HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-06-03, Page 2Pag� x-+-�Cli�+�on New�-Recor�d--�-'�,F�urSdpy, June. 3, '�96$ � � :� ��a��.�: � , . _. � ��o �a�h v�?��L���.� ��� .. �� �Q� .e�: ��Y� L� < � � �.. � , zecently �ieert vpzci�ig thei� a�tn�zai�z io the�r 14ca1, ;n�mber o� paxl�a�#��}x obj�ct . ' �o �his �r ;tha� pe�diri ; legislation. � 1 o in ed X�V�e won,der �f this is �he . . �e �tencl . �gr �the ch,ur�h. �Tn orne will de�y the �hurch is �. poWe� �u� �Ax�e� �n the world today, Tts teachin�s are �t�� very roo� �� der�no- cratic �overnr�ent and its in�luence is tY�e }a�sis n� law., I��s heart is the �nepple anc� p�ople ar� �arliar�ent. Tk�� cht�.ch has many wo�,t�while causes for Whick� to f�gh�. Of th�se, ma�y are crying �or addi�tianal assist- a�Ge, .Qti}te�, stil� tabao in tr�a�Y ci�cles, shauld b� the churches' b�,ttle and a�e no�. , , Me� anc� �uvomen vf the chuch look- ing for a cr�oss �ta bear ne�d not search, in Toronto or Qttawa, A quick glance arounti -tl�eir �wn Xnunzozpality, their own neighbourhoqd, iheir .own pa�ish and iheii: own homes and hearts, will : . "_ �3wn � . giv�e ��� t�}e C��.�leng� t��a� r,�n be �.�� }� `ane hf�t��ne, This is .�oi: tp say that inclivitlual �itizens vwiihi� the ehuxch �ould i,�e c�e� p�r�v� ai �t,he right to speak out o� mat�e�rs qf pravinc�a� or na�ional irnpo�r�- �n�, �ar ]� x� ?�� t�iS X��W,SP�I.►er �o su��eS� �?�1',�k���g qu��k� .S� ��'�d�Gu7oi�, Bu� collectively, und��' the name o� a�ission grqup, �. church ladzgs guil.d, a layrnan's �rga�izatiot�, �th� c�urch sho�ld confzne �i�,sel:� �to th� wari� it was com,miss�oned �to do . . . mini�tez^ �o �k�e sick, �risit the imprisanec�, �eed ;�he needy, e�o.the �he naked; �h�lp desa�aie, she�t�� �Ch,e hozneless, foxgive their e�e- No chureh oxganiza�tio� shorxld al- �aw its miSsion tq �corne shallow �.nd meaningless, for ��n c�aing this, the irn, pression is le��t tha�t al� els� has �en accom�plzsk�ed. L'et us Ieave unta !Caesar what is Ca�sar's and ur�ta Gocl wh�t' is God's, Ste� �h�is �ay �Folks ! AS CLINTON'S Spning Fair Day approaches, skiow afficzals face two un- certainti�s .., the wea�bher and ihe crowd. There isn'�t mueh t�iey e�a� do about the weather fox as the oid saying goes, "There will be weather wh�ther ox not." However, there should be some- ihing �they can do abaut the cro�vd. Prirna�ily, the fair board knows it has to have something special �o at- tract �peopYe. Members riave insured a varied �progx�am ta please evexyone by of�ering �he most in prize inone,y and i:he best, uz a�ttractions. Proceedings kieli a�ff witk� a parade this year f�eaturing a�loa�t carrying N,[iss Domin�i,on a�f Canada, Mary Lou Farrell. �'oIlow�ng this is �the baby show, ine pet shour, the Iivestock parade and the evening horse show. Add to th�is �the Dazry Prineess Can�est, �tk�e 4-I-� compe- titions, �he pony rides, �ihe midway and �he ever papular lunch cflunter, and you have �the mak�ngs of .a''rea�ly'�ig event, But even �though Clinton's �'aix is a top flight effoxt stage� in the pr�me �eason of the year, it is dif�icult to mus- t�r the kind o� enthusiasm in the geopie ihat would put the attendance recoxd over the top. We hope �this yeax will. k�e �ifferent. We hope eve� y Clintonian and eaeh area r�sidenti will take time out to visit the fair and �have a good look at the �best ai agricu�ture in, actzon, A rouszng weI- com� 1:0 �he exhibitors and the fair goers from all over Ontario will do much �to .,promnte tha� friendly goad- will so vii;al to ihe future af any com- munity. � There is a fun bonus in it for you, , ' ,Y y _ ` �a , ir�: .�' � ��fi �i►, �; � � ,� M < .,c 7H� CLlNtOtd NEW ERA Amalgamated TFIE CLINTOFI NEWS•RECORO Established 1865 , 1424 Esfabiisfied � {881 0,.� � p A Pubtished Evary Thursday At Th• H�arf ' Of Huron Counfy � pi Clinton, .Ontario, Canada � ' t'� Population 3;4i5 A. LAURiE COLQUHOUN, .PUBL{5HER O ,' � ,� , �.�_� ' ��,. �Q Signed contribufions �to this�publicet�ion, dre the apinion� �,p`- C t� . of the writers only, end da not necasserily express �I �, p ihe views of the newspepar. Authorized ea Second Clast Moil, Post Office Depertment, Ottawa, and for Paymen} of Poatage in Ceah United Stptet end F— Canede end Groat Brifain: ;4.00 e yenr; SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Payable in edvancnoreign: 55.50; Sinqle Copies: 10 Cents Letter Ta Editor .. . .. � � Bayfield SOS Committe+� Delegates - Take Exception To N-R Edit�r�al The Ed'utar, `L`Jlintem N�aw�s-�iccord, Clintan, dr�t. Dear S�i;r: Ya�ur �d'i�barti�a� of Nt�ay 27 pu�ts Bay�k'dedid �in a, v�es;y uncom�pli- m��6amy 71��1�. We th�a�It �It on4y fa�ur �Gh�,�t nrrupanbant facats com.- cex�nlim�g �Uhe �rzLeeti2vg be�tween nc�pretise,ntktitives� af �he B�ayiield S�OS Clamnviit�tee a�rud' Mr. Bu,m- raw�s �}se 'i�naugh� �to �wbli�c at- t�eu�bnan. 'Ilhe� la�d�i�es vs�ho wen�t to In- sp�eto� Bu:rrow�s' offiee, at hds �i.nvi�t�z�ri'an, were urvanv�are t!ha�t ihey ��eirie abten�diinj a mee�ting o�f ,an�bitt�altiom:. 1VTr. I3u��rbn�s iim- V1�lU'C� fi)il'C'7Y1, 4yy lertt�er, '��O C19S'CLlSB tive fii7e w�, �ay�Pie�ld Schoal �t�hiah. h� �vd oa7:lectecl over tne yc�aa"s. �is 'l�bter also sta�te�l th�at iie did rnat con�swde� it a,c��nisa'Ule :�ar aa�y of �t'he Bay�fli�eld Aclvisory �oim�n,vUb�e to at�te��d. G�ansequelv�ly the �aup w�as re�duceci �n tl�r�e�e o�f �:�h�e regttilar I m�mi�ans, �o accammoda'ie N%r. ! Burra ows. '1Thme� w�an�e�, on�e a p�;� zn�t 4.f �tihe S�tanley 'Pon�n�shap a�r.aa .and �bw'o z�atep�yea s o� Ba,y- fiel-d �CauZ�d 'h�ar,dly comsivtute a b�1;ng,�i�ing co�nar,%ttee for a v✓h�o7�e corr�i�u�nity; 17a�rtricwlally wh'en 1VL�. �Buraov,�s told �ihe gi�ot�,7 �:ha�t "�lze �v�as m;a� �nteses�t- ed i� �Ghe op�inuom5 af anyone uut jaBlt"G'Q7r�5. � r Sih�arU1y ia�fi{�� trh�i1 a'rrival th� comimi�tee w:a�s swi�pmised �o find 1:he �pre�ss i�n �a�ten'd'ance. Alsa, �o Ii�i�eliir su�t^priise, the fnle o�n 73ay�.Ei�ld ��fs� �ever �r�duced, S��s�t�a�d tiice meeting deve�laped �.tvta �a s�piilirted deba�t� Vv�hich was �an tiall,y recar.�le'd in Q:he Re- ao��d aP �t�wo we�lcs� a�gfl. APt�` �om�sidea,'aUle r�nscuss�iom cofFee Wa�s s��'c1 amc� tlie c�mrcn�ti�ee Ga2v�l�u;d�d �Uh�at th� meer�in�g was e��. v�il�e �I�a�nrizrg, M� B�tu;io�vs t'h,r� aut, �as sttp7�osxbiari, aTicl �e �bY�ess�a b'�alt .�a�t, to �t1�c ��- fe�et �'ha�t i,F �vy�celd weze of�eti� �d �a �bwelve-a�oam schaol Vvh�zt tv�o�itld tllid'nr raa�at�ian b�? S�pealc� wn;g as�y fna ihei�iselveS �the c�wralnuibt�e� �4u1d see a�e a,d�vaa�- �;� ��x �a�,�c�g �a�� st��a�cv p�am�emlts tinvta �h�e po�siCiu�t r.� �av� in!g �btx bus �hbu c�6ldmen over ta 13'a;yt�'ialci. "�'�vt Vv��tci b� just a.ti' iarv�l�na�yd i'�• 6hea�i as dti tvawli� d�ott° }�aprfueld a��l W�st S�t;a�.2ey �.� 'bus :bh�ir GS���dr�� t4 b}xe sr�h�aa1 �awrli t�� �^uceifielcT� Na satvi;n� b'f 'any lci#id ttaeulc� i�� � �t'f�ec�tect, NLr; �Bttrri'aws rtahhn "s�t�j.idse�d" a'� +eigfut maam seQioal i'or $a�� �iial�d. ,A.g�;n �the ColrrLmitt�e� � pr�i¢�t�d attt t�h�,� �L'hi� �'oult� � sim�ly �nean +t-aa J�g� �. sc'h�aox : far �G(ie umxn,c�ir�t� a�c�a, s� � 'c�atild i�� �vi�ted unl�s�s �pizpils . t�vore bt�±u.��ut 8ram ather �tS ; a�£ bhe �tawnsh,�ip, a�E a�]k�it%dn�a7 ' cast. A �Gh�i�i�d ide�a o� su�posu;t�i�on, � �Iy, xe�bain� �'he �rese7vt Eay- kli�+ld s�h�oial �for pmi'rn,aay gr'ades. o�n1y, 'A�esemted a til�d� d pratrlem. T�ns�h,ig c�tu;ldren wauld' �be s��t an ��hree direc�inm5, Bay- Pi�ld t�o7- P�iiuna�,y, BruceEie��d f�on b�vfi�e�rmc�diate an�d Clintem for S�n�ios tiviith a consequent i inarease ,in tran�s�omta�tion cas�t:s. Tt nzust be �e�int�d o!u� �ii�t a�t m�o �time durin�g this chat d1i�1 th�e coan�n-ni,btee of t•hree szx�iously cor�ide�r �th�:t �t;hey were Uar- g?a�in�i�!g Lar an�thinig, p�tacular- ly w1re� NLr. 13ua�ro�ws was ex- pbi�cat in poiintin�g put i:l�art de- cisi�ans an i.h.e rn,a:�ter were in the hantls od �tlze local, sclioo3 bo'arcl a,nd alot :hus. The co�mani�- �tee •nvacle �iC c9eax, �i�f s�.cch were ,the a�;se, �Uhey �ape'�l Mn. 33ur- a�aws �would po�in:t aut tg, the �ast S!tanley Tawnshd� Bo�cl merz'vl��rs �'hai: Ba:y�faeld was n�o�t graeidY, just aslcicn,g Pai a Cai1 dcai — �he �fight �to keep a.�1d em�large �hc`Lr onvn scliaol t�b ioua Nensall �oupse Silver Wedding HEN�ALL — Mr. and Mrs. Leon�ard N�a1��s celebrat�d bh�c�ia^ S�'�lves arnrniveir's�vey w�i�� a d'uxunes �in; �the I-�ens�a,11 Legion I%aIll �am Miap� 29. T�he�y vWtme rr�a��ied �an May 25, 1940. Mem�be�rs af the NoakeS a�vd Sauvgslt�r iiamilies we�re �Qs:en�: f2�quri Lo�n�7An a,nd Hen's�atd ax�,�l t,he Cauple ie!cci�e�t miaaly �Ueau- �lfiul gi!�ts, c�ongratul��,to�y mes- s�.ges amd c�a��ds. D�uve 5an�gster w�as iYra�sber o�f ceremiomi'ves fo�r 't�he �occas+uon. A 1ove�y �i�hanee-Uiereci tve�i'di�� c��ke� ac�oiim�ed �Ixe head fia�ble vv�ith fllawem ami}a�zg�e¢nen�bs o�n e'vtlzex side. '�li-e eve�n�in�g end:ed w:'vth d�amCing. La�ter �t'h�e gues�ts �vere en;tea�- bained �at the hoane af Mr. �and Mrs. Leon�,r!d l�o,ake�s. Insl:ead �he sug.gesied that t9ie �anvm�ibte� attend the next sah- a�o�l boarcl mectirs� �d th'is bhey agmeed to c}o — usging �ha�t he be �1;he�r'e alsa. Ii y�oix tivis�h to� live up to your �epuEabio�n fox tiiibias�ec� i e- �omt�ing w�e Wau1d app2ecia�e i �aus� mal�iavg 'the above fac�ts ���'��r Ta �e��t�r . � _ _. �I��tan M�arcM���+� ��yalS ��r��tar �ee�� Go-�,��������► �'a �Carry ,�� `�'.Q �'he �,'F�i't!R�': ��" th�qse tiv'h;a m�v� �S'��e� S�t, Mar,�� ].3�,n;d hea;� .-.= ;yv���oi�t . �:�c�?a, Mai�c�irvg R,qa'a�s �� �lajor�ht�s a¢id �t�eme�n�deRzs �e , � reqg3ved an unvut��ia�i Fx�q� �he �+t tih,ei� G'#un�a�dian Caz s Asst�i;atn �� ed�O�'�' T�?, . Y, ,.. .. , wQu�ci V�e nn �P P??, cqio�r .�r !d�1�G'�.. GAlpu� I�- � um a x�a4�:xxn+pu�th I�a�- 1� �nd .!a o�ttes ax�e t�e � fake �at k �,1 4 �I ade, tivrc�a�th-ZaY�?�g Ce�reuxuanY -'" - and. daruce in �lYd�ar�ara �?�:l�s, �aw��xLg cmrd6s �ar L�l�ese l�and�, , �wi nat �e�ess:�ry fp2: :C�11n�in, I New Yar�, o� ��Itu�t'day, ,June a�,��.�����,. � 5, 1�6$, Tl�o �ti?eet c�nr�ys af ,our m�.- �' : -�s ha�s h'a,ct �gme+�t�s, c!al�qiu�^ �aa;�tY a��i cfi�um, IJ�f'wt+���'��' �k� to e �t4err}�cl d,onvz}. �o� v�am:�au�s ��� �� ,��,a. or,. w�.c+� �- ��e�asans, namc�l� �in�anxaial, Iat7i� ac��as wn Clin� and �.�opi�io� ,am;d df senuar i�iiay�+s arnd t��i?� p�r- h��V� ]�eer� Yeny ixnpqes'�,RV� amd er�ts' x�nite�est �a�d �,�aJ'a4tY �t�o :t�e well ?�'Ce'�v,e�d; ,tx� C�a'i.)me �f t'h�e b�.n�ii �rn�p�m�t t�o ;the Clin- taw�c P�el� �h;�y a.re nat nec�- ba�? S�r�r�ig Flai,a, ��a�de ��ncZ �a sary �� �t�t u!t ,h� �ic� n�ede�d vary �art ��pbi�ica.�ion. bo Iteg�p fih'�m 4�cu ie�d �anc� o1�f DeaLing wyi�Z �th�se reas�an;s the stre'qk�s -- �in�� T,he� a�tsu�l�t one Uy one, � tiv�auld Li'k� to er�- tif �tlhh;s w'i11 �b� 't�a;t S'�#naxci!�.3'; lig+hlte�n, a' �c�w �eaple �v�th some 3�un� 5�h !w11� k�e� �;Ghe�ia• l�st par- f�c�, Cwa:txtary ba same p�l�e'S �� ?�n4 �1?a?�'. views �Chi�s arga�nication is no� �� �oa ��he i��ons we have �o extii�n�ct �as quat�e�d �iy one mu, Ynargey: �i�e s`txe�eit cei�xs 'As n!oit Siouant "tlhere is �nlly om� �yd x�'�edecl aii�d vvbn't be &u��ort�d in ppena�ia�n in Climton�." ,�ri'c�' t'h� sex�u,a�' P1a�J"e� art�d p�as, Tk�e Marchur�g �aLs, a'1- erut�s �h�aV� �urned theix baoks �an, thou�h �at Su�p�o�t�d, �spend �'h�e axg�a�vizatiiqn; a Yery blea�lc, th�"ee xaWgh�ts a we,e�k �rapissin�g laak9mg futwt�e, v�ni�th yaurs brn11y an�d C�pl, k'red Zlhe NLarch!un�� I�.oyals are Conzm�. sl�,�k�e� far �the GlaavbQr� ��prar�g NLo.tnd�ay nv��t5 tryimg to Fair p�ar,axle Sarurd�ay, w�y�th tihe ga�aona_ !a gon�d dr�u,m s�atior�. m�ajo�^2�bt�!s; e4�Lo�ur p'arty an�ci Tuesday r�ught wo�'kzn�g w�i�tli s�,ix dmums av�aqla�ble. A ban�d? tee!n ju�vio,x mws,icia�ls a.n:d rriis�s- �Ur�,le�s�s �he sc�n:iak . zrvusiciam�s ing aver a dozen scnios (yaunig 1;urn �avc�r a m,e�w laaf bc�tnveea� peaple�) �az1d� adults, wll�a xeceiv- no�w a�1d S�atu2�day ��here w�ill �e e�d t�heix tna�ini�;g wi�t11 �he M�r- no b�and', If a charuge af m�in�cl chin�g I3,ay;als .and who have comeis over ��hese �e!o�sl�, co�n�- Ciiase�n ,to turn the�ir Ihgads and �aot y�aur �bam;d prresident, Jahm 1�aol�s an t'ti�e �oi�gamizahian, lea- W,ise, by k'rild!ay, even�i•nig foa d'�e- vfi�n�� t'heir �ba�lents �and 'u�t�ru- t,aiYs. mcri;ts to call�act dus�t a�t laon�e TP n�o�,�fii�c��ion af the Nia�g,a2�a. under t�ladir paren,ts' nose�s; F,a41!s, New Yo1�tc,tnip. �l�ad Ueen Wedne�s'd'ay �even.;ul�s are tak- r.e�ceiv�e�d saanex•, lhis would have en up �tryizig bo �i7ain �s�o�me netiv U��,n a �uond'erful tr�p and ex- pc�i�ou��n�a1 iro .re�ul�t �i�n �a col�our pel�i�e�ce �Pq'r �li� Marc;h,i•n� Roy. p�arty �af �ten. �arud tvfii;een to .als. 'Ilhey would be� �ble to �go twer�ty �major.ebti�s. `Phe nine po- �o �the USA a:nd rrialc� a nanne t�ntLal dmu�mm;ei�s ;and °sv�teem ,p�r �badm�sel�ves, liike St. M�a2y� juniar �horn lilohvers are try'in'g �y�s <tind aae ciaimig. YAu cam b�c�t h'az+d to �na�ke a U�am�d a�gk�,in; Uu�t ynaul ;boo�bs �tihat the St. MaYys w�i�haut �the ;he1p and knotiv- {�.�,n, recreaiib� co�un,ail, �ahel�r ledge af �s�ziior p�l�ayeis iYus ns senh,ar mus�ician�s am�d y�un�g ianpass�i(f��e. � � , �l�ay�rs' �vx"en�ts� tiv'o�u],d s�u��P�t' If �cy pr�fer tv turn fiheir them 100% — bu�t nat C)lirutrn�. backs an these youn�g mnxsician�s Wi�h a ciifferent �attitude (farge6tin�g �hey were !beginnc�;s fr�am. �lhe re�creait`uan co�mrrvi�ttee, ance themse'lves), Eine —�a�t s�en�iar musioians �and ybu�n�g sen- le�as�t i�� as �helpin�g tio ke�ep y�ow�g fi,ar mu�sac�ian�s and pare2�t�s t77e�.~e 17eople occwl>ie�d �a�nd �rff �t'h�e would be� anat�he�r Pine gnaup an streo�. Far the bvne�t of the t'l�e �,treets a� ��r�to� an�d �1se- recr�arbi�on cornrn�i�tiee �his �i:s, w1�es+e again. zt �,�i11 ta;lces mon- ��!hy �bh0re �h�as�n't be'en a}�ancl cy �Yor unifoi�mimg, equapment on!the: ,s�reat �thds ye� — ]a�c�k .and z•epaix+in�g; �hane oalls; �os- af �adult �and �sen�om yo-urug �l�ay- i:a�ge; banc� �+aam rent, �hyclra, ars and Uheir ��arerczts' a�te�rest. �Gr'an�spar�h.abion�, atc., eGc., e�c, The �ajarebte�s and colo�ux �',ar �the ben�f-it a� a lat of panty �w.h�o �sh.are ttle expense ��aple �tilv'a:s ha�s cast the director of ��h�ix uni,farms (the ban�d �are maney �aut of h'vs own _5hares nath:in�g of. �iheir ur�ifornn� pocltet tham we care ta abtem�xt ia�g), �a�re •ma,bile amd rea&y to ta. �aldd up, as wcld a� ca� v�eias do ,a •go'od jab �n,y�nherx•e, as wa112 �,�a �;�ar. as fiive �r �i�c cl�.~um�nen~s. Z'`fY`ey Unl�ss tlleme ms inare z�nterc��t h�ave �a�peared �in Clirvtom a�vd an�d swppart iram a11 eances�ne�d C�aderioh �his ye�r and a:x'� z yt,��11 scver all connectians wi�t� sla�e�d far Her�all a,nrl Landan bh�e �b'and, gri�v'ir�g t'hesz y�ou7vg in Jun'c ��d frhey wi71 be rcxce�,iv- peapi� m�are �i� an �iheir •h�an+ds ed --��rut no ba�n:d a�nd the re�- to Sun �the s!tse�ts. We wfild san ;hats� ibeen ginrem w'hy. �a�y �, �Itih itA�;e st�reet cor�ps Naw, acCoa�clinlg als�a to the go� ihz time be�iavg amd� i� t�hz recrea;tian co�nrrvutte�'s �ttiihvkin�g plesenl� atttitni'de and iri�teres�t i(s�onze �of �7h�e� mcnnbe�s — nat pens+is�ts� a�gai�n�s�t them �t�hey_ w'i�i� aPl), t)he �'ajorettes, calaur �e d7scen�CisLwe�d a7�sa. party ;ar'e rc�ce �hut nat �;e�cess�ry. G. A. W�N�[I Her�ce ti:�r��il owr b�ancl a�pe�aas D�ieaCar o� ��he s;tre�ts af Cliiritan we wii11 receive x�o gi;am�ts �o�f xnan,ie�: P%S. I�f so¢ne af rf�}ie �najore�tte's I�wauld �i�ce ia p,oasLt ou�t Uhat a�riPear �n S��bwr�day v✓eiY�h aw recervtly i�n �bhe Iaanelon p�aper m;ajare'��te Uaots ar �pats, xt�s a�pieLtitre af �he� Sarnetl S�t, b�cause we c�an;'t afifoa�d them, Mlary�s i3and (�w�hsch 2s su�pom;t- far ��aple� who are d'eem�e�d avort ed Uy �he t�awh and vi�cinii�y a n�'��'�'3'! ! r li�u.ndied pe,rcer�t), �appeared. Tt Clin;toa�, On�taxtiia is �oted �ihe vwai�d Uan�ci was May.31, 1965 us�ed ,but shoNvdd anly the calowr party. =T�me �ab���s �� �oonn� �.nd �a genar'a1 ptti�po�e av�ai:l'�,�ble� to your readiz�-g pitb��� I'll be 45 tl�is week. It's ane-o�' r�o�am far the use �f 'West Stan- Uie, those rath�s d�cisive Uirblyday�, lcy a�nd B�ay�i�ld �u;gils. Wh'e- " S�incei�ly, lit�e 13, and 21 an�d 30. Only 7.Q •6hem 1VLr. Bt�r.��ows relayed i;he �THEL POTI�, Chaiirmar� �'eaas bePa�e I'11 be midclle�-�a�g�d, �nessabc rern�ains� t;o be seen. 1VLR,S. P'HYLLIS � CLEAV� A gaad tirrie to suni wp. Wl��y daes your �di��oa�ial. in- F`LOR�NC� bDDL�I�'SON, One thing bhat strikes me ds far �that Uhe Eay�t�ield SOS :Coan- Secretazy the amaunt of juivI� a tellow can miLbee flaUly refused all Mr, �ay�fie�ld, Ont•critr • . colleat dn suc�h a 1nie�f s�a:m. I T3wi�raw'�s effaxts at mediatioai? 1VMia�y 31, 1965 ... came �iru�a the w�axld without a 1YLr. Burioiv,rs has n�ueT mex �I7ITORS' NO'iT: T.Ire lVews- S�itr.h ar a ni�cl�el. Anc� in� �rily v�.utli th�e� eainmv��tee� � a whoa�e, R:ecard �r�parte� assunz�ed Uha.t four �,nd a h�a,1t d'eca.dtxs, I h�,ve As �he tl�ree merivbers weme i,he Ul�re�e SOS �co�nrni�tee� mem- �,cquire�d a. num�bea� a�� s�;itches, 1�'av�iivg they tr�ied �ta ai*ran;ge '�ers vv�l�o �nek wii.�h Mr• Bux`- �bo�ui 400 niclzei�, a h!oitse vvl�th such �a (me.etiavg �bu� Mr. I3urs�o� rorw's wteu'e 5pe�'a�lUin�g far t+he full ��ya mo�tgag�s, a c�ar w�t�li 12 w�a�s unwiltittg to �ia a d�a�tie, camaniLi;ee. payimen�ts ta ga, twb teenage�+s ' ta �piut thmc�ugh uiuverrsity, am,�l Lei�ter �O �dl�'bi' � a w�if� curre�vtly tallring tu� tihe gloz�a�e� � aL an aut�an��uEic c�ish- washer. Former Sum�t�rh�ll Man Rem�n�s�es Not �a ���l�n a�n�s��l of furni�wre bhat's a11 due to b� re- . � • �l�tice�d, a �asement full o�� emp- And Ser��s �5.40 �or Jun�or Nock�y �� ��e2. �o��t���, a ���S.h�� �� o� �tsity tools and b�o�Icen b'i� Clinttln N�eiw's-k2.ecard morning we �la,'yed i.n tl�e �1� �'cTe�s, and aa� at�ic full o�f C1�in;tcYn, Oi2��u� arema an Clzrnto�. ar�r� �ere 'wkas, bla�k 5qu�xels. CSear Si:rs T b�1i�e+�e at leas�t �two� or ihree ]3ut � hav� na etiornplain�ts I'Te��.s� �incl eri�cJ.tysea my in�ch�es af t���r ori �he ie�;� o�f �batzt ],i�f�. 7 was the ruti�ti a�� rt'he �heque fbr $5,�0 bo lie dbm�,�ec� �'�rse� �ve �oti GSbb,ben•ed by tfl�,t 1�tte,r in aur �asivily, tai�td I'v� !:b ca:m�ai�gn un,delrvu�� rf:o 1a�5� cratic Chntali team which Z�e. bxaWn in�bo �a nri�agm5�fiic'e�ri�i �hysi�. °unds Po�r the J�unior '�D�� bT-T.A xr�ember in�clud�� su'paL staxs +a£ �aS 5��c�iin�n,,:bohvem�ing fit�e �at th�1'L• clay aitd age, suc� a� S1ci�n:- �ugh�t on �h�aC daY'�, an�l tippizig Ccatn. � 1�he s�ules �t a sii;�a�P9� 1$S an Z�elicve it m�i Sit tie �ppin'� ny Nt'utcli, Bzll Mu'��h, La�ri� �� vu.iui�ter o�ve�r�o�:t, �tzn� ta xet�urvrsCe� at this �tian�� r i�,rs. � Aavtl, �hat �, �be�a'tuxig t�li�ati Cac��k � bti 3s � go bAck ta my fmiut �ewai' Wi�, da �ase, •ul; wiaS a lot of tncagre rriach,irie has t�Iten in; 45 �t �ug�h sCriatl�x (+f�aViz�� �a'�.du�- fczn �tnd ,tiice ta r�ntehn.U�r t'h�i: y��s! i'v� U�eh se�a-sietc and z;t;erX frain S� Na. �.2 �cuiilie �� tili�at e�Y�a, Q1,ii�;�ton did have aii-si�l� ttixd lnv�-sicli. Y've �, »h�ar�l ��it Sui�nm�e;�niilt), w�ieri quiL•e a i'x� good players, �h^'e�l i�olle�� avar vn �. C�,r; cr�n�l�l�,m�decl - � awc��; Ke� .Iie Iads �rbtn summ�,r zill Z��d � E11io.tt, J'a�k B ie�ckey tN,alm asi�1 on 5ait,urd�'s Rark�, J'aclt Mwfi;cli and I3bss ve woui�d w�;11t t�rou�h an;ct 1vXa�rt�en �txr �ua�rrt� u�c�. CH�l.L� PC))Rfi�RAItS �lds��naw-cov�ed �plcf�zgh�: ' X�o�ins �ta1y� ( . a;�vtt pant�5 t�r Lrnlci�ss�ba� � + c . I ij� , �o t�a �tiat 'vilf�t� '�s cract� �:AX' (TZ�121 �V%AS�C71�' J � � � � J �J � 4J U � � ,�am W�Li�h, 7#�.�clu�e��l, H�aralr� . 2529 Gearge �1'v�. photl� 4��-�'QQb Ynerli I�r�d Samiy;�sbn a'nc� t��#i�e�rs, uri�br, brifi,�ia i7tfb I' also .rer��I �ane S�aturcUaY M'ay 26, �.965 _, . .. : in an a�irc27�ft, and suil�a,shecl into a steel bxsclge at �o+p s�k�ee�d an rrvy bil�e. I've k�een bea;Le�n irkto trn�cansciou�s�n�e�ss by a ga,n�g ofi �armans, an;ci hit wii;ih every- thing, fram a 1�eic�phone i�o. a plate aF i�aa,s�t beer� by m,y wife. Yet there's ha��clly a s�cratcl7 om ines Outw�ardJy. I'vc k�rblce�n fi•ngea�s a,n�l 1;oes i �sacl nose ('three �ircnesl, z'v�e h�ad h�arn;m�a�1lioiids a�hci ' h��gove�s, x've ha�d m;v soalp laid aFrea� Uy a hockey �tbicl� �.n�d a �horse�shqe, 1've had measles �nd rnunn�s ( Con��ri,wed a� �a�e 3 ) ��c►r.�. (��u�r :��.�� �'�.�:�� � . . , � . G'� A ai,e a� �z r'awa'Y �.y'�e �� ���r'�a .;�.�Q ,4� �e'��� fi7��4 a�i.nt�n, ��'1��1i� �Ttalitues �rim, xn�i�s�ian a��r�av'e�, .a �mat� �,� � .frLIN'10,N N�'�3' :��A, a�:��7:07,y N�'iWS-1�7�CO�LD u1 �upwre �,e ca?�,��S�o�n �� Jun� 6, y.$flp !,�,�px�cla�, J�uie „Fi, 194q will �a;s,e iY� h�r}cjle elec��*ica;i �P�i'� foatM s�2e. A largG cpm;i,'pam3' o,� men ��?�?��i��g fox th� �1� �g- N�aw P'�a�?' �._ as ' c�im e� o at �' ��'+� , .#:he n;tutXvuenu��g �tn�'eer� $Q an;�l ,�0 �mQzr;t, }s �, ..,� cm�ut},_ � . _. Tallking �.1'TuJ,e �.in � �a�h�.rac1 �t Ha,�m4J.t,�#� M�a�VLa�?.- G9dertch 'Wlhe��� a� exa�n�naz?g , > , �''�''� � �n�],c3 , O Cog�nar an� 7�,as�z Pri�ts. us' an VY�d:�,�tsk�aY '?�st �a I��IIP i�'aard h'as been se� up i'oa� �k�hcxs+e �i�CI h� ed tvv - i�, er'eG�t�in�g a, nlatnlnPuth �b'a�`r►. w�ishan�g to enli�t. Yesterdr�y ,. °�. . o ad. L� i5 !t�h�Rti ht :� h� !�he� la�gest affter" aan. .S t�le �' � �,- ditxom�al �teacher� tn �the st� �' �} au� Cas. .�� �. brztu�'i;�g ,th� `t�i�1 r}u�n�bc,r oF fyal�n ir� �Ghe �;ot�r#'s�i�. it be�rk� sez�t�d �x?�,�s�,f �be�are �1he Pro�,u-d �tnuaUs�ay� to x2. fi0 by 60 yvii#ih ,al�ut. �J fee}; Rs an�l was acsce�?ted'. �-Ie leaY+e,s fotZn,r��altliar� ur4dernc�th. �Mbnda�% �Pq�` Lqr}'dqn. �'ir, .�Ca��ile a�.i; Clin��on T�,n Cauncil, �Vi'u•. v��1.I: be missed �y th� Sc;awts. � : �.Q Y�ear A ,, Plurrim�r �k�u t�it W!�'S un- and �lime Da a�t,mexu� ` ,►.� g� �'h P �n�n�g flm'tr to vm�iaux�. youn,g Gat't�1e a`t�ems in :baWn. DLI11'TON N�WS-IiEQOXtiU coslvn',g,' ir} #�oan; ihe �c?untYy. I�$ Eh�Za�.d+g2'CSh Stoc�lc �"a7+ti1 W�a& , �tFtusda�, J'wie 2, x955 ��vas n,ot a�,c�i��h�iorly act, h,e the scene for an aµction �ale Chli�g Fe,�",and has a�cc te a �'A d . said, re�ce�.tly, �nd the �1a�ies �Ar+o�ir�- I?ost a� St. NTa?.yS. 1VT�, Fe�raa�i 'I7he w'h�5tllui " co�;cer� h��.�l� a ed meaLs fo�* t,hos� ca�r�ain�g :iron� Y;as b�ex� �he� hc�'acl af� fi,�e poi�iice � goac� audience l;a�t �hu�ts�day �. cl�is�a�ce. The Varna R�d it�rc.� for t+k�e Tow� a� Clinto¢i ni h� and was enjay.ect by all Gc°cys� is 65,Qa xiaher 'beoaz�se %i the g . . $ �a�st 1'our yeairs, He pr�sent, The w$is�lii���� c�P 1yIa�ss Q�f the :a�fqr�s oi tihe ��,dies, �akes uP hiiS nevy �uties rn� 1V�eManus w�a�s �'iult'Y �'APrediated �x+icQs i�n �he R.ed a��cl Wh�te August 1, as �ach bpm� she receiyed an �gp� ��� as fa1l�o+ws; ],5 az. A bnaitei fram Genema:� Caa,ch enc4re, I�ei W�Ls��i�g is �leatt�, �� �pea,s 10e; �alden Bantaln W�anlcs was dona,�ed by th�a.t swe�t � and mus�,eal an;d ye?�y ���; 2 cans far I9G • 6�chaice fiirm , to �the � Vallage af Hensa�ll �+le'a�an�t ta he�x, " juuc�y ler�;qns nWere 13c and 2 ta be s'old a:tzd �he proce�c]s �h,o A very inbexvs�ir�g juvenile lbs. Macambni Se1d foi: 1�c. be used bo nelp cleFray the aos,�t me�ing W�a�s he1c� on F'rkd'ay af �i�fiai�a.l fee equiPxrLerut •1�r � l�a�t in th� On�tarlio Streelt Meth- �� �!�a�.� A�O �h� lacal arc�na,. odist Ch�uTek� w'hen �� Lay�a1 Le, � r1 Miss PhylLis Hanley reee�in�ed -gi'om was o�n�an�izeci umcier �t1ie her B. A, at the graditzaiion a�us 'ce� of �Ch'� UCTW, �I.inety� C�INTON NL�'WS-ILECQRD i ,, � exe�+cise�s of the Un:iverszty af fon�x chil�en joined the� so:ciuc�ty June 1, 1950 . ���y�,to qn Tl�;a�,�sday, May 26. by si;gnirng the �t�cnp�ran�ce Q�I, Rog�r Bellmare, RCAF n plec��g.e�: S��art .ancl pi;tlay a:d�di�es- �Y'llis s ecializ� in, La�tin. s�s we�~e given �by Mr. Griffi,n, SUaUion Cliinton �wo�n; '$15,500 iu� � Bay�%ield Rategayers vuted 32 Rev. EcUge, Miis, Ealtcr antt Mis. �1i� 'Uig aace d'erby at ��sarn, �0 11 tio build a nc�w sehaol or� W. S. Harland, Eng�7lan�d. .�CpQ, B�]�lmare wan ihe �'he p're�serut site. Only 43 vaGes �tu'vrd �'ltice money with a 1�arse were cas�t aut o� a. passi`b1e 186 .t(v�ut was a"na�lc outsiclar" and am�d those w'h;o dud nat abtea��d or 55 Ye�r� A. o had �been quatad 40 ta 1'�art 4ne albstained fro�m; vot�ing cond'on� � s�ta�ge at �th�e �re-i�ace U�tting. the �o.utcame. "�-Ia�e we in �tli� ULINTO�T N�VI'S-ItECORD rz °d S. Wa�bsan, ole��k b� ma�ter d�oomed oiu• children af � Juuo 2, i910 51.'a�:ley �'awns�hip, was elected '25 years henee, ar soaner, r�o pz e's�id�lt �af the Hiuran C�uruty 6i�av�I by bus �ta �a can�soli'cba�ted ATany eibizens have Ueen in- 1VCunicipal OfFicers Assaci�a�ti�n. sChoal �somew'h�exe �in �11e cen!tre quirisng pf I�.�e w�hen t'h� muz- A pe�bit7on :h�a�s been drawn ug af Sitia�nley To�v✓�nshiip? If, sa bhe z�img rn cler ns l�ike�ly �o be' res- i� S'e�a�Yarth �and �a�ter �,t is sigm- Ul�a�me resbs squa�e7y om our ra.�nicled. 1'syoyinailal H�a1�li Q�- ed by the pra�el awUhoxii�ies, mt shaulders. Ii rtl�e schaal left ficer �Taclgebis �i�s au�harity fo� v✓�yll �Ue presentzd io the local B'ayfield, �ane max`e na�1 would bhe statamer�t �tha�t �he end fl's �h�atre chain, The c�rgan�izatian be'hannrn,ered in�ta �he coffin far nat yzt in�s�ighit, natwitllstanding x'�spons�ible for �li� pet2tion busiLnes's �and co�mimu�n�ity `l�e of �Gi1��at �h2 r.ail��aa�ds wiili bjr�t bhe cZai�rr�s ��thatt bao �grea� errup�a�si�s t�his vi�lla�ge" qu�r.te�d f�rom w�te }�an on dags an June J.5 arrd is bain�g p�laced an�sex and arime u�p �af ineebirng �vvhi�h toqlc �lace permit tik�e'm to be sh5ppe�d. �arid �bh�at 'tihe weste�rn �i.c�tures on May 26, 1�955. Liarry Fiawkins af Pomt A1- l��nt gat a w��ilc�Zn,i11 put up filvi�s �veel� �amd J�ake MaSier o� Ga,de- r�i'ch put it irutio s�ha�pe, There are at pregeualt 86 .'vn- nv�,ies at �k�e House o� �cyf�zge � on the Lon'd'an �baad. IVlas�t r�f �dcn are well alomg in y�ars; same are yauivg qr in t�he Zntii'ne af life, but ��th these Che li�ght a� irvtefilect �i�s dim, Arna�t�h�r enormaus re�duction in 1;he price af scziraol l�opl�s h�as been accam,pinshed by �he Or�t- ami:o G��vern�mervt. Pwb�ti.c schaol � primers have beest 2�dueecl in pni�ce fix'am lOc �a 4c, �i,rsi reacl- ers �fram 75c �0 6c, secand read- ers fram 20c �a 9c, �th'vr'd refa�.e�x°s firom 30c ta �4c an!d flonu th readers from 40e Lo 16c. Oogy books as�e d'on�m fro2n 7c t;o 2c. 40 `�ear�s A�o (JLINTON N�WS-Tt-EGORD Thurs@ay, �uno 4, 1925 F. Wo ANDREV�IS PHON� 482-3462 CL�NTON 21-2b Sen�ten,�c� S'e.rmerus: Is it Wor�th W+h;rle: . —Ta s�e�� roi�ne and. m�ney Bus�ness and Professionai acquiring 'habibs y�ou will be ���a��� �� Dire�ctory —To build gy7nm�a�sium� far bays � . amd� �girl�s �v�n� mide to s'choal? —Ta� get a �ab for a nn�an who pHOTOGRtAPHY INSURANCE is aErai�d ne wil-1 fand' work? —Ta expeat �a po:licem��n to be K. W. COL UH4UN hanest i� we asli f�r sn�cia� 1-1ADDEI�f's $YU��� Q f.avours'? PORTRAIT -- WEDpING ��SUR�INGE & REAL �STAT& To wave �he f��g -over des- and CFiII.DREN Phones: Offlce 482-9747 e�ct^ated ideals? 118 St. David's St. Res. 4t�-i804 Ftel�omt af N1a�y tes;ts held in ���� �r24_$78%� Gaderich JOFiIV WiSE, Satesman S. S, iVo. 4, St�aalley TaWn's'h'vp g_13p Phone 4$2-7265 school: in �rcles af matv,L-Ja�, 4Y�h-�Fi�ances �M'oss�op, Mary � iiP`Y'OR!°T�RY i"'�. C. �A�SQN "` Armstrong, N�ll,ie Paterson, ,7ac�lr Scaichzn�er, Clarence J �. ����SZ����� FI4^yt Mortflape Wloney Avallablo I3o�hr��r;. Jr: " 3rd - W'illie . %owest Current Inter�st Rates McCliaichey, C�1aclw�in Westlal�e; OPTOMETRlST INSUR,ANCB - REAL E3Tf►T� Ss, 2nc1'-,7a��n A;rm,str.ang, lvraria tvlaeedays and Wednesday� �tvv�srnaEN-rs H�ohner; Jr, 2ncZ-M�axie MeC1i,n- Phones: Ofifice 46?-9644 chey, ]3c��t Dur�rc, I,ogan Cle�ave; �TIO�T MEDZC� CENTRE Res. 48�-y787 Pi7�st C%ass - Be�a;t�.uce Hetis�on, 482-7010 Anma Cleave, Ke'ii;h. Westlal�e, ��AFQRTH OFFICE 5.27-1240 t"'{. �. FIARTLEY Gor.clon Scotchmar 4absen�t) ; LIF,E Il�TSURAN�E Prim,er=JdY�n Watsan, D�ra1d �. B. CLANCY, O.U. Planned Savings ... 1'ate���on. Toacher w��us '(%. J. •-- O�►'t'OM�TRt3T — .. Estate Analyais M'uss�lma.n. �or Appoin.tment CANADA LiFE A ra�st goose, laatci:n;g as i:E Phone 524•?:51 ASSUfiANCE CO. it ihad ju�st come� Pa�am the aven, GODERACH Clintan, Ontarlo l�ay on Lhe sid� af �he raad ne� ?g_� "— �I�al�mesville :1�� �saveral days . Al.UM9NUM PRODUCTS llatst we�k. Wha was a�t losi: a R. �/. ��(�� gaad c�u�nex an�d' lxaw? For Air-Master A.Iuminum ion�tesbora news; Mr. W. apTOME7'RtST boors and Windbws Bruh�sdan hais pwr�Yv�sed a 7ie�w �• Y, �RMSTRONG �� Conaulting Optometrl�t Rockwell �'ower TooIs �ora c�ar. alsb coun�cauar �• �ha s uar�. CODERI�CH JERVIS SA�ES Ad�a'm� has purahased �z new ���4-7661 R. L. Je�vis--G8 Alber�t $� Chevrol�t car. lffb ClMntoh--482-3390 Hea�rii�g A�lt� ��E:�'"i�'1C ��l�i�� e �lRST F�LIDAY pF �A�M MQN�'H F�ID�Y, �uN� � 1 p.h�. to 3 p.m, HOTEL �LIl�T`�1� a� ansolred rb Newcombe's Dru� Sf�a�re p • i� � Pho�e for �rbe �'lom� A.ppdint�nent SEI2VlCE TO AL� MAlCES OF �EARINC� AIp5 _ �, �. T�ED� �l��ING Alb S�R rCE �6 �q�ee St. �. , Kiiohenbr �..i..V.�.+ _ w�r _ , _, � �. M.�NAf�PER CHA�tTERED �lG�4UNTAI+�TS 55�+-�57 SnO(/U�TI-� S►,T`., � TEI.EPHtO�NE 17V��hll.H� �tYT. 52�'%wC12 ...�.�� �. �.. , � � �...�...`....... fiH� McKILLdP MI�TUAI FI�� I , NSURANCE COMPAN� Offioe -•- Maln 8trea! !4 � v.,, , �� S�ilFqFtT4�( � L�su�t s i � Mtl I . ,: ":��* � Tnwn CJweNings . alt C(asses of F�rm Prpp�rty . Summer Cottagea � . ChUrbhes, �chbo�e; Halis � �xth.nded c h v e r a g e #wind, ' ' ' si�nakc�, �uter daYn�ige, �a173k� o�a�ects� etC.) . �S alsb available� AGENT�: J9i4ies ��Ys, ��.,.5@�fortri;. V�, L�ne, Rii, 5, Sea, Earkri � Wizt. L�iper, J`r., �.�on�de�bom; Selvi�yn B�1c�, Bnx.sec�b; �iatiold Sq�lire�, G'�in:ton; Georg� �Coyrie, bublih; Doi�a'�d G. Ea�ban,