HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-04-22, Page 8.. .:.. ........ .........,,r-..... .....; r: ...--o,rnm�.. .,a t,.:. ar..wr.:.,:v ,rrrr.... , ,..-....,.... .rr..., .Mµ,.. .. ,,..ma,.r4: art .f.. o.,rw ,rxr r , :.. ,.. a.r... r. Fx:- .,F.'•F ,...n IFwt. I F. rF....,ix: I w.iC'. 4.. R'x, iv' Fti.r r. lei' Y ^ n tit „ n ..I,r..:,- .: a,.r nr,'71"..-.+ _ .., • r. r a�o-*-11ntRn N1�iVs Jiec4r- •7"hia,r�.t �►p:I:�� '65': • r RCF dr. s s .. RCAF ena�nefe LQ�"tN COMNGty, NT[# •. Thur, da A r l rlRemkOfSt,_Sco n to s .o �To eat r J n ,p.ete , __ r • a r an a an pea a �ex+ su4day si t, y, � lNgQ QV � w1t4 rs, E, r to clintor�. 1 7 • t r v,; -a!nri Clain very will Mt the be7�ref t tx . , lei.. en ildrezz xouncl out this 41 attended wutUz . , � ev, Str,. st 8;30 ia.ni. �, 15 .regular �( e r e�stq ntario o,,,l. e'Champ ions$owling �!a 5c'gre, .fox X25, Mr. d Mme,. 'S(Pw+ t K prSked-,e y iazlrrual ,.,,, 3,. B. 1xlilson fn re„ letters Ld :' Bin=.4 to 1 S"aa wet pected to Wrov'e WAN t .� xnv#a have .been `fit tQ c�cilal m ". d ,: e axe!' Mesta. ax^ re r in c The R4'Al'' "Wen's, Bowl A,sp t ,e..., G has-, pu the :�25 gamy � axe-t�e- fir, .a .. , e A sll#ztil1... y h ficen.... Pa.ltaw_ .g bow :ea la fixzez?tz pn�ove,s�er a ecl. Iaydnalsl; t tri Prd Mrs t Wilson,. . I .eague llan!e cgrnPfe xe of ?ku i „ �'� , C%l . ton .: Vis' poh d ra 0,arden ,, was.:' ren. weAlrf,lz. games, Jackpot X55 iii 5a ter the rein# ode out d the entire ;seaso, _ 'Tho to eight be. e d .Ari Ii Mrs., Dawson :i4 m Thi?e?zt >ixs ice. n Season 1 _ : d +aro a sig W held m; 1Ylt rQr}... ..T g . cora X?r1[lfa}�y derelci rbc rtltae tu?Itor Ghon, un4et ltumlieXs�4d1P.n ;SQc,. Play .. are xl ... m , .. V1 t * Uwpi ,, d�stn. §WM41'y includes season as well as pa-p�gygff ses�es Bruce fid' Uzaoited: Ch �h >s?all .: dreai', Hezasall end yal! he dr .o• - Saturday, A play seIle" t .. _a. gcblo}a .f Mtn l�ozz rd Y, ... April za- .Tea and Hartle mutes, ortSat', NAY, f 2:30' Mess....:. -and In .._.. Glued- tie e Legion 1 W,. , C1ezt;ugsaa� WaterlQoa f' gaz?aes p Ye..., ilf, pe, _ . $ . :.....,. li%ava starzdixvg of :the tern- ` ' dletarz and Wltlz Nth, Jo elaY� sal.., gion I�al. , 230- s rat I]a:� . t d' o. tR 4.30, tn$ated by' C 4ton ren: frou?tl K?pp� el?4 Egmo � Stpr. t. 5 OQ p,rzz. SZa9rtSors L to X tear Y4".Gky l?as ..anglitt4'r,, Player- •Goals Assists Points PIP, ;P,i.Mt ,teaaxu league r, .,a fall tivs, ey as 4r 4,S t ' `es, Mz�s. Glen. swan and .faana],y,. Y 9 200 6 pts, Wesley' W41W.$ and ,Bmcefielo v111e, ez > Gyides aril . wa?r. 1 p Gues i Bata %iVe ur►orer ............ ............ 110 0 ! 3. Messenger g upsf Gthildren' are, Sat d... qs w.th i1?z?s, H,. asled to Wcr?` B Cao r $4 7 . 63: 36 0. Wang Dugs ....:....,.,.,.. 13A. The -service of lWerning Pray,, • r. aY,. 1lprll 2a p sari row re . r ' Bruce I „ , . 9 1 3 !I ae in�tc '-d na %nal rail play clothes 4n,�d in, offe#n'g will Q + 1 e Party �'ani;e: Hall,. Spo;�oxs, e 14f. ,oral Mrs, 7�, �, S? c6`f Jo 51. 100 + 16Q 38 47 Piz Heads 00....0..0..,....... 110 Y w . be. .h .id. in St, Janes John Clooper..,,.,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.. a. well effort t ooute. +� + �r to,: tet an LOBA arl L(L,. Every#me Wel- Erin; Mr, aa?d .Mie,,. Ken. Diem 54 86. 703 r be i�'ed lana.._ 0 m An' 1'z Ch tet. o ' ................. 32 42. x65: Crazy > 'gait uralz, M,. oza,. n ooane, 16b Gr t?fitla and nijy, ?ti tfforda Lauzae G41t1 _.Bran ,,..,.,.,,,•,,.,,, 36. 41 ?7 42 6$ ikte ne?galuve .uafluen�?es a ter-denngnal. mouse, towle'is .......................... 100 d's ie ^ . Sun 16i April 25 at 2,30 p.nn, SmFY, April 2a e A ... _: Pew+ayrio Elliott and, .Ga Don Yeo. 00.00..,. 49 56 75 47 171 P utikems ]x . , and to being to -„- Dayl+tght tswin e. Y :. 1.......... 8F g. 'fid... Rabble I,arvxi„e 00...00,.,, .. , y G 21 37 20 47 gerher chlldz pf dii?ferent •' aster Rabbi Vella. Ckiair .n 'Zult4bl? vt�ktl. pre ]Hatt, London, 1 Bugs .................,,, 86 V11.,, e crrLpbeil, sent a;Sed n in Varna , :and' Nix Bala Batkin ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,< 10 '26 36 43 $ l?'gtis affizatzo.,ns far ftt2t wind.RecC ban ent his E' va s, kited l�abgx�sa?a! /� pro Mr Blaick Coracle .:........0000 82 .4tnM ttee CUn , s... . er . ca, United .Churl at 8 p.m. $Pon. andEarn )N. ozo7aBandy Glew .............<,,.,.,,,...< 1S 14 32 42 77 felloWsl>IiP, ` , `f' tp, were $ 22 30 44 93 es.,.,,,,,,,.,,..,,..,...,,.. 75 tier a bion at flhe home of lz�s ;grsorts -- GrainI'UCCW,E"vex5' MrsMid Walkers to expose l4 pb 1 7 `: .14 25. 73 parnoryts, Mr, azzd i1Xrs, - Find one Weicomre, 15-16b t+lierA MelGralaqis Paid Razz Doer r ..., 11 17 1Q . e Ten• to souneon Wuth skin o Dean Rend 0000.., 0.1,,,11 9 9 18 .36. 14 iliwe B t{1 s ,,;,,,,,,,,,,,r: 65 7 different aq our ,and tq help n� Mulldletozz, Tuesday April. 27 $I.NGO Richard Harrow ...,,r, 9 9 18 12 28. Droit McEwen won the high fli$f , i Stuart McEvwarz, Gaderit~h,, at Huron �Fuish 8& Game Club, : ' es Ell ran Col houn 6. 9 15 43 5$ a aP thein laarvz of life m anpbher e t the. Easter ha.. weels Ja t $5600 in 56 raun>be.,rs, .. d I Nfay- I n tlu - Cpl sea bra s play, with t oaf the wand, far, .carnes For N eOf '.Park ' si? Six door r es 8.3 , xxi Scott visited aYor the weekend 10 15 33 12 . 723; Jackie Es>sger, b+xled 312 Pen+.. a . . wUtih Mz', and Mrs. Stmt p. ..._0. Doan Freeman $ Jarcr>aioa, W 11 attend, The guest. Wed.nestlaY, AR► -ii 28 - - Clin- hvi 'ers, Ross andi Muxmay Kerr ...... ,, , 7 15 12 12 for. high, slip 1e, i; g The Beatlex had � . (Cpmtinuekl from page ox}e) Nfuddiieton, broth Raymond 'Giron ..,,... ,,, 0000,. 4 11 15 O. 60 a sixu 1 '1; o X'er w'A be: of the. R.om'an' s diin account +ad zvat beezz cora. legion Papez• Dxave, Sint W m S'c tt. illia Bob Gaugp ,,,,0,,,...,,,.,, $ ¢ 2 t. aha _ge, 947 ,and PGn Oathohc iarth ami has beep • g now to save. your old •papers, - 3 5 Heads High triple of 2575, author11zed w •payment bepa.use • "Ron LiyerMore „,., 2 4 6 i 0 asked tq tallt about elz�ldren magazines etc, x2-14111 *Paul Dr per~ ..,. ,,:, , „ , 2 3 5 3 .6'gh averages for the year, board members hrdd undersioor3 Tuckersm� UCW ' a and the ban roup make Thursday, April 29 Coin n .Kiefer ,.. 0 2 11 20 were as follows; I Ranger Y that fill fxtoan eafcavattwon at •clic _ Ro Caryl dem h<Ymes, 1 d on i41 k ea display, St, Joseph's Parish 1 0ROWNI� Zorzxe. Doer 0 1 1 44 19 85, Jackie Esllgerc”, 183, Roaq>`y t „pmt „ shoo , umped . e par- .are Hall, Clinton $ p.m. Canadian, Jim Collins ,,,. 0 1 30 2 l7hxu'cWt an, 177; Dat 1VfciEvwam, Tie' ' ; O , was to lie considered as Pay- i�nit Holds Meet and :forei n cattle, Coin auction,R1 " the puppet wrho wouldri, t listen,, me U I. Tuck_ IZe£reshznente.. , 16-7b E ' I 176; ShirleySaunders, 172; BR QEFM D Th Tek TOTALS. 443 597 x,085 will be shown. Games, singing ; Marlyn Mar;%h, 1.70; Ann Salk- The coma-Attee 'fid noted in Saturda , May 1---Rur3zlna eF,3' * Overage ere who Allayed in exlaib tion amen :only, a and ecr�tex+tasrunent by lffte ersnrilalth Unit of the Brucei'ields Y , THEATRE ,-r. CLINTON pf&1' Ott, 168, Lail ?t Warticins, 164, its letter to the board that sale, Council. Chambers, Clin- e Ma.'cDonodd x63 and„ Bev' United. Ghaaaclz Wcxinexz inert Eve dhuzijcs of concrete were .con ton, spozasors RCAF Women's Goaltender s averages.—Lo .rxxe, Doer 4.46 alt the home Of Mrs- Ross Sit Gary BIack ,:. , 5.00 Ilusehex, 161, r , be buzued. y. 16x ...........:,. 9.00 GOSNEN NORTH lea with 15 px�'QRt�t.. Auaca ' t+ l7ozz Freeman During the fhrual league Prtincltpal JOJan CSacthranc said menage Nightly' Sat may — R•u Open . MY 9 games, Ilene Diemflf had 228 The ria. meetinttg of Goshen the ,Clinton Recreation Conurdt- �VIi"s, Q. Elliott and Mrs; Er- Sale anal Homemade l�akaatg FirstSh9w at .13;00 O'clock Summary of Five To Playoff Scorers win Sfl.ery had charge of, the sale Clinton Coundl .Chainber's,Office Open at 7:30 P Y for high sln'gle, and Jackie United Church•Wornen was held. tee rocas not charged f!or t'he use. pragx�am. :oral deYorfioais, Mxis. 2 pias. sponsors, -Varna E�plox- •••��'�••��••�•• Player - Goals .Assists Points P+l.M. ", 602 ,far high triple, at 'the home o_f Npxs. John, Rab- of the gym nasium at CHSS be- Ellin ed the meeting with, ens. 14_1gb THURSDAY and PRIOAY John, Coo Bawlems over 200 in the fimW insion� on Aril 13. % n4th twenty- cause the Mcreattianal- prbgrmza own Saturday, ` 12 27 39 12 p Cooper .. ,.,, ,,, a poem and prayer and �, Yr MaY 8 -,. Annual � APz'.i 22 � and 23 ,Bruce: Coo. leOgUe' garners were; Rene Dier one members and five vis'itor's w� Fart of a. physli�cal' fitness sale of used clothing and mis- Cooper ..,,,,,,,,, 18 30 22$; Roony CirtiS.lfan;' 226; SMery read the scripture les'- DOUBLE .FEATURE Bob Livermore 22 . 3i3 2 resent, seheane considered ed4gatiormil.. cellaneeous a � �cles, St. Pauys p He Indicated the matter Churg 1'amis. Hall, 10:00 a.m.t 205• , Blaztche Betts• 22$;0 Eva Mrs. Bog McI iazley Was ,In Ken. Doer .0.00..0.,. 0.000., 8 11 19 36 A film on Trinidad w sliowzz , r1 Auspices Go Getters Club. lY1a'aDornald, 224;. Donna Fraser, charge of the program. Parts w'oul'd brave to be CrleaTed away and appreciated. Mrs. Elladtt 16,1gp a NEW Interns Murray Kerr .......... 4 6 10 6 217; ' Joyce Gale, 211; Jackpe from Ltt'ke on the er mes- shortly° since the facilities act clbsed this part of the meeting Ad +'s'ligem, 209,202, stage were read by Mrs. Klehh' the paz+k would, be •requlred on w ttJh Entea?taisimenh with pxtayer. McBride,. Mrs, Arriold Keys and. Mtay 21 for•. Cadet: Inspecrtiion.., hoer Callan Dean Jones Michael �. ° a � '' Mns. Nfelvin Elliott. and during parts. of May incl , Jam' Henderson conciu�c- gexicy Measures Orgamli�atvan and .Barbara Eden Cli Teams ted the business and read a four�day conference 'held in Ot- inton 1 e n s . The president, Mrs, Bop Peed; 2'une for wind-up of the physis.- poem. The secretaWs 'report tawa. The Bayfield reeve w th r, HObb 1tS took charge for the busyness � e'du'cation °prograxzi at the Y ted 1 of a allocation h Board _ was given by Mrs. Elgin Thom- mayors and reeves from allRobinson CI'IISOC' l� t period, Mrs. Can- James Keys re- school soil and the ro41 call answered paxits of the Dominion of Can - tal peri M tiz al.. anti . xi kiaxl ter with others, obje �d strong- by an Easter verse. QII Mors" is L In er-Town 1YLemisexs ,were•.. ren`axrided Of oda attended last week. Paul Mantee -, Vic Lundin In other business, councMl au- PLANE KITS 6 Revel and. it was decided to pack a ly to for the s�chwrs the " Faster Tha�nkoderiing in- thbrized; the, erecl%i of batt!= � Color cartoon y Bowling Finals lyalle beibre June 1st, use of the comviun5,ty paxrk; -- -- -- — -- — — — Se4a+tki and of the rummage aides at the entrance tq Pio, In other business'a new Hoar " should we pa+y for edu- SATURDAY and MONDAY Aurora . , . , , .: .. , . 39 ■ 69C ■ �%$C $1.29 Zavwo 10 bauwlimg teams tack- vvti land bake sate to be held in Clan- neer Park umtul the surface is 29 Y fa'cailaties fol• Claxton Aril 24 and 26 mg Pant in the Huron Inter- for the manse was approved,' catlibnal ton .ion 'M'aty 29. again suitableto veblicular• traf- p town 'A' group playoffs in Crim Thee was also a •discuss'on on and, area. childrIen, to a Public you note ,w!as read foe; heard that councillor Jo- _ DOUBLE FEATURE -- th week galled their patitvtaxng the windows at the park? he asked. A tlnarilt , r MONSTER 'KITS : , . $;i .59 t o wary - *o Mrs. Stackhouse. The seph Allaire had returned home . "FOUR• " ' 'victory adhumch early nn May, Ke w atppouzitted' to xrnake a FOR TFXaSAl Ga]lbratittih, Clinton showed study off- t'he siituattion gtnd toMay meetingwiilll be herd at cite and.would again attend meetCAR KITS ,., .%Q t4 3.25 to the iiiivals to be held here Qrome of the leiatler, Mrs. Hen: ings as. swoon as posdble, ... Uiis weekend,. some,.very interesting. films on report back to the board at 6ts (Adult Entertainment) dersom, wrath Mrs. G. Henderson, Me Cloud Nine bowlers bean SPalm and Trinidad next regul4ix meeting May 12. and Mrs. Berry in chatinge. Frank Sinatra ,. Dean Martin out the team from Exeter and enjoyed ,P' o and Anita Ekberg The ladies em�•O lana �• Mr. and Mrs Joe 9 BrItfIX Polystyrene Cement : . J S; sax srhaTpslidater5 fr=,, RCAF sttrumen�tals by Paul and Tom i00� Lodges 0 In colorJjm!ion, ects,,aly t fon out over xray Rolatfol, ed. the SBayfield Council FI � nn Man From Galveston' Jiu'il's Setler�ks,.alab froze, Clinton. -haat that followed. Lunch>wias , Pactra and Humbrol Enamel . ISc & 20c. � o - convened by Mrs,.Robh-ison°arid A} �p�le *�'ll�(1 � • • • � Jeffrey Huntrr- Preston. Foster, o i 6 y J OK s Dial Bu�ldNng are celebrating their _ _ _ _ _a Hospital Board'. 4n Sunda e'Ga Continued from e 1 AM2 Lacquer In spray cans .. •,...; $1.19 - � ( pig ) TUESDAY and'WEDNESDAY VARNA y y He has been invited to report to 35th - Weeding April 27 and 28 Pickstommittees Huronic Rebekah Lodge held counoil art •its next regular meet-' PRESTO PAINT SETS Mr. and Mus. Doug Robinson its regular meeting in the Lodge mg. lit KIND (Continued,froom page one) and family, Agfmccurt, and Mr: 'Hall with Noble Gxyarid Mrs.,. Lloyd Martins Sworn In Anniversary total expenses for the month of and MTs. Robe at McCI Ont . ym Dimer Trick presiding., T �� ��� ri Solid Pa l n t and Sparkle 1VCarch were $33,728.72 with the and baby Michael, Burford, vis- i p g•• , he re- Lloyd 1Vlalflixis was -sworn in Saturday, r a 6 p!aryr�all accounting for $21,396.- ated with Mr, and Mrs. Fred port of the District meeting in as assessior, lag ilii collector e Exeter on April 14 was g ' r inspector. KI�5 $i.49 to $2.98 : 68 of that amount. McClymoint during the weekend. s, Bert Rowden. Final Dog t of $2 per dog is due . : Paul Newman -- Thelma Ritter Diet given and building He said there were a total of Mr. and Mm Alex Murray Plans were made to take the and payable by May 1. After April �� and Joanne Woodward 132 adults- and 'children admtit- moved to their new home in T•gvejing Gavel to Brussels that datte, all dogs must be p Color Cartoon W11ted to the osi*tal during that 011ffiton last week. 9hhon April 27. tied: A notice to this effect will — period for an Tih average of 52 pa- --a- e district church service be posted. Lo n d e s b o r.o Hall c o - M tients per day. ST. PAUL1.8 GUILD for Oddfellow's and Rebeltahs '"then building permits are Friends and relatives are "Who's Minding The Store" 'Mere were 109 operations TO MEET APRIL 29 will be held in Wesley -Willis required,•Lloyd M•akins will is- cordiallyinvited and -"Son Of Captain Blood" -�.--G- �•��••��-�• �•--����^-••��-� performed and 435 X-ray films The Chancel Guild of Clin p taken .in March. tom's St. Paul's Anglican• Ch - AT Church on May 2 at 11 o'clock, sue a copy of cite budding by- - ' -'-- -'--� N{iridteen babies were barn arch wu]I meet at the home of A ch auction was held at law together with the perm7;t, the close of' the meeting and Reeve At Conference last month at the Clinton Hos- Mrs. Marley Counter on Thugs- the pine won by Mrs. Glad- Reeve', A Gift road's a re - L pital. day, Apnil 29, at 8.1.5 p.m. Stene GA-gg, port to his council of the Emer- ` Lightness is for the birds when it's at the expense of quality EiectrohomeTV portables Work a lot better because a lot more goes into theml You get a hand-crafted, big console chassisWith powertransformerin everymodel for better picture, longer life. True, they do weigh a bit more, but compare sound and picture, You'll agree it's worth itl All 50'% brighter p ciure i Transistors in n Direct vision critical IF ctreditry oleture tube ■'12-imonth Warranty r3ALBRAITH I Ratteribu QlxlO LIINTONV ry 4624841 r 1 18 1JR OrPIROMOMIE y-:- bN'Wl1N WE r 1PM?WCE rkL�'VISI _ AT CLINTON BOWLIN61ANES 248 VICTORIA STREET - - Completely Air -Conditioned - If interested in jointing or fanning a five -pin howling league. --Contact JOB DASR, residence phone 482-7762; bowling alley, 482-9502. LEAGUES WILL START EARLY IN MAY , 15.6=7b SUPPORT MINOR SPORTS IN CLINTON By guying Tickets nn Clinton Kinsmen Club. STANLEY CUP �1 DRAW $540.00 PRIZE Vat :holder of ticket bearing exact Second that +Winning goal it scfired in the deciding Stanley u g t ey C p game. Be Mire T'ho Ticket StubStubticket ri 661160 1`1660tis the � our Draw Store Ticlrot't on Sale' f'rbnn Wilh6erx of Kininiort Claire and many Brusineis Plates in Clinton Every year, the Music Festti- She'd •broken a finger playing val throws our establishment basketball, and later lumbered intw a ring-tailed tizzy. And this through cher pieces with a cast year it was the same told story, on Lt. In, the that place, it always The gather day, she decided to takes place at the worst time of ski down the Last 40 yards of yetar. One year it will be in. the the 9d slope on her nose. It was mbddle of the opening of trout the day before the festival She season. By the time x, get out, played in a state of shock. And after listening to all those her parents listened in the same cxumby Ati le•laids play the seine state. old cruQn!by pieces, the big fish It's disturbing to have a nut are all gone, and I •halve to *uiU of a kid like that arrun+el.• Butt over the leftover seven-iincheas, size's merely a Physical cane. Another year A stzzkes at the Her prom is a mental Case. height of those fib9t golden, When the •bugle goes • for tate green drays on the golf course. Music festival, the Old Gird This year, It caught me tight hi reaps; on .her h6bby-horse and the middle of about 104 hours of *des off in alt directions, marking exams "in my spa'r'e At one itime she was an brdt - time," as •the taxpayers put it. nary fttiivarl mother, Lipstick But I'm not complaining, I'm gnawed of, hari'r like a hay - used to sacriftbutg the finer stack, eyes wild, fingernails bit - things of rife fort what my VtifeP iter down to the fitst knuckle, thinks are the Hiner 'things of nervos bike strung piano Wfty. Bite. .But now she's a. music toaoh- No, I doh't worry about tee. er, as well, Not only does she Nor do I w%ty about my son. bleed for our own bids, but her ties Bite: me. a steady reliable, pupils " well. gentler sweet type, vthho tapes 'I111Lre hasn't been a Uel irYiade things as they 'come, in our house siri'ce the festiWal It's the Women in our family began. Not that it botheiv her~; who cause the trduble, site hasn't slept a wink axiyway. My wife and daughter, who She gallops off at 9 a.m., pen - operate on high Cat the best of 'iii and pragbam Bike sword and tinne'S, hit a new note,way shield, Ana she sits there listen - above that, when Festival Twine ing to a lot df little lids pliaybig arrives, a lot of little pieces for about 14 Young Kim hias a penchant hours. Then She comes home for self--de5tructtion bed'•Ore the and gives rate a ftee••hour pont At hev fest al. ,�wh n she Wa's SIX, first she m� 011nto bed and fall as1, 00 played e„pieW called Tice Lit- like a wet towel. She lies there tie Mouse," And you should in a State Of tvarzn rigor inti -ins, have seen her,. Uxider her lest .going over all the mistakes her eypi she hbad the baggest little students made, replaying thr mouse over httti1•i6d_ ,.jzo sof a 'P�ice&` , atguln'g fruit dtly with rat. The day before, in a vush the ZPI-d addlx&catior, gnarling for the �teadher's desk, with h. wtildly at -the other te&.clzer% 'bi�illiarit piece of art work or saying "just want until riex+t sums natt, she had collided }teeei- yeiai". ori wroth a little boy, She itdd an Music festivals ate for crazy eye like a Vainbdw vthilth a hatig- people. Crazy loft Who think over, they •are m sieial. C 144my pas Another+ year, she got the flu', exits, who thinit their Rids Eire and played With a teniperatut'e rrius1cod Ctoky music teachers, of 1.02, Feverishly. who think they are rat0cal, asud' Last yo&-, she name urs tri me their %tado is can"t help show. about three weeks be& -rd tte fig Its ftsd-ival and safd, 410u& -S whoa, 14oVd you like tai be rmttW D&dlll to two crazy p ople? NEED M®NEY To Purchase A HOUSE A CAR A BOAT ... then see your CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LIMITED Looking dor A Good Second. Car? COME AND SEE THIS ONE �'a�""S`�.r.it cv'.,Fy(.;ein•r,�t.v � , 64 ICEV P' lI NOVA 4 Door Sedan Beige with Red anterior Radio, Side Mirrok Very low m1leage by one careful owner, h�ar�i�u RIG�h`• , OfheftL equally gbod #or the young than or it LorneIody in your #'on, y. Try us first 1 Brown,motors L. Your Fi'iiondly Chevrolet, 61ldsihAlle D64110 4$x -933i Ci.INTON vr' 64 ICEV P' lI NOVA 4 Door Sedan Beige with Red anterior Radio, Side Mirrok Very low m1leage by one careful owner, h�ar�i�u RIG�h`• , OfheftL equally gbod #or the young than or it LorneIody in your #'on, y. Try us first 1 Brown,motors L. Your Fi'iiondly Chevrolet, 61ldsihAlle D64110 4$x -933i Ci.INTON