HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-05-06, Page 3Public' Information Officers Inswict RCAF ,Clinton Wing Commander B. R. Rafuse; left, Acting ,CO RCAF Clinton, chats in, formally with Major "A" McPhee, centre, and F/L "Oes" BUrge, right), of Central Region Information Office, last Thursday. , 2?CA2' Photo) Major "Jim" McPhee and FA. ,"Oes" Burg of the Dept. of National, Defence Offiee Infnunation, Ortana Barracks, Oakville ' paid a Staff visit to RCAF. Clinton on Thur'sdaY, April 29, In keeping with the recent reorganization of the Armed Services, the Public Information Branch of the' Forces has been completely re-organized under Regional. ConiticOl. RCAF Clin- ton and its Public Information function are advised by the Central Regional Office, under Major McPhee. The Regions in turn, are responsible directly to the Director of Information Services in Ottawa, operating within ;the Deputy 'M'inisters' organization. Public Information, Office at Station level are regular serving officers who perform an information service as a "sec- ondary" duty. IT§ ALWAYS, A VERY PLEASANT SIGHT, TO ,WATCH TY THATS !VORKIN6 RIGHT MERRILL RADIO-T.V. ireMntiaMtigi 482.1021 CLINTON Mr. and Mrs. David. McCutcheon- Mr. and.Mrs. David John McCutcheon, married at Ontario St. United Church, Clinton, recently, will take up residence in Exeter. Thq 'bride is the farther Janet 'Elizabeth Batkin, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Batkin. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. 4 Jack McCutcheon, Brussels. all teens! CLINTON STYLE —*— By "PAM" plastering the school walls with posters, Running for president - this year are Joan. Irwin and Jim Livermore, Actual voting is done by the whole student ibody on Friday morning. The student body was introduced 'to the nominees at a "sardine assembly" on Mon- day morning. On Wednesday of this week the track anti field meet was held at the RCAF Sports Field on Highway 4. Results of the meet will be published later. The Station. Teen Town has revealed a new group on the base, "Sandy and the Secrets". Due to some conflicts and con- fusion at a dance a couple of weeks ago, the activities of the Station Teen Town are kind of quiet, A very interesting thing hap- wed to a swinger in town this week. Helen Corran received ,,,postcard from the well-known author, Alan Paton, (Cry, the Beloved Country is on the Grade 11 English course this year). A couple of months ago, Helen wrote to Mr. Paton and asked him some questions about the book and on Monday she received the postcard adorned with colourful stamps from South Africa, His home is in Natal, and he is very Close to the subject he wrote about in his book, the South African Negro problem. Helm considers it the nicest thing Mr. Paton could have done, Well, that's it for now, Till next time, Your swinging pal, PAM gifit GODERICH ON1-,. DANCING FOR THE YOUNG CROWD. THIS WEEK — SATURDAY, MAY 8 "Gordon Rhodes and The Comets" Dancing 9 to midnight . Admission .76c per person 1 MIGHT ONLY — ,SATURDAY, .MAY "Little Caesar and The ,Consuls" Dancing 9 to 12 ' Admission $1.25 per Catering to Luncheons, Weddings, Banaisetso Etc. For Rental information or Reservations Dial 524-9371 or 524-9264 411'.....MIN.M.InOn•m=1.0.01 01.1•MOIMM1111...MMOMMaMallossomm.maxam. Come i*i . gee bath 19' and 211/ 'Whirlwinds by Taro. BALL and MATCH LIMITED CLINTON Completely Rebuilt eu All sizes - 2 Cycle 'and 4 tyale In All Price Ranges AJI guaranteed solisfObtory . or your money cheerfully refunded 2 Only — REBUILT TILLERS ALL MObELS NEW 1965 , LAWN BOY MOWERS With "Finger-Tip Storting" Wells Auto Electric air 'l 01110INAL SHOW' PhitOse 482.3851 laNd STREET CLINTON Sunoco Products Goodyear Tire D Your Mctulloch Chain So* Dealer ter AN ALL NEW LOOK AT THE .NEWS LOCAL AND WORLD WIDE with John Strong — Cliff Robb — John Brent — Roger West • Financial News • Markets • Sports • • Coming Events • • News • • Weather • MONDAY TO 'FRIDAY 6.30-7.00 P.M. allti4zit, Television "TOPKAP1 It to Cater TUNE IN AT 6 P.M., MON., TUES., THUR. & FRI. FOR PIERRE BERTON NOW ON CHANNEL 8 by POPULAR DEMAND! 18-9b THE SQUARE--GODERIC NOW — THUR., FRL, SAT. — May 6-7-8 James Darin, Pamela Tiffin and Marilyn Maxwell "THE LIVELY SET" —color Pius Disney's "BLUE MEN OF MOROCCO" MON., TUES., WED. — May 10-11-.12 (Adult Entertainment) James Franciscus, Suzanne Pleshette and Genevieve Page From Herman Wouk's original novel, a romantic drama "YOUNGBLOOD HAWKE" THUR„ FRI., SAT. May 13-14-15 Peter Ustinov, Melina IVIercuri and Robert Morley An Academy Award performance features this Eric Ambler crime-Cornetly Coming,: "THE YOUNG LOVERS" with Peter Venda SUNSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE GODERICH Box Office Opens at Et o'clock NOW — FRI., SAT, — May 6-7-8 Fred MacMurray and Polly Bergen. "KISSES FOR MY PRESIDENT" Chuck Connors and Kathleen IVIcGuire "LIPPER" — Both in Color -- MON, Tuts,, WED..— May 10-1142 Doris Day, John Gavin arid Oscar Winner- Rex Harrison "MIDNIGHT LACE" — Color David Hemming 'and Jennifer Moss "ING and SWING" THUR., FRI, SAT. May 13-14.15 Reek Hudson and Martha Flyer "RATTLE HYMN" 'felinity -Steele and Angela Douglas ''THE DREAM MAKER" Beth In Technicolor — AT THE • In the dedicated service of all, Salvation Army `vorkers make no distinction of race or creed. They are always ready to assist victims of pov, erty, personal tragedy and disastet. Hein The Salvation Army to give aid and cor,:kt ever it is deeded.., a SET .LOCAL HEADQUARTERSAD-DRESS HERE Canvass Be fieldtith;lao The Month Of May ,Donations May Ee ,Left At Pickett & 'Camuhell Limited Sttied,.At Main COtherytittit6ii, Auburn C6.1t Bonquet A-41=1124 --- The Auburn CiCiTr..group met in tbe aupday 2,00m of Knox Presby- tertian ehtlreh with Presideat Jane 4I)Oilan, giving the to wiorplaip. Judy.A:TU.14r was T1 mMateg w.Oce apPrOWO Ei$ road by the pretanr, qad1 12,Pron ,C0,42g TgOe1Ve4 the o,ffect#g .41-40: Mary Sander- Sea gave VIP finantolaa state- Mont: r1411110 paqm wpm, 41,sewseo PoOcerrp4l2g the iYfpitor and. Paagbiter blaTiquPt. A Bible, qvtiz and Study was taken Barbara. .4,PdersO4,'' ' 101-1144. fTql:was aigWered gieb est flar •tnenifb,er 444000: their ;lot- ne, Both • Major Mckee and. F/L Burge are c ld , hands at the "PIO" business, having been prefeSsional newsPaPer report- us and 'editers, before joining their respective services. a' WOO Huron VI Plan Fat! District Annual The executive of the West Haron,"District of the Women's Institute met in 'MacKay Hall, Gaderich to plan tor the Dis- trict Annual to be hold,at 131yth on May 27, The president, Mrs. Donald Riehl, was in charge and IVIrs, Wes Brachlook road the min- utes of the last executive meet- ing. Mrs. Otto Popp reported an the 1966 Ploughing Match booth project. Mrs. Tait Clark, dis- trict curator, led a discussion group which included the eleven branch curators. The preSidents of all the branches were 'named as the nominating committee. Mrs. Glen Carter was named con- vener and she presented the slate of Officers for the coming Ylear. IYEsplayst by the Kintail and Wdngham branches and all Tweedsmuir books will be on display along with the District History •book at Blyth. Members who, say they are too busy"to attend meetings are like the man who was se busy chopping wood he never time to sharpen his axe, Hi! there are lots of dances around this weekend, but they all requlire the .use of a-, oar .un-. less you're good at hitchhiking. On Friday night (May 7) the fabulous Mojo's beat will be heard in 'Brussels; and On Sat- urday night they are going to. have their "rnojo workinw way up in Owen Sound. Hears Of Conference AUBURN — The Clinton Junior Institute meeting was held in the Agriculture office Board room with the president, Sharon Ball, presiding. A business period was con- ducted and Barbara Watkins reported on the Conference at -Guelph which she had attended, A discussion followed on the topic, "Lowering -the Voting Age." FOR THE UTMOST IN SERVICE FOR THE FINEST IN PLANTS VISIT Sebringville Garden Centre NICK BIRKENGREN, HORTICULTURAL GRAD. • PHONE 393-6131 Complete Selection of Roses -- Flowering Shrubs Evergreens -- Hedge ,Plapts Shade Trees Patio Pots -- Lawn Ornaments -- Swans Seeds -- Bird Baths —Everything For Your Garden And Nothing" Else- 50 Varieties of Hybrid Annuals in our Greenhouse Sole Supplier to the Stratford Shakespearean Festival Location: Open Daily froth 9 a.m.-9 No. i3 Highway opposite .Closed for Lunch 12-1 p.m. Sebringville School Open Sunday 2-5• p.m. Only Thum/ May •6/ 1965 Walkedium Club- Holds Fenny _SM.e. Ofetilbsit Plants. AtIliVAN * The 'Wailes. burn Club mot tor 'their .men„, t3-24y, .meeting at tlao 'home of Atm 4)e V.Orwey wittilbp Kg*. dPiat; Nfrg,. Lome gunicing, in tbe. chair, Theroll. call was oragwered. by ,7 .moraberg,•-eacb giving plant' slips or bulbs, • The prize clIdngml- bY. Tam (DUI-mil:4014M was •Wen. by 1V s. doe Vgfewoy, PiarP were MOP far' the next meeting to he, held alt the home ok Mrs;" Gross. The PoRr041,. 111 the charge OPEN YOUR NE 3 RED SHIELD Two Public Information Officers On Official Visit To Station Clinton As yoar grass grows, it lies fiat. It's hard to cut. But Toro's Whirlwind° with "Wind-Tanner ° aotion has so much pull- ing force ... it actually pulls the grass up. for a. More even cat Then it discharges clippings stye'tly, smoothly. Bags beautifully. Leaves your lawn spotless. By, the way does anybody really .lainw what a mojo is? Other than knowing that a Mo-Jo is used in referring to "a member of the group, what a M0j0 really is, is a mystery` yet to .be revealed. On May, 8 the Del-Reys will be in Brantford. at Mohawk Gardens where there is always a swinging big crowd. In the Goderich. Arena. this Saturday there will be some recording ar- had tits, the marvelous "Marrs". Next weekend the. Harbour- bite. Inn will- feature. "Little Caesar and the Consuls"; and coming up there is rumoured a big multi-star performance to appear in Gaderich, (sometime in June or July, maybe?), Guess what? Janet did it a- gain. She ran first in the Le- gii6n public speaking contest in Toronto last Saturday, and that was against some pretty:rough competition. Up at the High School, cain- -paigns are on right now. The nominees for the position of treasurer, secretary, vice-presi- dent and president (next year's Student Council) are madly Junior Institute ,N9VI.s.-1.149.P.014 Page4 Km Stewart Ament and Mrs Tom. C24.4.242.04444 And the Tog ,o411 to be answered AaMitig fa' trite .gpring The lunch PP.01.4)11#00.h .1Ylz,3-,. Ted Huntoxig, Sys,. Willaaun fiunkatg., MT % James ,ilapic.21 and Mrs, FARotti4app. Axt into sting- por4t& sale. of 'bulbs axed Oant. Pendtleted by Mrs. Lorne litini011g was held, The program of the Owe, noon Wg Planned by .Mrs, •OW Otalningtoial, and. lVfr s, -04PMen. Gros% They gave several read; 100 04a- 104 ;an WPM CPC.1,1;VOt. W111.071 OV.CTY!, one -trwoliaa.m41144040, Tea wag serval by lgrs• Dar', Mrs, John grg, Joe VPriwoy and.lftg, 4047' Wok, Mg; EachWeek One lucky Customer Will Win, $5,00 Free Cleaning Credit THIS WEEK'S LUCKY NUMBER 1523 CKNX television PRESENTS . . .