HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-05-06, Page 1Vri
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We -rL
(0-y $111TIPY Keller) Ws
TK-'NW,E,M-A. 98th. Yppr
nO Yew
The d. tKe 0; WNTOK ON
Our bousq.,It all vegan 4 week
No. 10 C iTAA1%. TIHU
PPAY; MAY.6 $4.iQO,Per
Year- 'Oeolt* Par C%.),Py paqe;�
ago Sunday wiieri;
robin. chwe tb Wu
I, rii ftt4re o�tside, our. fton +H Clu� News Jonlor Former News
4 r"3K,
door as Me SXte
or lier JVtV . .... .
llboW IAU-IgaloNvi%.
bV-sbM4 land J..�
uv -
'lly you call -avia nature n
wilvat 4 H, Clui ,s' I .'Huro'n;
lovem" but we e"i"y prew
sena have, Sung. �beuE�chan'..
ence of ood'�is croat=
;woch as most people, However,
byiniii, "God Sees, The Little njo.rs n. x. ge.Vi 1,
Sparx;aw IW- I, I just, often
'Twenty-one 4-R A&TIcultural Beef Daiay, $w1n,q,
bog carcasses.•
�i to become Jyminwashed Clubs with approximately 380 Grain, Sweet Conn, CPM Grain,
]alters a,-' �A , Donald Mcir, 21 of RR
—A- . 1, d �u TMator and Fv 'Pit With two
71hus it was When. we, the, Projects hawbeen organize Machmexy 1, Dublin, w4 vi
Huron, in 1965. Projects inel0e. (2-pid year W-10,04 . 4-H families in Alberta, durping
5n, the house- 4 -Ii C5ub Leaders work 'the Inter-Prn-i-eini 4 -TT A,.,J-
hold hbtearipted to. persu4de clogel; �NIIth: the Extension oulttiraa -Club ExchoiTge during
to build else- Owe winner BrIanlich, of the Department of July 12- 26,
where. A's A's rny. husband Salida Agriculture in the operation of Donald was selected for this
"We did not erect our home' as • Huron, 'County .4mH Club pro- top 44-1 Award, Exchange at the
a shelter for wayward maiden In Kinsmen' grams, time of 4-H Leadership Week
robins, There are. several per- The Huron County Junior held at the Ua-Avenity of Gwiph
fbctly good trees about the yard s and 44-1 Livestock in 1964. He -has been active in
in which the bird can. reside for Sta* n1e, Y:Cu" Draw Farmer•s Judging Competition, will be 4-1-1 club Work and is.cumutly'
all --the y0am to come,,if She de- In the Clip- held ;at the Seaforth Fair presiderit of the, fqrth Junior
sires." The $.5Q0 prize Sea
ay, May 29, Farmers,
ton Zinsinen -Stanley Cup draw Grounds on Saturday,
S Ile nest. was tern down on ng disc 'Classes will include dairy and Ulm Anne Whelton., -17, of
has to, be split two
-it Wtis concession. 2, Hullett Township, and his sons, are harrows and diamond b,0T.ows, Hullett ownsl-lip ways, The beef cattle, Sheep, swine and Black Rock, Gloucester C, un,
Monday morning. timq of the Winning score in �>
there again (much to. children!s contemplating seedlrig. upwards of 506 acres this farmer-photogi�4pber kIehry Wyker, RR 4, Clin- the'final game. between Chic- ty, New Brunswick will be in
glee). Monday evening, Vie' year. They already have sown 85 acres. To ac- ton, took -th,6 above PIS
. dare on Tuesday morning ago, Bl=k Hawks and Montreal the Iriter-Proval 4-1-1 AgTrim
muddy messy mulch was re- coxhplisi' this amount of work they. are, using of this' -week. Canadiens was not sold. Janet Gornall 'ur"" county at th-e time of
moved. Tuesday dawned on. a. cultural Club Exchange,
The Cana -eas scored -h
triumphant robin perched on di the Mist Whelton Will visit with
another now nest,. Huron I Brief Says . . . first goal at the 14 second Miss Nellie 13 tang RR t Walton,
$chdo'l Area No In ProviWal
mark of the first period, then
All day WedneSday'ltlie battle went them SP ak,ng fia'jj I Miss Iris Marshall, RR I
raged. The dejUant, persdstaixt A ent on to. win 4-0; thus mak- e I �p
robin uw aided andabettedby, second scare the S Kirlatm,, while In Huron County.
two contnivanj youngsters who, BPS deciding goal. I 1 -0
The 12 second and 16 second,
did eVerythmg possible to, keep S tanLe,>y Andl uckersmith ''Townsh." "' `4
our destructive fingers Off the first period t4ciceU weo�e Collecflng Funds
nearest to the actual score: V-1
nest. They Shared the hoe thot
the eggs would belaid before I-loward Grealis held the 12
second ticket dhd Robert 0 Honour
In, -
the strawed crownon, tbelight Could Save Money on Central School I
w Mr. RI
w1bis discovered again. in, .one year old son of
Thursday , WDr=1 9, we devals- S�ariley Township' council richment, a visual aid program, Fbr purposes of comparlsot, their revenue for the same� per- and Aft, Pete Irwin, had his Hockey Champs
Monday T4ght saw and heard me, a physical education, pro- the 1964 financial report of the iod. The central gehool operated name on the 16 second ticket. 4 VA.
ed a LencIfth plaii to discouftge newdevelopments in the -bid by granjm6, etc." several pres�nt schoolar in the abnost $10,000 below their rev- They' will split the $500 prize. At a meeting oaf team offic-
the establisbirridnt Of a nursery Stanley and Tuckersmith School Fli3res in the brief- showed area was Stacked up against the, enue for 3.964. Expenditures for The draw was in charge oif 14
at our front door.. We once lads, service club representatives
boards for a jokit. ceiitiul school that one 16 -room, school for the Statement for the Same peri6d the central school were $172,- David Beattie, second vice- . . . . . . . . . . and to'A%, 00cials. last Friday
more .evicted the enraged bird
to The operated under,the pro- towmhips has been eqtknatod in a, central school comparable 712,83. evening in the council ebamb-
president of Clinton Kinsmen
brown paperbag over the light. Area No. 1. -e. ways and -ors, plans got underway to
and this, time placed a crackly posed Huron, County School at, a cost of $433,000 for con, to the one proposed for; the Estimated operating costs for and chairman of th
struction. They also sbowed that new Cburity School Area. the ppoposed new central school means- committee. He said the i� r-afise funds to honour Clinton's
A •frustrated, frenzIed feath- A detailed -brief drawn up by, the one unit could be operated Revenue columns showed that in Huron County School Area
ered friend darted to and fro. J club -would realize a "nice Jr, I'D" OHA -hockey champs.
the Public School. inspectors in more economicalty than schools. the schools in'Ste nley and Tuo- No. I were based on those f ind- I praaV from . the annual fund- �M The
first fund-rWsing event
She Pecked at the dAsturblng Huron -was presented present kr
.. esnuffli together received from (Continued on Page 'Seven) I raising "event.
obstruction and Capped her resented tcoup- under the ssthi
WIN be a Stag night at Clinton
Legion hall on Friday, May 21.
cillors by Reeve Eivile Talbot all sources $126,753.67 while the
Wings in anger, She even tried who also laid Some MtheT as_
.Still Tickets Left central school received $182,- $1.00 admission price to
to sit atop the wobbly sack. In Clinton Court le
tounding figures to report. 05,45. A closer inspection of
this also includes a chance on
Finally, in utter despair: and For Moose Dinner
Written Brief these' figures revealed that a set off three woad golf clubs.
Mth the sweet taste of revenge Me brief received by Stanley Tickets are still available While local levies for the cen- The p0ze was, gtven by J.
In her beak, she began the courroil gave a thorough, ex- for the Clinton , Servic�e t-oal school were -lower than in Four Liquor Charges Heard Ill I Howard Brunsdon, C91al-ton. Lions
'horne building •project ill eam- planatibn for the school board's Clubs' moose meat banquet Stanley and Tuckersmith, De- Janet Gornall, the, senior Arena, wanagen
est within the eavetriough above present propasal for a' school lit the Legion Hall, Satar- parlament of r ftcation grapts The meeting decided to also
the, livingroom windbw. with "fifteen classrooms, a gen- day, May 8 at 6:30 p.w. All were �consjderably -higher. Magistrate's Court, Yesterday girls' public speaking chani- - accept, donations to the fund
Ladderlem and without.err- oral purpose room,. a library proceeds froAn the banquet Expense -Wise, figures show'',ied A Clinton man pleaded guilty on their recd. pion of CHS,S, walked Off
ergy, we have aU, owed the C'4' and other aux-th top honors -in Toronto which will be used to purchase
stracton, to continue. . And Z =. -. -i 1�i � - - "facilities and ftltly PRn,�bInd,quarter that S. Wednesday in Clinton'sClintoes Mag- Theodore. John Saint, Prlri- appropriate jg&ets for approx-
an-In.- pi e3&.arrd. T A last Saturday Where- she Wa1%
iprf�bWd type id of' inea'f go,' to thi nei s&61 boards spent $134 986.'13 'Istrate Court to a charge of cess, St,, 17, was fined $50 and imately 25 players and team
positive -the -robin that sits on educatibu — . ions for en- arena, fund In Clinton. in 1964, better than $8,000 over supl%dng liquor to one youth 'warts $7.50 or one month in competing in ithe Royal, Can- officials. Receipts for donations
the lawn staring at our house provas under the age of 21 years and jail when he pleaded guilty to adilan Legion Area Public over $2.00 will ,be mailed W
wfth a "whose-got-4the-last- two juverilles. (Continued On Page 12) Speaking Cbritest, donors,
laugh -now" look in her eye, Is Miss GoniaR, a grade 13
the same one who lives in our Gerald Steep, 153 Mary St., 0 -Student at CHSS, who plahs At press' time, Wednesday,
eave. BayField Council and choclTrusteeswas fined $150 and costs or to enter University of Wes- $46.41 had ]qeen, received by
•three months in jail for gianal
ng Londe'sboro W1 tern Onitario, this fall to ma- the comm` The odd mount
All of this -made me doubly jor in English, had previbusly was a cash donation, left at•
60 Princess St., enough beer the Xeiws-ecord officeby one
aware of -the dozen or so bagsWant To Keep Their 2 -Room School 'ne"ie","an"'g"won the zone competition in
a slait, that were scattered a- liquor to become intoxicated. To Start.On Clinton and, the district con- of Clinton's veteran sportsmen;
long highway 4 from Exeter The following report was met with council and two mem- 'Bayfield elementary school fa- I consider your offence one test Lq Hanover with her , top- $1.41 was -in an envelope, that
to Clinton Friday morning, subn-Atited to the News -Record bers of the Stanley Township cirtles should be closed out. of the Triost flag=t I have History Book le, "The Age of Chivailry IS stated "a. contribution to, the
"I've heard of putting salt 011 by a meeting of ratepayers, Area ,School: Board — Merton This would mean that the 68 heard'," staid Magistrate Glenn Dead" , fund to detray deficit and do
-a birld!s tall," I thought, "but couneillors and school board Werner and James Cleave --on children, now attending the Hays, QC, when. Steep lopenly The Londesborc, Women's She now moves to the Pro- honour to ClIntoift champ. jun-
this -is ridiculous members after the regular Monday evening to discuss a Bayfield School, would be talc- admitted to the charge as read Institute are compiling a vincial finals fin Toronto, Fri- lor hockey team, to be used, to
Just below RCAF S�atlon council meeting in Bayfield, report Written by the school en 12 miles by bus to a. Pro- by Crown Attorney William Tweedsmuir History Book day, May 14, buy three packages of cigar -
Clinton, I located the Main Monday, inspectors of Hinvii County on posed central school south Of Cochrane. and would appreciate any FAL and Mrs. D. E. Gornall, ettes.11
trouble Spot A department of(I the proposed school facilities Brucefield. Turning to Strong, who ap- items of -history of Londes- 31 Winter Court, Clinton, are Cash donations to date ares:
highways crew was busily sera- „A dozen Bayfield ratepayej:s for. the new Huron County "Discussion, at the meeting peared on a c'haaige of consurn- boro and distalct, also any her parents, and were in Tor- 3 Pkgs. Cigarettes .,..$ 1.41
ping together a generous heap School Area No. 1, which ID- found fault with many of the Ing while still a minor, Magis- pictures, onto for the speaking compo- Sim. Armstrong .. . ..... 10.00
of the thirst pioducingcrys W-8. The Weather eludes Bayfield land the 'Town- statements made in the inspec- trate Hays said, "You are just This includes churches, tition on Saturday. Caryl W. Draper ..... 10,00
Apparently, some delivery truck 1965 1964 ships of Stanley and Tucker- tors' report. It was #elt that seventeen and certainly your schools, farms, shops, andirrank Chapman ........ 5.00
out of Godevich would anlivA- ed High Low High LOW Smith• the report should lave been uncle is much the worse of- cemeteries and any other NO 310RUI TItrx-CENTZ RS Harold Glew, Preston 5.00
its destination much righter April 28 55 31 67 529 "Dissatisfaction was exTres- mare` objective and should not fender. But you knew YOU were items you think Would be When birthdays i-oll round for J. Howard Brunsdon.. 5,00
than was planned. 29 62 29 58 49 sed With the report wlilich has have dismissed So abruptly -re- doing wrong too." of interest. Clinton News -Record U0
S relatives
But misery loves, company, 30 67 88 57 45 been Written as if it Were the quests made by the Western "Yes Sir," said Strong. He The WI would appreciate A frown ctui be seen on my Mayor Don Symons . 5.00
they say. So I prefer to think May 1 159 37 52 44 opinion of the prescht Stanley end of Stanley Township, and Was fined $15 and costs. it, If you Would contact the brow; Donations mV be left at the
it was an experiment to catch 2 711 45 66 42 and Tuckomnitli School Baw-d& the Village Of Bayfield for the -mloCher Warning curator of the book, Mrs, I remember I -used to btly pre- Bank of Montreal, Royal Bank,
an expectant robin and plunk 8 80 48 69 43 The report reconinaerids that addition Of two rooms to the Magistrate Hays continued Lloyd Pipe or Mrs, Glen gents Clinton Cit -lit UnIon, X. W.
her down in a tree where she 4 62 42 78 As one central School be built for Present modern tWO-rOOn1ed his crackdown. on youths having Carter within the next Vor what cards are costing me Colquhputi Office or at the
belongs. Rain: .05" Rain: .50" 1 the new School area and that I (Contlnunrl on Page Seven) 'two or more liquor infmct!=8 three or tour weeks, nowl News-Aelcord 01fice.
titend Fkst Fun Fair" at 'I ton Public SchoolAudkwIUM
Hullwndreds, and Go"Ah Kinds Par^nt A " in
(By Pana Visher) Solves. its, forming a sort of "mid- the real thing, and the beot was in such great demand Wanted to "fish". int, Flor the wom and weary
On ];',ridgy, April 30 at 7-M The Hoi-fte and School ""en- Way" for the many happy hart about them was -that 'that at One -point D. John The bake table, and white Also available to the child- parents there Was a Toa
paui a huge crowd of kiddies tertainnient committee" head- childreft at the fair overbody of tL *pthe. !Cochrane,. MISS Principal, elephant table sold everything ren NvL*re popcorn and a Var- Room, Where they could re -
With mothers and fathers a- ed by Mr, and Um John The games were- "golf" rut, A system, that worked very kindly volunteered his Servie- in Sight quite rapidly, and the iety of pop, The children were lax long eftioug-b to build lip
long, Walted. for the official Vishei, hW14 the first "PUD, by Uta and Mrs. C. Gateg; Well was tlii� use of tickets; in, es 4S "blicket Salesmatill to sun tem were convinced tbi'llied -taicl the parerits rami- the energy to attend the
openingot the 11ome ah4 Sth- V:alrIl in tho public School au- lkly,11-togs" run •by Mig• boti places of itioney. Iii order to help Out that any lady who would sell taitly beamed that it was '*the Movie House, A scales of four
trot -Sponsored ""Van V alt". As ditorlam. Volun.teLir parents JChy and her son Aob.ett; saVe the children the Problem Once IMirlo, th6 childreiri a model or two cupcakes MI+ best Idea, anyone had hoed in films Was shoWri. much to the
soon as Ptayor Don Syment of schoolage children ran the "bowling" run lit' tell Paw- Of cat7ying chauge, each child I'Av=p6dI1 the fishp6jid, and one ticket (flays cents) must -a long time." They suggested dorglit of the little children,
finished the last word of his games Oil bile 81de of the cett and his, son David, and or his parent wa8 told a to Utg, Zablocki did mi. excel. be confused. The reasons for that such a fair should be 01 of whom enjoyed the ard-
g tpeeth, at least aOO m, while the- baltt- sale ,"baseball" run by Liew, Luil- of tickets at the door by a lent Job, ;assisted by her sen the pt=basa of some of the niade aii annual event, and Mal stoi'jeis,
public school yoUligsters were table, white elephant table low. Each or These games was familiar public school teaicher._ mid a friend, In coping W-ith ailtioles Was either very amus- one lady simply exclaimed- The 1run Fair,, was really
teady to start enjoying Item- and the fishpond was oppos- actually a s=fll I-eprea of However :the sale, of tickets the 8iWirm of children Who inq or else quite hea'rtwanh- "les terviriel" a huge success.
16mi oftho t6ihobbil b6y.t hi d b6*16if 06it'i
PaWtd#f'tJ,0eJ-�1te4 jh6
U tuididwi Idtf -drwd Latiy Jbii6tj
-6*016' Lth6
The biuddhii§ Wiufiofil 04khot '60*tih# , 36M6,
tithocil 19, beef 'dtdy aiid b, 16hit t6j:`heam*
�1,6ftj!bf §aMeS ft kil!
..... ..... .. ...
j>rdeffa 'With, Ad thdiholik 'edfefioe.
thdi abit owthiq Nem,