HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-06-10, Page 211.
Preview nside Corrie's Modern Wh e Store
Ito most Baby Food Display hi Huron wity
At the north east corner in the Modern Red ment of baby foods. Most of the name brand items
and White Foodmaster is this colourful arrange- are in stock. (News-Record Photo)
Large Display Area For Dairy and Produce'
The east wall of Corrie's Red and White Food- department in the store has a sign high above the
master Store on Huron Street, scheduled to open specific counter or refrigerated case. These signs
next Wednesday, features spacious cases for dairy such as the produce sign in the above picture can
products, left, and fruit and vegetable display. Each be. seen from any position in the store.
(News-Record Photo)
D. A. KAY and SON
Extend a Hearty Welcome
To Maynard and. David
Corrie. and Their. New
Red and White Foodmaster
Store . (v.
As Our. Next Door
Neighbours on
Huron Street..
We are proud to have had
the contract of painting the
exterior' and interior of the
new Red Sc White Foodmaster
Pittsburg Paint Sale
Still on cit .D. A. Kay & Son,
Exterior Latex and Oil Paints
Reg. $10.25 per gal.
Now Oridy $7.59 Gallon
33 Huron Street —
Phone 482-9542
14.ISAAC ST. -
r -
Congratulates Maynard and David
'Corrie on .-1-1e ,opening ,Of their
Big New Red and White
Foodmaster on Huron Street.
OFFICE PHONE: 482-9747
Colquhoun, Residence Phone 482-7804
John Wise, Salesman, Residence Phone 482-7265
Installed All Refrigeration Units In Corrie's
Red and White Foodmaster
We Congratulate Corries on Their Modern Store
JACK MELICK 219 Picton Silo E, Goderich Phone 524-6524
Tory Gregg OK
After Fair Attack
M. L. "Tory" Gregg, that con-
genial gentleman who does such
a fine job of announcing at pub-
lic functions, was overcome by
the 70 degree heat and the
stress of Saturday's Spring Fair
in Clinton and was taken to
62 cLittroN
We Are Pleased To Have Been Selected To
Do. These Three Contracts At Corrie-'s
New Red' and White Foodmaster
45 otih
And - ectrical
We Congratulate Maynard and David Corrie
On Their Fine New Addition To
Clinton's Business Section
Office and Shop at 262 Bayfield Roads Clinton
4: 7, !,141§.
Well Displayed Shelves For Easy Shopping
The spacious aisles and well-stocked, easy new Red and White .Foodmaster Store on Huron
accessible shelves are the big feature of Corrie's Street. (News-Record Photo) '
Page 10—Clinton News-Record—Thurs., June 10, 1965
On 'June 5 the monthly meet=
ing of the St. Joseph's OWL
Was held 'M, Parish Hall.
Mrs. A. EdWards gave the, re-
port on 'the,. onvention in Chat -
Letter To Editor
March of Dimes
Raises $160,000
In Ontario
Clinton New.sr-Record,
Clinton, Ontario.
Dear Sir:.
On behalf of the thousands
of disabled citizens of this Pro-
vince who will benefit from the
proceeds _ of our recent March
of Dimes campaign, I want .to
say "thank you!"
You will be glad to knew that
nearly $760,000 has been raised
or is in sight—a treinendous
tribute to all your hard work,
and a great public endarsation
of our cause. •
R.dhabilitation. is never a one-
man show—it takes donors and
fund' raisers—an army of sales-
men of good causes—planners
and trained staff —the 'all im-
portant efforts of the ,disabled
themselves, plus a warrntheart-
ed community to receive them.
Thank you for your part in
this unique "team".. We hope
we may count on your help
next year too.
Howard C. Caine,
12 Overlea Boulevard, '-
Toronto 17, Ontario.
May 28, 1965...
NOTE:- The Kitiette Club of
Clinton 'is, the sponsor of the
March Of Dimes funds drive in
K. C. Cooke
Dial 482-7012, Clinton
ham Which two delegates at-
tended in May.
It was decided to give a
sidholarship to the grade eight,
student •at . St. Joseph's School
With the highest academic stan-
ding. Plans for catering to the
Wedding dinner on June 19 were
discussed and volunteer helpers
The - visiting committee for
June is to be Mrs. Cliff Parker,
Mrs. Oscar Priestap and Mrs.
Clem Reynolds. There is to be
a pot luck supper at 7:30 pre-
vious to the July meeting.
Father McGuire expressed
his regrets at leaving • Clinton
and told of his duties in form-
ing a new parish in London,
On behalf of the League, the.
president presented •Father Mc-
Guire, with a going-away gift.
Have you seen a new orange
,and red triangular sign on the
rear of .farm tractors recently?
That's the new Slow Moving
Vehicle sign that is used ONLY
on vehicles travelling less than
25 miles an hour. Watch for
them, advises the Ontario Farm
Safety Council. SMV signs may
be purchased hi Huron County
*tam Junior Farmer clubs.
Letter To Editor
RCAF Thanks Us
For Remarks On
Station Tidiness
Clinton News-Record,
Clinton, Ontario.
Dear Sir:
Please convey our thanks to
(By E. F. Wheeler,
DiStriet Field Secretary)
Since Tweedstnuir Hall *was
opened in September, 1953, it
has provided residence accom-
modation, rehabilitation train-
occupatienal employment
and 'recreational facilities for
the blind of Elgi4 Huron, Mid-
dlesex and Perth Counties.
Tweedsimuir Hall has accommo-
dated 122 blind people whose
average 'stay has been about
three years. In March, 1965; the
residence was filled, 16 men and
22 women; six were from Elgin,
three from Huron, 24 from Mid-
dlesex, two from Perth and
three ,from outside the district.
Another six are waiting atlinis-
The occupational workshop
has provided therapy, Industala
training and occupational eth-
ployment for 51 blind people,
Mrs. Shirley Keller for her
kind remarks in the June 3rd
issue of the Clinton News-
Record regarding the appear-
ance of our Station. These com-
ments are very much apprec-
iated and particularly so by
the Members of my staff 'who
are responsible for taking care
of the grounds.
Yours sincerely,
Group 'Captain,
Commanding Officer,
RCAF Station Clinton.
Clinton, Ontario,
8 June, 1965.
including residents and other
blind persons living in London.
Most are in the older age group
or have disabilities in addition
to blindness. In. 12 years, these
51 workers earned some $39,000.
There is now a waiting list be-
cause of lack Of space.
'Construction of an extension
to begin next month will be an-
nounced at the annual meeting
of the Tweedsmuir Hall Board
of Governors tonight, June 10.
It will be 42'x78', have a base-
ment with occupational shop
facilities and a first floor with
13 bedrooms. The new occupa-
tional 'shop will triple present
capacity; additional bedirloorns
will increase relsideritial accom-
modatien to 51 beds, 18 for
men and 33 'for Women. The
cost including firs things and
accessories, is estimated at
St. Joseph's Catholic Women's League
To Give Grade Eight Scholarship
Blind Home At London Filled;
To Build Workshop Addition
We Congratulate'and Welcome our New Neighbour
RED and White Store
Compliment's of
See our many Specials for their grand opening
Large Nugget any color Reg, 35c Opening 25c
SANI White Polish Reg, 49c Opening 35c
Running Shoes Reg. 2.15 Opening Sale 1.65
Work Boots 'Rog, 12,95 Opening Spec. 9,95
Clinton Public Hospital for ex-
Tory was released shortly
after admittance and left the
Fair 'proceedings early to go to
his cottage in Northern Ontario,