HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-05-27, Page 7OV THANKS
V of the sate Wal
due wishes to enc
a thaxilcs to their
to Drli, 4vNewland,
' of Cton 1?ub,
c3 to Rev. R. W.
We *,cube thls
rportunA7 to, t4anik all, out,
lartves and' friends who were
bind h► giving gifts and ex,
Mr P44, Mrs Wall
lururc?� amnourice tile
ty, Julie
thony Jude f i'ayek, son of
Mr. •and Mas,,,:Albert Hayek
of Kitchener, The ,edding
will tele place on Satur-
day, June 19, .at St. Joseph's
Churgh,: 011 nb . 21x
C. To UW
who, far uall the Years I Was in
Joseph Streoi'
, . Osis', gave me supreme ser,
vice and now being employed
y Adv, G, d, Heersinko Minister
Sultday" May 36
• I.bO� 'nxn-'-Service fn Englisix
1. 1 al'm•�^ E�big of J e l
behind closed' doors (seehvs tQ
be m my way of thirrkirig), a
300 #.M.-ScYtrday S"ettaoi
_ als
0.mk,�Gestiel Seridee
$tCyO tfs11:.'ltuxtsay-.Ptayrer
2 �>fJ LnS
forgotten service to the public,
As far' ane it Was . alyvays a must
Recent guests. with Mrs, J A,
Who recently retard from
the RCAF alter 25 year-.,: sem
.on my Christmas last for the
aClter 364 daiys of service, Once
McGill Shipley St„ Clinton,
were 112x•. and Mrs. d, E. McGail,
the to take e positdar with
again many rfalvaavlcs to a1i of
to all
Montve'al, Mrs. Mary Harl'
,the Research Division of the
: NORA and
Toronto, and G. A. Nether*y,
Electronics. Biv4ch at U:niver-.
FITZSIMON;S, 95 Park Street
$it y of Western Ontario. Ma'.
'Goderibh. 21ki
Eades has recently been sta-
DE �41'HS
Mr. and Mrs. D. A, Webster
of Princess St,, spent the week,
tinned at RCAF tatia Olin-
S n
ton, (RCAF Photo)
'TIGHE - In Clinton on Friday,
� ,
end in Dresden,
Maps 2% 1965, Mary Eileen,
Larry Levitt has accepted a
sister of Bernard sand Thomas
Position with Carter TV anal
'Tighe of Clinton,,Funeral ser-
,vices were held Monday, May
Radio in London,
Mr. and �4ts, Lloyd Johnston
Presented With
24 frown Ball and Mu'tch Fun-
and son Robert, Londono visited
n to
eral H'onme to St. Joseph's
where Requiem 110,
Sunday with her parents, Mr,
and Mrs, Thomas Leppington,
Mass was sung,Ivtermertin177
Spencer St' The Jahxstons
Clintn Cemetery.
also caUed on Mr. and Mrs. Al-
,MT. Arena!, was the inscrtip-
33EI&COM -- Suddenly -in Clin-
ber't Lelbdld and family, RR 2
'tion on a plaque presented tc
tan on Monday, May 24, 1965,
11arold Borden Beacom of
Ronald Riley left Wednesday
J. Howard Brutnsdon at Tuesday
evening's meeting of Clinton
IDondes+boro in his 60th year.
with his- 140 Cessna .alir=ailt on
Lions Club. '
Funeral Service from Beattie
an 1•,800 -mile flight by way of
The presentation, was made
Funeral Home on Wedriesday,
the USA to Lynn Lake, Mani-
by H. C. "Tub -by" Lawson, the
May 26. Intei•rraealt in Clinton,
toba, where he will be employed
only remaining -charter mem-
with Ci ituka Airways Limited'.
'ber of the club, on; behalf of
Ronald is. the son .of Mx. and
.the Lions Club, owners and
Mars, Percy Riley, God'dri:ch'
operators of Clinton Lions Ar,
Mr, and Mrs. George Postxna.,
RR 4 Clinton, celebrated their
Howard :has been manager of
25th Wedding Anniver's'ary
May 20. The couple
the arena for many years and
is always on the club's arena
has one daughter, Gentile, (Mrs,
Lockwood) and two sons, Ralph
coninuttee. He retires �thds' year
and Peter, all. of Clinton.
director of the Lions Club.
,Mr, Lawson spoke of How -
0-fz'om 1955 to aid's
In the ten yearsas
interest and. responsibility
1964 tonal registrations of mo- Years.
arena manager many
Howard is also the old-
{ r
tom vehicles in Canada increased est
member of the Lions.
l `
from 3,948,652 to nearly 6,450,-
Zlhe Lions Club last one of
oldest members last week
the passing of William. E.
Attend Your ChurchBefore
observing a minute's
for Mr. Perdue,, Lions
• President
,Duff Thompson said:
• •
doubt 'if I ever knew a more
This Sunday
-minded or younger -think-
m'an for avis age." Mr. Per-
was-prosident of the Clin-
AII Services on Daylight Saving Time ton
Lions for the 1947-48 term.
Robert Hunter reported on
'Clinton Recreation Com-
At the moment the rec
(.Baptist Federation of Canada) committee
is not requesting
Pastor: Craig Peters, B':A. fund's
from the service Clubs.
Sunday, May 30 In
previous' years the Lions had
10:00 a.m.-Sunday School -given
$200 to the.ree group.
11:15 a.m.: Fasnfly'Worship
John Laois brought a message
8:00 p.m: Bible ,Study Hour from
teen town that they owed
Subject: 'How Are Christians Different?' $80
in recut to the Legion. Teen
Saturday -8:30 -Friendship Group town;
;has not been holding reg -
meetings this season.
Lions activities in the nerd
include the arinual golf
Ontario Street United Church to
-ornament at Bayfleld-Clinton
on June 16 and a barbe-
�_ "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" cue-4bingo
in Clinton Community
Pastort REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. Pailk
on June 23.
Sunday, May 30
The Lions will canvass St,
+' k 10:30 am. -Sunday School Andrew's
Ward for the Clinton
11:00 a:m.- Sunday ,School Anniversary Cenotaph
o h Guest !Speaker: Rev. W. Me Carson
Committee on Mon-
3r of Londesboro. Music by Junior day,
lune 7.
Howard Brunsdon had his
8:00 p.m. Preparation and Reception Service son-in-law,
Clayton Dixon as a
TURNER'S guest
at the meeting. Mn Dix -
2:00 p.m, -Guest Speaker, Rev. W. Me Carson, T1s•
application for membership
Londesboro has
been approved.
3:00 p.m. --Sunday School
John Nediger won a special
- draw
ogle -.ilio-- alxitestiilleniteb Qtllrtrclie� won
prize and A. L. Colqulioun
the attendance draw prize..
Sunday, May 30
Both Services conducted by Rev. Arthur Jackson, Belgrave
9:45 a.m.-Sunday School
11:00 a.m.'--Ohurch Service
9:45 a.m.-Church Service
Rev. R. W. Wenham, L,Th., Rector
Mr. W. K Bishop, FRCO, ARCM, Organist
Sunday after Ascension Day - Sunday, May 34
8:00 a.m.-Holy Communion
B.A.C. Breakfast and Speaker
9:45 a.m.-Church School
11:00 a.m.-Morning Prayer
Tues., June 1 ---Ladies Guild, .Memorial Hall, 2:45 p.m,
The Rev. R, U. MacLean, B.A.;. Minister—
Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Director
Sunday, May 30
9:45 am. --Sunday School
10:45 a.m. Public Worship
Sunday, May 30
9145 &m. -Worship Service
11-.00 a,m -Sunday School
8:00 p.m. '"-Evening •Service
Speaker: Charlcl Shorten, Angola
Tuesday -4:06 p.m Vrayct Meeting and Bible Study
Subledtt "abd`s Good News Book of Romoms"
aChrisfian Reformed
Joseph Streoi'
Gospel Hell
y Adv, G, d, Heersinko Minister
Sultday" May 36
• I.bO� 'nxn-'-Service fn Englisix
1. 1 al'm•�^ E�big of J e l
2 30 p.m.--SenVibe bi Dutch
300 #.M.-ScYtrday S"ettaoi
Fi80 C x'Itomas, lfis>ien
0.mk,�Gestiel Seridee
$tCyO tfs11:.'ltuxtsay-.Ptayrer
bb !')3aick. bo God Hoiir'�•,
�7V"1U1��C5N>; VV>;L,COli+�E
P.6ac ing attd Bible
Oliver Jaques, Hensall, was
;lett ed Grand Master of the
loyal Black Knight's of Ontario
Lt Brampton last week. He held
he office of Deputy Grand
vlaster for two years prior to
his, appointment and has been
L Grand Lodge rhenmer for ten
'ears. A monster church service
vas held prior to the convention
Otehded by 600.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Murdock
end J. C. Curran, Hamilton and
&, and Mrs. Stan Rumble,
-jarry and Christine, Toronto,
vere holiidaY weekend guests
Nith..Mrs, J, R, Murdock, Gode-
°ich, where Mr; and Mrs. Wal
:e:r McBeath, Brumfield, and
Stan Love, Exeter, were dinner
ruests Sunday evening,
]. .y S tre - t i4 9 Pla.nT
h4rli .illi
n1j, qmwa
tluvnn P"016c Schoolscompete
Not, n Rullott �`uwnshi� Music st1 1
e i v 9R .per VW, H gllvway 4, comiing Aork> (S 4ntlnued frorp Page One) voices, 1?aa3'k. , ilowe
(Gankinued from kag (Trico. the l4ce would pay
p o xx}'ain ntex eotron, b 500 "and .the tree W{nnexs WIMP; :double ttxu!o, u der 25,-
tori-. of the pest of axing, curb- 1 Wp4d
we Can?taC t . l? utart ring, siat�ailcs, etn„ s a .con daily; Highway 4 from nou th, were seleptad _ .' FenW' USS, �0, SS 7, USS ., uniisgn•,
lane, but must alga b#nnlC of au.. netting lmk :project. heurly 5,000; Hi,ghwa, 8, froma. on13' ;after.rmuch dtietubexaton,� chbrnts, .over 25 -„SS 5, USS 5,
surrounding communities? �' � 3
Mr, Sunvtnls had dozens, of west, 3,800, Hl.ghwaY #; from As the .task sake the pro,
Idle nvayor 9pt'nnated that: quest2orrs to answer, east, 2;700; south
council ilk en do .,, onKing, r ':had been h sari amcl the Unison :alwrus, under 25--;55
Wal vv1 to lk. The possabiUit a1 A Se?"lrige Street, 1,540•.:south .an .Isaac g
Euuditoriuni emptied, a typical 7 .SS 6, $S 11; bay's polo, 7
astati'oo -a the site of the ,old Street, 400. chtldhaod recreation lyes lie�ax+d and under -+Michael Doran,.
any prropgisals,
'>lhe mayor loon-. on to past office has been :a sore spoi' if
Thompson -.hear asked firoml a young glixi. Wayne Lyon,
Doub ?x1ey;
"When we lot .good true coil tvi ma?y asu%entS for some df figure�5 were availa%le ;, +
gixrl s soQo, 13 and' u-der-�BettY
munioartions bekween "That's n lot of I . , foo .
kime,'" gommented :ibex"b $riche. three or four years froM naW Snea,, Glegyce Apdersign, Kathy
such as I have seen in Clinton, wAth good nol+m'aT r. t '.in he' nothing', you .know, to be truth,
we a un ha a ad- Duff `l' }?lxsp4 inquired ars to g. ow h t.... ful,'" she told frl'.ends. "They bale, Flq>~ence
am 1i9. .d to ...v- good . area, two -pant chorus' .under 25-- SS
ministitat1'on;, the average daily traffic count dant ever. give Yrnt a .bubkriq
'taken by the department of The following King and Is' , „ 6, SS 7 and USS 12 (tied?, 4S.
' 11 and USS 10 i tied)
Mu. Simms explained hili p ivighwrays at main corners, r Street merchants smoke: Lorne
posed street changes from a Mr Spintns came a with Salzman, of Idolise of Bar alis Winners Armour}ted g'irl's: solo, 11 and under -Cher
three -toot square sket1c11. He these figures from
a 1964 sur- store; Arnold Riley, ban ter;. Yl I? e, Helen Ando oai Mary
solid we must keep No, 4 and Will Whidden, Clinrtom 'Taxis; The H ' ebt oryvalshbp Council
MacGregor; boy"s solo, 14 aiR d
1x4. $ h'9ighrovaYs as tlrrauglz. • Fraillc VxariAltena, barber; ,As•t shield for the ochgol winmi ng under John Ryasana, Don Jew».
sets Clinton AuxiliaryColson and Grant Irwin of Clan, the higho'st number of poiruts i�tt, Bob Schneider:
-.vent to SS 7 Where. Mrs. Edaia ,
If -.rhe presenti past :office is ton Meat Market and George
Haclkwel l is the teacher. The Girls soler, 7 .and under-C�oa'Y
removed and Mary Stregt ex e1+ Lavis of Levis Contracting Ltd, . Biylsma Debbie WAll'ace u„
h- lt4sts Ldi
aeS Jack F -highest sole nark attained at , Ma.
tended out to Victoria (Hig , ulcher, the driver m. the festival was awarded to Col, re'en Longhutst; duet, under 25
way 4), the entrances to King st>r+uctor at CHSS, gave his teerx kelt SS 7 who 87 .Helen and Glenyce Andersbxr,
and Isaac would be cut off from Vlews,'of the proposed Plan. Mr, •, , . - , scared
At Zone Rall , i the 1 solo open class. Maren McEwing and Jenn Hui -
'the main owner. Entrance to „ � Tulcher was more concerned gu' s p n le Betty and a 1
these two streets wood be b The Ladies A,uxrlyary to Clm, wvth the sofa-. an le the Qlrnlex compebit ve sh?olds y,, e ty J Yore Snel ,
w l Y tan Branch 140 of the Tt lin' Y g of boys solo, 9 and under: Ricky
Mary Street plan; he sand. the actual inter* were wan by the fallowing: Snell, Richard deJong, }.?aui
way i the extnd Ki Canadian Legion Hullett Music Festival shield off Victoria and King and Isaac b'o'on was rhos'-. last section of No, 4 and S high , ChQy;
would form sone -way .rtxadf g Wednesday evening to 1.50 lad, Ways was more of a, problem for unison chorus from schools
circle. The proposal calls for a les of Zone 'C,1, Mrs. Douglas safety -wise than the K Ing -Isaac l ss, SS 7; Hut. Girl's solo, 12 and under--
(Marron) Andrews, president of area, le 25 vis or le
"green •spot„ at the present. en, .. , lett Township Federation shield JaYnie Snell, Jay Scott, Shelley
trance to Isaac off Huron Clanton Auxiliary, termed the George Lavis brought up for unison chorus from sch'aols Grange; girl's solo, 9 and under
Street, Another "green spot,, tnffalir as "a. very successful many questions pertai A ng to of over 25 •pupils,' SS 5; Hullett --Nancey Neal, Irene Mortarsici,
would be -the present V in front evening. the merrcliants. in the.' area, and Town�shlp Feder,611on shield for Ruth MacGregor; boy's .solo,. 11
P ,, -about -� � � I from schools of and .under-l�an Hulley, Bill de-
of the post dPfiice 'whncli would ];lever or the 12 tranches also 'his own business. two-part chox'us
extend further south where pre, were represerpted and gave re- r,„vs have an office and equip- 25 puprls or less, SS 6; Londes- Joing, Iden Jewitt; girl's solo, 14
sent post office building is now .ports, ment building on Isaac Street, boro Women's' Institute Shield and under Jennifer Grange,
situated, Delegates were welcomed by Mr. Lavis was quite definite for two -pact chorus, from sch- Betty Moss, Nancy Lapp and
The majority of the vier-. Mrs. Andrews; Ed Porter, vice- in his discussions that alternate cols of more than 25 pupils, Margaret Stewart, (tied).
chants. in the King and Isaac president of Clinton Legion; plans should be -submitted, with USS 5.
area were at the meeting and councillor Cameron Proctoa', and without the present post Summerhill Ladies Club
everyone of mean gave their� on service bureau office site. shield for double trio from sch-
personal views of the .•proposal officer, and Rev. R. U. Mac- Willard AilIcen, treasurer of cols of 25 pupils or less, USS
These were not at -all comple- Lean, padre of Clinton Legion.. the C of C, thanked Mr. Simms 10; Londes!bor'a Women's Inti,
merntary of the depwitment's 'Zone Commander Mrs, Eve, for his attendance, and George tote shield for d'oub<le trio from r.
proposal. lyn Carroll, Goderich, was, chair- Lavis thanked the chamber for schools of over 25 pupils, USS
Mr, Simms said, "It has been lady. - letting the King,Isaac street 5; and shield for Rhythm Band
proved in other cities that in a Special guest at the rally was merdahants express their views. Class, S'S 9.
shopping area of pedestrian's Mrs. Margaret Richardson, pant President Garron expressed, re- A complete list of all winners
provincial ,president, is as follows: R,nythm Band -
Itbusiness loos gone up' . a e't at the passing of William »
If the depaattment proposal Entertainment was provided E. Perdue, a vice-president of SS 9, SS 8, 5S 7; Two -pant •
is accepted it is possible that by Clinton ladies - Mrs. Rob the chamber. The president led chlorus, over 25--U-SS 5, SS 3,
-- ertt I-10muth, Mrs', Ernest Rad- the gathering in repeating the SS 5; girl's 901o, open -Colleen /
ford, Mrs, DennisBisback and- Lord's Prayer :as a tribute to Bell, Janette Merrill,Kaxen
Two Local Guides Mrs. WMIam Holland. Addison; double trio, over 25-
Mr. Perdue. The appoindariierit '
A special feature of the pro- of.a new vice-president was left USS 5, SS 3; duet, over 25-
Ge Certificatesgram was Miss Janet Goariall, with the C of C executive. Harris Sneil and Margaret Ste- /
Clinton, gvvlimg her speech which wart, Betty Mass• and Jennifer
won her second palace in the Grange, Kathy Dale and Donald
At Owen Sound senior high school division of Grand. Bend WI Jewitt; boy's solo for changed
the provinc a1 Legion public
Members of the Girl Guides speaking finals in Toronto on Entertains At
of Canada, Huronia Area, held May 14.
their first Gold Cord Certificate Branches represented were: Ouality
presentation, on Sunday, May 16 Go'derich, Seafortth, Exeter, Huronview Party
in Owen Sound at the Owen WiYngham, Kineardine, Brussels, t q
Sound Ca](leglate and Vocational Howilck, Blyth and Hensall. The Grand Bend Institute had
Institute,. Mrs. ' Stewart Dick ,gave the charge of the May birthday par- & Service
ti �
Thirteen Guides who earned Clinton auxiliary report. ty at Huronview on, May 19, �
the Gold Cord during the pant --o--- The celebrants this month
year were presented with their • •}• were Toren Cameron, George'
Y Kinettes Initiate Scout Henryedshmlan Mrs. "`'`" SPECIAL
Certificate b -Mr's. Donald , emry ' ,,, > "�s::�:�;; `.� "
Gum, Toronto, Ontario Provin-
Cummings, Mrs. Grigg, Oharles : cA MONEY SAVERS
tial Commissioner. Four of the Jeff, Mrs. Harvey, David Stir, _
girls are from Huron Division Two Kin Wives ray, James Turnbull, Matilda � u,� I'1. � ��N NEW 13013131 HAIR SPRAY
acid are Joanne Cook, Gademioh; • Grahams Bertha Cantelon Hen- .., i., .� �`v 11 -az,
Linda Nicholson, Clinton; C{len Into Membership` ry Pruss, Alonza Baechlem, Wil-
-oz. 990
Ia. Wade, RCAF Station; Clin�- son Arnvs!trong, John Kernag- GIANT AEROSOL
ton, and Ldis Simmons, Hensalll. The May 25 meeting of Clin- han, Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. � DEODORIZERS, 12 -oz. ...... 99c
The 500 guests were wel- ton Kinebte Club was held in Drennan. C MOST SPECIAL ON
comed by the Area Com iWsion- the IOOF Hall with 18 members A program conducted by Mrs.
or, Mrs. Parker Evans, Owen present: Roy Morenz, included a sing- IMPORTANT BATHING CAPS ,..........,,.,.79c
Sound. Greetings were brought Mrs. Cam Addison and Mrs. song led by Mrs. mason and NEW GREENFIELD
to the Girl Guides by Robert Peter Irwin were initiated into Mrs. Desjardme; a reading by THINGS. IN YOUR LIFE WEED PREVENTER ._$11.98
Rutherford, Mayor -of Owen the club and were presented Mrs. Morenz; skit by Mrs. Me -
Sound; E. Sergent, MLA, Pro- with thelir Kinette pins by pre'sii- Gill, Mrs, Desjard�ine, Mrs. .. , deserve the finest medi- L I STERI N E TOOTH PASTE
Vince of Ontario, and the Pro- dent Mrs. Bill Fink. The initia- Hamilton and Mrs. Mason; v;io- cal. care possible. The health Reg. 63c ........ Special 2 for 79c
vincial Commissioner. tion cereanany was conducted vin selections by Mrs. Desjarddne of your growing children NEW CUE TOOTH PASTE 69c
Miss Shirley Cameron, Torte by past presidents Mrs. Bill and Mr. Little; r'ead!ings by Mals. may depend upon it, That's FLUSH -A -BYES DISPOSABLE
onto, who has been active in Chawen, Mrs. itMait Edgar and Miss. G. Morenz, whywe suggest regular tam- DIAPERS -Handy for
Girl Guides for several years Wh-% Clarence Denomme. Gifts were distributed and Il p y your checkups b doctor, travelling Was guest speaker. In her most President-elect, Mrs. B1111 birthday eaike' and fruit bread ng ........ $1.29 & $2.49
interesting and entertaining ad- Fleming, reported on the busin- were served. You will enjoy far greater PET FOODS & MEDICINES
dress, Miss Cameron reminded es's and social aot�vities of the a peace of mind and help Always In Stock
the thirteen Gold Cord Guiders Kinsmen convention which was assure the good health of
that now ways the time for them -held in Buffalo, this past week." those you love. And when- SPECIAL BUY ON
to "stop look and listen', and The ninettes have volunteer- Classified Ads• ever you need a nrescription BOBBY PINS -375 pins for 1.25
there assess what they were go- ed to work with the patients of filled we're always ready to
ing to offer themselves, their the Ontario Hospital in the • ' serve you. Cameras -- Photo Finishing
country and society. Occupational Therapy Depart- Bring Quick Veterinary Medicines
At the conclusion of the Gere- ment on June 8, -
rnony a reception was held- for Hostesses . for the evening,
the Gold Cord Guides and were Mrs. Larry Jones and Mrs. Results
guests. - Gordon Grigg,
�./`7�E'DGIL[d A: d��C69SG!/l'G ((ItL /��[d-CI(/I/{I c.i�P• rrrl,�ir/!id
Let us assist you with your
plans for that all iniNortunt
wedding day.
• 11Tt�14,dT1ONS
rowr chuck of paper cloche, tyle �>
i iiia and dam
i1tklor .. .i
!**loos rbtw we4&a6,1nvlatienl,
�d aMohiociee ttrll� ob�lidewoe M' is
qw* 04 bft"ftfil of IiOm
fALW 11110,< "WAWM= 1110111111111111111 ON"
AM airs roM
t f News*Recowd
S4 A1600 Stmt Crinton
Phone 482-9511 Clinton, Ontario
'�VJERvir N G for
Pansies `Petunias •Marigolds
Snaps `Alyssum •Asters
Salvia' Carnations•Coleus
Stocks' Phlox 0 Zinnias
tomataes - cabbage - Peppers
Cauliflower Spanish Onions
Red Cabbage
..0 R
61 OKANOE IStREET CLINtbN - - 482.7012