Clinton News-Record, 1965-06-10, Page 9Mrs. Symons and Girls at Buffet Table
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Livermore Were Guests
Chief Thompson Signing Guest Book
-Nils* Canada. Attends. • •. • • Perfect Summer Day
ucomful Clinton Spring . Fair
• Has Record .f.Number of Entries
The 'weatherman smiled fav-
Qatrabilek this year's edit}oh
of clitHf44 Spring Falcr and took
tto loalFL In making the montliS
air • -planning and preparation
blOs,soneeinte a successful. event
'that bigOught out -the best in
entries? and special ettractioes.
The ' parade, heralded by
many as the longest and' most
eaoiting in the history of the
show, 'Was highlighted by imag-
ins five P floats, spirited march-
ing Mimic, colourful 1) le yels
and kiddies' tikes, and high-
stepping horses,
The ''royal presence of Can-
ada's as igning beauty queen,
Miss'IY.41??, Lou Farrell, added
just the-right touch of glamour
and gajee to Huron County's
finest atinual agricultural show-
case. le _lovely -lady rode' in
the parade, delivered the of-
Sching -address, present-
ed erlags. aed circulated among
the, exhibits with the poise be-
coming "a queen.
School children, holders of
complimentary tickets, floeked
'to the Community Park to en-
joy the wonders of Joyes mid-
way and help gobble up the
goodies so much a part of all
faiGr-sate receipts were about the
same previous- years but
entries, in all classes were
heavy, probably because of the
Fair Board's determination to
offer the, largest cash kitty
ever to ;the winners.
• The ("Utility of the exhibits
was second to none and com-
petition remained keen in all
M. L.. "Tory" Gregg was the
genial anaster of ceremonies and
shared•the spotlight with other
celebrigeS including Elston -Car-
e • Murraycliff Hite em. M.P•, M Gaunt,
Huron Bruce MLA and Charles
S. 1VlianNatighton, Ontario Min-
ister of Highways and Huron
Following is a partial list of
In the, four-horse tandem
hitch class at Clinton's Spring
Fair on .Saturday, winners were,
entries:by Ches. Halliday, 'Cher
ley; Orville Beetard, Thoriedale;
Orville- .parmerxrien., Mon'kton;
Ernie Armstrong, Rockwood;
Peter Graham, Ilderton; jack
Fitch, Wroaeter; and Orville
Bannerman, Monkton.
Heavy stallions owned by W,
E. Harrison, Tavistecke and`
Alex Muir, Lakeside', took •
prizes in 'their class.
Heavy Draught
Filly of Gelding foaled in 1961
or previous, Halliday; Aubrey
Toil, Blyth, (second and third).
Brood mare, Muir. Filly or
gelding, foaled ,in 1962, Halliday,
Toll, Graham. Filly or , gelding
foaled din 1963, Halliday, Teem.
in harness, Halliday, Toil; "Gra-
Brood mare, Harrison; Gor-
don Medea, Bright; Muir, Filly
or 'gelding foaled in, 1962, Best-
ard, Bastard, Bastard. Filly or
gelding foaled in 1963, Morden;
E. Hackett, Lucknow; Harrison.
Horse -colt or filly, foaled in
1964, Hackett, Morden, Harrii-
Filly or gelding, foaled
1961 or previous, Armstrong;
Cecil Wells, Paris; Hanneernan,
Filly or -gelding, feeler]. in 1962,
Bannerman, Wells. Filly or gel-
ding, -foaled in 1963, Armstrong,
Team in harness, Arn,
strong, Armstrong, Wells.
Filly or gelding, three years
and under, A. Knill, Paris; G.
Johnston', Gorrie; C. Fullerton,
Paisley, Team, hitched, '3,000
lbs. and under, Fitch, Johnston.
Single hitch, over 1,500 ibt„
Bannerman, Bannerman, Fuller-
ton. Single hitch, under 1,500
lbs„ Fitch, Johnston, Johnston.
Heavy horse and wagon horse
judge was Elmer M-eainnon,
Still A 3-2 Decision "We're Not Through Yet"
Over 40 disgruntled ratepay-
ers from Bayfield and West
Stanley left a meeting with the
Stanley Township School Area
Board On Wednesday evening
muttering -ideas about their
next move and shouting for the
world to hear, "We're not
through yet."
Several retain-the-BayfieId-
school promoters, indicated their
renewed determination to fight
for their rights in the face of
the Board's three-to-two vote
against their proposal,
Mrs. Leroy Poth, chairman of
the SOS committee, presented
Bayfield'e former proposal for a
two classroom and gymtorium
addition to, their present two-
room school, only ten years. old.
She stated clearly that taxpay-
ers in West Stanley and Hay-
field were opposed to a 16-room
central school 'at Brumfield, and
presented the board with a pet-
ition signed by 722 persons.
Mrs. Faith, a former teacher
and principal of the Hayfield
school,' said -the signatures were
from parents 'and other resi-
dents in school sections 3, , 4
East, 4 West, 9 and Bayfield.
Of 512 eligible voters, in Bay-
field, 492 or 95 per -cent had
signed 'the petition. In SS 3, 80
percent had attached their sig-
natures; in. SS 4 East, 7a par-
cent; in SS 9, 85 percent; and in
SS 4 West, 78 percent, or 92
percent including 'the signatures
of summer residents.
"One hundred percent of
those residents who, have chil-
dren of school ago are in fa-
vour," said Mrs. Path.
The report also dealt with
another report drawn up by
Inspector Kinkead and . Bur-
rows. SOS- committee members
said the inspectors' findings
were misleading as to the costs
of 'the Bayfield proposal versus
the Brumfield scheme.
(Continued on page 7)
A Prize-Winning Belgian
Ernie Armstrong of Rockwood took first prize in the Belgian filly or geld-
ing class, foaled previous to 1961, with this dappled mare; second prize went
to Cecil Wells of Paris shown in the rear, at Clinton Spring Fair, Saturday.
(News-Record Photo)
Miss Canada Presents Gifts To Huron Dairy Prindesset
Miss Mary LOU Farrell, Miss Dominion: of Can-
ads, centre, made the presentation of giftg to the
.4965 Dairy Princess of Rum, Miss Brenda Houston,
Waltoivsecond from left, and other competitors in
thdi airy Princess contest at Clinton Spring rair,
Sa ' . On the left is Miss narh Watkins, Lon-
desboro, runner-up in the contest, and on the right,
Miss Marjorie Ifopperi Winghatn and Miss Barbara
Boig, IVfoleiworth, Misg 1-fouston will compete ill the
provincial dairy princess'contest at the Cl\TE this
fall. (Neta-Pecord Pit6tO)
No. 23—Tho Home Paper With theNews
e , ,
1,. --THE .HURON RECORD 82nd Year r, r
CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSO#Y, JUNE 10, )96$ $4,00 Per Year---i0 Cents Per Copy—r-First Section—Pages 1 to 0
THE NEW , 98th 'Yew
Clinton councillors are shown here admiring
Mayor Don Symons' new chain of office, from the
left, Coun. Norm Livermore, Deputy Reeve George
Wonch, Mayor Symons, Reeve Duff Thompson,
Coun. John McFarlane and Coun. Gordon Lawson,
C mplete Surprise
y r i on y ons
First Hoi er f1 Chain
Mayor Don Symons stud he
was speechless - when called on
fan" his remarks 'after being pre-
sented with Clieton'a first of-
ficial chain of office. This was
at 9 p.m. on Thursday evening
last after he and his wife and
- three daughters were requested
to come to the council cham-
"I. was cutting, grass' only 20.
minutes' ago; this is' a complete
surprise", the mayor said.
The insignie, of office hard
been suggested :in recent years
by eoemeillore and this news-
The general government corn-
Harvey Johnstons
Honoured On
35th Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Johns-
ton of Huronview were honour-
ed last Saturday night when
their family took them out to
dinner in Zurich on the occa-
sion of their 35th wedding an-
niversary, Mee, Rebecca Johns-
ton, mother of Mr. Johnston;
was able its attend.
The party then went to the
home of their eldest daughter,
Mrs. Grant MacLean, where
they were joined by Bert and
Mrs, Johnston and James and
Mrs, Thompson of Wingham.
The family presented Mr. and
Mrs. Johnston With two lawn
chairs and an anniversary cake
and ice cream were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston have
four daughters: Helen (Mrs.
Grant MacLean) Hensall; Leone
(Mr's. James Armstrong) Brus-
sels; Doris (Mrs. Berne Mc-
Kinley) North Bay (who was
unable. to attend) ; and Joan Joa
(Mrs. Dwight Campbell) Blyth.
Miss Brenda Houston, a
pretty and talented 19-year old
lass from the Welton area, won
the Huron County Dairy Prin-
cess corripebition held again this
year 'at Clinton's Spring Fair.
She was judged with three
other girls, Barbara Dolg, Mole
eswerth; Marjorie Hopper, Win-
gham; and Barbara Watkins,
runner-up, Londesboro, on gen-
oral appearance, poise, self-ex-
preesion, &pertinent, general
knowledge of the dairy industry,
ability to assemble and sanitize
a milking machine and efficien-
cy in milking 'a. cow.
Miss Houston is a graduate
of Seafoeth District High Set,-
ool and Is now 'attending Wells
Academy hi London. Her father
is Ray Holliston, AR 2 Brussels,
president Of the Huron County
Crean/. Producers,
The winner Will net be a
novice when She goet " to the
Canadian. lqatietial Exhibition in
Toronto this tall to compete for
the Ontario Dairy Princess title,
Mist Heattert represented Rur-
al County iii laist yeer's corepe-
'Minn and Nape's' that her lyre.
vibes eVerienCe Will ensure her
ft better thande'tin Will the ex,
pente plaid trip to the Ignited
mitttee of this year's council,
Norm Livermore, chairman;
Gordon Lawson and John Mc-
Farlane were instru:mental in
arranging the purchase and pre-
sentation of the gold-linked
official chain.
The official presentation was
made by Deputy-Reeve George
Worich and the presentation ad-.
dress by Reeve Duff 'Thompson.
In addressing the mayor,
Reeve Thompson said:
"Your Worship, Mayor Sym-
ons, in, placing this Insignia Of
Office on you, I charge you to.
wear it proudly. It represents
the authority of office of the
Chief Adininistrator of this
town. It is to -be looked up to.
its authority is to be cherished
and guarded. It symbolizes the
basis of our democratic way of
"In wearing this chain, be
ever mindful of those who in-
vested their trust in you. Let it
ever remind you in thought,
Word and deed the responsibility
of service to have towards
Reeve Thompson dubbed the
occasion as a. "historical event
for Clinton". He-congratulated
the general government com-
mittee for the inspiration they
have shown in the feeling that
the mayor should have an in-
signia to indicate hit office.
Mayor Symons said: "I will
wear it with the same dignity in
which it was, presented tonight".
Over 60 .guests. were invited
to the council chamber to wit-
ness the historic occasion. These
included the full council, town
employees, the four-man Clinton
police force, two representatives
from each service club in
C of C officials, press rep-
resentatives from London,
Wingham and Clinton. Most
(Continued on page five)
Kingdom that goes with the
Although Huron has never
had a winner, Mrs, Doreen
(Howett) Taylor reached lb°
semi-finals in 'Toronto five
years ago.
Prizes Awarded -
.4-V11 Toler grab in the contest
last 8a(burday were presented
With a sterling silver bracelet
by Miss Dominion of Cant on
behalf of bloc eommittee,
cheese basket by Gordon Elliott,
Brucefield; an behalf of the
United Dairy and Poultry Co-
operative Plant committee and
'a sum of mesh by M. F. Clark,
°halite/Ian Of the Dairy Princess
conatittee on behalf of the cene-
Miss Houston also received
the winners sash presented by
Miss Canada.
Sudges for the event were
Dairy Branch Pieldinen Bent.
Ferguson, Bruce CoUntY; rtebt.
Jardine, Perth CoUnty, and Let
Farquharaon, Sinrcoe.
,Milking equ i meant was site-
plied by Roil Cullen, Clinton,
area Surge dealer, and cones
were from the herds of
Dale hind Fred, J. Vodden and
Huron Dairy Princess Competition
Held Saturday At Spring Fair