Clinton News-Record, 1965-07-22, Page 1Oh whut 4 tanglr.4'web We
mi, Pres,*460 Mrs. F. 0, ThoMpson.,
werive, wbeg first we praqtise Doug, Freolo e, surer
to deceive. 4110 isn't it "Mp""i
,he tr4th!
You know, I thtiVk' the grog -
0,1 sin� of are is loday, 1-5 Clinton Man Chosen "Jo He'd
tbeir attempflp bide C1
cb!10�ren, We ap, our level 'Pest
_�o el our chUften flip necesis-
rtl4i� uron, (Prov lon
plus a. few of alp H' PC, AsSocoia
extM, 14na when A now PmVessive Conserva- Doug Fteeman, Mary Street, Honorary. presidentSt p, 14.
. windle, we try to tIVe AsWi1atlkm was set up Clinton, was elected president 04rdIX, MP, Brussels; Hm. C.
empty purse with words Up. Monday to adrnirjist4�-r th , of the Huron Progressive Con- S, 2�TacNaughton, Huron MIA,
OR woul(#i1t be good for you" ecuttye 009im Of the PrQVIMW AerVative (Provincial) Alssodla- Exeter., and Elmmer D, Bell,
W "You wouldwt I*e W'. xffllng 'Pf Huron. The meeting Von.. Mr. Preeman has bee an Q.Q., Exeter.
This weel�, I Was caught in wis held in the ClinitoTi Legion oiriaent worker dn the Conserva- Vice-presidents, Harvey Cble,�
a t2V or in , mking. n
y own n aiall with about -150 i attelgj- t4vie party In this area. max4 BaYfield, �James IIayter,
-Our he�rd about an ex- once. John Durnin acted as M3*. Fred G,' (Louise) Thom- Dastmood; Mis,, May Mooney,
elusive and 1+pthej, expensive Ja 'man. psbn, )-a former Clinton cQun-cil- Goderich, and Andy Dunlop,
lor, retained 'her office as se;z- Seafwth,
hockey camp that one of his, In mveht yews the same ex,
friends was endoydpg for tier- ecutive,bad been in oha�,ge of retary of the als-vociation. Fax
t3 -oregloniouS days this stim- both federal and provincial the , present 15M. nomp . so,, Directiom, Edwin Mller,
DaSbwood; Glenn Webb Dash -
Mer. Zunloes quer-Uon was a, Conservative aitrai-rs in Huron. continuing as Secretary of the Arthur
simple one. "Why can't 1 go?" The proposed ' reMstribution of Huron (Federal) PC Assopi-•
vy"od Bolton, Dublin;
-about the need ation, Frank Falconer,Clintx)n; Anson
The inquisition was preced- ridihgs brought Mcmnl2y, Zurich.
ed by a Avely family discuss- for both a federal and provin- Other -Officers of the new or -
ion about the mealks.of �such a ciaJ executive here, ganization are: Executive members, Prank
Ga&-rleh,; Verne Pin -
camp; and the behoats, that R, & WO
would be der.Wed from Flush 47M. edmb e, Exeter; V1, entlne Bej�%_
Fredldiep$ so-journ up there. So lion. C', S. Mac,Haug'hton, Huron MK, v -L, Dashwood; Gordon Orr,
when sonny >Y -asked th clin- MeOlch and Joe Al adre, Bay -
0 field.
cher, all the usual snarp, pat re- Outlines Bills Passed In Last Sess! 11 tleeret
arY is MM, F. 1G.
plies were us-eless.., I was forc4c
to reve;�l to, our aline- ear -old Thomps6h, -Clinton,1, and the
N.Tluro-'Vs MIA, the HOD. Every resident will, have the treasurer, is Ear, 'MeSpadden,
-child one of the unhappy My- Charles S, MacNaughtm, Ont- chance to participate in the Seafortb,
steAes of life qhs a,noa-utper- Ar' ct Minister of Highways wel- medical health plan, He Intl-
qhite 's Sketch of Proposed Central Schooi At Rweffleld ario
curled the new officials and mated that Ontario would Elmer D, Bell, Q.C., Exeter,
President of the Ontario Pr;o-
We haven't got that l0nd The architect firm of Blackwell, Ha art and Friday. In the foreground the modern glass and thianked those Who bead worked vide medical care a, full five
of money," I'told= -him. Buist,,London, presentedthe above sketch of the steel entrance. The'actual , School is foer bds Oarty, in, the 'past. Mr. Years before- a national greSsive, ConlervatAlve Associa-
I won't kid you, read- at top; MaeNaughton. Said, "The quiet will ti1on,'offidatedat. the election of
proposed 16 classroom school to meeting of utilizing three wlxlg$ of efa�ssrooms. around a gen- be in, effect. officers.
er. Junior wasn't satisfied dm- and sometimes colorless work I
m0latdly. He asked �dozens
the. Stanley and Tur-kersmith school boards last' eral purpose room (gymnasium). lughway Work
of an executive committee is . The full executive will in -
more qn1lba:rrassing' questions (Sketek Courtesy of Blackwf, Hagarty and Bust) - The minister outined the var- elude a representative from
overlooked in an election cam" ious highway construction pro- each municipalfty within the
.abot# our finaneW frustrations gn,"
4 1 pal. jests in,bis Ading.
and Flush Freddie?s economic Th e .Minister 9ter of Highways riding,
` These include, ClintoWs con- The former officers and But the most imporztant t
c%`Mley and Tut kersim'"'th S C, ho%J L)oards Said the draft of redistxibution necting link,prodect now in pro- ecutive will carry op. for feder-
thing a6bout the whole deal was now before the provincial. gov- gress; resurfacing Na,, 4 from al OPoses until a reorganiza-
that our little Sion, Who. doesn4 e�nrnent •has no change for the Clinton to Landesbora; street tional meeting is called.
Ch00%l Huron.ridipg. improvements in Goderich -, No.
lowance Kr, Macl\Tiaughton remarked 4 from Exeter to, Clandebaye;
matterg, than his . al
know much more about money View*s'.-. d'Pr"oposed Cels,&I t r ai those bills passed at the Na. 21 noaith of Gaderich "red
goes' farther if it consists of on t
two quarters instead of just last session of the, Ontario, leg- fton to Na. 21; No. 81 at Green*r Clinton Shrine' r
(0y our Bsyfleld correlpon& efrable redi�pton, inthe number, ridws. such ite*is as a sewage plant, islative assembly that pertained way; a county Toad projeet
one, finally understood! I real- t-11VIrs. Auilrey 3�eflehamber) and size windows re Hagarty -pointed out that the survey required WO're to Hua:�n. The sessioa:x wildth from Seaforth to
ly wasamazed to think I "h , IS Brussels
And An, emwgency meeting of In, less. heat loss in winter, b2gh ceilings can result in the building can commence =d the In Washington
have been shielding this boy Town " ended On Tune 22 was itbe long- which�:ig completed.
Stanley , ship School Board er rooms Lq Summer and more atmosphere of an linstitutdon i�eed to extend the. option an
from the truth by deceitful? with. •their Tackersmfth coun- even room temperatures. and chfidren. may benefit brom the site if approval of plans est , since 1922. He said work- 'would start Las . t week Mr.' and Mrs.
underhanded -means.. terparts was held. last Friday to Another item mehtioned Was the more "comfortable" effect was not, received by. July 31. An amendment to the Work- next year on No. 4 from Ex- I-larry Wdfliams,.RR 2 Clinton,
Next clay;
. sonny boy sur- view plans of the proposed 16- the unusual roof desi(gn -�Vbjrh produced by lowering them. Al�o discussed- was the prob- mens Compensation Act now eter north to Clinton. travelled by Aim., Canada to
pafted me even more. "You room Central School proposed he General discust§1on included I (Continued on page 12) extends coverage to, farmers. Also that consideatttiou was
mom," he drawled �n a tone for the Brucdield ,Wea. suggested would be more An -amendment. to the Ex- being given, to work on No. 4 Washington, D.C. and stayed :at
attractive to t1he youngetr child- Th the Washington, Hilton Hotel
Oat meant be was thinking out propriation. Act now allows the highway t1uough Chat in K
Edri�ait Hagarty, architect ren. It was designed to. get 0 - - ' is where the Imperial 'Council
ff I went to - that camp, parties involved to work out would' be a complete vecon-
loud, -saway ftm the unfortunate ten- MODERN LAYOUT FEATURES. Sessions of the Shrine were
you and, dad. and sis would
with the London tirm. of Black -Sessions be -fore ar- is�trtretion of No. 4 bighway be g field.
have to do without, groceries well, I 1i I agarty and Buis�, dency,of recent years to:' DD costs and dIff within Huron County, in 'I Id.
mayibe even have elect- briefed. the board'on the plans schools resemble �intoiiiles, I ROPOSED CENTR The liquor , legislation, c
AL.,,,SC,H , OOL b1trat'On. was.:a.,,Temple
t4e whkA he submitted and point-, A further result -of this would hapggs ]lot
-city shut, da-, gosh, yoll oiir�'liwr's lr�-Ilne with Our dei at froffi 1.4ocha: Ten le
couldn't even; watch televisim grade three, The Huron M A s main duty' London.
ri ed out se,�,6ral f,-atLires' which be to, Viro,�ido cell- Afthouih, Stanley �nd c1drooms i,;� boing 11 " `
modern yr of living. -said Mr. Was to Introduce tho-Hon. Ar- VU
And that wouldn't be har, would promidle 'for economical ings in the class.rooms,, iiisinj Tuckersh-Ath School Boards four, five and six. Also in MadNaughtoj,,. thur A. Wishart attorne le in Whsbington, Mrs.
construction =d.low upcieating from nine feet at the outside have bepn talking do term y gel- Williams took a tour of the
would it ' V1 wails to ten het six inches at of a 16 -room central school, this wing is an extra class- He was pleased to see free eral of Ontario
Sure, maybe he kas being c`Ds`t5- room de§lgnated as an oppor- text books now Veing supplied Mr. Wishart is a lawyer im city and vii5fted such places as
over-d1ramatic, but some, react- Aniong these were. a consid-,the Walls adjacent to the'&or-, the slaws submitted. for their ,y T fro the IA%bte House, Capital Build-
cons1fdaration by the archi- tunity room which will likely to grades 11- and 12. Sault Site. Maxle, He was, born ing Jefferson Memorial, Ken -
ion was bound to set in from The Wrodical. Health Insur- in New Brum-oldc and pros= tests Include some extra ac- house students requiring spe� nedy's grave and ntany other
-he had just suffered:. c6mmodation. tial attention. ance.Actvvs by far the most tised law in Wdndsor and Blind interesting, and historic s$te§.
. t. * *' Total floor space In the To the east along the' important bill passed by the River before going •to the SOO. The weather was a very hu -
the Shock of hard, . adult fwts H I 'R
0 ita , Ontario, legislature it the last He has only been in provindql
I don't 1mow whether 10- mceives scl�wl 11§. 33,900 sq. feet and, southern side is the junior mid 80 to, 90 degrees.
session sand Ak% MhuNaughton. politics since 3.963.
year-old Freckly Bird- RR 2 provides 16 classrooms an- wing With, fadfit-les, tor. two I j I —
Clinton, has come togripswith
the, EiIn�+ila1 atrocities of * tiNs
$2,810 In, Requeksts
ned, f6r three wings. 'Phe
senior wing, for grades seven
grade me classes. and two
grade two classes, Double
silly m1ad world, but he sure
and. eight, is 'located on the
kindergazten classrooms, each
has a grown-up sense of hum-
Westside of the building and
self-contained with wash
our -when, itcowes. tq municipal
Bequests , totalling $2),810
the hospital, The board also
includes in addWon to four
looms -and work areas are in
roads and the Kdnts Highways,
were, received by the Bcaod
approyed the acquisition ofa,
classrom-A, a health room
'this portion of the building
He sent us` a clipped cartoon
of Directors for' 'C�Inton Pub.
new typow"her'
and offices for the priheipal
as .are a library, a work room
that we cannot reproduce hem
Startling' Statistics
iand. the odhool secretary.
and a teacher's room �com-
for your enjoyment, Wayb e we
dtatl thins past month,
What has beqn -&Sceibed
The 'intermediate wing,
Plete With closets and wegh-
can give you a word descript-
Prom the estate of Mrs. Bev-
by adrninistrator',steep, as -a
stretching from the main -
ion of it, though.
tie M. Haber, foriherly Bertie
hectic inonth!',4une saw the
lobby north, contains' eight
Neatly tucked into the cen-
It depicts the main. comer
Mason from the Clinton dds.
Clinton, hospital filled, tD ca-
tre of tho plan ds. `the general
Clinton. Three streets- bmnch-
ft away from the intersection
trict, the hospital received
$500, While $2,310 -was receiv�
pa&ty for most of the th
Clinton Child
purpose room or gymnasium
measuring -about 56. feet by
while on occaa-on, 656 t'
have been ripped up, and' are
ed from the estate of the. fate
lents were cared. for in the
50 feet. Situated handily off
Shown. vAth wide gaping 6x-
oavations. that could ea0b
William Harry BaAsm, Cilin-
60-4bed' Average
Bitten By
the ' lobby a' feat"'ng
an outdoor exit on• the north
forthwas 61,patimts
Ire an adequate burial plot fdr
Mrs. Ruth Johnston, hos-per
Wall, the general purpose
an 616pliant. Signs have been
pital food supervisor, has
Twenty-edght babies, were
Dog At Cottage
room has a stage about 16
posted at their entrances say-
compleit,6d to ten-month course
born in. the 3.0 days and there
feet by 38 feet.
ing, "Road Closed" and "Deft-
with the , Ontario Hospital
,yere five deaths at the hos-
'Seven-year-old Allan Lavis,
. Surrounding the general
Association and has received
c phal within the Same period,
son of Mr. alfa Mrs, John
purpose room, lightedby win -
(Continued on Page Seven)
her cerblificate in food super-
Duelng the course,
2s'sOnJubmton had
r& r� ,report
The adn�lnist , to s , rep
'also showed 140 operations,
• , CIA
Lavis, I on VMS adrnitted
to dthton Public Hospial,
dow Wallis at the rocif, are
two large washrooms on the
The Weather
were peoform-ed in the, main
last Friday after his -loft
west and a boiler room, star-
Wgh Low High Low
instruction from the, head di-
operating roorri� and the ever-
cheek -had been badly torn
age rooms, 'a small . kitchen
1965 7.964
etician from, Vcto.Tia Hospit-.
gency room unit,
by t idog at the Lavig sum-
and janitor's room on the
July 14 80 69 68, 55
al, London" an�d wrote finial,
"People are Starting to use
mer 'home north of Bayfield.
east. AbOve,are gal, lery seats
1-5 71 50 74� 60
examinaVons sin TOVOPtOl In
the ftostdtal As a regular
for and, two
16 76 .52 84 56
health' 'centre," Mr. Steep
The boyfather s.'s a�cl it is
change rooms for students.
17 IS 55 68 59
Five moro hiplow beds com-
conoluded Xrom the figures
not kaown why the dog P
which belongs to a neighbor,
Most classrooms are 32
18 75 58 91. 67
plete with slides, over -bed
for June. trend now
attacked, the child.
feet by 24 feet and feature
• 19 68 46 84 69
tables and bedside tables.
seems to be to come to the,
work areas and locker spas -
20 -69 40 92 63 1
will be, purehased by adminas-
hospital and then look for a
Dr. Frank NeWliand, Who
es In the adjacent cortidor,
AsAo.: .811i Raab: .23"
1 trotw Tom Steep for use at
was, Vacationing at 'his cert-
Plhfts also include covered
Cage at Bayfleld; end Dr.
Porch -type exits where Stu-
Wttl e1 Oakea at ended: r. dents way gert off and onto,
Oakes told the News-Reeord buses travelUng III the drcu- Cd inet Ministers At Clinton MeetiltS
on Monday that the dog will jar drive,
Mini -
tae kept underobvervation fbv It ithere are any So-called The Hoh. Charles S.. MacNaughton, loft, Huron MLA,. and Ontario Mini -
at leash -a week to doterminle frills, in the proposed Sketch- lister of Highwayso was oneof the speakers at the annual meeting of Huron
whether or liot it was heal- �q Progressive Conservative Association, here Monday, Centre is Douglas Free -
thy at the time of the incl -cs, the beaut;W courtyard whoelected
entrance to the school might m was tpresident of the Huron PC (Provincial) Association, ,and
dent , meantime, "a quality. qbls stgm4nt is about ighart, Sault Ste. Marie, Attorney Ceneral of
h A
n�htril the Hon t
jo,guest s� L
.In the 44 Beet by 68 feet and boasts ter at h meeting.
etsary precAuVIDnWIfidve been an eightfootwide c&M46d, (Photo by Purkheim, of Zurich Citi -ons Yews)
taken for the bon he said, walk -way around a wdegd
meagutitig about 2,q feet by 52
feet A 15 toot" pottion 16n M
We, the 'riolrthsade of the court- n n U C e
'flnX. Ch il
I Ton Brig a -yard 'howeveiii forft ' part of
lobby ZA is walled off -
At Tractor fire f`rhoeta the oute area. 7
Clinton's fire alarm Iblattod. U I %A
twkb on Monday morning but, il" Ofifttowa, javlonfle baseball who, has Won &ur games, and CIffitan ',�g — Mitchell -1
foiltunately, no gmxoUs, fires; Bulkling Pearillits- bbl +h#.Ve 8L 1361.10-Ct rd-COVd: Ift Calft McDonald, Uith fbre&' Vic- Ci4ton 61 — Hopsall I
Were raging, rie's clintoft, 10 — Exeter 2
About nine in the IT Sohttlule, this surnMer.TheyWOn Other regUIAM on the ttaffi Clinton JO — thtowd �'s
lu�whg, Total $11200 the "'st "' games Of tbe'r
the loh�y, steady WAft i"i*tdd I . all gami&q by bigveo"91 are: Bob Batkin Sbl tgfty ClIAL-ft j8 — "ttow6l 5
a RurohVkW 41Uft y WU sMMt1- At the. 3UIY thttdhg of clftlr Ewt&p, Lisbowel, Mitchell Pearson' 1101der; Lautic. Colqu_ 0iinton is — 1-1,ongall I
ea, but rAW&d to, be noffiffig to , I I Towft W 9, %8'M dh tad 10inton w* Juvenile tewg, houti., ib., Jim tivLselhOr0i dat- Clare MageoSULfted the 96d-
mort than- & Ilux At'91 Ae� building Pettnits waq withbr tivlhi vu
Can Pehgall and Un- cellar"; 'Offirlic Swisher, fidder; tott off, wn a noJbittcr wirer
poLlft Were compItted Monday J20d, tird IrAdget-ag4l 136b Pearson fie
f& 1&' GaVY Wtchtll In tL sbVen
Well the samik itioxihirig, th6 RMO
Clinton V01WAter Piro Wkddd 9,1Zt,
W69 called to & tractor' fir4 oh,1WAVOkK1
the - on, §
he *Ltrd Of mjtw nom� a
on t1io 16th c;� Ot &�3,
rich townsi'A'p, I A&A 61
X New- 6eam& 81tiat. 35"L- aka,116tw lAtw game- and rimed' that, he' and
Hurdat TI -id ItAVenfle§ ahC1 pj�-AtZjf• di 3..hh 0� -�
anti -o 0101;t. AtcD�a have been &&n1ediV
Otmam Min6oh' Imidg6tt play their tNV6 Manager is 1pery Livotindro stingy xfiffi ifieIr hft
d " , fi;� pantes on July. U and AU9Vsi,, Abh IAV6 fd, dbd& Clinton Jul t,Ilhai &WL,
nftfty 1.;1
7be te4m,'#.ft14&d to 'date is oftd- Wfth U016h
lalhftjj� ' atiVaijbit two as t61JOJA%,f at tlacan tMild the Wa. &it6
*W 96dift to alarb, U6061 dlinkedi U — Mitchell 0 - sorrels nthdifikoft QA, 11 1