Clinton News-Record, 1965-06-03, Page 3Adastral Per:1( Social Notes News Editor; Anne AUcron , Phone 'HO 2-7$49. Outstanding Specials Fresh—Oven Ready CAPON CHICKENS 55c lb. Empire BACON 49c lb. TURKEY LEGS 49c lb. WIENERS 6 lb. box— $2.25 MILKO 8 lb. box—$2.49 IX or MATCH — el We's FANCY PEAS—PEAS and CARROTS in FANCY CREAM CORN 7 10-oz, cans CUT GREEN BEANS CUT WAX BEANS SEASONED GREEN BEANS SEASONED WAX BEANS Freezer Special — Choice eef FRONT QU RTERS 39c 11), Cut—Wrapped CHUCKS 43C lb. Average 80 lbs. GILSON SUPREME HOME FREEZERS 21 cu. ft. $219.00 23 cu. ft. $239.00 PETER'S Meat Market for $.100' PARADE At 1 p.m. from Clinton Legion Hall, featuring All Four-Horse Tandem Hitches - Floats Clinton Marching Royals,and RCAF Clinton Trumpet Band. OPENING At 2 p.m. by Miss Mary Usti Farrell, Miss Dominion of Canada from St. John's, Nfld. Judging All Afterneon. , BABY SHOW Registration and Judging at 2:30 p.m. displays of Farm Machinery, Cars and Trucks Afternoon Adrnission: 500; Grandstand 25o; Cars 25c; 10 lbs. Cheese Prize for Largest Family at Fair DAIRY PRINCESS CONTEST RETURNS TO CLINTON SPRING FAIR A A tense drama depicts three veraitft Of an otrtrageous happening,in the deep South, FatliNOWniah, Claire Bloom and Laurence Harvey • SAT. June 1041.12 The Dave Clark Five, the Animals and JimmY Smith trio are- featured In this sparkling musicornedy. "Get Yourself a College Girl" Nohoy Sinatra; Joan O'Brien and Stall Getz Coming: "The Night Walkers",---adult entertainment ATE PARK THE SqUARE--GODERICH Now Playing—Thur., Fri., Sat., June 3-4-5 — DOUBLE BILL — "The Outlaws Is Comin" The. Three Stooges with Nat/Cy kovak in Plus "HURRICANE ISLAND". with Marie Windsor Color MON., TUES., WED. — June 7,8-9 "THE OUTRAGE" OSitrAll0 10 09644. ,f A411 Or CAIN 44 .1! tine, for any I've seen since. The thrill of sports as a teenager; falling in love half a dozen times; first job, on, a steamboat; university .and ideas arid new friends; air force and kicks, as a fighter pilot; prison, camp and hunger and goad talk; marriage and kids; weekly newspaper edi- tor; high school teacher. And be hanged if a fellow didn't offer me 'an interesting new job just last week. Nossir. I've had a good run. And I'm going to keep right on running, When I'm 85, I want to be known in the nursing home as, "That old devil, Smiley, who pinches your bottom every 'Mile you walk past his wheel-ehair." 0 Seven Month Old Roy Baby Dies Sandra Lyn, the seven-month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Roy, 373 James St., Clinton, passed away Saturday, May 29, in Victoria Hospital, London, where she had been a patient since mid-April, The body rested at the Ball and 1VIuteh Funeral Home until Monday, May 31, when Rev. R. Wenh.am of St. Paul's Anglican' Church, Clinton, conducted the funeral service. Interment was hi Clinton Cemetery.- The little girl is survived by her parents; her paternal grandmother, "'Mrs. Eula Roy, Clinton; and her maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walker, Brucefield. 0 UCW Units To freet Next Week The Fidelity Unit of the Wes- ley-Willis UCW will meet June 8 at 2:30 p.m. when the roll call Will be the presentation of con- tributions to 'the "Penny A Day" project. , June 10 at 2:30. pan, is the date and time of the Wo-He-Lo Unlit, Mrs. McGill will speak on 'the California Missions she has visited and Mrs, Bill Hearn will provide special music. 0 - • Happy Workers eel at Wilsons The May 'meeting of the Happy Workers' Club was at the home of Mrs. Mel Wilson With nine members present. Tea Money amounted to three dol- lars. Several games of euchre were played. Each member 'brought a plant to he exchanged fora 10c fee. The next meeting will be 'at Mrs. Ken Johnston's oh the evening 'of June 15. BOXED PLANTS INA'S , FLOWERS and VEGETABLES •••••-•• FLOWERS 45c PER BOX 'tax included Including Pethnia, Asters and Geraniums, etc. VEGETABLES Tomatoes =r Cabbage Cauliflower 40c PER BOX FLOWERS and VEGETAI3LES 123 trio St. South P Ilene 482404 Turn left a last greet off Ititren St West . 21434 rai'irer '"radio' SUGAR and SPICE At Western William N. _Hovey, 0riner Clintonion, ..in Toronto. William Nisbet Haney, 2b3. Forest Hill' farad, Toronto, pass-, ed away sqddeniy Friday, May .28. Vpheral. service was in Chgrol), Peer P4;*•PA 71qesClaY, June 1, with hltemuent. in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. He was bora 44 Clinton, on Deeember 8, 3.807, the soal "of Mr, and .Mrs, Frrle5t Hovey,. He was a graduate ,oaf Clinton Col- legate Institute and of Trinity College, University of Toronto, He served overseas with the 48th, •34111andeals and the Prin. CesS Louise pogoan Guards and retired from active service as a Lieutenant Colonel., He was president of Eqpitable Securities Canada Limited and Equitable Brokers Limited; a director of Reid Lithographing Company Diimited Northgate ENplorations Limited, Irish' Base Metals Linllted, Waterous Equipment Limited', General Mortgage Servilce Corporation and Scottish and York Holdings He was a mernber of the Board of Directors of St, An- drew's College, a member of the Corporation of Trinity Col- lege, a. past-president of the Toronto Hunt Club and a mem, her" of the Toronto Club And Lyford Cay. He is survived by his wife the former Sybil Clarke; one son, Christopher and one bro- ther, Fred Hovey, vice-presi- dent, Operatic/lea and Techni- cal Services, Canadian. Brewer- ies Limited, Toronto, 4001.1•=111•111110.. '4.824021ACUINTO HI Fl SALES- SERVICE ..Thursday, Julie 3944—clintpn. ;Hvw,$,Roca#0,Prapn, Wedding Pictures JERVIS STUDIO Phone 402400.4. • 1.711.). CLINTON :SPRING. FMK. NNE A Clinton..Community Fogic' JOYES MIDWA YF In Operation Friday Evening, June 4 and All Day Fair Day FRIDAY EVENING ENTERTAINMENT HURON SCALPERS Square Dance Club Dancing on Bandstand from 8:30 to 11 p.m. LUNCH COUNTER pperated, by Wives of Fair Board Directors 21-2b Mrs. Treyer Thomas is a pa- tient in Vietoria Hospital in Mr ,and Mrs. Bill SheatoPal•- ka, WinniPeZ, Manitoba, are spending a few days with.Cpl, and Mrs. Brian Webber. Member S of Teen TOWn held a farewell party for Jean Chris- tiara, a 100Pgilar ,MemblXr of tile YotIng Sot Glames were 02,/eY'Cci and refretsinnents served; the gathering took place at the ComnitinitY Centre on Saturft7 afterneen, May 29. Jean was presented with, a pen and pen- cil set by her friends. The young people of the Park are reminded of the dance at the Recreation Centre on June 11 When a Teen Queen will be crowned, Music will be provided by the Chris Black Combo. Cpl. and Mrs. .Charles Kelley and their children have left the Park to spend a few weeks with relatives in Winnipeg; they will then go to Trenton frem where they Weill he flying to Germany. Mrs. Rooney Christian and daughters will be leaving soon for Red Deer, Alberta, to join Mr; -Christian, WO and Mrs. J., 41,0ard and son Serge spent the last holt,- day weekend. in Mel/Veal. WO2 :and, OWL Al, Fades, are MOO* to London, Ontario, LaWlor has' returned to his home 'to'wn at Kingston,- Miss . Louise Trernelay' tinder-. Went surgery in 'Clinton Tic:Ir.-- Oil/al last Nis,.1re. Slater .entertained. on May. 27 in honour 9f Mrs. Lorraine Kelley; Mrs, 'Kelley Was presented with a cup And. saucer as a memento of her'• stay in Clinton, flying-up Ceremony On May 25 in the .COmanunity Centre, mothers and fathers' Witnessed their 'Brownie daugh- ters 'fly up' to become Guides, These young ladies were Lor- ene ••• .Bush, Donna TJrsnialt, Diane Filion, ChriStine 'Moody, Norma Naven, Carol Shildson, Jeanne Poppenk and Christhie Swaren, New Guides enrolled were Alpha Wade and Suzan Hurnphry. Receiving the Golden. Hand badge was 'Carol Shildson And the 'Collector's badge went to Joanne Poppenk. Getting 'their second class badge were Anita and Diane Brochu, Mango Ad- ams, Judy Brown, Mary Ester- brook, Heather Cummings, Su- sanne Slither, Patsy McFarland, Joanne Paquette, Shirley Peter- sen, 'Claudette Vezina, and Nicky Haspook. Cook's badges were a- warded Jackie Tattersall and Susan Reid, Guiding leaders in attendance included Mrs. P. Swaren, Mrs. E: Kerr, Mrs. V. Smith, Mrs. V. Paulin, and Mrs. E. Hewitt, with Cheryl Pyke and Glenda Wade. Refeshinents were served by Mrs. M. Kelly, Mrs-. C, Forcier, Mrs. R. Dieroff and Mrs. W. Naven. Music Demonstartion May 26 was the day for all grades of Air/Marshall Hugh Campbell School to display their musical talents, The music su- pervisor was Mrs. LeBeau. Kindergarten classes opened the programme with David Saunders reciting a poem of Welcome. A vocal duet was ren- dered by 'twin 'sisters'. Sharon and Shelley Borden and Mark Griffin sang a solo. All 'grades . sang and were warinly applauded Classified Ads. Bring Results CHICKEN BARBER At Constance Thurs., June 10 from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. Sponsored by C.O.F. Admission: Adults $1.25; Children 6 to 12, 75c 21-2h (Continued from Page Two) and TB and the trots, scarlet fever and bursitis and pink eye and dysentry. And yet, amazingly, the old carcass presses on. Sight and bearing are sound as a bell though 'smelling is gone corn- pletely.-Appetite is unimpaired, and the old guts, can handle any thing but broken-glass. Hair and teeth are 'thinning and have Changed color, but are Ain orig- inal models. Endurance isn't what it used 'to be, I couldn't run 200 yards at top •speed if the devil hiin- self were after me, with a. red- hot pitchfork. But he rarely chases us Sunday School tea- chers, so why worry ? I can still swim a few hun- dred yards, and tramp a trout stream or golf course half a dozen miles a day. I can still sit up all night and argue about politics or women or rehgion. I can still get excited about an idea. or a song or a poem or a play. I can still thrill to the sight of a beautiful broad, or a big fish, -or a 'full moon, or a bluebird, or 'a bonfire. I enjoy loafing and hard work, chess and dry martini's, thunderstorms and trees, good movies and little children, old friends and new clothes, though riot. necessarily in those com- binations. Not bad for an old chap, oh.? Please don't think I'm bragging. What I'm 'doing is singing a paean of thanksgiving for My own good luck, and a note of consolation for you birds who are creeping up on. 45. A lot of people burble, "If I could only live it over, knowing What I do now." Not me. I wouldn't trade my child- hood, romantic, shy, irnagina- womeasyweammeogsman.t. • 000111RICH r .0t Tr DANCING FOR.THE YOUNG CROWD THIS' WEEK ,--,'-.SATURDAY, JUNE 4 "THE DEL•REYS" Dancing 9 p.m. to Midnight — Admission $1.00 per person (At Ggclerich Arena) Satta'day, June 19;-31/2 hour Show and dance featuring "Ritchie Knight and the Midnights," "The Girt Friends", "Geoff and the Continentals," "Jaye's Rayders" For Rental informatiOn or Reservations Dial 524-9371 or 524-9264 Nap •••••ormimmormarrom, CLINTON FAIR SPECIALS • COROMATIC Instant-Loading Camera Rego $12.95. Special $9.95 DYNACHROME FILMS — 127 and 620 Special 3 for 99c TONI UNCURLY PERMANENT Reg. $3.75 Special $2.75 I.D.A. HEALTH SALTS — 1 lb. tin Reg, 79c Special 67c POLAROID SUNGLASSES $1.98 to'$5.98 KLEENOR MOUTHWASH 16-oz, bottle .............. Special 2 for 49c Winner of Bathroom Scales on I.D.A. Birthday Sale was Mrs. Ross Feagan. Our thanks to Mr. Don Symons who drew the winning ticket. The Major Prizes for ONTARIO will be announced by June 30th. EDWARDS PHAR ACY Phone 482-6626 Clinton, Ont. • ROBERT ,DAVID ALEXANDER • will ,gixiacluatei on June 4 with the degree of 'Bachelor .0 Arts in the Honors Program in Physical and Health Edu- cation from the UnlyerSity of Western Ontario, He has ac- cepted a teaching position on. the staff of Kincardine Dis- trict High School. Both are graduates of Ce and sons of Mr. and Mrs, R. ,.JAMES CHANDLER ALEXANDER will graduate,pn June 5 with ram degree of Bachelor of Exi-„,, gineering Science in Mechan- ical Engineering from the University of Western Ont- ario. He r has accepted a po- sition, with Massey-Ferguson Industries. Linfited. ntral Huron Secondary School N. Alexander, Londesboro, PORTER'S HILL The UCW of Grace_ Church met last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. John McCowan with 16• ladies present. The president, Mrs. Chester Sturdy,- was in charge of the meeting end Mrs. E. Picot led in prayer. The Scripture and a short reading were given by Mrs. Ellison Cox. The roll call was answered with a Mother's Day verse. The annual Ham and Salad supper was set for Wednesday, July 21 and committees were named for this event. The colour of the month drawn was blue, Dunn the afternoon a crib quilt was quilted'. The June meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Art Bell. The Sunday School of Grace Church held its anniversary service on Sunday, May 30. The superintendent, Mrs. Mary Man- ning conducted the service. Miss Catherine Haig, Clinton, was guest speaker for the oc- casion. Music was under the direction of the organist, Mrs, William Cox. Lorna Miller and Colleen Lockhart sang a duet and' the choir rendered' an an- them. BETTER CALL ON US BEFORE ITS Too LATE,YOLORry SET NEEDS A — RELIABL E NATE 1 F R E D I E MASHED POTATO • E R Entertainment Nightly AT THE - QUEEN'S HOTEL SEAFORTH TEEN DANCING T THE H JERK E THE FREDDIE SATURDAY NIGHTS THE CRESCEND'OS Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND U G 22-3-4b T H E . 1 S SUNSET Box Office DRIVE-IN _ GODERICH Opens — at 8 o'clock THEATRE Now Playing—Thur., Fri., Sat., June 3-4-5 — DOUBLE BILL — Jeff Chandler and Bobby Vee and Julie Adams in Cherry Rowland Away All Just in F" B*ots " For am" -- Color — . ° "The A first MON., Burt Lancaster, List Plus "Hottest -run program TUES., WED. — June Dana Wynter and of Adrian Messenger" 500", "One Man's and "Ships Ahoy" packed with varied 7-8-9 George Scott Paris" entertainment THUR., FRI., SAT.,—June 10-11-12—Double Bill Elvis Presley and Stewart ,Granger Joan Blackman and Rat' Valonne "Blue Haw ii" "Secret InVOSIORI" — Color — --- Color ---. Coming: "MacHale's Navy"—worth watching for! Huron Central Agricultural Society CLINTON pring r r air SATURDAY, JUNE 5 7:00 P.M. EVENING HORSE SHOW Judging Teams in fiarneasy Ponies And Single Roadsters Miss Canada in Attendance tfit-&,tainite'fit by minion Legion „Pipe J3arid CADS & LASSIES SQUARE [CANCERS from RCAF' Station (A years 8i (Ater) Adtriissleht SOol Children Free; Cars 256 CLINTON MAY TUES AY VIEDNESh AY JUNE Ic 0, 9 Reopening Thursday Morning, June 10 I "rfirriarralwr ar.b.11=11111I11.1.11=111•11.rali Each Week One Lucky Customer Will. Win ;$5400. 'Free ,Credit THIS. wEEKPs. 1=Y NUMBER. 1,441 1.1MITED Iiieenomerermwammum~ 4,4 CORM'S RED & WHITE FOOD STORE At Main Corner Clinton Wishes to thank its many loYal customers since it opened in May, 1963. We regret that we must close this store on Sat., June 5, but through your generous patronage we will be OPENING OUR BIG Red &White .Foodmaster On Huron Street, West of Royal Bank, on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16 • Watch for Annourieenierrf of Opening Features'.