lovely" _­ ion extza* �ana when we dyuzws -'�rogressive Consei v4 Doug FrecmWi, M orar A new I , . ary Street, Hon y. presidents p. L, 4,Wim,41e, we try to disguise our tive !A$s0Ciat1QU WAS set UP Clinton, was elected president Card#f, MR, Brussels; I -Ion. C en qpty purse with words, like mopday to admindtter th� ex- a the Huron Progressive Con- S MapNaugbton, Huron XLA, "it. wouldWt be good Ior you ecutive, affairs of the provinmal. servative (Provincial) Associh- Exeter; and Pbner D, Bqdl, or "you woul4hlt like it". H%fron., The meeting tim. MT. Freeman has been an QC., Exeter, This week, I was caught in rITsnh1elballin the 'Clinton Legion ardent worker in the Consem- . Vice - a triap of my own r t presidents, Harvey Cdle�r Alall with al pu' 1$0 in attend- UV -e paxty in thisarea, MAM, Bayfield; - James 114yter, Our so4 fteard about, an ex- ance. John Durnd acted as Mit, Fred Q. (Louise) Thom- Dashwood; Mis. May Mooney, .4 c1u4ve and rathe�, e open ve 6hairmen. pson, a fcrmer Clanton council- Godench and Andy Durdop, hockey camp that one or his, In recenttyeaM the same ex- lor, retained 'her office as sec - friends wa�� eWqydpg.fbr twenT ecutive !bad beep in ebarge of retary of the associatiam F�r Directors. Edwin Alffler, ty-�one glorious days this surri- biqtb fedeeal and provincial -the. present Mrs. Thompson, Is mer, J tion Nvas 4L, ConservatiVe uffairs in Huron. continuing as secretary of Lpe Dashwood, ,nn Web'% Dash - simple one. "Wl;� ean,t 1 go?" po8ed're(Estribution. of Huron (Fede A� w0ud; Arthur Bolton, Dublin; Tile, pro � MI) PC ss ridings brought,about the need ation. oci- Frank ]Falconer, Clinition; Anso-- The inquisiti6n was preceld- 1) MclQnley, Zurich. ed by a lively family discuss- for both a. federal and provin, Other pfficers of the new or - ion about the merits at such . a cial executive here, ganization axe: Executive Members, Frank camp en�a the behefIts that Wallcom, Goderich; Verne Pin - would be derived from Flush �be, Exeter; Valentine Beck-, .Freddie's sojourn up there. So Hon. C. S. Haftughton, Hur n MLA, ecr7 Pashwood; Gordon Oxi� when sbrmy borgsked ff Olin- iWeVicb, zind Bay- cheri all the u I sugl field'. snap, Pat re- plies were useless.. I was, force , d-, Outlines Bills Passed In Last Sess*on -SetretarY is Mrs,, F. 'G. to reveAl to our T�ne-year-olil ThOMP60h, -Cldnt0ne-and the _Irurolivs the- Han. Every resident will have the -is Earl McS dden,, child one of the unhappy my- MLA, -treasurer pa steiIes of , e as Ohaxqes S, MadNaughton, Ont- chance to participarte in the Seaforth, 1. W a - non-iWer- Archite O's, Sket h- of Proposed Central School At BracOfield clastniqn. C ario, Minister of 1-lighways wel- medical health plan. . He intl- ccmed the new officials and mated" that Ontario would pro�- Elmer D. Bell) Q,,C., vxeter, "We haven't got that Iona The architect ftm'of BlackWell, Hagarty and F'riday, In the foregr6und the modern glass and thanked those Who had worked vide medical care a. f,ull. live president -of the Ontario pro- ey"I I'told, him. Conservative Associa- Of mon Buist, London presented'the above sketch of the. steel entrance. Thle'actual �chodl is'shourn at top, for—his #Arity in, the 'past. Mr. years before, a. national plan gre.4ve I _Nv;ca!t try -,to Idid you, rea& tfon, offiedated'at, the election of er. Junior , wasn!t satisfied dm, proposed 16 cls'sroo-rft 'School to A joint meeting of utilizing three wWgs of cla�sroom.s around a gen- MacNaughton. satid, "The quiet will beAn. effect. 4 medDately. Ne asked- dozens the' Stanley- and Tuckersmith, school boards last' eral and sometinies colorless work Highway officers. purpose room (gymnagium.). W0171" The fuU, executive will in - mo I re embdrrassing '. q,4es . til (Sketch Courtesy of Blackwtll Hagarty and Buist) - of an executive committee is Tbeminlster'outmed the var- elude a representative from ons overlooked in an election cam- ious ,abor4it our financial frustrations hig,111MAY canstrurtlOn Pro- each. municipality within the and Flush Fr-eddWs ecomnic The Minister of Highways jects in, his- riding, riding, case,. These include: CjbitoiVs con- The fonner officers and ex - said the dra�t of redistribution nec . g w dnpro- ecutive will cariy on for feder- C before �the provincial gov But most U-nportant St�kmley and Tu'.k' kh ho ''I Boards , I the c ers,.rr n�w tin, link,proiject n1Q thing about the whole deal was Zs resurPacing No..A from 'al reorganiza- P40SP8. Until a ernment has no change for the E'l �n �a Londesboro; streot tionial me�etjng .1r, called. know much more about I money Rumn riding.. improvements in Goderich; No. ACL, MadNaugbton remarked 4 from Exeter to, Clandeboye. tba$ our 14-tt e -son, who doesn't V P wd. �Centra�l schoo] mattem than his allowance Viewr ans..,. ropos goes farther if it. consists of (Yn* those bills passed at the No, 21 north of GoderdchOoCred' last sl�ssim of the. Ontario leg- fton to No. 21, No. ,y Belleha�;ber) and size of Windows resulting Hagarty. Pointed out that the survey required way ty road project one, finally understood! I real- ent,. � Mrs. Audre lative, assembly that pertained ust (By our. Bayfield correspon& ernible redikctidn in the number ridors. such items as a sewage Plant, is ' - CRnton Shriner instead of i 'GFre I I two quarters 81 at en- ly -was an*mzed..And to, think I AV em The session Whkh from Seaforth 'to , Brussels Pefore, toc Huron ; a . coun ergency meeting of in, less, heat loss�dn winter, coo�- high c6ffings: can result in the buildAng can commence and the endedon. �une 22 was the long- which Ig completed. In Washington haV4 been' shielding this bay Sta,,jiey'rm�,mship School Board er Tooms in summer and more atmosphere of an 6nsfitution need! to extend 'the, opfAon, on est I since 1922. from the truth by deceitful, w.�ith the Tuck He said work! would start iir ersrrgth coun- even room temperatures. and children may beneifli �firom the site if approval at plant Last week MO.' and Mrs. underhanded �means-. torparts; was helldlmst F01fty to Another it m tio the more "conifttable" effect was: not received by JWY 31. A�iamendment to the Work- next yeox on No. 4 from Ex - em. en ned was meh's Compensation Act now eter nortlh to, Clinton, Harry Williaras,,RR 2 Clinton, Next da��. son.ny boy sur- view plans of the proposed 16- the, uusual roof dbsa�gn which produced by lowering them. Also discussed was the pro -b- extends coverage to farmers. Also th-at consideration was travelled by , Air� Canada to prils'ed me even more. "You room Central School proposed he suggested would be ma General discus',slon included (Continued on page 12) Washington, D.C. and stayed at mom," he drawled �n -a tone f -,W the BruCeZeld ro - An amendment to the Ex- being given to, work on No, 4 Elrea­ attractive to the younger child- i the '�VhslIdngton Hilton Hotel that meant he Was thinUng out dAar propried.on Act now allows the highway through Clinton. This E 'd Hagarty-, � architect ren. It was designed to, get wherle the lmpm6al Council loud, if I went to that camp, with the London t.=* of Black- away trom. the unfortunate ten�. MODERN LAYOUT fEATURES. parties involved to work out. woul, d be a complete recon- S, s ns of the S e were es io you and, dad and sis would well, Haigarty and Buiqrt, dency of recent yefars t mak costs and differences I before. ar- 9truotion of Noi. 4 bighway, being held, Ailes �a * have tG,do Without gTbceri6s a b1tratim. within Hurm County. briefed the board on the, plans schools resemble �icto ENTRA Mr. WullWans vras,:aiTemp1e, mivbe even have the elect� PROPOSED. C ��,L SCHOOL uqr e submitted wid , - I" 1414-6.1.�.w'.l,r4-f'ulofn,�"A%g,o A�� � i point A further result of t1w would The liq , legjq�AfJon, ricity shut dff- gosh, you whil6h h h T slopffig cel- S, a ey an 'biling'ou'r- laws i ed but s6i,�eral f6atures' Which 'lye to pV�Idle low 'Although 't nl d 60�roDms fw grade three� A line with our The Huron MLA's main duty London. couldn!t er Aele,/Won. ven watoh . modern way' of living. -said Mr. was to introduce the,Hon. Ar - And that wouldn't be A&r, woull d . provide 'for economical ings. in, the classrooms,. eds1W Tu*ersrnith School Roarft four, five and qx.' Also in MacNaughtoo. While in Washington, Mrs. c&istructiari and low operating from mne feet.�%t the outside have been talking dn terms thUr A. Wisbart, attorney gen- W61,liams took a tour of the would. itV, walls, to ten feet six inches at of a 16 -room Cbntral school, thds wing is an extra class- He was pleased to see free eral of Ontario. city and vigfted such places as Sure, maybe he fts being cMts- room desig"Ated as an, OPPor- texq books now being supplied over­dkvznatic, but some, react- Among these were a comild- the Walls avdiacent, to, the' cor- the plam submitted. for their Mr- WISLIVart is a lawyexfrom. the White House, Capital Build - ion wag bound, to'set in from by the archi- turAty room -which will likely to grades 11 and 12. Sault Ste, Mafde. He. was bbrn ing, Jefferson meraorial, Ken- tht- shock of haird adult fwts tects include some extra ac- house students requiring spe- The Medical Health Insur- in, New Brunswick and prac- nedy's grave and many other -hebad just s&fere'd. y t1sed law in Windsor and Blind interesting and Imtone slfte§. ; I , 9: * *'' Total floor space in the To the east along the' Important bill passed by the Ftiver before going to the Sao. The weather was a very hu- rt I commodation. ciel attention. ance Act'Was b fax the.most t Ontario legislature At the last He has only been in praAnclal Hopi a Receives sch�l u-1 33,900 sq. feet and southern aide is the junior . mid 80 to 90 degrees. I don't -know whether - 10- session sialdMh MkcNaughton. politics since 1963. yeox-old Freddy lkirdr. RA 2 6 ClInton, ' has came to- Vips with ned f,6r three wig' ' The grade me classes and two senior Wing, for grades §even grade two classes,. Double the fina�lai atrocities of*tfi&s silly mad world, but he sure ght, is, locate �classroloms, ea�h $2,810 In , Beque'sts, 'andl. e'l,' I ""d'on't'he 1'ci1n'dem'gavten" ' two has -a grown-up 'sense of hum, I west side of the building and self-contained with wash our whenit comes tq municipal Bequests , totalling .$2,810 the hospital. Th� board also, includes in adldkbbn to four rooms and work areas are in roads and the'Kdng's Mlghways-. -h Dxoved the acquisition of a �clasmvoms, a , ealth mom this porition, of the building were received by the Board aP Zle sent us�,a clipped cartoon -of Directors for 'Clinton Pub- 4new typewilter. and offices for the prticipal as are a XbTary a work room that we cannbt reproduce here Startling Statistics and the school s, -.,-,v. and a teadher's room -com­ lit Hospital thils past month. 'Interme(iate wing, plete with closets and wash - for your enjoryment. Maybe we What has be e &s&jbed The can give you a word desalpt- Prom, the estate of Urs. Ber- by edministrator,,Steen as a stretching fron-L the main rG.0ms lorn, of it, though. tie X Haber, foirffierly Bertie "blectic month",,June saw the Idly.by north, contains eight Neatly tucked into the cen- it � depicts' the main, corn'er Mason from the Clinton d�s- Clinton ho 3patol Iffied - to. ca- tre of the plan bs, the general Clinton. Three streets, branch- trict, the !hospital received pacity for most of the month purpose room. or gyn-masiurn dng away from the intersection $500, while $2,310 wias receiv- while, on occaqon, 656 - pat- measuring about 56 feet by have been ripped 'up., and are od fTm'i the estate- of the late linton Child 50 feet. Situated handily off &own. w4th wide japing ex- William Harry Balsom, C11in- tents were cared. foe in the the main-, lobby and featuting. . 604bed instatution. Averagv carvatiom, that could each prov- ton. for the awnth was 61,patients Bitten B an outdoor exit on the north ire an adequate burial �lolt for, Mzs, Ruth Johnston, has- pe.l. day! y wall, the general purpose, babies, were roorn, .an elbplutat. Signs have � been pital food. supervisor, has has, a stage :about 16 posted at their entxances say- compaetedaten-month, course born in, the 3,6 da�,s and there Dog At Cottage feet by 38 feet. ing, "Road Closed" and I'Det- with the , Ontario Hospital were five deaths at -the, bos� 'Seven-year-old Allan Lavis, Surrounding the general our". �K, Assoclublon w -id has rec6ved Plital Wit"hinthe same Perilxl- son of Mr. and Mrs. John Purpose 1700111, lightedby Win - (Continued on Page Seven) 1�er certificate in food' super- The administraJtOes report Lavis, Clinton'vims achnitted dow wall s at the roof, are vision. Duving the course, ',allso sbnwed 146 operations to Clinton Public Hospital, two large washrooms- ' .on the 'The Weather Mrs. Johnston had personal were performed in the main- last Friday after his .,left west and' -a boillm- room, stor- Wgh Low High Low instruction from thehead CU 013.3-M. . -graomand the emor- cheek 'had be<m badly- tom 'age rooms, a small kitchen 1965 1964 edcl&n. &am 'Watorta, Hospit" gencyroom unit. by a dog at the Lavis� sum- and janitor's, roon;t on the east, Above �are gallery� seats July� 14 80 69 68. 55 al, London, ,mid wx0te, Anal '4People. are startinig to use mer home north of Bayfield. �Xwnina#ons in Toronto, in the hospitall as a regular for spectators, and, two 15 71 50 74 60 e The bay's father said it is change rooms for studen-tt. 16 76 62 .$4 56 l'uIle, health,' centre," 3&. Steep hot -known- why thd. dm 17 78 55 68 58 Five morebi-lDw beds coan. concluded , from ' the figures Which belongs, to a heighbor, Most Classrooms are 32 is 75 58 91 g7 plete with sides, over -bed for June. "The ',trend now attacked, the child, feet -by 24 feet and feature 19 68 .46 84 69 tables and, bedside tables. seems to, be to come tp the Dr. Frank Newland, Who wook areas and locker spac- 20 .69 40 92 63 NAdU be purchnsedby admlnis-� hospital =d then look R& a ot in the adjacent coft-4dor. Atdn,.� .97" Rait: teator Tom Steep for use at doctor." Was; vacationing -at bl& cat- pl�ns also, include coveyed tage at Bayfi:eld,t and Dr. porch -type jextt�g where - stu� Walter Oakeq attended, Dr. dMts May gg off. and onto, Oakes told the Xewg-Aecorld' buses travening in the circu- Cabinet Ministers At Untan Meet*ng on Monday that the dog will jar drive, rvation for The Hon, Charles S be kept tmder obse MacXaughton, left, Huron MLA, and Ontario Mini - If there are any so-called istet Of High,Ways, Was o&of the speakers at the annual ftieeting off Huron at leasit s, welek to determine frdus, Ift the proposed sketch�- whether or *not it was beal- Progressive Conservative Association, here Mcoday. Centre is Douglas Ftee. tby at the time of -the, incl- es, the beautiful courtyard 111dii, who wag elected president of the Huron PC (Provincial) Association, mad entrance to the school might dent. -y. This segment is about. . . ..... qualif right is the Hon. Arthur A. Wishart, Sault Ste. Marie, Attorh y General of �6 -In the raeontime, "all, nee- 44 feet by 6 Ontario, guest speaker at the meeting. 3 feet and boasts -h ve binn essary Vrecautibm" (Photo by Purkhe'm of Zurich Citivens 98ws) elgh-t-foot�wlde - coverod for the i6by, he swid, walk -way: arotaid* a gardbal 0 meamring about �S feet by 52 a feet, A 15 foot'portion 04 uve e a the notth.side of the MUrt, Clinton J B 11 Team Clinton Brigade' yaxd, howevt-t, florns, part of the loft "d IS Walled Olt At Tractor Fire from, -ffie outerarea, Ciintot!s fite, abxm blasted Have- 7 - Whaftis in T-btarts twice 04, Monday mftnihg- but, no Per "ItS 04,11ton'�s Juvofille basebtal who b" woh four games, aftd Clinton, Z — Mitchell I fortuoatel,V, 'IT6 smious, fire8 Buildi M 4 team have & Perfect recar& fil Qm- 1VZcbbnn16, With th"a vit- Cihtog G — Hensall I Were raging, the first, sevet g=es; 6f thdix torieg. Cliniton 10 — tx6ter 2 About nine 1A the morhift9i Total $130/0 tchedule this aummerTh&ywon Other regW=.& on the team Clinton fo — Ugto"l 5 the long steady. well indleated .01 gomea by big, ecbftg, am: Bob l8atkift, 8b, Lary Clibiton ig — Ustowel 5 a RiftroavleWtilam, wagsounA- At the My thtotlhg bit 011h txoer, Ugtovm Mitchell Petatoti fielder; LaUrlb- COlqU- Clibrt6n 18 — Hensall 1 ed- 'bat proved Jo be t1b`ffii1V toii Towrl council U300 in and Clintbnare, J OV401le te W- 8, 1h, Ift Livermom, cat- clare Magee started the tda- mote tlim� tt flux Ang. Re- Vailding vtTtuiu �VL mithor., ,Whilo LUcan jlensolt and Clin. dh&' Charlie SWit2difv, lleldcr�# -WA off with 0, nbAdtter ovtr "mm"m wft were completod Monday Ized, Gi 9,�G� are nlidgot�agb mb, Ptamh fid-det; Gary Wt6hall In a geVm- ifflift-g 1hal am; ftev ,, ud&d., Dr. A New;- tdarft Molt; 0"'rah., tat* gmnei and sinoo' that he 'bxli'd llftlodfiold MCM 'Retires FOOM Clinton Station Later the same Y60 the land', bfficd dddItioli Uurft The Cmlt6ft Juvenile's and Pjatctt And John Cooper. have'boon Clinton Voluntobf tire iggade 9trebt, $10,000,, &Ilan'dr1aham, Cjiht�h, ynla�gotg P1 V, thoir''tW6 Mahager fs Vd-ey Uvertnote stingy *fth thefte bift, test Wlghesg for A 'hap, flill eht Are lexpmsgsod t6 Alex Pat-erson by .py t6 I em called to a tractor &4 ob sw, j; Otland .1ohd Wilk ' JWy, 81 4ugutt and Ron IAV 0. 0 ­ "I 1 101.1 11 , potth $50 g on 611mr 1P doa,' h CiWoh juveniles stbl hoe, 'on &d the RCAF C11fdon Civilfan'Persohft6, fficl�r Fted Miller leftf andby the Coniw the farm of 1-t=y- Thoin B Thb U itt -aw -gar 0 sto, 60611, $ i500; am, to date Is bn6 udth tudwi Ay Ad th',Ahdirig Offiti6t Or.O-Up CaptcliA X P., Ore0naWay on 66 occaslon of Pater., oft the Uth. conabssloh 4 Godt-,l &3, m6cin, gftviee centr", di t6ti jwftgos, IlAw tw-b ft Nfows- at LUCA' taildl,th,&_ iwv gtmo j§Od$ rairement ftbih, gdrV1,66 at Clfiitoft fttioil, (RCAP Photo) rich townsta,% AM16h stftbtl' 0661 btii6ng Mlcheft 1h bak-6 W&O, I 010t6ft 14 Wboh& 6 96Abs: vWth Clinton iYAdgeft,