HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-05-06, Page 1010,;Tlikat.4 May 6,, '45, ;Ratan SaWs4acard howl* Tune Up' A Success At Station Theatre The 444.trail Park: Prama Club' presPnttedi *Or Sprlog 071w StMclay ktpl Ia4PPs1PV. nigitts (401 25 and the the RCAF Sta447) Theatre to; a large.PPIA'SiCiatbre andieiWe, TAP, P11113aPtiei president of, the 'Prpma• Chub reports that "S/1910*" pied 1x ,almost. Tula 1194-sips. 901141 gligatts ON. Gene Llaroor40 TrOduCed , the fast moving show`, with W. 'gric OollinS of ataclar c Oorinntmloa- t1obs Sr-b9Pa the 11rPetor- The "Chris Bladic Combo" donated their services ' and, backed up the -singers in admir- able fashion. The Drama, CIO appears tcy be in healthy con- ditiOn and are planning further shows hi, the future. ft .is ru- moured that "Showbiz Tune Up" may be • invited to show its Wares at RCAF Centralia. • WOOL JACKSON ALUMINUM LTD. SEAFORTH is collecting wcak for grading and , sale on the co-operative plan. Shippers z,na:y obtain sacks and twine free of charge from the above or their Licensed Operators. Realize the highest returns for your wool, by patronizing your own Organization. Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Limited 40 St. Clair Avenue Toronto 7, Ontario. Entertainmentp Nightly QUEENI;TST EHOTEL SEAFORTH Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON 'CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE HU 2-7712 At other times contact Local Representative—A. W. Steep-482-6642 •no no 1:1 INIIIN rating 'T heir SPECIAL PURCHASE OF KROEHLER SKLAR SUITES 2-Cushion, 3-Cushion and 4-Cushion FROM $119.00 4 Cushion To $235.00 'THURSDAY, APRIL 29, UNTIL .SATURDAY, MAY X2,1965 $edly and. .Simmons MATTRESSES and BOX SPRINGS BEGINNING, ALL SIZES DRASTICALLY :REDUCED FOR EXAMPLE: $59.50 Sealy Mattress or' Box Spring Sale Priced Only. $34.88'ea. (THIS Mattress has 252 Heavy Gauge Coil, -10 Edge Guards, Supports, Scroll ' Quilt Top, Heavy Damask Ticking.) 180 COIL MATTRESSES All Sizes ' $19.88 12 Qualities of Mattresses and Box Springs To Choose From All Reduced $49.88 to $168 11*W Agettows,,, ; 41; ' 45' Other Beautiful BRAND NAME SUITES To Choose From — $145.00 and up --All Specially Reduced To Make This The Most Spectacular Sale in Beattie's History! DAVENOS, 2-PC. DAVENPORTS, SLEEP OR LOUNGES, 2-PC. SUITES, SECTIONALS FROM $53.00 to $349,00 Use Your Old Suite 'As Down Payment. SHOP AROUND, THEN COME TO BEATTIE'S AND SEE WHAT WE MEAN.- .. for Cur 1-11G1-1 ANALYSIS — Your yields' and profit will take a tremendous leap forward with new AA Quality 7-28-28 fertilizer. Agrico's 7-28-28 in the popular 1-4-4 ratio is high in phosphorus fox early maturity and high in potash for top quality grain had sturdier stalks._ Spring Grain With more plant food units in every bag you need less fertilizer to get :maximum yields, And you save time, labour and money. The uniform granules spread even- ly and are easily regulated.in the hopper. This season, use Agrico's AA Quality 7-28-28 for corn and studl grains and watch your profits grow. a f'1,41-„At M 10, r .u.1 El AGIIICULTUFIAL .CHEMICALS LoNtioN oittAttamIntlt hvt POFer KOPt Order from your itgrico dealer A. J. MUSTARD, RR I, Varna 808 TAY R1 1R1 3i Clinton HAUGF4 'BRCS, RR 1i Brucefieldl Named Jre Royalty Thia is the last of ra3" tories afliout faun Canadian `11Prts, Not becaAsia have covered therm 411, for there are anal' More acrossCanada with just as intereSthig tales to be told shout their Past. Put it is her cause I beileve that one should write onify 001304 things with which one is familiar, 'Dusk was descending rapidly over Hudson BaY on the August evening I fastened a life jacket oecttrelY about my f 'Person ancl tonic a seat in a huge open boat With 24 other members of the ON's allnUal tour to Churchill, in Northern Manitoba. This boat, that looked to me like a den-tasted sail boat with an in- board Motor,. was in charge of a huge burly chap Who stood precariously in the stern guid- ing our journey with a long Wooden tiller, Fresh water flan 1.1 the Chur- chill river was tumbling in a rage into IludSon Bay as the did salt aimed the prow Of the boat toward Eskimo Point where Prince of Wales Fort has been criimbling away for almost two centuries. The waves were high and, our lives were in the hen& of this hilarious individual. His. MOW was catching and When we realized he has been shut- tling tourists hack and forth betWeen Churchill and the Fort for many years we forgot what we had anticipated Davey Jones Locker might look like if we were to tip over. The history of the Fort is of course closely knit with that of the Hudslon's Bay Company. On the shores of Hudson Bay,. this histOccic penanient rivais in fury the \better Igiown fortres- ses of \ QUelVe 4ncl Logsblirg, ,I,4ike these two 'StrOugliPldS, PriP,Se of Wales raft is part pf the story the' Steuggle hatWeen :ElOand and , France fOr the mastery or, the northern part of this; continent. The harbor' was otiOinellY dischlVered by ^a Danish Sea cap- tain named Jens lVtuock in 19191 but it' wasn't until 1670; when. King Charles ,the First of >i"r vg.. land gave t the HudSon's Bay CoMPanY its •charter, that Posts were established at, thet pionths of great rivers' flowing into liuctson Bay, At lirst Churchill, which' redeivecl its name -from the newly appointed goverilor of the company, John Churchill, Was just a white whale fishery. Later Captain James Knight was conuniSsioned to build t Wooden fort on the site lyre- gently occupied by 'the HudSon's Bay store in Churchill. Minerals and Disaster The disasters and conflicts during the years 1694' to '97 led directors of the coMpany to sanction the building of a huge fort on the Bay. ThiS was plan- ned to be a refuge for the corn- Pany's servants and ships from all trading posts along the coast. Work on Fort Prince of Wales was begun in 1733 and coinicieted, in 1771 under great difficulties. The parapet con- tains forty embrasures for guns Still lying on the walls. Barren of trees and now covered by gravel mothering a sporadic grOwth of spindly weeds and tall. sea grass, it is a morbid Sight, yet thrilling, when one remembers its history. Probably the most noteworT thy exploration of the Company was in 'the year 1769 when Sam- uel Hearne was sent by the gov- ernor to investigate copper de- posits ht the northwest regioa of Churchill. After three jour- neys he reached the Ccippermine River and as' a reward he was appointed Governor of Prince, of Wales Fort. His record as a governor was not a creditable one for he surrendered to the French Admiral Le Perouse, Who attacked the Fort in 1787 with a fleet of 'three ships. Le Perouse tried to destroy the Fort and when he found it practically indestructible sailed away to capture York Factory and take Hearne to France as priwner. Today it serves no practical purpose except as a beacon to mark Churchill harbor and as a ftzernendously thrilling adven- ture for tourists. " CAT'S out of the bag . • obi - EXAMPLE: 4-PC. SUITE 4'6" Bookcase Bed, Doubl e Dresser, Mirror and Chif- foneer, 24 Bedroom Suites To Choose From — All Prices. Enhance Your Bedroom With A Quality Constructed BEDROOM SUITE From Beattie's 4-pc, Colonial Bedroom Suite Spindle or Plain 4'6" Panel Bed, Double Dresser and Mirror, Spacious Chiffoneer. ,S4 Sale Special $124.00 Only $169.00 41 We Carry Colonial, French Provincial, It liar Provincial, Modern, Traditional .nd Spanish Influenced Styles by Brand Names such as Kroehler, lfaufmaiL UIC Art, Greliier, Deilcraft and Others. SHOP EARLY — DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED — ILL GUARANTEE Y CAN'T BUY FOR LESS. hr efte Complete StoCk of UNFINISHED FURNITURE AA e 1964 MODEL SUITES including , f. 7-Pc. Suites in Chrome and Bronzetone -- Choice of Arborite and Chair Material. From $49.88 and up Come In And See These Elegant Suites -- Trade-his Accepted -- Terms Arranged 2 HARDING and KRAUS CARPETS 18 Qualities Featuring Acrilan, Nylon and Wool From $3.75 sq. yd. and up Now Is The Time To Enhance Your Home With Carpets Prom Beattie Furniture. FREE ESTIMATES IN YOUR HOME WALL-TO.WALL INSTALLATION Many Remnants and 95(12' Rugs In Stock, 57; COUPONS NOT ACCtPT5D ON DISCOUNT PURNITUIkE FLOOR COVERING 14 Rolls of Congoleum and Vinyl From ...., ....... ........ 89c sq. yd. SPECIAL-6' Linoleum Standard Gauge Reg $,2.39 sq. yd. Sale $1.95 sq. yd. 8 Other Rolls of Vinyl mode by Armstrong, Dominion, Liman, Amtico-6' wide, Solid Vinyl From .......... $3.48 sq. yd. COMPLETE LINE OF SAMPLES FREE ESTIMATES at Phone 4824521 Beattie - anion Ontario'