HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-05-13, Page 1. ........ .
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OT 904er) nO, Year
94111 V*I THE NEW,F-RA, 98th Ylpqr TH'
E, HQR6N R.RCM,'' 82
wo. 0m Im
40� MAY, - 14', $4,0 -�19 -nts -Per Copy�'12 Page
ft" No
A—Pele4blP lot 4renft WO' A Jew Hqmq. Popipr With Tho, Nowsi, P I-NTQN,,,0N 109: THOR$
�Wgeks. iqygo we vyere sore 7-4.7
,4W4 the l4tt%, co: 16m Flood
,1d, P
weather of �A� bapipwwt Spinng,. :Four "Cl
Now,*;, gawl_w
jq,44dible, t e6,
U.. Ue ts
11 o,.n,,Lq A d
int ,ons
T.. ;4re, Me wor-q Qt n
ot j1,*eJj11V ''djS$
'at, L T
bT, 4$
n a.
n ep §S_ !e. us i. .tx
r -W, X T4ean- XW
aW fathl�rs will MW e Flour of, Clinton'�' Aux
W)14 I M044 hav a ar tr ert,
ku) I
SIMday Was," Mother'o Day" $111ar
And if Wtiz WLIX, I A former, industzW conmas, Industrial Commissioner, rather
your 'wife thin
Ake me, She was drop ing, kjgg: PA,`c o .0 1.
, pi b stqi�r Of the 01tv Of Strword, than to hAV6 Mp sing, the prAls-1
4?�eq hiAtS on over Ule place
ftn*, es� Of 'T"Vsh Mortgage .& TrL*
W#Q w -M' at the' Same
with A couple of StaJM7
1W weoks in. advanpe of -the manager of that city.'s Qiam:ber �aS op,whyr
�Utel Qk flW.iveren'tanytbJngL T Should an be 4'hW 1�usin"S.r
-Ok, Wosley I
ypq. ........ . . . . . George 'Currie. W.roto of Qon*neMe, spolce 'to Clinton with thernost progressive trust
Up guests at. coMpany in, Canada. We are
On �ts XPTO�)r ps and munidpag
night, the c1VWs.,regu1,wmeetdhgTues_
thwt.mL-apt "I d' CanadWs tenth in, size you
LaIter It4g. evening, SLUI dayevening, know,
lug,'Irp yQgto for
art ;FW�M EMerg
So; Mother's Day pxd;,.d and TOM Tnood As- poW Manager
Xeapure,4 Qp-otdlnatop fb� ;so let U9 talk about the
You were prepared, yvd thought, Huron County, spoke " the 6f the development d4xqtmont lot ten years in stmword and
But boy Brwskmorbme alld IrUSIC
you were WMng. Guests. at Moosp Meat Banquet men concerning Au*11dory Company, '$Vatford. see if there are any sinilTaritles
IT'you brought her candy,, She pdlice work, to the two COT= Oitiqs, $trat-
cried because her Met wouldnt He told �of the success of The ford and Clinton, ana.see wbe-
Si:Kty persons attepded the moose meat.b I
anquet i C in o
n _n Leg!
on ball two and the co-
allbw 'her to indulge
ther s�me of the "progranune
oper4aNg SP104t of tille (2'ty, in that worked (in Stratford might
ed" program of CKCO-TV, Kitchener, hts quest Tor inouStlU
Saturday night. They heard Don Me Donald, left, of the utdoors Unlimit-
you gave 'er flowers ypu, tell about ameekend he spent at A16ta- ion
"Ji",7 � � , _1
caused a minor disturbance be- U S ate exPanr not work -here,
'Nm Al , om1n. sion, in recent years.
chewan,- --thern Ontario, with Mr. and.Nfrs.� Ellwood Epps, Centre, Mr. a d
cause no vase in th, house did he speniker w. "Strati5ord was one job, whe-
thkim jusid, Mrs. Epps donat6d the rnoosdrneat� for the dinner afid also a quarter of
,inooSe Introduced
as Uller or 'not tbere weqJe two
ant Duff Thomp-
If - yotk seVved L draw prize. Q11 the 'right is Bill Cho wen, who wag ebairman of the draw and Planilarbecue' b3� Lion presidb
her breakfast i6h tl neware a..qorn n: san., titles-. I neverrdre�w a fine line
in bad, it was &,gastrous.,Elfiler dinner, wh netted o-ver"$340 for ie. n.. rnitte6bf Clinto chainnan of CldntotVs in- 'Onimi$sIon'
dustrial committee, and thanked between Industrial C
she really wasn!t hungry pr she Ringo., and ' Chamber of Commerce.
.1 -ett,
by <en M.
spoiil-0 the'whoile. effect by ffiR- For the bene Each (w9affizatibn has the seme.
the baby between the A otrinkinj 6ommit districtL per$ons, we, are pub
pi2i1rig a tee, of fit of. an Clinton general objectives, yet each one
juice -and 6e' eggs. �Jfevb Boldle, Jack, Scruton and ood'S talk dn':'"VtS MUStL be kept in its pl-Ar If
if You prelsented her with a B District Resid e.. n, t 5' 11$bi'o�g Mr� M
y Stewarf Taylor brqugfit in their entirety the programme Is t6 work. The
handbag, she ., had nothing - to cers for, CU . riton jr;Dln Flo A&,h.eL strDng
of odli;" ss Chamber had to be in
LionS for, the Season expect, that the. t . eason , I order L to warrant the support
be perfume 'ypq� had select
ed, at'Tup5day's moetine. 711e, - Slate h of the leadixig',business and pro-
w it Was too selauctive for her tj Issue ave* be6n� lmdt�ed to speak to
ear Wft it. If it happened to 16
ever dare. Meeting Res C, V" May be added to at the May You this evening is. because you fessional p%,oIe and to carry
25 meet Tile. eledtion will wouldlilie to hear something of the respect and understandiAg
&brw that the big day is over, ndon- -on the scho I wid the ad- be' held at the May 25meqUng orking of the political and la-bour lead-
(Oy A110ey school facedpossible aba I b I A MY' experience IR W.
it -i's safe to share this -secret. ment In. favour of a � 16-rooni, ditionfal 1=11. and on June :8, is�ton bad to be
withyou. A womWs sensitiveL 7he feeling of the people I P, with;Stratford, aS Manager of ers. The Comml
Central School soUth of "It we AIR were In our old
The &late. ds as follows: presd- the Chamber of, Commerce and strong in order to bave the con
Scrabbling brain, cannot will vdH be sought a & public Bruc, to seirve Huron aftditted Mm Poth,. dent, DuPf Thompson; first Vidence, of the elbeted people
not, aUdwher� t6'show pl�osure. meetiog tonight in Bayfield. �County School Area One con'l- "'A;e nllj�t g1D along with the
when, she is. the oMect of' at- lrown'Hall when P�Lrelit� and L prised of Stanley and Tacker- L idea." vi-ce-pre4id-ent, Xen Flett; See- and - So be free from political
ogd' vkee-pre&dent, Maynard pressures and. election -year bar-
otenldbn, and yet, witl -all, ralt0payers, in.. West Stan- smith Townships und,tbe Oil-, She tern-ved, thetransportd-
10U.t that Corrle;. third vice-president, Don 0 f C. Dinner
display of affeatior� you wa&d ley Township.and the village 14ge of. Bayfleld, L 'tion of, 68L'or more students,
the dog- of B��'Qd are i4v$te;d, to dis- Fred Slo- Our Chamber was active lo-
sureay have , eon in out of Bayfield to Brucdield man; treasurer, Orval Engel- rs call� in iiiany pro-gramirios that
house. . c= th6,threatened closing of RaVfield's propos6l, to the about 12 rrilles away as "abw Next Thu" day
ruth of the maItter i�,, Bayfield Public School, -board is for an additionfil two- stad; Lion tarner, John, Nedlge�.; helped to dra)� attention. to, our
The t =rdlity." Parents, she
rooms on the Bayfield School s4d, tail twister, Antoine Garon, At the dinner meethV of overall interest in the commun-
yxv �.mOe - -,6s, probably enibar- "The fact that the ,Wea were als'a worried about their sis%fnt tedl twister, , Royce
uncom- oum, no, 'and a 12 -mom central school Ity outside of, the Purelyseffish
assbd. ThaVixlght. And isc#lool. board has sh fiz at Brucefield'. (Continued 031 Page. 12) Mlac&-ulay; two-year- �Vreevirs, Clinton and D&'Tict ChMn- business m6tives. We took a
fo#wble very uncomfb&- toonsideraidofi, for pubh —0— b�r of commerce next
table; io� w*h*'U*e a won -tan wants !an in the axea. I affected", Mrs. Leroy Poth, chairman Art C61son and . Carman, Mc- There"s Trout In Thursday, May 20, at Elm strong Interest in educaUon,
to be adored. and pampered� she avads a now, release out of of the SOSL Cornn-dttee, told .0herson. one-year directom Haven Motor Hotel, a db- civic improvement, rural -urban
- of L Mac*rthur and How -r
is possested aninsatiable d6e- Ray -field this week,' 11has the News -Record during 'a Contract Award'' d' winlam', cussion will be held an pm- relations, downtown improve-
ard Brunsdon. Bay�ield River!
dehangesin downtown ment, supported a strong Plan-'
sire known by every niother..;-. forced, the residents to t��Ce telephone 6onverspUtion.L Wed- pose
�t- 'q -stand 'on, the Issue to prove nesday mornifig, thlat'teres]i� Guests at the meeting were Jack Pearson, London, -a Chinton' streeft,
her happiness 4. giving,* not ge For Clinton ning Board and called for a
dnts df,Bayfleld "firmly be- revisim of the official plan and
t.mg. that Canada 1z stM, a democ- Group Captain X. Greenaway, i-vgulax weekend. visitor 'to A speaker from the Ont� By4aW,
Sc; cheer.ug,'.feliows. She wag. rtcy.'tl lieve' that a. fqur�roonischool- domnianding ofEcer, RCAF Sta- his cottage -at Bayfield, here larlo Department . of High� the Zoning and so op.
by'Your y ong�, Deputy Reeve George holds the proof that there iz ways h�- pron�jsed to -come
touched gift whatever Recently� a 'Save Our Sch- Witt' Playground. in the V1`1_ Highwa ProjeCtS tion QlhkVn; Mayor Don Syra- "We have a Strong P
it was.. lage would give adeqqate ele dinton: -tZn . council aWaQJ�L \?�Onch' ��o trout -in the B yfield Rive and. bxplain 'the Affairs Comn-Attee that carried
yqu, dbdt.be 'em '661, ConurAftee, was organitiad Qr,.,Pat Noon� A , depart.
�4ii launbift, them - R691dentg an caught this ment,& proposed iaeas,. the narne� of StrAtford across
�.)M, nDticethe fadded,14sperMe-di—n to-�w edth� contract for 1. ao, and '�Ia�� bdaxd, memb !Awt weekend, Jie ble
hm I eyes this weik or 'the* sby, -�Rightg C=4yalgn, to retain, She, said Bayfleld was com- erg along Highway 4 andve- B X hl er 26- dtich, five pound ten ounce Tickefg -are availa the province by successfully
d Ue V all of Clinton" members o championing the cause of leg% -
smile on her lips as, Shia strokes Bayftel&s, preveift tWo�rbom' pelled to ibuild its present construction of I_nghwaty 8 1rdiribow -trout _"s6raewih&e1' f the
the new ironing board ewier -school hquMg. 68 chll&en. school and 'told' in -1955 it within the town, limits to Bot The Lions heard Ken Flett -in the river. chamber. (Continued,on page s�iven)
she received. The move. came tafterL re- must vzmex land be�kuse the Construction Company Ltd., af ou;�Ihie plans for agiant chick-
peated "tmouft and reports scbool was going to,oxpand. Oakville. e�n iiarb�aue. and bingo'in, Clin-
It quirte unforgettable, ft showed that the, nearly -new T a, eben e d bt Cls
was here is, ill d tur e Tender price was $627,679, ton Contmunity' PaVk on 9
very first in nesdh�6 June 23. A barbi
reaW was . my When tenders were oprend
springSatueday in Clinton The March, -all four lo -i& -received by 1,ivm h&d 1,ast summer; tie c tnton Hos ital 06s'erved.
warm, wea#w'brought ou-,,the council Were� over tho $5W,000L, bilied barbecue and bingo, %vfl,l
shorts and the sungla RecComm'ittee'To '-Drai n" estimated cost of the�.work, replace the=nual Street cm -&-
the convertibles and the sun -
Decision on awarding of the Val sponsored for many years
burned 11fte people tn:,d the Hospital Day - Yesterday
by the 14ons.
contract was dere!"ed unt" the
t�ansalstor eadics and d cbnsulting engmeers, and the Royce, Macaulay announcedl
o r Department of Highways, could the TAons invitation golf tour- Olinton and area residents of the Ladies' HospiW, Aux. entered afther through the
ling girls and the following boys u r A c e s At Park
and the young couples in love study the bids. nament at BayhWd-Olntm, WAo took tine out to visit Mary and the nursing staff Who stretcher -Wide doors at the end
and the window cleaners and After years of controversy son', miscellaneous Oommittee,_ The highways depamtrnent ap- Golf Course on Wednesday, Clinton Public Hospital on Hos- guided them through all de- of the medical -surgical fl or
the golf clubs_. . . . I even, saw regmxling. proper - praved th4e� Bot company bid. June 16. The Lions were re- pital Day yk--sterday, learned part-mlents 'of the 65 -bed hos�- by way of, a small,
dre=ge of Robert Hunter andDavid Beat-
a tow truck toftig a tow truck Clinton Community park, a de. Council � now mus t receive ap� minded a the stag night in that -it is more than -a place lYltal which requires a
I worat looking dow off the hall. Here
north on Albert St. The conln*tL-e is advertising proval on its new share of the Clinton Legion halA, on lViday, wliere -dick people go. The com. force of nearly 100 full tirAe the Doctors can chlange !no
And in the midst Of it all, start is being rriade, on the work. tbiSr Week for: a caretaker for cost, $147,511. They -had pro- Ma� 21 to r1aige funds to hon. plete tour of the building show- and part time employees, operating room gear or 'bold
the relentless wailing of the fire At the regular meeting of 'the three parks; staff for the vlously received approval from our the junior hockey team that ed the hospital for what it %%(de the scrubbed setting consultations.
siren -that set the 6DV to Item- Clinton Recreation Comnlittee WkmTdng pool and Staff for the Ontario Municipal Board won a provincial title last win� really Is � , , . . a nearly selt )f the Ernergency. Room, the Just outside the Doctors'
poratUy ;hawllng, Shutting out last Thursday evening in the th sumrnor playground!% pro- for issuing $100,313 in deb.en- ter. contained little town within a 11,ighly technical equipment of R-oom we -the scrub sin1m, the
the swooshfiv of cars, the pUr- board room of the town hall, a grtan. tures. Construction is eutpected Lion William. MacArthur won town. tbe X-ray divisibn and the p�a- thousand and orte necessary
ring of trucks the chatter of motion was passed that four (Continued on Page 1Z) to start before 1the end of May. the regular draw prize.' Guests were met by mem I bei% tient war& W, -a interesting medical supplies,and of course,
shbp&rs, the 'clicking of slow acres of the park, inside the I
Steady footsteps, the honking of race track, be! tiled. Dral= Will these did not seem to hold spe- Sterile gawns�,rnasks and packs,
horns, the blaring of C" radios, be laid two roft apart with cla.1 attention., To the left, the nurses' room,,
the pattev of children running, four, and five inch tile. 'The real mystcary and excite. To, the right, the gleaming aiad
The c,=.m1tt1teo_ 61 Doug An- ment of a hospital 'lies behind Pofl,411ed operating room.
the' whining of moltxx- bikes, Gee C, qub Entertains At 'Huronview VL,41tors were Impressed with
obarping of robins '. , , and drowt slid Peroy Livermore, re- closed doors which are seldmn the -modern and highly special -
the TegUlQr pUtt-PUttAng of a ceiveLl -a price of $250 per acre upened to anyone but patients,
doctors and staff, However, for !zed equipment housed in the
t -actor as it pulled a truck for the drainage work frorn
th�is one occaxon at least, t1le op g -room, propet
Robert Roweliffe, Rensall. Vie emEng
South on Albert St. ;S g ay "We are 'blessed with a tre-
The sights and sounds of a Price include ditchin and I Public was invited to see the
n ,the Ing of tile, but not filling irL medical Staff," Said
spring Saturday in Clinto mnermost worldy�gs or the hos- , MendoUs
rom Steep, a d m 1 n i s t ra t o�r.
7be work will be done later pital.
Hub of Huron Cduhti INS "Albst people do not realize
quite unforgettable. this summer,
The Rea. ComtnitteL- hired operAthig Roon) howmuch Tina surgery is done
0 At the veryend of the newest Ilero. Not too mal-ly tj tg
Olt pa en
John Wise as part-time secre- Ang facing OfttO John St., t1le have to be Ulansferved to the
tary. The posktion. was adVer ol5evating-romli Suit was open larger hospitt4s.))
funds Slow For tised in the April 8 issue oT for Anspecti6n, obstetaics
fill Clinton VAsit0rs noted how the wite Guests also toured the labour
.81even -of the 12 -man, Conn -
Jr' Hock Gifts Is completely sealed off from room and, adjoining delivol
Wittee Were present at Thur8- "4
the rest of The hosp[W, putting room.
MabY more donations are day's mLaeting chaired by J.
ouglas Thornilike. Robert surgeons and opeeatbV-"n Mr. Steep said that vAlle
needed if the plans of the cW4 D
nUrseg in a specW i��d of this is often one of the busiest
zem cornn-dttte Which wag or� Manxi is vice-chairrnalL
gtrA:�ed last wqek to h0n(Mr Members of itho three main their own. spots in the 8nVM0r hospitalsr,
Cinton JUnl6Z "b" ' dham*n- c6mmitteess of the A00 COni- JD00brs, room can, be., (Continutd, Pli, Page 12)
ship hockey team, w* to bt ita.-ttee , ato tig follows t , (first
carriled out, namda is chairman): Vool-1460
The group is hoping to pur- ItZngsWell, Doug An&ewr,, Doug
chase jackets for dt least 25 Thorndiko Norman. UVenbord, Nil' ht. School Art PulAs
A, n
playm% and officials. GoAftl, L6�son* Parkt.—Peftv
ennore, on' as
rMis week we have only $17 IAv 1) �46rmaft'
to add to last wmeg $46.41, Livermo�v�, 0ordon TA#son and
-$aygtaunds Dblsp'lay Se on's Work
making a total to dat,6 of $63.41. Orvat E�j�l�d; 'I
Mt &ffa Mabel ......... . . $�.00 Robert Manh bLnd Gordon LOW -
A gallery a 68 oil paintingt; suMounaea b greenery and
Norm Livermore ............ U0
BM, Stirling Soo all dohe by 14 Clintoh ana diz- snow, The whoi(� "se6nb" Was
"U-- - County S�taqU d VftL . aft
ng S& i
ttiot unng e i - n an 'tabDVe t_A�ar to a
8 roll &asstn§ at C�ISS wasondisplay small stage With a side lighting
ih the Ontario �i. vbited'icki- contrIbuting to Shading d6da"
Dodibd6ns thw be 1A at the Urah, dirAft, last Saturday Wia obAting 'sha&vr. bald rea&1-
6.1 �e�" � .
.I§abk of Montreal, Royal k "'Mori _v I& tiom,
dinton Credit iinion, t-tnd& the InsbAiction. of Mrs.. 'me artists who had Paintings
Ab8t, Middletony naylseld, 'the in the show welt Mrs. V- Olde,
News-Riecoed Office.
a the
IOWA Oainters tulnecl outworks Mrs. J, Mattih- Mrs M. me -
A, Stag Wghtl ds, planhed t5k'' Members of tht. Auton Coun- Per$ofini6l Of the Recently-Formod RCAF'Oloe Club that were extrftely- pleasing Cann Mft. D. iq Utg, t;
VAday, MkV 21 at CltritOfi ty Mstiorical Society renamed W, 11 66m , Young 1. Aiken and X. Jrervis
0 - It e, landsdapi�& to poritx9ts, was in.; bAl
JAgion Hil tc� raise the ish' V0 Z
h1h,cls, for S., D. Maek of di�&ton as tatic rOw"i l6ft to Aglit a y Marco Ernie U0001, Wt6eiel WcAl front ro% Vrdd Wild' to th�� 6ye' L of 'Anton, Miss D. Va;n,
the pM64 petsidieht of their orkialfitatilon Rumphries� Corti Wade, Art" Audsonj Rena Brochu, UAtXemie, Mar% l3ugh cidded in, -the thoWW WW6h tlb Mx%,, X i�Ze and M. V�
Bob Cochmno, thltd VOW RU99 Bush Andre ZeAU- Peterson, 'Vern Leg0r, Gen' Owen 13AY'R ai Atm. U,
Wheh- th6y, tn�d for th tffiftual h -V attracted appredativo vi J el
T Cat I yn Pyk I Veiling, kft, X Siebert and
he weather banquet It Codeeldblreeen:Vy, dion, PkAnk V�ke, Peroy Griffin, Att Snilth second eva 4ebert, Stone Alice 8fodhu lylatg from a,,,, hbr, Away ds 'Wt.
Ir w Un Tattetsal. Evelyn GrW1h,'RUth Wlldjsh� J4UM10hie Of toeciail Intere-A Was t -fit.
obb:01 � gi *!,
190 :LqE4 Xj� e ne, (plano twtoffipanI8,4. V blut 2with, and
J,* ton, "Aft -elected A- %;�Ptesi- e�eJJ31ack, MA enzie, diVlay of "ni6dels'l ft-obiwhich SgL A. t1dridel, gtafl6b,
)AUh Low lildh gern'IL16 8mith, Jeau , ex Pat (&f Arl A00
65 45 19L S# &ht bf thL-- 00101 t1ouncMdoo f the Istudenu W&ked- V& in- caintom
63, 44 86 `51 from jjig- tous�ky 1hd14d6 'Urs,. n'& hUP Minton Oleo bf :Flight �9m�egmt rted WJIM. beat. Nrrs, V�kh Leger tina'
106116whig. Ub ooj�merL Tlioge fstm'�*yf th6. iwnf& Soeoe which ggt, B, lx'ildd gbo�; 16 Wbuiloe'y
7 11 49 81 L&W Nth, wid BriZ P� A� cuubimteeteuied the tdgideqit�t ft pianoi, 41 is V, M 'Releti rbst g iN*eAniebt on, t ihe
s Wer6- pim-N446a "ed anvass, on My 24 fbi- b# NV
No -9
ii wm palnW Olokh a lighdma& h will h p t p,
18 64 00t both 16f 'BayA61d; th-A&
8 88 0 at ilutonview Tto�no 01i the &9ei-A" Xbom Mbrid, son b&` tes, clu,� by UdIeS. kio�m tfi6 seem. b& tl ;�6 U tht Cana
9 91 66 110 9 Ho� 86&5;. qbftship. �ftnd After & peogran. a teleo- 6d thei enterwMient, creation 6f'-M*&,ucdo:t1 1*,i^e, idlah 19�§ Aft 0dMperUddfi,'
4 B& -t olb�i Rit 14 013xit o. tiont hythti mixed g�w, - &iid the AM]? Stagoit Wo.
10 19 evergkom boughs fin, foll and Re �IAW to enta- Wme, of Ws
was t6loo bst Mm 6f) ten's Awaft W- -s&lbd fc"
t2 01 d N -Wg. b6th :-h md V -Vbb6h balfft QtUrlug' It, red paintings in *,d *6,* `�O&h ii
_dkwd 'Aft, d Ififs to, *6 ketlde-hu tottiNg6btop !N -silvery WM&631 bn ftoM, MAY 1� td �k* 6
I rolt2-5-1' dt , a
pwh. iay. AMIL 1.0o"
. ... ......... . . . ..... . ...... . ......... ......