HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-05-13, Page 5• District 9ffke COMPANY 428 RICHMOND STR.E;ET LONDON GEneral 4.2 71 6 THE PREMIER TRUST 41 DepOsit by Mail Facilities • Withdrciwals onTeMand • Interest c louted Monthly ON DEPOSITS AGRICO FERTILIZER Fertilizer Available ih Bags or Bulk at Brucefield Warehouse • 4-Ton Bulk or Lely Spreaders Available ,4) Bulk Delivery Service; Anhydrous Ammonia • .Free Soli-testing Service For further information contact: Brucefield Service Depot Anhydrous Ammonia A. J. Mustard, Manager Representative RR 1, Varna, Ontario Haugh Bros. 'Phone 482-7435 Brumfield Area Representative, Robert Taylor RR 3, Clinton, Ontario 'Phone 4,62,9144 Falls will take the pulpit. Committees have been set up to plan this event. Coirunittee chairman is Charles Scott With secretary, William L, Craig,' „other committee„ conveners are: diSploy, Mrs, James Jack- son; program, Elliott Lapp; flowers and decorations, Mrs. Maurice •Bean; publicity, Tom Cunningham; invitation Oliver Anderson; pulpit supply, Fred Wagner; parking and ushering, Kenneth McDougall; social, Mrs. Bert Craig; arid reception and welcome, William Strange han. Tuckerbells Meet At Pepper Home The second meeting of tire Tuakerbells 4-H Gardening Club was held the hone of Mrs, Bert Pepper, The preSident, Janet Falcon- er, opened the meeting and the minutes were . read by Jenny Stryker., 7' The members answered the xb eall by sayirig why they plan to grow a garden,. Mrs.,Townsend explained how toernake a 'hotbed - for indoor planting and Mrs. Pepper led the further discussion. FREE* B U S CLINTON GREENHOUSE & GARDEN 182 / CHUR 482 CH CENTRE PHONE STREET -7168 John Steele Smith Admiring The. Pciintingt . at Art Show , Mrs, Henry Young is shown• here inspecting paintings by the 14 exhibitors of the CHSS evening art class. ',Mrs. Young had several of her own paintings on display at Ontario Street United Church hall last Saturday evening- Proud' Teacher and Student . , Mrs. J. Ross Bilicidleton, Bayfield, instructor of the evening art elases at CH$S last winter, and one of her students, Sgt, A. Blondel, RCAF Station, are commenting on one of Mr. Blondes paintings. It is expected that Sgt. 131ondel will enter a paint, ing in the Canadian Armed Farces Art Competi- tion in Winnipeg, May 28 to June 3, Local Paintings On Display at First Art Show Mrs. Ronald McCann bad several of her paintings on display. She was one of 14 artists who took instruction at the evening 'classes in CHSS last win-. ter. Auburn Horticultural Executive Pick Committees For Flower Beds Knox United Church Makes Plans For 60th Anniversary,of Church AUBURN — The executive ineeting of the, Auburn Horti- cultural Society was held in the' Public Library room with the President, 21/Frs. Wes Madre*, in, charge. A letter from the Holland Glory Bulb company stated that alli orders for fall planting bulbs must be in by August 20. Plans were made te . organize a bus trip to the OHA annual meeting on June 17 and 18 in Guelph. A letter requesting the his- tory of the Society for a cen- , tennial project was received and Mrs. Charles Stratighan and Mrs. Edgareloawson have been asked to prepare. the data. Miss Diane Kirkonnell was again hired to cut the grass on the Manchester Gaiden. Plans' were 'made ' 'for the planting and care of 'flower beds in the Village and' committees were Set up. nits Margaret R. Jackson and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips, were named a. commit- tee to draw, 'up' a ,seliedule nor Reid-King Wedding Trinity Anglican Church; Bayfield, was the setting for a quiet weiddktg on Wednes- day, April 28 when the ,Rev. E. •J. B. 'Harrison united in mar- riage, Louise-- Catherine King, Bayfield, and Edward James Reid, Detroit. Mrs, Leonard Smith and Mal- com Toms' were the attendants. A ,reception was held at Mrs. Reid's 'home for the immediate families, =after Which Mr. and Mrs, Reid left for Detroit, Gal- ion, Ohio, and places south. the care •:of the Manchester bed during the summer months. Committees. are: J. J.'s, Mrs. Sidney Lansing, Mrs. Bert Craig,. Mrs. William Beer's; 'Mrs. George Malian; Find bed, Mrs.' Robert Turner, Mrs. Robert Arthur, Mrs.. Oliver Anderson; Highway, Mrs. Norman Me- Dowell, Mrs. William Dodd; Maryanne, Miss' Viola Thomp- son, Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mrs. Mary Johnston Mrs. John Deer, Old Forge, Mrs, Guy Cure ninghaim, Mrs. Bert Vitarsh, Mrs. James Jackson; Loftus, Miss Dime 'Match, Mrs. Ben Hamil- ton,. Arthur Yotingialut, Gordon Miller; -Ethelwyn,- Miss Margar- et Jackson, .Mr's. Wilfred San- derson, lyfrs. Robert J, Phillips, Mrs. Charles Scott, ,..Mrs. W. Braeltioak; 'Westriclige, Mrs. Wile" Straughan, Mrs. Ed. Dav- ies, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor; Library 'box, Mrs, Lloyd Hum- plireys; School flower beds, Mrs. Frank•Ralithby; and Hall flower boxes, Mr. .and Mrs. wok.= J, Craig. Plains for planting the Man- Ohetter bed: were left to the committee of • Mrs. Arthur Grange, Mrs. Gorden R. Taylor, and Miss Elms, Mutch. Mn and Mrs. rn Straw,- hate' -Mr. and ivies. Ed. Davies and I*. and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips were appointed 'to re- pair the Auburn letters at the west of the village. A discussion On where to place the Auburn letters 'at the eastern approach to the village resulted in Mrs. Bert 'Craig, Mrs. Robert Turner, Mrs. Robert J. Phillips; Mrs. Ed. Davies are Mrs. Lloyd Harriphreys 'being named the committee 'to fin,d the new loca- There was a display of gladi- oli bulbs that are for sale and anyone wishing to purchase some are asked to contact the president. The next meeting of the ex- ecutive Will be held on May 31st. Hur,on CHIB To Nor. Blind Speaker , "An outstanding blind Can- adian, Miss Lontse„,D. Cowan, will- address a loant meeting of the Howick Lions Club and the Huron Cottaty 'Advisory 'Beard to the Canadian National Insti- tute for the Blind ," announced J. H. Kinkead, .cliairman of the CNE3 Board, "The meeting will he held in. the WroKeter Com- munity Hall, Monday evening, May 17," Miss Cowan, • a native • of Princeton', Ontario, lost her sight in an accident at the age of 'three. Sine attended the Ont- aria School for the at Brantford, graduating in 1939 with a 'bursary to MolVfaster Uninersity„ Hamilton, • titan which. she received' her B.A. in 1943. Foliewing graduation, she johled the .CNIB's national staff and •served 1/1 the 'library and the War ,Blinde'd Training De- partments. She also earned a M.S.W. de- gree, 'the highest recognition a- vailable in social Work. Since being appointed Nation- al Director of Welfare Services and • Hanle Teaching in 1964, she co-ordinates the 'work of the eight CNIB cliviSions across Canada,' compiles information concerning the blind and the deaf-blind, and for public and private welfare research and Planning, 0 • Happy Workers To Miss Fesfival The April Meeting of the Happy Workers'' Club took place at the home of Mrs. ,Erie Varidendool with nine members present. The business part of the meeting opened with the Ode, the treasurer's report was given and tea money amounted to $2.22. The lucky draw Was won by Mrs, Norman Dale. It was decided not to attend the Stratford Festival but to go 'to the London Fair instead. A crib quilt was completed at this meeting. Lunch was served by the hos- tess. Miss M. Galbraith Dies In Seaforth migs Mary Isobel Galbraith, Seaforith, died Saturday, May 1, 1965, at K.ilbarchan Nursing Home. She wa.s born in Stanley Township and spent innitY years in Wienipeg before coming to Seaforth to live With her sister, Mrs. Ada Rekl. She was a mem- ber of St. Thomas Anglican Oh-- trick, and the Ladies Guild and Wornen'S Association there. She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Reid, and Mrs. Johanna Marks, Beyfield. Three sisters and two brothers predeceased hen The funeral Service was held from. the G. A. Whitney Funeral Home in Seaforth on Monday, May 3. Rev, II- Donaldson of- ficilated assisted by Rev, E, J. B. Harrison, 8ayifiekl. Inter- ment was in hayfield Cemetery. Pallbearers Were Percy John- Von and Wilnier, Reid, both of Varna, anti atihn Merits, joint Wain, Charles Wain and Tudor Wain of BaYfield, PloWerbearers Were Janes at/116116A $'6,Wielkii 6111a, Dtintan Ailtenheatl, Roy Lawson and James -4'f-diatom Seaforth. Let tito assist you with your plans for that all iityortaat wedding day. '4•.• COME IN AND SEE OUR COMM tItECTION OF "o 4:7 • ITATIONS • ANNOUNCEMENTS • &Mit/1M LS • ACCESSORIES rear Chace of virkes popie ;Jocks, toe styles reel tins. auk for . . . H F. WETTLAUFE FEED MILL Has In Stock: CLOVER & GRASS SEEDS - C-I-L FERTILIZER SEED (GRAIN - WARWICK ,SEED CORN — BARBED WIRE — TWINE ALL AT COMPETITIVE PRICES — WE DELIVER. H. F. Wettlaufer Feed Mill Mary Street"— Clinton — Phone 482-9792 gelv‘Atife.d 01 _ Adia#2,21". _ate -rite9lita.:7 , . ' . it • S *40-•,• .. • . or 4..1 AUBURN — Special services are planned 'far Sunday, June 27, in Knox 'United ChUrch, Auburn, thy celebrate the 60th anniversary of the erection of the present church. The guest speaker will be Rey. W. R, Alp of Toronto at the morning ser- vice and in the evening, Rev. Willieam Fingland of Niagara ,to CAR-BINGO FRIDAY, MAY 14 at AUDITORIUM KITCHENER Leaves Seaforth Stop Lights at 6:15 p.m. * $1.00 fore will be refund- ed if there are 25 or more passengers, 19b *WITH „EXCLO.SIVE IWTANK AGITATOR • ti.T.O. OPERATED 4i1,00.111ALLON BONDED TAP* ba.tigned o rise' =fir &xi refute ckallicala thai revere **Owe agitation. Wesley-Willis Picks "Mother Of The Year" The Board of Sessions at the Wesley-Willis Church singled Out one mother last ' Sunday and bestowed upon her the hon- our of becoming the Senior Mother of the Year. Mrs. Hugh Cameron, who has Thurs., May 13, 1965—Clinton News-Record—Page 5 D. A.K>Y&S 33 Huron Street — CLINTON — Phone 482-9542 PAINTERS and DECORATORS Decorating Accessories Paints -- Wallpaper -- Draperies Reg. $10,25 SALE PRICE $7.59 Gallon Quarts Sale Price $2.37 This Sale For Limited Time Only Of Top Quality No wheels! Toro's new Flymo handles like no other Mower can because it floats on air A light push and Toro's Flymo floats across feints, It goes Where you want it to go, Side to side. Straight ahead. It's as safe and easy to use on hills as it is on level lawns. No discharge chute —clippings and debris are deflected downward into the grass beneath the N fteesing, GIANT 'CROSS CANADA SALE HOUSE PAINT SUN-PROOF EXTERIOR PITTSBURG OIL BASE and LATEX ew Toro,,mower floats on air!, SHADE TREES EVERGREENS FLOWERING PLANTS PERENNIALS including Pacific Giant Delphiniums, PANSIES — PEAT MOSS FERTILIZERS, Etc. Growing ROSE TREES ROSE BUSHES A little too early for Box Plants . . but we do have them . . just in case Jack Frost • nips again. 1166/1 a;r1 active member of the ehtireh 'for 45 yeaten bas raised six children who have inherited her zeal for 'church work, Although she has never been elected to a church office, she has always given of her time and talents in the women's groups, Hector Kingswen, -chairman: of the board of stewards, an- nounced the award which was given on special recognition of Mother's Day, His 'daughter, Brenda, presented Mrs. Cam- eron with a corsage. Flymo cUtS a 19" swath, and features a fast starting 2% hp engine, FLOATS ON AIR, A whirling 11111300r spins a ring of air that supports the Flymo only Yl" above the ground; Height of out is easily adjusted for 14, 1 and 1% inthes. A Children's Rally At Brucefield Attended by 15 Approximately 75 children and adults ittende,d the child- ren's rally 'at Brumfield on Sat- urday, may 1. Hensaill, Varna, Wesley-Willis and Brucefield children were well represented. G. james had an 'attentive audience as. he spoke of Jamaica and answered . questions. Mrs, W. 1Vlureh. expressed thanks to Mr. James for his interesting presentation, 'The "vagrant presented by the children, consisted of the "Lord's Prayer" by Hens:all children a tap dance number.. from Varna, rhythm band selet- tions, by Wesley-Willis and Trinidad singing games by Brucefield. Games were Vowed and there was a treat of popcorn. Father McGuire, Clinton, had 'arranged for Mrs. MclVfahan to speak. 'She discussed three Words from the 'topic "Hpw thildren can help to make hap- pier homes" namely "Help, Hap- py and Mimes". She thanked the children for being good lis- teners. The offering of $5 was for- warded to -Gederich to help the school for retarded children. CHILD PORTRAITS JERVIS STUDIO Phone 482-7006 17tfb COM A hedu/bat Dearer Brut Stied iota 'wedding, ithritatiotal. ihatninciabeots *n4 *ecologies with coraptete CoofitloWsi gtwlity Ina Catt'ectoest of tam wit ALSO liAilitr(sONAtito WOWS NAPS:b111 AND WA MU* ATTENTION! All Golf lovers!. hantiVate Vent' 'dOrinfefiable thoba IMO Oelf Siteea at a small ost at RAY'S SHOE REPAIR Is Helen St,,, Clinton SE. E THEM NO N W Al ' JOHN BEAE, JR. field ' Phone 482-050 BRUCtFIELD WELDING Phone 482.3272 14ttb iin VA 0.0 4.,,431%t • SOtt .Fivimo'filbat On air att. BALL and MUTCH 'CLINTON Clinton News-Record 54 Albert Street Clinton'