HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-07-15, Page 1IM: Mi#�
(137 S110107 Ueller). TH� NEW EM Mh Year HO MD
THE RON KK $2nd Ypa'r
I still haven!t Ti , 4 4wt: _VLy"
mo,:28 0 Qme Pq 1; TO M 10 TMOOD,�Y;'4 $4,00 r Ypor,19 Cents Per Cop pageis
PQr wif� CM -N K 014T R Y_
'hether I was too� early Of. toQ ......
%te ifp,� the B=4 =0009 Ut .........
I.,,- high o0hool last wedneo-
ay, On the st%vlte of AlIght,
ffic Fe,44' Car S ashed
g bour, I Taced In
)e Usual meetin
to the lib.rwy. vd-Vi p
ad and
P001 in -haztd only to find the
x Last Week erind,
girg mm-ibersh�p of trustees Minor Acddeng's
'atedL' an'd M
j j$_ 'on . into Q# of cont�61 and, 4to with b.
if I thookut I was emb.ak� Uetaltber wos pi
msed as 1 tip -toed a � h Mt% X.M.
_,cross i the doatb $atgday night of 04 egMvatlon on Vict%U Si, Wonth and )R jack�
"to r Qeoilge H, Moore, 54, of Diln- Robert Tilpmas Gregory, �J, t Awl
�om ay chair, it was no- I
ld t. Their je;
CIVIVer of the car, and was pro
ring to the floor-outTrom' ginpon. who Was lciilledl�istagtly 13JAb, me0ing est.04 Gor
w_ . , � . _.d
WIlen WSL Car went 0'4t of Con- WIS. passenger, Daniel Sieling, St. when,4,t W� b
ader-me feeling
h;a4 -as i6l)
as struck
lalo'ne,y W-hispOT04, -"We!rp tT01 and r4ylled over on I-Egb- 410a of Blyth, were attended by other vebiole going sor4fij op
�eil - !1a qall Vyoy 4 -lxbout two, miles south Dr. Z, A. Addi
son at Clip _�gm t and drive4,
ton 0= S by Ws,
)'WA Public N -09P1061. Gregory was $birley $ervos, 5 Quehoc na,
Of �_c
As, I did -my rgd-ftvod e4t, No adwr car Was Wuck 10 rele=ed the same night. and RCAF �S;tation Clinton,
thought about what 'In. comr -an ern, -%ellng Temo4ned, in hospi MILS
the. Mishap and,Xoore, tal C table A, E, Shaddick,
Ottee" can weaA to a report- ployee,Qf G,0001'�dh N%nufaQtVr_ tmtQ S'aturfty. -4 0#pte4,
��r those, of yo Who, 1 Ye the amidoAt,
u whpi are jog Company was e $Jx-year old I
m L fart, re rte I up jnj4n at th
,damillar with the term, "in in his cax, reee11-V4e4 'an injury to her C'aV- Scene, 1_]�VW4yer, the Phild lliteT
mnittee,,, vwansiactea literal. OPP Const -able John Phillips icle ln� An accident at the inter- amiplainedabout padnand was
sgys "I.Pniogte, Xeep .out,"
of QQ49ricb. �;ivesfigated, section of James aind, Qor vamined at CljXit,6n Hospital
.4on e.
Sometimes, when a particul. Car, L Smashed shortly after 6 Pm. on S4tur- by Dr W. A. Oakes, She was
item of biwinevs -is of no fty evening, 1&4.en "atment and released
Totten, Windsor,
due press-wim m when "S tMpped Moment.
141Y i�h_
anning in. its. i1t0anoy and
last r4day
s�ide, her parked car.
4 far enough advanced'to be
afternoon, v�ben a tree to ed Eileen 6arrett mins Hospital
leasp%d to the pulblic, report" VPl
�s are excladod from the on the vehtcle,dum seyere
eet�ng, Still, thero is a Tule rain sitorm.
,.pth=Jb Lthat Xrs, TotteTi, was visiting AuxlHary Sursary In Hurs"Ing
no dacislow can with her mother, Nks. Ella TNTa-
t ade or votes taken wbile Ton, at 31 lwteplbury St,, had Menlbevs Of the Clinton -TI06,k ear In nuMirig,
gp�up is "In. conunittee" and
-e press representative is per-. gone, outside to close the car PNW. WIMIeWs Awdh an Miss Garrett, who received
ctly witWrr,his rights to hear mi ndlows, The WMMfi ced Tuesday that 18 -year- her junior matrioulation, from
at part of the dis4.,usslQn. estape through a r_ Id Iss Eileen. Garrett, daugh- CUSS las, t June, -wrote Grade
13 final examinatiom therethis
But, the intervening time *hen all otbers were jammed tvr of 1\1r, and Mrs, 13ert Gar
ast, year. She win receive $10o in
tween exclusion and recall from the invwt. Sh received reft, 154, Rattenbury St, E
only a few mirior smp6es in the. is the winner of iale Auxiliary's her ffi'.'�t Year of nurse's tTain-
n U long and 'tedious foe amUal bur5ary to the niost de- ing at Woo-[stoek General Hos
ordeal. , c
e, reporter. Finding myself serving student planning a car-
thli predicament, I did a The oar woz damaged beyond 'pitel, and $50,annaally for the
lIf-conducted tqu� of the This Tree Couldn't Take Last Friday's Storm r0pair. ne.Nt two yekws.
hool building . and itg mges� Traffic Mishap lite money is to be used for
1hialls. At Smt I thought r4 During -the torrental rainstorm last Friday was. vl4itlngber mother Mrs, Ella M-4son who lives Two persons were slightly in- text b 01cs and uiuforms during
�k it over from, stem to $tern aftomoon the above tre Street' at. -the Paul Pinkel home, 31,Rattenb the former, jwed Feiday, e
e on Rattenbury Ury vening when the throe -year coune,
thea rocconsidered when x just couldn't take it Land fell lo,n MTs. Ralph TotteiVs Dr..J. W. Shaw. reslden6e'. their '1959 vogailswagen Went General duty nursing is the
ddenly realized that me car. The lady was hi the car at the time. She (Photo by,A?an Galbraith) Present adrn of Miss Garrett
uld gpt lost for Vie SUMMLIr although she would like tD
�rt on the prtmis%., P1 Bayfield, Girl - specialize On one 'field of the
* .4, * f -P p0ofession if she finds she en�
'&A# . I' t Ap V -
IwasWt the only me ToVTn CoUnc. o ot ermitsmn joys a particular facet. -of the
upressed last week with , the y Struck By Car work.
:e ana scope of CM, S. Laura
-Ang 3.7 -year —Janice merner, The bursary vAnner has
known wnce February, when
welolat, the cham Baytield, had her left leg badly
I Central Exabizinge Student bruited limst 'ft% her applioation at Woodstoolic
e entures ATC 'fth AV& na BAYF'ET-D &y everAM
wr6m, Mianitoba., - was T olssue, D.' 6 For $160,VOU Are' when, she wus ArU�CkL by a car General was accepted, thatshe
3orted through the school by, The dreamfc� a committee is, lhoaded by DaAdd Beattie. would L M Lan approX�JmatelV' dirivert by John Baker, 16 Hur- Wotilq be beginning her train,
inelpal D. John Codwane, from the tomm?s four service Coun. Pat Noonan is setTet%,y, $7,000. A community centreL Road, Mitchell. ing on September 7. She aOrnits
i% stay"19 clubs and the Cldntoin Recrea- bafvjbg taken, over the job aft� �Ihe injured girl and a friend, ,;lie is really getting excited
,as Caxefdot, grLant through the Ontoffqo be- Russell.Jervis, Car Bambara, Turner, were wa�lkhig now.
Grace McAdam was "'I" iion Committee — offi-clally er Allan r, dwbrds-passed gway, partment of Agriculture isalso
�,�tandably, vuppnis;d, at the forined -in February 1964 — to Beattie's Preseut�fton available. honie-from the Pavilloon via the "I can, hard4y wait," she ex -
tool's bbgriegs sm=e the dol- Investigate posslibIllities of a � TJ1e neW arena chalzman pre- The 'Peirson specifitaAtons old % Kighw�V whentheacd- daUrned. "Now that I have
'late she attends in WTd�n new arent fo Found, On Farm , Ted.. started to buy books and uni-
dent acam
r the coyr�munity, 5ented a complete. Picture to and. estimates were explaink Px0vineW Polite from Gode,- fonm,, -and, it is� only six or
only,400 students. bwanie �e'arer reWization this the eauncil.
* * 4 . I I by Mr. Beattie. Size of arena rich InvesUgsited.- No charges, seven weeks until I will be
week. h Near Clinton,
'd Iffice, to thdnki am not the He ad archktect's plms, and proper, 40' �� 200'; services will- be laid. '�A iss Eileen Garrett leaving, I &an hardly,, wait.11
building at-Iront which would
her prepae -, hex 'At, t%�n council - meeting, a breakdoim costs to:,Pve-
mat hK
motion was. Passed from '.. PeleSIDIr Bouftw be . desigllett' � So tha�j L a'%
e, - -,old- son, fbr Zuthmer I , t not .0 11 e
Next io geWni* 10ni t�S f�win solidt6i,be in- XAmited Peterboroogh,. a h= munIty IWI and auditorium a stolen car discovered just off
his, teeth, it Is the most a. second Highww 8 on Wbdnesfty mor. y at
structed to prepare presenta- that sp��ahzes in arem build- could be added as R'
M4tolpal ing. roup OF *�esf enftayers
eratji�g task of the-,yelaT, tiolif to the Ontario� story, 361x110' width; this hing. In fact even the loser G ro I e
from labelljoRd clotlitS B01ard for cons6nt to issbe de- CentennjW grant app]i0a)tjons would contain 4 dressing rooms, doesTet get it,. WLiS
Ventures for a centennial pro- must be in by -August 5, this furnace rooni,, ladies dressing
niarldng blankets. , and ject, being a. community The story begai-1 on May �0
I am chiefly revonsible Oe'n- Year. If the Ontario Municipal room, mens dressing ' roor!i, at 7-55 a.m. when )�ussell-jer- h To JoinTownsh"m School Area
tre,, at en. estizMted -cost of Board appr�oves Clinton deben- mack bar area, foyer and main
registering h#n during a' vis, Pxdncem St., Clinton, re
when the weaither is $160,000." tures for underwriting tbecom- entrance and other small ser- parted lik 1964 Comet station (By Mrs. Audrey Beiiella'm- their own school. from "going jW' with Bayfield
A. I Last ye I diddt . do a The , o ir 1 g i n a I 'committee, munity centre, Clinton can viee rooms,: ber, our Bayfield correspond- Mr. Armstrong sVtd he Was -he noted. Ile could joresee, ad -
wagon had been stolen from
ob��ir good j , e time I had headed by Don Ray was ap- apPly for the $1.00 per capita The lee -area would be 80 beside hjS house,. ent) iinterested in the matter "cost vantage as regavd.s to bus mUe�
cted for his. into -manhood pointed to view other arenas grauts on 'the cente=Jal Pro- feet wide by 180 feet long' Efforts by'Police Chief Rus-- ' S-tanley, Township Area Sch- wise" — the school should be age.
a five4nch rein ced ool Board met with a
rience was. cold, wet and and inqudre into grants avall- ject. The federal andprovincial with for .h sell Thom his men to groUP built end opemted with aften- Another delegate said that
ble. able. Now the 91`0UP—knOwn g0veMmentS each give $1 Per concrete floor and a one4ric . _pson and . . . of MrbepWers, from West Stan- tion tozosts and.,.to the type of 8ayfteld Sch!obl is in, the village
8" recover the ear were in vain
rontinued on page eight) ,as the, new arena committee— capita to such projects, This . (Continued on Page 8) 5 in all, at their regular 'education needed. and azked, "Whzd is to stop
and after a proper waiting per- ley, 1 Another Mtepayer who had 4& from the couritty froni
lod, Mr. Jei-vA,, was able to n'"ting 1�ast Wednesday. -attended SS Na. 7, said lie had getting Into mischief, during
okesman for the delega- been, educated "pionOex style' the lunch hour, in Bayfield?"
ompany, Mod, �Allan Amstrong, said and bad Ivaved the snow drifts "Any village is the 'same,"'
On Wednesday mornbig at they rePregented
nit, it Clinton 'Ina"a""her' from thein" SIP
Ma o6a Studenits vis I I a grou-P Of before the convenience of mo- ctiai=an John Taylor concur -
9:30 La'ni.' W. Jervis inforaied 'ratepayers who would like to dern snow plowmg. Ile reason- red, "not Just Bayfield.11
OMef ThornV80n that the car belong to the TownshiP School- ed that today,. teachers are A third speaker said, "We
WOL Xanitoba youngstem Wetty brugletteLaum Care-, Ontario an July 6. ThW left lives with. her Parents and
will be ervtw�g their foot of Vilrdlen, Mbbitoba, stay- for MrAtoba again on, Tuesday yotinger -sister and brother on had been fD=d on the farni He said that they could aP' trained to work in larger srah- need to, provide more education.
of Charles 13vandbri, P 4 Cdin- Predk-te the fee
th and.floal year 6f secon- ea with Grace AkA&an, dbugh- after seven fullrdays of &dven- �a half section of ftm-aand new M Rugs a Bay- ools and Said.that. graded edu- Tedmldc�a knowledge is heeded
'tureL and ton, Abe Brandon, G-baerich, field residents and, felt that calt I
vchoul in that province On t,,Rr of Mr, and Mrs. Alltch Mc- fun planned for them Vdrd%, the OU, Capital of Man- ton, is necessary although and a,bigger, better school is
bwXIber,. were the guests of Adam, 180 Prdncess St. East, bY their �ftosts. Itoba, sWd she found Ontario Was cutting hav on has softs thais was theUr own buMess. '%Wgmes�g does not guarantee netded Of it will provide thas,
GMIle 12 CKS8 students Whifie R -h Elliott of Mhft, Orgy one event; Was pre. people very friendly- and warm. I RuM, When 'Lhe- noticed. what HoN�aver, the feeling tbUt the better edUcatidn, it does Pro- t�pe of education."
MaXAtoba, was billeted seemed to be the back of a school could be filled with vide Vetter opportunities, better The fowith delegate said that
their parents last week. �Mfll sdheduled and included on the "EveX7*ne told US how nice blue ear Sticiting out ftom a. people 11of'our opfifion!' He de- subjects, better teaching facil- most e el
Tdr. and Mrs Harold Yeo, RR itInery Mat WaSL a dinner lezt it Was down, east,'� she explai;n peopl fe that if Bay -
3. Cllnfor4 and their son, Doug- Thursday at Strafford?s swank ed, '%nd my mo grove of trees. On investiga- picted tardiness of action and itiet and thL. Use 'of macbdnes.', fi-eld wi5he5 to keep its sphool,
las. ther has al- tion, the object proved to be unwelcome publicity but could 7he w�Mt port of the Town- it should be allowed to & so
The Weather Windsor Hotel and an evening ways wtoted to come, I would- tht Jervis car. M see the views of those ship womd gain no a&mntage (,continued on page 8)
Mgh Low High LOW Buth Miss Carefbot and Mr. at, the'Shakespewean. FestiVal n't m6d coming dbwn here to The car now becomeg the "on the other sido- of the fence?'.
1985 1964 Elliott were h&e as'part.of where they saw the play, #&Yaw wook."
property of the Pilot Insur- Ile didindicate he would mift-
ly 7' 69 57 84 61 :(he Centernihl gtudwt Ex- Henry the Fourth". Seventeen year-old laura, Mee cbmpw W. er see Tuvkenwydth running
8 7.8 56 72 '80 change pVograni and, were Lautia. was enthusiastic about who plans to tear -h oon-unercial
9 81 L 62 94 39 chosen by their te&&Ms on the the Performance at Sttutford subjects iu a secondary
P past perflomance and heard a fog
11 72 45 82 53 general ability. anything like it.", Jim adraitted, hwn and w od"00" fire'Dest Buildings and Conlen s
,40 69 49 83 52 basis 0 and bubbled, ,rve never seen said shei had never
s 00nipletedy, gas- roys
12 77 - 45 81 61 he vE$, nOt 00 enthralled with cinated, iWthathe Me she heard
IS � 69 57 76 56 They set Out f1r0m WinnIP09 the aotion, on stage but hAd at God�eblch ha0boui. Jim, who
Palm 1,59" Reft .8111 w1th 22 other MhOmV Stu- Words of high praigge for the is 16 and interafted in lab te�ch. At Doucette s; Firemen Commended
dents oh July 4 and arevved an ,beautiful okyo of St.ratford
hology, was intragued by the FIgnies that at times leaped The sheds, was dragged away
and the aMMItecture of the sleverfal large ships docked 100 &et in tbe air eirly Fri- and was the only article saved,
Vetttv4l building itse)f. there. Both A6 -reed the SjgM &L fty monling "CDrhple+,_*Iy de. Both buildtftga Were covered
First Tiwe Ever Lake Mton was one they.. stroyed two fftnie. storage by insurance. The contents
While both �ft and Laura Wouldn't soon forget. sheds and their contents on the were not. Damage, has been.
have travelled to provhwe visit CUSS "etty Of E. R, Dbucette,,168, ea*hbteld by I&.. Doucette at
Queen St., Clinton. G.,ver $6,000.
west of Manttoba, hekher one Principal 1). John Cdebmie 1,1,r,. Doucette, who has been�
had ever been east. Lauva, who.. (icontinued on page, 8) krom�pt Action
4 brdilding - coMraictor in town Both Mnrton, fire engines
since 1938, diseavered Ite ftle *&,e called out to ositt Am.
about 8 lioni, when he awoke the bid to save the Mucotte
and s�&w the Imeflootion of the hftte ,lind hose down geVerdl
names on the &apet in bis bwening trees, The owner coin-
b0d.romi, I mended: the Clinton Voluttaer
lost in the fite wem two Vir6 BAgAde for their pr6mpt
trolers ' , a tar w1agoh -five ex, aoldon.
tenoton h. MMV, - Fo��'ot 6n- . "I dbtlit think they were any
tire stock of ma&wWs and ftioro than three to five min-
eqUilpMent and A bO`At. An&h0r 'uFte$ getting there after I call -
boat, which Was ftof outside (Conttnued oh page 8)
Violent Wind Storm1ast
Slowed Traffict Flattene Buildings
Wi6rit w3ws; were busy the et
WAY part of this week clmii- Tmffic was slowed to a
ft Up the
debitg left by thti tmwl ait Afthway, 4 " pour-
lqq, �dole�t Whid Ptoft that y4p� Iftfg Vliitiy�M visib�lity Aliftst
tg tM
ped tlAtugij th& area just so;U:th, ba� M6t6z11§ who Vc1lldd
0� JtC" Sta0bli 0H1%% ft4au&h the tdd t'hoyhttd
This 16 The Way To Advertisof
t -IV-
Although the This uniquo way of advertising the aiinual
'my lit the: yw.
rummage extravaganza ift Bayfield paid off as
velocity iA hi
C1 d
i Ak
Waftd Upkbo-ted we-eatentA hi
_Ujmc yi6t meagut�o AMP thdroas t1galb aftelided the ieVoht Which 19 SPOh-
8tatton Mhtmala revoftsnoTt'h J".eg split stJ&&0r._ gpe�OjMen
itolithWd 'flAttehd(j .,&� sorod by Bayfitld Plofteor PAA� ASSOCiation,
winds at jo
Oltehlih difid
RUMMA96" AbM Wag On duty ill front
About 5,96 fy rd aft, July
MAI; oi
hout aid at Mdd,, !U-16 14, thn"
21 'MUda , 8"�a wafid Mt&1M Of 40vey
&Joij dt'46 t6 �6 miles it "rJMthih 4 hionth 't& Mt tho the sale Taosday tveftftigm.
ioto WA4dio 0#Wd La'atdL tftbfoot W tMott obw -(Photo bp Alan d0raidt)
yeb i6ha J,