HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-06-03, Page 4I FP9a ^-Gl;atoa N9W' -Record--Thurs:, May 27, 1905 ACCOMMODATION 4CCOMMODAT O FOR RENT FOR RENT BFDItAOM wptavr*n aparnt- LARGE TRAiI ER for,- ft}1- meat, Ducats 482 6694, 10tfb ly furnished, Apply at Beater's Z BEDROOM APARTMENT, TraXier Count, 20tfb. ttilullis pkaiik>. Pete 482-7254,ox 6 -ROOM I30USE in Brttbneld;, apply 106 Kutg Street. 22b ut1f7urrtrSihed, oil heating, .garden av dlabla. Phone Wdnghaun .35x7- FU RNI SHED aparrl rrtent, snout- 25ai pr Cilunton 482-9945. 201 able far couliie, 93 Hunan Street . 19,20p-tfh FOR REN F>JiIyISHF,D and heated 4 65 Princess West rein; a tgn(Mt, reas60able rent. Plbom 482-3837, 220b Modern Z Bedroom SMALL Furnished A tnen . A a. m e nt All utilities paid. Avail lr el naw, Phone hays — 482-9612 Phone 482-9332, 15if b Evenings ..48,? -6687 22b HOUSE for sale or rent—three bathroom.'PhonnQ 4'82living9. room, ACCOMMODATION 2 BEDROOM 'COTTAGE on WANTED rVirdliiaan St, a. in Climiton ayaol- alb7e July 7$t. Phone 482- WOULD LIKE TO RENT 3 ow 7672 or 5274051$. 22p 4 bedroom house in Clinton Ms- tAlcit, Collegaate teacher, Write TWO-BEDROOM Apartment Ohaizil)ess Srtver, RR 1, Morpeth, for rent, unfurnished, newly Oant, or Phone 6745913, 22b decorated. Phone 482-6675. ARTICLES L S F R SALE 0 2 APARTMENTS for Tena, --------- heated,, self contained. Phone BENCH SAW, Apply 152 Queen 482-6663 or 482-9568 ai.P -k 5, Street a>$ter 5;30 p.m. 22p 22tfb - STUDIO COUCH, ranggette, 3 -ROOM APARTMENT, f>n'^ cook .stove and a few other am- nished, available naw, located tidies, Phone 482. 9774. 22b 130 King Street. Phone S'eaforth 527-0504. 35tfb ENGLISH SADDLE And wes- 4 ROOM HOUSE rent reason- - tern Saddle for sale, Phone 482 - able; avall1alble immeddiately c6l 3320, 22b heated, Plhone.482-6663 or 482- 4568 after 5. 22tfb QUANTITY of table or need potatoes. Phone 482.9231 or 482- FURNISHED, electric heated 7521 between, l2 ands 1. 22,23x and newly decorated; also un- I�ELViNATOR Refill ea�atar, furnished, 2 bedroom. Phone g 482-9928, Roy Tyndall., 8tfb wirianger washer, beds' pmings and logs. All in very good condition. 5 -ROOM APARTMENT, unfwr- Phone 62r5 Bayfield. 22b nlislhed, on Main Street. Apply to 90 Aliiremt Street phone 482- I• WASHING MACHINE, 1 6646+ 22tfb dildd's Kenner Easy -Bake Oven —r Never Used. 1 box dishes, pots, VANDAMME APAR'T'MENTS., etc. good for cottage. Phone furnished or unfurnished second 482-7410. 22p fl trn is h t d A— ARTICLES FOR SALE CUSTOM WORK. CUSTOM W� 'R.K OR RENT C LA UT e LAWNS CUT, R. a9onable �eltes' no 4829463, .after 4;00• ,a'w night, 2 _22p JACK:S FUt3NIT[Jli> EF = R AIR SHOT?, 'Furaluture woodeue aptleles arta giber repaired, At, rear of No. 84 Albert .. Pitons 482.9695--,doltrt Plumtree. 21tfb 22 FOOT ALUM -MM BOAT, nearly e'w. 4, ..3866 at plexor or in evenings. 21,, ?2P DRl✓SSMAKING, also woanen's and men's alterations, Phone 4$2-7606, 22 on ARTICLES FOR RENT M 4 MENT EPLX _. WANT - THE PLACE TO GO for OrUw- ISR 00 aepair is Hen+k's, :82 Albert St„ Cl?nt 17tfb WHE9L CHAIRS .. Tile C,P, c T, .Fund'o Clinton Oddfellows. Lodge have wheel chairs avail. able for 'loan. Contact Harold 'ndall 4$2-7409, after 6136 pin. 4Y' es Cat, 482 43 32b B A-BYSi'1'rINO in ?' ' hoatle by- fibs Vii' or Week,: a482-9546. 226 SEPTIC TANKS 4;LEANEp Modern e9�uipmoont used. All work guaamanteecl. Write or phone LR R l2 EB B Brussels Phone 442 VV 8, Brussels �.Otp34p BABYSITTING.By THE DAY or week, Monday to Fri4v_ in my ownhome inn town. phone 482.7329, 18,-23b AUTOS FOR ;SA{LE. x956 GQVllC kalif roan truck, .co¢n- pieteily recandi�t ipoed. Phone 50R2 $ayflelda 22b _. We Specialise In .• ' . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Alumbl.ng Installations Eavest'roughing C H U.T E R. Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE 45 RING STREET, CLINTON PHONE 482-7652 _. HELP WANTED FEMALE 1957 FORD, 4 dow, rrm?nnig goad. Phone $24-8096 event b EXPERIENCED cashiers want- ed, Apply Comrue s Red .and 1aybe :Stor!e. 22b 1968 CHRYSLER W�dsor, 2-d r Hardtop, 383 cu. 7n., .automatic, Phone 236-4731. 21.x WANTED—registered nurse for full erre pasgtaan an Daator's ofllice. Apply S'eaforth Medical.. CliiAc, Phone 5271770. 22b 1956 GREEN FORD; good run- niang conft4on, Can be seen at 386 Je�tes St. or Phone 482- 9797. 21-22b' COOKGeneral wanited for coupru . 4 miles n,'orth of Bay - find � H� 21, sfia�ting June Apply Mrd, Paxil Walden, Clinton. 22,23b 1.960 ENVOY 4 door Station. Wagon, good' mlotor, good tires. Newly 'repallred and! painted. A '.good ear $650. Piton 482-9911, 6 to 10 p.m. 22b RE.PAIRII•TG BRICK WORD, stone work, repointing, chim--10. net's repaired. Phone 527-1332, 16tfb WOMEN wanted for work in dryoleani ng department: Exper- ienre preferred but not neces- Apply rrt person to Clinton and Dry Cleaners, Beech St. 20tfb WATC 3 REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures. your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery.eery, Huron County's Oldest E -Laundry blished Jewellery Store. 1h64 PONTIAC, S'trwto Chief, sax Wwndlard, still under war- ranty, smaw rUi�s with a+iins in- clud'ed, P&Ice $2,000. Phone 482- 7762 a�liter 6 p.m. � 22p REMODELLING, renovations, rarxting andflour . ing, expert, ly done, All add jabs abound the ,home• Kitchen cupboards HELP WANTED WALE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ORGANIST CBO. ASTER a specialty. Phone 482-7676, Ken McNairn. 23tfib MAN to look after 20,000 chick- ens. Apply 524-7002 or 524.• 9934. 16tfb FRAN�CSHISED restaurant �- po tur ilty, GodeAch Hwy. 8 -and 21 New Specialty restaurant a- vadlabie forright party, $3,000. de aslt, plus inlveartory, re wur- p 9 ' ed Send' ,full particulars to Bbx 72, CgoIcstown�Onitaeiu, or ca01 W. Cradg !Caaltstown 458-4252 a Broken or Cracked i W i n d o W S. Wood or Aluminum MAN for general duties in bak- cry. Apply in person to Bart - ]tiffs Bakes 22b LICENSED AUTO Mechramtic, oor aper en .,. ea e it pr 15tfb FIVE PIECE re kdchen , , 22b ler 131t o,h sopa sentative . cs helper, full ti ie, or mechanic's $60 and $65 per month. o two buain� chrome set alsoyApply of Clinton, Ron kli.sher cart ��� Best of womloi6rng condaaiioar�s, Best Duties to CanJmence J!Ay let, 1960 GMC lz ton Panel 'Truck, rough and ready ................................ 175.b0 $ HOUSE for rent, 6 -rooms and rangerbte with o at CUSTOM WORK �< , uram+ce and other bene- ons bdath; 2 .blo!ckss 1f�rom main srtreot, 116 R'art benbury St. E. Phone Gentlemen; I am interested . in ALL SIZES fits; all sbitutory holddlaysa Ap- in good condition, Available July 15. Phone 482-3247. 22ttb 482-7780. 22p REPAIRED HERE REST HARDWARE lAy 'in �pearson to Wm. D. We1Js at Wells Avlto Electric, 54 King Street, Clinton. 22.b LEVETT'S ELECTRIC Home and Auto Radio Repairs, -- NEW KROEHLER chesterfieldC and rnato'htng chair; also hods- COTTAGE in Bayfield, furnish- ed, 3 bedrooms, oil heated, av- tees diair; used chestabed, suit- Motors Rewound and Repaired Sales and Service Ball & Muteh Ltd. ORGANIST CBO. ASTER ailette immediately. Phone 482-7057. 10ti;b able tor cartage ar rec. room. Fhbne 527-0273+ 22.b- 139 139 ERIE ST., CLINTON 69 ALBERT ST., CLINTON . . Ads. to Mr, E, G, _1W,, 27 Wellington and checked for troth ,damage PHONE 482.6640 Phone 482-9505 .cations and salm7y expected. 3 ROOM FURNISHED -apart- ment, newly decorated; forced air gas heated. Apply 482-9788 or 227 Huron St. 7tfb GROUND FLOOR APART- MENT, PARTMENT, electric 'heat, 2 bed- rooms and den, living- room, kitchen and bath. Phone 482- M74. 22b HEATED APARTMENT, suit- able for couple, 1 bedroom, liv- ing room, kitchen and bath. Apply McEwan's Store. 40tfb Deluxe 2 bedroom apartment in Brucefield, fuxarlished or un- furnished. Reasonable rent, oil heated. Phone 262-5047. 15tfb APARTMENT furnished or un- furnished, hearted. L. G. Wint- er, 200 High Street, phone 482- 6692. 39tfb LARGE 2 -Bedroom, completely self-contained apartment, free laundry room facrllities equip- ped with automatic washer and dryer. Apply 201 King Street, Apt. 1 or phone 482-9227. 17tfb MODERN 2 Bedrooan Apart- ment, unrfurndshed. Available now. Phone 4'82-6677. 18tfb 3 BEDROOM house in happen, oil heated,- reasonable rent. A- vailable now. phone 262-5047. • 18tfb FARM ROUSE divided into two separate self-contained 2 -.bed- room apartments; 2 miles south of 13ayfield on Highway 21. Apply Melvin Greer, R R 3, Bayfield. 7tfb 2 BEDROOM downstairs apart- ment, available June 1. Apply 105 Rattenbury St. or phone 452-9642 in morns-bgs or 482- 9332 afternoons and evenings. 19tfb TARPAULINS -Woods water- proof !duck, various sizes, ideal for ea0toip carriers -trailers; shelters or windbreaks, &an 8352. at AiKEN''S. Phone22884 G,E. VACUUM CLEANER, up- right model, upholstery and dusting attachments, excellent condition, reasonable. Phone 482-9734. �21-2b BEATTY WASHERS — now ava5labie at T. A. Dutton Ap- pliances at Brucefield. Open evenlvngs till 9. 17tfb .DRAPERY PULL RODS — Track, curtain rods, venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win- dow 141nds. Free estimates given. Irwin's Dry Goods. tfb CAREFREE HEATING For the only fuel oll insured against explosion, we give free bumper service. A. G. GRIGG & SON, phone 482-9411. tfb VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs, hoses and bags for all makesof vacuum cleaners 'and polishers. Recondationed mach - Ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECX, Varna, Phone Ilensall 262-050 ARTICLES , WAUTEO 2 GIRL'S bicycles and one boy's bicycle wanted; 72 RattenburY St. West. 221? WRINGER - washer wanted, Mast be in, good conda!ti:on. Phone 527-0408. 22b PIANOS WANTED, Any con- dition. State height, make and asking price. Wmi,te Box 100 Clinton News -Record. 7.9-22p 13tfb 44tfb Brrng Results AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE THE OUALITY--US'ED CAR SELECTION IS GREATEST AT McGEE`S Chrysler Products 1964 Plymouth Savoy Coach, VS, automatic, OPP car ............................................. .......,$2,150.00 1961 Valiant V200 Hardtop, six cyl., radio, etc. ...........• ................................. .•........•,............$1 295.00 1961 Dodge 4 door, radio, new tires, drives good. ,...........................................................•.....$ 995.00 1961 Chrysler 4 door, full power, must be driven, 1111 , ...., .,...•.,Y,,...• ........... ......................... ...$1,795.00 1960 Dodge 2 door, radio, new whitewalls, low mileage....,. ................................. $ 825.00 1960 Plymouth Belvedere Sedan, VS, automatic, radio, etc . .................. ..,............,.,....$1,295.00 1960 Dodge Pioneer Sedan, V8, automatic, power steering, etc. .11 .........................................$1,295.00 1959 Chrysler Sedan, full power, really a sharp car.......•..............................................:........$1,050.00 1959 Dodge Regent Sedan, automatic, clean inside, AS iS.,..........•.........................:...11,.....1.$ 250.00 1958 Plymouth 2 door Hardtop, V8, automatic, low miles...................................:,....................$ 750.00 1958 Dodge Custom,Royal 4 door Hardtop, make an offer. ................ 1954 Fargo 1 ton CHASSIS & CAB. Has wrecker boom..,., .................................. ............ $ 395.00 1954 Chrysler New Yorker Sedan, full power, radio . ........................ .1........1.... ..... ....$ 135.00 Ford Products 1960 Ford Fairiane 300 Sedan, VS, automatic, radio.................................................................$1,150.00' 1960 Ford Custom 4 door, one owner, 46.000 miles.............................................................1.......$ 950.00 1960 Meteor Custom Sedan, radio, one owner, low miles. .......................................................$1,095.00 1958 Ford Station Wagon, radio, one owner, whitewalls. .......................................................$ 850.00 1957 Mercury Sedart, V8, automatic, mechanic's special...11.,11..,......,a,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ 250.00 1956 Meteor Sedan, V8, decent inside and out and only,Y..............•.,,......,......•................,...,.,.,,$ 195.00 1956 Monarch Sedan, V8, good body except for back end .............. .................Y..... ..1......,.$ 75.00 1956 Ford Station Wagon, VS; radio, average body....,.,.....,..,.,.,.:...................Y.,.................$ 250.00 1950 Ford Tractor, ideal for the small farm, new tires.,•..................:,......,,......•......................$ 450.00 General Motors Products 1964 Cadillac Coupe de Ville, all power, SAVE OVER..........................................................,..,..$2,000,00 1963 Pontiac Laurentian Sedan, automatic, radio; new titres ...............x...,.,......,,,,,.,...,.,.$2075.00 1963 Chev. r/y ton Fieetside Pickup, 17;b00 miles, ...,.,..Y,„,...:,.,,,,.....,.,:$1,595.00 1962 Pontiac Laruentian Sedan) radio, whitewalls ................ 1111>+....,..,,Y,r... ......,,.,,x,,,•.$1,595.00 1962 Oldsmobile Hardtop, full power, low mileage ,,.$2,195.00 1962 Pontiac Laurentian Sedan; automatic, radio, etc. ............. ......$1,895.00 1962 Pontiac Stratb-Chief Sedan, radio, one owner ::.....Y $1,495.40 o d e Sedan, automatic, 80,000 muss..,...r,.......>.............Y.........,..,.,...,.,,,,,,,$'1,795.00 1961 Pontiac Laurentian fSedan, radio, automatic, etc .....,,>a.....................«,+,a.......:,..Y..,„.,.....,.,$1,575.60 a 4 d o 1961 Pontiac Strata -Chief Sedan, automatic; one owner ....,,•.Y .................$1 475.00 1961 Chev. Belaiir Sedan; 6 +cylinder,- Ideal family car 1111. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, LOADED WITH NOURISHMENT r 1961 Pontiac Convortlble full o V , pow 'er , low mileage, etc, •.,. .r.,.,.a..,,.Y..,... , 1111....,, ,,.,,a,,, ra c up; 1041!1 box; rust goods.,Y...,,+Y,YY..,Y.Y,.vY,tYaYIiYYYYYfYYYYYrYYYYY YY,:r.YY..YYYY, 995MO ark r +r S GODERIC H_ 'B 1 Liunh�t�d - McGEE bark'i9iry andkteswurallnt Siltre 1029 � YbUlk PONTIAC - BUICiC ANb 0000., WILL USED CAR DSALgk 4SE�9yE7 CLINTON Phone 524-819 i HELP wANT90 MALE, REAL ESTATE AGENTS WANTED In CLINTON AREA WILFRED'McINTEE: AND Co, LTD. (established 1953) 40 Licensed` salesmen .thrqu,ghopf Western Ontarlq, Advertising in 10 or more eft papers, as well .as farm mag axrxres, teigvision .and radio, Sales manager calls, regular ly Ito ;assist .agenns, Tjp to $100 :pet: week .draW. Many of our agents earn peer $7,000 per year .on comission, Experienced preferred but not''. necessary; will train. For Confidential lnterriew -write W. Mclntee & Co., w HELP, WANTED i hI 10 T ,I C E,, ArPFLWATLONS w.i'li :1-N—v civ- .Box $49 Walkerton or take chances: RON MHER is your new m, - 1959 Pontlac Stratd-Chief Sedan, automatic, rad,oi „ ... „$1,275.b0 ler 131t o,h sopa sentative . ool Area• Boarel for Caretaker at 1960 Chev. 40 series chassis and cab, locally own ed, duais ........... $1$195.00 Hotm Ile S0, 001 consisting of of Clinton, Ron kli.sher cart 1960 Pontiac; Laurentian Sedan, V8, automatic, disc§..:,...,,,,r,,,,,.Y.,,r.,a,..Y,.....,.Y•:..,,Y:,,,,YY..............$1,395.Ob t ^"r ” Duties to CanJmence J!Ay let, 1960 GMC lz ton Panel 'Truck, rough and ready ................................ 175.b0 $ z { r or after 6. P m.+ 21eow 1960 Pontiac Laurentian Sedan, 6 oyt.; automatic, sharp. ...........$1,325.b0 �< toot[the Lowest or 1960 Chev. Biscayne Sedan, automatic 44,000 m Miles. ..... ...> .,Ya .r.r ,Wal'ilicant not ngce�ssarriy ac, Gentlemen; I am interested . in 1960 Chev. Beiair Sedan automatic, radio, low mileage ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$1,225.04 %' before3une 15,. 7.965,aeiz Tet- 1959 Chev. impala Hardtopf automatic, radio, white ,................................. ..................11,.. $1,15b.Ob batt,. ciianu+maln, R,R. No. 2, C>m+ ( )full-time basis.DAILY 1959 Chev, Beiair Hardtop, automatic, radio$ turquoise. $1,095.00 SAMOYED PUPS, George Love, CAR RENTAL, rea- 1953 OMC 3 torr Chassis and Cab, rluh6 good, cab rough. .. ................. _-1-11111-11, ..,.........,$ 19500 EL WANTED .Catalogue With full details. writh Q 1953 Pontlao Laurentian Sedan, V13 lilt ,power; AS IS 111x.,, , 1 +1111 r ..YYr,r.Y..111+1... Y+a..Y.650.66 ORGANIST CBO. ASTER PIANO TU N N, 1958 Chev. Delray Sedan, a real good older bar. ....1111..,,, Y..,Y.Y.,YY................595.06 $ - - —{ glican Church, Goderich. Apply 1958 Pontiac Pathfinder 4 door, fully 'eeddriditioned. to Mr, E, G, _1W,, 27 Wellington and checked for troth ,damage 1955 Chev. jy Ton Pickup; runs good; body odughl , „..................,.Y..,,$, 100,00 „x„aa,era,.•,f,r,+:++Y.+,,,'„Yr,1YY, '” .cations and salm7y expected. Q+her Makes , ilego of servdgimg' many of #le '1962 Volkswagen, red colour, custom radio, Peaty.1111+ , 65,06 instrttrne4 is in 1rh1s area. George MISCELLANEC US ,...,Y.+.........................r,,,,.rrr.Y,.,$ 1966 Rambler Super Sedan, 6 cylinder, hard to look at;,.r,,.,,.+„„.......a+..,..,.Y........................$ 150,00 f — 1653 International % 'rob 6f k ra c up; 1041!1 box; rust goods.,Y...,,+Y,YY..,Y.Y,.vY,tYaYIiYYYYYfYYYYYrYYYYY YY,:r.YY..YYYY, 995MO ark r +r S GODERIC H_ 'B 1 Liunh�t�d - McGEE bark'i9iry andkteswurallnt Siltre 1029 � YbUlk PONTIAC - BUICiC ANb 0000., WILL USED CAR DSALgk 4SE�9yE7 CLINTON Phone 524-819 i HELP wANT90 MALE, REAL ESTATE AGENTS WANTED In CLINTON AREA WILFRED'McINTEE: AND Co, LTD. (established 1953) 40 Licensed` salesmen .thrqu,ghopf Western Ontarlq, Advertising in 10 or more eft papers, as well .as farm mag axrxres, teigvision .and radio, Sales manager calls, regular ly Ito ;assist .agenns, Tjp to $100 :pet: week .draW. Many of our agents earn peer $7,000 per year .on comission, Experienced preferred but not''. necessary; will train. For Confidential lnterriew -write W. Mclntee & Co., w HELP, WANTED i hI 10 T ,I C E,, ArPFLWATLONS w.i'li :1-N—v civ- .Box $49 Walkerton or take chances: RON MHER is your new m, - P4. by Gaderich Township Sch ler 131t o,h sopa sentative . ool Area• Boarel for Caretaker at Godaaich Tawnsh}P and Town Hotm Ile S0, 001 consisting of of Clinton, Ron kli.sher cart taniu. 11 hats pooxns 'pig aµairb► be eo¢vtaeted at 165 lipron St, Duties to CanJmence J!Ay let, or plrolre 4;32 '3434 before 9 a,m. 2965, please state Salary ex - or after 6. P m.+ 21eow ted For farther particulars eon- Dept. F-169.HY, toot[the Lowest or PET ST CK O ,Wal'ilicant not ngce�ssarriy ac, Gentlemen; I am interested . in l;oAs to in eppted,Appatio'be hands of Jack.` Tobbtrtt on . male, FOR SALF.--4 mBeagle before3une 15,. 7.965,aeiz Tet- , 2R. wcs aid. Filone 482• 72$2• ' batt,. ciianu+maln, R,R. No. 2, C>m+ ( )full-time basis.DAILY ton. 22-311 SAMOYED PUPS, George Love, CAR RENTAL, rea- Wa I Y.:P40,ne Wirth 527- -?637. 211 EL WANTED .Catalogue With full details. writh rich Phone 524-8391. 3t b ORGANIST CBO. ASTER PIANO TU N N, ,required for St, George's An- - - —{ glican Church, Goderich. Apply YOUR PIAN'O should 'be tuned to Mr, E, G, _1W,, 27 Wellington and checked for troth ,damage 5t. N. •Goderich giving qualifi- agtd. ether defects ragtamiy. . .cations and salm7y expected. alyl recx ate the clonrtnnued 1n3Y- 21, :22b ilego of servdgimg' many of #le instrttrne4 is in 1rh1s area. George MISCELLANEC US W: Cox, phone 482;3$70. f — Name•.......:............................•......... $Address .................. ..................... City................•......... Prov, .•..,....... 22b GUITAR LESSONS—arrange now for spring and summer classes, Big paving on lessons taken during summer holidays, Pulsffer Guitar Studio. Phone 482-6606. - 20tfib , r FAIINE S. FOR SALE + SERVICES INTERNATIONAL 45 Hay bel- er, 7:5 weemed pigs. Phone Ron Taylor, 482-3251. 22b CEDAR posts for sale,. peeled with 6-7" and 5-6" tops, 12 ft. braces, anchor posits, steel posts 6 ft. and 7 A. lengths, barb wire all. weights, Kinburn Store, Borlden Brown, Phone 527-1387. 21-25p HURON COUNTY'S LEADING equipment depot. Over 1,000 belts and hundbreds of pul- leys, bearings, bolts, spark plugs, plow shares, etc. in stock at all trines. John. Bach, I.H. Dealer, Ph. 527-0120, Seaf31 tfb CEDAR FOR SALE -,- fence posts, end posts, brace poles, pole -barn, posts and also some light cedar, silver birch and ash suitable for windbreaders, ornaments or hedges. for fur- ther information write Fred MI RR 2, Goderioh or phone 15241011. We also have some good apples at '$1.50 up. 11tfb CUSTOM WORD CUSTOM SPRAYING of grain wild corn. Franck Hill, Vexmtr, Phone 482-7596. 22ttb LIVESTOCK FOiL SALE 1. PUREBRED HEREFORD bull, 14 month's dld. R. J. ,Sem,- ple. Phone 482-7456. 22b DEKALB Ready to lay pullets, call ,McKinley's Farm and Halt- ch-eries Ltd., Zurich. Phone Hema11262-2837, 44tfb DAIRY cows and heifers, spring- ers and milkers; We have on hand -at all times a good selec- rtion of heifers and mature cows. Convenient terms arranged.. The Home of Better Dairy Cows". George Nesbitt, Phone 523-9439, Blyth, We deliver, 9tfb WNW SERVICES CUSTOM! SPRAYING of grain and corn: Contact . 116*ard Cartwright, Londesbora or phone Blyth, 523-4409, 20-22p THREE QUARTER Azabian S;tailibn, wil stand +to outside mages. Flrank HID, Varna, Patone 482.7596+ 22tfb DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL Por DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Cali Collect DARLING & Company Of C miada )L hWt;ed Photo Clin>toin 482-1969 Licence 350-C-65 7M MARLATT'S . Dead Stock Service Highest cash prices paid for dead ' or disabled cows and horses. Old horses $10 'and up. Small animal removed free of charge, Please call promptly. Phone Collect . Marlatt Bros. 133 Brussels 24 HOUR SERVICE 5-6-7-8p-9tfb We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operatives of Ont. We will pick up at your farm. Phone collect not later than Saturday night.. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE 527-0770 FRANCIS HUNT 527-1946 7tfb WANTED A QUANTITY or CORN ensil- age wanted. Apply to Box 211, Clinton News -Record. 22b L OTZ'AGE at JDA110tt's Grove, 3 smiles noMr Of,, BPvi ld, 6 Moms. Apply C. W.: Harada, Beagrrave or Phone :357-1299 W�gharcrr, 22tfb OLDER HOME, suitable for growing f amity or would dully nasally for ri itirement income. Goad oonditdbn+ New furnace+ Ga'ra'ge. Extra, lot, Phoebe 482- 9540. 22p r 4 BEDROOM HOUSE do Bay- field, over 2 acres of well lantl- , `caped land, ltualted on. Hwy, 21 (next 'to Cedar Grave Res- tautlant. Phone 80R12 Bayfleld or contact J. H. Galland. 22-25p HOUSE icor sale in Ho1m!esville, gas heaped. Priced reasonable a+s ,a iianyrn�'s specdea for young coulxle or retiring couple: Contact Shirley A. Montgomery, Holmesviilie or phone 482-7231. 22, 3p MEAL ESTATE Building Lots FOR SALE Apply L. G. WINTER: 200 High St. Phone 482-6692 49tfb 1 STOREY, red brick, 3 bed- room dwelling, .living room with natur',aJ fireplace, full dining roam, large modern kitchen, 3 - pc. bath, hardwood floors, ver- andah, full basement, stoker feed hot air furnace. House in good condition, Lot approx. 125' x 150%, Garage. Excellent loca- tiion, 1 STOREY, 3 bedroom dwe1- •ling, living room with dining area, modern kitchen, 4 -pc. bath, hardwood floors, full base- ment, ail H.A, furnace. Down payment $1,131313, to present mort- mentst $80.00C P.I T. Monthly near schools. 2 STOREY, solid brick, with living roam, dining room, den, modern kitchen, 2 -pc. bath dawn, 4 bedrooms, 3 -pe, bath up, pine floors, well landscaped, garage, Lot approx• 80'x160'. Located within, black of Post Office; Early possession. Close to Schools. Stately 2 storey dlwe'lling, centre hall: plant, spacious living room with fte place, separate dining ouom:,kitchen w> th butler pan- try, 2 -pc, bath,, 4 bedrooms, 3 -pe. bath up, furnished sun room, MANY EXTRAS. Full basement, well secluded back yard math trees, garage, Lot 60'x1651. Dower payment $5,000. Owner will accept mortgage for ba!l!ance. 22b H. C. LAWSON REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE Phone 482-9644 SPORT SHIRTS Cool, Comfortable, Short Sleeves. Reg. or Jac Styles. FROM $9'96 UP SWIM SUITS Boxer or `Prim tyles. X3.95 To $7.95 Clinton Commlun' Auction Salmi EVERY FRIDAY at 7.30 pin, Qov0nment inbpected 44a16s Cattle 8otd by W lobt TERM$ CASH" J69 CORMt, galea moria t Walk ngShorts Plain; Stripes or Checks: FlkOM $3.95 UP ,F a� Wash Pants ' neige -- Powder -- Black s Telim Continentals: $66 the N EV-11<PLRB$$ SLACKS. STRAW HATS — SWEAT SHIRTS . GOLF CARS LIGHTWEIGHT SLACKS ETC. Pickett & Cay pbell 1mlited Mbin tomb*Py C:liaton, binftimor Phone 481.011 Expert work done Phone $8i-2270 reasonably to your satisfaction, Watch repairs and pearl re - 226 stringing, W. N. Counter, tfb HERE'S YOUR KEY TO 481G iNCrOME—MAIL TODAY-- MacDONALD The W. T. RAW IG Co. L - `"6 ” t�', Dept. F-169.HY, ELECTRIC j -4005 Richelieu St., Montreal, P.Q. Motor Repairs and Rewinding Gentlemen; I am interested . in House Wiring Service Calls the world-famous Rawleigh Line on a 482-7702 ( ) part-time basis 29tfb ( )full-time basis.DAILY 1 ) Please send me FREE CAR RENTAL, rea- Book and sonable rates. McGEWS, Gode- .Catalogue With full details. writh rich Phone 524-8391. 3t b Name•.......:............................•......... $Address .................. ..................... City................•......... Prov, .•..,....... 22b GUITAR LESSONS—arrange now for spring and summer classes, Big paving on lessons taken during summer holidays, Pulsffer Guitar Studio. Phone 482-6606. - 20tfib , r FAIINE S. FOR SALE + SERVICES INTERNATIONAL 45 Hay bel- er, 7:5 weemed pigs. Phone Ron Taylor, 482-3251. 22b CEDAR posts for sale,. peeled with 6-7" and 5-6" tops, 12 ft. braces, anchor posits, steel posts 6 ft. and 7 A. lengths, barb wire all. weights, Kinburn Store, Borlden Brown, Phone 527-1387. 21-25p HURON COUNTY'S LEADING equipment depot. Over 1,000 belts and hundbreds of pul- leys, bearings, bolts, spark plugs, plow shares, etc. in stock at all trines. John. Bach, I.H. Dealer, Ph. 527-0120, Seaf31 tfb CEDAR FOR SALE -,- fence posts, end posts, brace poles, pole -barn, posts and also some light cedar, silver birch and ash suitable for windbreaders, ornaments or hedges. for fur- ther information write Fred MI RR 2, Goderioh or phone 15241011. We also have some good apples at '$1.50 up. 11tfb CUSTOM WORD CUSTOM SPRAYING of grain wild corn. Franck Hill, Vexmtr, Phone 482-7596. 22ttb LIVESTOCK FOiL SALE 1. PUREBRED HEREFORD bull, 14 month's dld. R. J. ,Sem,- ple. Phone 482-7456. 22b DEKALB Ready to lay pullets, call ,McKinley's Farm and Halt- ch-eries Ltd., Zurich. Phone Hema11262-2837, 44tfb DAIRY cows and heifers, spring- ers and milkers; We have on hand -at all times a good selec- rtion of heifers and mature cows. Convenient terms arranged.. The Home of Better Dairy Cows". George Nesbitt, Phone 523-9439, Blyth, We deliver, 9tfb WNW SERVICES CUSTOM! SPRAYING of grain and corn: Contact . 116*ard Cartwright, Londesbora or phone Blyth, 523-4409, 20-22p THREE QUARTER Azabian S;tailibn, wil stand +to outside mages. Flrank HID, Varna, Patone 482.7596+ 22tfb DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL Por DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Cali Collect DARLING & Company Of C miada )L hWt;ed Photo Clin>toin 482-1969 Licence 350-C-65 7M MARLATT'S . Dead Stock Service Highest cash prices paid for dead ' or disabled cows and horses. Old horses $10 'and up. Small animal removed free of charge, Please call promptly. Phone Collect . Marlatt Bros. 133 Brussels 24 HOUR SERVICE 5-6-7-8p-9tfb We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operatives of Ont. We will pick up at your farm. Phone collect not later than Saturday night.. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE 527-0770 FRANCIS HUNT 527-1946 7tfb WANTED A QUANTITY or CORN ensil- age wanted. Apply to Box 211, Clinton News -Record. 22b L OTZ'AGE at JDA110tt's Grove, 3 smiles noMr Of,, BPvi ld, 6 Moms. Apply C. W.: Harada, Beagrrave or Phone :357-1299 W�gharcrr, 22tfb OLDER HOME, suitable for growing f amity or would dully nasally for ri itirement income. Goad oonditdbn+ New furnace+ Ga'ra'ge. Extra, lot, Phoebe 482- 9540. 22p r 4 BEDROOM HOUSE do Bay- field, over 2 acres of well lantl- , `caped land, ltualted on. Hwy, 21 (next 'to Cedar Grave Res- tautlant. Phone 80R12 Bayfleld or contact J. H. Galland. 22-25p HOUSE icor sale in Ho1m!esville, gas heaped. Priced reasonable a+s ,a iianyrn�'s specdea for young coulxle or retiring couple: Contact Shirley A. Montgomery, Holmesviilie or phone 482-7231. 22, 3p MEAL ESTATE Building Lots FOR SALE Apply L. G. WINTER: 200 High St. Phone 482-6692 49tfb 1 STOREY, red brick, 3 bed- room dwelling, .living room with natur',aJ fireplace, full dining roam, large modern kitchen, 3 - pc. bath, hardwood floors, ver- andah, full basement, stoker feed hot air furnace. House in good condition, Lot approx. 125' x 150%, Garage. Excellent loca- tiion, 1 STOREY, 3 bedroom dwe1- •ling, living room with dining area, modern kitchen, 4 -pc. bath, hardwood floors, full base- ment, ail H.A, furnace. Down payment $1,131313, to present mort- mentst $80.00C P.I T. Monthly near schools. 2 STOREY, solid brick, with living roam, dining room, den, modern kitchen, 2 -pc. bath dawn, 4 bedrooms, 3 -pe, bath up, pine floors, well landscaped, garage, Lot approx• 80'x160'. Located within, black of Post Office; Early possession. Close to Schools. Stately 2 storey dlwe'lling, centre hall: plant, spacious living room with fte place, separate dining ouom:,kitchen w> th butler pan- try, 2 -pc, bath,, 4 bedrooms, 3 -pe. bath up, furnished sun room, MANY EXTRAS. Full basement, well secluded back yard math trees, garage, Lot 60'x1651. Dower payment $5,000. Owner will accept mortgage for ba!l!ance. 22b H. C. LAWSON REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE Phone 482-9644 SPORT SHIRTS Cool, Comfortable, Short Sleeves. Reg. or Jac Styles. FROM $9'96 UP SWIM SUITS Boxer or `Prim tyles. X3.95 To $7.95 Clinton Commlun' Auction Salmi EVERY FRIDAY at 7.30 pin, Qov0nment inbpected 44a16s Cattle 8otd by W lobt TERM$ CASH" J69 CORMt, galea moria t Walk ngShorts Plain; Stripes or Checks: FlkOM $3.95 UP ,F a� Wash Pants ' neige -- Powder -- Black s Telim Continentals: $66 the N EV-11<PLRB$$ SLACKS. STRAW HATS — SWEAT SHIRTS . GOLF CARS LIGHTWEIGHT SLACKS ETC. Pickett & Cay pbell 1mlited Mbin tomb*Py C:liaton, binftimor Phone 481.011