HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-05-13, Page 6... .. ....... . ........ .... U Page 0—; 1�i, 11,90, ARTICLE$ FOR -$, E ACCO *04COMMIPPATIONAut Co rDITrONI R; Adldisoxl FOR RANT FOR RENT'o,ogo s.T,U, Plicae 452-7606, AUTOS FOR $44 door jwrft 195,6 1W,TQK, 4 door, no� AFOWA196 FORD, :6 S in _taN j5e`i1W 1964 C-4 t Phonerasa 4 door sed 19b COMM WORK 4 EMPLOYMENT. WANTEP 13,XSz INCINBY THE �Ywn hone -lay In. tlowA Ime EIMMT A415)( $rrrjNQ- by hoax,4Y or *,pejg in -home week . Or mine 'For further ,infomiA­ tUlgtt times, .please lr4l. •z*!M�* wnp wAiwiTiFn u pni., I 00WA DIxwt- Aw�y, - 0E8k-+, 0 pt� phm wwn*hod, -p 4$2-13694t IQtfb page and ga:rde �br a Q, GUXTAIRS top we - I TM W,Mar�y 4"4 Spa.gslh xp..un -top.bo taggt* 0 CV115TOM SAW W 3�ztoo_,UW phoiie 482 0 .X I �k 1955 ME_TEQA, 'N tw, UN., ORX 0 19P ter, 17p,18-2 _X OT case;. WorR, FW -j or F`VP4q1SHXl) apartment, Stu bo_ W, th'ca. _th, lake to Wy until fq� PT 8, nowt PhOine '48 �,g� _ , Me Td� A00, zlo'handic�ap, dte j;aw- 2-7 te pon� 4��3443' ever #W ootico" 3�di I= wifikw P*A for IF gray, in good Con wq. S, :X I., 4ngs a`eilft F pm, De H�V109'1, 2�8):Mflb E, at 283, .games St, -4. r�. I MR �4� 482,32 19x erna, phone Mg. IT 2 16 W. 4 9138. ediaite, possession, R.C., Chu I I __� Richeueu Stlt .1% nlm� T. Wis, real. ent rM911 SHOW )PAIII-A E�U�aS, IN Sedan wt QKW(> n d rent, 9 ZEPHYP RX a BLOCK Br 4 �% 'y SMALL IF4q_.1 d, Phone 4 Bay fdoppo�sltg n P b 07%,7t 16 i9tfb ici ter,* Ulkip. W with VdAte W84 *vs,101w MP- WORK; dum.neys I Ali uto'.1ts, paid, AvAil# 4 now, od bot or re - 482 -9334. . . ..... firm pqol*1g Phone O*W, shhft; Paffoi; -Is, eage,oneoWerf oaIr in Al pokin ed;' openVqMivkbasemmts �".G'LAIIXQU, an bolo". a b1t, to Y�X 2 BEDMOX, Cottage w#4 'a arded, spiriog ditipt po � R. "W WANTE 4 W -buslIel, 9 o -48�-r.54 ago, 8 mill ovqW_0*nt&, 0, Pho�r _0 screle vatio, Tyndall, Brucef�eld; own CaAtou�'Ieaz$ to Y pn ._,.gin brli* or 't�m'. . " ­ i, 1, - I., ­ -.1 1— "' - . In bu us for , Am RMALE 3-31009 APARTNENT, fix wo 6 ed veft .goad Ay, a '18-0b ntshed, avaibblq now, lo*t jences, go , tipaoh, A phow Q;2 S Phone repair $64s. Cal 0 i.4tes, Seaftth able; weekly 1$2-7525, 19,20p —1lldb thane 130'Kft Street.,:F1 664.,. TABLE M01)9L TelwWon14" .RCA VIC-TIOR 1964 0AL"U, -482� POPULAR AVON COSWMCS w 1� f or *nth 0 J%. Phone 4 29 527-0504. 35tfb wilth, s povtql�le TV to Original 19,20 has 0 -mngs ta BmcefleK Plm suitable for, recreation room or ANTIQUE Che#,, of Dpqvmrs tand, giXd Working Con- A 16;090, _ i M 46wnstairs apa PL FURNISHEV, plectrte .4epted,2 BEDROOM _rt $j.5.0o,,--".F , " -inger 190$ ro - ustom ecm hope 482�M7� w�j6 wNte knobs, % --viddih mo- a Also a wr Sed*n, W" Ting,5, convenient hours Ment, available June 1. y C. LEVE.TT"S ELECTRIQi IV, - X . Home and -4 to RaMo, Ille0afts, Jondoi,�; aiild.newlY decorated; also un- r ern yen bed, spmnp and Washer, Kvmautomatic wibb. Mai I� mattress. 'Marie Elliott 482- and timer good condi- 1961,CH Axii4sheill' 2 bedroom. Phone 105 Ratt"IbUTY St. or, EV, 13,K AAr e ',a. 4 Ave pum or liw. Motors I R Tyndall. 8tfb 4132�9642 in niorAings QUICK FREZ tion�$25i Phone �482-7656. 1 Rewound and Repaired e 482-9w8l OY 194 9b v -,thra 451-W �3�2 np and eveninis. 4jo. tePDOD. made oy Gjl_ 1959. bn Sale* 440, Sel VANDAMME APARTMENTS- C A YOURCLINTON. The only Home 11reezer with . QM 11.4, �M Blq=l ­ LAWN . APAW $�wd RE -PAINT =04 �­I)Oqr Hardtop, IL39 ERW,$T., CLIN furi�hedpr� unfu jM=pd 'nit with Lowe Biros. Np rMth ra )BIcycRes, menls�iand -pto. . , d1lo, � -, PHONE 489-6640 CASE TER and general -qffi�e price :1,_ jaE .1100-MAPARTMENTfor 10 years guarantee a44 IFood 95; juvenile girl's and b� Lac High Qlos�s Enamel; differ, 1959 oBUICK Sedan, radio. 13M clerk required mft floor apartment$, 15d.b rent, furnished or unfurnished, ��olll typing "I age Insurance. - jur4ow &10 ent colors, quarbT,,r,�hg, 3 R .$69 and $65*per $4595 S and 69yi, 17 eepdng, ivi .85 foie 19 58, po INTr . _AX kutomatip, .6- of bookk - newly Te-doomiated. en 164X723 p". It. 14:95" sidewma-lk bicycles, g%rils 2 75 - also half pr s�, reg, 1,30 , wit SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED shot. and 4n 8 6, 1 cyl h, adVaptQe Mush trav�e, 73,EastSt. Reasonably Priced TIAGE in Baygeld, fuvpbh Phone 2: 1 boy's, $39.9-5, at ELLWOOD ;for $5c. We also have O�he Modern equipment used, be good character, trust - 00 s o�l heated; 9858 eveuliigs' an( r 1958 MR; Sedbz d Or weekends, 14tfb MARKET j5pips, 8b K n 'St., D special. All Work �,g Clin s of guoa%ntesod, 3 bedroom PETER'S MEAT i p#lnts to qjw, Ropm lot Wor, Inteallgentandagourtite Two BEDROOM furnish `0% wallpaper; other 1957 CKI�V. Sedan, wildi, raddo. and, the public . we moble Phone ed or i9b phone 48�-9622. 19 -tyapqrs. reduced Write or , phone- Permanent 492-7057. 10 Pf b" fted apartment. Al- M. -to, clear' D, A? KAY,& $ON, LOUIS BLAKE I , pa position . , on =0 eX_ 'XILAL-011 9treet. MI QPPoVtA-.n1,tY dor a&an- 3 ROOM FURNISHED mart- a a apailtment; Cent ROY fl. MANN S, RA ?" 11rullssells AUTOS, FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE Phone 420wo, Brus" ce to right person. ment, newly decorate trIal 10 46 PAncer4 St. IogW ceepy in ownhandwriting or air gas heated. Appb, 482-6610 Phone 482.9005- 18tfb ARTICLES 'WAtATED SPECIALS in person to Clinton (5= - or 227 Huron St. 7tth GROUND FLOOR I bedroom. 'OUR LOT IS AS CROWDED AS THIS AD' THISNEEK Broken or Cracked mufiity Credit Union Ltd' Box FLOOR ati- he Idt_ GOOD USED Baby Stroller. 310, Clinton, Ontario,, SiMAI;L GROUND F, arted, aVartgnent, modern White, Rps '.Windows? artment, . -,heated reasonable Chen, bath, nearly new stove, Phone 4,82 -*,9778' 19,b e Seryice Station rent. Call 482-1366i, after 5 pm.', reft4gerator, washing Machine; THESE UNTS WILL BE SOLD :zo" HURON STREET 49tfb broadlpoiA, garage. Phone AVZS .1 PIANOS WANTED. Any om- HELP WANTED d London 434- diffion, State he make and CLINTON Wood or Alum* WHma, Radford asking price. 'go -MALE M- ATED AXPARTI�MNT, suit- 6611 or Godericti 524-7270.18tf.b 1964 Pontlap"6 cyl., 4 door, radio, still in warranty, A54301 $2299 Box 1 19b able AV omple 1 -bedroom-, Mr- 1964 Plymouth V8,.2 dr.,y automatic, radio, OPP cruiser $2450 Clinton News -Record. 1.9-22p ing TDOM, duk�hen and bath. MODERN 3 -Bedroom Apart- 1964. Pontiac 4 dr., V�, automatic, radio, under warranty Sash.. MAN to look after 20,000 chitk. Apply MCF4W411's Store. 40tf-b meant, in a nearly -new druplex - A53858 $2475 PLAY -ER PL�NOS, -ordinary em,- Apply 524-7002 or 524- 9 R* moll itate pri-ce and BOARD AND ROOM ALL SIZES dWell]ing iij.Clintoln, unfurnissh, 1963 Bu.lck Wildcat, fully eqt ned- A53903 $2995 I�LOOS' malls =strafe REPAIRED HERE 9934. 16th, 0oped, locally:owned' Deluxe 2 - be= apiiixtrnent ed "available IU �r '15�: Apply 1963 Pontiac Lhurentlan 4 dr., automatic, radio A56294 $2075 sAp; alio. old, cbnwirUble or cloth 'top car, Reply, Playelr,, ACCOMMODATION for..' Night m�� fo in Brucefield, shed -or, un- Mrs. L, W. Ldng, 229 James 1963 thev, 300 Super Sport, 4 on floor loaded for bear male r service etaflon. OR 17tfb A67671 $2799 Box 24 Xomo�ka or phone 471- boarders. Apply Charles Cun- CREST HARDWARE $195.00 per. month plus ciam- furnished Roasonable rent, Street, phone 482-7,858. 17-20P ningharGordonfi- 6d. j-1horie- 262-5047. 1963 Chev..!/2 ton fleetside-,Iong box, radio, 9000 miles 1677,, London,. mission, Must be bond)able• heat m, 118 Gor . n St., C Bull & Mutohitd Phone 482-6608 frImn 6 to 9 2, BED -ROOM upsltaLrs apart- C744471. $1650 ton. 16-19P APARTMENT furnished or un- ment roomy storage and Closet 1963 Buick Wildcat 4 dr., HT, bucket seats, must be driven --NONE"= �69 ALBE]kT ST., -CL11NiON •PM I I OR SALE Phone 482-9505 furnished, -heated, L. G. Went- space. Ae'jted, 'W1,11 -decorate A538V $2995 AUTOS F. ­ er, 200 High Street, phone 48 2- 44tfb EARN $30 to $50 -a week in where needed. Available now. 1963 Chev. V 2 ton, long box fleetside, 17,000 miles, chrome 6692. 39tfb cuarjes Ellwt, :0 Beech St. 1961 -VALUUiALL Victor de- BOARD AND ROOM. your spare-tAne. Noexperaerioe pkg. C74492 $1595 1 tPAIRIN WORK, necessary. We, will b�aln you. Istilb �)Pontiac Strato S old before recon- luxe. Ph -me 482-7606. 16-19p BR,,1,1211 1962 D - G PLACE, Phone 482-7016. edan. Thisoar offer WANTED EP K, work, repointmig, dbim- fi THE OLD WEBSTER ditioning $1395 1961 VOLKSWAGO1q, priced Write Rawlft -, Dept.E-169-LL, din:- neys repaired. phoi�e .527-1332. 4005 Pich-elleu. St.,. St. Henry, 4 bedrooms, living room, 'One BEDROOM apartments for �1969 Pontiac Laurentian 4 dr., top ri odel, bargain priced for quicksale. Phone 57113 Bay - and kitchen (pantry).; rent d -n Bayfield, Heated, fur- -9p YOUNG ­ CO 16t-fb Montreal. 19b � f . Heated, , 61996H $1595, field. LLEGE STUDFMIT IRM _4A _- .. . a S. 4egires roomami board for se -• r: m482� -9216. nished la- Phon 1962 Oldsmobile 89 hardtop, full power. Reduced.$200.00 $03 B6ZFfield' evening 71-WATCH'RE0, M, a, job for ,tr,s! or for sale A54615 $2195 1962 CONSUL, ]ow ati v rdile�zge,jarajl weeks m4d ed tin LARGE 2 -Bedroom, comp 0y 6641 or 271-230$ Re -.190 Pontiac Strato - Chief sedan, radio, 33,000 mites es A58930 $1695 good' condition. Phone 527-11021 town. Phone Bruce =1017SI-10tel experts. Our Work assures YOUi PART-TIME HELP self-contained, apartment, free verse dharges. Ideal for RCAF 1962,Acadian Beauinont Hardtop, 4 cyl.,, automatic A56094 $1195 i9ter 6 "pin, 1,9p Clinton, Room, 10. -I_gp satisfaction,. lCounters; Jewellery. laundry rawn facal ities equip- personnel. 14-21P 1961 Chev. Belair'sedan rebullt�motor, clean car A55604 $1450 Huron Caunty!sl Oldest ' Esta- WANTED FOR ped With -automatile washer6nd bligfied­JewellerY Store, 2QM 1961 Volkswagen Delux' WEEKENDS - dryer. Apply 201 King Street, e, a top usledafnall car A56248 $, 875 WEEKENDS- -SALE 1961 Chrysler Windsor Sedan, full power, radio, A13969 $1850. REMODELLING, renovations, Apt. 4 or phone 48�-9227. 17tft ARTICLES ,FOR 1961 Pontiac Laurentian -6 cyl. sedan, automatic, radio, low mooting and floor laying, expert- MUST BE OVER 25, GOOD t- mileage; A54868 $1575 odd, jobs around CHARACTER AND MODERN .2 Bedroom Apai ly. donet., All meat, unfurnished. - Avaflabje• BEATIY WASHERS - naw 1961 Valiant V200 Hardtop, slant 6, radio, sharp, compact ATTENTION the' home All cupboards HONEST.. now. Phone 482-6677. lgtf.b avalftable at T. A. Duttoki AP- - A54381 $1295 a speaaft�. Phone 482-7676. phances at. Brucefield, Open 1961 GMC Y2 ton -pickup"With racki, 19,000 miles, original- K-�n McNaim. 23Vb Phone' 482-6608' 3 BEDROOM house in 10PPen, even�ngs till '9. Vtfb - paint. 24Of3V $1250 19b 01,1'heated, reasonable Tent. A- 4 dr., 6 cyl., automatic, a I owner car. A56161 $1495 We Specialize In Phone 262-5047. DRAPERY PULL - RODS - 1961 Comet deluxe. 2 dr., automatic, radio, sharp economy -FARMER-QWIN vallable now, 18t1b Track, curtaq'n rods, venetkan car.. A56134 $1195 Furnace Installations Winds, banlbolD d1UPerles- *in- 1961 Chev, Impala 4 dr.,' HT, full power, reduced to sell. SEVERAL cans priced $2 Heating Service LOST LIVESTOCK FOR FARM HOUSE divided two daw blinds Pme estimates A54864 $1695' to $4. Phone 262-505. 19b Electric Wiring separate �self­cmtalned 24)ed- :,gliven. Dry Goods'. . 1961 -Anglia Deluxe 2 dr., 15,000 lady driven miles. $ 71jq 12 PIGS for Sal i 1. . e, Phone 482- Appliance Service LOST - Steer, about 900-1000 room apartmeiats, 2 miles south 23tfb 1961 -Pontiac Parisienne Convertible, fully equipped, fun, 196 CEDAR fence posts, ends :and Plumbing Installations lbs. from the farm a Ken of Bayfield on Highway 21.41 sun car. A54492 $1995 bl,�weposts. Clothes line posts� F Gibbings, R 4, Clinton. Phone Apply Melviin Greer, RR 3 CAREFREE HEATING -For 1,960 Pontiac Strato sedan, automatic, radio, whit6walls. 37 WETAL STARTED York & Lyle Montgornery, Holmes Eavestroughing- 482-7419. 19b Bay2eld. the only fuel oil insured against A54332 $1275 Landrace pigs. Phone 527-1167. Plione 482-7231. a I ex�lysiion, We. give - free. burner 19b CHUT5R..Plum6ing, & SON, 1960 Ford.Custom Coach, automatic, whitewalls. 3017E $ 995' 2 WHEEL LOST -part Shepherd & Collie TWO-BEDROOM ground "floor service. A. G. GRIGG 1960 Pontiac Laurentian Sed., automatic, sharp one owner stock trailer with Heatin Electric dog with choker .Chain, black apartment, n,6wV decorated,' phOne 482±411. 23tfb43tfb car. ' A54875 $1325 19 WEENED PIGS for sale' t"ght Plywood r'a&, Gordon gi tand- tan, colour *wn 14th cone. furnished and 'heated. Private - 1960 Chev. Biscayne sed., automatic; tinted wahleld A54205 $1175 Phone 482-3310, R'a'PhStrylker' Rathwoll, Phone 482-9421,� Clin- SALES & SERVICE Goderlich Twp. Reward. Phone -ilhg facilities. Avaift. VACUUM CLEANERS . 191) ton. • j9p 45 KING STREET;'CLYN-TON bath, wa9l 1960 Plymouth Belvedere Sed., VIRI, automatic, radio, re- 482-9839. 19P able *now. J*one 482 Sales and Service PHONE - 482-760 -3329. built motor. A55-154 $1295 � YEARLING CATTLE, 1161- BIRDSFOOT Trefoil, Empire LOST -•-a small boy's gray car- Repairs, hoses and bags for all ra" LO snakes of: vacuum cleaners 'and 1960 Ford Custom seda[n, 46,000 miles, real clean, 23119A $ 950 stein, Her6fo& orm. Phone 482- variety, 5 miles east Of Clinton, HELP WANTED d1gam lost an Monday between 1960' Pontiac Laurentian Sedan, V8, automatic, radio, one 9106. 19p Fiva *1 Fowler, RR 2 Seaforbh, Olialton Public School and the 1/�. A HOUSE for rent, unf urnish- polishers.. R6conditioned ma owner, A55489 $1395 ed 3 e 'a modem Con- hoes of all makes for sale. 1960 Dodge Pioneer Sedan,'V9, automatic, power steering, HOLSTEIN � gR--OWN Phone 482-3,377. 15 20p Credit Union building. Phone entrance, a- BOB vallable June I. I nnile, westofPhone Hensall 262-5350 40,000 miles. A54033 $1325, cow for *ale. Carryang second PIONEER Model, 11-10 on dis- Cli ve6i I 196 encZOMPrl�atUe PECK, Varna,, nton,Rec. 42-7668 Clinton on Highw�ay 8. Contact 1966 Pontiac Laurentian Sedan, 6 cyl., stick shift, "as is'? calif; due June 1. Wm. Living'- ]AaY. Other niodels.af now low - on., NEW PIANOS' A515106 $ 850 RR 2 Seefdrth. Phone er imIces. One Springfield- -gar- • MISCELLANEOUS - 1960 Chev. Belau Sedan, automa I . 527 - Barry Willson, 482,7439. 18tfb Many Makes. and Models automatic, radio, 46,000 miles 0365, 19p den tiller at Winter price, real TWO BEDROOM self Contain- New E16etrohoine Organs A54333 $1239' buy. Robert Glen- Pioneer, Saws. Committee T US REPAIR AND MAKE ed, -apartment for rent. Avail- A city stock i a quiet pleep- 1960 Meteor 6 cyl. sedah,. radid, sliarpi,jow mileage, one DLXALB Ready to lay pullets, Phone 482-9292, Cliriton, 18-9,�20 LE our rings and jewellery like Ou new. Diamond TIngs renewed able June 1. $55.00 per month. where we can gave y owner. A53956 $1095 call McKinley's Farm Vat- jul-res applications to fill Apply Aft. Catharine Axon, 21 and headaches too. Visit11960 Cbev. 140, series, 1!/z ion C&C, duals, ready to work $1195 cheries Ltd., Zurich. Phone CEDAR POSTS tor sale, pebled the following positions for the Meadowerest Rd., Toronto, 18, showroorns and see. for yourself. 1960 Pontiac Laurentian $edan, 6 cyl., stick,, 20,000 one ' . Hensall 262-2837. 44tb with 6-T1 and 5-611 -tops, 12 ft. summer season, and stones safely secured-dbWt BE 1-3-570. 19,19,20b 20b Tiradelns •accepted with liberal owner miles. A54530 $1395 braces, anchor postis; steel postq take chances, Expert work done 19�9 GMC C06634, C & C, 900 tires, just fair cab.AS IS DAIRY cows and helfers,&Prnig- 6 ft. and 7 ft. lengths harl-d- rebsonably toyour satiafaction, I I U1111awazILW. I 23002V $ 895 ers and milkers; We have On all wedghts. Mnburn� Store Watch repatrs and pearl re - 3 Bedroom House GARNET R. 'FARRIM R 1959 Ford Fairlane 500 hardtop, V8j automatic, power hand at aR times a good selec- Borden Brown, phone 5227.1387' strinlgiii1g. W. 9. Counter. Piano & Organ Sales & Service Swimming Pool 20tfb steering, A55065 $1095 tion of :hWors and mature COWS. Gas furnace, modern kitchen, VAiltechurch 1959 Pontiac Strato coach, 6 cyl. Ideal family car. A48355 $ 951) Convenient terms arranged. 3 -piece bath, full dining room, Phone 357-2068 Whighain - 1959 Chrysler Windsor 'Sedan, full power, radio, top con- "The Home of Better Dairy HURON COUNTY'S LEADING I SW-01MING POOL SUPER- Professional :floor laying of all 12-21P f=n equipment depot. Over VISOR kinds done reasonably. Recent IlAng room, sunpoith, gar- dition. A54105 $1060 Cows". George Nesbitt, Phone age. Block from uptown Ford .Custom Sedan, 6 cyl., radio, above average. 523-9439,, Blyth. We deliver. 9tfb 11 00 belts andbundireds of pal- 2 SWIMMING, INSTRUCTOR$ diploma graduate of the Am- Ava_ifi6le May 15. Best Varieties of 1959 p - lays, bearings, bolts, spawk, I ASSISTANT INSTRUCTOR strong Mooring Inst0ation A54263 879 4 LIFEGUARDS GUARDS Course. INIone, 482-1676 - Ken 1959 Pontidc Laurentian V8 Sedan, full power, radilo,. plugs, plow shares, etc. in stock Also AS IS. A58265 650 SERVICES at all times. John, Bach, I.I-1. Apply by letter, stat Ig qUali- MeNsIrn lotrb I LAWN FERTILIZER 1959 Meteor Ranchwagon, Mu. 527-0120, Seaforth fications and salary expected 9t be seen to be appreciated. SPRAY PAINTING bam Dealer, Ph to John Wise, secretally-tr0as- 2 Bedroom Apartment IN s1rock 91479X $1096 roofs, sides said fou-ndations. All 31t urer, Clinton Recreation Com- Mac.DONALD Spireader Loaned Free 1919 Oldsrihobi.le.4 dr. HT, full power, radio, good body. work guaranteed. Fred Brad- CEDAR rOA SALE - fence mittee, Box 389, Clinton. ELECTRIC With 3 -piece bath, modem 0 A58995 $ 895 ghaw, 191 West Gore St., Sti-,A- posts, end posts, brace poles, kitchen, la�rge !living toom, WITH PURCHASES 1959 Chevrolet Biscayne Sedan, automatic, needs body Motor Ue�ai.A and Ue-.Onding gas heat, unfurnished, ford, 932op pole -baa posts and also same House Wiring' reasonable rent,Work. A53607 $ 495 - fish cedar, silver' bUch and Service Calls H. F. Wettiaufer' 1059 Chev. Impala 2 dr. HT, automatic, radio, whitewalls,. DEAD -ANIMAL ash suitable for whidbread * Parks Available naw. etc. A55530 $1150 hedges. for len, 482-7702 20tib Feed Mill 1959 Chev, Belair 2 dr. HT). alltorilatio, radio, etc, A54879 $iogo ornaments or fur - rite Fred 1958 Chev, Biscayne Sedan, 6 cyl.) standard shift, decent REMOVAL th& InEbmation, wri I CARETAXEI R Phone 482-9649 MARY STREET body. A66996 $505 Tor DEAD or DISABLED Bell, AR 2 Goderich or phone T o b e grounft1r-tePet f o, r j)AjLy CAR RENTAL, rea- 19p, 19b 1958 ANIMALS Call collect 524-8011. also 'have some Clinton Community Park, H. sonable rates. M;gEE�S, Gode- A15358 $750 c appleslit$1.50 up. 11tib, R. 24- 9L 3tfb Pontiac Strath Sedan. Fully reconditioned. Hawldns Park and Alma rich, phone 15 1958 Chev. 6 cyl. auto. coach, a decent older car. A$5070 $495 j6. 91589X 48$0 Grove Pik; gras�; cutting and 1058 Ford Ranchw4gony away above avrg., I oWne DARLING good ap" general maintenance; duties to 1057 Mercury Hardtop, a mechanic's special. A68470 $265 NOTICE Commence ammediatoly. Apply NOTICE BARTLIFFS 1057 Meteor Niagara Sedan, good Va motor, needs body. & Company by letter or phone John Wise, Work, A11572 $125 Of Canada, Linilted 'L �� treasurer, daytinit WOULD the 1051 chev. Belair' Sedanj V8, autornatic, tops except for Am. NT15N FARMERS 1 Con- 't -met& person Who bor- 9P a paint sprayer frum Phone Cibiton 482-7269 482,9747 or, evenings 4-82-7265, rowed BAKIN6 tvaolls for picitling cucumber.4 'y body, A55163 $395 Licence 350�C_65 for the It. J. Heinz CO. Inlay, Blak&s Welding, lease return, 1056 Pontiac Sedan, 6 cyl:, runs goody looks like hell. A66719 $ 09 ob Johfi- 19p 19 ALWAYS 1056 106teor Sdiltin, V8 engine, decent body, lots amiles teff. $225 b4-- had by co B Playgrounds stozi, pholib 482-9135. LLOYD -8VTLER, Lictnte Bur - 1056 Ford Station WaJoh, VS engine a useful old' vehicle: 91506X $295 I r:6 PLAYGROUNI) LEADERS eatt has raloved to 147 Huron 1056 Chevrolet Sedan, good motor radio rest only junk. no- Duties to b&glzi July 6, Until Street, corner Of Huron and A56412 !� 39 ShAplOy Sts. 18,19b 1065 Moteor Coach. Never had It running. Traded on. lidw WANTED August U, 1965. Applicants old by June must be 16 yeaxs 1 Pontiac. A111687. $ 99 RON VISEIP,11 is your nowFkil- 1954 Chrysler New Yorker sedan. Pull power, good tidy: 5. Applications may be ler Brush tepresi_ntativ . I PASTURE, wanted Zot 2 WIU, 30, 196. 4� n. 856466 $105 TN Apply Elliott BurUlft, Clinton. obtained from' Robert Wa=4 Ooderleh Tomyfiship and Town 1954 Fargo i tort c&d with boom, 191) me 482-7663, and be return, .06 Clint an good tires, motor., 19967U $450 on. Rjuri F)IAer c old not later thAn May 20 to 1953 Chevrolet Sedan: JUNK - - - JUNKi Am!05 $ 15 U 1. - dl�n or 'I � be oontacbqd at 165 'Huron St. 952 GMC V2 ton pickup truck, one bWher# low mileag6. WOULD Lrf�E to buy hay 6. hl. Mr. ann, or Lphone 482-3434 before 9 am. Am vicinity. Phone grounds coAninittee of Clklt0n. C74748 $175 We are thipoing cattle cut M Base I or i0ter. 6 p.m. 14ttb F R '(640, Dodge Vz ton picktio,;deteht 61d motoilafid tires C74616 $. 66 avory Monday for United 482-7564, W. M. Gertits., 1 8,19 . P Red. Committee. 19b 1049 Pontiac Sedan, straight 8, automatic- eta. J87765 $ 15 1998 Packard -Steaight 8 Sedan "radio, 90,000 rfille� needs Co.6peratives of Ont. We PET STOCK rbstorlho, $266 will pick UP at yoUr f6rhi4 196S bIEMONSTRATORS Phone collect obt latet thtin Flowers 'COLLTE wid policO otiods 'pups. DA'. LY 0,bfitlac Parlsionhb VS 2 dr. 14Tj automatic, rikillb, etc, 8 months ,old, Free to anyone Gla6ler Grey: Wanting the0i, ElViet tdiultz, hij. 'discs, ft, t SEAFOR RS RFL 21 bint6h, 19P 1965 BUIck Special behj*6 �§bdhri) VO, aUtoirn TH FARMt Artesian TurqUolse, CO-OPERATIVE 1OW06tturh6ht Custoth -k &4 Aty V8* 4w MAi1c, ridici dto.� 921"0710 Anywhiire PIANO TUNING Mist glad. 1966 Piintllo Strato dhiot Sedan, 6 dYL Aut6matl0i �tidl6j etc,,, FRANCIS HUNT YOUA PIANO should be funed Ermlilib white, an heckod for moth damage 591-1946 d L 1)" • Community and oth6r defects, tegularly. I Tri /tl or youe 61dtat down. Imb appreciate the contbipod Priv- .,,. Aveelon Salot iltgo of 10 dw df the BeMid this 'list And check the bar of l4ouir choice..,. MMLATT'S 1Ii§trumeAt9,1rLffi19 area. 4[� 8RIGHT WITH LIGHT MILL 10,EV ;EVERY N IGHT' EVERY FRIDAY Cox,_Phono 48- 380 Ice dead or, dsw�ed cOws___ P d ROPERTY fOlt SALE Awhdst ft§h Wkm tiald' tbt K6 Dead Stock Service r ker als- erich �'K�;reg, Old lwftd- $10, thd a y cGe' __ w Go C. Cooke w. APPI= NED= spys Murray your farm. tewav anlift1s remov I, UK; siba W Vern I mbfit inspected §caies- SOUD RSD M�lm btasoj 4 Limited' mse ca, Catt,16 Sold by weight 0 it I St 3"6, livitig room M- Phorit, S24414_1 - 0,6bd.w,11 Use Phone collect TERMS: CAW ft. isun loom .4 pc, b9Ah i*1 bakery and Restdutditt 'id Cars A matkitt Bras, -'133 Brussels polOderrm down. Conary Of 462-9791 CLINTON NO CHANOt yVHItN 0HbNI(44 4obF_FtI4H10Ft0lW'dLIN'r00 U HOUR 8110519VIM "TOP, Sales and Kirk Sttj6�­ Phoft 141g A" . . ..... .. .. . ....... . .... . ....... .. ..... .....