Clinton News-Record, 1965-04-29, Page 1........ ....
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TUQ Qthpr day, my six-yepx T nd Year
.1 d4ughter a Q of T& e H 11 o , me , P ape , r Wi , th the Nqw� 2
� 9, 1965 Year�l ,,en
CLINTON� T, 0 C� . ts, Per �Copy,12 fqqes
ne No, 17
Volp (1�105,49M- 'N9m y S-1
r a last a Robt. Homuth Goes
Principal c9ch ning
qu r ne Re'sig UP T' I
Wbilo i. ani not, as
pn$ who h iSe4 c 1401en, in 4
aye !ra 11
At 6,
C r
enced, "perhaps,
ther9f9rer rA - Tea
some moth� ��i
pt -.Mon ange CF ^S
W the art of 1,111-T.
T e fill d by J �-h .
hedging, I have gope through his 4.prntner will bring a. numbei, of changes pVinciVal. will b e, 0 T, tion teachers at CUS
the twenty -thousand questions i the'teaching,and administrat! e -taff at Central
Penner, now tat, L, Kqnnedy plan to begin worl� on tbo de-,
DI enable them to
Atae with my r�qn who is-naNy V1, xi�: Si�hq r $ec9ndary School,, Port Credit. grees. that wa
eq o n cl 61r y- -oI i Clinton,
�136th men are migrried and bloconip fully quA44ed.
Thirteen teachers i
neluding Princi I D. Jghn each is the father of four, qhil- Robert J, 15unter; bea4
�pa of
'The trial -and error method, ochiane 'will 'be leaving in June. Already, nine Gi.Adtance Services�at CHSs re -
that hideous bqg�a-doq shunrled
replapemerAs, have been hired with anotber four Otli r Replacements -ed to accept a 19M ;i
by Dr. Spock, as been m �. , 4. sign PM t
teacher$,exigaged to fillmew posts created at the BantigglKemorial District High
gtkioe. And I have 01se6vweq Miss Diane-
Gingerick, now
e "yes" or "no#' is on, the staff ait;Westgate . Col- SiMyol at Alliston, lie will be
that a simpl
d Ont VqpJAced. by Charles Stiver who
far from sufficient as the
an- NOW 'Princival X legiate in Fort William
swer to a question posed by the th -Arrives from )E�enhedin District
RdbeVt Homutb wEjijil the vacancy left
bubble -gum, pal a:VCHSS since September resignatiou of home ecanomics 1-ligh School,
w4ted. lips, under
the wide green eyes h -a oed -by' -al at teacher Mrs. Marie Burgin, who ge
19QQ will become princip (Continued (In, Pa.!.
the straWberry' blonde tresses th haS4accepted a similar posit!Dn j2)
e end of tlits term.
of my little girl. at St. Mary's District
-Te graduated from. StrattfoW
But- this, time, I was really Teacher'& College in 1938 and
I Miss Gingeri6k is to be mar -
puzzled. The explatation tlaixght at �SS 9 Loipii Towasbip
ried this summer,
finity wopld be difficult even entary school near Xitch*11
if you did understand it, but to elem . 13 . Two girls' physical edu6abon
e!": for, thr e yi�ers'_ efore joining
put it in words -that a child teachers now at CHSS have re -
the armed forces,. Following his
could fathom is an all -day sue- stint- in the army he returned signed,
Mrs. Margaret Cull
a different colour. -ioiol and, graduated from )1ans to
kor of ba scl retire at Ale end of June and
-esity of Wester4 Ont-
NO I said bl�ntly.'! w, the Unive
ario, in 195Q. Miss Doris� Elliott goes to North
for the bombardnient. of wh
y Middlesex District High School
nots, Mr. Hamuth war. principAl,,it
'"Thait's what I thought," she, Mitdhell, Public School
Robert Homdth Two Clinton, girls, both tea -
41 tilought numbers 1952 and in September of thett
chortled, -at 0
- - - Hired A Principa! ching lintont Public Schoo
year joined, the staff at. Mitchell
were, �oinda like the sky. It's now, have been named to fill
always there and nevei ends,..'na High School where he remained year book of CDCI, will best the vacancies. Mrs. Mary Jean
matter how fur you go. It sayed Seaforth Girl Wing UN Teip, until con-Ang to Clipton in 1960. explalin Mr. Cochranes work Beattie and - Mi�ss Sherry Coch-
that on television." 1xi addition, to his duties as -here. rane wM take summer courses
Who says you caift replace Miss Linda Somerville, centrea, a student at Seaforth District High School, atsistant principal, 'here Mr � "Since taking over - -the 'ad -
to prepare them. for their P<A- P. John Cochrane
wonatri to the United Nation§.and New York World Fair in a public, Speaking libmuth was irr charge �f at ministilation of our school, Mr.
a mother?, . p tenoance, 61pline itions as girls' physical educa-".
competition at CHSS audlto�iurn. last Friday night. Clinton contestants in the dis and, exam- Cochrane has made many in- To Become -inspector
Speaking abouTnumbers, did . I00E-Rebekah public speaking were Robert Petersen, Adastral Park -and Miss inaltio�a, schedules. At the pm� novabons, such as the three -
you know, that,. the greatest Grace McAdam, right. (News -Record Photo) sent time", he is teaching.Grade minute system of changing FOR CENTRAL SCHOOL
number of ftes An. Ontarlo'lmt' .:13 algebra. �classes, and the deter-4ion. Sys -
,,year were caused by the cyre-. He replaces, Princlp4l Coch- tern, go. that already we can
lessness of smokers? The re- rane Who has been appointed see his capability and his gre*
port.of Ontario's Fire Marshall -an, inspector of Secondary interest in both the- academic Stanle'y and Tockersmith
Schoogs by the.Ontarto Depart- and athle:tLc welfare of the stu-
from misplaced, smouldering s ment of Efteatidn.
shows that 601 fires SPrang845 Bayfield Ratepayers A Mr. Co�.-hrame, came to Chn- dent body,."
cigars, cigarettes, plipes etc, Mr, Cbchrane�s recent ap- Option- on 3u Acres
ton in. January, 1960, from T.
only two'Brep were the re- vointment will, take him to
L. Xermedy Secondary School woo�dgtock,
suit, of defects, in gas distrib the centre of his The School Area boards- of year of meetmgs and discus -
tion systems. U_ Har6our in the Port Credit area. There itrspectorate In Norf&k, Oxford, StanleY and TqcRersmith have sions,
LFor 6 a. ents Ta,
clintoWs fire record is some prowem V 'he had been vice-prinO'Pal, and Brfant and Perth countim joined together mid taken. an The , architeutural fh-xn oft
improved. The average number (By Audrey Bellchamber) cerned about, the condition. of The letter pointed out that. before that, head of the Rhysl- Two Viee-Frincipals , option on a site for their pro- Blackwell, Raggarty and Buist,
of Vres in this town over the our harbour and Are in full the lowering of lalke levels to- cal Education Department, He Two vice -principals have been posed com�ined central schooll London, has been engaged to
last five years has been 16 per BAYFIri= — Residents and accord wfth the recommenda- gelther With. the inadequacies Of started his career on the staff which will serve bot -h town- draw Plans for the school which
Mtepa.yem -here have put their tions made by the Councl emptvill, e H-igh School. bliredat CHSS with the appm-
armum. in 1964, there kere: only stamp of approval on a petition I of construction and mainterrance. Ii at X ships, should be completed "sometime
15 fiTes causing 'an estimated the village of Dayfleld in their the harbour, was
requesting "Immediate action to , the main . He is a graduate of the Vn- val of the 130 Jack Taylor, chairman of the in 1966".,
damage of $1,771 in t9tal. letter of 16 February last", the cause of the problem. iveitity of Toronto and a form- Gordon, ihillips comes, from Stardley School Area board, said
restore the (Dayfield) Harbour petition states. It described the Bayheld Xar- er artallery offi*er in the Can- Fergus District 14gh:-School to
Only one citizin in Huron to a safe and usable condition!'. Wednesday, an option had been
County was -injured in a fire r Kenneth S. Mackie, president bour as having a large section adian, Army. replace Mr. , Homuth. -as � firgt taken on a thirty -acre pareel of
po, date, 945 silgriatures have of the Bayf of the lake end of the south Perhaps an, exerpt from the vice-principal, �.and the newly -
last year, bLIthough two of.the been attached to, the brief leld Businessmen! s 1960 issue of "De Schola", the created position of second vice- land one and one-quarter miles Hos'pltafl Day
largest fires, in the province. dbrR,.Vrh up -by the Bayfleld bus- Association �noted in his pier collapsed, and Mressed- south of Brucefield on the wett
to Mr. Ctirdin that over two the fear that more deteturration side of Highway 4, The property
Were in the Huron town Of i-nessrhen, ba co-operation with wofid follow. Fishermen report On lilay 12
Exeter. thel3ayflead Ratepayers Assoc- months'have kapsed since the is owned by the Allan family.
The Exeter District Co -opera- MtVbn and. thie fishermen. The village council first.sought fed,. that the south pier is upended Godedch Township Municipal Rididing Me action was the first step The Bourd of Governors of
tive burned January 25, 1964, pet%tion was forwarded Monday erol assistance. and now striking a prebarlous towaix�s, tentative .plans for the Clinton Public Hospital have
destroying property valued at to the Ministerof public WorIcs Council Action 30 degree angle,while a "knuc- 14 -room school Which will pro- announced plans for National
$5%9()(). New year's Eve, Exeter an Obtawa, tb4 � I -Ion, tuclen. Bayfield council sent a letter kle" Is becoming evident in the Contract Goes To Godedch FITM vide fully graded education for Hospital Day in Clinton Oil
north pier, elementary -school students in Wednesday, May 12.
Produce and Storage Co. Ltd. Clardin. to Tdr. Cardin on February 16 During the past summer,
�vent up In flames leaving a pile "All of these citizens, and of this ye�ar expressing local Water A the entrance to the The contimet, for work on. the and provincial governments Will Tuckersmith and Stanley. This year Clinton Hospital
of rubble to replace an invest- many more whom we have not concern over 'the harbour area, liarbour Was only three feet Goderich Township Municipal each pay one-third of the total For the Stanley Township Day will be marked by a tour
ment of -about $287,000.. been able to contact during the "a.most important.Pait" of the deep, while water within the Building at I-Tolmesville has cost !of, Elie project With the Sohnol b-ofard, it was the eul- of the $350,OQO west wing which
* 11* winter season, are deeply con- village?g economy. harbour Was at times lower been awarded to, Aeft-hinghaus township financing the remain- mination of more then one full was completed in 1963. Hospital
And talking about figures, than- this. Eight commercial Construction Co., Goderich, at Ing third'. Auxiliary members and the
miss Dominion of Canada, Maw fishing boats out of Bayfield a bid price of $4,589. The tender Since $3,648 in centennial hospital staff will conduot the
LOU Farrell Of St. Johns New- Clinton Cenotaph Committee Favors were forced to find other moor- was the lowest of five received. grants are av"able to the f*? Huron County tour� Including a look into the
foundland, boasts a curvy one. ings while therewas a sharp de- Others included X Hutchins, townsluip from the two; major Farming Repoit new operating room.
You know how a university cline in the number of pleasure Goderich, $4,699.93; Bell and legislative bodies, -and because The board is still about $25, -
graduate's name Will. read Mr. Library Park Site For Memorial Waft abiL_ to use hambour fadl- Garrett, Clinton, $089; Laird not -all the money will be used (By D. H, Miles, 000 short of paying their share
-.3 e Uq g orX
So-and-so, B.A., M.A., B.Sc. and itles. schilbe, Goderldh, $5.390; and for construction, it is hoped Agricultural Aepresentath,6 of the new we t stre t in
the -like. The Clinton and District Cen- round the memorial, Dredging to accommodate Don Colquhoun, Clinton, $5,588. that other fixtures and furnish- for 11-1uron, County) John, Street.
. Well ' Miss Farrell has mark- otaph Committee, meeting last Deputy Reeve George Wonch boats with a seven foot draft Plans calling for a courrell ings may be purchasedwith the "Cool wet weather has 0
ings just as impressive and even meelting room, an office and a additional funds. prevented work on the I -and;
Thursday night, unanimously is chairman of'the committee was promised, by the govern- st IT'S THE TRUTH, TOO!
more drispiring behind her name- decided that the proposed ceno, and William Fink, secretary. ment but courioll said that this nrage roorn for township rec- Clorutructionshould fah ivlieat and meadows are
cuntonlans -will soon meet taph be erected on the Library Three committees were set up had ibeen, only partially com_ ords, have been approved as a rvediately with completion, ex- beginning to green up. It's not the minutes you
Miss Donvinion, of Cianada, 517'% Park centennial project. pected by mid-afty, much eax- Some farmers are eyeing put in at the table that
116, 36-24-36. Mayor Don Symons, Dc -p- at last week's meeting: prop- pleted on a rather "hit and R. E. Thompson, clerk-trea,- lier than the October date set their feeo supplies to malte makes you fat, it's the
0 uty Reeve George Wonch and orty, Hec Kingswell and Merbon miss" schedule. urer, explained that federal by council. them last." seconds.
Clerk John Livermore, who Merner� publicity, A. L. Colqu- Ccun-cil's letters made two
emeeting, will Inform houn and George Wonch,' fund Vecommendatlona to federal
town council at the May meet- raising, John Arittett, John authorities. It proposed that the, J00'
Masonic District "' at th
Ing of the committees wishes. Livermore and R. Roy ritzsi- Wce ends of the north and
The 14 -foot w1de cenotaph mons, These committees will be 9OUth pkn% should be rebuilt %..Iinton Artist To Enter %0i1s In Armed Forces Show
Ladies Night s, will be erected I the centro added to and otherS formed as and their strubture, extended
in Mrs. Irene Xelischer of 13'rane of Central Huron Second- has exhibited her endeavours In ground is a contributing fac-
of the park where the former required. out at least 100 yalrft into the Victoria Blvd., Adbotral Park m,3r School, She has served in Art Shows at Bolleville and tor to the variety of lives she
fountain, once stood, Since, the The committee is estimating lake to reach adequate water
Ministeri Spea foantain-Was, damaged and par- that $8,000 will erect and com- depth, Is. EL many-sidecl person. First various teeretari&l positions for Trertton and 'in the 1963 Art leads. 8he was born in Man -
1 tially taken away, Clinton fire- plete the memorial� The 4ceno- (Continued On Page 12) Of oil the isa. wife and a moth- 22 years. Show, Ottawa. churia, of Russian parents, yet
Rev, Bro. A. S. Rbdney, B.A,, man Toni Twyford has been at- taph itself, with the names of eV, maVied to F light Lieut, i. I HeravoWtion is oil painting, Mrs, DZelischer is preparing grew up and was educated in
B.D., D.D., nAtiistler at 1<110x� tending the flowers pJanted in Clinton and district service E. (Joo) Neligcher of RCAV She has mahvtaiaed her artistic to submit two painthigs to the Albeata, Her marriage to an
PT-esbytelfth `Ohurch' In St- the old base. of two world wars who ClIntan, and the mother of two interests; since an, early age and 'Anned Force--, Art Show In Air Force Officer haggiven he�r
1:t C of C Plans children Amita, 17, Maurice, U. hashad instruction from a var- Winnipeg, where many entrants the opportunity to travel still
Thomas, was the guest speaker The committee plang to have thbir lives, engraved thereon, She to her busy sche- lety uf art teachem. Now, only from all over 0inada will dis- further. All these experiences
last Wednesday evening for the the cenotaph 'erected by Nov- Will cost ul?Watds of �$5,000. Ve added ito a many faceted
�Sth annivorstul banquet and ye I g dule by doubling as the se&e- Wdek-ends can be spared for play their work, ha
omber this at. it will replace The cenotaph will be financed Dinner Meefin
ladlee hight Of the Past MaS6 the twoplaques that have been by individual donations, service tary to Principal 1). J. Coch- her hobby. In spite of this, she Mrs. Neliseher's unusual bock- persounfity,
tets' -Asgociation ot. South Hur%- ternovtd from the post office clubs aad group d obations; �Ilhe next meeting of the Min -
on Masonic D ton and District Chamber of
istlic", 9POnsor- building which is due for demo- neighboring municipalities and
ed by Clinton Lodge AF arid lition or sale next year. Contineite %V111, bt� a dinner N A A
,but -of -town groups will be ro- i 4-11
AM No, 84 mid Was held at meeting at Elm HaVen Motor
The 14-f-oot wide by five feet quested to consider grants or `7,
CEM, Hotel on 11-ursday, May 20
,thick cenot4iph of White gronitof donations to thit Clinton and
er this
AA�V, Rodney gave what Was weighing 16 tons Will be built district project, The cotrimittee Tickets Will .
'A ,
termed by Rt. Wor, Zro. G. R. at, 6
on a 164bot Wide base, five has applied �,or Income tax cw- wt`ckelld
na , tall an Mute Hard . ....
8hortited, 011hWiti "a inost feet thick, The cowrthtte hoPe1s emption on indMdual's do Pkees, d h
outstanding and,ifispiribg ad- some, of this work Can be done tions; to the conotaph, Aikens, olayt Dixon,
Ware s
dress!' on the subject, "Past :by Volunteerhelp, The property An all-out funds earn Ligh Aui;' Supply a6d Pickett -
Masters in the Aft of Living ittee is getting ideas Und will be tartled oUt in JU'v" of Campbell store.
comm ne
Master of Ceremonies was According to Chlambet
Wor, 1&b, 14. R. Alberts St plaii.6 to -landscape the'are a- this year. !dent A. "Red" Garion, the main
MaWs bma words of welcome Item of discussion win be the 8Z
ed be
were kmtendbd by WOT, Bro C to propos street dianges-
G0rd0n WgResh, Vaster of 0 lin U Hear Talk tween the main intersection and
Clinton Lodge. MI.. Offt the present post offick These
gaes d ffitrafiffl cer. chahgt� Were ted by a
11,edd, table , ts Were in-
trbduct.d by W(Wo 'Bft Gordon By A represeiftfive athd Depart -
Wright, 8ft&rth, The itodst to Clinton Lions Club Wete He Was a pitat 11, wartime and merrt of Highftys� to town
the InAleg Wds proposed b linpo �
y Wor- formed 6f the immense A hag held n1ohy im—ttudtiobIalland couliell.
Bro. WE lani L. Oldt AubUrft, ahee to Canada of 'the North administrative Positions ginte
And the Jun'Or Wardens toast Amoridah Air Defence SyrAeni the war.
1, 7k
, 7k
Was offered by Bro. bon Wat- (NORAD), by Wing 0=ffiancl- He described ISTOAAD as :a
son, Clinton. knilbb: perfect I teigmition a thLi arn�-
Bra, Fred S RCAF Station
LeW Ldmas chief admW t:
CbapWn of the
LmdVII odw -oftes of ther two countries
also took in the dinlidt alntou, and tZ.A. th6'systefA, L
r, , a offiter at PC" Station eA f
on Tuet&y evening, Hold'
9V V
Whial wbs f6illowed by Aft eVih-
Wla Lombs Was on Aldo to operates the def, tyst VW
ing of dahclrxg�
the Deputy oxtmander, 61 :L01A mnm square inil6t 6f
NORAD Air Matsfial C. R. 0wada and VSA� 'with th
The Wotither at 0�16,rxWd 8piminkS, paymg 00 perde�t of tho t�;t Oxi A 61 21, 41
ftA, IN
sirt Ile descraUd the RCAV Crin
ro t 4� Y Arnbn'g' -his of, '006MU10n, toll lield its iar- q Ph
19iz it" other varied duties at 90RAD srideg shown of buildings tA gest gThauation parado in
Iligh L6w J�vgh tow Were the -formulaVion. of WAt 'WorAdo, -Splings And the WN recent 1hobdis,
Gaming Tdd1ifflqUW, : ighto-t
'51 41 IF ious ottier etaUiobs in *Lbada!s Wift Obft�d& 8, It
April 2i 49
22 56 82 S1 44 0 .—tibrig -and Atrospace Eft- 4AA4 016_61stsi M Well ft Astrusla, W Wing 00, pre-,
M 3,01,=R,
'29 55 34
§Ystdlyig� 'Abd Com- thd ykilv's bt t,hti vatious, areag stinted diplomm to two
, 1_1 AV,!
N 41 '91 45 go mutding Officer of the coNic-rcA 'by the, tystUft uabng .6aftes ledni I�A,
!26 5.8 39 Mr 80 suppoot Mement, 11fic, 'gpdaker Wag 1ntvbdf1ddd idnr &'C6mn!WAmtbrL1 -96ft-
�N 45 '85 i8g, 37 -Sihad he m,110M' Id Mdrdh 1* Wfte';0ftt Offidbr At tadb�g td &A tL 61691s 4 $bdd
'21 '51 '94 W 48 U40, W/C 1.44b& ho had st V, infiA6,ft IA60 and, thanked Wt igomw �kttd�dahtg f
rVao',". '821, Ataft., All: vai e Inf�d tar fttd, Lbiit 35. Z� &gfalle, S'd,061 at robd 9 Of''He'r