HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-07-01, Page 7Ii ,W W0
ton, fL formor g04 joaow Mid 14ary
%ere,, -via AT
111honxis Wilson(TOA1, f'ormprly og- XA FA
.of r -oft!* Ca ft " 50o# aid, V*tod with her cou-
-tl the village Isla, J014 1•f04M4, Mid, Ho1i4-
J044 Nal*too Qk wa*109 ton x hw�
-4pem the. WP*enA W1#1tM par- rau#ly,
crabs, XP, pnc
I X11sj3pn, lAnx*a- The it Ve=pj41.ser Wc
ton.. Will Jog 11014 _qt Bard's Cwnetery
Wfillam Omy i�, Ap4ilent,ig 4eVt.-Sj��Jpy 4 q3'
<a Londe IYita4, xrA04 mml Millard MQ -1
Mrs.Fvesetta TWOr is 4, 1*tKenzie of �Tew $Vara visited
leof Ga? Clinton JZQSPI%J,
last, week wi,41 M�,- and Mrs,
Mr. and Mi-Mail4nd Allem va
`twoove nv� ft
ars Alrs� Thomas Haggitt
wows visitW10.k Petq� Brawl " a3a'ir boPhlen attended the. ballet
4t 1*000e, recital 141 the I,,egibri 1-1'41111 Chu-,
Xz and ZAys, NelsoqRpibi�on ton When AIM,
of J�Iqyffinlnstex, &Iberta, lqql *. ,
W, T. Robison o
a pupils �rese¢uted
prMT01n, StSui ren. c]ii�l tire'
Mas. 'Tdardid Carole, of HensaZ CowboV Pancein th'e> program,
called on old.acquainP� tances ]a fArouiid 'tire W
prla (in, Forty
Mr, and aAfrs.. Reg Asquith, Mr, anIvftd
, , Harold Beels-
rQeorge, and Anne, -of TOrOnt With ji-xd. Brian of Hlannubal,
spent SatTirday in Ifte -04,114,ge, N.Y. vitited, last weel� with gr.
Mr; said Mrs, Ray Fa -r
. row and and Ups, Ed, Davies.
grandson Jim , Young 'Of Mt- _1>4y vaucation Bible classes
chell VlOxtedwith Mr, and A
Will Don,
TVce at 9
'Thomas• Joh stone on their way T,,nJay5 i, alol.
o is ers %,hampio
Orta 0% n Boys Champ,
1 n
weatlz, nide vodq- id, Powell pA �p.4vi4 God
lew4rtha Dr
'iX& Tx �a ,=d
i Areg'l O'e Bim?,_,og
swoc.",4,� midd-letofi" tibeth"' Thommon.
)MV0,14to qmtosit ' _in--'__'
.s,4 T�a'wi�tfi4f i-4,mo, g brmoi F-r--
uo)i, as
the O.EWk race qhd the noel lar ire
ob, DO_e . MJ.9 d
__ �. . tt,
twee legged race, Sch,
ilb-8; $0. 'ding Invad,Ile
$J1% nice 4nd Susan Slow. Bigg-14�, avid Lgwmnpe, Vew
iWore chcsenlntermedMAte Mddle
ft4or OirlsQhamploq,.,pe Relay
r4m, Tony Blvd, Kim
spectively, Amigi, Girls Gll'arr?- Hodgins,
Braille Lobb Jami
pion as�.Ca pe Wise, ThoiTrpson .(f.4-st), Diav'!,a Oed-
J wge Jap
Geddes on . =0 des, Drew, Middleton, Dennis
-es tiod for the Junior Boys )Powell, Gerald: We
.4rth,a (sec,
honour while, Alcky $chllbe Was, ond), Michael Howard, DaV!
IrutermeW, ate boys Champ and Lawrence, Beverly Porter, Job n
Brill Stirling w6,s named :Senior 5 cbottS (thi 4); Dryd.
Boys' Qha QeVaJ.d TreWartha, Jamie .. Mplon. XA'ie ThqM-
06Tii�lelj�e �oouits Were: Mon, Kim Hodgins,,, long ran,
1 �0 TS Beverly Porter, Jamie Thornp.
son, Bruce Bligin.
. . � I .
to, a three weele vaoatjon�.jn, Basketball throw, Arn Man,
Chu, h SAN104 CAMS
Northern Ontario. derson., -Sam Mosselman, Law
Q.cxic,Q ,gh High J=p, Betty A
Mr. ad Mrs. Roy Cope, SbeLla 1 jump,
runT4ng broad
Sam Mossel R Tyn- Ginn, Susan f5owerby, Edda
mid Carol, London, were recent
Y.(Tall, B
relay Me, Steegatra; rLmning broad, Su -
T=, C`ralk, Ricky DublerBill san Soweity, Agatha Blok, Ed-
a=ld Mrs. Xgn.
land ftmvy.
Harrison Family
Stirling, Wayne Tebbutt (first), da Seegstra; 'standing broad,
Mr. and Mrs. Gooier alt o S= MbisselMan, G Ann
ary Potter, Lois Meivlill, Betty Me.
'C 'oils -ger, Rowhe Tyndall Ginn Agatba Blok,.
tended the Rkannua1l FarmWs G aderich Tow.nWp Sibaol Areca -Chbmpi
Labor Conference At PAxt Elgin noldsReunloli Ray Rue
Stever` Rathwell 14';p, step and jump, Ian
oaeriqla Township School i4aAi' Rathwell, Merrill, S-owellby, Betty Ann McGinn,
recently, They were delegates Winners of the three girls cham.pionships. at'G roan M. rn
for the Huron Cavoty FawmeVs The annual picnic was held at Area Field Day are, left to right, . Janice SoNveflay, intermediate; Susan SOWe 11 rbr Jim Heard. Connie Harris; baseball accur-
union,111awbourPark, Gpdeflch with 70, Wheelbarrow mcep Rloky acy, Janet Williams, Pat
in attendance. A delicious - senior and Catherine Wik, junior,, Dvlwor, Sam Mosse�.)an, Gary Wraith, Betty Ann McGinn;
Mr. and �&s. Russel King nic . dinner and supper vyej, pt -yard dash, Wayne b&seball long throw, TAllian Mae
Visfted last w�ek in Sarnia with Potter; ter; 10D . a -o Harris, Betty
1 Tebbutt, Tom Craig, Ray Rae= Dqnald, Conni
Mr. and Mrs; Warren Mitchell, toyed by 'all,
throw, Jerry Ann McGinn! -ur-
Randy ger; acciwacy
and C� Volleyball acc
%th,y, Winner for the lae]�' draw
T,dhoston, -osse 'y Brenda Tyndall, Irene
Iman, Gax
Wil, and, Mrs, Wray. Bryant, on a lawn chaRr was• Stan Col.
Potter, Mandertsari, Janet W1111iims,
Donny, Ray aip4 Shirley of �Wis; lucky plate Stan'Collins; I Volleyball throw, Malcolm basketball ucctwacy, Brenda
-nith Mls, visited last week 'Youngest, member present, Bar- Roy, Wayne , Tobbutt, JIM Tyndall, Bonnie Tyndall, Bren-
-leard; shat J)rat, Wayne Tob- da Stirling,
N�Aith Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cart- lie Willerit; eldest person prerhe'- Crabiwalk, Lois Merrill, Su -
t, Mrs., George PI-octor, butt, 'Tom Craig, Gary Potter;
wrig6t, David and Derhck. ' sex
end Mrs. Alex P-Adersm,
member coming the farthest long Tan, Wayne Tebbutt, Bill san Soweriby, Dorothy Collins;
Stiriin Potter.nald,
N -Iar ng, Gar sack race,' LillianL1111an, AUx
.0f Dayton, Ohlo'pard Mrs. R. A, distance, Mr..and.Mrs. KunI
-J. Long distance:. race, Toni Ann AMax, Susan Sowerby;
Coleman,'Bow 41and, Alberta, X'h0n!0f BZan0*d, Craig R, e three-legged race, Dorothy Col-
Tynaall, Wayne
were recent vioKor8 with Mr, ,Races andgames, followed by Tebbutt; Tilgh jump, Steven
lens.and Edda Steegstra, Susan
and Mrs. JC6,110.ust' a.ball game'were condu athwell, Ricky Dubler, Ronnie Sowerby and Irene Manderson
'y Ai�;
the sports committee.
Mr. and Xrs. John Boer ndaR; hop, step and jump, Agatha B-1ok and Bett
Flowerdale,, Califo�=, are vis- '�,.Results were follows,: Tom..Craig, Mark Rathwell, McGinn; wh6elbaivow race, Ann
Girls and lboys five years and' Ivan Xertill. Millar and Matthea 0skmn,
iting With her mapier, Mr
under ' George. Collins, Civb-walk, race Bill Stirling, J=-1ce Middleton and Susan
Alik_en�hoad, girls tor eight ye, s,
Robert, Afthur, Mr. Arthur'. Gary Potter, R6nnie Tyndall; Sowerby, IAllian. MacDonald
Darlene, Edridge, Bernice Wfl- Stirling, Sam and Lesley Blacker.
sack •raice. B1111
-yard dash, Edda Steeg-
lert; boys toeigbit years, Mar-, Mossielman, Ricky Dobler; 100
ilay Siemon, Jackie Alkenhead,; t1wee-legged race Bill Stirling sura Ann Millar Betty An
girls, to 12 years Darlene Wil- and Ricky Duble, Ray Rueger McGinn; long run, Edda Steeg-
lert, Brianda. HQagert; boy,., to and Jim Manderson, Danny Ga- stra, Ann, Millar, Susan Sower -
12 years, Jerry Wil-ert, Bill d ftwell; by; relay race-, Agatha Blok,
hwlRer en. Xark Rat
Collins; girls to 15 yean', Dar- standing. broad, Wayne Tebbutt, Betty Ann McGinn, Janet AM -
lone Willert Brenda Holl-t;`B Stirling. Ronnie Tyndall.
boys ry
to 15 years, BcuL110, %ta t, A INTEIVNiEDIATE BOYS
Ricky Burdge'
Young 11adies, BvrbaTaWillert, Standing broad, Ricky Sch-
WolaCollins; young xnibm, Brace 1arland, Doug
Coll1n;s Bryan Hodgert; mar- 11be, Richard, I
Scl*be; wunx&ng 'broad, Eddy
-Aed Olive Slemon, Ehz- Steeg.Ara, Ricky Schilbe, Roll
aboth. Collins'; marfted men, jv, Wise; volleyball throw, Gary
Stan Collins, Albert Taylor.
Johnston, Darwin Porter, Mark
Couples back to back Bruce UdLean;high jump, Eddy
and Hazel Calins, Jim and Viola
ateegqtta, Ron, Wise, LeRoy do -
Collins, Childrens shoe s== -
Jong, Ken Johnston (tied).'
bre, lMrleae Willert Sharon Crabwalk, Eddy Steegstra,
r. e'slip- Womons kick th Jerry Steegstm, Richard Har -
-TME-0ZZIE,D0 YOU pew, Bla�dblara Willert, Viola Col- land-, ftedlbamow race, George
...LIKE YOUR W*DEN? leers; Mens kick the ' slipper, Bob rhompson and Tom Lobb, Jerry
Collins-, BruceCallms. 'Iteogsitra land Don . Rueger, Ro-
It was' -decided to hold the
best Stirlixg and Fred Bird;
1966 re-un[18n 61t Seaiforth Lions3. long - -throw, Jan Mossel-nian,
vazlc. The 6fflcefrs for 1966 are: -larland
president; Percy Harrison; se Ron Wise, Richard I
rotary-treasirer, Nrra. ' Perecy Hop, step land Jdmp, Eddy
PLE Harrison; sparts, Le Roy HaT- Steegstra, Ran Wise , George
COM'S TE.TUNE-UP, _e # Thonipson; 100-Y& dash, Doug
111son, Jo. acrison, Wcda Steegstra, Ricky
SERVICE' and. Bruce CoUlml. d�rectors, Boys Champigns In Goderich Township Sebabe Eddy
I .. Ir 91chilbe; thiee-legged race, Ron
I Ifff-1-1-1 K44 1 �Ii k folli' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Orr andWdse and Doug Schilbe,-Biden
Mis ,shitHarrison. Champions of the boys classes at the field day'at Holmesville School last Somple and Gerry Lobb, Niclr
Friday afternoon are, left to: right, Jamie Thompson, who 'shares the junior Rodgins a Jim Riddle.
chdinplonship with David Geddes, far right- Bill Stirling; "senior champ and Accuracy tbrowi Tom Lobb,
Ricky Schilbe, intermediate champion. Moky Schfibe, Ralph Welsh; re-
lay race, Ricky Schilbe, Ron
Wise Geo0ge Thompson, (first)
Over 500 Attend from former membevs, among BillbojfinS, Nick HOdgin%, Jan
them one ftoan Sir Ernest Me- Masselman, Don Moll-wahl (sec-
D&fllain of Toronto. Mrs, Emmer, ond') Rdbblfe RaithWell, Cam
'0. Roder, Doug. Schilbe, John Scb-'
A and'.
.1e Xosselman.
M. ck the slipper, Catherine
Wise, Carcde Weber, Linda
BJake; accurac,�&roNy, Debra
Mero, N=cy Dene, Bawft
Jones; long run, Tema Steeg+
stra, Debbie Mossielman, Counte
Fwb&s; 100 -yd. dash, Ruth Col-
claugh, Catherine Wise, Nancy
Xiaeuei relay race, Joanne Col*
I=', Breirda. Forbes, Betty -Anne
Orr, Laurie TyndAll (first) car-
Glyn Porter, Carole Weber, Ca-
thellne Wise, Kathy deJong
(,second) Debra' Biggin, Linda
Blake, Teresa Steegstra, Dianne
Webster Picnic
Held A"
Bayfleld Square
(Continued from Page Sit)
Nancy Wardrop; boys sacic race,
Roddy McDonagh; shoe scram-
ble, Ron Reid, Jean Reid;. box
scr=bft John McKinley.
Men's race, Roy Ruether; la-
race, Mrs. Bill Talbot;
stone race, ]�,eta Webster, Mary
Irwin; egg rice, Fred McCIY-
mon;t and Mrs. Bill T4bot;
1;oneymocyn race, Melvin. Web-
ster and Mrs, Jobn.Mustard;
ringing pop bottle, Anson Cole-
im e4
And Erery
i ay ig t During e
SM, OugeT Sang a so.10, and a (third)
short bsitory Was read by AIrs. 11be (- * long run, Jerry
or ^uOurri United k,.,hurch Oliver Anderson. Steegstlia, Ricky Schilbe Rich-
�ov leap on
N"an mcDow& Jim Riddle, (tied)
I read ad- arc,Harland sack race, Richard
dresses' of appreciation to Colin -Hailland
-a of Wingharn and Rev. Doug Wise, George Thompson.
BuAt 0""O'YearS el;Argo
re Stewart and Harvey Me- tTTJNIOR BOYS
Dowell resented them both HOTEL CLINTON
NOTICETO DESTROY Over `500 persons registered Margaret R. jacR-son, Mrs, Witt, gift far being the- supply Wal ' k rope. Jwnie Thompson,
for the 60th anniversary serVic- Spence Irwin, Mrs. Bert Mills, minil te the . Auburn Denuis Powell, Dale Elliott;
'gli jump,'David Geddes, Fred
es held fin, Knox limited Churah Mrs. Thon-las Sardin Mrs. Em- Charge. Featuring 'CLOUD 9"" Room
last Sunday' with. the guest inerson Radjor, i1hd s. iame�,4 Greetings from Presbytery Schilbe Gerald Trewartha;
Wlk, race
speakers being Rev. W: R. Alp,' Jackson, MrsBob BoiTle, and were brought kT= Rev. R. S. c;lb;wHiltz •of Exeter. Rev. MathOns Dennis Powell,'Errde Lobb,
H 0 X 1 0 U5 I B.A. B.D. of Toronto and Rev, Mrs. Gordon Mdclinche.y. of Blyth United. Church, Rec. R. Wheelbarrow race, Gerald
'Al"Illiam Fingland, M,A. B.D.Many bouquets `oaf flowers M. Sweeney from the Lauren- Tr�awaftha'andDrew Middleton, _--M0R"AgA`B0RD
D.D. of Niagara Falls. were. placed dinrnemory-of loved tians in Quebec, and Pastor- Dennis Powell orad David Ged- G
Rev, J. Ure Stewart, supply ones .and a boantilrul flower vase Craig Peters of the Auburn des, Burnie Lobb and Tony, Bir
-minrlster, was -in charge of the and bouquet were presented in Baptistom0hulich, brought greet- three-legged race, Kim Ho
service tared the music was memory era %
, of the late Mr, nand ings their churches. . giros and Janrle Thompson, De Every Sunday
W.'E'E'D ihe direction of the,ohalr leader, 1VIrs, iome Sturdy by their Williani Strau0ban stroke of
N OTIC15 15 HEREBY. to,
owners in urban and sub -divided areas to
ivix. ziao-a Lapp and vie Organ-
ist'Mrs. Norman Wight -man.
The pianist was Miss jenniter
A choir of former members
Sang two anthems. Those Te-
turning to sing for this occasion
son and farraly.. Uold 'offering
plates.weiv- presented in mem-
ory of Mr. -and MTi, William
Andersson bSr their family.
. A smorgasibord landhoon was
served by the UCW'.at the Com-
munity Rall where old pictures
the bujading of the clilwcli , =C1
Rev. Widlliaxn Fingland also
brought balckmernories oil those
days sixty yoaxa1,o,.Xrs.'MATy
-Grlersoa was ,ntroduced,
as she :had gone from this coa-
gregation as -a rnigsionary to
destroy all Noxious Weeds as often as necet�
were S
P Mcclinchey, Don-
aid Lloyd Walden,
were on display, Cre-
and lbooks W
ating great interest Weve'lau-
At the evening -service 'the
sdry in each season, to prevent their going to
Elrod Wagner, tTbrman MoDow,
ell,, Clarente Walden, Oliver
tograpbed quilts inade aver 40
yearis, fago,
choir. of present members, was
assistedCraig Trio and
by The
0i ""31,04- 2 IPT I
it 7, IjLlx
Friday-Servej from 9.130 O.M. to 12.,30 ami.
Andamwi, Amas Andrew Glen
A ishorst pi4o&am was present-
Mrs. R. D. Thomas of Toronto.
Sufard kiy�.Se"ed from 0:10 p.m. to Midnight
Patterson, Mrs, Ernest Durnin,
ea,at, 3;p.m. with Rev, tlTe Ste
, The Craig Td o'm c
30' was c
'.Phone 482-3421 for
At 6thist t1mas contoet
Aft 0harles Ad=%,, Mrs.
wart �WM-Idhig and Atm. Nor-
of Mrs. Betty Wilklil
Lbomill kopedidiffativd-A. W. Skiido--491-6.642,
n%A lghtrnan at the pla 0.toV,
ffam-y Woxisellof Godich andGdw9gMkRtAMissdle
Also after July 10, 1965, P`r6coedir;gs
is Mutc,'Willam
L. Oraig read letters
their brother Ifiam .1,0vaig,
Clinton, T1 -tomas, the &Z
will be taken to destroy 4:5)dous Weeds in
'star, the
ghtov of ta f ter mlin
late Rev. Q
qan& a solo
accordance with the Weed Control Act.IN
T,'PAYDE and
Classified Ads,
'Chicken In Basket
Weddi"4 Pictuees,
Open Every Afferfi.00n-'
0i ""31,04- 2 IPT I
it 7, IjLlx
Friday-Servej from 9.130 O.M. to 12.,30 ami.
Huron- County W�Od InSpeetor.
PHONE Nu 2-7711
Sufard kiy�.Se"ed from 0:10 p.m. to Midnight
'.Phone 482-3421 for
At 6thist t1mas contoet
Phone 492-1006
Lbomill kopedidiffativd-A. W. Skiido--491-6.642,
amr to oihfier Partfift ;ind Wedding Recepttbfis
......... .....