HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-05-13, Page 2.Ass sting their were Mee. Wilfred Parlper,, Mrs, )014* XeCiee, Mrs Ivan Carter, Art Coloopi Mr's, Lloyd. lion in, Mrs. Vie 114Yier, 'Peed Mes, .Reg, Sixth, . Mv4,.Al Maur,VA% Pgtett MI% T,eNsr 1'-44,01rAr, Torme :44-4er. Miss Re,Ohel Joihr4ton, • Km, Boy Wheeler, Mrs.„ 404 1\1014,1.4he :and Mr, Don Qr,le(4, The„ decorating .perentittese vas. ,Qvpaa, Mrs. :Carr: men MePliorsoh, Mrs• Harold Tyndall . 'P411S:01Y , Wedding -Pictures 'JERVIS -STUDIO Phone 482-7006 17tb Officials of UCW Daffedil Tea Having A Break Mess Trewartha, unit leader; Miss Elaine Kennedy, one. of the, junior waitresses; Mrs. Jack Irwin, unit „leader, and Miss Sybil Courtice, who officially opened the lovely annual 7ent. After the guests had all been looked after at ' the Daffodil Tea in Ontario Street Church last Saturday afternoon, the officials relaxed over a cup of tea. From the deft, they are, Mrs. Carman McPherson, president of Ontario Street UCW; Mrs. . RECIPE OF THE MONTH By the Ontario Tender Fruit institute or Outpanadapoipe:Canned FruiCy LIME PEAR SALAD Refreshing flavour for springtime meals 1 tin Canada Choke canned pears 1 pint cottage cheese 2 cups tole slaw, 2 pkgs. lime gelatin 1,, cup chopped walnuts (Serves average family) Drain pears and set the juice aside. Fill 'centre of 6 pear halves With eottage cheese and sprinkle with chopped wal- nuts. Carefully place the filled pear halves face down in a loaf shape mould, arranging them neatly. Cover with layer of cottage cheese. In a separate bowl, dissolve one trackage of gelatin in one 'cup of het liquid, using pear juice, with balance of :water, Pour gelatin into mould slowly, keeping the pear halves in place at bottote. of mould. When slightly set, place the Cole slaw in the mould end pour in the Second package . of dissolved gelatin (one .clip of water) up to the rim of the mould. Chill thoroughly. Utintottld and garnish with re/tattling Pear halves tilled with cottage cheese and -walnuts. Classified Ads Bring Results orarriraria ziortottsariazzarrialionirere FIRST MORTGAGES Farms Residenfied ConitnOrciai PROMPT, CONF'IDENtIAL. SERVICE THE INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY F.,'I'AIILISEE'D 1889 Contact our Representative H. C. LAWSON itAtiaNautor 5111-Ett EAST PHONE 4814644 4411*,, t*t4t., What is More Beautiful Than Ottawa in Tulip Time The Canadian Tulip Vastival officially gets underway 'in Canada'snational capital May. 14th, when thousands of tesidents and VisitOr§ will, like this attractive young lady, bask ill the breath., ;taking beauty of 'more than 1,000,000 springtimee flowers. ro- OVEN Ere-READY 35c lb. CORNED BEEF 12-01. can 49c HAMBURG 3 lbs. $1,00 COLOREDWHITE OR "MARGARINE . • 40 QUICK FREZ by Gilson — 16.21-23 cu. ft. ATTRACTIVELY PRICED PETER'S Meat Market ilyttmEnlmorneemismipmfmott.01111.110~.00•11.01.111 11,1* eq, BRUCEFIELD from Phone 527-0827 AGRICO 12eow COME AND JOIN US May 31 when we loin Canada's furnishings industry in CANADIAN HOME FURNISHINGS Aerkieil, am& 65 A Foshio0 Parade for y our HONE "YOUR HOME REFLECTS YOUR PERSONALITY" $$$$ THOUSANDS IN PRIZES PICK UP YOUR BALLOT HERE for the `'HOUSEFUL OF FURNITURE CONTEST" WOOte!.)(ZIkibi& Mai 17 ,; 31 Ball & Mutch Crest Furniture HARDWARE Albert St Clinton Phone 1$82.9525 HAUGH BROS. Agri Nite FARMERS Investigate the Most Eco- nomical Type of Nitrogen for Corn, Sugar Beets, White Beans . . . Anhydrous Ammonia HIGH CAPACITY FUNK'S G-HYBRIDS Key to HIGHER LIVESTOCK PROFITS FUNK'S Completely Rebuilt LAWN MOWERS' All Sizes - - 2 Cycle and 4 Cycle In All Price Ranges All guaranteed satisfactory .. or your money cheerfully refunded ALL MODELS - - NEW 1965 LAWN-BOY MOWERS With "Finger-Tip Starting"' Wells Auto Electric "THE ORIGINAL TUNE-UP SHOP" Phone 482-3851 KING STREET. CLINTON Sunoco Products — Goodyear Tire Dealer - Your McCulloch Chain Saw Dealer Page ,clintvo IN4pw,s,Rgcord.,-Thumt, May )905, tree .Derodil Tea ovely poin$ Settin Vacation School Dates Set For July 5 to 10 , AUBURN — Plans were fin- alized at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Bert Doran for the an- nual daily vacation Bible school to be held this year, July 5 to July 10. Craig Peters, minister of the Auburn Baptist Church, was in charge of !the meeting. A film, "Handle with Prayer," was shown telling how to con- duct a Bible Sthool. A discus- sion period followed on the dif- ferent samples and each leader chose the material for each de- paetment. The opening service will be held in St. Mark's Anglican church with classes td be held in the Sunday school rooms of the other churches. It was decided te send out flyers to the schools to adver- tise the opening Of the 1),V.13.S. The leaders of the classes are; Kindergarten, leirs. Wilfred Sanderson; Primeee, Miss ter- nice lelebieugall; junior, Mrs. 'Lloyd Hutnphreys; and Senior, Craig Peters, There are certain ancient ancl hemurable rituals in our society wlhieh help, to give our lives a certain continuity.' Many of them are geared to the seasons:. spring cleaning; summer 'flu; the burning of the leaves, get- ting 'stoned out of your skull on New Year's Eve. One of the most sacred, of these, .for some of us, is Opening Day of the trout season. Slap of a beavers tail; chuckle of running water; splatter of wild duck taking off from swamp; feel of the sun on face; mist of green spreading through bare bones of branches; honest stench of worm-guts on heeds; flavor at noon of big, bologna sendeeich with hot enuetarld; these are the 'things Which qUicken the senses, cleanse the body of its winter stupor, rem- ind one 'that God is still in His heaven. And these are some of the tea- sorts I have never missed the rite, whether the mortgage is due, or my wife is having a baby, or I Nave a date with Sop- hie Loren. And I hope to do so until, the day when they have to carry me to a quiet spot on the stream and leave me there in my wheelchair, to watch the black water swirl around the white rock, the yellow sun Pick up the golden gravel of the stream- bottom. Each year the ritual is the same, And each year it is differ- ent. There is the year when you fall off a log in the first three minutes, and squish and squelch yourself through the rest of the day, a sodden mess, wet fags, wet matches soaked sandwich- es. And there is the yeat when you hit the stream at the crack of dawn, fish with all yotte skill until sunset, and come home with two speckled trout eight inches long, And there is the year when you 'go out at 7:30 0..m,, just to loss a line for old times sake, and have caught your limit befote work-time at 9 tern, And there's the year when yoee bait-can fails front your belt into a torrent, and you snap the tip Off your rod, and put a hole in your liew waders', and get back to the ear to find a flat tire, and get home to find your wife calling the police, be- cause its four hours after sere down. But this year topped theme all. It was eomplicated. Our high POWER, Arowt.ms CAN BE DANGEBOVS It's time to bring oat the power mower, and to Make a few safety resolutions, such as hot allowing Arty child or junior teenager to operate the neas thine, ;Alec); to keep your ad.- Miring fans and fatally etiefici- ehtly far away ed that they cannot be hit by the headline or any Of the stones; bits 'of 'metal or cellist' delbrie thrown out the Blower's powerful, revelte, tone - 'pdt , tninurtc. Introductory Offer WORK BOOTS \Wired at .W.Ot Dfi d 9,95 at RAY'S SHOE REPAIR SS HURON STREEt ViettOrs to the Egfedil Tea Pt the. OetPrie Street United Church. last PaturclaY nay have thelight they wed .0troillinv long, a Parisian street, Tie warm sliming seelehhie OuteleterS crud side-vvialik cafe °AMPs- phere in4oto, eo.414. 'Piave ore- .atect tbat impwmeih, The euclitpowa gto.w heel been eraelefetelled -'411 !he, 'OW- 11g garcierl Ith 4 loW wt4te picket feOce ,M ,431,11g peo- fuelem, ef sprixkg ficswLe!rs card Ia.'trePls oeverecl golden . elorsYebel. Spreed 014 beleee•Were OA tables Jar relaNation ?AA 'tat.le "shops" far eeraeleetien, EVerY- thing (rain baked and canned g000ips .4 new dress for New could legebeteed"there and jest laeresa the way 4 eklilerY of all Plainithigs for PeePlinlettbca. The event, sPenlsorediV Penes 3 40d 4 of the Ontario $t. IJCW, attracted, maw.ladles of the elistrect. It was •officially opened by Miss Sybil Courtice, returned missionary from eap- an, Mrs. Carmen MoPherson, Mrs, Ross Trewarbha and Mrs, Jack Irwin, greeted guests at the door and tea Was poured from eilyer tea services at a long tflower and candle-decked table by Miss Emma Pluinsteel, school 'music director, with in- credible lack of foresight, had schecieled an exchange concert, with a city school, for that very day. Fine. But It turned out we had to have some of the visiting youngsters for dinner. As my wife is away every Saturday, for music lessons with the kids, this meant I was cook, Thermally I'd have Welcomed a chance to display my culinary skill. In fact, I had the menu planned. Beef stew simmered in beer, followed by a sour cream souffle, roast chestnuts and Pep- permint lifesavers as dessert. Then I realiied it was Opening Day, was ageast. Wanted to 'be a good• host but -clanged if I was going to miss the rites of spring, Then it struck me. Why not give these city kids, pampered for years on steaks and chicken, a real north-country dinner — speckled trout, lovingly fried in butter? They'd never forget it. With a light heart, I hit for the trout stream on Opening Day. Everything was perfect. It was a fine day, end I knew there were at least 47 big spec- kles in there, just waiting to hit that butter. Got home at 4;30 p.m. with two six-inch chub and a 14-inch sucker. Went to the fish market. They had nothing but some fair- ly large whitefish, which some- how didn't look like speckled trout. Called all my friends. They had either been skunked, like me, or stated flatly, "The hell with you, Smiley; we're putting on a big speckled 'trout dinner for those visiting musi- cians; feeding four of thent," Bought 'two pounds of hamburg. You know there are times When my love for my wife is Overwhelming. When I arrived at the house at 5.30, she was grilling steaks in the oven. eetss :Dorothy Meretlie# Mess 'Elva Weitee !and Mrs,. Cecil TUi lr ASejetine 4e the head 14019 Were Mrs. Pea WPAItIPQA., lVLt s. 11104* Potter, Mrs, 37,!o4 WOlvd and' Mrs. 451111.PW>lingo, Yeeter! of the tea toles V0g. MM. PerAl.Pliiett and 1.110§e vVip, §erVetl 'Were Kee, q%",44 Aelk4e; Mrs. Dennis, Charles Gates, 44* PeitgIol,'Oex, Art, Miss labia NerSe, Mee, -Peek Ball, Mee Grant 4111741, Mr's, .Fred, Plejae Kem-etbr•o. t4,0Eixi,„ Jeapette Deo* *104 P'10.11e Pickard, Patsy p.0.1 and Bernice Latee. At the .-104-1.1e teble Were Ws, leereie Tentdail,' NTS: Carl Mo0141.ohey, Mrs, A. ;drew Matheson, Mrs. Dale„ Mee. James Moir,' Mrs Frank ilensali Mothers Get Free Permanent Waves Ten ladies in eeekienee at the Queensway Nursing Home in Heneall were honoured yin a most unusual but pleasant way last Saturday. Three trainees from the Ivan R. - Sales 'School of Hairdressing -In London arrived at the Home with 'professional 'equipment and knewebew to present each wo- man with a fashionable per- manent wave 'in time tor Moth- er's. Day, - Jean Barber, Christine Jeff, anti Helen Wedge were well re-. weeded • 'for their labour as ten pretty mothers with sparkling eyes and confident smiles pre- pared to greet guests on "Their Day". New Instructor At SIT School tild M S. GIBBONS - The RCAF Sehool of In- structional Technique at See- tien Clinton, last week wel- comed a new staff instructor in the person oe Flying Of- ficer M. J. Gibbons, He was 'transferred to Clinton from RCAF Station Greenwood NS,, Where he .has been sta- tioned for the last five years', .1-4 /10 Gibbons is a native of 'Calgary, Alberta. For the past year he has been editor of the Station Greenwood pUbilea- tion "Greenwood Argus" and has held the Station Public Informetion Officer position. Like 'all aircrew iestructere at SIT, WO Gibbons is him- self a distinguished graduate of the school, and an experi- enced instructor. McGowan, . and .K314'., .0eergp olotwh.. ThP. SPAIYIhrg 40 Apr s. Table Was .Staffed Ml's, Ross .Mer, mrs,-f2,7.m1 -..4e2y•.„ NopT- 1444 "T3140,41 and Mrs, .Tiarrry Plviolsteel.„ Mrs, mod: Vocicisio, Mee. Percy Gibbing. were elm* of the pi-1000:0e Rooth the Candy Tghle yogi the respc4-14.- ,of Marie TreWeeetha 44.`d Esther Merrill. Kite err Peneeenete Were Mm. Pert Pepper, and Mrs, Kefeh Sewing and Apron Table at Bazaar Mrs. Norman Tyndall, left, a clerk at the sewing and apron table at On- tario Street. UCW Daffodil Tea and Bazaar waits on Mrs. Louis Dutot; also shown is Miss Bernice McQueen, now of London, former chief Bell Telephone operator in Clinton who came back to the tea; she is a former member of On- tario Street Church UCW. Day Of All Days 41,