HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-06-10, Page 6r ........M. ,,.,,-,:.., ...,,,.,...,v, ..,, ,.:..n „,,.,,.., me».w: , m:er,..,..., , n,.,... .; ..a n,x. �'c. ., .�> � i. n !, ,, r,,, ,. „n ,, ...,. �,. .. ,. �. .. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,,,,,, .. 'p., `:
faso 14—Clintgo IQ, 190 1 11W
_qqr andleor"
;We ns Model.led
r ect
AtHosv, ital Auxilia
T,44ie whoi4ftopded, the.nunscool 10�xee ; �e beacb rrexO .come. model's le, ,. _�e, The, _d� Is jucveal
r4eg%gg of theW ampq's lip - Win by Xr$, AJqg]G addy, wap I day's bAO bee used
earlier a e, d
k A
Ria yin Qin'pOnlpar4sown pot holdep
s and to pX�tpct xv, Hdorg veget-
W-thlat qpp can be sWlsh aud towels just the #Ong for pijl]# gprden, M 4e
cool ev rda ig
%ol� 100044 vrn via thesAriptest jn� up Oter careless va- md her vw bomuet was made
'p in
�QIT puvgo�s g rpm lint fmTi aclothes ar�or,
T =Ton yo tors aW pro, f
I �a#'Oiq rnee
Peg" "Wear :p tepting dd4mte J�azA b�* ,at Not tq be Outdone by the
Tear ,ccralnowi a, modols, cgmmep:Wor Mps, TXptt
rias- ,ions mpde4-ed by 4u ipry
Fm these exotic
gwmngs p4
Nvo,, �st
an a unkqueMCI
m0m1hoErs'who toolthe time to
the patio, Mrs, Robert )5=4 turban. Jcb, Id t -beK
A tur, an whi W46 ed o
S owe ppets h H -04,pe ed ,cue . , , t lghis,,
�O( e ppeg UQ a W c g
Wed OpM
jq ta
dqqcObed 'by 't wo consisting of OMeals and � Pu 3 n
be go q
g tho. busiqles. sqssip
aornmemtatom, mss..
Qhveno� 6��7 of x&on stopIcings. t4e 4 MVa Penny Was
TMft, Rapkground music was more maternity clothes 01apped, for -October 2 and a
Mas. Ernie 9 ithat are useless after the blig daMon Ws r
Wed ftom the
eyept,. Thi sh* fe, -14 4 Stanley Township Ladies 01i2b.
......... rt WtJe nPxesldont 9M, wenn Wood
died With 014X, r149 -les, M. W. e a baby blare: e-;Oended., besit washes un behest
, entirely from 0dal tassue,,was. ket cape, A.'receiving blanket of the 'atixIlW7 to Tvirp'. D-, IT.
extolled for' , �ts handiness shhuld skirt, a coila trey nee+$lapoe and Cochrahe who, !YF,nToying from.
. ... ..r
'Id fes"' 4 touch of CmiAtori, and expressed, egret
the wearer suilrer, fro M,4 •PQ
The stunning. oq0lt Was model- T0400 from Woftr.91 that tbe group must st lose a
led b Bridal . fashions made a: hit much valued member and sec-
y'Mrs. D,'J. Coc4nne.
wAh pmetical4ninded *1s who roww.
e lovely on their wed- Mi� . Doug, B�l wg*,� rq
A useful and� comfWta"- Want to b
-a reas;Dna�!'
day at o cont. 01face Mrs. Cbeheane as, secre-
The. p(vest of vyjilte material tary_
a plain b6dice Junch. Was serve Ak
REC••COMMITTEE �d, b s: E.
was �tyled wi
flaring out toa. hoop and ruc- B. Xqnz;pes) Mrs, 1) Tnel,,I
d Mrs,
shed sklir The fabric? Toilet Mm. Duff-lbompson an
NTS $500 TO,
KA paper A us4ful for months to Doug Bartl0f.
Twofirst lades! AND'
. I � : I I Ontario S,afety. League Urgestaut*16n
Mrs. Don Symons, right, wife of Mayor Symons At a meeting of the Clinton
Recreation, CQn=3ttee'held'Ma;y
QX Clinton, with'Miss Mary -Lou Farrel14diss' 2Wi, 1965, it was,decided that. In Uw,...Of tThe- Popular, Skateboarding -
I Dominion of Canada—who was -a'special, guest Of the !ainton Legion Pipe Band
be, granted $500 to assist in ad- A, recent iwort has been skates, bicycles, and tq:lcycles,
Huron Central AgricuItur I al Society at Clintoll, ditional . purchases to complete circulated by the Ontario Saf- partiaulamiy where very young
SpringVCUI, Saturday, The photo W P CL V.LA "0the their 'un!
fornis. In return the etY League,, 208 King, Street children are concerned, and
-a -g ay various West, Toronto 1, Ont,, which espbcially when considering
,ladles dined with the fair board directors �nd band has reed to. pl the
judges at Elm Haven Motor Hotel at noon Satur- riday night 8 to 9 p -m. Con- drawsfour condusions on the less, expensive (and therefore
cei* during the, summeo in the use of -skateboards, more con=only used) model's
day. Other guests at' the -loon .luncheon were area Ljbraty Parl,,
The Safety League describes which have rigid wheels and
members of parliament. (News -Record Photo) the b1stu7 of the. now popular cannot be steered.
first' two appearanbes, popular
will . be on June 11 and June 25. teen-age, fad, the ^language, of 2. The Ontario, Safety Lea-
gu regard$ 1 as s If t Tl9N®> Clinton Tecom
The band wall -form, at the Le- skateboarding, and a lift of an- e t e f-evidm s,,
efV� 9110n Hall ae 7,30 pan., par&d-e� juries in Ontario towns and that no sliAteboards of a,,
Huron Co'unty Historical Soc! upViofipAla Street.to the Post Owes- desmAption should be used on
and T14 four conedusions found travelled roadways or side- Mid'et And Juveniles
I walks, or on driveways leading
PJ(aY a few' clambers; then con- by the Safety League anew as. I I
-,olds Meefing In Howick School Office where thew
will." , onto ioadWays.. g S'.
tinue on to. the 31,16rary Park, follows:
3. With these provisions,
It is the intention& f' the 1. The League rogair& skate-- however, it would !appear fo -us
On June 4, the HuroA County ROWick Central $`Choo]. lyand, to'hlave additional enter- boards in a fight quite distant that positive To Pla In Same' L
itive stepq t-hould bp y eag
HIsloceloal Society held -.a most Huron is divided into areas tamm6nt, such as,dA�wers, in- from. bther wheeled toys which,
knportant moeting, in the north- �etings are h6ld in various aluZled in some of these cont- 'rata COntrOth u taken at the locaft level t6 � �n-. alijItOnIs, juvenile :and midget 21—Hensall vs-. Mjtchell-
00unty ;and rite thrO 911 steer- sure that'Vafe designated areas baseba. U, t
west corner of th�-- at �ceatres c6r'local interest and certs. ea earnsare playing In a
oveglall strength. dng, such as SCOO'tersf roller provided for the, use of corabined juvenile -midget lea 22-01inton.. mid. W. Lacan
gkaiteb�oards ('unles's such use ds "s 9e 23—Mketer vs. Mitchell
Mrs. B. Mack, the President sspetiftally'� prohibited under summer. .26—Olint6n 'mid. v�s. I Mitchell
3 welcomed over a hundred mem- Four Reff Clinton RCAF Off municipal, By law)_ ..&t the The league comprises Lucan, 26—Hensall vg�.- E"tee
bem and guests. moment such We areas would HeMOU and Clinton in the mid- 27—Lucan vs. Listowel
OpE31% J. IT. Poldock *chaired the • appelar to be? very rare. Some- get series;, and Exeter, Mitchell, 29—,Lisitowel vs. Mitchell:'
and Robert C-Abson�, the' Honou'red At Officers• Mess Dinner . characterislAcs of a gbod looa- Listowea end Clinton in ju�6njie. nizo
29—Exeter vs. He I
Reeve of Howick Township, ex- ., tion, would be a smooth paved 29—Clinton juv. vs. Lucan
tendled. greefings. An- official Mess Dinner held Dolan League e An -
DAN (E me"ing who holds . ds.a Master of surface, with some sloped area caiVener Doug 31—Mi vs, Listowel
last Frll?dw in'the Officers' Mess Arabs Degree from the Univer- and some flat area, fenced Ir d�reWg, Clinton, has released the 3:l_CUntqn mid. v - S Cadnton jUV
1-10wa,rd HOAT's lnt37oduced the at RCAF Station Clinton, mark. city of Ottawa,' expects to re�- otherwise protected et the following schedule,
'an Wade, ed the retirement of four of- side in. Ottawa where he Will baundwries to prevent us* August
Seaforthtions ogfueGstorrnp!,.aw1<hero, Norm 'an users aune
sWlce 'about the facers, who, together mththeir continue 'his work in the field, fx b --injured when they -
• hisxtory of HoMok Township. Wives were -guests of honour at of teaching. spate or off the edge Of 1-8--Lucan vs .11 1--ainton ju,�: V�. Clinton mid.
Mr. Wade -has m�ade a,thorough the functi.on,
Park Pavi S/L J A Smana leaves the the area.
PUSH BUTTON YARD — Cangdian National Railways has officially opened'its $75 million Toronto
Yard, one of four space-age yards in the System. In the yard 5,000 freight cars are classified daily -with
the aid of PL computer and "gnivity flow" that utilizes a hump to push cars . over and sort with the efficiency'
of a punch -card office machine.
Saturday 'Night,
study Of the area, and based his.
ta" an"Y 'a"t"es , and 'his-
Items frbM his
Over 60 Mess membe and
. rs
their,.. wives. heard Clinton's
'RCAF after 28 years":21
vice. For the, past four years
4_ it would• appear at the
-moment that the really, haziald-
Lwaarct' vs. Exeter
22-'-Mitdhell -vs. Clinton juv.
torical PeMonal
Conunanding Off.lc6r_ Group
he has been Clinton's Chief
ous,quallties,of gkateboard�.-are
24—Exeter vs. Lucan
June 19, 1
one -Of the highlights'of the
0aptzdin X. R. Greenaway pay
tribute to the departing -nem-
Technical Services, Officer. His
future plans have not yet.been
not a.,Ways apparent at first
.�o for
24- Hensaii vs. Clinton, mid.
25__()I1nton Mitchell
dancing from 9 to midnight,
evening was, the old, family
dreiss parade, a show with Au-
ben, whose combined service
totalled ninety -Seven Years..
Prior to, leaving the service,sPeV&
rgg.h.t most user' — ex.
ample, the extremely high
at Which they can trav-
juv. vs,
28—Clinton 'mid. vs. Exeter
to the;. music of
thentt� oiothing diating back to
Later the 'Group Captdin pre-
FY/YLJ. A Hopkins upas Of
eland the skffl - necessary to
28—.Ilensall Vs. caintoo jUv.
the eighteen hundreds. These
sented,gffts, to the -four guests'
ricer in charge of Advanced.
balance and. even, attempt to,
29—Lucan. vs, Wh -H
were shown by live models
of honour, SAL D,1 A. Dolan, S/L
alradning at Clintons Radar and
control then,—SK) in conclusion
30—Clihton mid. vs. HensWl
whose fwbearers - had. worn
J. A. Spano, F/L "Buzz"
Coax muhimUons S�chdlol. On, his
the Ontario Safety League
of Walkerton
them, the past. Mrs. Robert
Round, and'F'/L J. A. Hopkins
retirement F/L Hopkins and
would urge that dK users, or.
Admission $1.00
C-4bg0ft'-was commentatOr"Using
who each made a b4ef speech
III& fan -MY will, move to Burn-
parents, of, children who use
2—.Lacon Vs. Clinton jury.
Enjoy the big new -dance
floor Jn the pleasant
picture alb.um for f6ferr-
an old i
once, Styles varied from decade
of acceptance.
Since June 1962 S/L Dolan
alby, B.,C.
F,/,L Round was Station Tele-
skateboards under even the
carefWly controlled'coedit AbM
3—Exeter vs, Clinton mid.,
surroundings of the
to decade but the models- made
has been the Officer Command-
corm-xiunimtlons Officer at Cin-
Su ggeslted above, take note of
3-1-Ionsall vs,
Lion's Park,
the show anything but, "Old-
ing of Instructional
toil. He, ds now a member Of
these inherent hazards and
5—ustlowel, vs. Clintonmid.
Technique tat RCAF Station,
the -faculty at the University Of
treat skateboards with caution.
5----c1intou juv. vi Exeter
C�Mnton. On his retirement S/L
Western Ontario.
Federal Minister
7-4jistowed vs.' HensW, I
S_Mtchell vs Lucan
8—Exeter vs. L
Minton Juv.
00hnton Juv. vs. Lis -towel
Free Suckers for The Children
111 11
To S6ak, At
'2—'ul,',owel vs. Exeter
12—Mitchell vs. Reasall
-With your gas purchases at
12—Lucan vs Clinton mid.
ensall. vs. Lucan
Arn't, South End BP Service'Station'
Liberal Meeting
15---L"istowea vs, Clinton
:17--MtdheU vs. Clinton
Fe6e wash with grease job and oil change
3-7—Exeter vs. Listowel
—Monday, Tuesdayor Wednesday�:ti
M I.Z.-...
. . .......
1 MtcheK vs. Exeter
19 —Listowel vs. Litican
19—Clinton juv. vs. Ilensall
Entries to be sponsored L by a Municipality,
Association or Business. No entry fee
necessary, Contestants -will be judged on
appearance, dep6ftrtiehf, talent,. Judging
will take place Thursday afternoon, July
I In bathing suits and that evening in
eVdhing gbWht,
fwaod thli Aopfic6filbri
To : J. B. LONOSTAPP6 Chairmbih
Beauty Contest; Seo Orth.
Addtess .........Y...... -.....YY I I. . ....................... ..................
A06 ..... ...............
Polksling'ers'On ClIt Radio
Canada's interhationally-famons folk8ingi�ng'
du,.'1an and Sylvia, Will present a full hour of
traditional and contemporary US folk songs on CBC
Sunday Night, July 4, on CBC radib. liah Tyson
and his wife Sylvia have appeared many times on
CBC radiQ and TV since they first hit the big-etime
, At the Mariposa. Vblk"Fe.-Wval in 1961. They have
enjoyed 8uc6eSsful Ventures In radio), television, re,,
cordings a . nd personal appearances throughout Can-
ada. and the TT.S. (OBC Photo)
B1 ewater
Trees Evergreens -- Roses
Box' Plants — —1/3 OFF
Service w , A a Smile"
John Steele Smith
182 Church St. 482-7166
LIet us assist you with .y6urI 1 0
plans for that all important
wedding. day.
• AN
0 tNFoRM4.&5
Otradaft Of the western Ont-
rto North Liberal Ass6dation Y,*r that,' aI wfibis papa works, tM
n1nbunced this we& thtt AM. dA.
1hurice Slauve, minister of F -be -
?a7 dft, the Pearson Oovorh-
ient, would- be the guest spealk-
V at the Asgdclallon annual,
The Anhunl Inedtlbg is tbhd
tiled for Saturday 6fterzioon,
Lint- 12, at 2:30 p.rA, in the
Angbahi Distlitt High, School. SOW �
The MhAs*& responsible for ofid 666immW wj&
ie Vda ddVewhxn0nt's A.1#,,..I
i,A, pxbgrani, V.t, Soave voll, I be
salting Wo first visit to West -
ret; Ontat%, It is exTecteid hO Wi AW HAVS 110009MI) 06110110 1000&
0 discuss the way hi. which
"A.DiA, 0itnibo applied t6tLrew am am um