HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-07-15, Page 2,•
Pa a-z,C�oka+t :Iws :Renard -„T u J 1 `
d orials
-e 0,nc_:,.,.,.
act 'An AIM
Rrm rovem ens ,o ..A�. Perfect ec Pro ecu
Cal an- oI;n H�u
A ..well-earned vacation is ;a. • e � '
The. eturator. :of itlzo Tweeds-sem, IRU -Ater and Melville,, He X902i most sensible Teacart for
eal�ing, Of Ceiltenni,al r , jeots .as Suggestion$ plat forth by the 40part"__„ .....
Mpar H1sto1 r Or 'JSullett Town,: abo brings, •tQ �d that .. e N :5,, 'oo .a , t SS' . ll t . b4rTQwin. • And. an NFG
moils, like'cuttzng down and -destroying tl3 1 .ctiycs a. Hu t:..
We ,often do, the one ,SponSp'i'eCi by thesv s, o] Pipe, `s qq :1 t ai r+'' r as aYx - of Mx, W1 ,t'aveloaa: ]s a sensible. way
dead trees, dism'i ntiing and - er ng h P, Mr i!1 Y l n busy . l.ea. o And Tn , 1 coo>u 1e. was Y
Ontario Department of A rcultuze is xnoµth:'�s''favourdtewemorues.. top.yforaii.tbetltirl syau
g old buildings, burning stumps and brizsh,, lady these days, SAe :.has been =tit lite tin xe, Tpx1? Npilmd, a'
dandy, It i'"labelled the f`arinStead d, re al'. n old fences. le= into the{
Mr, Weymouth. now resides med to. make. thiptt vacatigo a i
replacing ,an . p i � g a ' g lust 4if that grandf4ther`` .of JIM Norland,
and. Rural Inr . rove t Centennial Pro- S area :by r ea1C, stacks. Of ci 0 ('rite h'a a1y' at IluronView; Iirt Success, 'transportation,
>� nnovlgg unused, lveathorloeaten Sign..: rJAxldesbo4�o., , Xus le ure momefnW, 11e blas' loci clothin -,.
ells" vhic 1s di idea to t di t'n Navin rrrruixiei al duiri S 'unk ands anti newspaems stoped in the 4Dace- . ng, g
d valuable cat OrieS. r cemeteries fenced r 'Gree olid
.an alae eg.. Ga- m e � d Q.. S. ned ...
x"oorxl over the News-Recoird of,
is ,not •lcrtowsl, Ju'4t when
the village began, to disappe'a•,
,trak4xt, LAM terrier •til reel, .nt
m 1 m f
Wonderful pmza . ansbip, m'aruy o
eYen Sports and camera
The first orze offers 'a healthy $500 , improving old iburial grounds, axe top,
.. -roving
But Mrs• _
g%sa inter-
bu Mrd. Pie Iva i 'e
.. .. .l a�rS 1�...tr t.t.
the 1, at>�en ergs of t1, ose '014
e gwpment, When you
return, relaxed 41id re-
prize to the provincial fanner wl�o does notch and sYrould las followed up here,
ested xla delvft into the zxt�exn ,.t
last house .and b4m in B radon
day.for* the bull o As
hit z+y
uxtaioatiost the f In h l
fxesbcd, you Gari repay
the best lob of cleaning -up, dressing -un The fact that thousands of visitors
o ies of aid tt ex"s who have
fi iTi
e wvhe she
blob •. d n _e wad d
an of . e 4a'th
enayed by Mm. Weymouth,
cotivcniently, Ask about
and iii tin ,u is : ro ear pre ' r- ill descend ,on the heart -of Huron
a.. p x g ..• h h.. P. -p _ �y n �-. pa W c
ati n for C na a's O..t it d Th County net ear to. attend the 1966
o a d.. I h b. th.. ayr e C y x y
Bond and a(�+cuttate recollections
e >'e ullet�t,'.•
Of z a
1n 192$,
Mrs,Pipe noted the leiter was
.. .O ...
see. d " ra se grant to each . Guilt International Plowing Match, should
On p .miss a g _an .. e .. c Y•. t g ,
V recently, sla'+y vas+lted at
Otl}or Memories
w?iltt '��'ithgnt-t the aid of eye
an th hasis of 2 r co me e'al farm in ire uS to et the ob hallo nQW First
wsttli Clhaxdes WWev-
$ 9,46
e tae. nl.. r.. i., , sp... _ g j A� long . as 11dr, Wty9 wapl; Ask abo�it Above oarmatits [nciude crirrFipai "I iptprosrand. are
t r -lie 1 lasts mouth who was boon .and lived - Intterestin Work credit'life insurances ba,ed:aeprolnplreAeymepi,butdanolt'.11, elb6sostof
ori condition zt zS.:ixiatchedlby the County y zznpresszons a e always 'tl e n ost . ng was thiinlerng about lv�s Child- hits life .ori, a, farm— oil con- 96,00 ns it group rates rrelnsprsn.4e.
Council in an effort to improve the rural and to put our best foot Toward will be hood," he offered other' tbiit aP
Ontario io i time for 19i67 a u t if we re to cultivate the --desire oeesrcun 8 of Hull�tt, j�ormaltuon Xor M•rs< Plipe'.s - A's Mrs, Prue Gomtanues der
landscape of nta zn Although Mr, WeymouAh cel- fa;soluating search for historical
e _o. xn S a
' celebrations. in some to return another time oHOUSEHOLD RIMAN('01-
r may, study an I itileGt, dialta.about Hullett, she reminds.
bile i e i no doubt that Huron be take u permanent residence. ebnated his. Fath: birthday an, For anst4nee, .he told" her .af towrilli xes� d' s thiat she an
W h..re s dou p p.. u4e 26, he can rpoall n iany of p .
County farms and rural wrens are .among Besides, it is dice for residents just the horse- powered' threshing her :corer AKee welcome .any .
j tihe oatkvities of a little ••-•- nowv machine owned by his Father
the finest in the province, it is also tr to to live and ward 1n pleasant surround extinct -- vial, .e akralzt four news or X*ytures relevant to
fn ens of Bond boyo and last ,used in x'8$8, Hf sa0.d that Lam. Goor.
that a general fix -up Will do 'no liar - , zags. miles that five homs'es ,would walls
known thein as Baiid'on•
round and round '1x1 olrc]es tg Of . patt�ticlalatt interest would +Q+ We $treet,Tele hone 524.7.3$3
e rues with er (above the. Signal Star)
' rvitewrrs wi otla ilomm
The village Wats situated oxr drive the machine and produce r '
g q the north side of the Maitland pan�ating tate e xesldervts, like Mr. Wey- Ash; about our evening hours
olorlo& Te�:evision q 6 ® Isn t :a t Far way! the' pclwver' foa, se mouth, who Novo vivid xrzernor-
Riiver land in 1885 boasted a grriaixi from they cheff.
grist mall, hotel, store: and post He xepprted that 1Vtatt I3r ice fey that con: be wm'ittenx .drown 'R
IT APx?l ARS as if Canadian produced shows Hours .and soineiimes foo' future enerat$ons to en-
d+a s before American channels did, An atafi�ce: On th'e' sau.th,jae of fhe the t fnmier in the
Government, is -attempting to 'make the y .. - river, jtXs't opposite the village, i o;desboro vicinity to own; a boy over and over again,
identical situation will exist. The facts salt Bands largest xnd'ustry, a -----o an announcement from the office
• same mistake twice, according to Will- _ straw blower attachment for
are simple. Colour telecasts from the saw mill that was the centre of threshing machine. This was in
iarn Whiting, who writes a news column three U.S. networks this coining fall are activity mush of the time. T Bible Toch
for CK ,6 -TV Kitclle'ner. We are inclin- being increased by many hours, The M . W� ,month remembered• Deep Ontario green. Heap
management limited
ed to agree witl'i' him, and pass on his sale of colour TV sets in areas nearflacn;ly. Trarries' lilts Yount bor- g, Add- prevent forest flee,
Hundreds • at. Christians in x
r` h r roc with rooter rapidity.nue tly held two great
Ghana recon
g Tuan+kmwin!g service's when re.
remarks; der cities is increased aria.will const .
We learned with deep egret . recent- now
ly that the Canadian .Government will Tw'o stations, CHCH TV Hamilton, k'f wised Bibles do two �Cvsri dual,
not allow television stations to telecast and C K C O -T V Kitchener, presented ,�„ , xd$ eats were gratefully received,
xs .r, ��
in colour -until January 1st, 1967.--a con- briefs to size B.B.G. in January of 1963 � . . , � � � g'oling an We for the iiim'st't;xn,e, r�`�'� d
tennial birthday present. asking for the removal of restrictions , r,,;: -' The two occasions were in-'
The dee regret is t al the govern-
on colour telecasting in Canada. The " x`deed in -
memorable. T1ie State
p gz g g y �•,
Flun'ctzons' SVmvtariat of the
Ment is mal�ing the same mistake as it were turned down. .
Gliaaxanan . Government h a d
did in 1950. That was the year television "Canadian TV' stations, television -
• .
should :have stat -tied in Canada - -, not in set manufacturers and the public interest given perm»Sisi;on for the Twa(A:s'an;te) eelebrati'an to bgheld
1952, During that two-year period, many have not been served. How many years9 in the open, at, the Cultural
Canadianis` were erecting antennas to re- will this ruling set blackblack.colour television � '�� Cool �aW��'� ��n, 'at Centre, Numag, an May Po,
ceiveprograms, from U.S. border cities, in Canada? It could take as long as five and the Twii (Akuapexn) at A iCpN GROWiN Np
It 'took several years to educate Canad- year to recover the Canadian viewers abaRear after year, we, moan m
di�afbie, ;were it not stupid. the' Sports Sitadium, � Accra
fang that stations in this .country were who will have the U.S. colour -watching
+the bitter winter, or Most of them wear the same an June 5. Iaivltalialorns had
habit. Do' something, Mr. Pearson!" b dreary •fall, or the backward clothes day, susummer as iwvn nter, been sent to many VIP's, in-
n-superior and were offering most U.S.
_,. gLrs't, when we take the maze- •cryo wtill. overcoat, The odd eluding ' Presi-
spi i'ng y ep for,an ding. O'sag'yef:O the
'talce off his jacket, A dent, Ministers of State, Di�rec-
felt Beat -as •a personal affront, few sneakily remove their tie's. tors of Stacie Corpomations and !t v! v � E j
wian NewsovRee(%yedand Whine increasingly. And the wild indiv'idu'alwill the Diplomatic Carps. Besides
Along about the first pant of 'roll yup his shirt -sleeves when it presentaiti'on:s 'to those involved
THE CLINTON NEW ERA Amalgamated THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD July, we usually get a little Wts 'a hundred. in the rtranslation, copies were
Established 186S 1924 Established feel Whiff of that hot wealthier we've But that's about as far -as presented, e1ner 'at the cere- ,
A Published Every Thursday At The Heart been looking for -ward to since they'll. ga. The Vast majority of monies or latter, to. the Presii-
V ,4 Of Huron Country - - Christmas. nas. Nothing tointd. Just .men wear wool :sacks, heavy dent, the Asam,Ltehere Prempeh A. G. F. is a CANADIAN mutual fund
Clinton; Ontario, Canada a Little breath of warmth than l'eath'er shoes, long trousers of 11 and Other' hiigh, officials:
Q Population 3,475 which invests in the rapidly expanding
A: LAURIE COLQUHOUN, PUBUSHER y. a native of 'the ,trloples would wool or flannel, and the carne Radia GGhana recorded the sou--
, sneer' at. So what do we do? sh4w(ts' they' -wear in January. vices,. rrelayling excerpts in three "r'esearch" industries of the U.S.A. 0 is
ap Sign5d, contributions to this publication, are the . opinions Do We cast off our long -band- One more thing that snakes a programs. Neamly, . 5,000 copies
O $7 0,000 invested has. grown to $27,494
. % r of the Miriters only, and .do not necess,'rily express - led'. underwear and burn Sit tin man miserable in the heat is of the new Bibles hiave ailready
the views of the newspaper the street's? Da we have a big the amount of junk he has to been ordered. - from January 1, 1958 to,Mae'ch 1, 1965.
Authorized as second' Class Mail, Post Office Department, OttawaXand' for Payment of, Postage in Cash welcome party for -genial old carry in his . ipantspockets, In Mho first portlARr of :flreBible
SUBSCRIPTION, RATES: Payable in advance Canada and Great. Britain: $4.00 a year, Socool weather he can spreoad it in the kiwi language was the l? coupon for details without obligation.
w United States and Foreign: 55.50; .tingle Copies: 10 :Cents . Not we. We totter around around do jacket and overcoat Gospels, translated in ,'1359: A
complaining even more bitterly pockets. But when be,has only new Chr'i'stiancommundtywc^hwh
than we did all winter, We a- trousers , packets do vadch to has grown up in Ashanti, iter- Please send literature and praspectu5.
i dopt a, harassed air, It we live carry c garreites, lighter, hand- +nito¢y� in recent yeasts, which
From Our Early Files, e s in the city, we dash Pram cryo i�esohiiei, coins, 'cox keys, pen, diffars Pram, Tws (Akuapc�rn} ixt, Name............................... ..,,.......,....,
- s✓ tomibii1ke air-conditioned build-. notebook, pipe and tobacco, dialect and orthography, made
inig to another, inevtitaJbly cat- golf tees, 9Wcers and about 50' in necessary :iso produce two die ............................,
Ad ss
5 Years thing a wicked summer cold fin other essentials, 'he doolm about Bibles.
40 40.Y�a s A. o li e A � the process. We greet each the, shape old tree, cover- Suggested Dailyl3ibleRemlings .A. G. F'. MANAGEMENT LIMITED
THE CLINTON NEW BRATCLINTONother whii anguish.ed groans ed-withfungus, Sunday, July- 18: Jeten-dah 31:
CLINTON NEWS -RECORD CLINNEWS-RECORD and tiros old' folic-sayGmg, "Hat Ilot weather is not .for triton. 15-40.
Triday, July 18, 1890 Thursday, Ju1Y 16; 1925 Thursday, July 13, ig5o puff fer yub?" They should all begiven. about Monday, July 19: Jeremiah 33: 23 Wellington Street
Far the year ending. in May a
• Some -idiots try to fight fire six weeks off in the suanmer, 1-16, North ---Goderich
1890 the Heesall dinlr Circuit Rev. A, MacVarl' e was in- Weddiro s of .interest th'i's
wvlith iia ewater. With remark whale the scantily clad women Tuesday, July 20: Ezeloial 18s Phone 524-9088ducted into the charge of the week weme: Doreen Orr, dau abbe ease they convince them- and bids keep things going. The 19 32.
of the Aletihad�i�st Church has ,
received- the following sums Clanton Continuing Presby -ter- gghter of Reeve -and Mrs. Gor- selves that a lunig Cool one as men won't be happy until they Wednesday, July 21: Daniel 1. -
firom, the various aippodntmemtts: lun Church on Tues'd'ay even- don Orr, Goderich Township the only way to 'beat the heat. sniff the first nip of fall tax the. Thursday, July 22: Daniel 2;
Kiirppen, $197.50;. Chisenrurst, in last. Rev. MacFarlane has and Daniel. a. welis "son c Mr. Whicli is about
as effective as a4m; and earn start gsurzibling 1-80.
I.. $21.9.85• t Marysville, $155.20; g r � trying 'ta put out a small #glaze about the cOid, and wlliaiC it >,1"LLM:•y, July 231?aniel -.1
miany firm friends in, -this area and Mrs. Robert Willis a-1so of by pouting gasoline an It, costs' to heart the plaice. Salturda July 24: Daniel 5.
f Sexigrnitth, $137,50 for o total of y, r ,,
$710.05. and Will not be +a stranger in God'eikh Township; also Phyl- Othert, have -an even more
- _- .� _� .. l# would be a
During the. 12th or- July cele the town,• hs .Arlene McMillan, daughter sMy solution. Them idea cif get-
brati'ons in Clinton there were Motor vel -doles, in Canada of Mir. and Mils, W. G. Mic, ting away from, the heat 1s to -� � distinct hOnoUr
` . M(ilian Goderiidh, to Douglas hit the hnghway, drive for fouA . i,
I g ,
over 30 booths a;<x efreshment rr . ,u �:>::";•�0'?:s:i"'<::::.............l:i:ia;?•,»:
now, n obex 652,721. More :<.,'k..�. tP.;:..:'<:<.;::•:><,::.::<:• r O Ice
:::: # e, o Service
stands-' operating duringthe _Holland, son Of Mi, and, Ntxs. hours Gan extreme d sComtfort to >:: •. „�
ban ola tit,than 60% of the, cats as own baking
C. 1Z. Holland, GOder�ich, 'lihe a beach Where, the Lie g::<::<>:::>:::<:;..:.::.:::....:.:::�� �:.;::;
, di not � K
S of them d � y .., 'a;::i?r>:•::::::�:#:?ilii?:`%#:?i<:
day, curie ed by rural dwellers, and Ont-.:::..::::::::.::::::.�::.:::::::; ................ .. � in #111s. matter'.",
make 1 expenses, but others artio had +the :• largest nu7rvber of 'bi deigroorn is +a grandson of with kinglar sweaty citizemrry, l
tar, r
A2. anti Mrs. W. J, lNedii
made "heaps of money", News- cars of any. province, g before reU;ning to sleep an ,a
Sr.of Clinton. calbin like a. $team Barth.
paper men +ln the. procession Dr Williami's fink Pulls gifve CoROISS
Forryn,ar � � �k�m ADRIAN D. SWANTON
druggist, W. S. R. Most of •stye preceding re- Messrs. 'Todd of the New new strength to weak 'girls, �
Bra White of the Exeter Holmes, passed away at Cyan- marks Nacre, to do with the
Dimes Lar1 of Kiuncaxdime Re- di �esn listlessness, attacks palpitation.
ton hm la'is 774h year. A foaarrer male population, poorc devils. I
g ess d palm. . than women and
• P Also SOieliae master at Clanton Col- must admit better.� � i � � � � • � l r �
11 thlys far 50c per box. �A-
view and VLalr aP St. Marys. A
JWrnal. note that Keen's Mustard aid's lady in Fort Lric: Mr. Coombs, Coombs eft r� an not tcoiurse, s he heat heir t., , k �"
The xlaspbarry crop is Coming cligr stun as well as being used was 45, attire or halt of it. Business and Professional
in ' it �seeXM to be a buanper crop• salad dressAa 'dMTor 3 you for Lakeview CJaskio, Grand Small fry have less gtothdmsg
Apples on this area, are very have a saf Far zo you can
and y appeanam: (�
y arfety razor blades xA s, vocalist -and Neill McKay :theree ' an this the Mveafffierndke Iham Directory
Bond, g Y dn
. 'scal+Ce'far' the second year runt- sharpened, SattislfactAbn guaran- �g
g Its money refunded, and 'h'i's Orchestra With dancing Chair old m i trates aroaunid airy
nin� . It :wuil be a hardship on'teed or.your mon every n�1!glit: A2a2�t Keivny and his' Nig packet. Woman, whose
--"-'- ".'—..'."_�'+.`
those who depend on t wk or double edge blades were 4c PIiO70GRAPtiY INSURANCE
chEirds to help tide them over each at Havey's in Clinton. His • Western Gentlemen will nwne ds' vait'Aty, are interested � �
the long tvi;:nteir, carne to the Casino for , one, in acquiring a tan, so expose
alight only nett week. every possible (inch and ounce Clinic
to the dazed gaze of the rrzeh-, --. ]NG 8UF3ANCE fic REAL- ES
51 Years Ag'o 25,"Years Ago Wbmeu's suxnirrier garments are Office 4132-97
r aria Chat DREN pion
ultimate in coo' and the Being Held 'f his Year At The 118 St. David's 'St. aaz•7t3
a dellglyt ,� the+ ey an sense. ... , . Res
p es.
CLINTON XV WS -RP,, eO1tD 10 Years Ay" Dial 524.9187, Goderich JOHN WiS1t, Salbstrl
CLINTON N1i7V'VS• nr"Conb t) Maybe tha;t's Why ladies ddn t �t I (D �` C � RESIDENCE '
Thursday, Jtrly 14, xal.a jet (,J jl a L � s.x3�p t'honb 4$x-7xs5
Thursday, July 1.8, 1040 CLINTON` NEVES-RECORD sweat, ,but Just pers�pirre. • .
A. P. „Girundy, BA, principal Thursdtiy, truly 1.4, 1.055 Npt so they Then, Unies+s they -
of the Colleigf&te ITtstitute has one of Clintons oldest real- a* oh •theiruhholidfays, they face SHIPLEY STREET C�.INTt�N � OPTOMETRY K.C.
resigrrdd'to a'Ccept a shaxin7ar Po- ciemts, David Cantelan; passed Two men have quaLiPied as the hent with a surly lack f #ir4t t�lartyaae 1Vtoney Av"
'slti'on, - alt Str'a:ths+ay: When Mr, awtay 'whine oh business, at Caindiltiat'es to the, Taivii; Coiun�
' aomypabmdse that would be ad- Lowest Cuixent Interest
C t �tf^ t-
Grundy took over at the' C.Y. Cadada Packers Poultry plant dil seat left saeaht by E. A. Not of Ontario Street United Chufth +�� e•r +��'w`�S7Ar'F
d3r 6P1rbadt~:7`A181r INSURANCE - REA1. le"S
fairy years agO; it Was in run, than' trio wing. Mir, Cant4lon was Shad'dl&s �+oslgnra,ti'an to tadte I I:TTER TO EDITOR As in FteVioUs Yedes INvE£3TMENT$
a post on the police force: Wn1- 4 / Mondays 'arid Wednesdbyx
r clacvri �'ry'd!itaoai, but -fib ability nri his 38xsd year. .- , PFtortrss bfticr 4&2=9
and ehOrrgy made, it one of the. It was noted that ,1ChhcArclihe- 7xamn Rich! a'nd Norman, Lnver- • .,. ,. � Now i$ the time to shore your good hecltth CLINTGNMEDIC.i'1rLC E
b "st isc'h000ls in; the rovaInc I aha da a "dry" town, but when. a more Will be on then ballot for
EdltOr 5 CaitlQtlE'ir�'S .
Res 481
- tt credit to ;the 'tomm. local 'cleaner gave a nuvibett election on MUndaiY. Iii L'Ine 'Clirith SOS ry Y Sr Af=OPTH OPPide 527-1240 H. E HAR;TLLi~1'
fresh blood 15 needed eve da
In the '2xratter of, holding 1117 Of coast hangers and bailie Robert AIdwiazkTe, tornxexlye E,dii,�
- 0(66d is supplied free to' those who need it `
inquest and lv:ii+i hg a-, cactl?iex 'ol?arrers away ata prom:txtioai_ of VYarrna has b4an promoted pp. B. CLANCY i .'#3, D 'E 11vst7RAN
'i ie.c cal All bhe' ' 'tittle Op'en&S Were to the ;unit of Q'oup 0aptarn,; 'om., O ftba Redord; — — l Planned1. 1.ESavings
appear us well �•ts a Chirhltonz, Osvtaaut3:
Wher'i t�iey rloed it i`hrougf arrorlge- •== 'ba`rbr�tietRla•r �
witneigs, thh -pay for their ser 9-ohd Ili a, sAx g'le •dilry, but Coat, with ithO i3ti5na1 CanaWlan Air Dearr Por Appointment CANADA LIFEvides ti's not 'very much. Din huftgersWere no:'t 'vety `popul-air. pone. 34e ars preselAly statmodt= In the t colon, n of Jtdy mehts mode 'by The Cdrloldinn flied Cvro's5. P� ; ASSUMNICE CO.
�'hbWpson ina:de 2 triips to More than 40 homes, in 11`11R:"- ed >at <- Al vtiieraille', Quetido. S' Ne ,llecard the isi i6 tibai - ,. Phone 524-1251 eltntan dnfarlb
x#dlrriesvlSlO issued •big vwar. on CoUnity have :been approved )±'ether' O`ltoian+ke, Who has was 'giveta about the n ui &arbODERItCH y--
' . _ ... .., for the tec tion of . � est child- servdd .S>E,_ Jaseph"Sy Cllxitan 'arid
paint, arcade out the siixnrnams, .
. , �..: .. al' Htix'omt
County fal�u'iis . d
dt'c, !took ctW0A the evlittenoe' rf am i`e&ft. C,rcat Brntd ft, ftie the Myth missibrtf has btv� oreJas bg by 720 front 195'1 Wlednen'da'y
PWd i,fttg enitivty' Pee tot tW9 dould first tttxbta f Children Mirrave potted ito Stfttfomd. loather 0', x9G1, � W. BELL,
r t IYf itwo Wdel� � bine abd th'et'a Rotllrtt* h" +begirt part • resriod, p k`or Air-Msstex~ Al
s a oadut than J�a.1„tizold OP7`dMIE`rRlSt Doors uric Wlhdd.
plat be o'vr�er $11�Gt). Wt:uean: h J � 'lihas 1
man is ealled 4ilg tees •are $L50 will be About �O 06hftg to bloke f'or bogammnaig 44 crLciyt uict
leas been using writ explaining Lis-July21 r...r 11. t=. '`I`; dt~<Ms�rRbNo
'Huard couhty, n 'f ,Wl;i'i Onta+rla one ro • r gym.' tRobkweit Po'aWeir T
pe'r. day'. r va'ew�tialitifi r'u•+ug�ar'dhm'g' t1i.'e bufl+cC� �" "� �' 1� � '�i ' Obiiaalttrlg Optat»exrist�
unh:omis i
l caitioi� :four Cecil ilolnies' left foo+ Lolndtm of theni being I CIbAhm. The ilii bit 1134iowx irlsteatl: f ilia S 'u'ahe dooth ck JE€�YI$ 9At,tcS
WatetworIts i. ., ... _ .. _ . :. : g.., a , ..,-, (. ... _.. .. ;r-•-_. g 1
sei*riices .Tiro bt4ft' ta"iten now oar 'Wtahestlay where ho, basis Clinitioti Conu'nuiuty Credit Uri, do $ 'br 12 iao6ilj scltrbal Afte REMEMM -•� The Title Y61W SOVe 5xa ye8t
and them e 100 In tip tb„ddtO. beton iadCdiA0d'' D% tho De'ninli lob Celobrdted its, thud With- Bid etie1d, rthd � pb%tlta•� a 1 iCltntOn-X82»ss
nbt*t 1461mieis`' Cont�z” s let' of Coapts: day b'n ` ucgda 'July x2,.... tfon .it 'Ari t'he dL aso ..... so May SO Yolli r OWn : �
' TtviMorutt cootie up I,Iitts1ftft6 6 and 'Bait"k ad- AddOtcl;n'g' >tir> t C. La4vsrin, `
Ciustonns, r vviiy btiuil big sdhools w1Y'a
,Wtt't the Old boyg oat Sattlt'day `ver'tisda +co ikd kion, at 55c Ike sdcteEair jhrk uCea 6f mite 41i¢ir the pti ytO Vva1l sibs 1�e2
is , while hea'e• 'ti'ieWdct old ei'c- lb,, w1eners at 23e s`att5's Uh� �'bild school Board, there' f ft � iY' Kill
` � ...,. , ...... Seei'►irs stt+ainge, d�ersdt. t it.
fiances: Thd ...etiiiial ge W6, At 15c per 111: iWll 6 a, ltydbM nwhn Oi ,XA Slihi lett',
q oUNr
itLti� ]kTl'd :lnt3s bs'r,'ed wife aria.. .� . :.,ttNu'idem'ga�ert olds .. JC'1`I�L F�i't'lir CIIHA�ttrEltt'eti►
vl.... �Weic fie` :l The Vo W6ijts' fbir"° viu Hzi S tenriil t'. k`iPty Piave g5- � . SOUTH S7`.
t£imx ore... fu wS t#jrliibld'i tnan Lig. H
4b RiCl-i, 4N" 62d J,,46
I 'ta ��:... ,.: , .. .