HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-07-01, Page 21- 11 A 1 .4, ZI 0i noto-Ift, W*, T 1, )pop row Our, ao fVVIM v �10 40'Years Aaa 15 'Y�m Ago, AND SP Edltorx4s v SUGAR 75'Yem Ap, ICE TIA 01PINTON, NINW, 9,44 "TQIV NJAWS-UPICOAP bv Bill Smiley X Compulsory -But *W 1Q&WTQTf NXlW$-1RVCOA0 W'XO;�.Y, 410Y 4, UP# 4`41y 9, 19�5 T Agroday, June 49', 1909 JIMPR Zojpvt wid W" X.- 9VEN THOUGH they may 1)e� time that -4 qpw. Is M. pchonJeally R, W.. Pell has been am, loted. solin --me, t1me 1)0,- N-Mery 'of Aa"604! wprp 1p is -g and at tigi A wough 330glect r re Min ps, ne"Pliveniept, feitgo ti jlus�t P1 li%her Of lbe, q*lnix Over gwfmw of" Huroo, Q011A V, I'M When M n 'IQ IP lole, 440 now, rep e p prior t0br1ng4n$r 2 .0 'TO 440,cee* 1AP IpLt� s Me 'M the OAW eParbli6nf of T=Pport pu Compulsory -safety checks Are, I Mv. th 104C Them PLro other peoplo,whp pr.0 la�rl4sur -om.OaW their 64%4a here to -r Pad nol4s WbQ beld, th 4,94, for 10, 941P WIAU towA after m:, And Af theglvl vft4eband. I ppp:.0 W J the P t P y.wrs. Vtbep,. th e local m home woe�c Celebrations. AnyonQ le-ji man the. 4 ,1 y a .,tjQn.of cl.4# �, , �9, @4,d stru�'ive to trust to, Lady Luck for their safe in town this past tb� qmberof needlesstr4ffie, retu '11 to clown on wl0hlng A v)ane iride, wX CIMm r t ure,, once the towwf, forenmwcmtor :*#uway V.M.,th 01V rn each tim . ,:tua,,on, a e they siA t! , s on the gg, !led at the pra re. fh p wt1illityall wee -celived high h9nours at Westwg, o second-hand,sin and W*,. viol-' �Ltajities and in urie$ e cb X during f .4 year. highway. T�he 'automobiles they Qp.er- Y940hould go, and A ',,t- the rej,01?�AtV� Miss MOKOrpt Colquhoq4 ob- PAcp ,.md vador, o teemge Mwa On'the galliAy, po Ir" In an. ige w-hen.speed i %44 g , temept M4 s demand 4te ca us stAtes of dis� pholr$ Wome, Maids 490,moro speed, i ILe$ .1 n be lo vario 1,6 Tvhd B'Dots at e ring abrm.kdown--�- t0nod Pirst PIass honpgrs Ns, I # M.?,Ahe w04�t bo, , I Qon� q - rop4tr fro.m. qlqpstil n4ble to her 0mrse 14 Hoapqr Fingli$,h, its fOrmer is * 0 40WAri embai4 *ecj., perative that carsir--and dri ers—, ght 75C per V41r. 4itlon 'that caljs for, 4 reliaAe ot The street, v be in dav er a� third ypw, Wg*om Univewsity, It woo Qne, of the vqay nicest tqri —P47. W Upins, Pink olpsi^ g its doors, Ile the The Toronto Na,41 refers to top condition, And whi Dep4rt�- The real beef comes because this will avert that bre�alcdown, L040M a44 Fred Mrby passed �here 44 bleq* approach, -mute wt� of grom4ug up, rae b1s AM nqmu College, t Tit, cannot do much about the, per, sort is taking 4.chanCe wi-th t "Mr, Q, C. Rbance of Rat PQr- Mary women ta o t ..4p to -m estimop . ,to hq.havDP that IS 1.'Pl So 0'y ot yop'Vo bee;l, boned hoUga ;mx1bn hQn nd$ ta With being wro formance of the men and Women be� of inn wi oepilt lives a ir �A` ge, OlatA40, 'As ;VgWil 1)u01nes$ time to Cam ft, their b .vgb!t.o c UW�- itwe, by by these remirosepn Tpy hiAd the wheels of the nations' cars, s well a th Nv s. e tb4t. -c,meeyed mwWto)�, the tele. started fo-Mn my 1wMgr at, -tjj e n�and Wjlj�do something to en- 11 hey �spem tQ rate as next to man and doing very well in a sao whic t hold db4vglaone I a eleven !40bjec.ts e received 8 tot, Im it ca town mr1th a' population of 1500 care of their health. 50c for a Mlsts And 3 seconds. rapid deplinq of the small . n sure that at least some of tte vehicles, Worthless. and ovm forty new hmses 'bottle . of W. Willimn's Pink Robert Weeks of Clinton, wag QW -tpw.. were XrOiad the,Qthw clay. ttia Pheia)14M a, POD*t Con. sit, a.Ad tb ,on the roads today aTe in me e jrre� built t, the lucliw wmnor. of 4 o4rM the #1*e4tre liaa �OeA closed chanica .t SOM in My, watell that appal]$ng junk on Illy S-tatiStiC $'how too �tha his Spring." Mr, Rance is J�s,in4y'be n well spen safe runnIng order. $ ponsible clQ)vns carry insurance -on in ww4vow and j!s a former Promotional in Hallett Town, Legion draw in )E*ter. Xr, " did- homp town, wid It 94ye. Ine TV, when there's 4 first-rate When �Guthlnk of it, 4 their ql�rs only long enough to Weeks -had bpenengaged to use, Ake learnang show, 1 CaAlt complete get the Ofintonllan. ship Ss 4 school 'pre ar. follows: of movieat e1ppial k his lould sp r syste quite a,ppng, saf c reduced rate on their licenqe -plates, 8, S. Cooper i1as been Ib Sr� 4tb—L11qyd X�edd ay- in at, the the a od friend under s0and. When the theatre ,ety 0heck su h as the Departmei award- froffic end wa's very ant, eath of a boyhc , ,It 0 ers, are driving on an. inv '3rd�— , pleav -Y, '9111 )in -hits best Years, r, or ome is giving away f or only a few' rain alid oper- od the cmitract for ther erection inoild C4rtwright, 'To. Sr, -.t their own town. goes, qq0k, utes Johli'Hosselwood, John surprilged whell 7:041 Pryde of -the most fopmattve.dayr� of those Wbo have'e4joyod a thou., of our tim haid�earned atQr's, licen�e—or-= I of 4 I'low house for. P, quigley, Riley, dr(nv btg name as winner, licen .. . ce at all,' 0, would -cost,. .. Hullett; Mr. Cooper put one-up Doels Walter, To Jr. 3rd—ETfie -nres in ft will be dollars lfcQmpleted b.ya gar -age m.ech- ;S( my life, that theatre drew me sand experk Wh4t, if the Oieck takes a few for IVIT. Tighe, (Qulgl d1c maw with t1w S0rrYI And none more bitterly eyl�s br D- Vai,irsorvice, Nona, Hesk, Benny into its bla anic. on request. 0ften, the pe nu. es -Y, �, Cy a, awes -egret It than Y*W 41anlble SeIr- ace of mi t - It could add years to your ther-in-daw) And It is tobe the Rile P-hyq115 Medd, few R" orhe ease of a whale ya"- r mind that comes with the knowledge lifal ley, M.W1011 Stewart, ]Q,�Wrl same 'as that one, However it 10 Years Ago, - ing to let on;&- small herring vant. M%es one wooder 'why Pat Wright, To,Jr-.2nd—Lizzle F air, swim U%glde. qqiglev Warlts, a , , service, Bobble Riley. To Ist— As a small boy, -1 wept, shiv, LETTER TO EDITOR AReal Challenge new ith when 'be has pe one to occupy George HogIgmth,.Boatrice RA rofty, Jtwe 30 10,55 ered w$th fear, screamed wil �DVRING OU it, howevera, "MCIntosll" would ley and to Pffilmor — U, Una- lailghtor and almostdig-dof $US - R visit to a kinder� that natural zeal and in Lmitcb, Keith I-lesselwood and ng born curiosity in handy with this new . , MdDowell, Atwood,' has penst, in that theatre. I Chased Reminds Readers garten program last week, we found while lab! it- with knowledge and coa'un e T6TnMV Lmw-ren'Ce, The teachlew been principal for the part year Indians w;�tb Tom mix se. .1 1 fell des - of fittin , t was D-Laithwalte, ourselves transported into ,a -world g I With skills. We saw each tiny att Bayteld Public School and peoately. in love with Marlene wondernient. W.e entertained thoughts individual as a very special piece -of Mrs. Williarn E. Pavker has Dietrich -and ihu,�&�red through Of Baoleld that were difficult to'fathom and'asked easilyinoudable clay than could beeith. been the assistant. Mrs. Parlter the junkle on the back ot Tan- 55'Ye,ars Ago,, 25Y.ears Ago, has been hired for another year, tor the Xlephant with Tarza ourselves questions for Which there 6r sh4Pened into a beautifully eff�clent n Were no pat answers. vessel through careful and expert hand- and Mrs. LeRoy Poth Will be I remember going to every Rummage Sale f C-LIN4TON "WS -3r, CojtD CLVNTO.NL, 1\ W$ -RE CORD the new principal, * matinee I Money As each child 'contributed his bit, ling or turned into an out-of-proport, ay, July 4, 1940 The Taral. of Stewart . ion, middle- was scarce in those days, and The Ed1t0r, we saw enthusiasm in its purest form. empty and. useless container with one Thursday,, Jmle 30,1010 Tjxusnidi T There was'evidence of it in the eyes -slip of the pQtter's hand. Miss Bessle Sloman, who !A a Cfttbn TD`wn Coun-M passed ton has become a popular picnic ra�lslng.a dime, Was harde for,a Clint -on News -Record. hospital,, a by-law an Monday eveolng to spot in the ama, A large pond kid thmi raising'a dollar now. Dear Sir, and facial expressions of every student. We realized anew the importance nurse in a New York and picturesque Is bon-ke on vacation. and expects license pl)abl�l zhines. background, Sometimes i� took me a sold Onceagain. Bayfleld is about It was brought about by a miraculous of finding a waY to retain and enhance to remain here fo;r geveral The staff of Clinton Knitting make U 1deal for this. hour to wileedle the sum out of to'produce its annual 71,umillage combination of vibrant youthand bound- the best in every child everywhere, We weeks, Mill presented Miss Je=ette Grade XII, Clinton District my kid, brother, an industi4ous Extravaganza% It seems to get -e Institute, results type who had , a newspaper bigger and better each year and 'less opportunity, tried to project those happy exhuberant George Joyat of Hensall t an�j ing Taylo-r with a nest a walnut CO'lleglat faces -onto the not so distant screen of thinks he can lay claim to. a &N a table. lamp and' 5bowed the following pass route. -as Convener, I often feel, We were awed by the responsibility the futwe. , It was then we knew we record for this; he has a he T6i�i Deevos with a walnut mag- Glenyce Bainton, Ronald Bar- -tiger by the tall." Xow— we, share as adults saddled wi that halteho 'n eanette nett, Lorna. Barri There was a matinee Monday, have a th the all must play some rble in the drama _d 15 chackells from azine ilack. Tom and J e, 1`y Wednesday. and Saturday, in ever, even -detergents have Shil L Brandon, Alice Caldwell, Jac- thosedays, and it taxed myln� tigers, nowadays, o I refuse to ,monumental task of channeling that of this educational era, so the cast of 15 eggs,'b�t -it nas been'report- ar� being married later tj s genuine vitality into a -steady stream tomorrow can all be stars in a script ed that Doe Chesney can go One queline Cluff, Marionie, Carrie, genuity. to make all three, bat I WOMY about it. T St, Paul'% au��, CUnton, Barba'ra Ford, Robert Gal, - I couldn't find of continuing and. abiding interest lead- where there will be little roorn'for the bettc- , be 91-almis to have 18 . ; their 105j� braith, Maine Grainger, lan. 'eldoTri'missed. If Last year, you Caine along 1 will, be celebmting ing to,the open sea of useful citizenship. ,extr, ehickens ;hatched from 10- egg& any empty beer bottaes to seR, and took some truly wonderful e Hodgins, 1-tan- AnTtversatry on: Sunday, July 7. GriflAths, Joann and my brother was adamant in pictures of the event, and I'm We pondere-d again the centuries Our 'future, -and theirs, depends The Brumfield Raver� foot- Bishop Seager of London will 401011 HoOdsPith, Louise Ryde, refu&,al, Id hit my pal "Egg" sure you realize that every - ,old problem of how to c�pture a-hd hold on it, ball team won a victory over be! in charge of the, morning Ruth Jackson, Pauline Jervis, Slegg, an equally, ardent Z- body goes, a d buy n s, a d brags Brussels, oil Friday evening and service. Gordon Johns, Peter Jones, Clonado of the silent screen, but about their bargains, from therewill. go to N60 Dan- Private- George KnIgbts'-of Donald Ladd, Margaret Ellen one Adthalittle more money. If We do make money but we e -t7 i he, i ays dee this. WS011, A Saf I Remhider For 11ofid coming week, Stratford, Jim Lockwood of La Maide Lee, Earl Liver- lie had only one dime, we'd buy really have more Ain out of it The f ourl;h -shipment -of cheese Galt Aircraft School and Air- mare, G�en McDonald, Ronald one ticket, and both try to th= we ca ONE OF THE months with the the wind or the wash. from a po,,verboat this seasan fr,0111 H0111nesvil-le craftsman Tom Cooke spent the McKay, Marilyn Martin, Bever- , n say, Lalst August, squeeze pa9t the ticket -taker. we were "ling in style at the blackest statistics is July,. leading with tips his boat. Most "experiencea') factory w411 be "'lade 0A Tue's- weekend in town With thear ley Memer, Judith Ogstan, He Imew what we were doing, L the highest number of drownings and - day to Lovcfl and Christmas or regpective fan-Alies. George Overbolt, Albeirt Pep- ittle Taln when a handsome eoPle like these sco�n to wear a life- and if hewas, in, a good,mood, summer visitor came over to traffic accidents. It is understandable P Montreal. T4e price is 103/4, Miss Dorothy Corless has aC- per, Kenneth P0111ter, George that on the Dominion Day Holiday, with Jacket. cents per pound, and the total ceptea a position in Zurich and Ross, Gordon IF ScrlbbiM , Pat- let us both in. our table to ask how we liked It is easier to enjoy this summer weight wlll be 7,700 pounds, will 9ta^xt her dutiez there on 111cia Scruton, Thomas- Shana- One time, I was completely -his vitra smart summer jacket. its heat waves, the great. temptation to The weather has been -so dry Monday. han, Richard Snell, Mavis stymied. I hadto go to the show yoq guesg�d it. He bought it get into the nearest" cool blue water is, holiday in the country if you literall�, cW o, see if Taxzan got away from for 25c at the rLunmage We, -ch your step that a number of fields of grain Pte.. Gordon monteith is Steepe, Claire Ta3d , Patricia t *les who were can - just too much for the av I erage Canadian' wat all day--vvatch the are so short they will not be spending a leave with his Par- Thompson, Arthur Tyndall, Nic- the cr000di Hales and Willard Dresser Wilh child or adult. traft ic and your driving, watch the worth cutting in the fall. 71-11's ents,, Mr. and Mrs. H: M. Mon- alsiar, Van den Assem, s verging on him last SaturdAy. hauled furniture all clay in the There axe many reasons for the matoliesand cigarette butts as You walk has been the driest seeson for teltill. and Pte. William Bezzo, a- Walpole, Marlene Walsh, Den- I got 'his last six cent"ToTn'my rain as, their yearly contaibu- ymouth and Nancy Web_ brother, but couldn't ralse an- tjoe drownings that happen at this time— through dry Woods, and , in case your a -long ltime� (Goderich Town- Stratford is also visiting wah nis wa other sQu. Its about 30 years We gold itall. I thought 'i stexr they'd neverwant to help again, such as the non�swimmer who steps into patricitism. on either the First �or, the Shp Ne 'his p2irents. -ago, so I guessnotbing will haP- but, yes, they'll do it again the water beyond his depth, or takes a Fourth of July demands that you let off pen Jf I 4dmit I swiped the for us. IVs this kind of spdrit chande on paddling a canoe at whichhe fireworks, take extra care and reillem- other Tour from my. mother's that keeps us going and taying is a novice. There's the youngster who ber thatchildren should hot be allowed purse, It was the one time the to think of innovations, to intro - these explosives—they may M to show wasret worth it. The still - is allowed to play -on the dock without to handle Clinton I" u b lic chool' Pro o on Lost supervision, or the fisherman , who severely injure themselves or start a ofagwi got avmy fr6m, the croc- 'duce each year.. stands in his boat and cast.9 a little too fire where there is no fire protection The following is a list of the gart, Bill Hollenbeck, Wayne Bob Andrews, Janet odiles, and, I 'suffered deep A garden centae is the latest, uby Bakelaa, , pangs of remone for weeks. enthusiastically at the moment, w David Jervis, Greg J I ZnstryE r Ileana with plants and flowers, etc. -hen just a blockaway. promotions'attbe Clinton Pub. HOY, ems' Bellefleur, Jenny Dromme�, Please come -along on the lie School based on tests, given Robeft Kay, Sim, Kellar, Jerry Frank Camer.m, Steven Oaxtel, A Iwonderful pairt of my cultu- ev the Ar - during the -school , year and tile Lang, Linda Lavis, John, Lep- George Brown, Donna Bush, ral education in those I days, ening of July 13, at teacheT:s estimation of the pu_ pington, Ron L011ib, D1=e K8,t- Ann. Crittenden, though I d1dWt reaalze itat the en', 8 pm. �Come in the "Help- ees Entrance" off the fleld� Clinton NewsxwRel , co (o rd pills ability io do the work of thews, David McCarty, John Brian Dellawski, Tom Dellnis, tkme, was the music instilled in McPherson, Arlene Mbuntford, Barry Edgar, Bambara �E�liott, me at the show, when they were Sincerely, the mext'gi.iade. Martha Newland, DORIS HUNTER THE CLINTON NEW ERA Awnalgamated' THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Patsy Elliott, David Fawcett, st M, runnang silent lctuOes. Established IS65 1924 The names appear accOrd1ing Lorraine Overboe, Patricia TIM Me Cho pi Established ISO to the grade in which the pupil Phinney, Nancy Pickett, Clare 1,11,emlin, t r, Terry F090, -Cal DaWn ill the pit, watching the 28 Glengrove Ave, West, Published Every Thursday At The, Heart Jim Gilfillan, Debra, picture its every Toronto 12, Ontario.. Of Huron County will be at the Dperhng of school Proctor, Rhonda Rathweill, San- Glen, &15�; Grigg, Beverley :and matchlng 1111ILL with Consummate skj]l on June 23, 1965, .0 Clintorr, Ontario, Canada in September. dra Schoenhals, Lyle Steep, Kay Holmes Brian Hough, Betty 10 0 1 Population 3,47S i Stevens, Joan SwItzu, Gracle Johnston, Shirley Johnston the -piano, sat Lornie Nomm. A. LAURIE COLQUHOUN, PUBLISHER Promoted To Grade 9 Van Loo, Julia Walden, Lynn Kathy lanornrey, N!cda Lee, Ri�; How he could make you swoat Williams, Tim Woodcock. 69 -Year Old Pcirsons 4 'John Aiken, Don Becki Boll� Lobb, as the wheels started Corning off - Signed contributions to this publication, are the opinions nie Butler, 'Derwin Carter, San- Fred MacDonald, Heather -the stagmoach. I -low he could IL of the writers onlyi and do not necessarily express et Carter, Douglw Cam�-r�n, Prompted To Grade I McAdam,, Bob Mereer, Tom make. you sweat with hot, slalty Can Apply for Pensivi the I David Aiken Marilyn Aiken,. Murch, Kathy Murphy, James tears -at a touching moment! views of the newspaper. Authorized as Second Class Mail,. Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for Payment of Postag C h Charles Chambers, Bjaird Chris-, Dra Andrews, Susan Bakelaar, If 'You were bwn in 1897 or a In as terizen, Edward Collins, Bob Newland, Nancy Oesph, Jim Duving the teens, the theatre earker, and can meet certain U�ifisd States and F — Canada and Great Britain- $4.00 a year; Cooperi Dave Cooper, Ivah,C I Peggy Bardiff, Jo Ann Bates, Overboe, Barbara Rudd, Grace SUBSCRIPTION RATES., Payable in o&anceoreigw $5.50, Single Copies: 10 Cents It- LaveTne Bezzo, Lynn Boyce, Strong Jim Switz. vurray was a different, but equally residence requireanents, you tenden, XeMeth Currie, Sibyl Carol er, Ing place, In Its comforting should now apply for the neces- Fisher, Bush, Peter Cameron lor: David Ulch, Robert thrilh Tom Campbell, Ove Christensen,, Ta,-,� Wendy Gates, Keith Hanvil' Randall Clegg, Lods Cooperi. Wuodcock. darlmess, t�e most timid boy sawy application forms for Your ton, Darlene Hanley, Wendy Susan Cox, Bruce Craig, Doug would find the courage to reach Old Age Secuirity pension, ob- M Huunes� John Hudle, Carol Anne Crich, Paul I ritteriden, Steve Pron'toted To Grade 5 shyly for, the hand of his girl tainable at any Post Office in Cathy Aiken, Robert And- and sit their clutching It fierce- Canada, If You are, eligible, the Odwards, Steven Jenkins, Rod Carrie, Deftnis Dellne, rews, Bernie Banman, Cathy 0 Jervis, Raymmd Keftnedy, ly until both th&r paws were pension Nvill be paid to You be - Brian Edgar, Donny Mlliott Bartliff Gwendolyn Borry, Brenda Xingswell, Tom Lep- Gau- slippery with sweat. ginning in January 1966. �&y D�11.10tt Jim gel, Jeft Wi le, En 11 Bezzo, Lyme Caldwell, pington, Joan Lobb, Maureen Falc oderick -Campbell, Jeffrey oner, Jay Fisher, Phyllis R Lockwood, Freixllin, Lynne albbings, Chris- CapeUng, �Raymond Cheese Ronald Mair, Steven Mac - tine I-Lartiley, Debbie Hopf, Beth Chowen, Cindy Colquboun; Bus'ness and Profession'al Donald, LariT May, Mph Mc- Leila H-olAbamuk Glenn Irwin, Danny Colquboun, Lynda Cook, Adam, GaU McCe.,fty, Sharon Ron Irwin, Mark Jenkins Dick Wanda Cox, Keith Crdttenden, FF McKenzie, Larry Mercer, Linda Jewsui; Robert Langille' Gor- Ted Cadmore, Directory s. Moodie, Douglas Palmer, Ken don Lavis, Gary Lockwood, Ter- Da -id DWgliesh, Janet Del- Rozell, Cheryl Steep, -Cen ry MacDonald, Rickey May, awslid, Holly Deline, Leo, Hor- Strong, Patricia, Strong� Ricky Jim McXen7Ae, banuik, Bonnie Johnstop, Paul -ASURANCE Zablocki. ?HOTOGRAP14Y -te ddle Kelly, Brialm Kola Bob Mercer Briall. MeTrill, Kay, E �.R Frank Xlewland, Susan PalYner, dy, BlIan Langille, Randy Lar- ......... Promoted, To Grade 8 Donna, Reichert, Bonnie Rlehl, conlibe, Walter Leppington,. HADDEN'S STUDIO K. W. COLQLIHOUN David Slado, Shari Martin, Karen MzLtthews, Paul Bartliff, Judy CwAer, John Seabrboic, CreOr Beverley Cud- Donna Smith, Wendy Smith, Karl Matthews, Kathleen Me- Pllifil WEDDING INSURANCE & REAL 15STATE PORTRAIT more, HeA011 Cudmove, Denise Arthur Snell, Patsy Staffen, Pherson, Psther Merrill. and CHILDRF-N Phones: Office 482-9741 riot. 40-7804 Curzie, John Dixon, Shirley Du- Steven Switzer, Barbara Sym� -Doitald Mercer, Holly Mun- 118 flt, Da�l&s 8t, pee, Judy Finley, Derails Flels- ilbe, Joyce Neilans, Keith of, ons, Ruth Ar& Twyford Bruce chailer, Lee - Gertsmar, uarry WLary, Bryall kW Diol 524-8787, Goderich J014N WISE,',talesman illiaIns., Connell, Douglas Osbarn,.UfJUg 6413p Phone 482-1966 Gibbihga,'Wayne Gornail, Glen. I las Peterson, Robert Riebl, Ro- da Gray, 'Promoted I" To Grade 6 -Seabrook, Eldoii Schmidt, bert als, E h Janice Herman, Donlia, Hog- Beth Allan, Gewge Allan, Peggy Siol oenh OPTOMETRY H. C.. LAWSON Staften, Xxr, any Stevens, John Van Lod Gall Wagar, Sarah !:Ii*t Mortgage Money Available 44nni. Walden,, 01M Young, J. E. LONGSTAF5 Lowest Current Interest Rates OPT0,M9TR INSURANCe - RkAL ESTATE -t ne Measure Of A Man Ptomofed,ToGrado 4 IST' INVESTMENT$ Joe Bezzo, Brenda BoYce, Mondays ond Wodnesdays Phones., 'Office 482-9644 One of the speakers at the 1965 conference o Mary Jelan . Cameron, Henry Ret., 4v.-9787 f CbzjAteMW. Keld Chiistenooft, =Irrw MEDWAL cENTRZ the Industrial Accident Prevention Assoclaticin 402-7010 Jacquelifteblarl4re Birian Cleggi convention in Torolito in April, ehded his address Janice CDle, CaIiRy Colquhouft, SP-AIFORTH OPFICS 527A240 H. ti HARTL�Y with the following poem. Joo Connell, general secre- NdnW Colson, Peggy. Cooper Li�,E: INS)URANCE tarV of the �(MCA, Xitehener'was the speaker. The Brenton, Craig, L16yd Ctich' G. 9, CLANCY, 0.10, PlAftilod Sa%dngs . , , .1 1, 11 . . 8heti.Denls Xaoln Dutot, OPTOMItThist S' ndler s avee 4" all lv,tvay -authot of the poem is unknwii. D;4d Engel, Dougle cANA'OA LIFE Vawc4t, Pamela Iibga, Zabdva tor Appointment AMURANCE tO. "The Mdasurci Of A MdW`­ prtmIlln, Phohqb 6N�'itSl C11ht6n, biltarto moo oeadily —by usm*,g our 2�Accouxit Planl� see how easy it �an bo Not how did hok� - die -but how did he -live? Bonnie Gates, Karen Gtahafti, dObIERION I David Hanleyj Mll Hayters Paul t6 keep your Sayingg Atdount filtadt add grdWkftg as ititerestacettl6g; Not what did he gain, but what did he givel Hieft Ma,�Ilyft Holmes, BruCe ALUMINU'M MbUCTS 'o *tive 6ii Wit 1�aylfng via th6 IOW -609t simplicity Of a Ntsbaal These dro the units to tneagut6 the worth Hough UL1,116 Howatt, Billy R. W. BELL Chequing ACcotint (oftly 100 atfioaqw); Of aman as A Man r0gatdiesg of birth-, Hull, bebbife, Jobnaft, Stuart Alr-mmtet Alutr&wn Xelloi-, 13tian Xtyeg, David' Optomtttilfiwr tWild Mid WitidoWs Xaehl, Sylvia tanglilop &-plet P. t AkIVISTRONd Md tit ertis -C " wayo, 19 stA:f 'Ut had he A heart Lawoomb� Mary Legtet� Robbie Oonsthf;g Optometrist Rockwell Power Tools $fte 10(iji4 t y b0tfft1bg ft 16iV 6st vot WhEit Was h 101I b thfough a Abya laa* ierrbplaft foaftl And how -did he play his God-giverl part? Alwcaulay' bbribi� Z660MAIOI, Tha- SIqUtioij, 6001�"Ick JEWS SALES Wa4 he ever ready with Words of, good L-heer Jddy WadDorklld ShelleY Use- ft* L. Jervlt6-68 Albert 64 lthdUthelp. Willie^ 10athy *dve btany othosr ways — wi To bAng back- a -smile',- to banish a t6a0 t0b 011hton-48243001 A­ Ifif6rhititive l6afletg $Lta avalitfibid), we yolrlkoyit j�ank service.s to the W. ROYAL BANK, dildtoft deain0 ...— O� L. P-ngeistad, Mahaade Not WhAt wu hig, rate but What w" his dr66d And had he betvic-ndd th6tc- r6ally In h6eal Not whttt will the� obituary skkth ih im 'n��­,s .1 a ­ 6 'g- 9 how I I Iv6u, PW MVAY? A* K, ''HARPER 'WAKU06 ACdOUNUM" TLOHON9 86-V SOUTH ST GOOERICH, 6Rf