HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-06-17, Page 2Pogo 2- 411ittpr News-Record-Thurs.o. JuIPP 'ire. 1965 Mideleine Lane Auxiliary Meets A# rs acaulay`s Swr...fli.er tionie On Wednesday rye, ,liiang, June, 9, eighteen, riveavp'eee of 'Ole Macefeine Trane Atpdi aeY Of St, Andrew's 1?resbyterien. Che ch a:sseinbied at J,the summer ;cot- 1ia!' :of Mrs. Boyne Macaulay for g'Pot-luck supper and their re,gI4ar June meeting, After a deli:eke:le meal; a Short busineess meeting Wes conducted he the prels!idemt, Mrs Win Cook, Irt was 40040 to give a dCel- attell 'to the See -Pee Catnip rued at Kintai'1, Mgr! Cook:,, read .a *want poem. ail V n?emb Vence of Fatll?er's P. Tickets for the smorgasbord luitci ieac 130 tge 1}eid et the church on Ti;hursdyJelly 15, from 3.1:30 to 1:30- pee. were distributed to the egesrrber'' to sell.'Tickets for thee fraction may seep be ab- talined from ,Mrs. Robert Ho - melee Highlight of the evening was* the presentation to. Mr's, W, D. Webster of a gift and corse be Mrs.. t. U. MacLehan on; be- half Of the xnem{beas of. the • aux liiary. Mre. Webster who been a very diligent worker in the euxdelary,',is shortly leaving to balke up residence in Dresden. Mrs. G, W. Yeats woe the winner orf, the halting draw brought by NITS. R. l3, Rudd, A short quiz conducted by Mrs. The federal gov.ernment's com- tributron to the shared. eederal- provincial ligspital insure -AC?, prograem will be $484 million in the current year. CHILD PORTRAITS JERVISSTUDIO Phone 482-7006 • ; 17tfb• Art pole was Weee Mrs,,. Before i e0ax Ong fit 1' ;? otne a Vee of tills WAS giyeln to the h toss ¥iir;s, ,MMaulee for a Very enjoy>aeble evening, George Emmerson Dies In Ho.spital. In His • 87th Year George HerbertF,.?ivtnerson, 1,14 Dunlop St, passed eveacy Tuesday, June :$, at Clinton Public Hospital 4iis 87th year.' He was barn cm December 26, 1878, on Coecessaon 7 of Gode-. Itcih Towniship, the '•soil, .of Rob, ert l mai?erseon and Ann Jane Tlrorxipson. He retired V) ,Oiinton Seven years ago. from .his farm hi Goderich Township, and was a mcmlber of St. James Anglican 'church) Middleton, Funeral service was from hall arid: lVeetewll Funeral Hone, Qin, ton, on Jnxne 10, With Rev. E. J, 13, Harrison, Bayfield, of$icia�- ixug, Interment was in • Clinton Cemetery .Pallbearers were Keith Mil- ler, Gladstone Grigg, George Hitdie, Ernie 1VfcGee, George Hanley end Thomas Grealis, Fieeeerhearen were • Douglass Currie, Donald Switzer, Robert Emmerson and Frac Switzer. Persons been a distance who attended the funeral service were Mts. Lola Misner, Leslie Kistler and Edith. . Burgess, `Hamilton; Mr. and .Mrs, Thom- as Grealis, Paris; George Hudie, Brussels; Robert. Emmerson and family, Louden; Donald Swit- zer, Toronto; and: Kenneth, Cur ri,e,. Walkerton. WEEK Tr�rs o Buy: 2 lbs. of Wieners for 85c Get: 1 Ib. of Bologna FREE . SMOKED. HAM.. Average 5 lbs43c ib. CHOICE BEEF Front Quo.,pe s 0n1y39c Ib. MARGARINE 4 -lbs. for '$1.00 MiL•K0 8 Ib. box - $2.49 PETER'.S Meat Father's- Day Gift PARKER" PEN IN GIFT BOX $10.95 v& $18.75 20% DISCOUNT PARKER JOTTER 'PENS $1.79'- $1.98 - $2.98 YARDLEY GIFT SETS FOR'MEN $2.50 up SHAVING LOTIONS and COLOGNES $1.00 up OLD SPICE SMOOTH SHAVE Reg. $2.00 ,..., Special $1.25 WALLETS UP TO $5.00 SP'ECIAL $2.991 EDWARDS PHARTACY 9, Albert Street Phone 482-6626 • -;- Clinton, Ont. Clinton Hosplr'al...Auxiliary In We know •we'll be severely 'scolded for using this photo by AIan'Galbraith, but it was too good to pass up. The ladies are members.. of Clinton ' Hospital Auxiliary who modelled for the group's "Wear arid Tear" fashion show at this month's 'Wear and Tear" Attire regular ulee,ting of the auxiliary. The. ladies are, left to right, Mrs. Alex Haddy, Mrs. D, John Cosh•- . rare, Mrs, C: Trott who was the egmmentator; Mrs. Tc. S. Wood, • Mrs. Robert Ho'muth and Mrs. R, U. MacLean. Adastrai Park social Notes News Editor: Anne Aileron Phone HU' 2-7349 Congratulations to 'Cpl and ly. visiting wall, Mrs. Ouellet an the birth of a' daughter, Julie, at the Clinton Public Hospital, 1VManday, June 7. Mrs. John Brennan. is present - Ontario St. UCW Unit To. Appear On London TV Group One of Ontario St. Church UOW met can June 8 when Mrs. G. Glazier read the ieSson and Mrs. Managhan took devotions. ' Mrs. B, Olde: took the sturdy beck, :dividing it 'into three I arts. On August 7 the group well- appear on the London TV program, "Take Your Choice:" Menvbers will meet at the chute oh at 7:30 p.m. On 'August 24, the groupwill go to Ontario Hospital to he1p entertain 1�t - ients, and .on June 17, group one will hold an antique dis- play and an Olde Tyre Tea in the Recreation Room of the ohuhdh. There will be no meeting dur- ing July and August. MERRILL TV SERVICE will be closed. for Vacation June 14 to July 2 23-4b RECEPTION Zurich Community Centre .for Mr. and Mrs, Allan Hayter (nee Marjorie Woods) on Saturday; June 19 1965 9-12 De$jardine's Orchestra LUNCH' PROVIDED ' LET`S NOT FORGET DAD ON FATHER'S DAY JUNE S MEN'S 2 PANT SUiTS Weil Known Mclker 10% DISCOUNT MEN'S • wINDBREAkElt STROLLERS, SPORT COATS MEN'S DRESSw PANTS AND CASUAL ContinentalStyle and RegularStyle 10% DISCOUNT MEN'S GREEN WORK PANTS SHIRTS, WINDBREAKERS TOPCOATS . PANTS Special --,$3.59' 10% DISCOUNT SHIRTS Special --$2.67 v JACKETS . ,., Special -$4.47 MEN, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE SPECIALS More Father's Day Suggestions .. Socks, Sport Shirts -.,Short Sleeve, Sport Shirts -,--Long Sieeve, Underwear, Pylanwas, :Dress Shirt#, Ties, Bdehloh • T Shirts, Bermuda' Shorts, SWite Trunks, Biue Jeans, Coveralls,. Bib Overalls, Zip Overalls, Many Whet Items.' LADIES' DRESSES 1.0%, DISCOUNT ,Dari ,ltrYer, drhelr Terylene, Lmehr_,Vahy Ot�es• T,HRvfk& sAT.. BRING YOUR BABY BONUS AND WE WILL CASH THEM. --- 1-10USE Of BARGAINS CL1NtON, °Nt PNONf 482- y35 relatives in Corn- F/S +and Mas. T, Roy Niven halve as guests, Mrs, Naven's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hosier .from Edmonton. Reverend Father J. T. Mc- Donough, 0 P. of Toronto, re,. placed Father Richard Bussey while iz'e Was away to St. Jean, PQ, for the chaplains' retreat and seminar. Sgt. and Mrs. Robert Peter- sen and their children have moved to 1Vlipisie, PQ. Happy birthday wishes to JSemnvy Servos, 13 on June 9, and Mary Estabrooks, 12 on 3'nvne 11. Cpl. and Mrs. Matt. Watkins spent last week in Ottawa for the funeval. of Mrs.• Watkins' father. Guild Dinner The .annual dinner of the Pro- testant Chapel Guild was held on June 14 at the Social 'Centre. 'llhe program consisted -off -din- ner, games, skits and a sing- ' sang. In the first canfeal skit were June Story, Elsie Estabrooks, June Gale, 'Pat Marcell and Vicky Knight. The "Hill Billy" skit had Margo Marshall, S+him- ley Servos and Joan McKenzie. The members of the Guild Wel hold a Striawbe,rry Soctiad on Tuesday, June 29, at the Recreation Centre from '6 to 8 pan. There will be baking •ans novelty booths as well. C��ntan L(BA tode c.ek.brate ijtb Bfrthday hlUlUet ',Iresiniliers of. e X ad'ies Qr. awe :Renevollevoit Aeeeeiatiell 4 figrOn Wage 377, Canton,. ce - ebrratod the ass'ociation's 44t11 fYb't'hday on ,May g5 :at a z*a ba21q1i4 'and' aoot l ev'e??'in'g an Clth#C n, eG1.Les1W Included the ladies' to is 'AVM Lakeside, S+t, Npamyis, W....ern., Mitchell and Seafaalib with their eSeerts, :and Mee eem the lodges in Gose. each .and Q.hnton with the' wryeS. H'eaail table guests: at the iaare quet nn the Presti340144 chlArPh included Mrs. Wan',. Mellwaln, DX; Clayton Hodgins, W M. of 710 Lodge. of Clinton; Oliver 14eqelee, grand master of the Grand 'Mark ehaepter o!f Ontario West, and' Mrs. Jacques, Hen - sell; Rev, and Mrs. R, U. Mac - Len; Wortghy Nliiistressess anal their eecerf$, of the visiting ledges; and the deputy master of the'G'aderich Lo'dlge. .1111rs. Claytoa Hodgins, W.M., Was mistress of • ceremonies at the dinner 'enjoyed by 80 per-. wening pf e4ebre fair; f e, the Prenge Hali. 1'4zes went te. Mm Hilda S Atilt, 'WQ021h4r1, ladies .t40); PPPO.tkr - Nott, $t,Maws, lone :l ands;. Mrs,Butter, Mitchell, low . lady, gat1.90.4 Cri:ttende•n, Clint , ms's high; Mier Jackets, l ensatl, 19ne hands; and Rabept Cook, God'eri h, 1pWW rnan BttbitleV gifts drawn tOg Were Wen by Jeen Henderson, Mitchell; I3ucus5e Walker, cline ter, P lIie Puller, Mitchell M;epie Pelaitison, 'Lakeside, W11- rn!a MalYrudhael, Clinton; aard 1\iSary $x? ltli, Lakeside, Durw?�l .the winter months, #lite n-tel'bet"& bad been selling .tickets en TV tables and a Gal talble. The TV tables, were woo by 'Mics. 'Percy Rlun'de?1, Q'9de, rich, and the card tattle by Mrs. Mr±y S pith, ;Lakeside. Menvbens eein.exrvberecl shut -'ie glisters tnoludineg two.; obartem xnarnbers, Mrs. W, $hobbrvak and lNIrs, 1VIeCllnchey, who were unable to be present, Clioton.Citizens' Society OPEN xi! Back again after the te- dioue: frustration, of schoo'l's end. Well lots to talk about']" inset of :all, another definition of .a M'oao and likely .the most au- therntic - tram •the mouth oe Bud M'ayborn, (a 1Vfojo himself). - a Moja is a good luck chamIn adopted from the residents of the Louisiana area. The name probably dates back a bit, but isn't it. e thrill to lonow how many wonderful things a 1Viorjo is. : in A recent big lint �,.. the Bay:, field region is a group called the "Cl/levels". It's a group from Wiaikei,tan, ' that will become quite popular around here this summer. According to their "lead", they will be spending a lot of time in both Bayfield and Seafortle The sound they have is very professional, and they do a wonderful job with. Ronnie Bayfield Man Fined For Impaired Driving Walter Maichae. Green, 54, Bayfield, fined$50 aY was and oasts fin Goderich court last Thursday, and had his driver's licence suspended for three months. Green had pleaded guilty to a ,charge of impaired driving in Clinton's Maigistraite Court on May 1 before Magistrate Glenn Hays, QC, Goderi ch, and had been 'remanded out of eustodee to be sentenced in Goderich. giut GODERLGH . ONT. 2 -DAY BRIDGE CLUB TOURNAMENT Friday and Saturday, June 18 and 19 31/2 -Hour SHOW and DANCE At Goderich Arena, Saturday, Janne 19 Featuring RITCHIE KNIGHT and THE MIDNIGHTS, THE GIRL FRIENDS, GEOFF & The CONTINENTALS, JAYE'S RAYDERS. Discontinued Lanes of o WALLPAPERS Priced as low as 43c per single roll ROOM' LOTS of WALLPAPER y Various designs and quantities INTERIOR LATEX PAINTS ' Md Some Enamels at Bargain Prices NEW PRODUCTS now in stock: POLYFILLA POLYS'1 RIPPA POLYCLENS SPOT REMOVER WALL;GUARD .. for filling crocks in plastid, wood or brick: paint remover, for ciea iUig brushes and rollers: for use on wallpapers, ti protective coating for wallpaper against finger marks, grease and dirt•, sow PAINTERS and bECdltAtORS 33tithe* Street - CLINTON . Plante 482.9562' • • CLINTON " '4 STYLE \\eautikW doik By "PAM" Hawkins and the Mersey type of beat. The swinging, Bayfield Pa- valliion got off to a fabulous start this summer, Congratu- lations to the "Owners" on the new interior. decorating. If you haven't noticed it yet, look a- routed next time you're out there. Though the "jerk" is a little up -'dated compared to ball- room' d'anding, the idea was really cute. This week the Orascendoes and that little guy with the big Voice, Diok Labb, will be play- ing at the Pay. Also concern- ing the Pay., the summer's Wednesday night dances will begin on June 30, the last day of this month. There's a dance in Brussels on Friday night, too. It features Little Oaesar and the. Consuls. On Saturday night in Seafortih, the Chelveis will be banging out their faibulous beat. This is the weekend of the big dance hi •the Goderich Arena. This swinging "Let's Go" dance will feature the Girl- friends from TV's. "Music Hap", Ritchie Knight and the Mid- nighter's, Jae's Rayders, and Geoff and the Continentals. This sounds like it's going to be a real big event. Well, cit seems that most teens around Qli'nton will spend the summer working, if they can get a job. May employers be advised that it is awfully dif- ficult for a teem to get a job in this cares, so 'try to be a kettle broad -minder in lining up your summer help: The dr+arg races in Grand Bend are thawing a huge crowd again this' summer, though Grand Bend has had its ups and 'dawns, ,it is certainly a fun.spot far' a real good time. If •anybody has anything real- ly "different" planned for thins sumuner, be sure to let me know. (Like maybe, you can't get a summer jab around here, so you have ;agreed to work in the Siberian salt mines for' two and a half rubles a week ? ? ?) Any- way, whatever it is, other teens would probably be glad to hear about it. So, that's it for now, Till ne;t time, Your swinging pal, PAM ' SE OW Clinton Council Chambers FRIDAY, JUNE, 25,1965 RULES FOR THE SHOW 1. Anyone can compete in this show; not restricted. to members. 2. No exhibitor ea . show w moxethen none entry in each class, 3. 7,lhe exact number of stems or: blooms called for;must be shown. 4, All exhibits must be in ,place by 11:00 a.xn 5. To be .considered a bloom, the first row of petals on a rose must be open. " 6. Council Chamber doors will be open to the rpublie from 2:30 pan. to 9:30 p.m. -- PRIZES 1. One bloom (Hybrid Tea) white or near white. 2. One bloom (H.T.) Yellow 3. One blWom (H.T.) Pink ' 4. One bloom (H.T.) Red 5. One bloom (H.T.) any other color 6. One bloom (Peace) to be shown in this class only, i.e. No. 6; Prizes for each of the classes 1 to 6 are: 1st, 75c; 2nd, 50c. est 2nd 3rd 7. Two blooms: (Hybrid 'Teas) any color or colors 1.00 .50 8. Three blooms (Hybrid Teas). any color or colors 1.25 .75 9. Two tem w s e s. of Polyanthus or Floribunda .. 1.25. .75 r 10. Seven roses in a container 1.50 1.00 .75 11. Arrangement of climbers or ;ramblers, any color 1.50 1.00 .75 12. Dining room table arrangement, not over 10 inches -high 1.50 1.00 .75 13. Novel arrangement of roses suitable for ,mantel --accessories allowed ,... 1.50 14. Rose Corsage CHAMPION ROSE to be celosen--prize $1.00 1.00 .75 ' ;1.00 .75 .50 OTHER VARIETIES lst 2nd 3rd 15. Artistic Arrangement of Pansies .50 .35 . .25. 16. Five Stems of Sweet William .50 .35 .25 17. One Spike of Delphinium, any color .50 .35 .25 18. Container of Mixed Garden Flowers 1.50. 1.00 .75 19. Three Stems Canterbury Bells .50 .35 .25 PUBLIC SCHOOL !CHILDREN ONLY Container of Mixed Garden Flowers - (These prizes donated in memory of the late Rev.Dr. D. J. Lane) 1.50 1.00 75 21. Most Artistic Arrangement of Wayside Flowers for children, 12 year and under (container not to count). First Prize $1.00 and book on Wild Flowers Secbnd Prize $1,00 Third Prize ... $1.00 (Prizes donated by Fourth Prize $1.00 • Mrs. Frank Fingland) Fifth Prize $1.00 Door Prize Draws 'at 9:30 p.m. THERE WILL BE A SiLVER' COLLECTION Preside#it MISS LUELLA JOHNSTON 20. Secretary MRS. STEWART MIDDLETON Treasurer CLIFFORD H. EPPS LEE'S Between Newcombe's uRexoll & Hotel Clinton LADIES' -- MEN'S and BOYS° WEAR Phone 482-9711 Father's Day Specials MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS MEN'S CASUAL SLACKS Short Sleeve Styles. Reg., Tab and Button Down Collars. In Whites, Colors and Stripes. Reg. $2.98 For $5.00 MEN'S WAIKI'NG SHORTS. and JAMAICAS' • An excelient variety in Cottons and Teryienes, $2.98 to 4 95 Priced From Hundreds to choose from, Sues 30 to 44 in tick and Belt Loop Styles. Cotton and Terylene Fabrics.. $5.95 and $6.95 MEN'S DRESS SOCKS A Special Group of $1,50 Socks for Father's Day,. Sale Special 9j'0