HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-07-15, Page 4..... ... .. ........ . ..... ............... CUSTOM, WORK HMP WANETO REAL, ESTATE. FEMALE XA$QNRY AERVIC4, FOA SALE In vg)Agoof P*Alng an.4- �Phirwleyg -'repair- _R, -4np CASH B&semonlj eje r d p e4pedpApe, f. A. Ph* ed) 110m.. :3 bed red Wt not osnnftl S iipom ft, h .Sea- ,s, X_21 en, P404K . 0,0_01" proogod'. whi , W te coated. All wQ.rX r guaranteed, Ray SqWrq� Ph! -11M gru'r-m-narkat., Bob �P$2, uvIna ropm, spc. hath, dun one fax Von, P ews-Ro= 4� 2$b, x4lch, 27tf b '414 1"VAr garage =40 WA AlvxMn= -*W,pm�o ao4 4'000s, ............... or,' Por - E AM lot xrjudqo� Coal rl.Lw- a Vil.WK_o i,'%a o, 0� HELP WANTED .3 Q'inton Pr 4M. y July 115,,19,65 C Q WANT9D A _C1 MMOPATION ARTICLES F CUROM WORK it RENT MALO ,ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION GOOD U.'able Pot4l;Qps for sale,, CV$rro C cn� of U ni ng, , wheat, Phone 48p�757�, 23tf� ZV8BABYSITTING by the day oT W , A.Z4TND' ma 'to �'anz end com, Tr n ady grain, bo FO tea F,0A RENT—Iilurais4cd apart" weplIx. Monday to I�Iday !A my vpJ aniongc , ment. on ground floo, own home in towti. Phon _ Inun PROPERTY FOR WE r- Heated TWO GUITARS one Ttf�, County, Permanent connection , Span, Coun FOR by -ofi fOrgage, Suitable , , , 02400' _�Iia 0114ble. Phone Frank for Ish $10,;.ono Aawaid!,44 With �caio Varna, . ...... I 1 1. . , 11; _7=1 5 ROOM With large mpufacturer. Qixly, HOUSE, gas furnace, LARGE 2 bedram apar C&4pl' Pbon �rove, w 48P�7$5.5,Qr �9479. o It In go PAOW6n, 3EKOIDELLING '9ps, C _�EN reliable hustler considered &Eor4� $2�, B cc) with drapes, stave - t Qd Q renov4ta e of Bayfleld, fi ..ve 4ndair tAd floor laying xpert, or w, varg 'or b, ava.ilal)le :July 91; 45 1 HILa), 3 me 2_8,9p 3 'a T y 40 Write Rawleigh,' Dept, GI169� rooms APPI PUone 02w703 roofing.E $t, Apply.2271 dtagner supplied. ly IVI. eek. -in nearChn, 1311 400, y C� Hamm, my iupq hQ _4 $t,.p . BEDRQ03K 90T.J$E, 3. m RR )�;S �ly 0 ich ie 4$2 97$8. lione 4.112' 3. Ttfb ges one. R, el u St- St, Belgrave o e All odd jobs around W p5tfb e4 C"'n'ton Henry NO-4treal. .r 1�bpn Own Box 281, 0,57,,U99 went of the bornek Kitchop ecord, Whigbam, Clinton in, Village (.Yf ('�horrie, UNIPUMNISHOD'? bedroor .5. at Murray Bros- Prl�� a, spe 'Phone 482,767.6. .a ar Holmesm le, a Qon chard, 4 miles south. West, 0�- 'A,tmept, centrally trally lopat town apartm 482 Kon, M0114lrn, 23tfb 4 BEDROOM HOUSE, ove; 2 MOD4 RN �9�1)0001 Apart; pa 4 od, � up tfiedf �ment, m�!i�.shed, AV41141A, . am ent. Phone ord on Ridge HELP WANTED LOST mild FOUND pf e4litifully 14114so e parking, available now. Q694. Road. P t n -i cherries, read for oi�,_EHOI ow, Re $40.00 --month. �,e A tpult and vegetable bedroQm apartment �y 7, Mont. The P14c ed, no, 48�,7 e to go, f 607- iineAi mpromy ready Jt y 10b. 27,nt PEDIC �I-10�Q, REPAIR is 1,T, or WOMEN, f ull time LOST Tarpaq,411n, one mae d in sop SELF-CONTAINED 2 b. e, Albert St. Clinton,and part-ttme for dist age "old; op eld, furnished or un �E , RR S: Black ribution ortli in of Clinton. on Base Line, (a) 4 or 5 BEDROOM HOUSE, appartrnpnt 24tfb 32 e Bay;ftL t t i , Wlil 0 d. _x 2 milps south of furnished, Reasonable rent, oil agd - white, now, ready 9Q, W& •jj of quality products; domest c Reward offered, 418 3290 I -- I a- . G. Q. Re�i�aurant; �root- close W downtown, Ph�ne 482- Bayfiold,6n Highway 21. Apply heated. Ph n 2� mercial. High XOtmorenq cherries ready JACK'S FU school 760.4m 24 M Qreer, P-11 3, Bayfielc 15tf .1TUR-4 RE, PAIR and cQm liam Jenkins, 281) age on 1,31 sell - students -con -ING 'ect -ps SHOP. Furniture sidered, Apply g plate eiv 27tfb 1410HT, HQUSE�,I�EVp e t week, Bring contal4e and other in tp66,500,' billbl�� LOST — Set of 6 keys, re- in.,&-, Clow down pfty`� SMALL Furnished Apartment. and plok Your own. Elmer w6odm articles 'repaired; At Box 271, Clinton News-,Recor4. 4 -,)a.,, i,Galls, 80 R U tages, sleeps 4 to 6, heated . I � . I I Wells,- 3 miles south of Cam Albert Phone All utilities pald,Avall4blen0w. 4 ROOM HQU$E, xpot re 'We fri pe rear �6f'No. N Albe 27-30P WaWa, Will be paid to finder byl3ayfbeld, 28 g., stove, 2 and 3 le, 133 ason" 6ler owner -- Wm. Arthur Da ,hone 482,937 15Ub able, with stove and, refriger- bathroorns, Availableby Ipperwasb. 2 482-9695—John Plumtne, 21tfb we6l 482-9695--�40 Queen St. N. C11inton.28 Rtor, . avallable immediately I ; oil or month, Phone Bayfield 86 or SvanleV Township 3 BEDROOM pil bleated house tmafed�. phone VACUUM CLEANERS e 48�W.03 or 4$2- Apply hayfield Woollen Shop. DO ITYOURSEV, SERVICES for rent, Available -15, 9568 after, 5 $Wes and 2Wb 2 choal Area Board' WSCr.LtAk Phone 482-322k, $.b Repairs, bpses ancl,bags for all SAVE MONEY are invit! I ng appi . iratigns for ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd., 2 BEI�,ROQM DUPLEX, unfur- ROY SCOTICUMER of Bayflejd males of vacuum gleaners, and the position of DAILY CAR RENTAL, re4- Sales and Service, Alvin Riley, as a cc house for rent on ARTICLES FOR SALE polishers. Reconditioned mach- 15$' Lighthouse St., IkENT THM MACHINES son e rat 524-6514, as heat. Central abl e,9 . cG4E1$, Gode iilohed, With g Hh louse Ine.s of all makes for sale. CARETAKER :"hone 524 5 GDde ch. location. Amflable August 115, h in the VE FLOOR SANDER rich, 1 _,$391, -$M I$tfb cosy _bJ �y 'I East Village, I REFRIGERATOR, A-1 con B013 1% CK, Varna, FLOOR EDGER for $S No. 14 Stanley. Phone 482-7779. ew ()!I ace, vacant an good c 28tfb Aug- tion, 6 cq�%M,' Qnditibn. Phone Hensall 969.-kZo, �,E PAIR A" MAKE st 1, Ph 9P D SANDERS Duties to, commence Septem- LET US P Phone 6 '51 27t1b phoile, 4,32_(;662. RAN 28b $elt ter 1, 1965. Lowest or any ten- Your rings and jewellery like TWO-BEDROOM Apartment IIPYRAD4M'� for Dr. M. W. RAITHBY sale, wly y 11 deluxe Finishing der not necessarily accepted. new,. Diarncnd rings renewed for rent, w-durnished, ne F URNISEMI), electile heat 0 F OR SALE — Twin b b )b. B,S•A. VIS. 9-- mobile. home 52? long by 10' g and stones safely secured -,don't ,bone 482 Duo Ty0e Tenders to be Withe hands VE Ay"o decorated-. P r6675. and newly decorated; also un- gy, convert,%, to %troller Phone wide, with I TER N SURGEON 21tfb furnlshed, 2 bedroom, * Phone 482-9429 28p Rvini 6,, - wide expando, LARGE the midersigped by 1.) noop on take chances, Expert work done Large and Small Animals g room. Ap Apply Becker�s PQLISHF reasonably to yo& satisfaction. 482,-9928,, Roy Tyndall, l3t R�SCRUBBRR July 28, 1965. fb Trailer Park, No, 16 or Phone JIG A. J. MUSTARD, Watch repairs and pearl Te- Boarding ONE MODERN downstair a- :L MEDIUM SIZE, QUEBEC 482-6614 after 5 pm, 27tfb $73 p%vtment,'one largpi bedroom, 3 THREE Bedroom duplex at Heater, like new 10 6 4nch SKIL SAW Secretary -Treasurer, stringing. W.,K, Counter. Phone $24 8 pIoce bkffi, ldtchen, living 100 North Street Zl�tGv stove Pipes. -Phone 482-7210. 28b RUG SHAMPOO WITH Varna, Ont. tfb QOPERICH, ONTARIO rop1n, oil furnace. Orville Dale, Phone Don C. Colquhoun, 482- ARTICLES FOR hERT' WET -DRY VACUUM 22-34b ____N 0 T I d E %06 at 200 0 'hillo 29 8, 9 b, nt Street SMALL Refrigelator suitable 01inton. 27M for cottage - or couple. $30, TAG -A -LONG canqnng .trailer HELP WANTED S BEDROOM HOME at 384 Phone 527-0458. 28b for rent. Sleeps 2-6, $3.,00 a day MST HARDWARE ISE ALF Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Colclougb STORE FOR RENT Matilda St., possession July 115, 5 -ROOM APARTMENT, unfit- Phone 482-7016. 2749 orne St. p . of 104 Qs[b will be at Phone 527-0742, Sg4fortb,' niched, on Main, Street. Apply BABY • BUGGY! -for 'sale, _d7 Ball Mutch Ltd. A n HOUSEKEEPER wanted. W& home to their friends on the STORE on main ,corner of High- 26tfb to 90 Albert Street, phone 482- good c6ndition. Phone 482-7083, PLANNING your, vacation? 69 ALBERT ST., CLINTON 'on of ways 8 and 4 known as Red and 6646. 22tfb imping this year. Penta dle 2age4 preferred,- Phone 482� occasion -their 10th wed White Grocery.' Apply to 'Roy 28b Try QE 666 ilidlay, July wedding SELF-iCQNTAINED spaTtment Phone 482-95105 28b anniversary, � P 6 tent -trailer from 2 pirn. to 9 p.m. for rent on John Street, Clin- 3 BEDROOM house, large liv- CAREFREE HEATING — For Steepe, RR 2 Clinton. Phone 2 Tyndall, Phone 482-9928. 19tfb ton. Apply 'to D. A, Kay, Phone ing roam, kitchen, pan -try and the only fuel oil. insured against 482-3364. -30D RON FISHER we g4ve free burner I . I , your new Ful - 27 4$2-9542 or­resid'E� e -e 482-9007. 3•pc. bath, full. size furnace expjasian f I ler Brush ' representative In AUCTION SALES oil heating, 2 sun. porches. service. A. G� QRIGG.,& SON, El Goderith Township and I Town 24tfb APNI IT10 Phone 482-7026, �Sb phone 482-9411- ARTICLES WAtJTED VACANCY In modern -apart- of Clinton. Ron Fisher can AN AUCTION SALE of ment building at 65 Princesis 3 BEDROOM, unfurr,4*shed LARGE 28" boykh 1 household. effects etc. will be 4 BABY OR113 for sale; WANTED bicycle be contacted at 165 Huron sit, West, For opponent Phone downstair, self-contained apart- 30" Moffalt electric stove, also in good condition. Allan Mc- 0, or phone 482-3434 before a. . held. in Hensiall at 53 London 482 FARUMRS.1 or After 6 pm, 21eow RMd (No. 4 HwyJ on Satur- fth basement and garage, some 11nod, drapes in I . w, July 24th commmicing at -6687 28p rent wid 'triple Loan 527-0171, 28b & Central location. Also a furnr Width, phone 48j-3868. -7 1:30 diclock. �Fwo BEDROOM fumt�shed a- tshed apartment. 46 PIANOS WANTED, Any con- i�_. Full- pardeulars In Princes PIANO TUNIN 1 Taylor, Central l0catl'On. St. West. Phone 482-9005. 25 paritment, C ' ' ptfb 11ASPBERRIES andblack cur- dition, State -height, make and week's issue T, I Phone 482-9005.46 Ph=ess St, ranti for g Price. Write BOX 190 FOR SALE SERVICES proprietor 28b sale. Phone Godorich asking YOUR PIANO should be tuned West. 28M 2 B4DROOM APARTMENT, 524-8042. L. . IdWuga, Porter's Clinton News -Record. , 23-32p utw, t, oid., Phone 4824254 or Hill. One 6A (�ASE Coambine with and ,checked for moth damage AUCTION SALF, of House. 28, 29b and other defects regularly. I •hold Eilfects, antiq 6 ROOM HOUSE for -rent on apply MIOP6)aKing Street. 28b U motor, in Al condition. Murray DEAD ANIMAL appreciate the continued Priv- laneous items and u Townsend St., 3 bedrooms, MAPLE BUNK - BEDS, with East,t RRI Clinton. Phone 482- e A TOS FOR SALE b!as�n miniscehl available immediately. Phone 3 BEDROOM house In Rippen, ladder, like new; matresses. !m. 7413. 29p REMOVAL llege'of servicing many of the Willage of Hen all on Main 4827083. 26tfb oil heated, reasonable reni.,'A.- maculate. Apply 14 Quebec Rd., 1959 CHRYSLER Windsor, 2 -dr, instruments in this area. George Street, Saturday, July 31, at I milable now. 'Phone 262-5047. Aidastral Park, Hardtop, 383 cu. in., automatic. ON4, 81 Massey Harris binder For DEAD or DISABLED W. Cox, phone 482�3870. ptn. The estajt�k of Mary A. Ste - MODERN HOUSE, 2 Bed- :Lgtfb Clinton.. RCAF """12?8% Phone 236-4731, tfnx In good condition. Apply Clay-' ANDIALS — Call Collect nson. E phens U Corbett, Auction- romis, 3 piece Bath, living 1959 BUL�CK 4 dr., hardtoia all ton ElEs. 482-9291., 28b REAL, ESTATE e'er. Fulling listing in next ==kitchen oil fdrnac6, full STATIONARY MOBILE Home CHROME Dinette get - china excellent condition. MODEL� 65 CASE Combine, DARLING weeks paper. 28b t ' �n_iiGn_d;hed. Phon�- foit rent. Iriimediate possession., cabinet, table and 4 chairs; very Power 482-9649, 28p tfb L-ocated'adj&ednt to parking lot. good condition. Phone 482-7850. Phone "Ted!' at 482-9751, after FIrank, Hill, Varna. Phone 482- 1 Apply at Gland I View Lunch, 24tfb 5:00,p.m. — 482-9419. 28p 7596. 28.b & Company Building Lots BRUCEFIELD 2 APARTMENTS for,. rent Blyth. Phone 523-4471. 23tfb Of Canada Limited AUCTION SALE Bly PULL ROD 64 CHEVRO threshing Phone Clinton 482-7269, heated, self contained. Phone DRAPERY S 19 LET Belaii 4- GEORGZ WHITE FOR SALE, door, door 482-66e3 or 482-9568 after 5. 2 BEDROOM downstairs apart- Track, curtain rods, venetian cylinder automatic. Cus'- machflne 24"x36" good as new Licence 350-C-65 Apply Saturday, July 31st '22tfb rent, available June 1. Apply blinds, bamboo draperies, win- tom radio white walls and with 60' foot �;whg�i belt and 7tbb Dishes, Furniture and Farm cs, An withsnow tire straw shredder. Phone 482- 105 Rattenbury St. or phone claw blinds. Free estimates SU Da BEDROOM house, high -way, 482-937D. ft e 482-7723. After 6 P.m 9902. 28-30P L. G. WINTER pp es, etc., by the Stewards - 19tfb given. Irwin's Dry Goods. Phon 28,9p 200 High St. Phone 482-6692 of Brucefield United Church at 8 east, I mile out of Clinton,' tfb LATE Model 50 Massey 7 foot MARLATT'S 49tfb the Ball Parlt, Brucefield. Mmford L. Thumpsoxi.' RR 4 LARGE TRAILER for rent ful- Don Clinton, Phone, 4-82-7282. �' 28p ly furnished. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS HOUSE for sale — 3 bedrooms, fated; if pick-up needed, contact Apply at Beckers 364 icu. in. REBUILT BUICK PTO combine like- new. Also Donations gratefully apprec.; Trailer Court. 20tfb SALE --a number of rebuilt motor for We. Standard trans- 250 gallon skid tank complete Dead Stock Service kitchen, livin 3 BEDROOM, unAwnished missilon, and foxcraift floor WM pump. Apply Bill Holhind, g room and bath, your nearest steward, .,motors,, :/11-3/& hap. 6"tube Plulco Highest cash prices paid for all heated. f6w price for cash. hoase, modem conveniences, on LARGE 2 -Bedroom, cot-npletely carradio, 6 volt, good condition. Apply Box 284, CAnton,,News'- Clinton. 28, 29, 30b dead or disabled cows and Phone 482-w3269. 27-29b JACK DALLAS Chairman Mghway 8 between Sealbirth self-contained ppartment,' free Lovett's Electric, 139 Erie St. Record,. 28,..9p 10 A ry Cow Stanchions, horses. Old horses $10, and up.HOUSE f a1 tart '- an e 28.b g children poeferred, Rent; $40.00. ped with 'automatic washez ___ .01.1 C nton. /,%-m) BUSINESS also some stall dividers and Small anduruak, removed free of charge. Please call promptly. BRAND New refrigerators from $99.95 display. T. A. Phone 482 -9358' --,or 482-9647. 28tfb fdryer. Apply 201 King Street, . OPPORTUNITIES water bowls. Irvine Tbbutt. Phone. 482-7474. 28, 9p Phone Collect LEVETT ELECTRIC operating All �t. I or phone 48? -9227. 17tfb now on mlakes button holes, does decor- Marlatt Bros. -133 Brussels 10010 OFF Pioneer Saws, new for of JulY. Good efive siftitches. Take on pay- standing accounts and back Dutton Appliances, BruceheRd. Open evenings till, 9 p.m. 25tfb ments- 7 of $7.00 or $47.00 cash. 24 HOUR SEUVICE —SWATHERS RUBY and BILL'S Snack Bar IREAr A BE, DROOM suite -consisting Of for sale, near main corner, C linton. Ideal business for or used month, used saws $45.00 up. Garden Zq, 5-6-7-8p-9tfb chest of drawers dr er8, book -ease bed with 'or without w" I couple. Apply to Mrs. Joan MV saw e, for tiller, saws,, . Robt. Glen, box springs and mattress, 3% Colquhoun at , snack bar Or Phone 482-3443' or 482-9747. Phone 482-9292. Clinton . 27 -8 -9 -Op years old, good condition. 18 PIGS, 9 weeks old Gladwin Westlake, Phone 60 R 12 Bay - CUSTOM WORK Phone 527-0458. 27-29p JUST ARRIVED I SACRIF11013, Zk-Zag Sewing LEVETT ELECTRIC operating Machine, Sews on buttons, Aofher Shipmenf of n mlakes button holes, does decor- as usual till August 31. Out- Apply to Manager, efive siftitches. Take on pay- standing accounts and back —TRACTORS ments- 7 of $7.00 or $47.00 cash. work to be cleared by August —SWATHERS Write to. box 283. 28b 15. Motor rewindiiig, and re- pairs, " radio and TV repairs. 139 Erie St. S., Clinton, phone —COMBINES --MOWERS —RAKES GIRL'S C.C.M. bicycle, good condition. Ph -one 482-9433. .28b 482,6840. 26-34b — TED DERS GOLF CLUBS — A full. set of —WINDROWERS — BALERS , — ELEVATORS We Specialize In Furnace lnstalla�lo*ns . 15 Dw. ilap, Peter Thomson 'nzatched- clubs w1th leather bag and cart. Phone 524-9088. 28b Heating Service Electric Wiring —WAGONS —GRAIN TANKS And Many -Other Farm ' BOAT, motor and trailer. Ma- hogany docked. 30 horse power Appliance Service Machines Johnson, electric motor with re- Plumbing Installations We stock. over 1,000 Belts, mlote controls. Phone 524-9088, 28b Eavestroughing Hundreds of Pulleys Bearings, Spark Plugs; Plow Shares, Cul- CHUTER Plum6lng, tivator Points', etc. SMALL I LARGE and I CRIB wth matresses. I car bed and Heafinn Electric Sections, Hydraulics, etc. I —A — 1.4-4k 171? Wr­_ Huron County's Largest torc0o n wMth. , Wive and lea la TV d antenna. All in good condition. Phone 482--7552. 28b SALES & SE.11VICE, '46 King Street Phone 482-7652 Form Equipment Depot Phone 527-0120 JOHN EACH I.H. Dealer Staforth 23tfb, WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your atisfacti6n, Counters Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished'Jewellery Store. tfb FOR SALE — Ro-n–tmorency cherries ready now — bring containers and pick your own— gducedp0ces on, large quanti- e8. R beralles will start by 19th. ri�tgon Fruit Farims, I mile north of Forest 21 Adghway, Phone 873-5499n 28, 29b29p PAINTING ODD JOBS Gordon C h � rter Phone 481- 9654 27ftfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 18 PIGS, 9 weeks old Gladwin Westlake, Phone 60 R 12 Bay - * SUMMER 9 JEWELLERY 0 CLEARANCE DEXALB Ready to lay ay pa, ets, call McKinley's Farm and 14,at- cheries Ltd., Zurich. Phone Hensall 262-2837, 44tfb S SEPTIC TANK CLEANED Modern equipment used, All I guaranteed, Wdte or phone LOUISE BLAKE All 9, .Brussels Phone 4,426; brussets 10toMP SPECIAL 79e ANSTETT Jtwellers Limited DAIRY cows and heifers, spring - errs and `minters; Wb ba�ve on I I all times a good solec- tion of heifers and mature cows. Convenient terms arranged. The Home of Better Dairy Cows". George Nesbitt, Phone 523-9430, Blyth. We deliver. 9tfbj. mi. or Brucefield; 3 bedroom bunga- low, three years old. In* down balance YOUNG MAN payment, as rent, four miles from Air Station. Inquire —ArbhUr -Duttan, Brucefield. with minimum Grade 12' Phone 482-3232. 1 27-29b required as FOUR BEDROOM Red Brick Sales Assistant house with 3 piece bath up- in stairs, 2 piece powder room downstairs. Large living, dining BEATTY BROS. andkitchen areas. Can be used as two apartments. Situated in SERVICE CENTRE Clinton, two blocks ,from centre of town on large corner lot with Apply to Manager, double igarage., Call at 62 Or- MR. DON HALL, ange St. or phone 482-7644. Clinton 482-9561 19tfb REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 75 ACRES — 7 -ROOM HOUSE 60,acres workable; 3 -piece bath in house; -garage; implement shed; bank barn 45x60; Hydro throughout; rock well. In Go derich Township, 3 miles f'r'om Clinton. CALL NORMAN RIVERS — 94 BAYFIELD R. N. Shaven, Broker, Grand Bend Auction Sale SCHOOL BUILDING '11here will be offer4d for Public Auction, a Wooden frame I Building, approximately 25'x40' situated on Pazt of Lot 15, Con. 9, Rullett Township. , This building was formerly kndwn as School Section No. 4 Schoolhouse, Hullett Township, commonly known as "Bandon School". I In conjunction with the Building, there will be offered the Land on which the Building is situated, consisting of approxi- mately 1/2 acre or land, with a number of mature maple itrees on it. I The land -and the building will be offered together as a complete unit at the Clinton. Community -Sales BA.rn on Friday, July 16, 1965, at 9,00 o'clock pm. Harry F. Tebbutt, `8ecrets ry-Treasurei*, :Hullett Township Sohool Area, 28b 11.11.'No. 1) Londosbdiloo Ontario. S BIG DAYS. OF SALE T11 SATURD THURSDAY JULY 15 IV y ALY 31 SAVE BUY NOW A' ND AT PICKEiT 'and CAMPBELL LIMITED MA14-COANOt CLINTON