HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-06-10, Page 13
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ThlArs,/ June 1co, 1965—Clinton N Ws-Rinord
Successful Clinton Spring Fair
Has Record Number or Entries
Children .Added Much
The best decorated public school child's bicycle
class had the largest entry of any class at Clinton
Spring Fair. The class had to be divided into junior
and senior groups, Judges for the classes were Rev.
To. Spring Fair 'Parade
C. Park, IF/J., R. Allen, both of Clinton and R. J,
Reaney, secretary of Mitchell Fall Fair. The public
school children's entries are shown here on • Albert
Street just north of Rattenbury.
(News-Record Photo)
Clinton Kinsmen Pulling Their
The energetic Kinsmen Club of Clinton support
every worthwhile funds drive in Clinton, They are
shown here pulling a wagon :ill Clinton Spring Fair • .• - • •
(Mrs, Bert Allen Correspondent)
Weight For New Arena
parade promoting the erection of a new arena, The
Kinsmen sponsor all minor sports up to 12 year old
age. (News-Record Photo)
(Additional Prize-Winners
On Pages One And Six)
In the class for Leicester
:sheep, prize money was shared
lay Emke Bros., Elmwood, tak-
ing four mrsts, one second and
four thirds; Jim Snell, Clinton,
copping three firsts, six seconds
and one third; and Vance Day,
:Ombra, with one first, .one sec-
ond and three thirds.
Southdown, W. E. Crawford,
Minesing, five firsts, three see-
onds and four thirds; Emke
Bros., three firsts; five seconds
and one third,
Shropshire, G. Comfort, St
.Ann's, five firsts, :two seconds
and three thirds; Crawford,
-three firsts, six seconds and
'two thirds.
Oxford, Ernke Bros., eight
firsts; five secondS and one
third; D. Dearing, Exeter, three
seconds and five thirds,
Vance 'Day wan - all the prize
.money :in the Cheviot class and
,Preston Dearing, Exeter, darn-
Inalted :the :class. for Dorset
Suffolk, Larry WelSii, 'Sarnia,
Jive firsts, _Eve seconds and one
third; Comfort, three firsts,
three seconds and four thirds;
'Duke, OM third. .
Beat ewe, any breed, Com-
fort; best ram, any breed,
.Emke; best pen . of sheep, any
breed, ewiard by Baintion Limit-
ed, Blyth Woollen Mill, Preston
Cocks, Cliff Pepper, Dash-
-wood, Six firsts, eight seconds;
.four thirds; L, Leneve, Sarnia,
:six firsts, one third; M. Vollick
Mildinay, three firsts, one sec-
_end, one third; D, Gill, Grand
Bend, two firstS, one second;
W. 'Grant, Brussels, one first,
two seconds; H. Hawkins, Brus-
sels, „ one 'first; D. Reynolds,
Seaforth, -one first, and M.
Smith, one first, 'one seeond.
Hens, Pepper, :six firsts, eight
seconds, four thirds; Leneve,
six firsts, three seconds; Grant,
two firsts, two seconds, two
thirds; Vollick, two firsts, one
second; Hawkins; one first;
Smith, one first, one second,
Utility pens, Pepper, six firsts,
five seconds; Leneve, one third,
Commercial -White, H. Haw-
kins, Brussels, six :firsts, Six
seconds, three thirds; J. Mc--
Callum, London, one first, one
second, two thirds,
, Commercial coloured, Mc-
Callum, one first, two seconds,
one third; Hawkins, three firsts,
two seconds, 'three thirds; Har-
old Taylor, Seaforth, thrice
firsts, two seconds.
Persian -cats, Barbara Elliott,
Clinton; Esther Merrill, Clin-
ton; Wayne Martin, Clinton.
Cat, 'any other . breed, T. Zab-
look'', Clinton; SuSan Palmer,
Clinton. Beat dog in show, Alan
Cook Clinton; - Debra Glenn,
Clinton; Janet Arnston, Clinton.
Dog showing least resemblance
to any 'breed, Jannette. Riley,
Londesboro; Denise Stone,- Clin-
Homer pigeons, R. Leneve,
Sarnia; Pigeons; . Cheryl Dale,
Clinton; R. Leneve; Cathy Dale,
Clinton; Bantams, R. Leneve,
Sarnia; Fancy fowl, R, Leneve;
Albert Pepper, Hen.sallo Most).
unusual pet, Wendy Bird, Clin-
ton; Robert Brown, Clinton;
Goat, Don Watson, Clinton.
Heavy draught 'team in har-
ness, Charles Halliday, Chesley;
Aubrey Toll, Blyth; Toll. Per-
cheron team in harness, Orville
Bastard, Th.orndale; Bastard,
Wagon or express team in
harness, Orville Bannerman,
Monkton; C. Fullerton, Paisley.
Single roadster in harnes's,
Thomas G. Tervilt, Wingliam; A.
Craven, Ailsa Craig; -L, Bak,
, Carriage team in harness,
Thomas. Gentleman's turnout
accompanied by lady, Wallace
Monroe, Emb.ro; G. Galbraith,
Win.gharre Craven. Team of
harnessed ponies, H, Moore, In-
gersoll; Mac Armstrong, Beach-
vile; W. Clarke, St. Marys.
Team harnessed ponies, not over
_12 hands, Fred Holloway,
Smithville; J. Innes, 'Stratford;
;ones Pony Farm, Belton.
Best matched team hi har-
ness, Bestard, Halliday; Beat
dressed :team; Bestard; G.raham;
Team coming the greatest dis-
tance, Holloway, 131 miles.
Township Special, Chas. Hal-
liday, Chesley; Aubrey Toll,
Blyth; Peter Graham, liderton;
Ernie Armstrong, Rockwood;
Orville Bastard, Th'orndale;
Jack Fitch, Wroxeter; Cecil
Wells, Paris; L. Moreland, Dres-
den; C. Fullerton, Paisley, 'and
G, Johnston, Gorrie.
Ontario ST. UCW
Unit 3 Cancelled
The unit 3 meeting of Ont-
ario Street United Church UCW
scheduled for Monday, June 14
has been cancelled.
Members will meet' with the
ladies of Unit 4 on Monday,
June 28, at Mrs. Ken Pickett's
Wesley-Willis UCW
Unit To Meet •
The Starlight Circle Will
'meet MOnday, June 14, at 8:50
p.m. at Wesley-Willis United
On Tuesday, June 15, the
UCW meeting will take the
form a a pot-luck supper serv-
ed at 7 pm. There Will be an
auction sale of articles donated
by the :members.
Zurich Couple
Celebrate Their
50th Anniversary
HENSALL — Mr. and Mrs,
Roy Lament of Zurich celebrat-
ed their 50th wedding anniver-
sary at their home on June 9.
They were married in the
Presbyterian Church Manse,
Exeter; on June' 9, 1915 by the
late Rev. J. Sharp. Mrs. Lamont
Was the former Jessie Mc-
Arthur, daughter of the late
Mr. 'and Mais. Robert McArthur,
Hensall. The couple liVed in the
old Lamont residence on the
Goshen Line, Stanley Township,
'where the farmed. until moving
in 1,949 'to their present home in
They are active members of
Goshen United Church. Mr. La-
mont .serves as an Elder and
Mrs. :Lamont is a member 'of
the UCW. Mr. Lamont is affili--
ated with the A F& AM Hensel)
Lodge 224 arid served as a coun.-
dinar on Stanley Township
council for several years. He
Was also a 'former treasurer of
the South Huron Liberal As-
Mr. and Mrs. Lamont have.
one daughter, Margaret ('Mrs.
Melvin 'Elliott) of Stanley
Township and two grandchild-
ren, Bill Elliott, St. Thomas,
and Joan Elliott, a recent grad-
uate of Stratford Teachers Col,-
WI Has 0:nests
The WI met Wednesday even-
ing with a full attendance in-
cluding guests from Summerhill
and Walkeebarn.
Roll can was answered by
showing 'an old school photo,
The ladies voted te, buy six
serving plates and so pay any
expense in connection with the
Tweeds:emir Book. The commit-
tee has completed all arrange-
ments for the Birthday Parity
at Huron:view on June 16. Mrs,
Lloyd Pipe gave 'an interesting
report 'of 'the WI 'Conference
Which she attended recently in
Beverley Lee played a piano
selection .and 'a duet sung by
Glenyee and Helen Anderson
was %enjoyed.
Fred . Bisset of Goderieh
showed beautiful pictures taken
on his trip to the Barbados as
well as some shots of local
A bake sale concluded the
meeting and Itinch was served
by 'the hostess.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Ken Gibb of
Edmonton, Alta. and Dennis
Knox of Macklin, Sask. were
guests over the weekend with
Mr, and Mrs, Allan Shadcliek
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steele of
Toronto. spent the weekend with
his Sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gaunt
spent last Week with Mr. and
Mrs. Ward' Shickluta at Lind-
say. They also Visited the Tulip
Festival 'and Parliament Build-
ings in Ottawa.
Mr. and Mrs, :Emmerson Hesk
spent last week with their dau-
ghter, Mr, :and 1Vt-rs. Glen Rob-
inson and family near Montreal,
returning on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hamilton,
Landon, spent 'Sunday' with Mr.
Gainer and Mrs: Webster.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gaunt .and
Michael of HanoVer and Mr. and
Mrs, Harold Dalrymple and
family of Brmefield spent Sun-
day With Mr, and Mrs. Earl
Mrs. Frally Dunceith, Mrs,
Kenneth Garrew :and Lorna all
of Guelph, Mrs, Wes, Jefferson
and family and Mr. :and IYIrs.
Willows, Mountain spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Elgin
Josling. • ....
Mrs. Vally Townsend spent
Sunday with Mrs. Robert Town-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phil-
Epps and Mrs. Jewell, of Gode-
rich, paid a. visit 'to Mr. and
Mrs, Willows Mountain, recent-
Mrs. Townsend received word
last week of the passing of her
Sister, IVIrs. Armstrong 'of Mar-
den, Manitoba. The sympathy
of the community is extended
to the sisters,
There will be a Mission Dedi-
cation at Londeshoro United
Church on Sunday morning.
CGIT, Messengers and Explor-
ers Will take part in the service.
The. United Church Snorgas-
bard Supper is now scheduled
for June 1.4 at 5:30 p.m. in the
Londe's:bora Hall.
Mayor Symons
Receives Chain
(continued from page 1),
representatives were accompan-
ied :by their Wives,
The mayor's wife, Florence,
and three daughters, Barbara,
Lorri and Jane were ail present.
All guests present were in-
vited 'to sign a guest book which
was later given to Mayor and
Mrs. Symons,
The-guests, council and hon-
ored family enjoyed coffee 'and
cake at a tea arranged by Bart-
Jiffs Restaurant.
Small But Mighty Float
The two year-old Clinton and District Chamber
of Commerce had the smallest float in the parade
here on Saturday, but warned viewers by the sign
"Watch Us Grow" to look for bigger things in the
future. C of C president A. "Red" Garon waved to
all, as he was driven by George Campbell in one of
Ellwood Epps sports vehicles.
(Photo by Henry Stryker) -
Classified Ads Bring Results
We will overhaul your motor or automatic
transmission an arrange monthly
terms to your satisfaction.
Shorty's BA
Phone 482-7661 —CLI NTON-212 Victoria Street
A Prize-Winning Suffolk Ram
George Comfort of St. Ann's, Ont,, was a big winner in the sheep classes.
He is shown here holding his first prize shearling Suffolk rain. Also shown is
his third place entry in the same class. Suffolk was a new breed class at this
year's Clinton Spring Fair. (News-Record Photo)
Farms -- Residential Commercial
Cotitnet our Representative