HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-05-13, Page 80MUTIML PEW Dly BMLCHAMOR D- .0 40"Up'low "Mm q C, ,UAPTIVIT11 0 '00 "'AMNINO -orropoodent, APPUY REMCHAMPER-1.l ho a Barfield 38 St Jptio dvs., plqy A0vq, :ond. Job, Printing. , on.s;�,. ; lassif led �,k M pill pcqepted by the Bq yf io Id corrqpon4e 4, o wwc� 4aynol o! Iddy tery a w xr, #0 A00 W fm ,. . , , .., - 1, '"'t * � 11th A,!MQA o it, , W44 *0 hNq a fa kathe W T.'00 -ring temp -soaring tq 0.0 4P.- Pq AM 1. U c groes, .,t 4e weekend, the 4-4.r f�thZ'r, t #gn ' bloom 's w ano pph appupg, whq.; W W11W, We au -0 t1fil. I . . tog, -for 4 4v. *00,(k) e pgvoo ) -ak on flie trees.. AA ­ eVe pj pe etc tarn d !IWVO and A rig w ke to ILm 4.4 e*, "yMm know, ,who WM b W 4iTO'of §tnimPir, -5hk w e 'irgp -­wopro sing Pis oft.. wEl, PpinT Otay IZ, 4 anti' place. mor rewo#os at, their �cot- Mrs, Somes Miller and fen4Y, ThiAking, about it, Lgor came to the poncliWm that it isn't t4d68; Wallaceburg; , Mrs, James only houses upon which sprin d and sO74, Maa*dba, aM g sL,;emg to hpvo sWh an Wilsettling Among those spending a say He)ar off pet, or e #i. the yillagp, Were, Dlc� lnleaxi.(� - Kdneart'llnet le at A W. i6hd Mrs, , PsUk Iden�,Ack, who has re- 1hk f7he Ifut.11 &r instanco.,Luay starW ori program Bkriangbam, �Mb,;. Mr, and coh U*1,9ftYed from the OT fault "on abOut A month 99'0. One' YOOM * 'a twn% Was her Mrs. Xdm Cmon, Bwadley and Army t4) the RCAF coWd Opt iptent,, And. What haiV.ens? She hall prpVt1ca1dLy'-over ythjrag pa tri- 'TW bill tae - once! M don" Mr. and, Xrs, joqn the gatherl. b T�anci. Hotg ed, '%.at =on andfamily; VhQnea "fr&4 St. 'Jean, -Q­f And sometltiing In. the> aitmoOphere (or manufactmoe) must Woodstock W. and Ms. Carl where he -is st4ft Aed. have aiXected the, kitelim paint, Mcn;Ats quick4fting quaRties as McAuley and 0arnily, RexdaMx x. 44d'blrs. -Geowe Huni- related on the tin, Waved totalce eveAl&ngqr 1h"ith6 old-lias'h- Mr. and &&s. Jilm Fisher and mitt of,$tio Paul Brazil, Njwe raZ ioned handpimed paWbs to dry, And gq it behdove�d "AV' to FIXiank, St"r Agathe; and Mr, and Weeltend' &UeSts of Xr. and Walk clircuin$pectly in that area. Mi -s-, Mard Andrews, London., IvIrsk! H. Ha*, Or John Pearson returned home WAh the contents of the kitchen cupboarft, stnewn about the anr t.�sr- on Safuiffloy, ftni Qllnitorx° Pub - IBM Hi ns � M, S S 1% parlor', its, po easy task- to prepaire a me%:B"t by eating We- gm-iet Manson returned to Tor, lac I-Ibspltw; AIrs. F&ArSOn Wa's cooked ifbod's;boiling the elwtric kettle on e .droning ramp floor onto on Sunday after spending in the, bo= for the tea; was;Mng the dishes- one at a timest araWs lengM at all�f last week, eib the weekend with his. parents, for the kit6en sink and putting them +batk.on the diningramn, table; N�k and- bTr§, J. B., Higgins at son It. and family of 1JDn" Raping the'tea towel over fb e, ftlame of the Zower pot holder on a�laples�), edw The dbn VIAt .with over Ilie the pl6ure Wibtdow 1!rame to dry; "Uh" Is manalging very nicely. weelkend. Mr. and Mrs. S. I-1. I�ymnt Thi--d1ishes aweWt theonly things, which have come to rest on were 'in London two days 1'arA Mm. and'Aft. Reg Phuids the,diining room table, Oh, my. goodness, no! week. and. Mit-ion spent Sunddy in A -top Lucys perpetual muss on the end of the table- rest tWo - 001- UGyd Westlake, OPP Thamesford' with Mrs, Franc& , $Sr. -and Mrs. - James -�drs. *estlake, PUckY, Ca- parez"t's wlalldog sUcks — one, an old black tfiorn winch b.9ionged to h,�; and , Ma�,Wlanr " I father, and the oth% a codar which- was whittled by (.-�;arys therine and- Paul, Kltd)hener, rocim spent Siunday with her parents, I Mr. and Mrs. W., Bitlber, uncle. They were the.articlos moved out of the sun Shaxon� l�-ob,,&4 Maureen, of so it could be painted. and Mrs, M, Toms. Other guests includled, Mm. Toms' St, Thomas, spent the weekend Two maW bombs add to the variety to say nothing of un, sisters, Mrg. E. R.. Reid, of Gode- vltf their. cqttEtge. opened parcels, packages of see&, peppeftnins, a gold' PaIntrich and Ww.�. C. L. Guest of Mils Carolyn Downham ''If bomb, a camera, snapshots, etc., — dU adding to or subttlacting Guelph. Stratford, was the weekend frown,' onda.appetibb until -this fever of spring cle%a-Ang is Over TMss, Gayle Turner returned guest, of Mr. and Mrs., A. F. and things Are set in `their' proper places., on Tuesday ba the South, I-ruron ;96atcbmer. IV11r. and Mrs. R. E: Ashton Even "Mm's." Tolt hai sits anmg the -silver on. the side board Hospital, Evatw to. resume her " '' ior, of L v�ere at ,their home -the clothes �loiet haoing been painted white! training after spending, several . on , , . I daysi vOith her parents, Mr, and on'llb,,Wdl St this weekend is ft this wahg cleaning which, has attracted a pair of. car- AT Agss -Xktaret Smith, spent dinars to "The Hut"? They've been . n, around h;ere all ±g. Robert Turner. .. winter$ but ., Guests of Mr. and, Mrs.. F. - P. the weekend -with her pamnts, now that this pair hus, decided to get up "hodse keeping," the Arkeal ori -'SundW were their MT. and Mips. Lindsay Smith,. lady laird has ,been, banging andpeelc1bg at a. pmqe of glaag in the &lighters Vera and Rosemarie Shirley McFadden was seven east window of the sumtoni for over a week, rbo gain entrance, and their fanMes, Mr. and Mrs. ~s'cid on Saturday; her sis- Her attvWdve n-4& sits with ',her on The W111A&W sill, , Or, flies R, -Turner and Mr.. and Mrs. D, ters, Mary and Kathy and seven allound' and harvp on the WMAngwilre while talaing a look in Zogar, GodleAcb. other young ladies helped her from the south. I Mr. and Ms,. J. S. Rivers, celebrate at a party dv, the af- It has. been sUggested that the lady sees her shadow, 1, K . , ternoon. Those esent weiia, and: is ow &en� and A_Uan London, pr jea us, so attacks the image In the wandaw., But what of her Spent SaturdlaY with Mr. and Xw'hy Logan' Debby Pugh, mate? Although bels in, a atate of excitement, be dbes -not fight Aft. G. N. Rivers. Nancy Castle, Karen Gemein- M&I own, image. Of course, ;tit sould be that he, has a loving eye' Mr. -and Mrs. H. H. Ormond hardt, Valole Meaner, "Jackle and sees accompanied by Mrs.. A Roeneand Sandra, Telford. only anather ifemaie, equaW as attmetive as his own ' - Mr, , and- Mrs. "A. E. Lewis, little wife. Jcftfston spent several,'.4 S Detroit last week, kA�61=dng on Toronto, •and, Mrs. Philps and Our feathered Mends are allback at "The 'Hut"-. On ATay ss her daughter Carolyn of Lon - Kr. House Wren arrived and started looking over the various don, were weekend guests of apaAftnents. Since the weather has turned warrr4 be is just ws- F, McFa,"dem bursting With song. On May 9, Lucy heard Jennie Wren's scolding jt. Ladies 1,`r&-=sc R. G. Hunter and her voke. I'-adiaps her lost ye!=s house didnt pleasti her as 11W mother, Mrs. Charles Rogers, cWt ile= ft out last autumn. Hwever,ft has proved spent the weekend in the vil- pcpcaw wvth sparrows, starlings and a Dmme woodpecker. None Plan Events lage. of which could squeeze in desfPite their effmAs. Rev. and -Mrs. H. G. E. Crorft Also on May 3, which U Aiather an early dlatt, ffior Wrens to At, Dessert Meet, returned to Moortawn on Wed - return, Luicy's spouse identified, a Blue -gray GnatcatcheW an our A,.0 ' i4y nesday, after visitingMrs. Cws- "U%bouels che�jr tree. This Is the first time he has seen one. . BURN the meet-, W% sister; Mrs..J. Howard, nut week hd 9DW a Crested My catcher and a Hunuming, 13hvd in ing off the Ladies' Guild a St. ice Foldaiy.. Nancy Baav4ek, the gammen: Mark'�s Anglican. Church was London, was also, with them for kliGheld at the home of Mrs. Lloyd the week6nd. y morning when sh6 awdkebed, Lucy heard the Cat Flumphreys. Mlere was a good Wk.. M J, M. Atkinson, Bird imitating and I's. a cardinal Whistling ML§Iove smg. Where will �he attendance for this dessert St. Cl9r, Shores, Michigan, Cat Bird, nest U& year, she wonders — the clump of lilacs by the ineeMng. kitc1hen Windaw Which sho'chose last year was rooted' 'out lastspent last Week at -their home Ball. She alsto heard tho Oriole one day, Previously, "Mr." hind preddeint, Mrs- Lloyd hiad on Colina St. Hunl0hT01s, opened the meeting Dr. aild MTs. J. R Jowett, reported seeing the Brown Thrasher and a ]�Iernut Thant in with a byrnn with accordion Clinton Ohlb came ' that wildemoss; behind the cedar and Mat hedges. on Satur- a,cconVaniment played by Mrs. day to visit their aunts, Mrs. The juncos have disappeared from the scene — probably to Gordon, R. Taylor, who also C. W. Brown and Mrs. A. A. ,northern areias. An odd Chickadee as still about but they have favoured wfth an accorftn solo. Armstrong. for the most -part repailred to thick bush. Only o0e pair of car- The Serlipturo Les -ton was . I -toward Burt :And children dinos comes to the feeding station now to (looklonginglY towards read' by Ws. Thomas Haggitt. at their home on Sarnia the, house for simSower seeds. A f aray of bronze ;, tcicles have •An interesting Bible study on were St. for the weekend. learned that "Mr." puts out such delicacies flor the Cardinals Peter Was given by Mrs. For- Irvine Pease, anct his sister, late in the evening and so they hang around, too, at that time. dyce Clark. Mrs. Jack Bmatn, Janet and begrudiges the starlings' food but they have haunted the The mission study book was Carol, speht the weekend at the place all winter, and With-�the sparrows fed on wheat. taken from the chapter on In- Pease home an the village. 8pHng which, has been so cold this year, seems a. bit un- dish Work done 'by the W.A. settled, too: Suddenly it has gonei wild and jumped into summer. and was ably given by Mrs. As ta result there is no succession of bloom, All the flowering Thomas Haggitt, A, her aaw seem to be out at once The Pry'-ddent to6k charge f -f bulbs Which Lucy views fror BRUCEFIELD in one glorious array — except about 200 crocuses Which the the business period and the n -in - "Easter -burmy" as -her spouse dubs the cottontail rabbits'about ute8 were accLapted as read by Mr and M-0. Ray ;Masan, thei garden, dilopped to, the ground. (A border* Pence and also the secretary, Un. John Dlaer. with a repellent fafled-to deter these dear 1"e pests. The treasurer, Mrs, Gordon R. WbTdsorf iver,� guests of Mrs. spraw5bg t they cl-lewe - MasbVs; parents, Mr. and M's. LUCY d9 told that di off her towering rA-unes and Jap_ Taylol, gave the financial state. Loritie Wilson over Mother's omica, That japo&,da has been trydng to grow for 15 years). Mont. Day weekend. Mrs. Humphreys reported' on Smiley, Exin, is vas - The weather has alSO added to the worries of the fUrnniers the Worlc done on the Rectory Lawrence Sm. and fruit. growers who cannot get on. the land for seeding, or at- 3131,yih and also spoke, of the iting With ftlends in the Village, spraying, at the proper time, Daily vacation Bible school to SmPuthy of the community So altogether, whether it be horses, housewives, bhds, tillers be held this summer in July. A is extended to. Mrs. Elsie For- rest in the loss of her slob, or the sto, hmit growers, hootidulturalists, or'LUcy s1fting in her suceeig!gful auction followed' the Nelson Forrest, London. Me (*air gi;i1g, directions — "at a thing 1s worth doing, Its worth meeting with Mrs, Ed, Davies was I . n undbi, on Tues- properly" is a motbct passed' on, �rom her their — there acting as; -auedoneer, Plans: were -ftW&ral , , day with interment in, BakCs seemis, to be A saft of wildness or rushingmade to hold the June about at this season A Cemet-AT. of the year 1 in &e church. Ualitisni Service A 13aptistrMl Service was held In the Brucedeld United chUr6 last Sundlay where tho.floillowilig ChjJ&*n Were "reteived inro the Wells Aoto Electric fmily aftd, were of Cod* Robert ndivaa, son of Mr. and mrs, Fred Lobib" David Aost, Nave Recently Installed C! Three-P.0110f on of Ntr• and Mrs. Edgar SbAit-, andRickeyLavern, Judy Lynn, Doiu% Louise" Uarsyn FWe, childreh of Mr. and Mrs. Wheel Balancer Ifir. 'old Mr,,. M. T`W!Wlell, The Newest, Mystimprovod I s I tatit Bt lahter -- Guaranteed Scitisfactioh :Ibndoh, visited over Iffie Week- end with Mrs. Twitchelll�-; i -Pit' Did You know That 11NInai -out of 'ran Caks" Need W661 Oblanchig? ebts, Ur. and Mrs. John as a Pat Why Not Ride In S.afe+y, Comfort and Ecbhoroy tett Lowrdon 1169pit7al. W Tdylbrlfifat bee taken to, St. �'.Togdiii's llotPltal iatrhwi LO]Adoil, for fukiller trL on her ankle Wfikh *b'!§­bhdkV ELL'S I AUTO ELCTIC injured' inan accident last *ft0It ftLkeg fwm three-. tty 12 X "tabde to- tb* tidies` ft ori wE bL1NtbN06 M6St UP�t6-E$Atit tVNik;00 tH60 $riow, and ice than It tAks ion di"5'' oorrc't�efe '`lie expert driver keepj bit �16a.gt on& iddt 166gth, io M409 , '�=- i 'N b6hv6h hirn,and tho 614LY 54 XING SL UNTO t6f4bd6 0R6bUdt6,-466b VtAh IrtAft-6 for eacil vov bou. TH>W"tUL UALANdiNd hilowance should 'be aft&'--aged- t6 06h 'Tn�` stoft'' i4 high WEST PHON9,492,4851 oil Appoxy -*-Lots- And after dark, BAYFI LD SCOUT NE" ROY $0011t$ aA4,001 Guides spent the 0100WOR 44:SoRrow, May I, x,4&3.ng and A enift r, , � . , , aft0000n, stoped. word-. The w0ek17 meotin g was held on Tuesday, May 4. Bconts The MR14 f04hWe of the reg- Ulm, Meeting W,4p' pr4par4tiM Of skft� for the Father =d ',on outs. The Pack; hejd, thor XAeetng on, may 4 w#h Raffle', 1pstr-ac' whi�and Ave 0411R-firp around the Cubs pr4ptiqed 'o -kits fair ft Eather j*d ,Som. night. XcUMA 1Pckert and Wally Pier. ;5m Passed sepopd,star tests In - 4. 14 0 $a­y1fie0!dC46s $how,Offf Thqir,Staws AS 'am`9-41re diman , the evening aoirtyities ended w4h Three Bayfleld COs received their $,econd the Grand Howl and Cub pray, — . Stains at the Father and Son Banquet held last week,Seen h here are Brian Koene, Brad Turner 0 ,a Pierson they display thei r rowoxcls. Hensall •as Ladles forWally' 0, 4 job well done. Perth D*i$trict Sc mmissioner out Co' AukillaryMeet. waak UENSALL —, Me May meetr r. At Ba yfleld Scout, Bannuet mg of theHensall Legion La4jes . , -11,� . 3 had lAoYd Henn, Ex, BAYFIEILD W/ednesday, "older Boy" program andpoint- , ter, av "the guest speaker. I -le May.5.,'W,ag a, memorabi.e'even- ed out that the "jet -age 11 boy crowed -a R..wnu on, cancer to 9, lulatrate W4 talk. in g - for BwAeld Cub's and Scouts- their fathers. had &iterests ranging far be` yond those visualized by the Penny sale tickets, are on and A Vather and Son Banquet founder, Lord, Baden, Baer War Veteran, He.urgedMxt;Y-Ave sale now with the draw for, over inizes donated by "is spmlvored= by the Ladies. the Tathers, to play their part klensall and 'nets' tract merchants to, be mo�de Friday, May 28 Auxigiary With catering by the ladles of the Talfilty Cufld. by active patilcipation in fur- thering the work of the argon- Plans were (Made for m eW� ers . The pro ran opened, with ',jb lzatlon, and cited various ways to aittend the Zone Rally at Clibbon,Way 19. A donation of nag Breilt y the Troop and In, which this should be done. $10 was made to the Cancer diver was preceded by Grace Bo1g. P. A. Clift, on behalf of. Pund� Members collected $216. satdby�lkev. :Qf,J. I� Haralson? After the, Toast, tot the Queen aft, present,'thanked the speaker for his interesting and conks ue- &a, the Red Cross in -a recent canvats.5 by the the. chqjrman� George, Bell- tive address. members, it was reported. cbambW briefly' outlined the A n=ber. _ of skits, for the History of the. 1st' Dayfidd entertainment of, the fathers, Group, named leaders and were performedby the Cub end group committee members and Scout SIXES end Patrols. thanked the ladids for prepar- This, wasfollowed by presm. ing the banquert. - , trations by DC Gailaak and CM A Toast to the Fathers by MacVJcW, Scout 110ine Memer was T03- Sercond Sitars were awarded lowed with -a reply on behalf of t(y Brian Koene, Bradley Turner the, fathers, by L, R. Maloney- and Wally Pleu%on; Proficiency 99/ft AWE V. MF I-readfiable guests introduced badges, ,Taymgker," went to I Wry C4#17 'M by the chairman were 1. V. Mch&,& Eckert al id Bradley * MaelntOsh, St. Mary's', Jack Turner; and "House orderly" to YOU Gallant, DC Huron District and Brian Koene. 7 CW440 son Stephen; Rev. E. J. B. Har- The evening was closedwhen 4 -son; Rev. A. G. Pease and ithe bene(Mation was pronounced son, Robert; Cub Instructors by -Rev. A. G. Pease and the- -Miss Tem7 KabVitar and -Miss plag, was lowered by the Troop. Lynda Piersbn; SM Percy Reh,- ner ,and son Daviid; CM Jad4z WacViibar; ASM RayScotch- WOOL mer; and Scout Neil Bellcham- ber. The second half of the pro- JACKSON gram commenced with Jack JACKMER ER PRop. I GaUant DC for Huron, Intra -ASS ALUMINUM LTD. "All MECHANIC dVaffik. the guest speaker, 1. V. (L&1�y) Macintosh, who is the-, SEAOORTH' District Commussioner of the Perth District. is collecting wool for grading Mr. Macintosh spoke on, the and sale on the 00 -operative GET TAN SLOWLY, IT'S SAFER It is a great mistake to try for that oDat of tan an yofir first few days of vacation-. You maybe badly burned V you &e bxpo6vd "to direct sunshine in the hottest part -a ihe day. Don't go out in the he4t with- out covering' head and shoul- deft. Use a good sun tan lotion mid caution gh sunbathing. CKNX television PRESENTS . . . plan. Shippers inay obtain sacks and twine free of charge -frbrn the above or t6r Licensed Operators. Realize the highest returns for your wool, by patronizing your own Organization. Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers L111nited 40 St. Clair Avenue E., Toronto 7, Ontario. . . . AN ALL NEW LOOK AT TH8 NEWS LOCAL AND WORLD WIDE with John Strong , Cliff Robb John -Brent' — Roger Wett F Iinc1hC-4'al NOW$ I Markos 0, Sporfs 0 Com'Ing �Veifih News 0 Weather 0 MONDAY TO I FRIDAY 6.30 e7 80 e0rM 6 Television TUNIft IN At 6 O.M., Mb%j TUtS-i tHUft. & Fill. PbFt NbW ON cNANNF-L 4 by 060ULAA'b]�'MAN151 H Di.scoyer the unexped in O , . ntaTWs exciting -NoTtheast I Northeast )p your Ontario Is a land Of adventure . . . a family vacation« {and filled with history, natural wonders Pnd unparo 4 119led beauty. See the mammoth Sault Ste. Marie locks that give .ocean vessels entrance to Lake. Superior. Relax amid tfie splendour of Manitoulin Island... , Indian country, and a sportsman's paradise of hunting and fishing, Then visit North Boy,.goteway to the un, spoljecl beauty of Ontario's great north, Visit Cobalt, Timmins and Kirkland Lake, built on hidden treasures of precious minerals. 'See the mines Iry operation. Then on. post the "Arctic Watershed" beyond which. all waters flow to the Arctic Ocean, to Cochrane where Ontario Northland Railway's "Polar Bear Express" takes you on a day -long axcurslon to Moosonee on the James Bay frontier. Here you re. turn to the earliest days of the fur trade and visit Moose pse FddtQry, an out- post of the Hudson's Bay Company since 1673. We'd like to help you plan a reward - Ing Adventure Vacation in Ontario's exciting Northeast, Send us this couw pan and we'll mail you our Great Northeast Ontario Adventure Vacation booklet 124 pages in full colour), IN r-__ — — — — — - r Province of Ontario, Dept. of Tourism & Information, Parliament Buildings, Roon 1042 Toronto 2, Ontario, Please send me complete information onGreotNortheastOntorloAdventure Vacations. Name - Address _ Clfy�..Province— IL---— — — - JUWkA GROVE, BAYFIELD OPENING DANCE, FRIDAY, MAY 21 And Every Friday Night During The Season TENT and TRAILER RATES BY DAY, WEEK, MONTH or SEASON COIN-OPERATED LAUNDRY BOOTH and PICNIC FACILITIES FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE A. GARON, CLINTON 482-9216 OR DAYFIELD 804 1920b Growing Beans? � . Due to the Late Seeding this Year are you thinking of growing 'more Beans? MICKLE`S HAVE (1) Excellent Quality, High derrhina"Hoh Seed Available. (2) bean Contract's which Supply Seed, Fertil- izer Zer and liptath for your Complete Pro - (1) gptdiin for Weed Control. (4) Ndtristdn fertilizer at Competitive Not. (15) Up to date Handling Facilities (Iniptovdd Again'thit Year). (6) Kn6*16dob of Ddinbitic and 606i* Mat. kers. (Wo Visit our Customers 'and survey their needs). , FOR BEAN SUPPLIES AND MARKETING CONSID8R, MICKLE AS YOUR PLAC8 OF BUSINESS. E'6 L MICKLE & SON L I IMITED ­N9NSALL, Ontar"la phase 162i,17IL4