HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-06-17, Page 1H
Y Shirley )culler) THE NEIN; 9RA, 98th Yow
*e w&11f so, the
e,. d Nn, 24--TI�e -Hpme Raper Y1flt1� # N : C . N'1 TA
Past Qf'ce laist f1 q oma ti.., :.. 41 VIN.. VN
lutes h :sfrgll down in ,cmitntry
7ano nau Ireland; , , at least
"m sure. 'rt was
an Xi isb colleen
'Wa,'&t :wP crc *ng the lrlting,
srtraans -orf a.xx Xmhi tune for ugh .
�� mlacn•oPl3Wl?es a,t the
pecoxklho2a o;n Kung 'S#amt:
Peclestriaials, nnCludl 4aa3'i5elf,
Walked utitll a naticearlrle
"sw "aid I n Framk Vail ,All
Lena' .barber shop, barbers and
customers were Induced to sioK -
• ,ahonlg iby a gent'lem'an und'oubt,
,!Silly Sihaxtmed by thet music, ,Acs
:lie emttred •the shop, "Cpm? On
folhas, sing?,
And,' ,then ,in. the atexutio'orci,'
in the hl 1 of 'the day, Hawaiian
mlmr 'c. fnt?nn C�`bx'ahtn'g elevated
the naiad !ahove the sun' -tortured
cement ,arta the nye of engines
and horns .to the IhA ng' whine
sands of >a. desea'ted south sea
beach atld -the sbund of ger>tle
waves as they kiss the shore-
Warm stn, smiling faces and
heavenly music. just 'a
,fesw ,of the 'extras m' Clinton.
The 'Same' morning, whilst
scurrying to, work in, any usulaQ
InNst get-sbm.e'thing-done hurry,.
Iwas d'eta fined' just south of the.
britilge• over the Bayfield river.'
W41-im n were digging and
shovealin�g and ripping up a
stretch of 4 ori the
north side of ,the bridge.
I wasn't the only one • de,,
tanned . . at least a half
dbzen other car's were waiting
in various degrees of impatience
to proceed on their way. We
mut have Sat there for close
to five minutes as the :mam-
mouth motorized,, Monster
known in the comtr!uet on trade
as a power shovel, writhed and
twisted like a. wide -yapped
snalee snapping bi mid -:air`,
At fi st I was annoyed
them, resigned, finally relaxed. . Laying New StormSewers at Clinton's Main Cor
I rolled down the window and This was the scene late, Tuesda afternoon at locations the west end o'
snuffed' the smell of trees and tike junction of Iii la y ' "
water: I listened to the sounds ] g ways • 4 and, 8 at Clintons end of Victoria 'Street ar
of the river and the -joyous, free main intersection. Part of the $627,679 contract in the uptown business se
twitter of the 'binds.. I viewed, of Bot Construction Co. of Oakville -is the laying Bot foreman Hugho Gait
from close range, the trees, and of storm sewers on Victoria 'Street, Huron Street erin'g of another section
Marveled at their growth since and Ontario Street., Work is' in progress at 'three
as a child, I head climbed among
theur ibranches,
I 'thbught as 'I wafted, how Ope aor Wants Increase
Uttle time we take to see, hear .
and tatste all ..nature has to
-offer and I was grartefol for0 ly 80. "tude'nts nd 5V
t� a
these few minutes that d 4J 3
been forced to en;7oy.
As I �,varite this, at is Friday, Lunching aCH*^D.P:'S
June 11., ,and still. very, very dry, i
Naturally, hobby gardeners in CHSS Bogard last Wedaesd'ay subsidy. to be paid, by the Board Robert Maloney, school busin-
village, town .and city are wish- evening decided that it didh't was, $1,959,26, ess administrator, react a typd-
Ing for a gentle shower that inind subsidizing the cafeteria Nevertheless, members of the carr weekly menu and said he
will grr'een4up the gz",ass, arouser at the school as long as the board fent than if there was to had posted copies of all menus,
the flowers and put roots' on the sub's-idy was paid on wholesale be a price change, it should ef- prepared +a week ;in advance, in
beets. �Ebods. feet only the "fran'ge" foods, strategic locations around the
.But there are stgula,tions:. Beaver Foods, the firm. oper- leaving the price of meals as school so that students mightAny preciipitatibn; must not in- usual. became more familiar with the
,teefere with the golf outing, the acing gg cafeteria e- nt in -
had suggested a five -cent in- • Not Many Served type of food being served In the
garden 'party and ballg+am� crease .�• the price of meals and Fi,gupres' Showed. that only eafe't'er'ia.
sche&di el for the dray and even D. John Cochrlarie C HSS
ings to follow. "Let it xaiat ; . , a hike Zai, the cost of soft drinks, about 130 hot means were ,
clhioco!1'ate' bars and other a la ed per day at the 'cafeteria to 1 incupal, said lumber peraods e1 -
at night," they cry. carte" servings. 50 staff member's and' 80 Stu- lowed students more time at
- There are no such conditionsCold plates now sell for 30c dents. The board members ex- noon. -Most Clanton students, eat
Sia' the farm er's prayer . ... while hot meals' -may be pur- pressed concern that so few Stu- lunch at home and many from
and Gxtde'ed, his plea as a prayer. chased for 40c, From Se tern- dents were'taki ' cut -of -town, brie their lunches
Rahn, 7lats of.i!t must fall soon p ng advantage of g
' 'ter, 1964, to April, 1965, the. what 'seems. to be "'goad value". he said.
any time, of hiis . crops are to The board also d'is'cussed the
grow and his :cattle' arre to, have theory that 'parents were not
enough pasture this., year. ■
So call Me 'a sp'oal-sport, I'm.' acquainted with +tila.e fine brand'
Town Council Iri Action of food being prepared at the
hoping for rain, even it at doles
flood out the tennis tournament. month. It was swgg enc 'thea
d, Mayor Don Symons asked his ton during his _short stay here., monthly menus be serif hoarie
Had Id6nmerc last week withcouncil and guests present to He said there was- the best of with each sttndent and meal tic -
Had a moments silence for spirit among people inn Clinton kets purchased once monthly
some people here an Clinton. for any number of lundies' in a
foni�r 'Climtaniams who have died' and reminded council fif its
that atone time had been nay 30 -clay period, No •action was
babbysittew , .,.. . (hoe than recently. The persons reahem-. Service to the people of the,
taken on tliis proposal,
doesn't make them feel too, 'tiered were: P'U� chairman yawn. .
old'!) W1l!im. iaE. Perdue; former C of C Itesolution However, the board agreed
councillor and deputy reeve that where there are several
. Amway I was adinirunrg their Council tabled' for the pre- children from one family John A. Sutter; former tour- y at -
and esppeeclhUy, the size sent a resolution, from Clinton
gra citron Lepsiie Ball card former tending school, cafeteria eating
arid quality of thew radishes:. I a,nd Di�sttivOt Chamber of Com -
told Clinton grocer T. R. Thompson. may be too expensive.
to7:d them we ha�dn,'•t ewer' had,
merce requesting oaun'ca•1 to ask' ' '
r'adi'shes that weren''i wormy Priest Streaks For alternative plans tr�om Principal Colchr+ane Wondered
and woody. Rev: S. E. McGuire, garish Daparafiment of Highways for how ia�aaiy paxeruts were giving
The husband looked' at me priest at St. Joseph's Church, street changes in downtown their chzaadran lunpala a7waaey to
with: a pair of twinkling eyes Clinton, for the past 21/1 years, !Clinton. Mayor Symons sand be spent 'at the cafetertia when
m ,
: fa t at was spent dowritowri
•, pe
addressed o n 1 on Moaadia i
set in, Sri unsanilircug couaatenan�, c u en y This is the typo Of thing that :
, i• . in resttauronts' d her busin-
"You'Me planting' ern• ups7de- eventing: He Is Waving an June we should direct to the engineer es's an ort ,•
down," he said. 25 for a new parish arca London. when, we resurliace No. 4 High- establishments, He said it
Anyone know which side of 'a Father McGuire expressed hes wltiy. Reeve Thompson sand was common knowledge that
' `
radish seeds u5 up? gratitude to /, e people of Clan- That complex of 'the whole Cox~s'onle Students enjoya daily
- noondey diet of soft drinks anti
tier' can change, � a two, Or
It is an established facet thai wr three year period, but' we should candy:
mmiN`� tens like jokes about iriiri. Spring Fair Bab
not ignore the dep�imirnent's 5ug- a
ispters anti doctor, enjoy Stories gestii,an. - p _ •} '
4boiut doctors and teachers ap- Itee Committee �u�t��n Permits-
greca'ait'o tales about teachers; x Show Winners Council appointed len :Vtaw - g
I' ,guie'rz it Is because we all can tett to the 'Clinton Rec Conn- n
Pictures the first place Mibte'e to replace Robert Xluaiw for $35 450 00
Com -
identify ourselves more easily winners, in all
il elasises of the p' '� m "
he stories Baby show 'at Clinton Spring er Who ris goring to teach at I •
with the cha�cteris an t
U ,they have sbnaethin'g in eom f :_ last lf' Alliston in Septeanb'er: In mate !� /+
hair appeared In a 'wee s .. OK d B. Council
t ee¢xis v
nndtn wiiQi, tis. Lawgh er s . eKinibvon of the Nenvs.-l�,ecax�. lig the oration, Councillor,
J ,
ziiare spoxutameo� U the whole however itliz Awlhes of the run- Noraat Livermore reek anted' oat ,
point of ialxe anfixcdote is fatni .. , the a dnninistrative ability of At Mondays meeitift, of town
netrtsup were omitted: council., a, total of $35,450 it
Sar. Mr: Hunter,
Th't5 is probably the reason In they uvffiar six months class, building permits Was author -
ick Leave n
r S Pru
the 'oke toad' !by Jack FtticIier Shelley :1Vf a�.igp�'ur'et, daughte of lied.
7 Council s�sed a' bylaw ad.'bp't�
gat 14�t weelt's •CRSS' Y Board 1V1rr, atacl Ml's. Tinily 'W'este'i'4aout, pia The rpern'ri•ts vv�e fromi Toon.
221 uraia' ,5t,, Was second and ing a sii,ek leave plan to muni Harling, sadiltion. to shore' on
axteert Ig was axnusung ka Brbfi da Jeanv Ch� fibers day h- ei al employees r o Vli�ctor& Sitreet'
people 3iitex+eistea an dfiNem eau- > . g 1�, �:' >ftciave to $850,, W�'ttlau.
C�atian, ter �' Mr: Mrs, Y{en Chaaxt- Janwany 1, 1965 -� 'guvin�g 11i� c�eaY s l!'eed 1Viil1, _ Nrai'y Street, '
• , ; bens, Rid. 1 'Wangtiam, was, third. days sne'tr` lcav`e per mronth ac- sgtorage shed, 5, 00; Lorne
,Jack said two, earns bad been p $ .b
Truro, eight-�monbh old daatgh- cumulative for +ten years with Beawi'i Mat2i�is 'Liirn6ted, ski on
CConttQnued on page twelve) ter of M-. and Mrs', .Ron Hugilt;
.. ,.. employees ,eligible ttl� xe'eea,�'e oak' lot act tOntariry Streetr $800,
Baden, placed ;ecoid art the Mile -half of the unused S um- Cumin IGA, store, :Mary Suedt,
The Weather' c'1 for rbabaes over six months ulated 'benefiit at the end of the sign., $500;
• 61d, The youngster of Mr an't'i tela year period, 84an HWiyes, house, '$15,000;
high Law High Low I Rohn Lo'ckwo'od, Clinton, Vo 0i'uiser `gat Mai: Tyndall, house, %13,006 and
as thatr Muton Steep, rt, $x501
165 1954.... . 1Vi'rayor' Symons -reporting for caVo_.
June 7a 58' 88 6 Sltoitfni rnshlr Whinehe police committed, said the 0
police s an arts =90XVIEW A'UXILtA Y
�.0 6Fr 48 80 50 Kathy� Dale :tt,R 1 . Clinton,Ctrtttom, iheiw' ; lice crtiis'er wa _
it 74 39 66 > 5 dhUghtet of Mr. and W& Wil- teas, tabun. John 1Vie rn,k^lane 500 Mt, l OXDA-k
12 it 41 7150 roam We won first 'lyxlxO fo'r'. Wagur Fo ei '�liat' Alec &UThe 14us;,=Af1'rnv Lames .Aux=
,19 '62 31 85. 57 th6wrb—ahin the 4.1 Dai' y er 1St ne 'clv9ts 1 'p per nioitttr.
p' .... $4 p r ilxary ,w�i't3 meeFt orf 1VfoQaday,
_ • ompeti,tAbn at C�afr• A good C�gai mpid of 'the 4isdtd- June• L1, at 2;80 p.Mr , tai .Axwts
14 G?l d0 8 51' Cal (ylub _ _
is 47 $8 cora Pal lathy a menribei a�W era ricrac it ol%� gar and
_ p p . a 'd Ci+ad'ts • Adbxni��7.' a crirdial
X& ivt h rR;arn; All bf the S�ifth &V Cub-, (Corhil Slued on page; tOdlvel welcom to full lAdJeS1•
..... ..... ..... THE HURON RECORD —: 02nd ,YVgr,
RIOT Y'17,f
.• ..._..., .. ;..... ..,: ,_....... .. _...... _ _ _.._.. ,
t .. ,QA , J!�1h1E ' 7,f 19,,6.5' $ ,OQ Pe.,r Yec�r.:.MO Cents Per oPYr��Z' P
00,1't' ScP M$
H h
According am. to 8 g,i??., Pi
ve days a Week, would, start in abawt twp. weep
ccordin ' to JOm Atk+insm, ' .
resident engineer of Praetor and The engiaaeer sand eXcavation tut the west 'end o� Hutu
T�edfern, carNSuZting e_gureems of the neNv highway road bed S"et,
for the storm oewors and high- Bcxt C onvstruot on ,00,•, of Oahe- -
wayconsitructibn projeCt in, vine has the $6 7,679 4ftVet
Clinton, the ;wgrk is progressing�,1 c /� for sto= sewers and reeoat-
on schedwe, Rose Shoal structim of Highway 8 and
He made a report to Clintm. Oontn'sewers an,:V$ctraria Streert.
'tD*n council at its June meet=On June 5 Ql utares 011ar'e is $1.47,5'11. with
rig. Monday rrnght, T1 e storm - the Ontario Department of
sewer work. onr Highway S: (Hur. At an executive meeting Highways paying the renne nder;
on. ;anal. 'Ontario Streets, and of the Clinton Citizens Comical m'ad'e 'a 'payment of
Highway '4 (V ctc6a Street) HOticultural Society, an $5,166.18 an their account. to.
will ;be completed In two weeks, Tuesday evening, JuneB" the engineering firm,
he �s4q. ElW' Qn Street is two- 'plans were made for the Engineer Atkinson. remarked
thirds completed, inelud na ase Show which is to be , on Utie' �_o
pepc,atioa� of all per -
eight catch basins. hold in the Council Goan- Sons involved in the construc-
Mr, Atkinson remarked, that • ber on the mfternoon and tion project..
"'bh'e gmkin4, condition at the evemng of Friday, June 25. o
south end of town' . (Victoria See the graze ii'st and
Street) wads not too friendly". rules of the shone in t . Swimming.Pool
The work, crews .of Bot Con.- . issues of the News -Record,
struction are working from 7 There will. be ,a. door prize
_ : Opens Saturday
A,ll Positions ,Are Filled. Clinton Community Swim'.
mUang Pool opens, an Saturday,
June 19 gat 2 o'clook. Hours for.
. n 066 Teaching Staff floe season are 2-5. and 7,9 p,m.
Se'asan tickets wa,]1 not be
I . Valid until July 1, For they pre -
Principal. D. John Cochrane Membero, did, however, agree ''sent all per,-mn% insing the. pool
told membiem's of CHSS 'Board at to pay the travelling expenses' will pay the regular mates of:
last Wedhesday's•nleehiaa'g that. of Kevin Ken'ch, new shop,tea-, public sehao'I dhildi'len, 15c; Stu-
all posatlons of,. the teaching .cher, from Picketing, to - Clin- dents, 25c sand ..Adults, 35c,
staff at the 'school have .been. 'ton. Mr. Ken'cli, is planning a This year public school age
filled for the 1965-7966 school short visit • to the school . soon children will be allowed to use
year. to familiarize himself wdth the the pool in the evening open,
Recent hiringsluring the total shops and 'the equipment. hours. The warlim
g pool is also
number of teachers signed for A request from Driver Ed'u- now open andsupervised. .
the fall terin to 70. Student 'cation instructor Jack Fulcher, The, pools were painted last
e'nr'ollment is expected to reach .Exeter, to be gut on a salary weekend scald fildad with, water
ier 13001 IvAber than to continue on the' eaxdy this week.-
Mrs. A, Jean Whyte, 30, Sea- per student' basis, was referred Six of the Swimming pool
fortli If as :been engaged t o teach to the Study 'and Welf re Com-, Street, the south g� ' . attend'ants' will' take a leaders'
Business Practice; James C. mit tee.. tilainizv course at -the RCAF
t on Victoria and Huron - g
tion. In the above photo, McLau'glVin', 32, Palmerston, Fulcher explained that , 35 Station pool from June 25 to
rdo is directin the low- will replace English teacher students had indicated a desire 30. Lyn Rees will take an im-
Mrs. Jean Webb who was grant to enroll In the course next structor's course at the same
:)f tile., ed a „year's leave of absence; fall, but that only tem were in- time,
(News -Record Photo) Miss' Nancy Clements, 40, terested in; the winter and o
Wantford, will t'ap'e over for: spring courses. ;
Mrs. A. M. 'Glenn who; !has: r'e- He said he wanted 'to give Council
Grants signed; and Mrs. Mary Van extra, instructions to the .Mi-
Next Wednesday • Reuben, 25, Se _XOn"tli, will be dents who experienced difficulty .
the Scibood librarian in Sept- vvltt$. the course . and. ,that a• •&� "
"cl VAtton : Lions Club are emrber, strain ght salary'wotld•un'ake tNis
"holding their big chicken Miss Brenda Greenaway, Lon- possible., As the syst6m now Local
� c� Groups
barbecue nett Wednesday don, former? of Clinton' has operates,, Ful'ch.er Is paid fora
oc e�stn "' June 23, in Clinton. accepted a position as a ahem- minimum of hours with each
her of the, CHSS office . sptaff. student. "Clinton Council authorized
Com3)aiintty I?aa I ., She begun her duties on Mont- Also referred to comnairttee ,the payment of $5,000 in grants
Combined with the barbe- day, was the matter of "legitimate at fts, Monday meeting. Clerk
cue this yeax its cash bingo Sone `Yes', Soine No, excessive expenses" Incurred by John . Livermore reported .that
and other Baines; and bony A :study of a variety of re- teachers while travellIng on the town's finances" "are nal'
rides for children.There quests from teachers —'past, solioal busriness, and submitted ;too 'bad."
to the board Tor payment. presentand future —saw the A Clinton Recreation Com -
will be filo. Lions: street car= o
P,�aaxd approve one, reject two, mi,ttee letter was rcaci;, x^equest-
nival 'this sununer., and; refer two more to the, s'tu'dyung, ri+ts monies! up to June 30.
r. Advance tickets for the aia!d wel'far'e Coanmittee. Herb Bridle Finance 'chairman, Coun. Part
chicken barbecue are avail- Robert J. Hunter, head of Noonan made the motion auth-
a•ble froin Lions members. gtVidaxnce services at CFISS, ®gyp °� orlizing grantsto.: Recreation
m'ov''€ : to Alliston, requested Appointed To 'C`o ttee, $3,000; Recreation,
an increase in pay for April, o���®� Committee (fax Lions Arena),
May ;and June of t1ts year. In $1,000; Clanton Cemetery Board,
,��� �� a letter to the board, Planter �� ® $500; Huron Central Ags+oul-
explained that he hard improved ,, tural Society (CIrinton Spring
p Herb Bridle; Albert Street Pl'
U. ® ap91d'�'(C hits qualifications ' suffiraently to grocer and a former m�ayo';', Fair), $250; TuvwY annin g
Y you .�3 move from his category three was- appointed to Clinton Public Board, $200. and Climtan �I'Orti
CHSS����m to category four, and that he , • cultural Society; $50.
���n �� Ubilalties Cbrcnrmasion to corcnplete The planning board aid in-
, had held these qualifications theterm, of the late William B. p g
6 since March 29 " the iii co $1,2 tee budget for
Per -due. (to, December 1.965). the year is $1,200.
Although there were 69 drop -.The Board noted that al- Mh°. Bri'dles name was'pro- Later in the meeting Mayor
outs at CRSS. during the 19654- though the Depa'k'+tMOA of Edu- posed in a motion by Reeve Symons. remarked: on the excel -
1965 school year, Principal D. oatian categories teachers., any Dutf Thonnpson; an amendment
Tohn Cochrane expressed his lent sprung fair this year. He
p given school nuay serf up
its .by' deputy reeve Georg, Womcla said, "Agriculture is our closest
sattiSbaction that the rate was om eategotles and is ,not ol- proposed tihe... name of Jahn.
not "excessive" for a schoa bliged to boost a teacher into Wise, a former PUC employee. ally, and we really need it".
$200this size. a !h igher pay bracket even When esked for a show of mo io Junior Hockey
Wohands on the amendment, the A motion n, reeves Winch
"That is a percentage of 5.. •Ult'augh it as "customary", Hun- �
96,"'. he said. "This figure is terns request was, refused. -two m'eeve�s and six councillors and $200 toga, nt gassed, to
very acceptable. anti, should hot A similar request from a tea- -were split 4-4. ,Mayor Dan Sym- gave $200 to .Clintons Junior
be construed as excessive. It cher who loft the st hbol's em- ons then voted against the a- 1 ss Oin hockeyase'ochampions jack -
proves that our courses are ploy An Deoen>}bev, 1964, was mendraent, which; let the or'g ets6art an the Mayo 'of jack -
keeping then 'students in sc'h'ozyV' �d'enied Baa weal, iinad motion sttand: ets and crests. Mayor Symons
s, said chamiAlo ishirp teams are,
' >e ,:r :,,'•� ' , ,3 -'.'�' ,..M,r � :'F: d' rxy.;.,,� .Fv..•w r ,�. ..'..'n �: ry.. ,+,'fix,•, a t
wox by of re0ogwit'ion.
ch d T
C er w
Club, Meets
y4. z+r
x '
At Forbes Horne
r h r ii The June meeting of the S'S
No. 4 Goderich Township Com-
munity 'Club was held at the
home of Mrs. Murray Forbes.
The 'treagui"er's' tre t showed
$94.14 ark hand.�.
';. .
The roll call was 11VVh6re ,you
tivoatl'd €ltle to spend your vaca-
tion?" Tihiaiteen members and
.. one visitor weret.
• Prc'esem
There was a das'cm%lon on a
331ble School tto be held in Aug-
usC The members of the club
6r to be reespwasiuble for taking
the ih'otspftal. o"t Wound, rin'July.
r A baler of clothng'was delivered
in Janne to the Clifidrenft Aid
;ta. t' •'2
°� •:. � " � ands the Salvation Army, Plans
were made for a: p%carie to be
.held Juaie 27 at the' fpi."ta'ieti
n' .school-gra
' +oxk Mr, Raberrt Thomt
ps gave
a talk on her visit tb:. Eldon
.e ,.} ...
HouseY ttwe oldest houst^•an Lori
• : � Quiltirag ._sand lunch ser'vWtl
eVltaS' hIS POI' 1 @.� with �.VI'r;,. lEtoibt. qft psora and
ebbutt assnstang
, .<.. _ .. , , s1 C.`atn"iian T._ ',_ -
Childs en from the. Xursef-y School at A&LAtral Pakk VeeerltlY' Visited the
the ftostew, arauoded, out the at
Vire I'3e,1l at RC;AP Statirlrt Ciiritt6h axle W4r'e given an bppdriilitity to try ort The niemt mW ting will be at
: rOMen tlnlforinsl' Able,.s�lstaftde Was: !Neil b clvillat'i ff�fr ht& lob Bur1�e1 ; ' . .
....... ..,...... , ., � � • -Y, g ,....._ . the,,, hOdrie!.. of 1Vi'xts. Walter
"The Visi"tbirs'.iiieiiided (lekt,td,Ajht) 3'eoffry VVI�e, lah 9ll,81 Aft Bbxblly Mark& bell, wifja a .pat-��bl� �i�azc�k
Menzies and UatX U: ngley. (`,RCA, Photo)` I to rber served,
Y Shirley )culler) THE NEIN; 9RA, 98th Yow
*e w&11f so, the
e,. d Nn, 24--TI�e -Hpme Raper Y1flt1� # N : C . N'1 TA
Past Qf'ce laist f1 q oma ti.., :.. 41 VIN.. VN
lutes h :sfrgll down in ,cmitntry
7ano nau Ireland; , , at least
"m sure. 'rt was
an Xi isb colleen
'Wa,'&t :wP crc *ng the lrlting,
srtraans -orf a.xx Xmhi tune for ugh .
�� mlacn•oPl3Wl?es a,t the
pecoxklho2a o;n Kung 'S#amt:
Peclestriaials, nnCludl 4aa3'i5elf,
Walked utitll a naticearlrle
"sw "aid I n Framk Vail ,All
Lena' .barber shop, barbers and
customers were Induced to sioK -
• ,ahonlg iby a gent'lem'an und'oubt,
,!Silly Sihaxtmed by thet music, ,Acs
:lie emttred •the shop, "Cpm? On
folhas, sing?,
And,' ,then ,in. the atexutio'orci,'
in the hl 1 of 'the day, Hawaiian
mlmr 'c. fnt?nn C�`bx'ahtn'g elevated
the naiad !ahove the sun' -tortured
cement ,arta the nye of engines
and horns .to the IhA ng' whine
sands of >a. desea'ted south sea
beach atld -the sbund of ger>tle
waves as they kiss the shore-
Warm stn, smiling faces and
heavenly music. just 'a
,fesw ,of the 'extras m' Clinton.
The 'Same' morning, whilst
scurrying to, work in, any usulaQ
InNst get-sbm.e'thing-done hurry,.
Iwas d'eta fined' just south of the.
britilge• over the Bayfield river.'
W41-im n were digging and
shovealin�g and ripping up a
stretch of 4 ori the
north side of ,the bridge.
I wasn't the only one • de,,
tanned . . at least a half
dbzen other car's were waiting
in various degrees of impatience
to proceed on their way. We
mut have Sat there for close
to five minutes as the :mam-
mouth motorized,, Monster
known in the comtr!uet on trade
as a power shovel, writhed and
twisted like a. wide -yapped
snalee snapping bi mid -:air`,
At fi st I was annoyed
them, resigned, finally relaxed. . Laying New StormSewers at Clinton's Main Cor
I rolled down the window and This was the scene late, Tuesda afternoon at locations the west end o'
snuffed' the smell of trees and tike junction of Iii la y ' "
water: I listened to the sounds ] g ways • 4 and, 8 at Clintons end of Victoria 'Street ar
of the river and the -joyous, free main intersection. Part of the $627,679 contract in the uptown business se
twitter of the 'binds.. I viewed, of Bot Construction Co. of Oakville -is the laying Bot foreman Hugho Gait
from close range, the trees, and of storm sewers on Victoria 'Street, Huron Street erin'g of another section
Marveled at their growth since and Ontario Street., Work is' in progress at 'three
as a child, I head climbed among
theur ibranches,
I 'thbught as 'I wafted, how Ope aor Wants Increase
Uttle time we take to see, hear .
and tatste all ..nature has to
-offer and I was grartefol for0 ly 80. "tude'nts nd 5V
t� a
these few minutes that d 4J 3
been forced to en;7oy.
As I �,varite this, at is Friday, Lunching aCH*^D.P:'S
June 11., ,and still. very, very dry, i
Naturally, hobby gardeners in CHSS Bogard last Wedaesd'ay subsidy. to be paid, by the Board Robert Maloney, school busin-
village, town .and city are wish- evening decided that it didh't was, $1,959,26, ess administrator, react a typd-
Ing for a gentle shower that inind subsidizing the cafeteria Nevertheless, members of the carr weekly menu and said he
will grr'een4up the gz",ass, arouser at the school as long as the board fent than if there was to had posted copies of all menus,
the flowers and put roots' on the sub's-idy was paid on wholesale be a price change, it should ef- prepared +a week ;in advance, in
beets. �Ebods. feet only the "fran'ge" foods, strategic locations around the
.But there are stgula,tions:. Beaver Foods, the firm. oper- leaving the price of meals as school so that students mightAny preciipitatibn; must not in- usual. became more familiar with the
,teefere with the golf outing, the acing gg cafeteria e- nt in -
had suggested a five -cent in- • Not Many Served type of food being served In the
garden 'party and ballg+am� crease .�• the price of meals and Fi,gupres' Showed. that only eafe't'er'ia.
sche&di el for the dray and even D. John Cochrlarie C HSS
ings to follow. "Let it xaiat ; . , a hike Zai, the cost of soft drinks, about 130 hot means were ,
clhioco!1'ate' bars and other a la ed per day at the 'cafeteria to 1 incupal, said lumber peraods e1 -
at night," they cry. carte" servings. 50 staff member's and' 80 Stu- lowed students more time at
- There are no such conditionsCold plates now sell for 30c dents. The board members ex- noon. -Most Clanton students, eat
Sia' the farm er's prayer . ... while hot meals' -may be pur- pressed concern that so few Stu- lunch at home and many from
and Gxtde'ed, his plea as a prayer. chased for 40c, From Se tern- dents were'taki ' cut -of -town, brie their lunches
Rahn, 7lats of.i!t must fall soon p ng advantage of g
' 'ter, 1964, to April, 1965, the. what 'seems. to be "'goad value". he said.
any time, of hiis . crops are to The board also d'is'cussed the
grow and his :cattle' arre to, have theory that 'parents were not
enough pasture this., year. ■
So call Me 'a sp'oal-sport, I'm.' acquainted with +tila.e fine brand'
Town Council Iri Action of food being prepared at the
hoping for rain, even it at doles
flood out the tennis tournament. month. It was swgg enc 'thea
d, Mayor Don Symons asked his ton during his _short stay here., monthly menus be serif hoarie
Had Id6nmerc last week withcouncil and guests present to He said there was- the best of with each sttndent and meal tic -
Had a moments silence for spirit among people inn Clinton kets purchased once monthly
some people here an Clinton. for any number of lundies' in a
foni�r 'Climtaniams who have died' and reminded council fif its
that atone time had been nay 30 -clay period, No •action was
babbysittew , .,.. . (hoe than recently. The persons reahem-. Service to the people of the,
taken on tliis proposal,
doesn't make them feel too, 'tiered were: P'U� chairman yawn. .
old'!) W1l!im. iaE. Perdue; former C of C Itesolution However, the board agreed
councillor and deputy reeve that where there are several
. Amway I was adinirunrg their Council tabled' for the pre- children from one family John A. Sutter; former tour- y at -
and esppeeclhUy, the size sent a resolution, from Clinton
gra citron Lepsiie Ball card former tending school, cafeteria eating
arid quality of thew radishes:. I a,nd Di�sttivOt Chamber of Com -
told Clinton grocer T. R. Thompson. may be too expensive.
to7:d them we ha�dn,'•t ewer' had,
merce requesting oaun'ca•1 to ask' ' '
r'adi'shes that weren''i wormy Priest Streaks For alternative plans tr�om Principal Colchr+ane Wondered
and woody. Rev: S. E. McGuire, garish Daparafiment of Highways for how ia�aaiy paxeruts were giving
The husband looked' at me priest at St. Joseph's Church, street changes in downtown their chzaadran lunpala a7waaey to
with: a pair of twinkling eyes Clinton, for the past 21/1 years, !Clinton. Mayor Symons sand be spent 'at the cafetertia when
m ,
: fa t at was spent dowritowri
•, pe
addressed o n 1 on Moaadia i
set in, Sri unsanilircug couaatenan�, c u en y This is the typo Of thing that :
, i• . in resttauronts' d her busin-
"You'Me planting' ern• ups7de- eventing: He Is Waving an June we should direct to the engineer es's an ort ,•
down," he said. 25 for a new parish arca London. when, we resurliace No. 4 High- establishments, He said it
Anyone know which side of 'a Father McGuire expressed hes wltiy. Reeve Thompson sand was common knowledge that
' `
radish seeds u5 up? gratitude to /, e people of Clan- That complex of 'the whole Cox~s'onle Students enjoya daily
- noondey diet of soft drinks anti
tier' can change, � a two, Or
It is an established facet thai wr three year period, but' we should candy:
mmiN`� tens like jokes about iriiri. Spring Fair Bab
not ignore the dep�imirnent's 5ug- a
ispters anti doctor, enjoy Stories gestii,an. - p _ •} '
4boiut doctors and teachers ap- Itee Committee �u�t��n Permits-
greca'ait'o tales about teachers; x Show Winners Council appointed len :Vtaw - g
I' ,guie'rz it Is because we all can tett to the 'Clinton Rec Conn- n
Pictures the first place Mibte'e to replace Robert Xluaiw for $35 450 00
Com -
identify ourselves more easily winners, in all
il elasises of the p' '� m "
he stories Baby show 'at Clinton Spring er Who ris goring to teach at I •
with the cha�cteris an t
U ,they have sbnaethin'g in eom f :_ last lf' Alliston in Septeanb'er: In mate !� /+
hair appeared In a 'wee s .. OK d B. Council
t ee¢xis v
nndtn wiiQi, tis. Lawgh er s . eKinibvon of the Nenvs.-l�,ecax�. lig the oration, Councillor,
J ,
ziiare spoxutameo� U the whole however itliz Awlhes of the run- Noraat Livermore reek anted' oat ,
point of ialxe anfixcdote is fatni .. , the a dnninistrative ability of At Mondays meeitift, of town
netrtsup were omitted: council., a, total of $35,450 it
Sar. Mr: Hunter,
Th't5 is probably the reason In they uvffiar six months class, building permits Was author -
ick Leave n
r S Pru
the 'oke toad' !by Jack FtticIier Shelley :1Vf a�.igp�'ur'et, daughte of lied.
7 Council s�sed a' bylaw ad.'bp't�
gat 14�t weelt's •CRSS' Y Board 1V1rr, atacl Ml's. Tinily 'W'este'i'4aout, pia The rpern'ri•ts vv�e fromi Toon.
221 uraia' ,5t,, Was second and ing a sii,ek leave plan to muni Harling, sadiltion. to shore' on
axteert Ig was axnusung ka Brbfi da Jeanv Ch� fibers day h- ei al employees r o Vli�ctor& Sitreet'
people 3iitex+eistea an dfiNem eau- > . g 1�, �:' >ftciave to $850,, W�'ttlau.
C�atian, ter �' Mr: Mrs, Y{en Chaaxt- Janwany 1, 1965 -� 'guvin�g 11i� c�eaY s l!'eed 1Viil1, _ Nrai'y Street, '
• , ; bens, Rid. 1 'Wangtiam, was, third. days sne'tr` lcav`e per mronth ac- sgtorage shed, 5, 00; Lorne
,Jack said two, earns bad been p $ .b
Truro, eight-�monbh old daatgh- cumulative for +ten years with Beawi'i Mat2i�is 'Liirn6ted, ski on
CConttQnued on page twelve) ter of M-. and Mrs', .Ron Hugilt;
.. ,.. employees ,eligible ttl� xe'eea,�'e oak' lot act tOntariry Streetr $800,
Baden, placed ;ecoid art the Mile -half of the unused S um- Cumin IGA, store, :Mary Suedt,
The Weather' c'1 for rbabaes over six months ulated 'benefiit at the end of the sign., $500;
• 61d, The youngster of Mr an't'i tela year period, 84an HWiyes, house, '$15,000;
high Law High Low I Rohn Lo'ckwo'od, Clinton, Vo 0i'uiser `gat Mai: Tyndall, house, %13,006 and
as thatr Muton Steep, rt, $x501
165 1954.... . 1Vi'rayor' Symons -reporting for caVo_.
June 7a 58' 88 6 Sltoitfni rnshlr Whinehe police committed, said the 0
police s an arts =90XVIEW A'UXILtA Y
�.0 6Fr 48 80 50 Kathy� Dale :tt,R 1 . Clinton,Ctrtttom, iheiw' ; lice crtiis'er wa _
it 74 39 66 > 5 dhUghtet of Mr. and W& Wil- teas, tabun. John 1Vie rn,k^lane 500 Mt, l OXDA-k
12 it 41 7150 roam We won first 'lyxlxO fo'r'. Wagur Fo ei '�liat' Alec &UThe 14us;,=Af1'rnv Lames .Aux=
,19 '62 31 85. 57 th6wrb—ahin the 4.1 Dai' y er 1St ne 'clv9ts 1 'p per nioitttr.
p' .... $4 p r ilxary ,w�i't3 meeFt orf 1VfoQaday,
_ • ompeti,tAbn at C�afr• A good C�gai mpid of 'the 4isdtd- June• L1, at 2;80 p.Mr , tai .Axwts
14 G?l d0 8 51' Cal (ylub _ _
is 47 $8 cora Pal lathy a menribei a�W era ricrac it ol%� gar and
_ p p . a 'd Ci+ad'ts • Adbxni��7.' a crirdial
X& ivt h rR;arn; All bf the S�ifth &V Cub-, (Corhil Slued on page; tOdlvel welcom to full lAdJeS1•
..... ..... ..... THE HURON RECORD —: 02nd ,YVgr,
RIOT Y'17,f
.• ..._..., .. ;..... ..,: ,_....... .. _...... _ _ _.._.. ,
t .. ,QA , J!�1h1E ' 7,f 19,,6.5' $ ,OQ Pe.,r Yec�r.:.MO Cents Per oPYr��Z' P
00,1't' ScP M$
H h
According am. to 8 g,i??., Pi
ve days a Week, would, start in abawt twp. weep
ccordin ' to JOm Atk+insm, ' .
resident engineer of Praetor and The engiaaeer sand eXcavation tut the west 'end o� Hutu
T�edfern, carNSuZting e_gureems of the neNv highway road bed S"et,
for the storm oewors and high- Bcxt C onvstruot on ,00,•, of Oahe- -
wayconsitructibn projeCt in, vine has the $6 7,679 4ftVet
Clinton, the ;wgrk is progressing�,1 c /� for sto= sewers and reeoat-
on schedwe, Rose Shoal structim of Highway 8 and
He made a report to Clintm. Oontn'sewers an,:V$ctraria Streert.
'tD*n council at its June meet=On June 5 Ql utares 011ar'e is $1.47,5'11. with
rig. Monday rrnght, T1 e storm - the Ontario Department of
sewer work. onr Highway S: (Hur. At an executive meeting Highways paying the renne nder;
on. ;anal. 'Ontario Streets, and of the Clinton Citizens Comical m'ad'e 'a 'payment of
Highway '4 (V ctc6a Street) HOticultural Society, an $5,166.18 an their account. to.
will ;be completed In two weeks, Tuesday evening, JuneB" the engineering firm,
he �s4q. ElW' Qn Street is two- 'plans were made for the Engineer Atkinson. remarked
thirds completed, inelud na ase Show which is to be , on Utie' �_o
pepc,atioa� of all per -
eight catch basins. hold in the Council Goan- Sons involved in the construc-
Mr, Atkinson remarked, that • ber on the mfternoon and tion project..
"'bh'e gmkin4, condition at the evemng of Friday, June 25. o
south end of town' . (Victoria See the graze ii'st and
Street) wads not too friendly". rules of the shone in t . Swimming.Pool
The work, crews .of Bot Con.- . issues of the News -Record,
struction are working from 7 There will. be ,a. door prize
_ : Opens Saturday
A,ll Positions ,Are Filled. Clinton Community Swim'.
mUang Pool opens, an Saturday,
June 19 gat 2 o'clook. Hours for.
. n 066 Teaching Staff floe season are 2-5. and 7,9 p,m.
Se'asan tickets wa,]1 not be
I . Valid until July 1, For they pre -
Principal. D. John Cochrane Membero, did, however, agree ''sent all per,-mn% insing the. pool
told membiem's of CHSS 'Board at to pay the travelling expenses' will pay the regular mates of:
last Wedhesday's•nleehiaa'g that. of Kevin Ken'ch, new shop,tea-, public sehao'I dhildi'len, 15c; Stu-
all posatlons of,. the teaching .cher, from Picketing, to - Clin- dents, 25c sand ..Adults, 35c,
staff at the 'school have .been. 'ton. Mr. Ken'cli, is planning a This year public school age
filled for the 1965-7966 school short visit • to the school . soon children will be allowed to use
year. to familiarize himself wdth the the pool in the evening open,
Recent hiringsluring the total shops and 'the equipment. hours. The warlim
g pool is also
number of teachers signed for A request from Driver Ed'u- now open andsupervised. .
the fall terin to 70. Student 'cation instructor Jack Fulcher, The, pools were painted last
e'nr'ollment is expected to reach .Exeter, to be gut on a salary weekend scald fildad with, water
ier 13001 IvAber than to continue on the' eaxdy this week.-
Mrs. A, Jean Whyte, 30, Sea- per student' basis, was referred Six of the Swimming pool
fortli If as :been engaged t o teach to the Study 'and Welf re Com-, Street, the south g� ' . attend'ants' will' take a leaders'
Business Practice; James C. mit tee.. tilainizv course at -the RCAF
t on Victoria and Huron - g
tion. In the above photo, McLau'glVin', 32, Palmerston, Fulcher explained that , 35 Station pool from June 25 to
rdo is directin the low- will replace English teacher students had indicated a desire 30. Lyn Rees will take an im-
Mrs. Jean Webb who was grant to enroll In the course next structor's course at the same
:)f tile., ed a „year's leave of absence; fall, but that only tem were in- time,
(News -Record Photo) Miss' Nancy Clements, 40, terested in; the winter and o
Wantford, will t'ap'e over for: spring courses. ;
Mrs. A. M. 'Glenn who; !has: r'e- He said he wanted 'to give Council
Grants signed; and Mrs. Mary Van extra, instructions to the .Mi-
Next Wednesday • Reuben, 25, Se _XOn"tli, will be dents who experienced difficulty .
the Scibood librarian in Sept- vvltt$. the course . and. ,that a• •&� "
"cl VAtton : Lions Club are emrber, strain ght salary'wotld•un'ake tNis
"holding their big chicken Miss Brenda Greenaway, Lon- possible., As the syst6m now Local
� c� Groups
barbecue nett Wednesday don, former? of Clinton' has operates,, Ful'ch.er Is paid fora
oc e�stn "' June 23, in Clinton. accepted a position as a ahem- minimum of hours with each
her of the, CHSS office . sptaff. student. "Clinton Council authorized
Com3)aiintty I?aa I ., She begun her duties on Mont- Also referred to comnairttee ,the payment of $5,000 in grants
Combined with the barbe- day, was the matter of "legitimate at fts, Monday meeting. Clerk
cue this yeax its cash bingo Sone `Yes', Soine No, excessive expenses" Incurred by John . Livermore reported .that
and other Baines; and bony A :study of a variety of re- teachers while travellIng on the town's finances" "are nal'
rides for children.There quests from teachers —'past, solioal busriness, and submitted ;too 'bad."
to the board Tor payment. presentand future —saw the A Clinton Recreation Com -
will be filo. Lions: street car= o
P,�aaxd approve one, reject two, mi,ttee letter was rcaci;, x^equest-
nival 'this sununer., and; refer two more to the, s'tu'dyung, ri+ts monies! up to June 30.
r. Advance tickets for the aia!d wel'far'e Coanmittee. Herb Bridle Finance 'chairman, Coun. Part
chicken barbecue are avail- Robert J. Hunter, head of Noonan made the motion auth-
a•ble froin Lions members. gtVidaxnce services at CFISS, ®gyp °� orlizing grantsto.: Recreation
m'ov''€ : to Alliston, requested Appointed To 'C`o ttee, $3,000; Recreation,
an increase in pay for April, o���®� Committee (fax Lions Arena),
May ;and June of t1ts year. In $1,000; Clanton Cemetery Board,
,��� �� a letter to the board, Planter �� ® $500; Huron Central Ags+oul-
explained that he hard improved ,, tural Society (CIrinton Spring
p Herb Bridle; Albert Street Pl'
U. ® ap91d'�'(C hits qualifications ' suffiraently to grocer and a former m�ayo';', Fair), $250; TuvwY annin g
Y you .�3 move from his category three was- appointed to Clinton Public Board, $200. and Climtan �I'Orti
CHSS����m to category four, and that he , • cultural Society; $50.
���n �� Ubilalties Cbrcnrmasion to corcnplete The planning board aid in-
, had held these qualifications theterm, of the late William B. p g
6 since March 29 " the iii co $1,2 tee budget for
Per -due. (to, December 1.965). the year is $1,200.
Although there were 69 drop -.The Board noted that al- Mh°. Bri'dles name was'pro- Later in the meeting Mayor
outs at CRSS. during the 19654- though the Depa'k'+tMOA of Edu- posed in a motion by Reeve Symons. remarked: on the excel -
1965 school year, Principal D. oatian categories teachers., any Dutf Thonnpson; an amendment
Tohn Cochrane expressed his lent sprung fair this year. He
p given school nuay serf up
its .by' deputy reeve Georg, Womcla said, "Agriculture is our closest
sattiSbaction that the rate was om eategotles and is ,not ol- proposed tihe... name of Jahn.
not "excessive" for a schoa bliged to boost a teacher into Wise, a former PUC employee. ally, and we really need it".
$200this size. a !h igher pay bracket even When esked for a show of mo io Junior Hockey
Wohands on the amendment, the A motion n, reeves Winch
"That is a percentage of 5.. •Ult'augh it as "customary", Hun- �
96,"'. he said. "This figure is terns request was, refused. -two m'eeve�s and six councillors and $200 toga, nt gassed, to
very acceptable. anti, should hot A similar request from a tea- -were split 4-4. ,Mayor Dan Sym- gave $200 to .Clintons Junior
be construed as excessive. It cher who loft the st hbol's em- ons then voted against the a- 1 ss Oin hockeyase'ochampions jack -
proves that our courses are ploy An Deoen>}bev, 1964, was mendraent, which; let the or'g ets6art an the Mayo 'of jack -
keeping then 'students in sc'h'ozyV' �d'enied Baa weal, iinad motion sttand: ets and crests. Mayor Symons
s, said chamiAlo ishirp teams are,
' >e ,:r :,,'•� ' , ,3 -'.'�' ,..M,r � :'F: d' rxy.;.,,� .Fv..•w r ,�. ..'..'n �: ry.. ,+,'fix,•, a t
wox by of re0ogwit'ion.
ch d T
C er w
Club, Meets
y4. z+r
x '
At Forbes Horne
r h r ii The June meeting of the S'S
No. 4 Goderich Township Com-
munity 'Club was held at the
home of Mrs. Murray Forbes.
The 'treagui"er's' tre t showed
$94.14 ark hand.�.
';. .
The roll call was 11VVh6re ,you
tivoatl'd €ltle to spend your vaca-
tion?" Tihiaiteen members and
.. one visitor weret.
• Prc'esem
There was a das'cm%lon on a
331ble School tto be held in Aug-
usC The members of the club
6r to be reespwasiuble for taking
the ih'otspftal. o"t Wound, rin'July.
r A baler of clothng'was delivered
in Janne to the Clifidrenft Aid
;ta. t' •'2
°� •:. � " � ands the Salvation Army, Plans
were made for a: p%carie to be
.held Juaie 27 at the' fpi."ta'ieti
n' .school-gra
' +oxk Mr, Raberrt Thomt
ps gave
a talk on her visit tb:. Eldon
.e ,.} ...
HouseY ttwe oldest houst^•an Lori
• : � Quiltirag ._sand lunch ser'vWtl
eVltaS' hIS POI' 1 @.� with �.VI'r;,. lEtoibt. qft psora and
ebbutt assnstang
, .<.. _ .. , , s1 C.`atn"iian T._ ',_ -
Childs en from the. Xursef-y School at A&LAtral Pakk VeeerltlY' Visited the
the ftostew, arauoded, out the at
Vire I'3e,1l at RC;AP Statirlrt Ciiritt6h axle W4r'e given an bppdriilitity to try ort The niemt mW ting will be at
: rOMen tlnlforinsl' Able,.s�lstaftde Was: !Neil b clvillat'i ff�fr ht& lob Bur1�e1 ; ' . .
....... ..,...... , ., � � • -Y, g ,....._ . the,,, hOdrie!.. of 1Vi'xts. Walter
"The Visi"tbirs'.iiieiiided (lekt,td,Ajht) 3'eoffry VVI�e, lah 9ll,81 Aft Bbxblly Mark& bell, wifja a .pat-��bl� �i�azc�k
Menzies and UatX U: ngley. (`,RCA, Photo)` I to rber served,