Clinton News-Record, 1965-07-08, Page 1XU "I''frot
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MY Nlulq 40er) TH N �W E PA 98 5�nd Ye
A nowspapovofflop �s deluged
Np, 27--ThQ,.,Ho.m'o Poper�*06,16 New'g;4 .. ..... ... N URWAY, JUI.Y. of �1 go e . 10 Cents, :P
0 10, TH $4,00 Per Y or� or Copy—Tgfaolp;
with muil� Some of it is, fi�bm
oompmuos ushiga, sneakypress ... -11, '_ 1.
relmso to get. their pg�res in �,:
some CW 'is TrOM
""e p4= J0 p 0u -s
legitim s;o4w< S _b0p fttie_ o, d'l*,n,,h
0 uron
valuable service and M:,�.6
Emrapywent eonaltiom, cqn� Asapticipat�d, t6 Inf �, Of farmixigi wk- -1410W,and
kloe the 0 -Ion A Ing
�A A 'hool
A Ow
unue bouyant in the Goderic4 'ob sc. stu- the tou4st tamade' were also
Most of it, tIX011gib, ls� jw.t odd g, re �r
Ixtr 'CIA a �a m-1 tbroughout most al.
of factual mat%*9 ,y allev� teO abortai greatly 0blQ for the not -
Huron, County, ac ase in job opportunities,
c6dina t a
really doesn't constitute 0 porarli
figures released today W There still rern� Labour mnuirements
fm,a Nveel4y newspjporibu. C Wpirkprg,
Ups, While
Jwwev�w, -a. good number of Stu- we I genera4ly met, shortages
Jutms, manager oi� We Wez Wh male , and fqr�.e, avait,
Interesting enough to be pa.,,,.,, ere
along to the rqaders. Katlon4 Fjnplqymej�� 111pxyw of qualified sl4lled and zemi,�
able, for and seeking art -time
Thought I!d,,s.Uarq some of it akilled-applicants. and seasonal
A.$ at the ego of June 1965, and temporary employment Lvr W01.1k t e It
with exs for touri$ r $0, a OC,
you. 274, persons: were registered. for me sup=er months,
F or instance, In the past ten
employment with the Goderich C, X Jutilas stated that in- ,plae=ents Ile Goderich
'by t
Years, $5,031 peo 4 N?1,�.'S, wmpared toi 310 at the. creased labour deman4s result-
Ov have bee
12-5. aled 2 .0 durin June,
e accddents end- of June 196�1, The decrease ed from, continued high employ� tot 1 7 g
killed in, automoiW
in -Canada, and 948,850 persom dne($ in local 1195.5 4i:Unpiwed to 108 during
applied tomale applicants, Nvith ment levels main&
dilli ured. It is -estimated that by 70 fewm" and area firms, Construction,, I the.,gmne month a Year a,
the end of:065, 000morev.;Ill
die, And 450,000 p
1,ore injured
.. ............. ... . .
it the Present trend continues,
between� the beginning of 1966
an the end of 1970., 26,000
Huron District Scouts And Officials. At C ampor6e
more Canadi=s; w4al have died
on our roads, and more than Over the past weeliendofficers of Huron Dist- Thompson, Clinton, Huro
p District president; Scout
oTre "Man 1niured. rict of Boy Scouts of Canada and area Scouts Don MacAlpme, Ailsa Craig; Scout JieCole, Clin,"
It is further estiinated that gathered at the Bannockburn River campsite on tQn; Scout Terry. I $01welL. RCAF Station Clinto . n;
about HALr
1 of all our cars are rict
Dean Aldwinckle's farm near Varna for the dist- Brigadier Morgan. Smith,, Bayfleld and Dist
ner oir
going to be ' involved soo rict's,annual oamporee. Shown here -are some of Commissioner i� Gallant, Bayfield.
later in injury-produ=g ac -
the officials
and senior Scouts, left to right, Duff (PhQtoby Mrs. Bellchavbber)
aidents. S% lif is a 'tW*-
Yours 'ales
carlawdly, one of your ve.M
and You with, it — may -be
sma�hed proper dn the future. ' M-1 ;oy A V Siani Board
Research done at the Acci- Lo'n'd'on, LaWye d noes y
dent and Crash, Injury Research
Institute bf Cornell...Univorsity 1100,10 El
.shows th�t the dashbpard of
the car is, the most lfl�ely in- lake,No Actioll %,,,in Centra'A Schoo'
strument of, bijury �ith, the
rear vieW mirror also a poten-
tial danger, BAYFIELD—Reeve F, A. sept from their attorney, ley's opposition to the pro-.. Reeve Clift said the letter
-aift, 1�qyfleld, told the N6M� Samuel Lerner, London, to posed 16 -roan centrvil,sclima' advised the Stanley Board to
The same study showed the Record bn Wednesday, that the 'secretary of the, St—anley at Brucefi&d. "take no further aption to�
Madin cause of death was being offidiat in the village have Township School Axela Board, ward acquiring a site . and Two Men Killedin This Crash Near Bayfleid
He said copies of the letter
th=m 1wom the car while the vecekved a copy of a letter. with, reference -to West Stan- have also been forWarded to Proceedanj with its announic-
lom�ly rear -view mirror aga5n ans to eirect a 16 -room This angled�mass of steel, glass and rubber was the "death chariot" of
J. G. Burrows,'Exeter, in-,..,: 0 P1
accountsfor one.per cent of am �9dhodl at or near Bruceffeld two Detroit men last weekend. Clarence Betz'bLnd John McIntosh died when
faltahtaeS on the W1 ghway. 4-K CLUB NEWS spector of public schools for, their car crashed into the back of a truck driven by Gordon Hill, of RR I
this axen, and fhe 'Ontario '.i:,uldtilk the matters in issue
'11hus we see that 350 persons Minister of Education., Hon. . `hWe been, settled by agree--' Varna on County Road Three in Stanley Township. Mr. Hill was uninjured.
have been killed in the past ten William Davis, in Toronto. rit between the parties in. has been.set for an inquest. (Photo by Orval Schilbe., Thamesville)
lots Picked
years by a rear view mirror! on County Jun
Hur, volved and a decision has
Vdiat's more, another'260. are given by the courts that ce",,al Huron
gioling to die, in the next 011c, will be in �bhe ftamley Township Area
five For Tours, And Exchange Visits H1yurN(>newC4Burnun9%vi time. Bavfield Fire Brigade Assist
yea= by the hand of a rear ty Zt- the Of `S'cliool Board %, properly con- S Softball Scores
view , nATTorl the 1nter-Peoviincial 4-H Agri- s-bituted, elected and qwdified
George Townsend, 18, son of member of the Seaforth 4-H cultural Club Exchange. She to act a:g required by the Recent scores in the Central
Mr. and Mrs. Llmler Townsend, Corn, 4-H Swine, Seaforth 4-H has beep a. 'member of 4-1-1 Public School Xmendm;nt. 'in Refloating Damaged Cabin Cruiser
Another piece of mail advises PJ,' 3 SOaforth, has been select- Dairy CW Club. He is also ae- Dairy Calf Clubs'as well as Huron Softball League are as
us that even though. we Can,- ed to represent Huron County tive an the Se'alfoirth Junior Far- 4-H119inemalaing. adbs. While Still In Dark On Monddy morning a cablin Wolery of Delphos, Oblo, struck follows:
cruiser owned by Dr. Walter a submerged object two. miles June
adians -may be wild drivers, we at Provincial Leadership this mers,Club. The provincial 4,H at prevent a grade 12 sti!dent, John Taylor, chabiman Of
have nothing on, . the Germans.'ymr. George is currently a leadersWl p week will be held she plans -to study Home t&n , 'the Stanley School Area north of Bayfield, and later 23—Bem-rifiler 14 Holmesville 2
sank. 25--Londesboro 9, Holmesville 7
More than 40 persons per d1ay at the University of Guelph onAcs at the College Level, 'Board, said Wednesday he' Dr. WOlery, wha Was erw.-Sdng 26—Varna 14, Benmiller 7
were killed, last year on We�t from July 12 . to 1-6. Afflism Whelton will vftft with Iwas "m the dark" about thlis Hensall Seeks.. wi1th ht wife. andfive childten, 29—BenMW.e,r 10, Londlesiboro, 6
German highways, or a total of At leedership week, emp&asas Miss Neft,,Baan, RR 3,Wialton 3atest move on the part of Wolery, . tfly —
16,500 ft Bob. Livermore an! his father, Oren J, . I 'Benmiller 5, Varna
tahties. All we have 47. WM11 be placed on dleveloping &RA Mks Iris Marshall, RR I fttepay&s in West' Stanley, S porftnouth, OhjO, found the 3; July. 3 — V -
_�krna 5, Holmes
veraged per yew in Canada is P leadershw P, Pavilion A collision, had, wrecked the
,p abraities. articipants M-'rktop, while in, Huron County. �ind, said he !had, not yet � re- steer- vWe 3; July -.5 — Auburn 6,
3,503.dep=fRd souls. It seems AoUts Fo6t On wull. re�&ve, Woomtloh- and A. 4-1K Centennial trip, is be- ceived, any correspondence By, directing tids Holme'�' 5 -
'we are hariffly 'Wy1hg! take part in distusslons. con- ing crew from side' to.sWe of the
organized to Eastern ont- lawyer Lemer. -CentenniglJob. '�ng lne--�vmlsm- League Standing. -
ncd, animal ario and Montreal this year. ; Sdml secretary -treasurer, man
Of course, German traffig of- cprmng sde cruiser, 914per Wolery Points
f1dal's say tdta,25,to 30 percent. Power Mower - " an�im,4,
hea,�th, plant and soil scienm This trip is being financed from A. J..Mustard could make no .� MeiiTAxws. of Hensall council. aged'to limp into shoreat Bay- Varm .............. .
of the country a traftw deaths engineering science, farm econ- thegrAnt received. from the Na- comment sihee by Wednesdia agreed Monday, night to make ...... I ................ . 13
-Bob Livermore, centreman y field, harbour. Denmiller ... ..., 13
awe caused by intoDdeated drivT m4th the Clinton, Junior Colts oniliep, biology, farm. Ibrostry, 1110nal Centennial Commission noon,',he, was not in' receipt application to the Department Ul aboard got ashore with.; ... 12
ers. Waybe Wil catch up %Wth and citizenship. As well, there (Con1tinued on'page twelve) of a letter from Lerner. of -Murticipal Aftbirs forapprov- outget
Gemnany's'annual output of hockey toan� tMs past season,' Is wiR be several opportmitles:for al of a pavilion as a Centennial tiog completely drenched Hokn�;V�*%� ......... 8
mi ...... ............
dead drivers because according satisfactory condkion in Vic- recreafibnal actmUet and fel- befbre the vessel, "Skip Lu Ann Imdesboro ..... ** ....... �6
tomk Hospitai, Lon -don, , follow- Project for the Allage, - IV" sank.
to another Ut of. information an amdent at the Msh and lowship., Bayfleld Village -Preparing' Bylaw R�ugh 8ket�fies showed the She was refloated with the
from the mail, Canadian brew- W4
Game Club playgrounds last Donald M&Cercher, . 21, of RR 40' by 14' bWlding to contain help of the Bayfield Mire Bri- ClinTonian Club
em am out to persuade Can- Fhday Mornin!�. I Dublin, will. visit With two washrooms and an audwtorim- gade pumper later in the morn-
adlans to drink mom beer! 4-jH fan-Aldes in Alberta To Elect% Reeve,.For Two -Year Term Estimates put the cost of con� ing.
The youth,, summer caretaker during To Meet July 14
They hope tosvanulate more the Inter-Provinclaa 4-H Agm- struction. at $2,800.
odes by offering more biran& of Clinton parks,, was cutting cultural a0b Exclimge durting After a dt6sslon of various each year and a Reeve . every In other business, , council The Clintordan Cluib will
dmift. beer for home COnsump- grass at the club and had climb- ZTuly 12-26..Donalld was selected alteMadves; to provide better second yew. learned of a meeting with De- FATAL TO MH meet at the home of Mrs. Louis
ed off the tractor mounted
tibn and a campaign to move long enough to remove for this Aop 4JH Agrict Altural continuity of council than by Cbunad agreed to set the P"Onent Of Highways Offtials The loss of forest cover Forest on Wednesday afternoon,
beer from -its present blue-collar Mower Award iat the time of 4-H, Lead-, �nnual elections f or. one year 1965 vdRage adtmlni�stratjve rate tDdwuss plans for changes at causes cool waters tor run Warm leave the
r4che to a "gifiart-set" drink. an object from, its -path. He ership Week held at the Univer. terms, Bayllield' Council decided at 17.5 mills. For . cornparLkoh the intersection, of Hlghwo�rs,84 and fill, with sediment. Sl J uly 14. Cam wi
suffered a di_-ep gash under- I Ince
Of course, If we get to the' sity of Guelph, in 3,964. H� bas Monday to have a by-law pre- the 1964 rate was 17.85 mills and 4. Council has been seeking this rulms fishing, the respon- Town IM.U, promptly at 1:30,
. neath the
stage where we have an m� baill o�f his lett foot been active in .4-H club work pared setting up two-year terms including 15 MMs, vffl age rate, some solution to the trgfic sible angler is carefull to. prevent h&s. George Manns and Mt�T.
eMased, WMbeW of &jnking When it slipped into the revolv- and is currently Presidenit of for fffie Reeve and all council- one- nfall spe tal rate and J.85 hazard at that comer. forpst fire. ForoAs will be lunch conveners.
ddveM we may hive to impose, mg bla&. the Seaforth Junior Farmers, lors. n-Alls for itireet lVhtlng,
the same Law that am in Several cWdren at the scene Miss Anne Whelton,,.17, of. It is in -tended the -by-law w M11 Canon F. 11 Paull and Mrs.
force In West Germany. of themishap scattered without Black Pock, Gloucester come anto effect this autumn. R G. Hunter representing Pio- Mrsi. Mary Ceitienden 90. Years Old'To
'11here, drunk &1vers. can get offailing- asWstance, and Liver- Coun- The Reeve will be elected for neer Park Association, , and
up to 9, yew in prison, a fine of more was forced to criawl to a a two Year term, the two com- Man Galbraith, representing
h on
up'to $2,500, temporary Or per- nekhbours - ome for help. He I more, toad the'Newt-Record. cillorr. receiving the 'most votes cottagers living on the north Lives Alone Do s All Housework
ritanent. loss of, a delver's license wag attended by Dr. J. A. - Ad- Wednesday that Bob 115'ingood. Will serve for two years and si&_ of Pioneer Park, approach- e
and thwr car hnpaunoed even dison -and rushed by axnbUlawe spirltg. He is; the soft of Coun- the others for one year on the ed council to d1sc:uss. how speed-
twUgh thqy. are rat involyed to hospital. c0lor Norman and Mrs. Liver- first occalsion only. After that, ft could be controlled around Washing, cleaning, and cook -
in *dhl accident I' ing are everyday chores for
An aunt, - Mrs: Percy Liver- More, 128 East, St. two councillors will be Elected and through the park.
er1s and th e is
Members of the P.P.A. 'exec- most h1omema
utive will meet with, the Parks nothing too ren-Arkable UbOUt
I 014�0, Redirned froalthe mail (:!Ommdttee and Councillors E. women who love to, bake . . . .
that them were 720 fewer farms Oddelcdfso11,..a14 j. &Ul,geon j,& unless. she happens to be well
350 People At Strawberry Socnal
in Huron County In. 1961 than d*uss the situation on the p�at retlirerner# age and still
hi 1951.' Figcwes show that ground. livmg alom and hUing mt!
small ftnns Mso�n 1-69 acre9l)
are slowly dtsappefting, farm M-.. -Mary Crittenden, 154
fTom 70 to 239 acres are most Wctmia St., Is just sucha truly
popular and, the number a S Dolan wonder1w lady and she is cele-
reiaW, large farms, (760 acres S/L Denn! bratibig her 90thi birthday tofty,
or over) W droppdn& July 8.
Another astonfthing fact was Retires From RCAF ,,,dwn,,t think I'd live this
that there are as many cars on long," she confilded to the News -
Huron farms as there are fbirac- cord." Mygrandmother. lived
tors. Th6- seems hard to Wifievei c RR
To Start A S'hool to be 93 but not one of her
m4lbn It ft not uncommon for
,s/L Dentis Dwan retired children, lived, Past the 70's."
farmers to own two or moire recently �rom. the RCAF after Nine decades of life has left
tvactors�. But you can!t argue 20 Srean of service. At the
with ;9tatiWids, or so theY Sayi Mrs. Crittenden in near pZwfect
tkne,of his r6tirement, Ottawa health and the mischievous
Wages are highw mi Mtch- born S/L Dolan Was� the OfAcer
eiler tbaA in other dMes in mi& the School of In- glint in her eye belles her age�
Western Ontarlo,,'and, fewer per- strUctionbil Technique CLt A4CAF '.r don!t walk too far,- she
sons in Huron bmO in aparts Station Clinton. told- us. "Id have to take my
wMts than in anY 61her mid- A Matter of Arts graiduat4 cane and I doet like i1t., it
Western Ontario from, the Urdv,-;Mty of Ottawa, makes you look calder."
0 -fittenOe
te*Joined -the ACAF in 1948, Mrs, Ci A was the for.
after having served briefly dur,, Mer Mary Phiftervice from the
WhsMen Peewee� - A.F, tile War.. Londesboro, distribt, Slie is the
15�,g higeareer S/L Duddrl oldest oX- four remaining child.
b6feat Goderich
served at vaAous ACAF Sta- reTI from a fand] of el ev,
tton!s in ,Canada and wfifi the Her 80-Ydar 161d sister. T&S.
Clintoft Xintmen Vx(aa*, George, has travelled
ipped Goderich
p6ewe i Oint StA in Wash-
Oahadian J,
eewdeg on NOW/,4- .. . - Sai lbedernber:L952 from Alberta to attend the
ington, Betwec
afty an
esda$r by -a store at 1-5. Pit- unt birthday p, a is gtaYing
9 for, bli�t& weere B iff Eyes 60wh Far A Full, Plate il August 1957, fiLi b6mMOid- mr, Old I brot her Jack
and L I , e, C1 dgar wts the ed the XA9�0 Language School with '79 -ye
mt-cher. Concentrating on pile and ice 06 in Blyth Another sister wfio
tLm tLre left to ViglItt Curtis Udllfit6sh - and,thd J�W&vlco Rustiah Lan,
Mrs, Molntmfi Randy, McIntosh Joyce 1 hd
4ub�h, Teresa Hubeli Xaten '�Iubel' gu4ge 8,chboli both of whidi are li�r'16 li�69 in V�� 6
'h during, their visit to thd stfldwbetry�, festivid ldcatdd ift Chbta*a, will ��- be here for the od-
J.-46) , ly Hubel an'd Sajady WeInG 61'ah is mwtidd to th6 caWon. Mrs. 'Mary, CrIttehdoh
'held at tha Ree Ce $ WAY Photo) SAL JD,
nAw ACAPI Clintojq bn 3uft6--20., (A
fb*n& Sylvia TornIM of O-W The celebrant is the mokheit
The ACAr, Pe&estaftt arrayed With b6ach bags, UftB64 86.wmo�t Was ke- -and the ,06 h , f6, teen. of 6nos6ni, fia,,Lold, a CllntoM WO R9kedh,0r`1f She had MY 4 coal firb in her honjo last
LOW H1.9h W cou as 11r,
1906 A04 chapel Guild of gtiffloh Un- stuffed aximalt and htd box- VbIhAble &r th 0 09anitatioli agb sbirls, On his eetlrtment,. and 1foUr daughtets, MA. George advice for OthOm aspiring to W winter although she did, adnit.
;of' the todal which wag yeal% of life. to, help with the ashegi
June 29 V, 51 83 69 ton, held a AtravVberty. 90�w' es, gileeft Webbek, the 'Squadron Uadbt Olang to.: 0, (Amedai) PA-1iWt, Clinton,,
charge of the childtehIg . table, tended by 'About 860 P00.6 *gai=e a, �chool of tea"kh1bg Uft. dlare4idd (Bdrth4) Ball, "Let them Bh-d Oft f6t thtrh� Thei 0prkely 50-�_yoar old, did
so 71 46 90' 63 on, Ain�� 21a dh the Rweafloh whs 'lling ;�� who 6hjoyedhomebiadd, quo, ��Ith will bel6mt- Grosse Isle, Michigan, Mrs, 961vds," the ftatbhed, PTh4t'!� have A sober warb4ng Joe JbL*
is 3q go 65 ktipt btlgy sit Atrvw- t6ohrAl
'59 Centre, ap"'' rildt6ly dccotat- berry sh&t" Md dez &eanit �d- ift ONV, A011b, on J t
'78' 61 83 botth, 6m, an, d toft a-Affics: Ottawa 'Arda, tht t�dli (Anne) "P1161, Ne. What I had to do, t d - 't thinl
strawberries mg wag 1t6 Vada� halq WOd' 1CW,9 You, thotigh. l- are going A lot fas�tet
'8 '74- M $1 61 ea Udth 1, Ruby brL4 ri� subbess purpose bit the SM001 WoUld be , and Mrg, OoMbh (Pekrl peop, e
4 '81 46 72 and baskets of r6se;§, an atsortmem the, W, 1bg M', id, to make the to graduate compo6t6bit tecW-, Aoss, Woockvilld, ner. husband I'" 'done SO= pretty hard than We tl�*d to," she remarf�,
51 f f
5 .73 �48. 71 49 06nVdudd by Mfg, 96hOm- Of fibthd baked' goOdg and -A 61 an- hhhiW W, VOCAVOW and indus*461 Willmm, �Wttend &d 18 W&k, LA& "I dbn't tb6c th&yll fiv�
16 86- so bVefit, 9�� Mrs, Crit*iAdeh 6veh tended M long eWier,�
f aLtiltw 'the hotwilty Wfild, Wag harit carlblTig,
RWn.,, .6j?l TWn,