HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-07-01, Page 4N Page 4—Clin ,,, . ACCQMMOPA' FOR RENT HIOLP WANTED -4—,Thvrs4qyy, 41y 11, 1904 ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR RENT COSTOM WORK I i e plan ip Aent $15 isick e," Resect. txceilent­W orXing con-: eX per lepop and typiol; speed to be 'IAtor' PA I I WIN 2 WNEEL TRAIL`ZR Nvith 41,xT, box, 15" Phone 48�,- WH El�,L CHAIRS—The. T, Fund of C Iii Odd to follows J A Ip FUI1l`11`1`URE REPAIR _1C Furniture 7210;.�g6p Lodge have w heel chairs avail. able for loan. Contact Harold Tyndall 1 4$2-7409 after r 6,00 v fte P, s Cox, 4$24(0.93;in or, aA4 other other wooden *artiglps repalre-4; At rear of No. .84 Albert $t, Phone 5-70114 )P1uMtT9@- 44tfb postmarked not than Jvly jo"' LL '1905t and ,addressed to Mr. R,,Homqth, B.A., Central'119.ron Secondary Se o 1, Clinton. -2 1 ro MODERN 'ped oru p $,7, ' , q MpAt. Phone..4$�,0.6 �Gp NEED AATT your tmriglstw, raOlo, Get them' at —GRAIN TANKS And Many Other Farm . Machines GAlbrafthls Radio and .0'V. 29h3ab 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, 3 rrniles UPRIGHT PIANO, fair condi- 26' 276 now. v4 .one *ox,buf,(t LOUP kpartirnent, 3 ROOM' and bath TV $PECIAL_23'1 RQA Vic- DO IT Y0Q9$9.LF ELLANOOU57 ,SMALL Fvrnished Apar_fmont, furnished, Phone 4$2-9390, 24tfb M*C All utilities .paid,. 199 ,1, AVOIAble tor; $�89,% for �$ ��00 CUSTOM WORK Koii6 "I 2 ­Bl APAR I ith'tp�tde at 0411-A 'ITH'S CAR RENTAL, I,�PROOM _T , �, A SAVE MONE) .MEN .43 1157M 41. .1 . A , T' ),0 DAILY C .2 , A :�, MASONRY Sorvict- — re Lit mwespq Phone 9-12v4 ad I& V. 4PrIAole rates, o le - 0 -25.b I . I . . � I ­ I I ­ . ­ 1. Irig and, chimneys repairpa. &h HO SE FOR SALE OR RENT, apply lyt) TH19$9 MACHINE$ Ph -5 Ch one A�4-R P1. tfb 'NOR 4 -AUTOMA W4sh-. work oaraz.W-A one , OU MC ]Ph 527 oil. ,furnace, Phone .482-935.3 or FLOOR SANDER in- Maphine, '24tfb GUITAR LESSONS — Summer apply 157 Mary •St. �6 7p 3 BEDROOM in Itippen condition, 1332. FLOOR EDGER 611, heated, .1 ' 40 HAND SAND �1.00 per 1psg reasonable rent, All -�5Q'001 -A 'Victor . AtAr s able TV. $66,00, TRANSISTOP�, BROKEN -?—We 91 on TWO-BEDROOM . Apartment C4 Belt during holidays for'beginneq � . tment vai,14,ble now, p)19146 2q.� 7, with stand, uinfurn newly Phone 489,76.513.,' Ices, for rent, Isbed, 26b can fix it like new. Low pr -ore Finjp�hinq emoijing bef , June .30, Pulsus best !service at GALBRAITH'S ter Gvi!7%r 9 decorated. Phone 48�-1557 4 -PIECE SECTIONAL Cheater,. Radio and Tv.,- 26b D49 Ty0e Studio. Phone 02- titfb: STATIONARY MOBIL] LAR09 Home, �Ield,Sultq two 30" bun%'beds 6606, 24tfb for rent, Ipvmdiate po POLISHER -SCRUBBER 'se4,� 14 1�1 operatingI�F , - .sses ii. �Vjih qPrij4 failed 'T _01o; mattresses, ETT LECTR.IC 3 BEDROOM HOME at 384 Located adjacent to park JIG SAW XJ§ REPAIR AND MAKE ly%tilda St,, possession July 15. Apply At.Grm =: like new. Phone 482T7046 after as usual till August 31, Out �W like �d View 6 p.m. andS4turdays.. occounts and back .,SKIL SA, your rings and jtwqIIe%, Phone 527-0742, Seafor*- 26b Bay L. P -, . 20b standing new, Diamond rings renewed , hm work to be cleared by August th e 5 .23-4471. 23tt RUG SHAMPOO WITH and stones safely secured—don't 6 ROOM HOUSE for -rent on AIP�ARTWENT SIZE Prci, I •, M pr rewinding, an WF�T_PRY VACUUM 2,BEDROOK downstairs apart- p 5 pt d re take chances, Expert work done • Townsend -St. 3 . bedrooms, me, gas stove with Qv0A P ' Airs radio �an ' d TV ' repairs. to your satisfaction, reasonably St,, 'Phone sale, ie "St, S, Clinton, Phone imme menti, wailfLble June 1. Apply 'light. Cheap ft, J I ' - �4 I pairs, Available 105 Rattenbury -t. or phonii Mrs. Affb6t,Leibolc R NT Watch repairs And Pearl re - .1, R 2 Olin- 482�6640. 2 11T. Counter, 216tfb, 482�9642 Jn mornings. or• 482- ton, pliolie 482�7509. 26b HE WANTED stringing. W. I-JoU,SE FOR RENT, . 2. blocks. 9332 aft6rujogns and evenings, MALE tfb from -main street, 6 room .cot- 19tfb SONY TAPE REC0RVER$, transistor tape ireoordem, tape tage,. gas, tur CRESTHARDWARE. YOUNG MAN for work in PET $TOCK "'. , pape. C, J. Ll TRAILER for rent, fd� recorders Of - all kinds from more, phone 48�4001, 26,7b S Aa� Poll & Mutch green ouse CH Ltd ly furnished pply at Bvelcees $29,95 at,GALBRA17W h and Zorist shop; TOY MAN ESTER Puppies, 4 BEDROOM f 201b And. TV 26b steady work, driver's licexice 6 weeks old, I male $20,00; 1 BE or Traller.Court, 69 ALOURT -ST., CLANTON required. Apply iti) K. C..Cooke Cooke female $15.00.. Mrs. Harold xeAA $85i00 per month. Phone WA.NTA SITEREO 0 ARGAIN? Phone 4$2-951VS Florist, 61 Orange Street South. Baechler, Phone Auburn 526 - !Aa 302 or appy at msing?* GLROQM HOUSE In Br4cefield, 26b Store, 55 Albert St.: Mfb, 'unfurnished, oilheatingi garden See Electrohompand RCA Vlc� 25M 7119, 1 . . .. torat GALBRAITITS. Radio 8, We Specialize In available., Phone Mrs Ivan BREAD SALESMAN for estab, PUREBRED GOman Shepherd 2 APARTMENTS for wightman, Wingham 357-256$ TV. 10 % Discount July Only� 26b � Furn Install'aflons lisbed Must be neat and pups for sale, 9 weeks old, $15 Clinton 482-99 route heated, self contained. Phone or 45, 24tfb. Heating Service reliable, Apply in .Phone 262-5020, 482-6663. or 482 -9568; -after 5. person to Morris Omey, I AUTOMATIC WAS1,4ER, r - Barbliffs Bakery. 26b RR 3 Kippen. 26p 22tfb LARGE 2 -Bedroom, completely Electric Wiring frigerator, 20 self-contained apartment, free ,electricrange,' I-11de-a-be, le, chairs, Appliance Service 5 ROOM HOUSE, gas furA laundry room fac Wirtles equip- ir�,,,iu I goad condition.Rpa, I P, Numbing Installations available July 21; 225 ped with autornatic washer and good ,St. 4VA g Street Phone 524-0479. 26P _y 227 Huron $t., phone dryer. Apply 201 Kin Eavestrowghing AT'SPANTION 02-0199. 2 1 Apt. I or, lWone 482-9227. 170, PHILIPS PHILISHAVE Elect, C-HUTER Plumbing UNFURNISHED, 2'.bedroom a- rie razor, flexible shaving heads, 'FARM HOUSE divided'into two like now condition, will opeiaft6 Heating, Electric partmenti centrally located) am- separate self-contained 2-�bed- on 120 or 240 (European) volt pIe parking, available. now, FARNERVI ;SALE$ & SERVICE room app ltments; 2 miles south circuit; $15.00. Phone 482-9448, We are now In. our new location Phone 482-7661. ga of Bayfield on Highway 21. 26P at 46 King St. (formerly 4 ROOM -HOUSE, -rent 'reason- Apply Mel -Vin Greer, RR .3, 13i.jAeld, 7M CAREFREE HEATING — For Blake�s Welding 'Shop) able, l with stove and Tefriger- the only fuel'offl insured against PHONE 4 82-7652 FOR SALE CUSTOM WORK ator, available immediately; oil FURNISHED, newly decorated heated. Phone 482,6663 or 482- . I explosion, we give free burner WATCH REPAM is a jol? for FOR SALE -600 BALES Mix- CUSTOM SPRAYING of grain W68 after 5 22tfb upstairs apartment, . separate service. A. G. GRIGG & SON, expetts. Our work assures your ed Hay. D, Bruinsma, RR 1, and corn, Frank Hill, Varna. entran ce,,itving room, bedroom,. phone 482-9411, tfb allsfactiorL Counter's jewellery. Bayfield. Phone 524-8033., 26p Phone 482-7596, 25, 6b FURNISHED, electric heated Idtchen, -bath electric stove and' Esta - and newly decorated; I also un. refrigerator, 'TV aerial. Miss DRAPERY PULL RODS Huron County's Oldest Esta- BALES HAY; 15 6 blished Jewellery Store. 700 SQUARE furnished, 2 bedroom. Phone W111iia Radford, L6ndon. Phoxie Track, curtain rods, venetian tfb pigs 6 weeks old. John Zwaan, MISCELLANEOUS 482-9928, ROY Tyndall. M 434-6611; Goderich 524-7270. blinds, bamboo draperies, win- REMODELLING, renovations, Phone 482-7481. 26b 24tfb d6w blinds,,' Free estimates roofing and floor laying, expert- FURNISHD D -or UNFIURNISH- given. Irwin's Dry Goods., ly done. All odd jobs around INTERNATIONAL 8 -foot cut, THURSDAY AUCTION SALE ED heated iground floor Ft- 2 Bedroom Apartment tfb the home. Kitchen cupboards P"Wer-driva bindery for sale cancelled at HENSALL SALES rne&t, one -bedroom, largelivingWith . 3�pd,ece bath, modern �enspecialty. Phone 482-7676 cheap, �$50. Preston Dallas-, RR ARENA, due to the .holiday on room, kitchen and bath.. Phone kitehen, large liv�ng room, VACUUM CLEANERS McNalrn. 23a, 4, Seafortb. 25,6b Thursday, July 1. 26b 4182-70571 Lloyd Batkin. 25t& gas heap, unfurnished, Sales and Service Repairs, hoses and bags for all JUST ARRIVED 5 -ROOM., APARTMENT, unfur- reasonable rent. makes of vacuum cleaners d SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED SERVICES rEFon Main Street. Apply Available now. Polishers. Reconditioned mach- Modern equipment used. Another Shipment of Albert Street,. phocie 482- Phone 492-9649 ines of all makes for gale. All work guaranteed. THREE QUARTER �xablan 22tfb 26,b BOB PEoli:, Varna, I Write or phone —TRACTORS Stallion, will stand to outside FOR RENT—Furnished apart- Phone Hensall 262-5350 L O U I S E BLAKE —$WATHERS mares. Frank Hill, Varna, RR 2, Brussels —COMBINES Phone 482-7596. 25, 6-b rent on -ground floor. Heated by oil furnace. SultalAe for ARTICLES FOR SALE ALRTICLES WANTED Phone 442, WMOWERS . 6, Brussels RAKES DEAD ANIMAL couple. Phone 482-7855 or 9479. 1 — . I 10to34p ---�TEDDERS 24,,25p t& GOOD Table Potatoes for sale. PIANOS WANTED. Any con- The place 'to go for ORTHO- —WINDROWERS REMOVAL — 3 ROOM FURNISHED Apart- Phone 482-7578. za-,TJ dition.. State height, make and asking Price. Write Box 190 rplilu zerlux, -mrri-A is HenIk's, '82 Albert St. Clinton, - — BALERS —ELEMATORS For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS ­- Call Collect inefit, newly decorated; forced air gas heated. Apply 482-9788 COCA- COLA 0661er. Chut 'T Heating and Electric, 46. King - Clinton News -Record. 23-32p —WAGONS AUTOS F FCR AUTOS FOR SALE or 227 Huron St. 7tf b St. Phone 482-7652.. 25,` 2r>') —GRAIN TANKS And Many Other Farm . Machines DRLING & Company 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, 3 rrniles UPRIGHT PIANO, fair condi- west of Clinton in- Village of tion, $25 or best offer. Also :L96.0 NAs�i-i Metmpolitan, good 1959 CHRYSLER Windsor, 2 -dr. We stock over 1,000 Belts, I-Iolmnesville, also I bedroom up- garlden twheelbarrow. Phone 482- motor and body, tires fair.. Hardtop, 383 cu. in., automatic. Hundreds of Pulleys, Bearings, Of Canada Limited town apartment. Phone 482- 3891.. 26P Phone 482-7509. 266 Phone 2364731. tfnx Spark Plugs, Plow Shares, Cul- Phone Clinton 482-7269 6694. ANTIQUE sherry "lest, '. Phone drawers, *rood tivator Points, Bolts, Quards, Sections, Hydraulics, etc. Licence 350-C-6 7-tfb 1959 Meteor Rideau - Deluxe 2 bedroom apartment in Brucefield, furnished or un- g condition drawers in good condition. Phone 26p '500' Hardtop 1961 AUSTIN HEALEY Sprite; -rebuilt carburetors and goner- Huron County's Largest MARLATT'S furnished, Reasonable rent, oil 482-9193, Clinton. ator,, new clutch and Pressure Form Equipment Depot heated, Phone 262-504V., 15tfb whitewall tires, -custom radio, reasonable price. plate, new brake shoes, Aew paint job. Must sell, $875.00 or Phone 527-0120 D & ad Sfock,.Ser�rice CHRO&M Dinette set . china' table 4 ,5ELV-CONTARqEDr apartment Por rent on John Street, Clft- cabinet, and chairs; very good condition: Phone 492.7850. Phone 482-9090 r best offer, RR 5 Clinton 13 'light JOHN BACH Highest cash p#ces paid fox ton. AP I ply to D. A. Key, Phone 482-9542 or residence 482-9607. 24tfb or apply at 152 Queen Street miles south of the traffic on No. 4 (London). Highway. I.H. Dealer = Seaforth dead or disabled cows and horses. Old horses $10 and up. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS 24tfb 26bi 261); 28thSmall animals removed free of SALE --a number of rebuilt motors, %-%' h.p. 6 tube Phileo charge. Please call promptly, Phone Collect Bros. 133 Brussels 3 BEDROOM, unfurnished AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE - Amvnstair, self-contained apart- car radio, 6 volt,,good condition. Marla" - YOU CAN ' 'T GO WRONG WITH A LITTLE PIGS, 7 Weeks old, Robert Glen, phone 482-9292., ment with basement and garage. Central location. Also a furii- Levett's Electric, 139 Erie St.10 S., Clinton. 24tfb 24 HOUR SERVICE 5-6-7-8p-9tfb ,Whed apartment. 46 Pdncess S.t, West. Phone 482-9005-..25ptfb WARRANTED USED CAR ftom 26p BRAND New refrigerators from $99.95 now on display. T. A. Dutton Appliances, Brucefield, 30 LITTLE PIGS for sale'. Geo - rge Dowson, Varna, phone 262- LIGHT. ,HOUSEKEEPING tages, sleeps 4 to 6, heated, electric ftig., stove, 2 and 3 -pe. Open evenings till 9 p.m. 25t& McGEESin GODERICH' 5322 Hensall. 26b 38 DYMO TaP8WAb-V ew'bosseLs /" FOR SALE—YOUNG ii�l_s�in b6throorns. Available by week or month. Phone Bayfield 83 or Apply Bayfield Woollen Shop. or 1/6,11 tape for desk names dtles, camera, notebook, badges - 37 Hamilton Street;— Goderich — Phone 524-8391 cow., due now. Ted Sjaarda, Highway. 8, 4 'miles east Of 25 34b etc. at MbEwares StIOM, Clrlilt6n, 26b These are all "top" cars, fully reconditioned and carry Clinton. Phone 482-9882. 26p Ontario. warranty. -Test drive these, c6 mpare prices, YOU CAN'T GO WRONG! - We are shipping cattle 2 HOLSTEIN hWers, springing,, 4 black heifers, springing, I 1960 Anglia 1106E Deluxe 2 door, only 9,000 actual lady driven Guernsey heifer, pasture bred, every Monday for United miles just like brand new. Top economy ...... ONLY $695.00 A• F. '. Townshend. Phone 482. 1963 Pontiac Custom Sport Coupe, bucket seats, floor automatic, 9107. 25, 6b I Co-operatives of Ont. We power steering & brakes, all new whitewall tires custom radio, 1128311 V8, Beautiful Ermine Whitt, ._ Only'$2495.00 will pick up at your form. Phone collect not later thein DEKALB Ready to lay pullets McKinley's Farm ge;�' 1964 Plymouth Savoy Coach, V8 engine, automatic, whitewalls, call and cherie� Ltd., Phone Saturday night. padded dash etc: Former Ont. Prov. Police car with 62,000 ..Zurich- Hens, 1 al 262-2837. 44tfb ti highway mi ed in:a beautiful Blue. only $2150.00 'Ids. Refinish. SEAFORTH FARMERS DAIRY cows and heifers, spring- 1960 Chevrolet Bel Air Sedan, 6 cylinder, automatic, new tires, CO-OPERATIVE Choose From Our tinted windshield, radio, etc., 46,000 miles. Topsl Only $1225 ers and milkers; We hAve on hand at ail times a good selec- 5214770 1063 Acadian Beaumont 2 -door Hardtop, 6 cylinder engine, auto- matibi whitewalls and discs. Low mileage ._ On] $lg95.00 y tion of heifers and mature Cows. FRANCIS HUNT CAKES CA 1962 Chevrolet Station Wagon, 12931 VS, automatic, custom radio, Only $1795.00 Convenient terms arranged. �, Home of Better Dairy ,ThL 627-1946 tint windshield, all new whitewallsj ditcs,, etc, y Nesbitt Phone Cows". George XL R PAST IES 1960 Ford Custom Sedan, 6 cylinderi standard shift. A viery low 523-909, Blyth. We deliver. 9tf 7tfb -11 � � .4— _oi.. .. I—— at ­n . ek.1 $1075 00 1962 Envoy Station Wagon. Deluxe luxe model,. 29,000 miles. Six new COOKIES tires & wheels. Transistor radio; original paint Only $1`160 1969 Pontiac Laurentian Sedan. V8 engine, Automatic, power steering; d1ses and washers. This car was owned by Gode- rich business Woman and has "only 26,000 miles. Only $2950 1963 MtrbUry Monterey Pour Door, VS, automatic, radio, And SWEET GOODS p6wer steering, Power brakes and power rear window: Sharp! ..... ........ •__ ........................... .... i ...... i .... i ...... Only $2550.00 1196� Pontiac _13krisienne Sedan, V6 automatic, custom radio, power steering And brakes, whitewalls, tinted glass, eic. DONLITS Only .............. ........... '1061 Chrysler Windsor Sedan, power. equipped, custom radio, 'EAD tutorie spotless original finish, matching interior. only $1705 1BR 1060 Chevrolet Irnpata''and bel Air Two -Door ' Hardtoptl goth six cylinders, witty Automatic And radio. $1005- and $1650 1958 Ford StAtidn Wagon, 6 cylinder, custom radio, A Useful one- erowner vehicle that reflects its good 'care . ...... Only $956.66 Bartlolff'S'Bak1960 Pbritlab Strato Chief Sedan, 6 cylinder with automatic,y radio and whitewallsi A topfanilly, car . ...... Only $1975.00 mited 60- LI I Bakery and k6stOUrUnk MCGEE­ S D E R 1, C.H' 499-9127 CLINTON 52479301 Since 1910 '5E Clinton Commu"I - ty- Auction Solos EVERY FRIDAY at 7:30' pkmt Government inspected dcAlea Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS. "CASH J013 CORtV, Sales Manager)l N, OTICO Rdi4 lei JU J4LECTROLUX :Canada Lto'", 0 n 4f Sale , $L;aJJd Service, Alvin RileyK =11t40`n!h524-6514, 153 Xri hti?Q Ise St., RQa -can b.V ANYONE HAVING legal 4111m Dr. M. W, RAITHBY -ag ainSt the goods and oliguels left at 4pt 100, M.44 "%treet B.S.A.' Sayfield may have s b ' pme y YETERINARY �SQRQEQN p. Jung '.st L4yge Ind.Small. Aximals ip� sa de, said goods and B aTdirig, chattels. will be sold by . p4bA Phone 514-057�, auctim, liq the nw future, PIPPERIPH, ONTARIO ?2.-34b W TORE FOR .1 t I ENT PIANO TONINO I _' STORE .on: main cM ner of vi'Ay$ And -4 lM YOUR PIANO, shqW d be tuned White ow:p I .. As Red a4 .roc Ap I P% And checked f or moth da Age _ Tyli4all,.Plio4e, 48?.99 100, aiid, other defects regglarly. I �!o Roy atan�4 priv- pate tl, con ilege of servicing-ma-py of the TENDERS WANTED instruments an this George . Area. rg W. C ' �e THE HYPRO•,ELRCTRIC Cox, -phone 4$2-3870, POWER COMMI$SION OF ONTARIO' PROPERTY FOR, SALE . 1_—�• PROPERTIES FO SALE ,COTTAGE, at EIllott's,Grove, Township of Tuckersmith north of Bayfield, �6 two-storey, 3 miles A t -storey, frame dwelling rooms. I Apply C. W. Hanna, numbered House No, I with zingle-qa�, frame garage locat. BelgrRve or Phone $57-1299 ed on a� -parcel of land 79 feet Wdngh=. 22tfb I feet,' V 417 more ox less and a two-storey, frame, dwelling . num- 4 BEDROOM HOUSE, over 2 berod House No. 2 with slngle -s acres of beauutifully landscaped . � land car, frame garage flower, fruit arid vegetable rage located on a -and 75 feet b Parcel of Iy 417 gardens. Sftqatea in south end feet, more or less, both groper- of vullage, of BayiRp1d; next to tib fronting on, 0 Cedar Grove Restaurant; front- the road age on Bli;Lewate , r highroy. Sell- tween Lots 5 and 6 appro$i» mately 1,00,feetsouth,of High" ting prke $6,50,C), low down pay- riTent. CAR J. H, Gallant 80 R w ay No. 8 just east of the Town of Seaforbh in Lot 5, Con, 1, Bayfield. 25, 6p A.R.S., Township of Tucker. Rnitb- The Comijiission %willre FAII ESTATE serve certain rights over each FOUR BEDROOM Red Brick house with 3 piece bath up- stairs, 2 Piece powder room downstairs. Large living, dining and kitchen areas. Can be used as -two apartments, Situated in Clinton, two blocks from centre of town on large corner lot with, double garage. I at 62 Or- ange St, or phone 482-7644. 19tfb COTTAGES FOR SALE rfrom $6,500 to $20,000, Lots from $1,000 to $4,500. Lauckner Real Estate, Call AdamFlawers, Box 41. Phone 83 Bayfield. 25, 26b BEST OFFER on' 3 bedroom house, iair conditioned, finished recreation room, attached store (or office) on large lot at 245 Victoria St., Clinton. Write B. Croft, 3086 Bloor St. West, To- ronto 18, Ontario. 26b FOR SALE — In Village of Varna -2 -storey frame (asphalt shingled) house. 3 bedrooms. Kitchen, dining room, living room; 3 -piece bath; sun porch; 1 -car garage attached, Alum- inum windows and doors. Half acre -lot included. Coal furnace. Village water. Phone 4823380 Clinton or -apply Mrs, Edith Aldington, Varna, 26eow Building Lots r1OR SALE Apply L. G. WINTER 200 High St. Phone 482-6692 49tfb REAL ESTATE 75 ACRES —.7 60 acres workable; 3-plece ba shed; bank barn 45x60;, Hy( Goderich Township, 3 miles CALL NORMAN RIV R. N. Sharer, Bi Property. Before submitting of-fers, pros- peqtIve Purchasers are request. ed to contact A. H. Cass, 1075 Wellington Road, .London, tele- phone 434-7391 to secure fur- ther particulars. -Envelope containing offer to Purchase must carry identifica. tionthat It refers to either Sea. forth House No. I or S6aforth House No. 2. Offers to purchase, stating total :offer and, method of pay- ment, must be received by the undersigned before 4p.m. East- ern Daylight TimeJuly 12, 1965 at 620 University Avenue, Toronto. The highest or Any offer not necessarily accepted. E., S. EASSON 25-6b Secretary TENDERS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF GENERAL PURPOSE ROOM ADDITION TO ST. BONIFACE SCHOOL ZURICH ONTARIO Drawings and specifications are available at the Architects' offilce for construction of gener- al purpose room addition to the St. Boniface School, , Zurich, Ontario. The deposit for set of tender d - - - --its is $25.00. Tenders will close on July 16th, 1965 at 4,00 pmi., E',D.S.T. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Blackwell, Hagarty & Buist Architects $10 Princess Avenue London Ontario 26b REAL ESTATE -ROOM. HOUSE ih in house; garage; implerhent &o throughout; rock well. In Brom Clinton. ERS — 94 BAYFIELD oker, Grand Bend WE'RE 1 AIR- ' CONDiTIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT GOING CAMPING? HOLIDAYS COMING UP? Check Your Summer Clothing Needs NOW While:Selections Are Best, SPORT SHIRTS T-SHIRTS WALKING SHORTS JAC SHIRTS COOL SLACKS — SWEAT SHIRTS JEANS — COTTON WASH PANTS CASUAL JACKETS -, i. EfIco 111 pickett &Campbell Limited I Main Cornet, Clint6til, Ontario, Phone 482-0711 Clinton, Phone,