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Clinton News-Record, 1965-07-15, Page 6
tOge-r,-CI;mtpn• .News,Record.--T.hurs,, ,iuly '15, 11965 REAUTI#..�REEY :; BY, BELLCHAMB.R. PERSQNA>4 ITEMS •, CHURCH NEWS • CLUB ACTIVITIES • `VILLAGE: HAPPENINGS Correspondent* AUDREY BELLCHAMBER --r, Phone- Bayfield 3.8 Subscriptions, Classified Advs,, .Dispigy Advs. and Jab Printing gll. accepted by the ':Bayfield correspondent tag. and Mr's, Donald La Plante rand their daughter, Centralia, Were- guests of Mr. and Mrs, N. 1~hyickso i; ,and :- fily on Sunday, Mrs.. ,faelt Pearson; and Doug., la!s are spending the week at tidh Oetta.ge, Mr, Pearson, re- • turned, to London en Monday. Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Weston rig QU/CXe$, )E4Y FOR A ANN MAW reGer BIICK Oft Nis reg tS A GOOD NOSY- oi ALARM • CLQCK.' LAKE'S AGE JACK 11REltiNEli: PROP - CLASS "A't MECHANIC '. PH.501MBAYFIELD and family 'ere staying at their Pottage for the summer, Ma and Mns, Jinn Asher and F��a11k, St. Agatha, spent the weekend at dhew cottage, Mrs F.3, Bauer, Kitchener, is at her PoOt't'ag'e for the sum- mer and. his her da:ug�rter, M'i�s. J. Laudenbae'k, David and Andrew, • Montreal, ,aatd Miss Janet Schantz, Preston, ;as` her guests, Mrs. Ferguson, London, is at her .cottage for the sUnnnerr. Mrs. Leon Duggan. amd..Mnss Pva Harlblebe, Strotford,, were nit the former'a cottage for ser'- eral days lastt week. Mas. nlairac Glias*, Detroit, t Staying at her cottage, . lair. land MPs. Charier Will, London, ax+e spending the suns later at the eattage pn Delevan at, Misses Mamie anal Pauline Locher and Mrs, R. H. Ger- rit'', of Detroit, are guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. Chapman: at their summer home on Loulisa st. • , IvTr, and Mrs. R., FH. Roddick, London, called oti friends 1n the village on, 1gm:day.. Misses Ann and Alice lacuna Det o t, are , at their ;cottage' for the surnnne'r. 111r. and'Mrs, R. Rivers and guests London, were gu is of iniis father, G N. Rivers, and M. Rivers laatt Thursday. Mr's• Ed Rowse, Jimmy, Oaithy, Vicki and Jill, Welland, BAYFIELD LIONS Friday, Bingos FRIDAY • July 16, 23 BfNGQS 6,13', 27 BAYFIELD ARENA 15 Regular Games and Share -the -Wealth, Extra -Cards 6 for $1.00, 3 for 50c, 1 for 25c First Game 8:00p.m. t-Ta0S-8-12 MUSIC CENTRE 33 West Street --- .Goderich" Ontario' Phone 524-7521, Pianos from $7.5.00. Guitars ant Amplifiers Ail Makes 10% off Drums . AB Makes 1O% off We are the most completely stocked music store in Huron County; 'Free Lessons on all instruments purchased this month. We also rent guitars, amplifiers, drums, P.A. systems• and microphones.. All Instrument Accessories also available 28-9-30b are spendingthe week with her parents, Ma, .and ;Krs', L, B Sn1ithh,, .Mars. Keith Leonard, Willow dale, *teed .her mother, Mae. E, A, Featherston, for . the weekend, , Nairn -ken Brown Q,C, and Mrs. Brown and their' children, London,: have rented the Hoop - son cottage for the season. • Wm.. Shay and her daugh- ter returned to Burlington, on Monday after having spent the peat week 'with 1VLTs. Hopson. Five r eares'entatives of the West Stanley Save Our School ,committee will meet with the Hon, William Davtis, Minister of ' Education, in Toronto on Thursday, July 15. Dr. Wm, F. Furter of R;M. C., Kingston was the guest of his urncle, Ia. Stamina for sev- eral days last week. Muss Edith Lang, Halifax, and Miss Turnbull, Maitre, USA, were recent guests of Mans, A. Furter, who, is spending the summer With her brother, Id Stinson. • Miss Wynn: Ashplant, London, was an overnight guest of Mrs, J. FePguson at her cottage fast Week. . Dr; and MTs, J B. Symington and, Miss Paula Symington of Saulte Ste. Marie were guests of Mrs. R. B. ' Johnson during the past weak, ' Muss; Demerto Beattie, Ham- ilton, visited Mr. and Mrs; J. M. S,tew'art, iasit Thurs'd'ay. Mr and Mrs. Norman Tarns, Detroit, spent several. days with Mils brothers, .Charlie and Malcolm; Toms, last week, Mrs. D. Peters and Mrs. Roy Smith, . Montreal, were guests of Mrs. William Metcalf last week fox ?several days. The Bayfield Lions Club, in an effort to tarso funds for the enlargement of the Community Arena as its. contribution to the Stanley Township Lenten- rilal Project, is holding bingo nights n the Bayfield Arena on Fridays, July 16, 23, and' Au- gust ugrist 6, 13, and 27. Therewill be 15 regular games and 5 share the wealth gatmes. The first game will connmen'ce at 8:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs'. G. Barnes and their daughter, 'London, are staying at the Bayfield Woollen Shop cabins. Mr: and . M. Wagner, Kitchener, were there for the past two weeks, and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Martelle• and, family returned to Wiimni- peg this weekend. Mir. and Miss. Donald Lance VARNA NEWS. Trlrs. Lola IViaoDonald (Dow - son) has returned to Edmonton having visited her aunt and uncle and many cousins in thus distniot. lames Pollock, Manitoba, is vlisiitiang with Mr. and Mrs. Watt, Webster. The closing exercises of the Vacation Bible Schaal were held in the United. Church .last Friday evening. under the .diirec- tion of the pastor, Rev. M. Mor- rison. Over 90 children were registered for the course. The local softball team came• through with another win last Saturday evening when they defeated the Londesboro •bays. The annual Coleman picnic will be held in the Lion's Park, Seaforth, on Saturday alter - norm of This week. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Taylor and Mm. and Mrs. Edgar Rath- well are v silting friends in the Canadian West Miss Gali'1 Nichols sof London spent the weekend at the home of 'Miss lVI'ildi^e'd Morrison. An enjoyable day was spent in Wingham on ,Saturday last by the members of the L.O.L. 1035 with their families and Mends. The lodge had their new banner in the parade. immommisimimminim � Great -Vilest Life appoints KennethJ. "Burchill 1011.10101.11111111011111111111.1111111111111011011.11 THE. gent -West Life ASSURANCE COMPANY Loc cmoit.vntSits. cAiuotit Kenneth. J. Burchill: as a representative in the Clinton- Mitchell-Seaforth area. Prior to entering the life insurance business, 1Vtr. Burchill was associated With a trust company do Ottawa. Iii his new position, Mr, Burchill will provide Great -West Life's complete range •of life, 'health, group and annuity services, including business • insurance and employee. benefit, Plans. Ais office is located at: • 184° Sr, DcMVid Sl'reet • Mitchell `Telephone S48-8037 • of , Troy, Mich,, :and Mr, and Mrs, David Kurtz o)f Pleasant Ridge, Midh., wilt? are s'pen'ding the alt.rnlrrer at their cottages, were joint, hosts for the week- end d to nem ess .of their ,13oolc Club, Quests were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Haapa cif Pleasant' Ridge, Mich,, and: Mr, and Mrs. Geoaige Ross and Mr, and Mrs. F +ank Dyer of Royal Oak, Mich. The party attended the. Stratford F:eisttWt ail oma Saturday evening, Mr, a r'd Mr . Donald - Jahn- Ston ohnsign spent Sunday in 'LendOn.. Mrs. Mantle Parker :spent SiandaY ii Landon visiting hier daughter, M. K. Pruss .Dr. J. F, D, and Mos. Dante- Ion of Toronto, who are' vaca- tioning 'at Oakwood,. were aeats of Miss Mabel Hodgins. and Miss Margaret Mac'Denald et "Stone1iaven" last Thursday. 1VIiss Amy B, Murray of Tor- onto returned home on Wed- nesdayhafter spending a fort- night with Mss Mabel Hadgin and Miss .Margaret Macdonald Mrs. George Ross, of Royal Oak, Mich., a guest of Mr, and Mrs. Donald Lance of Howard St., , took a surprise swim Sat- tvrdlay momnunig,, vele 'on a hike with some frnends,. She was �. the deaf walkingal e the oav g g dock in front of .Castle's boat'. hunase when she lost her bal- anca. Inasmuch as she its an expert swimmer she turned her fall .into a perfect dive, at the Sane time keeping a firm grip' on Don Dancers' carved walking stick which she had been using —Aside from her ruined, curls end wet clothes, the only car- ualty of the affair Was the loss of her glasses. She will be glad topay a rewaird to the finder of them, and 'may be contacted Enough Mrs. Lance on Howard St.. Moi s'es Olive and - Florence Laa'dlaw were guests of Mrs. Hodgins last Sunday. Mr. and Ws. W Miami West- lake, Gail, Diane, Carol, Ron- ald, Douglas and Patti -Lou tram Burnaby, B.C., pare visit- ing Mr. Westlaike's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Westlake. Miss Marjorie Monaghani • of Toronto is the guest of Mrs. Wim. Metcalf. Huron -Perth TB Official At National TB Meet Mats. Beryl Davidson, execu- tive xec-tive secretary Huron - Perth Tluberculosia Associations, has returned from Highland Park,, Illimnois, where she attended an eleven -day National Tubercu- losis Assbuiation Institute for prcitfesttional staff members' of local, provincial. and national TB associations. With over 6,000 infectious oases .af TB a year in Canada,. the disease is by no means beaten yet and according to Mrs. Dav'icls'ori 'is our most ser- ious communicable disease. It is estimated that 6,000,000 Can- adilans harbor hive TB .germs- in their bodies --+a huge reservoir of potential infection in • the general population. Drugs only shop the germs foam multiply- ing and close to ten per cent of new cases am'e pool' showing resistance to at least one of the drugs- and the percentage is apparently growing. Re- searchers are trying to discover new anti -TB dings, but with no success'. Individuals can Protect them- selves and their family with a checkup for the disease orrice a year, Mrs. Davidson said this means a tuberculin skin test, and, if it is •positive, a chest X -clay. Both are available at local chest'clinks, +tutthout charge. Locaul asso +rations take put do the NTA Imistittute as a means of aissistting in the pro-. feSstonal develbpmenit of staff men -ibex POTA 'O BY-PASSED • When Columbus came to America the important . food discove y, the potato, tivas by- passed 1 favor of hot spices, Chili, tobaseo and cayenne, which are used salad making all 'or'iginatect in the Western Hemisphere. . SW/LLINGaREA8,11'� YOUR ,01100 rEICiS THE °©Pi Aofeb,aoi` MAY, TEACH IN, COLLEGE. CANT FIX THAT UNIT NO PRACTICAL KNOWN ECKERT �►IL.It'S:P IIP ELECAYFTRIC PN.92 BIELD In' MerdU Weddingiie!d Sahrd'a eslnited Church dere Mr. and Mrs.. Samuel Glen Gagan London w>i,1 be the home of rill, sister of the bride, both Samuel Glen ,Gaga= and Mao'- of London. garet Ann Merrill who were married on July 10 in Wesley- WIi11,s United, Church by Ren', °,1i aid Park and Rev, Grant 1Viills, both of Clinton The 'bride is"the daughter of Charles • 1Vfermilil and , the late Mals. Merrill, RR 1 Cinrtain, and the !groarn is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Gagen, RR 2 Granton. Wedding music for the doublering ceremony was pro- vided by the soloist, 112rs. Bob Leeax and the pianist,t, Wil - limn Bishop, Goderich. The bride, escorted by ;hem •fatiher, chose a floor -length gown of'rpeau de sole. The fit- ted bodice was fashioned wittih an unadorned shallow scoop neckline and elbow - length sleeves. Themidriff was styled with a cummerbund of scal- loped French chantilly lace. The controlled skirt was form- ed with double pleats at the waist and a matching wide, lace band above the• hemline, high- lighted by a romantic detach- able chapel train, caught at the back with a bow, To comt- plate her ensemble, the bride Wore a tiara of pearls and crys- tail to hold her fingertip nylon veil. • 1VLatid of honor for her sister was Mrs. Charles Scholey, Eto= bicoke, and the bridesmaids were Mary May Gagan, sister of the 'gloom, and Sandra. Mer- • The bride's attendants were dressed alike in floor -length gowns of blue peau de sole. sltyled , with scooped necklines. The fitted skirts featured floor- length panels, falling from the waist, held by butterfly brows, Vlach carried a basket of shasta daisies with trailing ivy. Attending the groom was Charles Scholey, Etobicoke, as best roan, and Jim Gagan, RR 2 Granton, brother of the govomn, and Bill XVfemrtll, RR 1 o bride, Tinton brother f r the e G asp ushers. For xeceiming guests atthe reception in the church parlour, the groom's mother chose a pale green dress • of brocade French taffeta. The bride donned a white suit with which she wore black accessories and a corsage of pink roses for the honeymoon trip, SMV EMBLEMS 'NOW, AVA1'LABLE. Have you seem a new orange and red triangular, sign on the rear of farm tractors recently? That's the new Stow Moving Vehicle sign that is used only on, vehicles t learealin'g less than twenty -nye mates an hear. Wat- ch for them, advises the Ontario Farm Safety Courcii. They can be purchased in Huron County from Clinton Junior Farmers. Oil Furnace' Cleaning Now is the time all 01 furnaces should be cleaned and inspected for next wint- er's heating season. Arrange now to have this done on a day that suits you. We are doing this work now every day. DON'T WAIT FOR THE FALL RUSH A.G.GRIGG. & SON PHONE 482-9411 CLINTON Two Government Licensed Oil Burner Mechanics 24tfb , WELLS UTO ELECTRIC 54 KING STREET ,— CLINTON CLOSED FOR LIDAYS Saturday,, July 10 to Saturday. July' 24 OPEN AGAIN ON MONDAY, JULY 26 WELLS AUTO ELECTRIC Sunoco Products—Lawn & Garden Equipment 54 KING STREET -- PHONE 482-3851 Tenders For Road Construction TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH 1. For a $oreper, by the hour, to reconstruct 1% miles of Township Road. 2: For ' the =supply of approximately 4,000 cu. Yds,of pit run gravel. 3. For the supply of approximately 4,000 cu. yds. of crushed gravel, Mdividual tenders to be in the bands of the under- signed by 12 o'clock noon on July 27, 1965. Work to he completed by Septeir ber 30, 1965, and Work subjb The ct to e approval of the Dept. of igltwaysLowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 'or farther particulars cotrtaoJ the Rad Superinten. dent. i Andreae 1-lotistone Rodd SUperintendentti 3,. Seafor'tla r t rtainment AT THE IgItly N'$ H 4TEL F06TH For Bills: House Repairs or any goon reason ., . Well, call today or' moil Request Coupon below;. I4ame ' Address • . Phone A>:n.ouut Required---$ HOME SERVICE QIN ALL AMOUNTS QYER $1,Q00 W. W. "Bill" SN• EU', Branch .Manager 7'RATTENBURY STREET.-- CLINTON phone 482-3486 LAKEVI[W'.LAKEVI[VVCA$i10. c GR:ANDIND TOPS IN ROCK and ROLL 9-12 p.m. •"ALL STAR WEEK" , WEDNESDAY - JULY 14th "THE FORTUNE TELLERS" ;FRIDAY;-- JULY 16th "THE APOSTLES" and David Lee King SATURDAY, -- JULY 1,7th "THE' CENTURYS" featuring "MICHAELANGELO" ,Arc Recording Artist — Stars of Dave Mickey's "Go Go Show" , SUNDAY --- JULY 18th "THE. CENTURYS" Having Disposed Of His Business J. Howard Brunsdon Wishes To Say Thank You To All' His Customers Over The .Years. He Has Been In: Business in Clinton. NOTICE RE ACCOUNTS: `All outstanding accounts owing to J. Howard . Brunsdon must be paid by August I", 1965. Mr. Brunsdon may be contacted at his residence, 219 Princess Street East, Clinton, phone 482-9690. FOR SALE: Chevrolet ./ Ton. Truck, in good running condition. NOTAL CUHTQN feattirinq "CLOUD 9" Room • SMORGASBORD Every Sunday FRIDAY it SATURDAY SPECIAL IN OUR DINING ROOM /Chicken in a„ Basket' Fridey—Served front 9:30 p.m, tO 12:30 a.nt. Satwrda : ---Served from 9:30 p.m. to Midnight_ . . Phone 482-3421 for- Reservations We Cater' ti) Dinner Parties and Wec dd:n{I ihecep'COnt